Bullying Problems - Very_Sleeepy - My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Fluttershy's Bullying Problem

Chapter Text

“Come on, Fluttershy!” Indigo Zap urged, insistently pulling the meek young schoolgirl towards an ominous fraternity house. It was like pulling a stubborn dog to the vet.

“B-b-b-ut… do we have to do this now?” Fluttershy whimpered, staring up at the intimidating building as if it were haunted. Normally, the local and rowdy frat club didn’t house high school students, but they had made an exception for Score. That certainly was not a promising sign.

“See? See?! This is exactly why Score is picking on us!” Indigo fumed as she dropped Fluttershy’s hand and glared at her. “He taunts us about our breasts because he thinks we’re doormats! You told me yourself!”

“I-I mean… t-that’s true, I guess,” Fluttershy sighed, glancing down at the blouse she wore. A buxom pair of enormous sweater puppies jutted outwards from her chest, pressing hard against the fabric that struggled to contain her frequently animated breasts. Below that were her wide hips, shapely thighs, and slender legs that were thankfully mostly concealed by her normal green skirt. Though her ample assets, she had known had grown into a problem as her very existence in the CHS hallways caused boys around her to frequently walk into walls and lockers. Indigo Zap was on a similar and near equally buoyant boat. The Crystal Prepper and her own well-formed rack was one of the few reasons Fluttershy was even comfortable confiding her Score bullying problem. In a way, it was at least nice to know there was another girl who shared her pain… although Indigo Zap seemed far more dead set on solving it rather than bearing it.

“Score torments us every chance he gets!” Indigo went on. “Aren’t you tired of being called ‘Fun Bags’ or ‘The walking pair of tit*’ or ‘tit* Magee’? All from a jerkwad who has probably never looked above our necks?”

“And Hootershy… and saying we would just bounce back up if we ever fell on our faces… Or that we don’t need to be fat to not be able to see our toes,” Fluttershy quietly added, but the joke was really on Score because all she had to do was lean over.

“Or that our tit* are more developed than some 3rd world countries… Yes, exactly! So let’s confront him and tell him off! On his home turf where his rowdy entourage aren’t there for backup and where he has nowhere to hide or run!”

“B-but isn’t that all still just a little much? Can’t we just tell a teacher once summer break ends?” Fluttershy asked.

“Are you joking? Tell me you’re joking...” Indigo replied back flatly.

“I-I was joking!” Fluttershy stammered. She was not joking.

“Teachers are only there to mitigate the school’s lawsuit liability and cover their own asses. The most they’ll do is give him some meager detention then we’re right back to square one. Look...” she sighed, taking a deep breath. “Neither of us are going to solve our bully problem by venting behind Score’s back or tattling. We have to confront him and show him we mean business. I’ve dealt with bullies before. A lot of them. I know exactly how to handle them. It's easy. Just let me do the talking for the both of us, okay?”

“O-okay…” Fluttershy mumbled, in no small way relieved over not having to speak to Score about this matter.

With a firm nod, Indigo grabbed her hand once more and dragged Fluttershy up to the fraternity’s front door, rapping on it with her fist.

The door opened as a greasy looking Canterlot U student answered. “Yeah?” he asked lazily.

“We’re here to see Score,” Indigo shot at him, her voice brimming with sass.

“Oh nice!” he grinned, hastily reaching over and grabbing a clipboard. “Just fill out this sign-in sheet real quick first before you head up. You chicks the type expecting to get paid or is this more pro bono boner work for the love of it?”

“We’re not….” Indigo seethed before taking a calming breath of air. “We’re just here to talk with Score.”

“...Just here to talk?” he replied, confused, setting the clipboard back down. “Well, uhhhh, okay. I guess he’s up the stairs in his bedroom then, third door to the right. But how the heck are you girls going to make a living by talking?” he shrugged as Indigo dragged Fluttershy past him. After a few moments of thinking, he answered his own question. “Oh, oh! Being a psychiatrist!” he called after them, nodding his head proudly.

“He certainly has an, ummm, earthy cologne to him...” Fluttershy noted it was a similar scent Tree Hugger very frequently wore as Indigo Zap hurriedly rushed her up the stairs, curious as to why that aroma was so popular.

“Third down on the… right!” Indigo pushed into the bedroom door like a wrecking ball. Fluttershy stumbled in behind and closed the door politely. There, laying on his bed was their dreaded bully. A feared CHS student with a slightly muscular build and a genuinely happy expression to see them in particular barging into his room.

“Whoa… awesome!” Score remarked with a smile, his eyes once again migrating down below the neck at the girls’ girls. “You ladies filled out the sign in sheet, right?”

“No, and you know what this is about, Score!” Indigo Zap exclaimed, stomping over to the foot of his bed. Fluttershy meekly stood by a wall as the certified bully expert attempted to work her magic. “All the crap you’re pulling at school, all the rumors you’re spreading about us to your friends, it ends now! Quit tormenting us about our breasts!”

“Oh… it's about that?” Score replied, his gaze quickly going flat as he fell back into his pillow, rolling his eyes. His disappointment seemed immeasurable and his day looked ruined. “Sheeeeesh. Talk about privileged.”

“What?! How on earth is that privileged? You wouldn’t like it if it was happening to you!” Indigo shot back.

“If it was happening to me? As in I wouldn’t like some girls always telling me how ridiculously huge my dick is all the time? Yeah… you’re totally right. I would just hate-hate-haaaaaatttteeeee that…” Score replied ever so sarcastically. “Complaining about a problem some of us would love to have is the definition of privileged.”

“W-Well tell on you!” The privileged Fluttershy stammered out. “Principal Celestia could give you detention!”

Indigo Zap gave a silent groan. She just talked about this to her! Fluttershy could have at least said the principal would give him detention instead of ‘could’. Still, considering the meek schoolgirl, it was a remarkable display of courage by her standards.

“Oh nooooooooooo…” Score deadpanned. “I can’t even begin to imagine a worse hell than being made to sit still and look at my phone for a few hours,” Score said, sitting still while looking at his phone. “You girls got me! I give up! I’ll apologize for everything I ever did to you two. Heck, I’ll even let you f*ck my mom!” he railed on, sarcastically again.

“We don’t want to, ummmm, ‘f-word’ your mom,” Fluttershy replied bashfully, noting how she should have listened to Indigo and allowed her to do all the talking. But even without her input, she could tell their attempted confrontation was seemingly turning into a flop. Every pessimistic prediction she had made about this meeting was coming true, only reinforcing what she already knew about him. Score was an ironclad bully set in his ways, with his defenses set on high. No amount of persuasive words or pleas was going to divert him from his wicked ways. “M-Maybe we should just go,” Fluttershy turned to Indigo and spoke in a whisper, “I don’t think this is going to work.”

To Fluttershy’s surprise, Indigo Zap seemingly agreed that words wouldn’t work but had a different idea of how to proceed from there. She was the bully expert after all and backing down was equally not in her nature, no different than Score. It was as if she had a ‘score’ to settle...

“Okay! New deal!” she proclaimed, arms crossed and defiant as she was when she started. Like two great minds in the room were at play here, both trying to gain the upper hand on the other. It was only natural considering the stakes had been raised to include their pride.

“Heh, what deal, FDR?” Score mockingly inquired, eyes still on his phone. “You two top heavy bimbos have some cash you’re going to bribe me with?”

“No, but how about this? You can touch ‘them’,” Indigo spoke suddenly. That, more than anything, caught the bully’s attention.

The room froze still in a moment after comprehension, the air ripe with potential as the tension became palpable. “...Them...?” he asked slowly, ever so slowly, with a raised brow as she earned his chauvinistic male gaze.

“Yes, them. You know... the things that seem to be so permanently glued to your mind because you know you're never going to have a girlfriend,” Indigo replied, glaring the bully down while pointing at none other than her two sizable jugs with her two index fingers. Score’s eyes didn’t move seeing as they were already attached to that spot. “A one time deal. You can get a taste of it. Get it all out of your system. Do what you’ve always dreamed. Then never talk to us about them ever again!”

Fluttershy didn’t have the faintest idea where this escalation came from, half expecting Score to laugh at them and take it as another opportunity to mock their extra large chests.

But there was no mocking to be had here. Instead, there wasn’t even a crack of a smile on his lips. Score seemed to respect her brazen offer, going so far as to carefully think over the deal as if the tradeoff between these two options was quite serious! Game respecting game! To be fair, she hadn’t the faintest idea how much pleasure her bully derived from taunting the both of them about their breasts. Maybe it gave him his reason to live?

“Okay……… fine…” Score said hesitantly, getting off his bed and giving the two girl’s head’s in the room his full attention now. “I'll agree... but only if you both play along.”

The terms were set and understood as both heads silently turned to Fluttershy, who froze like a deer caught in headlights. Indigo stared at her with hopeful eyes as she and their shared bully both waited for her answer. She certainly didn’t expect to become the center of attention just like that! It certainly put a large amount of pressure on her. They always say keep your friends close and your enemies even closer, but this was a whole new level!

‘Think, Fluttershy, think! Indigo seems to trust the idea, why else would she suggest it? Maybe she used it before to deal with her own past bullies. I mean… for something so meager as a little brief touch on my chest… that seems like a small price to pay to put an end to all this… right?’

With Score not looking, the Crystal Prepper gave her a subtle nod, urging her to agree. “If you’ll really promise to stop teasing us both… I-I guess I can go along with this,” Fluttershy whimpered so softly it seemed like a whisper, but Score had superhuman powers in hearing when it came to such statements. A wide perverted grin quickly spread over his face.

“Woooo! Alrighty then! That’s just dandy to me. Let's get down to it!” he chuckled, wasting no time to start, likely thinking the hotties would revoke their deal should he hesitate like some weak-willed beta boy. “This is a deal I can get behind!” he said as he slipped behind Indigo, the girl closing her eyes, calming her face, taking a deep breath, and standing up straight. She was so brave, so unafraid. She didn’t have to be scared because as Fluttershy watched, wide eyed, plenty frightened on her friend’s behalf. Score’s two greedy paws snaked out from both sides of Indigo Zap before firmly attaching themselves to her concealed mounds. True, it was just a feel over her top, but that did little to comfort Fluttershy! He gave both tit* a firm squeeze, then another, holding them there for a few seconds before removing his hands. “Oh man, that was awesome!” he exclaimed, staring at his hands like they were gifted, like anyone whose hand he shook now would be granted good luck.

“Happy now?” Indigo asked as she opened her eyes with a glare.

“Not yet…” Score grinned, turning his gaze next to the submissive pinkette before him, wanting his luck-granting powers to be all the more potent.

If Fluttershy was being completely honest with herself, she was just about to let the scaredy cat side of herself win and nope out of this twisted arrangement before her bully’s paws could come closer to her breasts… but if she was also still being honest with herself, what he did to Indigo didn’t even seem to be that bad. Indigo certainly wasn’t traumatized by something so short and meaningless. Fluttershy could only emulate her friend’s silence as Score strolled behind her like a feral predator cornering its prey.

Her earth-shaking breasts were like powerful magnets, attracting all eyes, interest, and attention of any straight male within a thirty yard radius. Score was really the true victim here, simply rendered helpless as he succumbed to simple physics. With a tiny jump, she could do little as she felt those perverted hands make contact with the one place on her body she wanted them the least. A soul-freezing shiver traveled up from the base of her spine as Score made touchdown, signifying he was winning this game. His grubby palms took their time, feeling, squeezing, and groping her mounds. The sheer expanse of smooth titflesh concealed away at his complete mercy as he savored it all. “Nnng…” Fluttershy squirmed uncomfortably as she was felt up to the bully’s fullest extent, yet obediently staying still. Her heavy-duty bra below, normally having been tasked with the burden of housing those two heaving udders now also had to deal with the added nuisance of a hormonal teenage boy manhandling it in every which direction, annoyed with its existence, through touch alone making it no small secret he would very much love to see it forever parted from her body.

“Mmmmm…” Score chuckled to himself after taking a good deal longer feeling up Fluttershy than he did Indigo, “that was a good warm up. Now let’s get those tops off, ladies,” he said gesturing with an upward circular motion with his fingers.

“Wait-wha,” Fluttershy exclaimed in a panic, only to be cut off promptly by Indigo.

“Hey! The deal was you got to grope our tit*!” she protested angrily.

“Yeah… your tit*. Not the part of your shirts where your tit* are hiding under,” Score scoffed. “Obviously…

“What, are you planning on being a lawyer someday?” Indigo shot back.

“Actually, yeah,” Score admitted, “was looking into colleges for it recently.” Suddenly a lot more things made sense to Fluttershy.

“Fine… whatever,” Indigo agreed, grasping the hem of her shirt, crossing her arms as she drew it upwards and off of her head. The now shirtless Crystal Prepper discarded her top to the floor before crossing her arms beneath her bra-clad breasts, seemingly still set on remaining defiant to the bully until the very end.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but stare at her friend who so brazenly disrobed in the face of their enemy. It was almost remarkable how fearless she was. However, her view of the stoic schoolgirl was briefly interrupted by her own top being magically lifted off her very body by Score’s hands! Her pink flowery blouse was already above her head before she could fully comprehend what was going on, at which point all it took was one strong yank from her bully to fully separate her and her garment.

“O-oh my...” Fluttershy squeaked as she helplessly watched the unseen grinning bully throw her blouse onto his dirty floor.

“Jesus, this thing is huge! Bet you had to get yours custom made for this size, heh.” Score commented, ogling her bra with great, great interest. If there was one comfort Fluttershy felt now, it was that this would be the only and last time she would have to do this with Score.

‘Deep breaths, Fluttershy! You can do this!’ the timid young girl repeated in her mind over and over as she clamped her eyes shut and awaited Score’s perverted hands’ presence on her custom ordered bra.

But, she never felt them. That was good, right? No, not quite. Instead, she felt something much worse. The bra that Score had so keenly been noting seconds ago went slack, the hooks holding the two back straps together having been more than happily relieved of duty by the bully, their service no longer required. In hindsight, Fluttershy didn’t have the faintest idea why she thought he would stop before this. His prize was laid before him and he wasn’t going to let some sheer garment stop him.

At this point most girls her age would have their flight or fight instinct kick in, but for Fluttershy it was more like a flight or fright, with one quickly overpowering the other. Like her, Indigo was already debasing herself in front of Score, to pull out now would mean everything they’ve done was for naught and they had basically given their enemy a free viewing of their chests. The last person in the world who should have their eyes on them! If she called it quits now, it wouldn’t be Score who no longer talked to her ever again but Indigo!

Score was savoring every second of this as his prey went rigid, relishing the moment as he brushed both straps from her shoulders. She was like a deer caught in the headlights as her own headlights came into view. Fluttershy’s eyes shot to her friend in a last ditch attempt for aid. Perhaps Indigo would see her apprehension and call things off for her in pity! That would solve her dilemma!

But she only saw Indigo merely removing her own bra, to her absolute dismay, seemingly having already accepted this was going to happen and to get it over quickly. It was already too late.

“There they are… Come to daddy,” Score cooed as he finally, finally managed to get those pendulous globes of feminine beauty out into the open air where they belonged. The heft, the feel, the weight of her breasts were all his to lovingly enjoy. Boobs that half the school would have sold their souls to catch a glimpse of in the flesh. And here he was, in true bully fashion, cutting in front of the line over everyone else with a smirk on his face.

Fluttershy squirmed and twisted uncomfortably in Score’s rough grasp, but the bully held firm onto her jiggling tit*. He pushed them up, out, and in, marveling from behind as his fingers practically sank into the soft, malleable flesh. The busty babe could only watch, whimpering helplessly from above as the hands from behind gleefully separated her two sweater puppies before letting them fall into each other with a lewd *clap*.

Nothing could ruin this moment for him. To his captive’s even greater dismay his fingers were felt stimulating the pink of her breasts next, coaxing her nipples out until they began to bud and blossom in full bloom. To her even greater shame, she even felt herself deriving a small sense of pleasure from it all. “coochie-coochie-coo…” he tauntingly teased, cruelly coaxing out her nips to full hardness. From an outsider’s perspective now one might have assumed Fluttershy was secretly getting off to the rough manhandling of her tit*! To Score, the truth didn’t matter, he knew what he was rolling with.

“Hahaha, wow, I always figured you would enjoy this, Hootershy. You should have come crawling over to me sooner if you were really that horny! No need to hide it from me,” Score exclaimed in a joyous tone as he backed off, finally satisfied... for now. “Exactly like how I imagined them feeling, Fluttershy. Heh, I still can’t believe you let me do that!”

She brushed off the comments, more focused on how the fiend was no longer touching her. The nightmare was over, right? She had done it!

Sure enough, Score had his back to her as he sauntered over to Indigo’s topless form next, firmly grabbing both meaty tit* into his hands.

“Ugggg,” Indigo groaned with a roll of her eyes, raising both arms in the air to allow Score full access.

To Fluttershy’s surprise, their session was over quicker. No in depth teasing, or coaxing of nipples, or anything that made her ashamed of her own body. Simply some greedy squeezes and mashing them together, making sure he solidified the memory of them in his mind. But she could understand why Score was more focused on tormenting her. She was the girl who went to his school, and she had to admit she was also the one with the larger chest. Maybe she was inadvertently helping Indigo out by attracting more of the bully’s aggression to her. That was worth a few friendship points at the very least.

“I can’t wait to tell the guys about this! Haha, they are going to freak!” Score exclaimed.

“P-please don’t….” Fluttershy whimpered, already scanning the floor for her discarded bra and blouse to put back on. Where did they go?

“Yeah, don’t...” Indigo shot at him with another angry glance, feeding off of Fluttershy’s request.

“Fine, I won’t,” Score quickly backed off, holding his hands in the air defensively before adding, “if... you two babes let me take a few pics of ya. Just a few memories I can add to the spank bank.”

“Oh hell no! That’s disgusting, you pig! No way in a thousand years!” Indigo quickly proclaimed, displaying all the fiery passion Fluttershy wished she could convey in her stead. Instead, she was busy covering her own breasts behind her folded arms, feebly glancing at the two more passionate speakers go at it once again.

“And I’ll sweeten the deal by adding that I’ll never bully either of you two or your goodie two-shoes friends ever again,” Score grinned at both of the still topless beauties before him as he struck a new deal.

Now that sweetened the pot, which Indigo Zap seemed to consider seriously, as if thinking of how nice it would be to never have to deal with the shame and humiliation of this ever again. “Okay… deal… but you have to promise not to send them around…”

“Yeah, yeah, sure, but both of you have to do exactly what I say for your little photoshoot then.”

“Fine, whatever,” Indigo sighed with a wave of her hand, consenting for herself and on behalf of the shy CHS girl who could only shoot her gaze from one person to the other as the two master negotiators struck out an agreed-upon deal in record time.

“Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get on the bed!” Score shot at them both before scanning his desk for wherever he left his phone.

As his back was turned, Indigo quickly strolled up to Fluttershy, whispering into her ear, “listen to me! Men are just dogs, okay? Throw them a bone and they’ll be happy and satisfied, so just play along and follow my lead. If we quit now he wins and he knows that. We have to beat him at his own game by seeing this to the end!”

“O-okay,” Fluttershy could only whimper in response, counting down the seconds until she could cover up her breasts once more from this hormonal teenager as she and Indigo both crawled atop their bully’s bed before sitting on their knees.

Score had found his phone, but he wasn’t done searching yet, as he transitioned to digging through his closet for something else to torment them with.

“Aha! Here we go!” he announced, holding up what appeared to be a beet red collar in his hand. Fluttershy wasn’t about to ask why he had one of those in there seeing as it was unlikely he was the type of caring person who would want or deserve a pet. “A perfect little accessory! But I only have one so….” Score stroked his chin in thought as he gazed at both of the topless babes he had before him. “...Fluttershy, you put it on. It suits you better than Indigo,” he said, pointing to her. “I mean, you are going to do whatever I say for the shoot, right? Or are you girls backing out now?”

“I’ll help,” Indigo said, not giving Score the satisfaction of a grimace as she reached down and grabbed the degrading dog collar. Wasting no time, she moved Fluttershy’s many long strands of pink hair out of the way before securely fastening it around her friend’s neck, double checking to ensure it was securely fastened. In Indigo’s haste, Fluttershy didn’t even get the chance to read the word: "slu*t" printed in large pink capital letters at the front of the collar’s tag. Now from its perch around her neck it was visible to everyone in the room but her. Indigo found it best not to bring it up as she turned her eyes to Score challengingly, as if daring him to do his worst. The bully had already set his phone’s gaze directly on the two of them, already planning on it.

“Fluttershy, it’s real cute you're covering your nips with your fingers like that, buuuuut I’m afraid they have a date with the lens…” Score said teasingly while wiggling his phone in his grasp taunting. Sensing her friend needed a small push Indigo reached over to gently lower Fluttershy’s concealing hands from her breasts to rest on her thighs, ensuring every square inch of her perfect breasts were properly exposed for Score’s viewing pleasure. The defeated, worried look Fluttershy wore and cast to her one and only ally was a perfect cherry on top that brought his finger down.


Fluttershy winced as if physically impacted by the very shot as, just like that, her nudity was captured on her bully’s phone for all eternity. There was no going back from here. He would always have this proof.

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*

Score’s grin was off the charts as he relentlessly snagged picture after picture after picture of the two busty babes’ bare breasts. Ensuring that every single bare inch of their upper bodies was firmly engraved in his phone’s memory. He rotated around them, catching a profile shot from their side, showing exactly how far those pillowy plump mammaries ventured outwards from their chest. A shot from behind demonstrated their width, revealing both of their tit* could be seen on both sides. Followed up by a dozen more shots from their glorious front, their perky breasts standing defiantly upwards as if a giant middle finger to the force of gravity itself.

Fluttershy herself silently grimaced as she noticed the device was found angled her way more often than Indigo. Her bountiful breasts once again acting as a magnet to everything, including cameras.

“Hmmmm, it’s missing something…” Score muttered as he paused briefly, though his heart was racing. In the moment he was merely an artist, seeking to capture and display the pure beauty of the female form with his two veritable supermodels as his canvas. “You two are just sitting there… Change things up. How about you girls give me a smile, huh? Show me those pearly whites. Like you’re both happy to be here on the receiving end of some male approval!” He gave them both a thumbs up, showcasing his ‘male approval’ to them.

Fluttershy exchanged glances with Indigo, who, to her surprise, had no plans to protest the demand. She smiled and faced the camera, posing like she was taking a selfie for the Gram with remarkable ease, as Fluttershy hesitantly followed suit.

“Yeah… that’s it… there’s some good girls,” Score beamed as he resumed snapping dozens of additional photos, containing both singular and duo shots of both his models. “You’re happy to be here, happy to finally have some male validation in your lives! If all that takes is showing a little skin then what girl wouldn’t strip down?! Paws up now!” Score ordered next, bringing up a limp hand to demonstrate. Four hands of the school girls quickly rose to mimic the appearance of a dog. Another dozen shots were taken to add to their shame. “Good little bitches! Now shake!” Fluttershy held out her hand with confusion obviously visible on her face. “Nope, not like that!” Score chuckled.

