Bts Fics @kookiesbuckethat - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

silent treatment

ot7 x f!reader

Genre: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort

WC: 5.0k

<series masterlist>

taglist:@awinkies@wedarkacademia@yiyi4657@astralandcosmos@scuzmunkie@mooonlitstars@manchuria@joondiary@ygimsgw @jeonsorchid​@yoongitit*s@mwitsmejk @kitty-kair@blissedjoon​ @vrittivsanghavi​@kimahnjung98​​

“I’ll see you guys later,” you smile at the seven boys over your shoulder as you step out of the elevator. Along with being in a relationship with the boys, you were also a makeup artist at HYBE, and you all had just arrived at the company building from your shared apartment. Normally, you would all head up to work together, however, Bang Si-Hyuk had suddenly called the seven of them up for a meeting this morning.

They all wave and smile at you before the elevator closes and takes them up to Bang’s office. Knocking on the door, they hear a muffled, “Come in,” before they open the door. They enter the room to find Bang sitting behind his desk, a serious look on his face as he looks over the photos he has laid on his desk.“Please, take a seat,” Bang tells them.

As the boys walk closer to sit in the chairs in front of Bang’s desk, they notice that the photos on the desk are photos of them.“What is the meaning of this?” Namjoon speaks up, confused about the purpose of this meaning and the photos. “These were leaked late last night and although we were able to get them taken down quickly, I was very concerned by the fact that these photos were taken in your home,”Bang sighs as he slides them across the desk so they can get a closer look,“We have reason to believe y/n may be selling you photos.”

“What?” Hoseok looks up in shock.“Y/n would never do such a thing,” Jin immediately comes to your defence.“Yeah, it must be someone else,” Jungkook agrees with him. Bang knows how much the boys absolutely adore you and he knew it wouldn’t be easy to get through to them. But he also knows that no matter how intense their feelings for you may be, Namjoon is always able to think sensibly so Bang turns to him.

Namjoon’s eyebrows furrow as he takes a closer look at some of the photos,“I remember y/n taking these photos,” he says, his voice thick with emotion.“You can’t be serious, Hyung,” Taehyung says, angry that Namjoon would think you would do such a thing.“Wait,” Jimin says, placing a hand on Taehyung’s shoulder to stop him,“I remember her taking these too.”

The memories start to come back to them one by one and no matter how badly they want to deny it, all the evidence is pointing towards you.“Y/n is a valued employee who’s been working here for a long time. She’s proven her loyalty over and over again and although this evidence may be enough for some people to prosecute y/n, we want to get solid evidence before taking any action,” Bang explains.

They simply nod in understanding, too many thoughts running through their minds. It’s like their whole world has just been turned upside down and they don’t know what to do about it. Seeing that everyone has lost their ability to speak, Hoseok speaks up for the group. “We understand. Thank you for letting us know about the situation,” he grits out, jaw locked in place.

“I advise you to act cautiously around her, but please don’t address the situation with her until we can get evidence,” Bang says simply as he begins picking up the photos and placing them into a folder.“Can we go now?” Yoongi asks, bored.“Yes, you all are dismissed,” Bang says, giving them one last concerned glance as they walk out of his office. He can’t imagine the anger and betrayal they must be feeling right now. He didn’t want to tell them you were a suspect unless they knew for certain it was you, but they had a right to know. He can only hope they can control themselves.

Hearing the ding of the elevator signifying its arrival, you turn around in excitement to face the boys, but they all have solemn looks on their faces. Your brows furrow in confusion and concern. The meeting must not have gone well, you think. Unsure if they want to talk about it, you wait for them with a welcoming smile so they know they can come to you if they want to, but you also won’t force them to do anything they don’t want to.

Once they get dressed for the photo shoot, they come out from the changing rooms to have their makeup done. Approaching Hoseok, you raise your makeup brush, about to start applying it on his face when he turns and walks away from you. “Hobi?” you call out in confusion, but you get no response as you’re left standing alone with your hand hanging in the air, watching Hoseok’s back as he walks over to another makeup artist.