“He wants this,” Indigo said to her, giving her chest a wild shake back and forth. Fluttershy obediently complied as she copied the movements of her friend, jiggling her chest to the left and right. Her more endowed breasts gave the better show, bouncing to and fro sporadically as flesh clapped against flesh. Each meaty slap of her orbs only served to deepen the crimson red blush coating the pinkette’s entire face. Pure gold for the camera, but Score already knew he had hit the jackpot.

Fluttershy noticed Score was no longer tapping on his phone to snag pics, but rather continuously held it aimed directly at her. Was he… taking a video of them now? Was that even allowed?!

“Now cup the bottom of them…” Score ordered to her directly now, with a wild lick of his lips. Fluttershy just wanted this nightmare to be over as soon as possible! “Give them a good slow squeeze… yeah, just like that… now raise them up and let the girls fall!”

Fluttershy was never as ashamed about her own body then she was right now. A flatter girl would have never even earned Score’s attention! To make matters worse, Score seemed dead set on recording her, and her alone! Indigo was mimicking every action off to the side, but the camera was clearly only zoomed in directly on her tit*!

“Oh f*ck… that’s nice. Better than p*rn! You’d make a killing in the adult industry, Fluttershy!” Score groaned, a clearly visible tent threatening to tear a hole in his pants was easily seen by both girls. To the bully it was arousal, but to Fluttershy it was a foreboding sense of danger.

“Now, Fluttershy, crawl up to me… slowly…” he issued next standing at the end of the bed, clearly loving every second of this as the docile girl could only comply. “Now say, please give me your co*ck, master...” He fully intended to edit out him stating that request later.

“P-please give me your co*ck… m-master,” Fluttershy whimpered, her soft timid voice only serving to make the footage that more alluring in Score’s perverted mind. He pushed his luck, pressing his tented bulge directly up against the pinkette’s face, capturing the hilarious look of the girl as she stared at it fearfully, knowing full well what was inside.

“Niccccce, I didn’t even have to instruct you, Floots. You just do it all naturally! Isn’t that right?” Score spoke to her breasts, swinging around to her side, and capturing a perfect view of his prey’s downward drooping tit* that made an impressively long journey to the sheet below. “Shy, you’re really treading a fine line between woman and bovine here. Not saying that to be mean, I honestly wish more girls in the world were exactly like you!” He curled his fingers around her nearest breast, gripping tight before giving it a strong downward tug, half expecting the camera to record milk squirting out. “Oh well…” he shrugged. To Fluttershy’s relief, the bully backed off, actually seeming to remember another busty topless babe was present as he turned his attention to the annoyed stare she was shooting at him.

“Right… Indigo, how about you get some much needed attention now? Crawl up to your friend real quick,” he ordered to the schoolgirl’s protestless compliance, getting right up beside her busty friend. “Now give her a kiss... on the lips… with attitude!”

Fluttershy’s gasping expression was quickly covered as Indigo grabbed and turned her head, locking her lips directly to her own in a long, sensual kiss.

“Lemme see some tongue action in there! Show her you mean business!”

Fluttershy gasped as her lips were pried open, Indigo’s dexterous tongue shot in before quickly wrestling for dominance. The CHS school girl found her cheeks quickly becoming crimson with an even redder blush than before!

“Don’t leave those fat udders of hers ignored! They deserve all of your attention!” Fluttershy’s breasts were quickly mauled by Indigo’s dominant hands. Like Score’s they sought to cup, grope, and pinch away in reckless abandon. Fluttershy couldn’t cope with the overflow of confusing, and erotic sensations coursing through her. Collapsing backwards onto the bed, Indigo didn’t relent. Staying on her lips and breasts as she coaxed out an involuntary moan as she pinpointed the busty schoolgirl’s weak points.

“Aha! She likes it!” Score grinned as his impromptu and amateur p*rno quickly turned lesbian. “I bet she wants more, why don’t you see to the honor of stripping the rest of her clothes off, Indigo?”

There was no way Indigo was going to do that… right? Fluttershy found herself on the receiving end of a rude awakening as Indigo didn’t even hesitate for a moment. Separating herself from the busty babe to aggressively wrestle off her skirt.

“I-Indigo!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a panic, attempting in vain to resist as her legs squirmed.

“He’s already seen so much! A little more isn’t going to hurt!” Indigo urged, fighting through Fluttershy’s resistance in what the timid girl could only perceive was a boundless drive to win. The effort she put in only seemed to indicate there was no way in hell her full nudity wasn’t going to be displayed.

Her skirt came undone to her insistent fingers, Indigo tugging it off part way and Score assisting the rest of the way as they fully whipped it off her slender legs. Meanwhile Indigo was already following up, yanking off Fluttershy’s lacy white panties down her wide hips, before further protests could be voiced. Like ripping off a band-aid, it was best if she did it quickly.

That was it. Fluttershy was naked. Completely naked. In the bed of her bully without so much as a stitch of clothing on her while he filmed every second of her shame. But, for some reason, Indigo wasn’t as bothered.

“There…. See? It's not a big deal. You’re still alive,” Indigo spoke to comfort her, obviously seeming to be a bit more comfortable with the notion of nudity. As if to emphasize her point even more, she placed her hands on both of Fluttershy’s bare thighs, spreading them open wide for Score to see. Fluttershy couldn’t believe this was happening, both hands shooting to cover her remarkably embarrassed flushed face. She only peeked out between two fingers to see Indigo’s own fingers spreading apart her lower lips, revealing her tunnel of love to the horndog of a bully, letting him and the camera see exactly what she had to offer: A perfectly clean shaved and undoubtedly tight virgin puss*.

“Nice, very nice!” Score praised as Indigo even went so far as to flip Fluttershy over, showcasing her friend’s bouncy bubbly ass to him as well, giving both cheeks a grope and jiggle. The proof was all there. No one could deny Fluttershy was built in all the right places.

“Damn, girl! You were soooo right, Fluttershy. I shouldn’t have been picking on your giant breasts all this time. Your perfect thighs and dumptruck fat ass deserve just as much praise! Talk about thicc!” Score hooted. “Now why don’t we complete the set? You get naked too, Indigo! I think Fluttershy would be more comfortable if she wasn’t the only one nude.” In a way, that was probably the nicest thing Score had done for Fluttershy since knowing her.

Indigo shot him an angry glare but, like Fluttershy, didn’t protest at all. Rolling off away her hands dropped to her waist as she hiked her hips up into the air to strip what little clothing she had remaining. Even to Fluttershy she seemed a bit too compliant. And judging from her blushed cheeks and quickened breathing… was she... turned on by this? Debasing herself in front of their shared enemy? Letting him see every square inch of their body without a stitch on? Treated as mere play toys? It was a reasonable belief Indigo had a kinky side that rivaled even Rarity’s.

As if to emphasize that revelation the moment the last bit of Indigo’s clothing hit Score’s bedroom floor, Indigo had rolled back on top of Fluttershy. Her legs interlocking with her own, their infamous busts mashing against each other, with the Crystal Prepper once again sealing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

“Oh my god…” Indigo Zap moaned as she grinded her puss* against Fluttershy’s thigh, letting her feel exactly how sopping wet she was down there! “Thank you, Fluttershy… I sooo needed this…” Indigo’s hand then shot to her friend’s breasts, ruthlessly pawing, squeezing and pinching at them both as a barrage of kisses traveled down her cheek and neck. Everything she was doing was without even being ordered to by Score! Wait… what was Score doing anyway? Why was he being so uncharacteristically quiet all of a sudden?

Even as her breasts were attacked she managed to tilt her head to the side. Score’s phone was now resting on a nearby shelf, still recording and aimed directly at the debaucherous pair. The bully himself had seemingly been busy quickly disrobing, joining the girls in nudity. Fluttershy unfortunately glanced down just at the right time to see it. The first co*ck of a man she had ever seen, springing out of Score’s pants like a murder weapon! The fully erect and veiny member that twitched and throbbed uncontrollably, with two swollen seed-filled balls churning up a fresh load in response to the music of love the two babes made in bed. Needless to say, it was quite the co*ck to be starting off with down in her beginner level status!

“Be honest with me, Fluttershy,” Indigo Zap cooed, separating lips from her busty rival’s body long enough to ask. “Are you a virgin?”

“Y-yes!” Fluttershy quickly stammered, believing that confessing would somehow protect her from the co*ck that bobbed up and down at her with intent, getting uncomfortably close! Yet her answer only seemed to energize the other two. Indigo lustfully diving her lips back down on hers as Score’s co*ck gave its most excited throb yet!

“Now this is a party!” he said, rubbing his hands together eagerly as he hopped onto his bed. Fluttershy shuddered as her bully’s bouncing member grew closer. “Really, its you girls’ fault for working me up so much, so let me just f*ck one of you slu*ts real quick, then we can be done...” Indigo Zap wasn’t against the new demand, in fact, she seemed almost willing at this point!

“Okaaay… but you can only f*ck one of us~” Indigo practically sang in a teasing tone. Still on top of Fluttershy, effectively pinning the weaker girl down, Indigo spread and bent both of their legs, presenting two pink puffy puss*es to the bully. The display was clear, Score had a choice to make on who would be on the receiving end.

“Hmmm, who to pick… who to pick,” Score mused, feeling like an absolute king in the moment as he gripped the base of his member, sliding the tip and shaft back and forth through both of their petals like a double sided credit card reader.

With a small push of his hips, he angled his co*ck upwards and pushed inside Indigo’s c*nt… but just the tip. The Crystal Prepper released a slight moan in response before Score pulled out. Angling down, he then slipped slightly into Fluttershy, causing the girl’s heart to freeze as she felt the bulbous head prod inside her, as if looking around, before pulling out again, only to angle back into Indigo once more.

It just only then occurred to the poor busty pinkette, he was taunting them; playing with his food while dragging their torment out for his sole pleasure! She didn’t know which of their puss*es this bully was going to pick, so the trembling Fluttershy could do little but clamp her eyes shut and hope. Yes… Indigo Zap was a good friend of hers… but at the same time, she didn’t want to lose her virginity! Not here! Not to this brute! That was supposed to be reserved for the one she married and loved after a long courtship! Now, the last person in the world who should be up to take it was primed perfectly in the position to do so! But everything would be fine if he picked Indigo instead!

With no warning at all, one of Score’s teasing inserts turned into a full blown thrust inside… Fluttershy’s eyes shooting open wide as she felt the monstrous co*ck thrust into the deep depths of her puss* as her virginity was completely and utterly stolen in an instant, as if fate itself was punishing her for her selfish desire.

“Ooooh, f*ck!!!” Score groaned in utter bliss as his co*ck twitched in pleasure, savoring the wet and warm embrace of the pinkette’s walls. Like the c*nt of an angel. “I’ve been wanting this for a loooong time, Fluttershy. Like literally since I first saw you I’ve wanted to get those massive tit* of yours out in the open and do this!” Indigo Zap let loose a girlish giggle as she rolled off to the right so as to not obstruct the full view of Fluttershy from the recording camera on the opposing side, also leaving the girl of the hour with a clear view of Score’s smirking pleasure face as he now lorded upon her. With Indigo now out of the way, he was free to grab two handfuls of his prey’s wide hourglass hips, making sure to hold them nice and tight to him.

Fluttershy was utterly dumbstruck and speechless, her mind whirling, her mouth agape, and eyes wide. Not knowing the first thing she would even say in response to the multitude of confusing things happening around her all at once, and certainly not having the most suited state of mind to fully process them. And it seemed as though no one was going to give her the time to think as Score’s grip on her tightened. Out he pulled, then back in, never wanting to leave the puss* he had lusted after so much.

“I’ve been holding off on blowing my loads for two weeks straight, waiting for this moment!” Score confessed, pumping away like a man possessed, ramming his hips forward as if he were attempting to rearrange Fluttershy’s very guts. His impactful thrusts weren’t without a second purpose either, the bully knew full well that he was causing the stacked teenager’s voluptuous globes to bounce back and forth madly, giving a quick sideways glance to his phone angled to still capture every moment of Fluttershy’s embarrassingly bouncy chest.

Indigo Zap caught one of the swinging tit*, electing to instead bring the pink areola and erect nipple to her lips before greedily suckling away. In the meantime, her remaining hand snaked down Fluttershy’s stomach to her folds and began to ruthlessly attack her cl*t as Score continuously pistoned inside her below. The combined sensation was far too much for the inexperienced school girl. A baser instinct of lust overpowered her more logical confusion and fear, causing Fluttershy to release a deep sensual moan.

“Awwwww, I think she likes it!” Indigo Zap giggled impishly as Score’s grin grew ever wider. “Keep going at her, Score! Let’s get more of those adorable moans on camera!”

“f*ck yeah she likes it! The sow’s body was made to do exactly this!”

Fluttershy was proving to be a laughable match for the two skilled opponents, working as a perfect synchronized pair with the sole purpose of getting her off. Both Score pounding deeper inside and Indigo latching on her tit.

“f*ck, thank you for being so perfect, slu*ttershy,” Score groaned in pleasure as he continued to ruthlessly thrust away. “So fat chested and so gullible, the perfect combination for a woman.”

Fluttershy wasn’t even fully paying attention to her bully’s compliments, not as he angled his swollen intruder directly against her pleasure center. Without any warning, she found her own back arched high up off the bed and a surprising feminine cry escaping her lips as shuddering pleasure crashed through her entire slender frame. Her mind and vision went blank, seeing only fireworks of pleasure as the busty schoolgirl experienced her very first org*sm ripping through her body’s core. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, toes curling as a pure new feeling of ecstasy flowed freely through her. Score and Indigo were both madly giggling as they relented from their combined assault, allowing the shuddering babe to fully play out her complete climax to the recording camera’s delight.

“Heheh, oh my god, Fluttershy!” Indigo Zap said playfully as she watched the freshly deflowered virgin make quite the scene for everyone watching.

“She really, really likes it!” Score snickered.

Fluttershy would have preferred a moment to collect her thoughts as they returned to her. At least a moment to reflect on what just came over her! But as she fully returned to her senses, she realized her body was being manipulated by the other two in bed with her. Placed on her hands and knees exactly as they wanted her, perpendicular to the camera. Fluttershy’s infamous ‘udders’, as Score dubbed them, took the center of the frame.

Of course, after experiencing the first and quite overwhelming org*sm of her young life, it was no surprise the meager young girl found her arms and legs shaking, barely strong enough to hold her up! All of that however was solved by a light spank to her bubbly rear end, Fluttershy jumping slightly as she came to full focus. She stared uneasily at the naked bully who had more than happily taken his spot behind her, kneading and groping her fat rear end.

“Hey focus up, Fluttershy!” Indigo Zap shot in, grabbing her attention back in front of her. The equally naked Crystal Prepper was laying with her legs spread, and a devilishly wicked grin up at her. “After all, we’re here to give our bully a show!”

“W-w-wha…” Fluttershy managed to blurt out before Indigo hooked a finger around her adorable dog collar and pulled her in, her other hand pressing in on the back of her pink hair as the Crystal Prepper pushed her head straight between her thighs.

“Just get that tongue to work,” Indigo winked, making sure to direct the newbie’s head to exactly where she needed to be. The flustered Fluttershy hurried to lower her face into Indigo's folds, lapping away like she was told.

“Such a good girl. She deserves a reward…” Score hummed in delight. Grasping at the base of his shaft, he angled the throbbing co*ck aiming for her delicate flower and to finish what he started. With a satisfying thrust, he pushed his co*ck back into his conquest like it rightfully belonged there. Despite the introverted girl’s hesitancy, her body was found to be much more willing, the intruder piercing through her amazingly tight tunnel without the slightest bit of resistance. “Mmmm, you feel marvelous, Fluttershy… I’m never letting this go…”

Fluttershy felt herself gasping and panting yet again as the strange tingling sensations Score’s co*ck brought to her returned in full jutting force. The feeling of having something so thick and throbbing pressed into her textured depths… in the light of all conflicting things swimming through her head, that most of all stood out above the rest.

Indigo Zap smiled as she heard several cute, involuntary moans voiced by the girl between her legs. Rolling her head back, she playfully squeezed her head with her thighs, savoring the sexual use of the girl caught in the middle.

“f*ck…! You’re really taking me like a pro, Fluttershy!” Score praised, giving his prey a series of hard, quick thrusts for maximum breast swayage. “You learn quick, now that you’re finally doing what you're meant to do,” he teased as his hips humped onwards, working the length of his co*ck through her quivering tunnel with expert ease. The sounds of their flesh clapping into each other echoed out into the halls of the fraternity house, letting any and all curious listeners know that their resident bully had achieved exactly what he repeatedly bragged he was about to do. Fluttershy moaned again into Indigo's dripping folds as the swelling co*ck within her rubbed against pressure-points she didn’t even know her body had! Score was too much for her, but now in a much, much different sense than before today! With his grip on her wide hips, he delightfully discovered the girl was learning to meet his co*ck halfway with her own submissive thrusts that caused her ass to jiggle.

Fluttershy gasped weakly, as her entire body shivered and came. Her insides clenched down hard against her bully’s impaling shaft, bucking her hips wantonly as the dam burst yet again. Her weakened arms collapsed now as her swaying breasts landed into the mattress below. Score, however, maintained a death grip on her hips, ensuring they stayed up straight and proper as his prey’s folds gripped him like a vise. With a responding grunt of overwhelming pleasure a surge of cum, hot, sticky and warm, surged into her c*nt like a torrential flood. Fluttershy’s entire slender body quivered as she felt her depths filled with an intense warmth, filling up her vacant womb as if being marked as Score’s property in a rather animalistic display. True to the bully’s intent of having her all to himself, the cum spilled and sloshed around the cavern, coating every inch with his thick and potent baby batter. Score could only groan in the most pure unadulterated pleasure he had ever felt. His lustful conquest and her freshly deflowered hole seemingly did everything to coax and milk out more of his milky stream from his swollen sack. Her body betrayed her mind as it did so, wanting every drop pumped inside.

The amazingly perverted sight of Fluttershy being filled to the absolute brim by her bully also sent Indigo over the moon. Mashing her own bean to finish herself off, Indigo cried out in her own org*smic bliss, squirting her own payload of girlcum directly into Fluttershy’s face. Holding her there firmly to ensure she took it all.

In this single moment, everything was new to Fluttershy. Everything was overwhelming. Everything was making her feel good as her body’s pleasure center not only cleared off their cobwebs but shot directly into overdrive.

It was little surprise to the other two present as Fluttershy’s eyes flickered and closed as the busty schoolgirl passed out right then and there. Now satisfied that his entire load had been thoroughly pumped into his conquest’s c*nt, the overwhelmingly happy Score pulled out with a satisfied groan, allowing her limp hips to fall sideways and bounce onto the bed. Like a light she was out, though her body still twitched here and there with aftershocks of her grand climax.

“So where’d you find her anyway?” Score asked as he and Indigo saw to getting dressed while Fluttershy remained unconscious on the bed.

“She was just out with her friends at the café,” Indigo said as she clipped her bra straps into place. “They’re always hanging out as a group, and really annoyingly protective of Fluttershy all the time. Would have been impossible for a guy to so much as ask for her number with them around.”

“So, she was hard to nab from them?” Score asked.

“Nah, easy for me, since they know me. I just politely pulled her aside, fed her a little lie about our shared ‘bully’ problems, and lured the gullible girl over here,” Indigo Zap giggled in delight at her plan’s flawless execution.

“Oh man… dragging Fluttershy away to be f*cked right under all her friend’s noses? You deserve a bonus for that,” Score praised.

Indigo Zap gave a lasting gaze over to the still naked Fluttershy atop Score’s bed, along with the oozing trail of thick white bully cum leaking out of her reddened and abused folds. She turned back to Score. “Actually… how about another deal?”

“Oh?” Score replied with a raised brow.

“I want in on her training.”

“Huh..... I don’t know…” Score said, actually conflicted for the first time tonight. Not at all like he was during the fake performance they both put on to trick Fluttershy out of her clothes. “I was mostly planning on keeping her to myself.”

“I can help with that! And besides,” Indigo pouted in her cutest voice. “I just want to watch the big mean stud train his submissive sow into an easily f*ckable pet~” She dropped to her knees, peppering his co*ck with a series of light kisses while shooting her innocent puppy eyes up to meet his.

“Heh… well I’ll admit you know exactly how to talk to men, Indigo,” Score chuckled. “Alright, it's a deal then. Let’s see what we can get this stacked babe to do…”

Chapter 2: Rainbow Dash Tries to Step In

Chapter Text

“Hey Fluttershy! Wait up!” The cheerful voice of none other than Sour Sweet was heard from behind. The surprised CHS student turned around, only to notice that Indigo Zap was accompanying her! Fluttershy quickly whipped her head back around, a crimson red blush spreading over her cheeks as the fragmented memories of their ‘bully handling’ adventure she had tried to suppress inevitably flooded back to her. “Fancy running into you here!” Sour said as they caught up to her, walking with her flanked on both sides on the Canterlot street sidewalk. The timid girl did her best to try and not fidget awkwardly.

“Yeah… what are the odds?” Indigo added with a bright giggle before adding, “so what’s going on?”

Fluttershy gave a puzzled glance at Indigo, noting that her fellow high school student didn’t seem to display any signs of embarrassment, sadness, or shame after the particular events of their last encounter. In fact, she seemed like her normal upbeat self!

“Ummmm, nothing… I guess,” Fluttershy replied, doing her best to speak like her normal self as well, seeing as this apparently wasn’t going to be the awkward meeting she initially thought it would be. The vibe she was getting was that this was just another friendly chat like always. “I was just going on a walk to clear my head.”

“Cool, cool. Soooooo, Fluttershy, Indigo, a little birdie told me you two took care of your bully problem!” Sour teased, playfully poking Fluttershy with her elbow.

“Yep! It went perfectly,” Indigo quickly shot in, before Fluttershy could respond. “I’m so glad. Honestly, it could not have been smoother.”

Sour leaned in close, dropping her voice to a teasing whisper, "you both slept with Score, right?”

“W-well… ummmm….” Fluttershy stammered like a nervous wreck, strands of her pink hair falling in front of her face as if sensing she wanted a place to hide. Perfect was certainly not even remotely close to the word she would have used!

“Duh! Like, what else were we supposed to do?” Indigo giggled before so keenly noticing her busty friend’s trepidation. “What's wrong, Fluttershy?” she asked, curious as to her friend’s embarrassed reaction, leaning forward to catch the cute look.

“I...I just didn’t think it was going to go like t-that!” Fluttershy fretted. “I t-thought we were just going to talk to Score and make him stop!”

Indigo and Sour both exchanged glancing before breaking out into a fit of girlish giggles. “Hahaha! Wait… you mean talking to make a bully stop bullying?” Indigo laughed in a way that seemed playful, and not laughing at her. “Haha... You’re so funny sometimes, Fluttershy!”

“Yeah, no one can talk a bully out of anything they want to do. Talk is cheap,” Sour Sweet also chuckled. “They respect action far more. So having sex with them is always the plan.”

“Yep,” Indigo casually nodded. “And at our age it always works like a charm.”

“Wait…” Fluttershy replied with a double take. The embarrassment in her dying down to make room for the confusion. “We wanted all of that to happen?”

“Well… yeah!” Indigo responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “We just put on a quick little act like that for Score to make it seem like he’s getting his way, they love that and all, and make sure to keep in character the entire time. But really, everyone’s better off from it. You go to school with Score, Fluttershy. Tell me it didn’t work because I know he’s gotten off of my back. Is he still bullying you?”

Fluttershy thought back to the last few days of school after their fateful encounter at the frat house. Come to think of it... Score hadn’t bugged her at all during those days like he usually did! He actually seemed quite friendly to her, without any of the degrading comments or painfully obvious stares at her cleavage. She might have even gone so far as to say he was kind! She supposed she was just so distracted in her shameful thoughts lately to really notice.

“Having sex with them is just an easy way to deal with their ‘pentuppedness’,” Sour explained with air quotes, the Crystal Prep girl noticing she would need to fully explain how real of a thing this was. “See… guys like Score tend to lash out at girls like us when they are like that. In fact, sometimes they do it because, deep down, they secretly like you…” she playfully teased with another elbow jab, causing Fluttershy to suffer a deeper blush.

“We have had a bunch of guys that ‘bully’ us in the same exact way over at Crystal Prep,” Indigo added on. “It's the same easy solution for all of them that never gets old.”

“Oh! Oh! This one time, this guy named Jet Set kept trying to cop a feel of my tit* and ass whenever he saw me in the halls between classes, and yeah, it was really embarrassing with all the other people around watching,” Sour Sweet explained as she wove her tale. “So what did I do? I offered to allow Jet to drive me to his house one night, let him strip me naked, and let the horndog get as much feeling as he wanted as I was rolling my eyes.”

R-Really?” Fluttershy asked, honestly amazed at her friend’s casual willingness to admit something she herself would have considered to be a shameful secret.

“Yep!” she answered, quite proudly in fact. “Then I sucked him off until he was happy and smiling, let him take a few pictures of me coated in his ji*zz, then I went home! Jet Set never embarrassed me in front of my classmates ever again! Actually, we’re kinda close these days. He’s a good friend.”

“Yeah… and I remember getting split roasted by some other bullies of mine in the gym storage room during lunch,” Indigo casually recalled. “They got it all out of their system and we all left happy and satisfied. Just think of their cum as their pent up aggression… and you did a great job getting all of Score’s aggression out, Fluttershy. I doubt he’ll bully you again for a long time!”

“Oh… I guess that’s nice.” A positive outcome from their encounter was the best she could have hoped for, however, it was not a plan implemented without its cost. “B-but that was my first time being... intimate with someone,” Fluttershy regretfully admitted to the fact her virginity was stolen by Score.

“Oh nice! Congrats!” Sour Sweet cheered.

“Yeah! Awesome!” Indigo added. “Good for you!”

“B-b-b-but wait! I-I thought we were supposed to save ourselves!” a flustered Fluttershy shot in, noticing her friends not at all reacting in the way she thought they would. “For the ones we love and marry one day!”

The two Crystal Preppers both burst out into a fit of giggles again at the timid girl’s unknowing comedy routine.

“Y-yeah… maybe if we were born in the 19th century!” Indigo laughed, wiping away a tear.

“Hehe, nowadays our future ‘husbands’ are going to expect us to come to the honeymoon bedroom with a whole library of knowledge on how to properly please them! It's really our main job as wives, you know. That’s another reason why sleeping around with our bullies plays even more into our favor. It's great practice! Bullies really know how to f*ck!”

“And no offense, Fluttershy, seeing as it was your first time with a guy,” Indigo went on, “it happens to the best of us, but you did kind of black out after Score was done with you. I mean, if that happened to me on my first time with my husband or boyfriend, I wouldn’t expect him to still be my partner or present by the time I woke up.”

“Oh…” Fluttershy replied meekly. If anything her Crystal Prep friends had completely eased her worries about her sexual encounter with Score but then introduced a whole new slew of worries she had to burden herself with! The worrying never ended.

“Hey, let’s sit down here. My feet are getting tired of walking,” Sour Sweet said, pointing to a nearby outdoor café table they were approaching.

“Ummm, okay,” Fluttershy shrugged as she took a chair. Thankfully the outdoor area was devoid of anyone else. That could have at least reduced the embarrassment she was feeling from what she could have sworn was a private conversation. Though she was getting a feeling these girls would disagree on that. They were open about everything! Which only begged the question… “I guess I’m just a bit overwhelmed by all of this. My friends at school never mentioned anything like this!”

“Well I would hope so! It's a bit of an official, unspoken rule that everyone keep the juicy details of their sex lives out of the ears of the virgins,” Indigo casually explained. “That’s probably why you haven’t heard us talking about it until now and that’s why none of your friends haven’t mentioned it either. But believe me they are sleeping around too. In private, they’ve totally dished to us about their naughty sides!”


Sour leaned in close, dropping her voice to an impish whisper, prompting the other girls to do the same. “Now according to Twilight, she’s sucked off every guy she’s ever been paired up with on group homework assignments. If her parents aren’t home, she claims she even lets the boys absolutely go to town on her in her own bed! And if they get a good grade on their assignment, she’ll let them do it to her again!”

Fluttershy gasped in surprise at this shocking revelation. Come to think of it, she had seen the boys in class eager to get paired with Twilight whenever those group projects came up. She had always assumed it was due to the fact that anyone grouped with Twilight was guaranteed a good grade, but maybe that was just her cover story!

“Oh yeah! I so remember her talking about that, Sour. It seems like a really smart idea!” Indigo giggled, casting a quick glance at Fluttershy. “And let’s not forget about Rarity who has been whoring herself out to the rich suitors at our school! It doesn’t matter if it’s guys or girls! She’ll sleep with anyone for cash, and enjoy it too!”

“Well duuuuuh! That one is obvious to everyone,” Sour gushed back. “How else do you think she affords her own place at her age?”

“Wait… R-Rarity too?” Fluttershy stammered, interrupting whatever tale Indigo was preparing to dish next, finding the recent claim the hardest to believe. “But she’s always stressing to be a proper lady!”

Indigo and Sour both came to a pause, exchanging hesitant looks with the other. After a few moments of paused silence Indigo spoke back up, “y-y-eah. Obviously! And what makes a girl a proper lady than knowing how to properly please a man?”

“Duh!” Sour quickly added on. “You’ve seen the confidence Rarity has! All of that comes from her experience in the sheets. She knows if she ever finds her special someone, there’s no way he’s going to be disappointed when the lights go out!”

“Oh… I guess that makes sense,” Fluttershy admitted, eliciting a sigh of relief from the two Crystal Preppers.

“Look...” Sour Sweet said, seeking to quickly change the subject. “Losing your virginity is a great first step and all, but at our age, Fluttershy, you’re kind of behind.” She cast the timid high schooler a sympathetic look to convey just how much of an inexperienced fool she was showcasing herself in this conversation of theirs.

“But don’t worry!” Indigo Zap quickly explained before their busty friend could fret again. “As your friends we are going to help you make up for the lost time. We just need to find you a sex coach!”

“A sex coach?!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Yeah. Just some guy or guys willing to give you some experience and pointers for how to handle things in the bedroom. Think of it as a wife internship! A test run! Your way to practice for the big leagues!” Indigo Zap replied cheerfully. “Not just that, it’s a common thing for girls at our school before they get a boyfriend who they really want to impress on their first night.”

“Oh my god, yes! That is a perfect idea, Indigo! Let's do it!” Sour Sweet commented. “But… who can we pick,” she pondered out loud, tapping her chin in thought.

“Hmmmmm, got anyone in mind for a coach, Fluttershy?” Indigo asked.

“Wha… I mean, n-no,” Fluttershy hurriedly shook her head. Honestly having never considered this before. It was all a shock to her that this was even a common thing! The perverted underbelly of their high schools was being exposed all at once! It was a lot to take in.

A casual whistle was heard rounding the corner. Fluttershy quickly covered her mouth as they saw who it was.

“Oh hey there, Score!” Indigo Zap called out cheerfully. Fluttershy turned as white as a ghost. Score turned to face them, becoming quite surprised to see them as a smile crossed his face. “Here, come sit with us!” she said, pushing out the fourth chair from the table.

“Don’t mind if I do!” Score merrily said, scooting on over to the group of busty teenagers. “Fancy running into you all here!”

“Yeah, what are the odds?” Sour Sweet giggled again.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Score greeted affably, like they were the closest of buds.

“H-hi…” she offered back awkwardly. Though it seemed like her past bully was of the same mind as Indigo in that there was no awkwardness between them. It honestly made her feel off about displaying her usual meekness to him.

“So… Score, I hear you three all worked out your differences?” Sour teased.

“Yep… yep… I’m through with all bullying. Sorry about that all. No hard feelings, girls?” Score said, glancing at Indigo and Fluttershy.

“Water under the bridge,” Indigo beamed, glancing expectantly at her friend. “Right, Fluttershy?”

“Yeah… I guess so…” Fluttershy answered. It was nice that he apologized at least, she never would have thought he would do that in a thousand years. Perhaps Indigo and Sour’s methods of bully handling had their merit to them...

“So… Score,” Sour Sweet quickly continued the earlier conversation, “we were just talking and Fluttershy was having a hard time believing girls our age sleep around.”

“Whaaaaa? Of course they do,” Score scoffed. “Pretty much all the girls I know do it!”

“I know right?!” Indigo chuckled.

“I mean… I-I’ve never heard of this before,” Fluttershy admitted.

“Yeah, well they keep it pretty well under wraps for those who shouldn’t know,” Score shrugged. “A lot of prudish teachers are just itching to wag their fingers at us disapprovingly and some jealous virgins would just love the opportunity to tattle on us. Heh, but I clearly remember Cloudy Kicks, Cherry Crash, and Trixie all showing up at my door unannounced and begging me to rail them all.” Score felt his shin receive a subtle kick from Indigo. “Well, okay maybe not quite begging. But they were looking for sex practice so I helped them out,” he corrected.

“That sure was nice of you,” Indigo said.

“Yeah, and even though it’s a thing most of the hot girls at school do, not all of them are so willing to openly admit it like us. So don’t really bring it up around them,” Sour added cautiously.

“Mhm, keep it on the down low, only between friends,” Score said in a low voice. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they outright denied it if anyone asked them. Perfectly fine, they just don’t want the gossip about them going around school.”

Wait-wait…. So you’re one of those cool guys who regularly help girls practice have sex!?” Indigo convincingly gasped.

“Yeah… totally,” Score shrugged nonchalantly. “Why?”

“There aren’t very many guys who are actually qualified to teach and, as it just so happens, that’s what we were talking about with Fluttershy! She just had her first time with you!” Sour Sweet said, quite excitedly.

“Oh nice! Grats!” Score said, patting the busty schoolgirl on the back, hard enough to cause her concealed tit* to jiggle noticeably.


“Well yeah, and she’s a little late to the party and looking to make up for the lost time with some catchup lessons. Think you could help her with that?” Indigo asked, leaning forward in her seat.

“.....Hmmm… well maybe… I guess. But only because my schedule is free.”

“W-wait….” Fluttershy stammered quickly exchanging glances with everyone else at the table as another deal about her was struck without her.

“Oh yeah, Score seems like a perfect fit,” Sour nodded. Noticing Fluttershy hesitant look she added, “well you’ve already done it once before with him and he’s already seen you completely naked right? Do you really want to cross that bridge with another guy?”

“Ummm, I guess not, if you put it that way...” Fluttershy replied, imagining the embarrassment of stripping in front of yet another guy from her school.

“Come on, Fluttershy! We’ll even tag along and help you out!” Indigo Zap offered as an amazing friend willing to spend her time on her. “Sour and I will make sure everything Score does with you is on the up and up!”

“Well…….. Okay…” Fluttershy slowly agreed with a crimson blush as the triple pronged peer pressure laid into her from all angles.

“Then it's agreed then. Let’s head out!” Score beamed as he rose to his feet, once again unable to tear his eyes off Fluttershy’s chest.

For the absolute life of her, Fluttershy hadn’t the slightest idea how exactly she had landed in this predicament, even though it just happened. It didn’t seem that long ago she was lamenting her previous encounter with Score, now here she was, packed in a moving car sitting right next to him!

Indigo had called shotgun with Sour Sweet driving as the car’s owner, her rear view mirror slyly aimed at the infamous flutterbreasts rather than the cars behind her. In the backseats was none other than Fluttershy and Score. The bully’s smiling grin aimed at her provided a sharp contrast to the uncomfortableness the timid girl displayed.

“So… ummmm what-what exactly are we going to be doing for this?” Fluttershy asked uneasily as she stared out the car window, noticing she was being escorted to an unknown location.

“Just a little tutoring to get you into proper shape! Nothing too extreme,” Indigo whistled back. “Oh by the way, I need your phone, Fluttershy.”

“Okay. For what though?” she asked while handing over her mobile device.

“Just to make sure there’s nothing to distract you. You need to be fully focused!” Indigo replied, as she more than happily took and kept the phone from her. The last thing anyone in this car wanted was an annoying text coming in and providing Fluttershy a reason to leave! Flipping the phone to silent mode, Indigo smiled slyly as she brought the device to her lap and unlocked it with the password she had glimpsed from previously looking over the girl’s shoulder. She noticed the GPS tracking app she had secretly installed was still there, which she had snuck into the phone while the girl was unconscious on Score’s bed. Oh sweet innocent Fluttershy. You weren’t going to get away that easily!

Fluttershy bit her lip as Indigo clearly displayed her intent on keeping her phone for the time being, feeling as though she was losing her only lifeline in case things with Score turned bad. Thankfully, she supposed that was why Sour and Indigo were riding along. Sure they were both talking up Score as a reputable instructor, but at this point in time she wouldn’t have been comfortable being alone with him. At the very least though, she was glad her two friends could ensure no funny business took place here.

“Oh man, you are like, way too nervous, Fluttershy,” Score remarked, slapping a hand down on her skirt-concealed thigh, giving it an eager rub. This, of course, only appeared to prove the bully’s point as she flinched at the sudden touch. “I’ve trained a bunch of girls and nervousness is just shouting your inexperience out loud.”

“W-Well I think we’ve covered how I’m p-pretty new to this.”

“You just need to get more comfortable in your own skin!” Score beamed. “And as your newly appointed coach, that’s going to be my first lesson to you!”

“I...I don’t know about that…” Fluttershy stammered, casting her uneasy gaze downwards.

*Ahem* Score was heard clearing his throat.

“Well you don’t even want to know what my coach had me do to get me more comfortable!” Sour Sweet spoke from the driver's seat. “I was at a party in a house packed full of guys and my sex coach told me I had to strip down, completely nude, and stay like that for the entire night!”

“Oh yeah, totally. Me too! And I had to walk up to each one of them and ask if they wanted to feel me up or pose for a few pics,” Indigo quickly added. “Let’s have her do that!”

“Eep…” The color drained from Fluttershy’s face, imagining herself being made to do such things in a crowded public place. Like a scene from a waking nightmare!

“Now now, girls,” Score chided them lightly. “We need to be considerate of Fluttershy’s feelings as well! I don’t think she’ll like that, so as her coach, I’m going to start things off much easier for her. No reason to get anyone else besides us involved for the moment.”

An overwhelming rush of relief flooded through the fat chested high schooler, coupled with a desire to even thank Score. In a way, it was perhaps the strangest feeling she had felt today.

“So, lesson one for now is going to be simple touching,” Score insisted.

“Oh come on!” Indigo gasped.

“Yeah-that’s way too easy!” Sour added.

Fluttershy was actually left slightly giggling at her friend’s reactions, believing she was getting off easy in all of this. She smiled now as Score’s hands ventured upwards from her thigh, now slightly less uncomfortable than before.

“So… you’re knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff?” she asked, finding herself willing to try and break the ice to at least make the close encounter easier for her.

“Oh you betcha,” Score bragged to her with a smile. “When it comes to sex, I have to admit, I’m a bit of a self taught expert. You know, not many guys do this, but I’ve spent years combing the internet each and every day, researching the latest trends and informative videos about sex. I’ve even looked abroad and overseas, reading what different cultures like the ‘Japanese’ do with their women. Turns out there’s a lot more tentacles than you’d imagine.”


“It’s not important right now. Actually, Indigo,” Score called out.


“Mind taking my phone and snapping a quick pic of the two of us?” he said, offering her his device with a sly wink. “Just a quick memento I do with all my new students.”

“......Sure!” Indigo’s smile grew even wider as she gave him a knowing nod, before aiming the camera at the both of them. Score happily wrapped his arm around Fluttershy, pulling her in close. Fluttershy on the other hand, relieved that she was actually in her clothes this time, offered the camera a normal smile. “Alright… on three!”

Elsewhere in Canterlot, Rainbow Dash was spending her afternoon at the public basketball court. She was adorned in a loose tank top and shorts, exposing much of her sweat glistening skin. It was a triumphant sweat too seeing as the reason she was here was because Hoops had challenged her to a game. Normally, Rainbow Dash had better things to do, but in this case she eagerly accepted, the sole reason being she hated Hoops. Did she want an entire afternoon wiping the floor with a self-righteous, chauvinistic, punk who didn’t know when to shut up and had come up with the nickname: Rainbow Crash? One would deserve a slap in the face for even asking such stupid questions.

“Haha!” Rainbow Dash called out as she shot from downtown, the ball hitting nothing but net. “Another three for RBD! And the crowd goes wild!”

Hoops grumbled annoyedly as he tossed the basketball back to the rainbow-haired athlete. Of course she was winning. She didn’t have all the manly muscles weighing her down that men had to put up with.

“Yeah… yeah… I really have no clue why your parents named you ‘Hoops’,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. She could do this all day. No really. She had prepared and memorized a list of one-liners far ahead of time. And Rainbow couldn’t help but squeal at how the normally talkative Hoops was just taking it without saying anything… Just like his mom on her honeymoon night! Swish!

A phone chimed out from the sidelines.

“Whoops! Time-out!” Rainbow Dash called out, passing the ball over to her opponent. “Gotta see who that is.”

“Yeah… sure thing, Rainbow,” Hoops said, catching the ball and checking his watch.

The euphoric chuckling Rainbow Dash jogged over to her phone, seeing the newly arrived message. To her surprise, it was a picture… from an unknown number. Curiously, she opened it in full resolution.

“Is… is that Fluttershy sitting next to… SCORE?!” Rainbow Dash audibly gasped. Sure enough, as clear as day, her busty and horribly naïve friend was seated in the backseat of someone’s car with none other than Canterlot High’s biggest and worst bully of all time with his arm wrapped around her. And infinitely weirder than that, Fluttershy was giving the camera an awkward smile, showing at the very least she wasn’t being dragged away against her will. “What in the ever living hell is going on!?”

A few moments later a message was texted below the image reading: Going to totally nail this stacked slu*t up at my lake house. She has no idea what’s coming! Can’t wait to get my dick wet in her!

“Oh my god. Oh my god!!!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she began to sweat even harder than she was while playing ball. An obnoxious amount of eggplant emojis were texted next. Code red! This was a defcon 1 code red! Not a drill! Her fingers rapidly tapped on the phone, shooting back a text, one of the million questions she had for the sender.

But, to her dismay, her message was not received. Her phone indicated the sender had blocked her, likely upon realizing they had sent the image to the wrong recipient.

Thinking quickly now, the worrying Rainbow swapped over, rapidly sending out a text to Fluttershy. Questioning why she was with that horrible example of a human being, how in the world this had happened, and the state of her current mental capacity. Seriously! It would have been better if Fluttershy got in a car alone with a complete stranger than Score!

“Mmmmmmmmmmm…. Right on cue,” Indigo Zap purred lovingly back in the car. Fluttershy’s phone, turned on silent mode and placed between her clamped thighs made quite a passable vibrator as it constantly buzzed from the flurry of texts coming in. Rainbow Dash’s worries were quite literally getting her off.

“Um, is that my phone?” Fluttershy asked from the backseat, hearing the noise.

“No, it’s mine,” Indigo answered with a dismissive wave of her hand.

“f*ck! f*ck!!! She’s not answering!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Of course she wasn’t! Score had his clutches deep in her. There was no way he was going to let a warning from her friends slip through. Switching back to the other text, she scanned everything, glaring angrily at the image of the despicable Score with his greedy arm around her close friend, as if rubbing her nose in it! Her eyes caught something she might be able to work with. “Lake house… lake house... Score has a lake house?” Maybe he did, Rainbow couldn’t say she ever got to know the bully, so she certainly didn’t know where it would be. If she did she could easily show up at the front door and dole out some much deserved ass kicking. But, coincidentally, maybe there was someone she could ask as her eyes slowly shifted over to Hoops.

“Hoops! Hey Hoops!” Rainbow exclaimed, sprinting over to him.

“Yeah? What?” The boy asked as he idly sipped from his water. “You have some other name you want to insult me with?”

“N-No. I mean… Does Score have a lake house?”

“What? Score? I mean, yeah, he does. I’ve been there a few times. He mostly just uses it as a private place to bring chicks to absolutely wreck. Said bringing them out there all alone helps with the ‘implications’ and it hasn’t failed him once yet.”

Rainbow resisted the great urge to roll her eyes at the comment. “Okay… can you, like, tell me where it is?”

“Up in the mountains by some lake, where do you think?” Hoops scoffed. “What, you thinking of going up there with him?”

“Yes… n-n-no! Not like that!” Rainbow answered, quickly becoming flustered. Hoops couldn’t help but chuckle, loving the sight of the athlete off her game for the first time today. “Just look!” she said, showing him the picture of Score and Fluttershy in the car. “He sent this to me by accident!”

Nice…” Hoops whistled, leaning down to inspect the image of his friend’s catch. He personally knew that Score had been barking up the Fluttershy tree for ages. Who said hard work didn’t pay off? “Probably meant to send that one out to the bros. He brags about his game a lot, but we don’t really care about these pics. The good stuff is what he sends out to us all after he’s finished with them…” Rainbow Dash's face turned a visible shade of white as Hoops took another casual sip of water, loving every second of this. “Yeah… I mean… I’ll give Fluttershy a bit, but it’s more likely, by the end of the night, Score is going to be halfway to hell. Well, unless Fluttershy can resist Score’s advances. She seems like a smart girl who can handle a ladies’ man. I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

“I have to stop this!” Rainbow Dash replied quickly, clawing her hair out, conveying how little faith she had in Fluttershy’s womanly defenses against the male gender.