You clear your throat awkwardly as you walk over to your station. It’s clear that none of them want to be near you so you mess around with your brushes, pretending to be busy organizing your station. It’s embarrassing enough that you got rejected in front of everyone, but you feel so useless standing around while everyone else is working. After all, you’re unable to work if all seven of them refuse to let you get within five meters of them.

You understand if they don’t want to talk, but their behaviour leaves you hurt and very confused. Everyone had seen the exchange between you and Hoseok and the rest of the staff give you looks of pity. All the staff know of your relationship with the boys, so they find Hoseok’s behaviour strange but they don’t question it, knowing it’s none of their business.

After completing the first half of the shoot, you, along with the rest of the makeup artists are dismissed as the second half of the shoot is scheduled to be finished tomorrow. But as you get to go home for the day, the boys still have to complete what’s left on their schedule. Normally, you would stay at the company building with them, keeping them company and making sure they’re not overworking themselves. And when the day was finally over for them, you would all head home together. But today, you decide to go home alone.

Arriving at the apartment, it’s strange for the space meant for eight to be so empty and silent. And the silence does nothing to aid all the thoughts running through your head. It only makes them seem louder. To distract yourself, you decide to get started on dinner knowing food is always the way to the hearts of the seven boys.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing along with the sound of bags being dropped on the floor, you poke your head into the hallway to find the seven of them standing in the doorway.“You guys are just on time, I just cooked dinner!” you tell them excitedly, proud of the food you cooked. They always got excited over food, even if it was just instant noodles that you cooked, so you were excited to see their reactions. You had cooked all their favourites hoping it would help cheer them up.

“Guys?” You call out, the hurt evident in your small voice. But they don’t even look at you or the food you cooked, simply brushing past you and heading straight to their rooms. You deflate when even Jungkook, who has a bottomless pit as a stomach, doesn’t even bat an eye towards the food you cooked. At first, you thought that they were upset about something work-related and they were avoiding you because they just didn’t want to talk.

But their behaviour only leads you to think that they’re upset with you. You don’t know why they’re giving you the silent treatment. They were fine this morning, but something changed after the meeting. Unable to think of a reason why they would be upset with you,you retreat to the living room, hoping that maybe they’ll eat if you’re not there. Curling up on the couch and clutching a pillow tightly to your chest, you let sleep wash over hoping everything will be okay.

The next morning, you wake up to a silent apartment with the sun shining in your eyes. Padding into the kitchen, you frown when you find all the food untouched. Looking around the kitchen, the clock on the stove reads 9:00 am. sh*t, you think, you were late for work. You’re hurt that they didn’t touch the food you made nor did they wake you up for work. You don’t know what’s going on and you’re just so hurt and confused.

Knowing you’re already late and you wouldn’t be able to focus anyway, you decide to just call in sick for the day. Moping around the apartment, you try to put the pieces together.Their strange behaviour started yesterday morning when they came back from the meeting. But they seemed perfectly fine before then. It couldn’t be that the meeting just didn’t go well because the only person they seemed to be mad at was you.

But the meeting couldn’t have been about you. Or could it have? You couldn’t think of anything you’ve done recently that was so terrible to deserve this treatment from them with no explanation. Was the company not happy about your relationship with the boys? But they would never make such an important decision without you. Not when it involved you. So what did you do wrong?

Not wanting to think about it anymore, you find your phone and text one of your friends, Maddie, who lives nearby.


can i stay with u for a bit?

Less than five minutes later, she responds, no questions asked.

of course!

u don’t even have to ask, ur always welcome here

Packing what you might need for a few days into a small bag, you grab a sticky note to leave for the boys. Simply writing down, staying at a friend’s house for a bit, you think about writing something along the lines of“don’t worry about me!” But you’re not sure if they would even care or if they would laugh at the fact that you thought they would. Deciding to leave the note as it is, you take one last look at the apartment before walking out the door.