“What? You don’t even know where his lake house is! And you jogged here! So you don’t even have your car!” Hoops hinted.

“Oh my god, you’re right. B-b-b-but...wait... you drove here! And you know where his lake house is!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pleading to the classmate she had been taunting on the court just minutes ago. She grabbed two desperate handfuls of his shirt before asking, “can you drive me?” Normally she would have texted just about anyone else she knew for help in the matter, or had challenged Hoops to a game for the information she needed, but now there was only the distinct feeling that every second counted. There was no time to do any of that!

“What? Are you serious? Hell no! I don’t owe you any favors! Especially not after you’ve been making fun of me all day!” Hoops scoffed, turning around and giving Rainbow a side eye glance.

“B-b-but that was just-it wasn’t even-uggggg!” Rainbow Dash ground her teeth together in utter frustration at Hoop’s apparent stubbornness. Of course he didn’t want to help! He was about to get some explicit photographs of a naked and used Fluttershy. Something most guys at school would willingly dig deep into their college tuition in order to catch a glimpse of. On top of that, there was no doubt the pictures would eventually make their way online! His interests were obviously in letting Score have his way with her friend and she wasn’t exactly in Hoop’s good graces after their game. f*ck! She had completely dug herself into this hole.

Well, knowing Hoops, there was one thing she could do to get her way… Rainbow Dash was a loyal friend, willing to do anything to help one of her close besties. And that was the only reason she was willing to offer…


“Oh, that’s me,” Score remarked back in the car as he checked his own phone. A wide smirk spread on his lips as he peered at the large sent message. Today just could not have been going better! “Oh good, my dry cleaning is done. Now then, Fluttershy,” he said, turning to face the busty pinkette. “As a newbie, I bet you’re still pretty overwhelmed with all this stuff, right? Thinking there’s no way all of your friends do stuff like this. Ol’ Score must be pulling my leg.”

“W-well… if I’m being honest, it did cross my mind, a few times,” Fluttershy bashfully admitted. Years of her friendship with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had at least made her aware of the slight possibility of a prank being pulled here, so her defenses were still up. But she figured it would have been outright rude to accuse anyone of that if they were sincerely trying to help her.

“Hey, I can’t blame you, I would be wrongfully doubting too if I was in your shoes. Buuuuuut, this little collection here was taken by another sex coach I don’t even know how long ago. Tell me what you think of it,” Score grinned, displaying the series of images sent over from his good friend.

Fluttershy squinted at the pictures. It appeared to be Hoops, driving his own car and next to him in shotgun was none other than her friend Rainbow Dash, wearing her sporting attire, arms crossed over her respectable chest, and a wide blush of her face, looking quite annoyed. Hoops’s phone had been positioned on his dashboard and was set to take snapshots of the two high schoolers at preset intervals while Hoops drove what appeared to be up into the mountains. Fluttershy didn’t have the foggiest idea why the two of them would normally be spending any time together. She had often heard no shortage of rants from her friend about the bully who constantly teased and taunted her. Claiming, among many other things, he only wanted to get into her pants.

Swiping to the next picture in the series made Fluttershy swallow hard. Rainbow Dash was bent over in Hoops’s lap by a firm hand on the back of her head. Rainbow had fished her own bully’s easily accessible co*ck out of his shorts with a grimace on her face as it throbbed mere inches away from her. From Fluttershy’s impression, it didn’t seem like her friend was even aware the phone was snapping pictures of her. And she was certainly too distracted to notice now.

The next three pictures were of Rainbow Dash swallowing her pride along with a mouthful of bully co*ck. Giving Hoops a tremendous helping of road head as he wore the biggest smirk on his face ever, driving with one hand on the wheel as the other steadily led the mouth of his lustful conquest up and down his twitching shaft. In the next, Fluttershy saw the mischievous hand of Hoops venture down from Rainbow’s head to grasp at the hem of her loose tank top.

Another picture showed he had successfully stripped her top off, Rainbow seen back up in her seat quite angry at him now that she only had a sport’s bra covering her chest. Probably calling him a collection of names as colorful as her hair. Then Hoops was seen, having pulled his car over to the side of the road, giving Rainbow a testing look if she really wanted to play that game. His throbbing co*ck was still below, twitching for the desired attention it was owed. He didn't give much stock when it came to a girl's intelliegence, but he at least had faith she was smart enough to know that the last thing a cute half-topless girl like Rainbow Dash wanted now was to be dumped out of the car in the middle of nowhere without her phone.

After that, Rainbow was seen back sucking Hoops off again in his lap and the car now once again moving. The bully was back to his grand enjoyment of the treatment fit for a king as Rainbow’s sloppy lips slid up and down his shaft. But the king desired more from his concubine, his impish fingers reaching underneath the tight material of Rainbow’s sports bra. She was glaring feistily, yet working her tongue while humiliated and embarrassed all the same.

Her friend had fully resigned herself to her fate, raising her arms to allow the removal of her bra. Best making it quick too so Hoops wasn’t too distracted from the road. Her lips promptly returned to their dutiful task now that her face was as crimson as the red part of her hair. It was almost certain Hoops had reached below to cop a few feels of her luscious mounds after that. She could only pray no one driving besides them peeked in through the window to see her like this.

In the next frame, Rainbow was sitting back up in her seat, reluctantly raising her hips off it as she struggled to slide off her shorts and thong in one fell swoop. He was pushing things to far but she honestly had no choice! Her blushing face was the perfect image of utter humiliation at the hands of her own bully, now fully coming to terms he had full control over her. The whistling Hoops was collecting all of her clothing to the left of his seat, likely with the promise she could get it all back before they arrived at their destination.

The now utterly naked Rainbow Dash was seen back in her master’s lap servicing his desires. Her legs were left open wide to balance herself, unknowingly allowing the phone to clearly capture a perfect image of a rainbow colored landing strip above her beautifully exposed puss*. The quite happy Hoops had swapped hands on the wheel. His free hand now closely gripped the complete collection of his conquest’s clothes.

In the next picture, Rainbow’s eyes were seen shooting open wide as Hoops came into her mouth, obviously without warning. Seeing as her head was held firmly down by her bully’s iron grip, and had been disallowed to spit, she had no choice but to swallow the full salty substance down her throat. Hoops was only groaning in utter satisfaction, releasing what seemed like the largest payload in his entire life, with Rainbow stomach as his desired destination. But that wasn’t all. In Rainbow’s moment of distraction, Hoops had tossed all of her clothes out of the open window. The various articles flowing in the wind as the car sped away from them. With her face in a groin, Rainbow had no idea her only option of cover had literally gone out the window.

“See, Fluttershy?” Score called out, dragging Fluttershy back to reality. “Every girl gets down and dirty with their bully from time to time! I could show you more proof, but, you know, I’m trying to respect their privacy and all.”

“Hey can you send me a copy of the evidence too?” A giggling Indigo was heard from the front seat.

“Me too!” Sour added.

“Sure thing!”

Fluttershy was left blinking in shock. It was all true! She could no longer deny it. The irrefutable evidence was laid out bare before her. And if Rainbow Dash had been hiding that from her, who knows what other dirty things her other friends were secretly doing behind her back!

“I-I’m sorry I doubted you,” Fluttershy meekly apologized. She actually felt quite foolish for even being skeptical about it all now. Doubting Score’s good word like that? If she didn’t know any better she was turning into the bully now!

“Apology accepted, Fluttershy,” Score beamed, patting her on the back. “You can make it up to me later.”

“Okay… but where was Hoops taking Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked, curious as to the forest location she managed to notice.

“Just to his lake house,” Score replied back. “There were actually a few of Rainbow’s bullies there waiting for her. Going to be very efficient for her to deal with them all at the same time as they all have some pent up desires they’ve been waiting ages to give her.”

“Hoops has a lake house?” Fluttershy asked.

Chapter 3: Twilight attends a Sleepover (Part 1)

Chapter Text

For the record, Twilight Sparkle always firmly maintained that just because she may have once talked to her dog more than actual human beings did not necessarily equate to her being anti-social! No, no, no, she was just a normal girl who could function just fine in typical teenager social settings…

Oh, who was she kidding? She was an introverted train wreck when it came to other people. Regardless of what she thought of herself, that’s how everyone who knew her at Crystal Prep saw her.

But they were all wrong… eventually. Proof of that became evident enough once she transferred over to Canterlot Highschool and found a close group of friends to spend time with. With them, she learned how to talk, mingle, hang, and gossip in flawless urban slang. But it had always bugged her that the others at her previous high school had left her life with the wrong impression of her. It wasn’t a note she wanted to end on.

That was why one day when she received a fateful text from Sunny Flare inviting her and her alone to a small slumber party with herself, Lemon Zest, and Sugarcoat. Naturally she instantly jumped at the opportunity to reconnect with her old classmates. With luck, they would see her as the confident and socially non-awkward individual she had become… and hopefully spread that information to the others at school so they were aware of it as well. That would certainly save time and who wasn’t a fan of efficiency these days?

It would be easy. Slumber parties were a walk in the park! She had done plenty of them with Pinkie Pie and her other friends. One might even be able to claim she could attend them in her sleep…

Twilight chuckled at her remarkable humorous wit, as she walked up the front porch of Sunny Flare’s home, brimming with confidence.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

The door opened to reveal the hostess herself. “Hi there, Sunny Flare! I’m here for the party.”

“Hey there, Twi. You’re right on time!” Sunny Flare warmly replied back, checking her watch. “Like… exactly right on time. Down to the minute.”

“Oh… was I? How strange,” Twilight laughed as she was allowed inside. Social skills lesson number one and two: punctuality was key, and not mentioning to anyone how punctuality was key was also key. “So where is everyone at?” she asked, looking at the empty living room and dining area. No decorations or snacks of any kind appeared to be set up. Curious.

“They’re just upstairs in my room, we spend most of our time there,” Sunny Flare shrugged. “And my parents are out of town for the weekend. That’s why we decided to hang out. Come on!” she beckoned her upstairs. So good so far!

It was a short hike up and through the hall. Upon crossing the threshold into Sunny’s bedroom Twilight laid her eyes upon Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat, both of whom appeared to be laying around and waiting with bored expressions on their faces. All of that changed the moment they saw her.

“There you are, Twilight!” Sugarcoat grinned.

“You’re finally here!” Lemon Zest also exclaimed, popping up from her prone position on the hostess’s bed.

“Oh… wow, heh heh,” Twilight slightly blushed at the unexpectedly warm welcome. “You guys waiting on me or something?”

“Heck yeah! This party was totally going to be dull if you never showed up!” Lemon Zest replied.

“She just means we were waiting for everyone to show up before we got started,” Sunny Flare corrected.

Totally,” Twilight mimicked in her best relaxed chill voice, just for a moment though before she reverted back to her old self. “So what is on the agenda for tonight anyway? I should let you know I’m prepared for anything you girls are up for! Maybe a little truth or dare, some board games perhaps, or… or maybe even a pillow fight?”

“Board games? Pillow fights? Haha, come on, Twilight! This isn’t a slumber party for toddlers!” Lemon Zest laughed.

Even Sunny Flare was left smiling. “We’re all adults here, so we party as such. Case in point,” she said with a point to a case of beer, which in this case, proved her point. Sugarcoat pulled it out from under Sunny’s bed. Presumably hidden away from her parent’s view. Quite scandalous!

She casually tossed a can to each of them, Twilight catching hers with a perplexed expression, blinking several times before catching herself. “Hahah, duh! Of course that’s what we’re doing! Not like any of us are going to have to worry about driving home tonight!” She breathed a sigh of relief at her save. A bit of an unexpected turn, but to be fair, she should have expected some more mature activities from the different types of upper class women one could typically find at Crystal Prep. Not everyone was like Pinkie Pie. That wasn’t a bad thing. Variety in life was always welcome.

As a normal sociable adult woman, she cracked open the can, took a deep breath, and began to drink, ever oblivious to the three sly gazes the Crystal Preppers were shooting her with a smile as she did so.

The night had progressed well from there for a few hours. Though the alcohol was unexpected, Twilight did have to theorize that a universally tipsy atmosphere among all participants at the party would only increase the ease and chances of her fitting in as a nonoutlier of their group!

“Sooooo, Royal Pin… hot or not?” Sunny Flare gushed to Sugarcoat while they sat on her bed together.

“Would totally smash,” Sugarcoat giggled, now slightly inebriated herself as she ventured away from her usual cold and distant attitude that she was known for. “Like, who wouldn’t?”

“Same! He’s a hunk,” Lemon Zest concurred from her bean bag with a wave of her hand. Twilight tactfully chose to stay silent on that one, knowing it was best not to go against the group consensus with a clique, especially not on such trivial matters. She instead took another long sip of beer the trio insistently cracked open for her to drink as soon as they were done encouraging her to finish the previous one. She swore she had consumed more beer than anyone else so far, which was good. The last thing she wanted to be accused of here was being a light weight who couldn’t handle a bit of booze.

Regarding the matter of Royal Pin, although she had to admit he had looks he was one of those boys with a hunger for sex and most of the time his gaze turned specially to her in an attempt to satisfy it. Word around her old school was he had a thing for the nerdy glasses-wearing girls, which was often proven by all the times he made crude sexual remarks to her. She even recalled him so “kindly” offering her a ride home from school one day when it was pouring. Of course, upon graciously accepting said ride in order to not appear rude, she soon discovered Royal had meant a drive to his home.

“Next up… yay or neigh on Soarin?” Sugarcoat followed up. Twilight shrugged on that one, he was okay.

“Been there, done that!” Sunny said with an impish grin.

“Oh my gosh, you slu*t!” Lemon laughed with a playful shove.

“Hey now! No judging! I slept with him too,” Sugarcoat gushed. “I mean, come on! When the freaking captain of the football team comes knocking at your door, you pretty much have to spread those legs!”

The three tipsy girls let loose another chorus of girlish laughter that Twilight could not help but blush silently at.

“You’re being awfully quiet, Twilight. What about you?” Sugar Coat asked as they turned their attention towards her. “Get much juicy action with the studs over at Canterlot High? I hear the girls over there get it on like rabbits. Heh heh, a few of us thought that might have been the real reason you wanted to change schools.”

“U-Uhhhh well…” Twilight stammered.

“I’m sure she does! I mean, who wouldn’t!?” Lemon Zest interjected. “I could barely keep my hands off some of those hunks I saw at the Friendship Games. Meeeooow! They could bend me over any day of the week.”

“I don’t know, girls~” Sugarcoat cooed in a teasing manner, looking at Twilight’s crimson face. “I don’t think that blush is from the beer. I think Twilight might actually be a pathetic virgin!” A collective round of gasps was heard.

“N-No! No I’m not!” Twilight outright lied in an attempt to defend her social status.

The girls broke out into giggles again. “We’re just pulling your leg, Twi,” Sugarcoat said. “We know you’re not a virgin. Shesh, only girls that are the total social shut-ins types haven’t popped their cherries by now.”

“Heh heh, yeah, could you imagine looking as good as we do and not being able to find a single guy who wants to take them to pound town?” Lemon giggled. “Those girls sure as heck wouldn’t be welcomed at our slumber parties!”

“Like… duh, of course!” Twilight nervously laughed. Oh boy. “I’ve had sex… l-like everyone else.”

“Well, good… then if we’re all adults who have actually pressed butts together with another guy, I’m going to assume no one here will have any objections to tonight’s entertainment?” Sunny Flare eyed them all while waking up her computer on the nearby desk. The large 4k monitor made it easy enough for everyone to clearly see what was on it.

Twilight had to stifle a gasp as the first thing that popped onto the screen was a video on a very dirty website of the p*rnographic variety! A couple who had misplaced all of their clothing were seen engaging in the act of coitus. The quite muscular man had a female p*rnstar pinned beneath him atop a hotel bed, ruthlessly thrusting into her passage as the recipient wantonly moaned like a woman of ill repute! The hostess just gave a dirty grin as she stepped back so all could see.

“Nice…!” Lemon Zest moaned as her eyes locked on the screen.

“Hey, I know this girl. Didn’t know her next vid was out already,” Sugarcoat commented.

“Brand new. I dished out to sub to her on PonHub,” Sunny bragged. “Also follow her on Twitter and Insta.”

Twilight’s jaw nearly hit her lap. They were just sitting there… casually watching p*rnography like it was the most normal thing in the world! Was this what went on at typical girl’s slumber parties?! There was so much she hadn’t prepared for! This wasn’t in any of her notes! Was the reason this wasn’t mentioned in her guide books simply due to their adult nature? It was understandable but still unethical for a publisher to omit key details simply due to the subject matter.

The p*rnstar gave a rather deep moan as the man rearranging her insides delivered a rather harsh slap to her round-shaped posterior. Twilight wasn’t left with the foggiest clue why he was disciplining her so… she was doing everything the man wanted her to do. Why dole out negative reinforcement for that?

Sunny Flare, however, was only left biting her lip in perverted excitement. “Girls… I think it’s high time we all get dressed for bed. What do you think?”

“Yeah, yeah. It was getting rather hot in here!” Lemon Zest added, reaching down to grab the hemline of her Crystal Prep school uniform. Twilight watched as the tops came off, revealing three different pairs of bras that bounced into view. They didn’t stop there, each of them jumping to their feet as skirts and socks were removed next.

“Twilight? Why are you just sitting there?” Sugarcoat asked, casually unclipping her skirt and letting it fall to the bedroom floor. The nerd couldn’t help but stare slightly as the girl’s black laced panties came into view.

“You weren’t planning on sleeping in your street clothes were you? It’s undies only here once the fun gets started!” Sunny Flare giggled.

“Oh… y-y-yeah… I’m fine with that!” Twilight scoffed at them, standing up as she too began to strip. As someone who had totally had sex before, she wasn’t afraid of showing a little skin. Not like this was remotely comparable to sex. This was mere locker room levels of nudity. But it certainly went along with the apparent theme of the hot and uninhibited night! Or maybe that was just all the beer talking.

As Twilight focused herself to the task of disrobing and hauling her top overhead she did not notice how all three Crystal Preppers were smiling at her as each article of hers came off, only widening as each and every item hit the floor. They sat patiently, silently observing every detail, mentally preparing a few encouraging remarks in the event the nerd started to hesitate. Thankfully, Twilight found herself more than willing to play along for now without an objection.

Sure, she didn’t exactly come to this thing expecting to be getting into her undies, but thankfully the ones she happened to be wearing matched her cute laced black set of bra and panties. Lemon Zest gave two geeky thumbs up of approval as the goods came into clearer view.

“Alright… I’ll just go put this in the wash,” Sunny Flare said casually, as if suggesting this was something they did all the time. She quickly gathered up all of the discarded clothing in the room.

“Oh, that’s my phone,” Twilight noted, noticing her device in the discard pile was scooped up quickly by Sunny before she could grab it herself.

“Don’t worry, I’ll hold onto it! You sure as heck won’t be needing it tonight. We have so much planned!” she giggled, without another word, sprinting out with them. Not even leaving time for Twilight to question her or thank her offering to wash everything. Instead, she merely bit her tongue as she watched her depart, not noticing Sunny Flare had mostly concerned herself with gathering up primarily every piece of her clothing first and leaving, and in her haste, left a few scraps of Crystal Prep uniforms from everyone else laying about. Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest both hastily kicked them under the bed while Twilight’s head was turned.

“Now where were we?” Sugarcoat asked, quick to move things along before Twilight could protest.

“Looking at Sunny’s online p*rn collection?” Lemon Zest worked in.

“Ugggg, yeah, her stuff is so vanilla,” Sugarcoat groaned, seemingly taking advantage of the brief absence of the hostess. “Bet she’s one of those people who think incest is an extreme kink. Let's put on something else!”

“Well… Twilight’s the new one here. I feel like the first pick should go to her.”

“Whatever,” Sugarcoat shrugged, walking over and rudely plopping down Twilight in the office chair she had been using, causing her newly freed and respectable breasts to bounce slightly in her bra’s embrace. The other two girls worked in tandem to wheel the nerd directly in front of the computer, front and center! The best view in the house! “You choose, Twilight. What do you want to get off to first?”

“Yeah, I’ve been curious to know, what kind of p*rn are you into?” Lemon Zest grinned, the underwear-clad girl leaning down low to grin mischievously at her. “Bondage? BDSM? Toys? Hentai?”

“POV? Cuckolding? gangb*ngs? Orgies? Anal fisting?” Sugarcoat continued.

“W-W-Well… I… ummmm,” Twilight said with all of the cadence of a girl who had never once been bothered by the adult website blocker her parents had installed on her home computer. “It’s all good… right?”

Both girls exchanged glances before breaking out into mad laughter. “Wow-okay...heh heh, I never knew you had such a dirty side, Twilight!” Lemon Zest giggled. “A real p*rn aficionado here!”

“What?” Sunny Flare fake gasped as she reentered the room having overheard. “Twilight’s secretly a naughty girl? Oh I never would have guessed~.”

“Heh heh… yeah…” Twilight chuckled apprehensively as Sunny walked behind the computer to join Sugarcoat, but excited she was winning the approval of her peers against the odds.

“Okay, okay, how about this one?” Sugarcoat said, clicking on a video herself. Twilight swallowed hard as a different stacked woman was seen, with natural breasts slightly larger than her own. A naked blonde, sitting obediently on her knees as a man standing before her maintained a rather ironclad grip on her scalp. He was naked too, but Twilight did not catch much of his dick seeing as it was currently occupying the busty blonde’s gullet! It was in deep… to the point where the p*rnstar looked uncomfortable with a large protruding bulge jutting out of her throat. Her eyes were rolled back, the makeup around them smearing downwards as she cried, tears rolling down her cheeks, the sound of the messy deep throat echoed through the bedroom as his hips constantly jutted against her red face.

None of the schoolgirls had said anything, they had merely retreated off to the sides leaving Twilight as the only one directly in front of the computer. Sunny and Sugar on the bed on the left with Lemon on the beanbag to the right. With everything that had happened so far, Twilight wasn’t the least bit surprised to see what they were doing next. A light gasp escaped Sunny’s lips as a hand of hers reached beneath her panties, the animated fabric barrier made no secret to what her fingers were doing. A damp spot in Sugarcoat’s panties were clearly seen as the teenager merely laid back in the bed, feeling up her own tit*.

While still a virgin, Twilight was no novice when it came to the art of self-pleasure. This would, however, certainly be the first time she would do so in a group setting. Twilight turned her attention back to the screen, watching the action closely.

She had never looked at p*rnography either… but this “deep throat”… this should not even have been a thing! The pair weren’t making passionate love for a mutually beneficial arrangement, everything was for the man’s sole pleasure and enjoyment! And how did the man respond to the woman’s generosity? He had the gall to be treating her like an absolute object! A thing! Not as a woman of value, but as a toy, a plaything, one whose sole purpose in life was to drop to her knees and suck co*ck! It even looked genuine from the male, despite the fact he was supposed to be putting on a hot act. It was bad, but Twilight knew she had to play along to keep up appearances. She couldn’t be getting wet feet now after her earlier comment.

As her finger pressed against her panties to her cl*t, a pleasurable shiver ran up her spine. She obviously wasn’t liking this... No, of course not. p*rn on a screen was no different than her active imagination had been, right? It was purely a biological response to an external stimulant. Nothing possibly suggested she enjoyed watching a fellow member of her gender be treated like an absolute co*ck sock by a male.

Her fingers moved behind her panties, dancing lightly along her folds in the bare minimum to continue her act. But even then she couldn’t help ‘accidentally’ brushing up against just the right spots… for appearance’s sake. Over time her fingers slowly began to dance on her folds in earnest as they quickly became wet. With her full attention now on the act of complete degradation on screen, she didn’t notice how the three girls to the side of her seemed more focused on her, rather than the p*rn, yet still touching themselves. She did, however, briefly notice the expensive-looking webcam positioned atop the monitor pointed down at her… and with the way the wide room was set up, no one else to either side of her would be seen in the shot… but there was no reason to suspect anything of it, or that it was even on.

The girls let the scene play out for a few minutes, thankful to the male p*rnstar for lasting long enough to drag his deep throat out. Despite her initial hesitation, the tipsy and aroused Twilight seemed to be getting more caught up in the heat of the room, leaning back in the chair while fully engrossed in the action. Now letting regular moans of pleasure escape her lips as her nimble digits caressed her slick folds.

Sugar and Sunny both exchanged silent giggles at the other, half pretending to masturbat* now as they watched their naïve prey stroke herself… completely and utterly unaware of how many guys from Crystal Prep were watching this secret live stream. Lemon Zest herself was stifling laughter, disguised as her moans, still finding it hard to believe they were pulling this all off.

Sunny Flare’s sharp eye was trained on Twilight as the nerd’s heat increased, her eyes closing shut, her back arched off the chair, her fingers going into overdrive to bring her over the-

“STOP!” Sunny Flare exclaimed suddenly, breaking Twilight from her lust-included trance, her fingers shooting out of her panties despite her whining body’s insistence on climaxing.

“W-w-wha? What is it?” Twilight stammered in a slight daze.

“I just remembered… we don’t have to settle for some cheap run-of-the-mill p*rn! I have something much more special lined up for us tonight! Some locally produced action sent out in a chat group!”

“Ooooo!” Lemon Zest snickered excitedly. “One of our classmates getting some?”

“Who?” Twilight asked with a blush, ignoring her body’s insistence her wet fingers finish off what she started for the time being. A good amount of curiosity at such gossip was proving to be quite the distraction.

“I don’t even know yet. I like to keep it a mystery until you start it… But it lets us play a fun little game! Right, girls?” Sunny Flare giggled.

“Whoever is closest to the people in the video has to strip,” Sugarcoat leaned over to inform the newbie, but not close enough so that her underwear-clad form was in the webcam’s view. “Everyone strips if we’re all equally close.”

“Twilight being here makes it fun,” Lemon Zest added. “How about we strip if it's a Crystal Prep student and Twilight, you get naked if it’s a Canterlot High student!”

“N-Naked?” Twilight froze up. But it seemed evident the fast-paced horny school girls weren’t going to give her a chance to compute the odds on this particular wager, assuming her cooperation from the get-go.

“Drum-roll, ladies…” Sunny Flare teased, scrolling through her phone to find the fabled video of the night. Lemon and Sugarcoat both held their hands behind their back, appearing as if they were ready to strip their bras off the moment the loser was announced. Sunny paired her phone to her monitor, quickly noting with a grin the livestream audience was now well into the double digits, before opening the video file which appeared on screen. She paused it immediately as the very first second of it revealed the answer.

“Is that… Score?!” Twilight gasped. CHS’s top bully’s face was clearly seen smirking at the camera aimed at himself, held within his grasp.

“Canterlot High School it is!” Sunny Flare proclaimed. Lemon and Sugarcoat both breathed fake sighs of relief before all three of them turned to Twilight with expectant evil grins.

“You know the rules, Twilight,” Lemon Zest giggled. “Strip! Strip! Strip!”

“H-How much?” Twilight asked meekly.

Everything…” Sugar Coat stressed with a greedy lick of her lips.

“Yep, time to get naked, CHS!” Sunny Flare piled on, a triple pronged attack of peer pressure directed at the naïve teenage schoolgirl they knew was completely desperate for their approval, as she should be.

“Well... o-okay, I guess,” Twilight nervously replied, still quite confident everything happening was still good natured fun. Now a combination of the alcohol and arousal from a near climax overwhelming her senses. She stood up from the chair and started to move.

“No-no! Stand right there!” Sunny Flare urged, casting an innocent glance to the webcam. “Strip in the center of the room. That’s the rules!” She hoped that didn’t sound too suspicious.

Twilight nodded as she maintained her position directly in front of the monitor. Sucking in a gut full of air, she reached behind her back and began to fiddle with the straps to her bra. All three of her peers leaned forward in eager anticipation.

Twilight winced as her bra came loose and slipped free from her shoulders, allowing her two ample breasts to bounce free from their soft prison. She had just noticed Score’s smirking face was paused on the monitor, as if he were watching her get undressed! He was quite the popular bully at CHS, mainly known for having hormones coming out of his ears! While Fluttershy tanked most of his perverted gazes, Twilight had caught him giving her passing glances in the hall whenever her bustier friend wasn't around. It was more than likely he would have loved to be watching her strip now… But she drew comfort in knowing there was no way that jock would ever see her exposed like this, except in his wildest dreams. The webcam silently twitched up and down as it focused, as if nodding to agree with the girl’s sentiment.

Twilight couldn’t help but nervously laugh as her panties hitting the bedroom floor were met with rowdy cheers from her three friends. If she didn’t know any better, she was quickly becoming the life of the party! Top marks for her first, more mature, sleepover.

“Woooo! You go girl!” Lemon hollered.

“Yeah! Give us a little spin!” Sugarcoat exclaimed. Twilight’s blush deepened at the constant attention but she complied, rotating about to give everyone watching a complete look at her body’s full nudity.

“Heh heh, alright. Throw your undies to me,” Sugar Coat chuckled, quickly noting the live stream exploded in a slew of lewd comments as she put down her phone. Twilight did so as the Crystal Prepper caught them and sauntered out of the room, shooting her a sly wink as she left. “Just gonna hide them real quick so no one is tempted to get dressed!”

It was only then Twilight fully realized not only was she completely naked but her clothes were gone too! If there was a fire, she would have no choice but to run out into the street like this! That would certainly be humiliating.

“So… how did you girls even get this video?” Twilight asked, attempting to distract her mind into thinking of literally anything else… and she was rather curious about that, truth be told. It was certainly odd, seeing as some Crystal Preppers were walking around with amateur produced p*rn from a CHS student. Seeing as he went to a different school, it was doubtful they really knew Score, and even more doubtful they would have tolerated him if they had ever gotten to know the type of guy he was.

“Ummmm, we’re… consultants… in a group chat of students… who are looking to improve their… action in bed,” Sugarcoat explained slowly, struggling to find the right phrasing. “Yeah so stuff like this gets shared all the time and we provide a much needed girl’s perspective on it. All of the videos are shown with everyone’s consent… of course.”

“...Yep! Consent!” Lemon Zest added on with a pointing finger of agreement to her friend. “That magic word. They’re all totally fine with it!”

“Alright! Enough stalling! Let’s watch the vid that was sent over already!” Sunny Flare beamed, sliding on the floor as she popped back into the room, brimming with sexual energy.

“No arguments here,” Sugarcoat shrugged as she planted her butt back down on the bed before leaning back over to Twilight. “He’s kinda hot, hmmm?” she teased, attempting to quickly change the subject from her earlier line of questioning.

“Well… h-he certainly has the look of what some girls might consider attractive,” Twilight tactfully spoke, plopping her bare booty back down in her chair, though Score’s personality left much to be desired.

“Who do you think he’s f*cking?” Lemon Zest asked, her voice somewhat betraying her hidden mischievousness.

“Probably just another large chested CHS slu*t who loves to sleep around. Bet that’s most girls at that school,” Sunny mused, finally taking her seat and clicking play on the video.

Twilight was thankful to see the smirking face of Score finally leave the frame… her own lasting arousal also making herself curious as to which girl had been lured into his bed. As the camera panned around she doubted it was anyone she knew personally simply because-

FLUTTERSHY?!” Twilight exclaimed louder than she ever intended to do. Sunny hit pause on the video reflectively, giving the nerd a perfect freeze frame of her friend. If she would have ventured a guess, the guys in the livestream were all laughing their asses off, for once being unable to decide if they should be gazing at the dumbfounded look on her face or her butt naked body!

There was no way to deny it… no way to claim that it was someone else. That chest was unmistakable, Twilight’s eyes had instinctively been drawn to it and recognized her friend even before seeing her face. Sure enough, upon doing what so few guys at her school did and looking up above her neck, Fluttershy was seen standing before Score in what appeared to be a cheap motel room… completely and utterly devoid of all her clothes. Her face wore the look of someone nervous and apprehensive, staring uneasily at the smirking bully aiming the active camera directly at her. He panned it up and down to get a full look at everything, proving that there wasn’t a single inch of her body he was going to let hide from the lens. Her arms were holding each other below her two ridiculously sized orbs as she had been instructed. All of which accomplished giving them an even larger appearance, pressing them both up and together, while also showcasing the already embarrassed girl as even more shy! It was the perfect pose!

“Yeah… I hear Fluttershy has gotten a lot of action,” Lemon remarked casually. “But this is the first time, I’m guessing, someone’s got her in front of a camera.”

“Good for her. It happens to all of us eventually. Gosh, I can’t imagine how many videos of me are out there by now,” Sugarcoat said with a sly look at Twilight's jaw dropped face, struggling to hold back giggles.

“Wha...I-I don’t-h-how did this happen?” Twilight stammered.

“What? A lot of girls sleep around, Twilight. It’s no big deal. We’re not judging, obvi. We’ve all totally done it. It's what everyone is supposed to be doing in high school!” Sunny Flare shrugged. “And you can’t deny she’s pretty stacked! So let’s watch!”

While Twilight certainly couldn’t deny Fluttershy was indeed attractive, it didn’t seem like Sunny was going to give her time to process all her thoughts as she resumed the video.

“Ummmm… d-do we really need the camera again?” Fluttershy was heard asking anxiously, staring directly at the recording device.

‘Wait… what does she mean again?! How many times has Fluttershy done this!!?’

“Now now, Fluttershy,” Score was heard from behind, speaking in a rather demeaning tone like she was a child. “It’s important. And didn’t you just agree to follow my every instruction to the letter, riiiight?” Fluttershy thought for a moment before she gave a submissive nod to him, earning her a pat on the head that slightly messed up her hair. “There’s a good girl. You’ll be trained and up to speed in no time...”

Two feminine voices were heard giggling off to the side in the video, but Twilight couldn’t exactly make out who the voices belonged to. It quickly became the least pressing matter in her mind.

“Lay back onto the bed now... where titcows like you belong,” Score chuckled while shooing her back with his hand. Even Twilight was left thinking that such a crude, misogynistic comment would have caused the meek Fluttershy to stop this entire ordeal in disgust, the bully's true colors on full display. But she only nodded along… as if she was agreeing with him! What the hell?! “Quick pop quiz… what is the single best thing about you, Fluttershy?” Score asked, not missing a beat while following her onto the bed, straddling her bare chest from above like he was exactly in the one place on earth he wanted to be most.

Her kindness? Her gentle affectionate care of all living things? The love and support she gave unconditionally all friends, family, and-

“My breasts?” Fluttershy answered hesitantly.

“Ding ding ding ding!” Score beamed, bopping Fluttershy on the nose. Even that, surprisingly, earned a playful smile from the busty pinkette. “Exactly right. So, lesson one for today you are going to play to your strengths by doing exactly what you were born for!”

A shiver ran up from the base of Twilight’s spine as Score’s co*ck popped in from the bottom middle of the frame. A dreadfully girthy and long throbbing appendage, twitching with excitement as it spotted its latest and favorite conquest.

“Now, think back to your talk with my two assistant coaches. What do you say?”

“M-May I please smoother your c-co*ck in my tit*, master?” Fluttershy squeaked adorably, looking up needily at the bully. Her expression wasn’t an act, it was all completely genuine, making it all the more enticing to her smirking mate.

“Atta girl. Quick learner!” Score praised, rewarding his student by slapping his meat directly between her two large fleshy orbs like it belonged there. Fluttershy gave a light smile at the thought of her lessons in sex going well so far. Wanting to keep her momentum going she quickly pressed her breasts together against his co*ck, completely concealing the girthy member in a full embrace of pure titflesh. She had never once thought of using her boobs in such a vulgar way before, but the day was proving to be a whole heap of a learning experience for her!

She had already learned so much from Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet’s private chat while Score was checking into the motel. They were well versed in what girls like her should do and shed some light on the new subject matter of bedroom gender roles. Apparently it was the man’s role to be dominant, taking charge, always getting his way, and the woman’s role to be submissive, docile, and obedient to his every desire, even if it went against her whims. To put things in the simplest of terms for her, Fluttershy was little more than a toy whose sole purpose was to get as much of her partner’s seed out of his body and into her own. But most of all, what Indigo and Sour stressed is that she had to learn to enjoy it! Score didn’t make those sexist remarks to be rude, it was just the truth! He was simply reminding her of her place and treating her how all guys would when things got feisty in the bedroom. Thank goodness too! Fluttershy was only now realizing how grateful she was that she wasn’t going to be overwhelmed on her honeymoon night when all this happened for real!

Though she may have been slightly hesitant about being lowered to such a role, she found no other real reason to go against it if it was the established norm. Plus, it was really great to have Score being so nice to her for a change! She kind of wished she had started taking lessons from him a lot sooner. All in all, she was eager to be giving these lessons an earnest try!

Fluttershy beamed brightly from the pleased groan of enjoyment as Score savored her tithug. Desperate for a passing grade, she pressed together harder before sliding her supple mounds up and down the bully’s overjoyed co*ck.

“Oh f*ck… that’s hot,” Sugarcoat moaned in actual full honesty now, back to fondling her folds beneath her panties.

“Yeah! Use those heaping udders!” Lemon Zest added in. Both girls pretending they hadn’t already seen and gotten themselves off to this video a number of times already.

“H-He’s treating Fluttershy like that...” Twilight gasped.

“I know, isn’t he great? I love it when a man takes charge like that,” Sunny Flare purred.

“Treating me like a piece of meat. Pinning me down so I can’t escape! Tearing my clothes off and treating me like a whor*! Rutting me senseless! Not ever taking no for an answer! Mmmph… I’ll take all of it and more!” Lemon Zest squealed as her imagination and hand ran wild.

“All the guys are doing it to us like that. It’s a huge turn on… right, Twilight?” Sugarcoat moaned. “I bet the guys you’ve slept with all threw you around a little and made you their sex slave for the night.”

“Well of course she has,” Sunny Flare cooed. “Twilight gets around just like any of us! And that is what’s hot right now. It’s nice to have guys that just get us. What we want. What we need.”

“...Yeah…” Twilight breathed, reminding her of her ever persistent mission to blend in with her peers. Not to mention she was in far too deep to reveal she had been lying all along! She slowly started to accept their words as truth in her mind for the time being, if only to better play her part.

She stared back at the screen, seeing only Fluttershy’s warm smile gazing back at her through the monitor as she used her milkers to please what was apparently the dominant and ruling gender. Even Twilight had to admit, in some way, it was quite the appealing sight. She knew she shouldn’t be turned on by seeing her close friend in such a state, but her body followed different rules than her conscious mind.

Unbeknownst to Twilight, amidst the sound of Score’s fleshy rod sliding between her friend’s enormous tit*, her hand was already snaking back down between her legs, teasing at her cl*t as the once near org*smic state sought to be revived. As she watched her friend’s boobjob, her active inebriated mind was already swirling with the mental imagery the Crystal Prep girls had implanted into her.

She saw a strong muscular man leering over her fragile naked form. She tried desperately to crawl away and flee, screaming for help all the while, but the alpha male would have none of that. She was thrown with ease like a weightless sack onto a grand bed. The smugly grinning male approached with the base of his co*ck in hand, stroking it eagerly. Twilight was a certified genius, at the top of her class, and on track for a fulfilling academic career at an ivy league college… but all of her accomplishments meant squat to a man. Men didn’t want a powerful, self thinking, independent woman! They wanted a fat-chested bimbo who would spread their legs for them with a smile!

Being the only naked one in the room, the many audience members were now gifted with a full unobstructed view of Twilight’s working fingers as they eagerly pleasured her shaven c*nt. All three of the Crystal Prep vixens were more focused on the sight of her than the video, licking their lips lustfully as they all mentally urged her onwards. Twilight’s free hand was seen gripping her supple breasts, giving it a light tweak as she revealed to everyone watching exactly how she touched herself in private.

The alcohol… her arousal… the sexual energy coursing through the room from being naked around other people for the first time, and the peer pressure of her naughty friends doing the same exact thing next to her... it was all so intoxicating. Slowly but surely Twilight began to realize she was pushing herself over the edge she never thought she would find herself crossing. There was no reason to hold back, right? Everyone likely had their full attention locked onto her naked knockout of a busty friend, and doing the same thing she was. So why not get a little more crazy and let that dam burst?

The livestream burst into a fit of hot, naughty, and haughty, typed reactions as each and every single viewer was gifted with the lovely sight of the blissfully unaware school girl showcasing her once private, eye crossing, lip biting org*sm face to them all as she came. And she wasn’t the only one either. Playing on the recording currently, as if a not so subtle indicator of what most of her voyeur viewers were doing while watching her, Score wore his obnoxious O-face as he was brought to fruition from Twilight’s very busty friend’s breasts. Fluttershy winced slightly as a warm and white substance shot out from the appendage hugged between her tit*, hitting her in the neck and face with a forceful wet impact. A virile testament to the bully’s pure gratefulness in getting everything he ever could have wanted from his new naïve f*ck pet.

“Damn, Hootershy, your tit* are amazing! You should have been doing this ages ago!” he groaned.

“T-thank you,” Fluttershy offered back, sensing something of a kind compliment in there.

“Don’t forget my little gift to you there,” Score winked, pumping out a bit more cum from his still painfully erect member onto her cleavage. “Do what you girls do best! Lick it and love it!”

The after glowing Twilight couldn’t believe it… she had climaxed watching her close friend being used by a sexist bully, and loved it! Of course there would be no way she was ever going to even hint to her friend that she did this, or even saw this video. Sunny Flare and the others must know how to keep a secret if this was so common to them. Naughty secrets to keep already just between the four of them… this really was the best slumber party ever!

“Wow… cumming to the first clip, Twilight?” Sunny Flare giggled as she paused Score’s video. “You must really like this type of stuff!”

“Heh… y-yeah, I guess I do,” Twilight admitted, learning quite a bit about herself lately. The best parties always had a bit of self discovery to them, after all, right? “But wait, the first clip? Score did more with Fluttershy?”

“Well he sent over six to the group chat, to be exact. There’s like over an hour of footage in total. And we’re expecting a lot more. But if you already came, I suppose we could skip to two new peeps going at it! Well, before it’s time for the big surprise...”

“Big surprise?” Lemon asked. “What surprise??”

“Not spoiling. It’s a secret for later! But I have a feeling you slu*ts are going to love it!”

Chapter 4: Slumber Party Heats Up (Part 2)

Chapter Text

“Fine, keep your secrets. Who cares about what surprises are in store for us? How about we just watch the next video up?” Sugarcoat said as the hostess pranced back to the computer.

“Sounds good to me. You know the rule ladies! We’re all stripping if it’s Crystal Prep gals going at it!”

“Heh… well I guess I don't have anything to worry about,” Twilight chuckled, gesturing to her nude self. “Seeing as I can’t get more naked than I already am.”

“She’s got a point. She’s kind of getting off easy here!” Lemon chuckled. “Again~”

“Fine fine, no more simple stripping next video. Let’s raise the stakes so Twilight isn’t excluded,” Sugarcoat said. “How about… hmmm... whichever school it is, all the girls of that school have to send out a nudie pic of themselves to five guys they know!”

Twilight gasped and recoiled at the thought of doing such a thing. There was acting a part but this would cross the line! Her reputation at school, among other things, would take an immediate nose dive!

“Or, to make it fun, they can instead choose to dish out the dirtiest secret they have on their girlfriends,” Sunny Flare smiled.

“Heh heh… sounds awesome!” Lemon Zest fell backwards in her beanbag laughing before looking at Twilight. “I have soooo much smut I can spill to you about these skan*s! Hah hah!” She wasn’t even lying either.

Twilight gave a light chuckle at the sound of that, feeling as though the girls were looking for a fun reason to playfully rag on themselves again. And that certainly sounded easier than sending out unsolicited nudes to her male classmates who saw her everyday. Thank god she was given an out. “Alright, sounds fun! I’m in!”

The trio of vixen gleamed and gave a quick cheer, turning all eyes to the monitor for the result.

“And the winner is………….” Sunny Flare took a long pause for dramatic effect as Twilight leaned forward in her chair. The hostess took one look at her phone before announcing, “CHS again!”

“Wooooooo!” Lemon Zest hollered.

“Man… the girls there must really be slu*tty to be getting so much action,” Sugarcoat rolled her eyes.

“Awww….” Twilight pouted, losing again. She was actually rather curious to see who else at her school was getting some action, though it was really none of her business.

“So what do you got for us, Twi?” Sunny Flare gleamed with predatorial eyes as the trio all drew closer to her in unison. Not enough to enter the narrow field of view of the webcam however. “The naughtiest secret you have on your girl friends!”

“Yeah tell us!”

“Bonus points if you turn us on!”

“Oh…. heh heh… w-well,” Twilight stammered, this time there was an actual answer that clearly rose to the top of everything else she could say. She was just hesitant to spill it. “It’s like, kinda, really embarrassing for her. Really, really embarrassing...” It for sure was not something she ever thought she would be telling a living soul.

“Well, that’s fine, Twilight,” Lemon shrugged. “If you don’t want to spill you can always go with the other choice to send out nudes. We’ll even help! It’ll be easy since you’re already naked!” She whipped up her phone from the floor and aimed it at Twilight. “I can’t wait to read the guys’ reactions when they get to see all this!”

“No-no-no!” Twilight quickly stammered in fear, holding her hands up as if to ward off the camera aimed at her nude body. The last thing she wanted was her nakedness being broadcast to a bunch of her peers! Maybe Fluttershy was fine with it, but most certainly not her! “Okay…okay, I’ll tell you…” she sighed. Lemon Zest shrugged, setting her phone back down, having slyly only taken a single nude pic of Twilight. “You girls remember Rarity, right?” She could hardly believe she was going to say this!