Having chosen not to wake you up, the boys all knew you would be late. But when it’s nearly halfway through the day and you still haven’t shown up to work, they start to grow worried. Unable to contain himself any longer, Jungkook asks their manager,“Where’s y/n?” The six other boys stop what they’re doing, trying but failing to discreetly listen in. Their manager gives them all a confused look but answers them anyway. “Y/n? She called in sick,” he says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

It was expected that if anyone would know what was going on with you, it would be them because they literally live with you, but apparently not.“Right, I forgot. Thanks,” awkwardly clearing his throat, Jungkook slightly bows to their manager before quickly walking away and giving his Hyungs a troubled look. Now they’re really worried.It’s clear that the seven boys aren’t focused throughout the second day of the shoot, and all the staff breathe a sigh of relief when the members get called up to Bang’s office for a meeting.

Knocking and entering Bang’s office, they all bow before taking a seat in front of the desk.“I hope you guys haven’t said anything to y/n about yesterday’s meeting,” Bang says as the boys situate themselves.“Oh trust me, we haven’t said anything at all,” Yoongi scoffs.

“When I told you guys not to address the situation with her, that didn’t mean just not talking to her about it. It meant not taking any action before we get more information,” Bang sighs, shaking his head at them,“We found out who leaked those photos, and it wasn’t y/n.” Everyone’s back quickly straightens, Hoseok nearly jumping out of his chair at how fast he sat up.“Really?” Jimin asks hopefully.

Bang nods as he pulls up camera footage on his computer and turns the monitor so the boys can see.“We surveyed her activity in the building the past few days and caught this,” Bang points to you placing your phone on a table because Taehyung had called you over for something. Moments later, another makeup artist enters the frame. She looks around making sure no one’s watching before grabbing your phone that you left unlocked.

Zooming in on your phone in her hands, they watch as she scrolls through your camera roll, sending the photos to herself before deleting any evidence. The boys are practically shaking with rage as they watch the camera footage. Rather than being angry at the fact someone invaded their privacy by leaking their photos, they’re angry at the fact that someone invaded your privacy by going through your phone.

“We’ve already dealt with the employee...” Bang’s voice doesn’t seem to reach any of their ears because all they can think about is you and how guilty they feel for doubting you. Bang lets out another deep sigh when he realizes none of the boys are listening to him. He’s already heard from their manager how they were unfocused during the shoot so against his better judgment, he decides to give them the rest of the day off.

Their schedule was packed and it was a major setback to push the schedule back even half a day. But Bang has a soft spot for these seven boys and you as well. He watched them grow up in front of his eyes. But more importantly, he watched them fall in love with you. Your aunt was a makeup artist at Big Hit when the boys first started and she always did your makeup when you asked as a little girl. She always made you feel so pretty and when you were old enough, she taught you how to do her own.

Back then, Big Hit didn’t have many makeup artists, so when she had to take a week off from work to attend a friend’s wedding, she asked you to work in her place. The boys immediately gravitated towards you as you were closer to their age than most of the staff. Although you were very shy and quiet at first, the boys quickly brought you out of your shell with their outgoingness and their eagerness to befriend you.

The company couldn’t deny the unbreakable bond that formed between you and the boys in just a week, and your skills were valuable so they decided to hire you as a permanent employee despite your young age. You stood by their side even when they were just a group of seven boys chasing their dreams and continued to support them through everything they did. No one could replace you in their hearts and Bang knew nothing was more important to them right now than sorting things out with you.

The boys silently gather their things, walking to the elevator when Jungkook breaks the silence. “We really messed up,” he says sadly.“We did,” Namjoon agrees,“We never should have doubted her, but what’s done is done, there’s no point dwelling on the past. We just have to do whatever it takes to fix this and make it up to y/n.” The boys all nod, a look of determination on all their faces.

“Jin Hyung, take the maknaes and go buy some flowers for y/n. Me, Yoongi Hyung and Namjoon will go pick up some food,” Hoseok quickly takes charge.“We’ll meet in the lobby?” Jin asks as he walks towards one of the cars with the maknaes trailing behind him. Hoseok nods as they part ways, climbing into another car with Yoongi and Namjoon.