“Yeah…” Sunny Flare replied, licking her lips eagerly.

“Well, umm, a little while ago, Rarity may have slipped up and accidentally sent me a video of herself… stripping completely butt naked and masturbating...” Three very audible and actually genuine gasps were heard from the trio of Crystal Preppers.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Give us the full deets, Twi!” Sunny Flare urged, “don’t you dare leave a thing out!”

Too late to back out now, she was committed now. “W-Well, okay…. She was just, kinda, doing a seductive strip tease for the phone, taking everything off she wore to school that day while dancing to music. Then she brought it over to her bed and aimed it at her while she played with herself using a pink vibrator. She moaned a lot, made a bunch of seductive and flirty faces to the camera, then she came,” Twilight admitted, shameful on her friend’s behalf. “The next time I saw her, she looked like she was about to die from embarrassment,” she actually gave a light giggle as she recalled the scene. “But I spared her feelings by maybe telling her a lie by saying I never watched the video… and that I had deleted the message she sent me. She was so relieved after, but I always was sorta curious who she was trying to send that video to.”

“But did you actually delete it?”

Twilight gazed at the floor, showcasing it was her turn to feel ashamed but with the smallest hint of the giddy naughtiness that was going around the room. “No… I actually hid it somewhere else in my phone. It’s actually still there,” she admitted. For the first time that night she was glad her phone was taken away, else these vixens might have shoved it in her face and told her to bring it up.

“Did you… did you get off to it?” Sugarcoat asked with a grin, like a shark feeding on its prey.

“She probably did~” Lemon sang. “Why else would she keep the video around?”

The blushing Twilight didn’t say anything but wordlessly nodded her head with a slight impish smile of her own. The girlish screams of juicy gossip only widened that smile of hers.

“B-But you have to promise you won’t tell anyone about that!” Twilight quickly stressed. “Especially not Rarity!”

“Oh, we promise we won’t tell anyone about it…” Sunny Flare said, giving a sly smile to the webcam.

“Well we can certainly never say Twilight backs out from a wager,” Sugarcoat said. “Now let’s see the video already! I’m eager to cum myself after that saucy tale.”

Twilight eagerly nodded her head, glad to move on and actually relieved to find the girls considerate enough to demand she show proof of her claim. Now she actually wanted to see the horny CHS couple that had so rudely lost her that bet and made her confess one of Rarity’s darkest secrets to everyone! Really, this was all their fault.

The video feed popped onto the monitor for everyone to see, including the stream audience, even though they had probably seen it plenty of times by now. Twilight squinted, trying to make something of the blurry mess that appeared. It was actually strange how Sunny was able to discern a student’s face in the chaos for the wager. Whoever was holding the camera had turned it on in quite an excitement, not even able to hold their grip still as excited male snickers were heard… coming from multiple sources! The wild camera view swung to a window for a moment, revealing the location to be what appeared to be some sort of lake house, with a number of cars parked out front.

Finally the cameraman focused and rightfully aimed the camera onto the squeaking bed. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat again as the clearly prismatic hairdo was impossible to mistake. In the dead middle of a swarm of guys was Rainbow Dash, as naked as the day she was born! Besides her utter lack of clothing, she quickly noticed the expression on her face. It wasn’t a Fluttershy look of timidness or even Rarity’s lust-addled ahegao from either of their respective videos. Instead Rainbow looked… angry? It was undeniable, she was glaring daggers up to none other than Hoops. The well-known jock wore a sh*t-eating grin as he was seen hungrily thrusting inside of his bounty’s puss*.

“Jeez, you take co*ck way better than you play ball, Rainbow!” Hoops laughingly taunted her before delivering a particularly deep and brutal thrust, causing his prey’s resolve to waver for a blissful moment as her eyes fluttered before staring death back at him.

Twilight was left as puzzled as she was aroused. She could have sworn Rainbow hated Hoops, having ranted about him personally on multiple occasions. Well, she did consider the possibility that it was all just extreme sexual tension between the two of them, and they were now finally dealing with their pent-up feelings in a healthy manner, rather than suppressing them. She supposed the term “healthy” was also rather subjective.

“Wowza,” Sunny fake gasped, watching in glee at Rainbow on the receiving end of a rather hardcore pounding. “Another one of your friends, Twilight? What are the odds? Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, and you! Oh my god, it’s like everyone in your group and at CHS is getting some action and letting people see it!

“Told ya,” Sugarcoat shrugged. “If I was a virgin at that school, I would be feeling sooo excluded right now. Just like pure ‘what is wrong with me’ vibes, heh heh.”

Twilight sank a little in her seat. It hurt, but even she had to admit it was starting to seem that way. Rarity, Rainbow, and even Fluttershy were having sex behind her back, and for who knows how long? Was Sunset getting rutted as well? Pinkie Pie? Applejack?? Were they all attending a school-wide orgy that invited everyone except her?! She really didn’t know what to think anymore, on top of the alcohol even making critical thinking all that much harder.

Twilight was momentarily distracted by another two guys jumping onto the bed. She couldn’t see their faces to tell who they were, but she could see everything between their legs to tell what they were expecting. It was likely they all went to CHS like her, and had been looking forward to this for quite some time! Rainbow Dash merely rolled her eyes, annoyed, grasping both co*cks on either side of her as she began to stroke them off simultaneously.

It was no secret at this point that Twilight found her friends attractive and touched herself to their sexual exploits, so she felt little hesitation resuming her loving care directed at her bald puss*. Besides, an overwhelming feeling in her head was telling her she should have been doing far more adult activities, like all of her friends apparently were doing! This, of course, also washed away any and all doubts and second guessings she had about this night's more explicit themes.

“Oh wow… they are absolutely just taming her,” Lemon Zest breathed huskily in an attempt to sweet-talk Twilight further, noticing she was masturbating again. She pretended to do so as well again.

“Yeah… they’re really just making her their absolute bitch!” Sugarcoat piled on, slyly noticing an increased tempo from their naïve nerd as they coaxed her into debasing herself on a live stream.

“She’s just pretending to hate it because of her pride,” Sunny Flare followed up. “A lot of us like to play hard to get to egg the guys on. But who wouldn’t love being manhandled like that? Mmmmm...” she purred. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Rainbow agreed to become their sex pet at the end of this…”

Twilight had her eyes closed now, as her heart and breathing raced. She focused only on the vulgar sounds of her friend’s use, and the enticing images her Crystal Prep friends so kindly implanted in her head.

“Could you girls just imagine… letting a hunk like that own you? Giving him the right to do anything he wanted to you?”

“Free use 24/7? Sign me the hell up for that!”

“As long as he uses me like the object I am! Collar me, stuff me in a cage, treat me like a dog!”

“Cumming inside me all day long without protection. Umph… like his portable fleshlight. So f*cking hot! I want it! I want it!”

“I so wish some guy would do that to me. I would move into his place in a heartbeat!”

Twilight opened her eyes just in time to see a different bully fully impaling his member into Rainbow’s throat with a rough ironclad grip on her head. With the athlete’s vision and attention fully on him, Hoops was seen pulling out of her c*nt for some reason and moving off screen. It was only for a moment, however, as the bully’s erect co*ck was soon back in frame as he moved Rainbow’s slender legs up on his chest. Twilight only had a few seconds to notice but she could have sworn Hoops was wearing a condom before… The co*ck in question was only visible for a brief moment longer before it eagerly dove back into Rainbow Dash’s soaked c*nt, thrusting in and out with even greater lustful ferocity than before amidst all of the guy’s now increased cackling.

Twilight’s back arched up off the chair, releasing an audible moan as she came once again. The trio staring on joyfully as she unknowingly debased herself to dozens of male students from both of their schools, the camera capturing her shameless act as her fingers rapidly thrusted inside her virgin puss* like a wanton whor*.

After the largest wave had passed, Twilight crashed back down hard onto her chair, panting rapidly as her breasts bounced with her chest. After a moment of bathing in her own ecstasy, she finally cast her gaze to Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat, both girls who seemed to be breathing heavily as well. “D-Did you girls… c-cum too?”

“Mmmmm, yeah…” Sugarcoat moaned, faking the aftermath of an org*sm. “Just not as hard as you, Twilight!”

“You must really love the thought of being dominated by a guy,” Lemon Zest hinted.

“I mean… yeah… I guess I kind of do,” Twilight giggled as her cheeks blushed intensely. “I don’t really know why… but it’s starting to grow on me.”

“Heh, well let's talk about it some more downstairs. I want to grab some snacks,” Sugarcoat said, jumping to her feet. “You coming, Lemon?”

“I already di-oh-never mind. Sure, I’ll tag along,” Lemon replied.

Sunny Flare grinned madly as the naked Twilight got up and left with her other two friends. She waited until the sound of their steps were clearly heard reaching the bottom of the stairs before slipping in front of the computer herself, staring directly up at the webcam with a seductive look. “And there you have it, boys. I hope you all enjoyed our little show and felt it was well worth the admission price. The lovely, busty, and virgin, Twilight Sparkle, is now officially primed and ready for any one of your co*cks! But there can only be one winner! Have fun bidding!” She cooed before flipping the webcam off.

Even as they had gone downstairs for snacks, Twilight noticed the sexual atmosphere never faltered from Lemon and Sugarcoat, like their minds were locked in heat. It was most likely because she was the newest one to the slumber party, and therefore the most fun to tease, but neither girl ever slowed, seemingly determined to keep the aroused high going.

“Oh my god. You have such a cute, butt, Twi,” Lemon giggled, giving the nerds bubble booty a friendly jiggle with her two hands. “You could easily attract a guy to be your owner with these right here!”

“Her tit* are amazing too,” Sugarcoat smiled eviliy as she freely groped the naked girl’s breasts. “Flash these on the streets and I bet you can attract a master to take care of you in no time!”

“G-girls!” Twilight stammered, but didn’t resist the molestation of her naked body. At this point she was mere putty in the hands of experts, molding her into whatever they so desired. Given the hot and heavy atmosphere, and how sexual acts were seemingly considered the norm here, Twilight was merely saw their inappropriate touching as playful teasing, much like Pinkie’s surprise tickle fights.

“Get her down on the couch, Lemon! Spread those legs!”

“Wowza… Sugarcoat, she’s so freaking wet! She really just wants a co*ck!”

“Close your eyes, Twi,” Sugarcoat hushed any and all of their prey’s objections as she submissively obeyed. Lemon Zest grinned as she grabbed and handed her partner a vibrator, something Twilight likewise had no experience in. It buzzed to life as the Crystal Prepper dragged the humming tip along her soaked folds. “Just lay still and imagine your master…”

Sugarcoat and Lemon never intended to get Twilight off, instead they merely sought to edge her, keeping their product on the constant brink of climax and nothing more. Her frustrated whines were soon heard even upstairs as she wordlessly begged to be pushed over the hill, but her two captives merely giggled at her and continued to torment her body. Lemon held her arms behind her head to stop her from finishing herself off, and Sugarcoat’s skilled touch ensured her prey was kept exactly where she needed to be.

As Twilight’s mind was being mentally prepared downstairs, Sunny Flare was monitoring the bidding war, with green dollar signs in her eyes. A clear winner was seen emerging from the masses, with some serious spending cash! Pay day!

“Come back upstairs, girls!” She eventually yelled back to them.

“Awww, guess our fun is over for now,” Sugarcoat quickly sighed, both of them dragging Twilight to her feet.

“Wha-” Twilight moaned, still in a horny high, her mind struggling to focus on anything more than sex. Lemon and Sugarcoat practically had to carry her upstairs, making sure to exercise the utmost care for their prepped merchandise.

“Good! You’re all here! Everything’s ready! It’s just about time for that special surprise I mentioned earlier!” Sunny Flare beamed.

Finally,” Lemon Zest gleamed.

“W-what’s the big surprise?” Twilight asked, still horny as all hell.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

“Speak of the devil! It's time!” Sunny Flare quickly sprinted out of the room and down the stairs. Twilight and Lemon Zest both exchanged glances, one of them seeming visibly more excited than the other.

The door was quickly heard opening and closing thereafter. After that footsteps were heard coming up the staircase. Two pairs of footsteps. “Oh girls~” Sunny Flare practically sang to them as she was coming up. “You know how we were all talking about how hot and hunky Royal Pin is?”

“Yeah…?” Sugarcoat called back casually through the wall, grinning in her head.

“Well I DMed him to innocently inquire if he would be ever so nice enough to drop by for a visit and taadaaaaa!” She exclaimed, pushing the grinning male Crystal Prep into her bedroom. She honestly did not know he of all the guys watching would be the top bidder while they were gossiping about him, but it was nice when things worked out that way.

“Wait-what?!” Twilight froze in absolute mortification, comprehending the warning far too late, now realizing that a guy was staring at her stark naked form! Not just any guy, it was the same one who had repeatedly tried to get her to sleep with him back at Crystal Prep! Her hands shot instantly to cover her quite visible breasts and puss*.

“Oh my god! Best slumber party ever! Wooo!!”

“Twilight! What are you doing?” Sunny Flare scolded, noticing the newcomer was so rudely covering her assets from the male.

“Heh… you act like you’ve never been naked around guys before, Twilight,” Sugarcoat tauntingly chuckled. All eyes in the house seemed to be on her, expecting her to correct her erogenous error.

“S-sorry… I just got a bit nervous from the surprise. That’s all…” she explained, slowly lowering her hands to her privates and allowing them all full view of her nudity once more. The trio all smiled at their effort’s results, Twilight’s tipsy arousal overpowering her better sense of judgment.

It was ironic after leaving Crystal Prep, Royal Pin had now managed to catch more of her naked than when she attended. She did want to voice it was a tad unfair that she was the only one naked, but then again she did lose the bet fair and square… twice. The last thing she wanted to be was a wet blanket who couldn’t be fun.

“Oh hey, Twilight! Had no idea you were here!” Royal Pin grinned, walking into the room and taking his rightful seat atop the bed like a throne. “There’s no need to be ashamed. I’ve seen all of these slu*ts nude plenty of times. It's par for the course.”

“Well, I called Royal Pin over because we were all just so horny thinking about having a master, and you know, willing to do anything to earn one?” Sunny Flare explained.

“Well of course!” Lemon Zest agreed.

“So Royal was considerate enough to volunteer to take some of us for a ride!” Sunny smiled.

“Yep. Now then,” he said, gesturing to them all. “I’m only going to pick the most worthy, so let's hear what you babes how to offer! Who wants it the most?” He pulled out his phone and swiped it open.

The trio of Crystal Preppers all sank to their knees below the grand male, Sugar Coat kinkily gesturing for Twilight to play along, just wanting her to be part of the group, of course. Hesitantly, Twilight followed along, dropping to her knees like an obedient member of Royal’s harem. She shuddered with pleasure from the base of her spine as her horny mind flashed back to the same female sex objects she had watched in the same demeaning position.

“I’ll suck you off in two minutes flat!” Lemon chirped brightly. “If I don’t, you can totally creampie me while raw!”

“Interesting, interesting,” Royal nodded, aiming his phone at her. He hooked a finger in her mouth, prying it open to gaze within the slick wet cavern. “Tempting offer to ponder over. What’s next?” He trained his phone at Sugarcoat.

“I know you’ve always been staring at my tit*,” Sugarcoat cooed in a playful seductive voice, sloshing her own sizable breasts in her bra’s confines. “Pick me and you can own them… I’ll make you cum with them and even let you have free access to them at school.”

“Also an enticing offer!” Royal Pin noted, reaching down and groping one of Sugarcoat’s prized tit*. This actually earned the boy a rather annoyed stare from her, unnoticed by Twilight. “Hmmm, what’s next?” he quickly continued, moving the camera over to the naked Twilight. “In terms of presentation, Twilight, you’re already way ahead of the others! She obviously knows how to dress to impress,” He reached down again to fondle both of her bare tit*, giving a set of rude pinches to both of her nipples.

Twilight winced in visible discomfort. Normally, on any other day of the week, she would have never wanted to be caught naked in front of Royal Pin. The fact that she was horny, along with all of her friends being horny, was the only reason she was playing along. But that didn’t change the fact she sure as hell didn’t know what to even say to him! Both of the other girl’s offers were so lewd and explicit! It was remarkable seeing how much they were willing to give Royal just for his attention.

To her surprise, she found she didn’t have to answer herself, feeling Sunny Flare’s arm wrap around her shoulder. “How about this, Royal? Twilight and I are going in on a joint deal! Pick us and we’ll be both your obediently little sex pets for as long as you like!” she beamed to Twilight’s shock. Sunny whispered in Twilight’s ear, the nerd seemingly resigning herself to accepting this as her only out.

“Y-yeah… p-please make me your sex slave, Royal,” Twilight shamefully parroted off to the boy’s recording phone exactly as Sunny had in told her to say. Her cheeks were captured burning with humiliation as the unthinkable words escaped her lips. All to the male’s viewing pleasure.

“Oh wow! Now that’s an offer! Really raising the stakes!” Royal beamed, patting Twilight on the head.

“Hey! No fair!” Lemon Zest pouted.

“Yeah… no team-ups!” Sugarcoat added, only to be met with Sunny’s tongue sticking out at her.

“Heh heh, fine. No double deal then so we can play fair,” Sunny giggled playfully. “I guess that was a little much. Twilight and I will just do offer ourselves as individual sex pets!”

“Well… I suppose if constant threesomes are off the table, things are a little more balanced,” Royal Pin wheezed, setting down his phone on the bed momentarily. “So balanced in fact, I grade you all about even, and I only have the steam to pick one of you right now, so it would be unfair for me to choose anyone based on that. So…. how about we let that slu*t, lady luck, decide for us?” He pulled out a single quarter. “I’ll take the deal of whoever wins.

“Sounds fair, master,” Sunny Flare hinted.

“Yeah, go ahead!” Lemon grinned, bouncing with excitement.

“Pair up!” Royal Pin instructed.

“I’m with Sugarcoat! And we call heads!” Lemon Zest announced, hugging the girl to her shoulder.

“I guess I’m with Twilight then, on tails,” Sunny Flare smiled, likewise hugging the naked nerd close. Twilight laughed anxiously back at her. She wracked her mind over the odds of her being the one chosen. 1 in 4? Way too high! If only more of the Crystal Prep girls made it! But she supposed it was better than the couple’s deal Sunny had initially made before. They would have been picked for sure!

Royal Pin flipped the coin into the air where it landed tails on his open palm above them. “Tails,” he said.

“Awwwww, shoot!” Lemon Zest pouted as she pushed away from Sugarcoat.

“I knew we should have gone for tails. It’s always tails somehow,” Sugarcoat sighed, shaking her head. “Guess we’re both out.”

1 in 2! 50% now! Twilight was visibly sweating now.

“Call it again, ladies,” Royal Pin went on, staring at both of their exposed, delectable forms. “One of you ladies is about to be very happy.”

“H-Head-n-no tails!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Guess I’m heads then,” Sunny Flare grinned as she bounced on her knees.

Royal Pin flipped the coin into the air for a second time… where it came down in his hand as heads. “Tails again,” he said, pocketing the coin.

“Awwww beginner’s luck!” Sunny Flare gushed, giving a playful teasing shove to Twilight who was at a complete loss of words. Before she could even think to pull out of the offer or maybe generously allow Sunny Flare to please the master instead, Twilight’s entire slender frame was picked up by the man’s pure brute strength, tossing the naked nerd onto Sunny Flare’s bed with a bounce.

In an instant, everything appeared to be moving at a blur. Royal Pin quickly got to work undressing, Sugarcoat hurriedly sprinted to the closet to fetch some accessories, Lemon Zest was dutifully seeing to the man’s groin, giving the co*ck a quick trip inside her mouth to ensure it was slick, and Sunny Flare was on top of her.

“You’re so lucky, Twilight…” Sunny Flare cooed. “A lot of girls would pay good money for a guy like Royal to f*ck them, and here you are, getting it for free! I’m so jealous!”

Why didn’t Twilight feel lucky then? She could only gasp, her thoughts were distracted yet again as a nimble tongue teased her folds with expert dexterity. “Mmmmm, there we go… Just making sure you’re still nice and wet for your new owner!”

“O-Owner…?” Twilight breathed, the full weight of the word and what exactly she had won finally settling in on her as she felt something wrap around her neck. Sugarcoat was seen smiling as she locked, quite literally locked, a pet collar in place. Something she would not ever be able to remove without the key! A key that was undoubtedly going to be given to the smirking Crystal Prepper, just like just Sugarcoat was handing him the leash which she likewise attached to her locked collar.

“What do you say, master?” Sugarcoat tacked on with a smile up at him, holding up the rest of the items. “It’s all up to you!”

“Give it all to her! Dress her for the role,” Royal gleamed, barely able to hide his eagerness now. “More fitting for an absolute slu*t like her.”

“That we agree on,” Lemon Zest laughed.

“Open wide, Twi,” Sugarcoat cooed to their prey.

“Wha-” Twilight opened her mouth to question, only to find a bright red plastic ball insistently shoved into her mouth, completely silencing any hopes she had of voicing her discomfort at the way things were going, to everyone else’s relief. Sugarcoat didn’t waste any time, tightly strapping the ball gag in place behind her head. Twilight could only look down in horror as it fully dawned on her what she had agreed to let happen to her, and how serious the situation was. She attempted to cast a pleading glance to Sunny, only for that too to be cut off as a thick black blindfold was wrapped around her eyes next! Now she was effectively blinded and muted, but both were accessories one could simply reach back to remove, right?

The now blinded Twilight could now only feel in further fear as two pairs of soft feminine hands were on her own, gently easing them back above her head. Two fuzzy clamps from two separate handcuffs were felt locking around her wrists, with another click as the opposite ends were secured into the headboard frame at the front of the bed, forever crushing her hopes of using her hands. Someone else topped off the entire ensemble by placing a cute set of purple dog ears atop her head.

Oh god. Oh sweet god! This was really going to happen!!

“Just tell us if you ever want to stop, Twilight,” Sugarcoat was heard giggling. Twilight realized It was probably the beer causing her to say something so foolish, but her friend didn’t realize she couldn’t exactly voice any opposition in this state! Or was there some other nonverbal method she was supposed to use? No one had filled her in!

“Heck, why would she want to stop?” Sunny Flare laughed, rapidly flicking her captive’s cl*t before sliding a finger through her damp folds. “She’s so wet! She wants this! She’s practically been begging for this the entire night.” Thinking back to herself, Twilight honestly couldn’t blame them for thinking that, given all the things she had done!

“Oooh boy! The secret’s out!” Lemon Zest piled on. “Just kidding! Everyone at Crystal Prep knows you have had the hots for Royal Pin since forever, Twi!” Twilight’s face was blushing profusely at the comment, embarrassed ever more by the fact she couldn’t correct their comments.

“Well, heh, to be honest, I’ve sorta had a thing for her too,” Royal Pin bashfully admitted. “I could always tell she was the type of girl who just needed a good solid dicking, ya know? But it was the same old tale. We’re both just too shy to come out properly and confess our feelings at the time, shame on us! But I’m at least glad I get to f*ck her now!”