“Should I text her so she doesn’t cook dinner?” Namjoon asks from the back.“I was thinking that too, but it would ruin the surprise. What do you think, Hyung?” Hoseok asks, keeping his eyes on the road. “After how we treated her yesterday, I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t cook for us tonight. We don’t deserve her cooking,” Yoongi says, gazing out the window.Hoseok visibly frowns at Yoongi’s response. They all felt so terribly guilty for doubting you and treating you so horribly when you didn’t deserve it.“Yeah,” Namjoon agrees, “But knowing y/n, she probably still cooked for us anyway.”

In the end, they decide not to text you because even if you did cook, they could always store it in the fridge and eat it tomorrow. The rest of the car ride is spent in silence, regretting how they treated you yesterday and thinking about how they can express how sorry they are to you.

After meeting up in the lobby of their building, the seven boys find themselves standing outside the door to the apartment. Jin brings a finger up to his lips, shushing the other boys before quietly opening the door and peeking his head inside. He looks around but he can’t see a thing as the whole apartment is blanketed in darkness.“Is she there?” Taehyung whispers.“I don’t know,” Jin mumbles, opening the door wider so they can see.

“Y/n?” They call out in confusion as they enter the apartment. Quickly kicking off their shoes, they leave the food and flowers by the door to search for you.“Guys,” everyone over to find Yoongi standing in the kitchen, holding up your note, “She’s not here.”

Meanwhile, at Maddie’s house, you two had just finished eating dinner. You offer to do the dishes but she quickly refuses, ushering you to go get some rest. Obeying her wishes, you head upstairs to the guest bedroom, running on auto-pilot as you go through your nightly routine. It’s only once you’re laying in bed with the covers pulled up to your chin do the tears start flowing.

Drying her hands with a towel, Maddie’s about to head upstairs as well when she hears the sound of your phone ringing from the living room. You must have forgotten it downstairs. Maddie yells for you from downstairs but gets no response. Picking up your phone, she looks at the screen to find Jimin calling. She jogs up the stairs with your phone in hand, knocking on your door before opening it.

She finds you asleep with bags under your eyes and tear streaks on your cheeks. She can tell that you haven’t been getting much sleep lately and she doesn’t have the heart to wake you up. But the calls keep coming and she’s worried there might be an emergency, so she quickly steps out of the room before finally answering your phone,“Hello?”

“Maddie!” Namjoon calls out, immediately recognizing your friend’s voice,“Is y/n there?” She verbally confirms before all the boys start bombarding her with questions.

“Is she okay?”

“Is she eating properly?”

“Can we come see her?”

They had all been sitting around in the living room, Jimin’s phone on speaker mode as he called you over and over again.“She’s okay, don’t worry. She’s asleep now but she looks so tired, I didn’t want to wake her up,” Maddie explains. After a few moments of silence, Jungkook asks quietly,“Do you think she’d want to see us?”

“She didn’t really tell me about what happened so I’m not sure,” Maddie sighs into the phone. “But y/n loves you all so much. You guys can’t do any wrong in her eyes. You could punch her in the face and she’d apologize for being in the way of your fist,” Maddie jokes, trying to lighten the mood. But they all know it’s the truth and that only makes them feel worse. They wish you would blame them and get angry with them. But they know that even when they’re the ones in the wrong, you always blame yourself and that’s what they hate the most.

“We’ll let her rest, then,” Namjoon tells Maddie,“Thank you for taking care of y/n.” Maddie brushes off Namjoon’s thanks, telling them that she’ll always be here for you. After wishing each other goodnight, Jimin finally hangs up the call with a sigh.

At HYBE the next morning, the boys all perk up when you walk into the room. But your eyes are downcast on the floor as you cross the room, quickly setting up your station before getting to work. “Yoongi-ssi,” you speak timidly,“May I do your makeup?” He hates how you’re being so formal with him. What happened to all the nicknames you had for him?

But what he hates even more is how afraid and unsure of yourself you seem to be because of how they treated you last time at work. They were cold and demeaning. No one should ever be treated that way. Especially you, you deserve so much better. With a lump stuck in his throat, Yoongi just nods, staring at you down the bridge of his nose as you do his makeup. There’s so much he wants to say to you but he knows now is not the time.

Shrinking under his intense gaze, you try to focus on his makeup, careful to avoid looking into his eyes. As soon as you finish, you scurry away before he can say a word, causing him to frown. Halfway through the shoot, everyone decides to take a short break. Seeing how the boys look even more worn down than usual, you walk out of the room and head to the drink area on the floor to make them all a drink. Noticing you leaving, Jin quickly talks to the manager before grabbing the boys and running after you.

Placing the six cups of coffee and Taehyung’s one cup of hot chocolate into the tray, you turn around to head back when, “Oh shi-” You collide with a solid chest, spilling the hot drinks everywhere. You let out a gasp of horror, panicking as you start dabbing at Namjoon’s shirt with your sleeve.“I’m so sorry,” you repeat over and over as tears prick at your eyes.

You were already skating on thin ice with them and you just had to go and spill hot coffee all over Namjoon. Seeing the panic in your eyes, Namjoon tries to calm you down but you won’t even look at him. He gently takes a hold of your wrists to stop your panicked movements, bending down to get in your line of view.“Hey,” he says gently,“It’s okay.” With watery eyes and wobbling lips, you nod before looking down at the ground.

Yoongi wordlessly comes to your side, gently drying your hands with a napkin and clicking his tongue when he sees the mild burns on your hands. Jungkook comes around to your other side, taking the hand Yoongi just cleaned and bringing it up to his lips to place a soft kiss on it. You feel two pairs of arms wrap around your waist from behind you, recognizing Taehyung and Jimin’s familiar scents.

You stare in confusion as they gently take care of you while Jin and Hoseok help Namjoon out. You thought they were upset with you. Just as Jimin opens his mouth, an apology on the tip of his tongue, a staff member comes around the corner to let them know the break is over and they have to get back to the shoot.

Jin lets out a sigh, thanking the staff and promising to be there right away. Because they were given time off yesterday, they all had a lot of work to catch up on.“We’ll talk later, okay?” Jimin smiles at you gently. Knowing they have to get dressed for the next part of the shoot anyway, Jungkook pulls his hoodie off and hands it to you so can change out of your coffee-soaked shirt.

“We better not catch you working, got it Mrs. KimMinJungParkJeon?!” Jin points a finger at you. Even though the burns on your hands weren’t severe, the hot liquid left your skin irritated and they didn’t want you in any pain. You can’t help but giggle at the obnoxious but endearing nickname, nodding at Jin in understanding. You had a feeling everything was going to be okay.

Walking back into the room of the shoot a few minutes later after remaking the drinks, you stand by the side, out of everyone’s way. When the boys pause for a touch-up on makeup, you take the chance to hand out the drinks to the boys.“What did I say about working,” Jin frowns at you while Hoseok takes the drinks from your hands, mirroring Jin’s frown on his face.

“I can’t just not work,” you tell them, ignoring the disapproving looks they’re giving you,“I already took yesterday off, and the day before I didn’t work because-” You stop yourself but they all know what you’re talking about. You couldn’t work because of them.“Y/n, none of that was your fault,” Namjoon tells you.“No one will blame you for not working. You’re hurt because this idiot causes destruction wherever he goes,” Jin points at Namjoon.

“And if anyone has a problem with you not working, they can speak to us,” Yoongi says. Although he appears calm on the outside, you can’t help but feel pity for anyone who would go against him.“Because it’s our fault!” Hoseok quickly adds,“We’ll take full responsibility if anyone says anything, so don’t you worry your pretty little head about it, okay?” You simply nod before retreating back to your spot by the side.

You felt useless just standing around while everyone was working hard but you know the boys won’t let you work, so the least you could do is stay out of everyone’s way. The boys remain professional no matter how badly they want to clear everything up and reassure you you did nothing wrong, throwing you a sympathetic smile over their shoulder before they’re dragged off to their next task. You don’t blame them, knowing how busy their schedules can get.

At the end of the day, you stand outside the entrance you told Maddie to pick you up from. Patiently waiting for her, you look up when you hear the sound of a car pulling up.“Hey,” you greet her with a smile,“Thanks for picking me up.” She waves off your thanks, putting the car in park and unlocking the doors. Just as your reaching for the handle, you hear seven very familiar voices call from behind you,“Y/n!”