“You’re soooo lucky the coin flip came up Twilight then,” Sunny Flare chuckled. “Speaking of that, she did consent to be your sex slave, so anything else you want, master? It’s not a slave’s place to deny him anything he wants to do with her!”

“Oh, well if Twilight’s up for anything, why don’t you babes record this on your phones? A whole bunch of guys at school are dying to know what Twilight looks like naked and f*cked silly.”

“Sounds good!”

Twilight was seen writhing in her bondage now, for some reason, her attempts at speech only coming across as moans through her gag.

“Oh… looks like some slu*tty babe is eager to get a co*ck inside her. Heh heh heh, alright girl, no need to get antsy,” Royal chuckled. “Everyone already knows you’ve been dying to be used.”

Left blind, Twilight could only feel as Royal Pin’s hands traveled up and down her body, rubbing her arms, groping her tit*, sliding down her hips. There was no love or romance in his touch, only cruel lust and anticipation, all like he was inspecting his new property… like a fresh cut of meat.

Twilight’s movement came to a sudden stone dead stop as she felt the tip slide up and down her wide open and vulnerable womanhood, Royal made sure she felt it. “Wave a bit of meat in front of them and they’ll always behave,” he chuckled.

“Mmmm, good… Looking at how tied down she is, it’s obvious Twilight has been a very misbehaved girl lately,” Sunny Flare cooed, wanting to coax every ounce of spirit their customer had into fully wrecking the naive virgin. “Please, master, train her into a properly behaving little sex pet!”

“Oooh I will, in due time,” Royal Pin huffed, bracing his painfully hard and throbbing shaft at the entrance of Twilight’s soaked c*nt, holding it there as the tension rose. “You hear that, Twilight? There’s no need to rush~. You have all the time in the world to learn now that you’re MINE!”

Twilight’s blindfolded eyes shot open wide as the rock hard co*ck poised against her puss* pierced inside her. Her body tensed up as she suddenly felt Lemon and Sugarcoat’s grip on her legs, keeping them spread open wide. Nothing was left to stop the bully and his bitchbreaking co*ck from fully claiming her virgin c*nt.

“FUUUCK! Just as tight as I imagined you to be, Twilight!” Royal Pin groaned in obvious pleasure as he began to hump away in erratic, almost feral thrusts, freely f*cking his long sought after hole, spurred on ferociously from the journey he had gone through to get at it.

“Hehheh, only the best for our lucky guys,” Lemon Zest cooed.

“Happy to serve!” Sugarcoat seductively added, her hands, trembling in excitement, struggled to hold her phone still on Twilight. Above all else, she wanted to ensure she recorded every second and every thrust inside their prey. She hummed in utter satisfaction as the camera picked up Twilight’s beat red face, burning in complete shame and humiliation at her predicament.


Each wet slap of Royal’s flesh invading Twilight was like music to their ears. She wasn’t even able to stifle her moans through the gag. The aroused state they had coaxed her body into, coupled with the lewd mental images they had sneakily inserted into her mind only served to have her own body betray her. Finding pleasure in this sort of degrading use as she was deflowered by her bully. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

So beautiful, in fact, that Sunny Flare actually found her own hand drifting between her legs and sliding her panties off to the side to masturbat* for real. All other bean flicking tonight had strictly been for business, but now it was purely for pleasure.

Royal Pin didn’t notice, his attention fully on his newly purchased pet’s breasts bouncing wildly up and down her chest as he savagely continued to pound her.

“Oh wow… you came already, Twilight?” he laughed as he felt her walls grip down like a vise onto his co*ck, Twilight moaning like an animal as her back arched off the bed slightly. “You really are just a feral slu*t!” His thrusts redoubled at an increased and ruthless speed.

“A slu*t desperately needing to be domesticated, master!” Sugar Coat cooed out in an effort to coax out the hardest possible pounding their client could dish out. Her blush only deepened however as she noticed through the recording phone that Sunny Flare was in frame, quite obviously with her hand below, masturbating to Twilight’s use mere inches away, her erect nipples clearly seen poking small mounds against her bra’s thin material.

Sugar Coat slyly decided to silently keep her friend in frame, all while reaching below and teasing her own dripping wet folds below. A quick glance to her left revealed Lemon Zest was helplessly taking part in the debaucherous act as well, unable to fight off her base desires.

As if on cue, Royal asked out loud, “what do you think, girls? Should I cum inside my new toy?” He cruelly delivered a pinch to Twilight’s nipples as she moaned helplessly, knowing any limited movement her body was allowed would only be interpreted as consent by her aggressor.

“Yes! Go ahead!! Do it!” Sunny Flare moaned, almost desperately so.

“She agreed to be your property. You can do whatever you want with her!” Lemon Zest purred, her own fingers increasing speed against her cl*t as things ramped up.

“f*cking breed her!!!” Sunny Flare almost ferally growled out now, seeming like she would leg lock Royal Pin himself inside of Twilight.

Thankfully for her, their client never actually needed any motivation. The bully thrusted his full dick inside his purchase’s puss*, bottoming out as his flared tip nudged directly against her open womb. Twilight could feel the rigid shaft inside her twitching erratically against her velvety walls before a steaming warmth inside as Royal came inside her. The thick, hot cum was pumped straight into her womb in a seemingly endless series of ropes. Royal’s eyes clenched shut as he grunted, his heavy balls tightened as her sensitive and greedy walls milked his meat for every drop he had in him. In the heat of the moment, Twilight, the once intellectual, had her mind emptied of all thought, leaving only the overbearing desire to f*ck and breed like the lowly animal she was… and what she was being turned into. Her body shuddered in ecstasy as she climaxed once more, accepting her new owner’s insemination into her deflowered c*nt.

Neither of the two lovers had noticed their audience had likewise gotten off to their show. Albeit, to their own fingers, and not to a pistoning hard piece of meat putting them to use. In that sense, there was a tinge of envy directed towards the naïve girl they had so easily tricked.

But they were supposed to be professionals! The time for jealousy could come later. There was still business to attend to here!

The look on Royal’s face clearly showed his complete satisfaction in his purchase, worth every cent he paid, despite the fact that he had been charged an arm and a leg for this particular nerd. But that was the best part about using their particular services. Purchases through them weren’t one time lays like their clients had bought some cheap whor*s! No, they were solid investments to their manhood’s future happiness.

After a few moments for the hot and heavy climatic atmosphere to settle down, Sugarcoat spoke up, “oh my god. That was so hot. Royal. I got it all on camera! I can’t wait to show it off to everyone!” she gushed rather truthfully as the man of the hour pulled his spent co*ck out of his prey’s now thoroughly used passage.

“Yeah… f*ck! Let’s send the vid out now!” Lemon Zest added on as she too played her part in the act.

The still bound, gagged, and blind Twilight could only be heard whimpering lightly as she heard this, picturing her humiliating use being spread to who knew how many of her peers! Just like Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash… How many guys at their two schools had that been spread around??! Did everyone at school secretly have it on them?!

“Now now, hold your ponies, girls,” Royal Pin said, bringing a pause to their party. “Twilight agreed to be my property… so it stands to reason that I get to decide how all pics and videos of her are distributed and personally, I want to keep my methods of her training a secret.”

“Awwwwwww….” the trio of vixens collectively groaned in disappointment.

“Sorry, girls,” Royal reiterated, “but as long as Twilight’s my pet no one will be spreading that juicy material around.” Twilight breathed a long deserved sigh of relief as Royal’s hand began to protectively pet her head, surprisingly, she found it to be a welcome touch.

“As long as she’s your pet?” Sugarcoat clarified. “So, in other words… if Twilight ever stops wanting to be your slave… we can post it all?”

“I mean… yeah sure, you can post them all then. Post them online if you want,” Royal Pin shrugged dismissively. “But why would Twilight ever want to stop? We all saw how much she wanted this…”

Twilight froze solid in her spot, fully realizing her predicament. Prior to this she was fully intending to book it out of this adult slumber party as soon as they let her out of her restraints, but now it seemed she would have to continue her charade as Royal’s submissive sex pet to fool him into thinking she actually wanted to do this! Otherwise she could kiss her reputation at school goodbye forever! It was only made all the more worse by the fact that they didn’t just had normal sex but how she was bondaged up like a truly kinky slu*t… with an entire audience to boot!

“Alright, fine. I guess we’ll hold off on spreading the recording out,” Sugarcoat sighed as she tapped on her phone and sent the recording out anyway. Royal gave her a silent wink as she did so too, further advertisem*nt to everyone else in the group of another satisfied customer.

Twilight relaxed slightly as she felt the handcuffs finally get unlocked from the headboard by Sunny. However her sense of freedom was short lived as it was her ankles that were then cuffed together by another set of fuzzy handcuffs. Before she could reach up to remove the ball gag in her mouth she then felt the two separate cuffs, still locked on her wrists, firmly pulled down and clicked back into place on the chain between her feet! The shape Twilight was curled and secured into now appeared to be a loose fetal position. She struggled helplessly in her new binds, only affirming to her four onlookers that she was safely bound and helpless once more.

“Whoa whoa whoa, calm down girl,” Royal Pin spoke as if Twilight really were his pet now. He pet her side, his fingers brushing up against the mounds of her breasts. “We’re just making sure you’re nice and safe, seeing as we’re about to leave.”

This was obviously news to Twilight! As bad as her current predicament was, she really didn’t see it getting any better once her bully got her away from her friends!

“Oh yeah… you were only going to stay for one go, right?” Sunny Flare shrugged casually. “Oh well. It was fun, Royal. And you got yourself a nice souvenir too.”

Twilight gave a light shudder as she now felt Royal Pin outright pick up her entire naked and bound body in his arms, and began to walk her out of the room and down the stairs!!

“Yeah, it was fun, girls. Text me again if you girls want to have some fun… but I’m going to be a bit busy with my own pet for a while!” Royal Pin remarked, causing the blind Twilight to hear three girlish giggles directed straight at her.

“Wow, Twilight… if you’re leaving with Royal, then you technically aren’t actually sleeping over with us! We’ll have to do this again another time then! We would love to have you again!” Sunny Flare teased, causing another wave of giggles to be heard.

Twilight didn’t actually know where she was headed, until she felt the slightly warmer air of Sunny’s garage. Royal Pin had apparently backed into it when he arrived. With a press of his keys, the trunk shot open, followed by the smugly grinning bully gently lowering his purchased high schooler down into it.

Twilight’s back felt a soft blanket waiting for her below, one that was quickly thrown over to cover her and conceal her. Then the trunk slammed shut, locking her within. She could still hear the ongoing conversations outside.

“You want to take her clothes with you?” Sugarcoat asked.

“Nah, she’s not going to need them for a looong time,” Royal Pin replied as he got into the driver’s seat. Sugarcoat shrugged, more trophies for them. “Already have a nice cage set up next to my bed back home! She is going to love it!”

The engine roared to life as the garage door opened. Royal Pin and his newly acquired pet stashed in the trunk drove away with the three Crystal Preppers waving him off.

“Drive safe!” Sunny Flare tauntingly called out to him.

The moment the car was out of sight, the girls all turned to each other and cheered, coupled with a jump of joy.

“Hahahah! Awesome!” Lemon Zest hollered, closing the garage door.

“Good job everyone!” Sugarcoat likewise praised.

“Oh my god, girls, you’re not going to believe how much money we made tonight!” Sunny Flare exclaimed. “But first…” she idly tapped away at a phone in her hands. Twilight’s phone to be exact. One that she was so kindly holding on for her friend while she was trained into a proper submissive sex pet. “Going on a surprise camping trip in the mountains with my friends. Will likely be out of cell phone range for a while…” Sunny Flare spoke the words she typed into the phone out loud, before sending the text off to Twilight’s parents. It was late and they would likely already be asleep. Any objections they had in the morning to their daughter’s spur-of-the-moment totally real camping adventure could safely be ignored then. If anyone asked, she could just claim she was being a good friend and covering for the kinky nerd’s sexcapades.

“Good… now that that’s done freaking find that recording of Rarity on there!!” Lemon Zest squealed.

“Already digging for it!” Sunny Flare gleefully giggled.

“I wonder what we should charge for a video like that…” Sugarcoat idly mused to herself as the three of them started to head back upstairs, already planning the next sale of their Canterlot High rivals.

Chapter 5: Fluttershy's Further Studies

Chapter Text

Moving as a flustered mess, Fluttershy hurried up the sidewalk at a brisk pace. Minutes prior to now she been preparing a eventful trip to the movies with Rarity, only to be on the receiving end of a fateful text from her sex coach, a friend quickly moving up to the top of the list of the most important people in her life. Score was in the mood and wanted to see her as it was time for yet another lesson and according to Indigo Zap, unlike Rarity, there could be no texted excuse to get her out of this. When your sex coach wanted to see you, you dropped everything and booked it to his side. No “ifs” or “ands”, only butts.

This feeling was, of course, spurred on by Fluttershy’s learning that it was fully within her mentor’s right to administer actual spankings to her bare behind in the event he sensed any disobedience! Disobedience such as refusing to go along with a sex lesson, disobeying commands issued to her, or failing to appear on time to her mentor’s summons! Fluttershy was at least thankful she had avoided such spankings so far, and sincerely worked and maintained her best behavior to ensure none would come her way in the future. Hence her prompt cancellation of plans with Rarity and a quick rush all the way across town to the frat house where Score lived!

Upon finally arriving and standing before the intimidating structure, Fluttershy steeled her nerves for what was to come. This session with Score would be slightly different than her previous ones, in that neither Indigo Zap or Sour Sweet would be present to oversee her learning. Normally no part of her ever wanted to be seen in such an exposed and embarrassing state by others doing things like this, but she had made an exception for those two friends of hers in particular. The sole reason being a part of her didn’t quite feel fully comfortable around Score… as strange as that sounded. With her Crystal Prep friends nearby, it was at least reassuring to know they would have stepped in had Score ever overstepped somehow and pulled something he shouldn’t have. Sure, they hadn’t exactly ever done that, but it was still a comforting safety net to have.

But Fluttershy understood they couldn’t babysit her forever. Even though they were genuine when they said they were always happy to watch Score working on her, that didn’t change the fact they had plans with another girl at CHS. For their absence, they had tried to console her, talking up Score’s credibility and trustworthiness, at least until the point she agreed to do one-on-one sex lessons with her ex-bully in private. Though admittedly, she was still quite uncomfortable about it all.

Ringing the doorbell to the frat house, the same greasy guy answered it like last time. Complete with the same ‘earthy’ cologne overpowering the air around him like before.

“I’m… umm… here to see Score,” Fluttershy quietly said.

The guy checked her up and down, grinning wildly at her upon his appraisal. “Sweeeeet! Here’s the girl’s sign-in sheet, babe. Fill it out this time, will ya?” he whistled.

Slightly puzzled, Fluttershy looked it over before signing her name and date on the sheet. Coming across the checkbox once again for if she was paid to be here or for pleasure, she quickly knew she wasn't recently made slightly richer and therefore checked the pleasure box.

“Nice!” the guy said, taking the clipboard back and noticing her check. “Score is probably upstairs waiting for you. Wouldn’t keep him waiting!”

Fluttershy nodded as she was now allowed past, hurrying to the stairs. Upon giving a quick glance around she noticed a sign on the wall clearly reading: “Women’s Rights Void Upon Entry.” She bit her lip, hoping the sign wasn’t legally binding. She put it in the back of her mind as she rushed upstairs to Score’s closed bedroom. Upon arriving she paused for a moment, sucking in a deep, calming breath as she stood alone outside the foreboding door and mentally prepared herself for her first one and one visit with her sex coach.

*knock knock knock*

No response came from inside as Fluttershy knocked on the door. Slightly unexpected for her. Score always seemed happy and eager to meet her before.

Nudging the bedroom door open herself now, Fluttershy ventured inside. “S-Score? I’m here,” she called out uneasily as she walked in. To her surprise the very bedroom that Score had scored in, resulting in one freshly deflowered pinkette, was empty! Not a bully in sight!

An overwhelming relief suddenly washed over her. A stroke of good luck, perhaps? He wasn’t here! Perhaps Score had been called away on another errand during the time she took to get over here. Hehe, seems like it was a good thing that her commute was so long after all. Maybe this meant it wasn’t too late to meet up with Rarity for the movies after all!

Fluttershy smiled to herself as she turned to leave… only, as she did so, abruptly came face to face with Score who had been hiding and waiting behind the door.


Fluttershy let loose a startled, frightened shriek as her prankster brashly shoved the panicking babe backwards onto his bed where she landed with a bounce. The smug cackling bully pounced on top of her not a moment later like a feral animal, riled with endless energy. Fluttershy’s heart was racing, her mind still reeling as Score endlessly laughed at her as he started tearing away at her clothes while doing so.

“Hahaha!! Come on, Fluttershy! Fight back a bit!” Score chuckled as he grabbed at the flimsy hemline of his prey’s white tank top. For once he didn’t have to tell her, her frightened instinct was already driving her to desperately resist the bully’s hands!

She clung to her top just as Score began to yank it upwards, but the bully was stronger and far more insistent that his large breasted titcow bare a bit more skin. Fluttershy yelped as she soon saw her arms forcibly retreat above her head as the tank top was completely stripped off her busty body, threatening to tear as it did so. Score licked his lips ferally as his toy’s bra-clad chest jiggled into his perverted gaze. The scared young girl’s arms defensively wrapped around her chest to protect it, but her aggressor was having none of it. Score over eagerly mawed at the garment, to the point one might even fear it ripping to shreds, pulling it off Fluttershy’s arms as his favorite pair of oversized mammaries in the world wildly bounced free from their restraining confines.

Now finding herself helplessly topless, Fluttershy could do little more than whimper weakly in flush embarrassment, blushing madly as her merciless stripper savored a quick sight of her bountifully busty bare chest before turning his attention below his prey’s waist. Score finding himself nothing but laughs as he went on to rip off Fluttershy’s skirt, proceeded by him jerking her panties straight down and off her slender legs.

In truth, this was something Score had wanted to do since the very moment he met her. Only now that he had her into a state where she wouldn’t cry for help was his dream actually possible. Alone and in his very own bed no less!

Fluttershy’s crimson turned look now deepened as she noticed Score even going after her shoes and socks, fully intent on stripping her completely bare for his own lustful perversions.

“There we goooo…” Score hummed in delight as he flung the last bits of his ‘pupil’s’ clothing off the side of the bed, forgotten, leaving him with the hottest babe in all of CHS butt naked before him. He didn’t have the desire or strength of will to waste any time with his patented way of saying ‘hello’. A small bit of drool escaped his mouth as he rose off the busty girl slightly, hastily grabbing at the phone in his pocket and aiming it directly at her. Fluttershy, heart still pounding wildly in her chest, was still allowing her flight response to move her limbs. The moment she saw that familiar camera trained on her nude form, another soft “eep,” escaped her lips, her arm diving over her tit*. While a flatter girl may have been able to adequately cover her breasts in such a manner, the amply endowed Fluttershy had nowhere near that much luck, settling for mere nipple concealment instead. It would be moot either way, as Score obviously would not have allowed a single inch of her bare skin to escape the camera’s lens.

Fluttershy was only left breathing fearfully as the bully captured a perfect picture of her trembling topless form on his bed, staring up scared at the camera as Score hand below was seen in frame, cruelly peeling her arm off her chest to expose her tit*.

“Oh that is just perfect,” Score exclaimed excitedly, as he inspected the crisp image on his phone, idly groping Fluttershy’s juicy breasts in his peripherals while doing so. “No matter what you do, Fluttershy, you end up looking amazing on camera. sh*t, not at all like those wannabe social media models and their thot poses. Guess having natural udders for tit* will help do that.”

Fluttershy finally began to calm down now that her aggressor's flurried assault on her was done, at least for now, though found herself unable to move with him on top of her. “Umm… S-Score…” she panted. “W-what exactly was the purpose of all that?” As the fear died down it was only replaced by confusion. Her sex coach was meant to teach her normal behaviors of couples in the bedroom, but this didn’t seem quite so normal even to her.

“Oh right, right, right,” Score chuckled as he snapped another pic of his naked gullible student before pocketing the phone back in his shorts. Shorts since he had long since felt the burden of wearing tight jeans while in Fluttershy’s presence. He quickly shifted to a slightly more respectful tone, more befitting the teacher persona he was using to coax and keep this naïve girl nice and complacent in his bed. “*Ahem* Well you see, Fluttershy, as the woman in the relationship it's your job to always be prepared for sex. The moment you step through your front door, you are officially marked as ‘free-use’ to your partner. Just roll with it… whatever he wants to do with you.” God he was thankful for his school’s lackluster sex education curriculum. This was so much more fun than having a normal girlfriend.

“O-okay…” Fluttershy mumbled as she made yet another mental note of Score’s teachings in her mind. She had to admit, her instructor wasn’t really painting the brightest picture of how normal couples behaved in their private naughty lives. But she couldn’t blame Score for that, he was merely the messenger for the norms. Previously, she had expressed her desires that whatever partner she did manage to attract treated her a bit more… respectfully and make this knowledge unnecessary. But Indigo and Sour both sternly stressed how extremely unlikely that was. Maybe for a normal girl, but given her extra-large chest and all, boys would have a hard time controlling their more primal urges around her. Fluttershy could easily attest to that from personal experience. So really all she could do was grit her teeth and bear the worst Score had to offer and hope whatever partner the future had in store for her wasn’t quite as brash.

“Oh man, being in this bed must bring back some nice memories huh, Fluttershy?” Score teased as he finally got off the nude high schooler. “I’m sure you reminisce about it all the time. Popping your cherry, cumming your brains out, and finally putting that smoking hot bod of yours to use!”

“I guess I do…” she replied honestly, pushing herself upwards in the bed. It was true that she thought of that encounter a lot lately.

“Spread your legs for me, will you?” Score instructed, Fluttershy complying wordlessly, knowing what was in store for her should she say no: a very sore behind. She flinched only slightly as her coach shoved his hand into her folds and rapidly began to massage her cl*t. Clenching her eyes shut, she could do little more than focus on the involuntary strokes of pleasure her instructor shot through her with his skilled fingers. Biting her lip she let loose the softest of gasps as Score put her body into an aroused state, admittedly finding the faintest bit of enjoyment from whatever lesson was being taught right now.

“Woooow… you get turned on that easily?” Score remarked with an all to convincing gasp. “You’re already wet!”

“I-I am?” Fluttershy fretted fearfully. “Is that not normal?”

Score responded by brashly grabbing one of her fat tit*, bringing them to his greedy mouth. Fluttershy winched again as her bully began to messily suck at her nipples, unknowingly continuing to allow him to do everything he ever wanted to do to her. Even more strange pleasurable sensations shot through her as Score lavishly licked away, quickly bringing the mound’s pink tip to full hardness. With a wet smack, Score withdrew his greedy mouth, staring with perverted pride at them.