Turning around, you see the seven of them waving at you as they jog over. “What are you guys doing here?” you ask in confusion, knowing their cars are in the underground garage.“We didn’t really get a chance to talk today,” Jungkook pouts. You give him a soft smile, reaching up to pat his head like it’s second nature. He leans into your touch, his pout slowly turning into a content smile.

“We wanted to apologize and ask you to home with us,” Namjoon says,“Only if you feel comfortable.” They all give you their best puppy dog eyes, even Yoongi whose bottom lip is jutting out just a little bit in a slight pout. Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer to him and nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “Please y/n,” Taehyung begs.“We miss you so much,” Jimin adds on.

You couldn’t resist their pleading looks. You could see the guilt and sadness in their eyes, but also the determination to make things right. With a sigh, you give in with a nod.“Okay,” you breathe out. As soon as the word leaves your mouth, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok are barreling towards you, joining you and Jungkook in a group hug as they jump around and let out noises of excitement while the others let out a sigh of relief.

Maddie gets out of the car, walking around to hand a bag to Jin.“You’re the best,” he winks and sends her finger guns as he takes the bag from her hands.“What’s going on?” you ask in confusion when you realize that it’s your belongings in the bag.“We asked her to bring you stuff in case you said yes to coming home,” Jungkook mumbles into your neck.

Pulling away from you, Hoseok and the maknaes move to stand beside Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon. They all bow deeply to show their gratitude to Maddie.“Thank you for taking care of her,” Namjoon smiles, dimples and all. Maddie waves her hands frantically,“You guys don’t have to thank me! I love y/n and I’m glad she knows she can come to me whenever she needs.”

You make a face at her, trying your best not to cry as you run to engulf her in a hug. “There’s no need to cry,” she chuckles as she embraces you. You’re just so grateful that you have such wonderful people in your life. The boys let you two have your moment, watching in adoration as you sniffle into Maddie’s shoulder. You had such a soft heart and it was something they found so endearing.“Come on now,” she says as she pats your back,“I think you guys have some things to talk about.”

Pulling away, you wipe at your eyes as you say, “You have to come over for dinner sometime soon, okay?” She laughs and nods in agreement before making her way back into her car. Hoseok wraps an arm around your shoulders as the boys surround you, waving Maddie goodbye as she drives away. When she’s gone, Yoongi gently uses his thumbs to wipe at your cheeks and under your eyes.

Once he’s deemed you clear of any tears, he wordlessly intertwines your fingers with his, giving your hand a comforting squeeze before turning to the other boys.“Let’s go home?” Jin asks.“Yeah,” you nod,“Let’s go home.”

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

The article you've provided is a fanfiction piece that revolves around a tense situation involving the protagonist and the seven male characters. The genre is described as angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, and the word count is approximately 5,000 words. The story is set in a company building, where the protagonist, who is a makeup artist at HYBE, has a close relationship with the seven boys. The plot revolves around a misunderstanding that leads to the boys giving the protagonist the silent treatment.

The narrative includes elements of betrayal, confusion, hurt, and eventual reconciliation. The boys initially suspect the protagonist of selling their private photos, leading to a breakdown in their relationship. The protagonist feels rejected and hurt as the boys avoid her, leading to a decision to stay with a friend for a while. The boys eventually realize their mistake and seek to apologize and reconcile with the protagonist.

The story focuses on the emotional dynamics between the protagonist and the boys, highlighting the impact of misunderstandings and the process of forgiveness and reconciliation. It also emphasizes the deep bond between the protagonist and the boys, as well as the support of the protagonist's friend, Maddie.

The article contains themes of loyalty, guilt, and forgiveness, as well as the importance of communication and understanding in relationships. The narrative provides a detailed exploration of the characters' emotions and interactions, leading to a resolution where the boys seek to make amends and rebuild their relationship with the protagonist.

Overall, the fanfiction piece presents a compelling and emotionally charged story that delves into the complexities of relationships and the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Bts Fics @kookiesbuckethat - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.