“Yeah? See that, Fluttershy? That’s instant fast arousal. I’ve trained a lot of girls and none of them have ever gotten turned on as easily as you do.”

“But what-” Fluttershy started, only to be interrupted as Score dove in for her other breast, quickly repeating the same process as before. Her instructor was nothing if not thorough. After another few moments of strange wet pleasure, Score withdrew again to reveal another erect and wet nipple.

“Ahhh, that’s the stuff. See, if I had done all that to Indigo Zap, I’d have to work at her for ten minutes before she even started to become aroused. You, Fluttershy, are really on a hair trigger,” Score chuckled.

“R-really? I-I had no idea! But what does that all mean?” Fluttershy asked, already fearing whatever answer he could give her as if Score was some sort of sex doctor delivering the unfortunate news.

“Nothing bad, of course,” Score reassured her, bringing a slight relieved sigh to the pinkette, who clung to his every word. “Just that, as I’m sure you’re already well aware of by now, looking at these hooters,” he said, roughly grabbing one and swinging it to clap her tit* together, “See, like many other girls, your body is built to have sex, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy gasped as the revelation hit her like a ton of bricks.

“Now don’t panic,” Score said, holding back laughter at the sight of his gullible student’s fear stricken face. He put on a stern, professional, reassuring expression before asking, “Everything will be okay if I get a good idea of your situation. Just tell me… how often do you masturbat*, Fluttershy? Do you use any toys on yourself when you do? What are you thinking about while you're doing it? I need your complete honesty here… and may need to document a quick session to see what we’re dealing with here.”

“I… I don’t masturbat* at all,” Fluttershy replied back with her patented honesty. Score seemed visibly disappointed by her answer, which only served to elevate her fears!

Disappointed but not unexpected he supposed. “Oh no, that’s very bad, Fluttershy!” Score fretted. “A top heavy girl like you with a body like this?! You should be doing something naughty, at least once a day. Masturbation is just the bare minimum. Preferably you would have been sleeping around with various guys and even girls frequently, had you been properly trained in a timely manner like everyone else.”

“I should have?” Fluttershy stammered, slightly unconvinced even from the teacher she slightly trusted. “B-but I’ve gotten along fine without doing that kind of stuff up until now.”

“W-well yeah but…” Score stuttered as he paused, thinking for the right words to say. “You see…. the thing is… ummm… the negative effects are… long term. Yeah. They build up over time and you won’t see them for another few years. You hear about it all the time with some girls. They had a sexually repressed upbringing, usually the result of overbearing parents or failing to find a sex coach, and when they get older and get some freedom their perversions burst out of them, making them the most depraved kinkiest slu*ts in existence! Ever see those girls in p*rn getting gangb*nged by twenty hung dudes at the same time and wonder what happened in their life that led them there? Well… now you know…”

Fluttershy was shocked speechless. Up until now she had simply considered Score’s lessons to be an extracurricular activity she partook in to prepare for and to please her future boyfriend and to also fit in with the other nonvirgin girls at school… but this raised the stakes entirely!

“Now, heh, if you want to be one of those disgraces with their naked bodies plastered everywhere online who can never look their parents in the eyes again… it’s a free country and all. Be my guest. Go out, hang with your friends, do cute girly things all day, don’t give a single damn about your repressed sexual needs until its to late and the effects are irreversible. Or, you know, if you want to live a normal life, stay here with your trusted coach and learn to express yourself in a healthy environment! The choice is yours really.”

“I-I’ll stay!” Fluttershy quickly replied. That seemed like a much better framing of these meaningful lessons that also made her clothes being ravished off all the more worth it. But, like usual, she found herself puzzled to the perplexing world of sex her school or parents had never bothered to teach her about. Were they trying to repress her sexual needs? Or was it just another unspoken rules that this kind of learning is best left to other people. Other people like Score… If she was being completely honest with herself, the few org*sms he had put her through did feel kind of nice. She supposed there could very much be the chance Score was right and she was built to have sex.

“Fun fact, Fluttershy, but sexual repression also applies way more to guys as well, and I’m not ashamed to admit that includes me as well. We’re like peas in a pod, in that regard! Dudes like me need to nut every so often or else, we’ll lose our minds. So, seeing as we have the same problem, why not work to solve them together in a healthy way, hmm?” Fluttershy nodded obediently, as always. “Good, now let's get you working. Off the bed and on your knees,” Score ordered. Fluttershy followed along, sliding off to the left of the bed. “No, no, no,” he lightly scolded. “Not there, girl. At the end of the bed,” he said with a point. “Much more room for us.”

Fluttershy froze upon hearing her teacher’s request. Unlike her spot on the side, the end of the bed was in direct line of sight of the hallway… coupled with the fact that she had left the door to Score’s room wide open when he had tackled her!

“Well? Come on, girl. Don’t be nervous,” Score said innocently, sitting down at the end of the bed as he pretended not to be aware of the exact same information himself. “No one’s going to cum if we just sit around here. Crawl on over in front of me and let's get to it!”

Fluttershy nodded hesitantly, dropping to her hands and knees as she crawled. She gave a sly look as she peaked around the corner, slightly relieved to see that no one was in the hall. Score pretended not to notice, whistling innocently to himself as his pet now hastily crawled between his spread legs.

“Good. Now, to solve our little problem, you are going to need to perform a ‘blow j*b’ on me, okay? Do you know what those are?”

Fluttershy nodded her head at him quickly. Indigo and Sour had gone over the basics with her so she didn’t look too foolish. She had originally found the concept to be quite off putting, but she wasn’t exactly in a position to whine about that now. Her quick nod, in no subtle way, showcased her desire to hurry this lesson along so she could hopefully hide from the hall! As it stood now a single curious member of the frat house could pass by and catch a glimpse of her naked body in all her glory! Her cheeks began to burn crimson as she imagined her humiliation upon such a dreadful occurrence! Unknowingly, for Score it was quite the opposite. He would have loved to been caught in such a state with her prey beneath him in such an immodest state.

“Heheheh, looks like someone’s eager to practice,” Score chuckled, loving every moment of this as he ever so slowly rose to his feet to push his shorts and boxers to the floor. His pet’s eyes quickly shot to his painfully erect member, eagerly bouncing on her knees to get started, albeit for all the wrong reasons. For now at least…

Score’s bare butt landed back down on the end of the bed, with Fluttershy looking up at him wantingly, appearing as if she merely needed her kind master’s word to begin her dutiful task and get this over with quickly!

But Score was no such kind master.

“Wait wait!” Score stammered, bringing a pause to the overeager student before she could even begin, appearing as though she was already in the process of leaning into his crotch.

Fluttershy fell back on her heels, the stress working through every inch of her body. She bit her lip in apprehension, staring uneasily at the still thankfully vacant hallway outside the bedroom. All while Score… slowly… reached into his discarded shorts to pull out his phone.

She knew she couldn’t ask him to close the door, as her teacher firmly believed in her getting accustomed to having others see her naked. A lesson that she, in her complete honesty, was not so eager to partake in. Heck, Score might even be provoked into doing their lesson downstairs in response! That must’ve been why he stripped her naked when she was only about to use her mouth. And of course she couldn’t tell her master to hurry up! That would just be plain rude, on top of the fact that she wasn’t the one meant to give orders! For the life of her she hadn’t the faintest idea how Indigo and Sour had done this so easily under the tutelage of their own sex coaches. The prospect of being seen in such an exposed and demeaning state scared her half to death!

“Alright,” Score breathed, once again starting a recording as he aimed it directly at his gullible ‘student’, zooming out slightly to ensure her enormous tit* were in frame. For once, the camera was the least of Fluttershy’s concerns. With it out, she at least thought it would be a sign her kind master would finally allow her to begin her assigned task. Right?

“I actually need a little something from you, Fluttershy, before we begin,” Score said.

“Whatisit?” Fluttershy quickly replied.

“Fetch me your wallet… I need to check something real quick.”

Fluttershy didn’t even pause to think what her teacher could possibly have in mind, crawling over to her discarded clothing. Score kept the camera trained on her nude form while she did so, chuckling as her drooping breasts clapped into each other with her rapid movements. “Fetch it with your mouth too, girl!” Score added on. Like a trained animal, she followed along, bending down low and biting her pink flowery wallet in her mouth with surprising ease. With that done she hurriedly crawled back to her coach whereupon she surrendered it to him. Score hummed to himself as he opened it up, glimpsing at what was kept inside. Her GPS tagged phone, her cash, her credit cards, none of which he was interested in for now. The busty babe in front of him now was worth more money then he could possibly ever obtain... ignoring the fact that he had actually purchased her from the Shadow Bolts.

“Mmmm, here we go…” Score grinned, pulling out a single card and discarding the rest of the wallet behind him. The girl herself had been apprehensive monitoring the hallway for frat members that she hadn’t even noticed what Score took from her wallet. Fluttershy turned her head back just in time to see her mentor deviously aiming his recording phone at her nude form once again. “So you ready to get started, Fluttershy?” he said, speaking her name quite clearly.

Fluttershy responded by nervously nodding up to him before leaning into his co*ck, her jaw lowering.

“Ah, ah, ah! Not so fast!” Score chided, planting a stern hand atop her head to stop her. Something he honestly thought he would never do in a thousand years in his many fantasies from years prior. But he had his claws deep into his gullible sex-pet-in-training and he knew it, there was no reason to settle for mere fantasies now. Fluttershy glanced back up at him, confused and ready to be molded into Score’s image. “Remember now, giving blow j*bs is something girls just love to do. I mean, have you seen the girls at school. They are just dying to suck a bit of co*ck!”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked.

“Mmhmm. They got at little taste of it and just couldn’t stop. Lotta competition going around for guys these days, the hung ones at least, so if you really want to earn the privilege of sucking me off you gotta ask nicely!”

“Oh… okay,” Fluttershy noted. This must be Score’s example of the deep meaning behind getting consent. It was good to see that was another concept he understood quite well. “Can I suck your co*ck…. please?” she asked politely, to which, Score’s co*ck gave a noticeable twitch of enjoyment.

“A bit nicer than that. You need to come off as desperate for this privilege, girl!” Score egged on with a chuckle, slapping his meaty co*ck into her cheek. “You may not believe it, Fluttershy, but this is important for your, heh, future boyfriend. So I don’t mind sitting here to practice with you for as long as it takes to get it just right.”

As if on cue, Fluttershy heard what she believed to be the sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs as her entire frame tensed up to match that of a scared dog, staring fearfully out the bedroom door. It was rather adorable gold for the camera to pick up, coming from the endless goldmine of explicit material that Fluttershy didn't even know that she was. Thankfully, for her, the footsteps soon receded into a room not past Score’s, sparing her the shame of being seen for now. And thankfully, for Score, Fluttershy turned her attention back to him with renewed desperation towards her task of great importance!

“Please, please, please, Score, let me suck your co*ck!” she begged with the utmost urgency.

“Mmmm… nice,” Score wheezed, eyes on the phone’s screen, ensuring it was still recording his waking wanking dream. “You catch on quickly, Fluttershy,” he praised, noting how well a simple open door to the hall worked to motivate her. She didn’t know it at the time, but her desperation now only served to motivate her bully into using similar threats of humiliation in the future. “Well, alright then. Seeing as you want it so desperately, girl, go on ahead.” He spread his legs open wider, inviting the overly busty schoolgirl and her eager mouth in.

With the speed of a wild animal Fluttershy dove into Score’s fat shaft, quickly enveloping the entire member into her warm and wet mouth. Her lack of experience in giving head was readily apparent, but it was easily overshadowed by her absolute ferocity in the act! Desperate to make her coach cum, her tongue was going wild against the rigid co*ck, lapping sporadically against the underside in the messy blowj*b. Score even found his own hand having difficulty holding the camera still to record the rapid head bobbing and massive tit swaying action below him.

“Mmmmm f*ck, Fluttershy, that feels amazing,” Score huffed in delight as the forbidden pleasure rolled over him, digging into her scalp with his one free hand. “I knew it. I was totally right. You were born to do this. You really are the full package.”

The big titted beauty could barely comprehend anything her horny coach was saying… but he sounded pleased! That was good seeing that was her mission now. Anything and everything the boys like they got! Especially if it could get her out of potentially embarrassing situations like this!

“That’s it... you f*cking fat breasted titcow, keep going, just like that, suck it harder like your life depends on it,” Score panted, continuing to lay on the positive reinforcement, every comment he made subtly nudging his purchased pinkette to his ideal image of a perfectly obedient and submissive cum dump. Not to mention an ideal trophy to lord over just about any heterosexual male he came across! He shuddered at the thought of his pet Fluttershy as a finished product, finding it nearly as enjoyable as her mouth. “I should have been doing this with you years ago, Fluttershy!” If only those Shadowbolt girls had started offering their essential services sooner.

Even in her great haste to get her master off, Fluttershy couldn’t help but marvel with a look of sheer curiosity and wonder as yet another side of the dark underbelly of adult’s explicit activities became revealed to her. A part of her warmed up to the thought of being a bit more of a normal girl now as this was something that apparently most girls at school were doing all the time. And they hid it so well she didn’t even ever catch the slightest hint of such amorous activities happening under her nose!

As she continued to slurp as her bully’s rigid member, who treated her mouth like a mere fleshlight, more and more lewd thoughts continued to assault her senses, aligning with Score’s every attempt to pound whatever inner slu*ty desires the young girl held deep within her out to the surface.

Her thoughts were soon cut short, however, as she sensed her teacher’s favorite part coming up soon. His grip on her pink hair increased in strength, proving she would be having no say in how she was used by the brute. “Yes...yes…” Score’s panting increased as he practically bobbed her head along his shaft for her as he pushed into his own climax. “Take it all, you bitch!” he roared, slamming her head to the hilt and exploding inside her mouth. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she swallowed the first load shot directly down her throat. The warm, virile payload of genetic material was pumped straight out of his twitching co*ck, pouring into her stomach where it rightfully belonged. Indigo Zap had previously stressed the taste of cum was amazing but acquired over time, even still it made the inexperienced Fluttershy gag from the flavor and force. Score relaxed his grip lightly to allow her some leeway to back out, the remainder of his breeding cream pumped into her vacant mouth as her lips kept a vacuum tight seal around the head to keep anything from leaking out. One of the first lessons she was taught was to respect a man’s seed that was gifted to her.

“Don’t swallow it yet, cow,” Score ordered, his voice a practically a feral masculine growl that sent a shiver up Fluttershy’s bare back, knowing it in her best interest that she be extra careful to obey! With a push on her head, the bully popped his co*ck free from her warm oral embrace with a wet smack. As if his member understood that Fluttershy was the type of girl that deserved its largest loads, his shaft continued to fire off. With his free hand, he energetically beat his meat trained directly at her face, pumping out additional ropes of the salty sticky substance. Fluttershy had to be quick to react as Score seemingly aimed right for her eyes first. She clamped them shut just in time as an incoming baby batter shot coated her eyelids on both sides. Then the bully ejected additional loads onto her cheeks, nose, and mouth seeking to cover as much surface area as he possibly could to mark his mate.

Fluttershy, now effectively blinded for the time being, could do little but hear the sound of Score’s rapid meat jacking slowly dying down over his panting. She held dead still, not swallowing the load in her mouth or moving to clear her eyes, knowing her master would decide her next course of actions for her. “Open your mouth, you bird bath, let me see it,” she heard him say before obediently lowering her jaw and allowing him full inspection of the potent white gift he had left coating her tongue. “Give me a smile too.”

As her lips did their best to look happy with her seedbed mouth agape, Fluttershy didn’t even notice as Score silently held her student ID card directly beside her cum covered face, seeing how she had been purposefully blinded. Her first and last name along with an innocently smiling student photograph were both seen in sharp contrast to the cum covered slu*t proudly displaying her master’s baby batter bath. Someone would certainly get the wrong impression of her should they see that!

On top of all that, in Fluttershy’s recent focus and blindness, she certainly didn’t notice the trio of frat boys gawking at her smoking naked bod from the open doorway. All of them silently and rather smugly chuckling amongst themselves as they drank in the sight of the nude fat chested conquest their lucky bro had snagged to himself, a couple of supportive thumbs ups were also seen. Score chuckled himself before quietly waving them away. They could watch the entire thing later when he sent out the full vid anyway.

“Go ahead and swallow now, girl,” Score now happily instructed.

Fluttershy’s lip clamped shut as her head reared back, swallowing audibly for the camera to pick up as the protein shake traveled down to her stomach. She promptly opened her mouth again, showing it empty to prove the deed had been done. Wanting to earn top marks seeing as she had come this far, she quickly remembered Indigo’s tip to her and added, “T-thank you for your cum, master.” She then felt Score’s hand plant itself atop her head, petting her lovingly. A surprisingly welcomed touch from her coach! “Did I do a good job?” she asked as soon as the hand left, in a rather desperate need for validation.

“You did amazing… for your beginner skill level,” Score praised, knowing even with all his manipulation, she at least deserved that much. Still, he made sure not to shower so much praise as if to suggest to her that her skills were sufficient enough to forgo the need of a sex coach like himself. No, no, no, she would need her services for a long time. “Now lick yourself clean, we’re not done with your lessons yet, Hooters,” Score said, shoving her student ID back into her wallet like it had never left before pulling up his shorts. “I, in the meantime, need to book it downstairs to fetch some spare rubbers from the guys. Always seem to be running out around here, heh.”

Fluttershy tensed up, knowing exactly what Score had planned for her next when condoms were coming into play. Though she was still grateful she had at least managed to negotiate the usage of protection if he was going to use her puss*. That much she remembered from sex ed.

“Heh, just trying to make the most of your time here. After all, I’d imagine it must be hard on you trekking over here from across town,” Score said as he marched to his door. It was true, it was quite the pain. “But hey, if you want, you’re welcome to move in with me here! Free of charge too! I’m sure that’ll be much easier for you!”

Fluttershy tensed up again, upon hearing Score’s offer such a thing she wasn’t really comfortable. “Ummmmm I-I-I don’t kno-”

“Whoops, hold that thought! I’ll be right back!” Score rudely interrupted as he left to trudge downstairs, leaving Fluttershy to her thoughts once again. He really wanted her to move in with him here? Was that normal for girls and their sex coaches to do? Having sex seemed like one big thing, but moving in was a whole different commitment! That couldn’t be a common thing for high schoolers like them, right? Even if her school friends were keeping her in the dark about their amorous activities because she was a virgin, she felt she would have at least caught wind of her friends moving out of their original homes.

With Score gone, she managed to feel around on the floor for her tank top that Score had stretched and hastily stripped off her body befor discarded it on the floor. With it, she wiped her face clean of her mentor’s cum, allowing her sight once again of the room with her eyes cleared. She breathed a sigh of relief, noticing that the hallway was still vacant and clear, indicating no one had likely seen her like this yet, hopefully. She also noticed her phone glowing in her discarded skirt. Moving quickly she hastily retrieved it before finally moving up back onto the bed and out of line of sight of the open hallway for some well deserved privacy.

Now sitting up against the head of Score’s bed, Fluttershy checked her phone. To her surprise, she found Twilight and Rainbow Dash had started a private group chat with her while she was in the middle of her blowj*b! Maybe they would mention why it was so hard to get a hold of either of them lately. She hurried to read it and reply.

Twilight: Hey Fluttershy! Rainbow and I heard you finally popped your cherry and snagged Score as your sex coach! Just wanted to let you know we are proud of you and fully support the idea! ;)

Rainbow: Yeah and with the awesomest teacher too, lucky! I’ve slept with Score a few times and he really is the best possible person to mentor you Fluttershy! He really knows what he’s doing.

Well, this was certainly surprising to Fluttershy, but not completely unwelcome. Sure, it was still slightly embarrassing that so many people knew about her reluctant sex life, but at the same time, she could at least talk to them about it now! She had been advised not to mention her one-on-one mentoring with Score to anyone who didn’t know about it already, something she really didn’t need extra convincing on, but these two friends of hers were in the clear now. Might as well, get their perspective on things. A view apart from Indigo and Sour Sweet’s complete positivity on all things Score did would be nice. That wasn’t to say she didn’t trust her Crystal Prep friends, she just wanted a second opinion.

Fluttershy: Can we do a group call, girls? I would kind of like to talk to you both about all that.

Twilight: Actually, can’t do that right now. I’m a bit tied up, if you know what I mean…

A picture soon followed of the science nerd, bringing a light gasp to Fluttershy’s lips. Twilight was seen, as naked as the day she was born, locked in what appeared to be a literal pet cage intended for large animals located in a bedroom she had never seen before. Across her eyes she wore a thick black blind fold, below that was a red ring gag, and below that was a rather prominent pet collar! Her hands were securely fastened with mitts that limited her usage of fingers, essentially turning her hands into paws. To top it all off, a thick furry tail was also seen emanating somewhere unseen from behind her! In the cage with her was a metal bowl with her name on it, and what seemed like food and a co*ck shaped nozzle attached to a container of water to suck on if she were ever thirsty.

Twilight: Kinda of hard to talk in a call with this gag in my mouth. But texting is fine! :D

Rainbow: Yeah, can’t talk either! Bunch of guys grunting around me.

Fluttershy sighed, slightly disappointed, but understanding. More pressing on her was how overwhelming seeing this side of Twilight was for the first time. It really seemed different from the fake persona she managed on all virgins to keep them from knowing. For one thing, Fluttershy never recalled Twilight ever using smiley emojis in text before… But she supposed that was the smallest change she should concern herself with.

Fluttershy: Okay. That’s fine, we can text like this. So you girls have both been doing this kind of stuff too?

Rainbow: Yep! All the time! Sex stuff is important to know! So really just try to do it as often as you can.

Twilight: You should see the things I have to do to please my master. Haha. I’m such a dirty slu*t.

Fluttershy: And do your coaches record you all on their phones too?

She asked that, still feeling slightly unnerved by Score’s constant desire to film her whenever she found herself separated from her clothing. A loud rowdy cheering, hollering, and high fiving were heard downstairs, but Fluttershy thought nothing of it.

Twilight: Of course! If you think about it, their recordings of you are actually for your benefit! Score sends out all the uncut footage of the stuff you two do together to Indigo and her friends. They can review it and give you pointers!

Rainbow: And if you’re ever paranoid your coach is doing something with you that he shouldn’t, well, that would be easily caught on camera for us to see! There’s no way Score would do something shady knowing he’s being filmed!

Admittedly, Fluttershy hadn’t thought of it like that, finding her friends had a decent point. Even though she was attending sessions alone with Score now, it was as if her friends could still be watching over her!

Rainbow: If anything, you should insist Score whips out his phone and records you whenever you two get it on! Don’t let him hide a thing!

Twilight: Yeah, I let my master record everything of me too. Sometimes even from multiple angles. And to be honest, Fluttershy. There really aren’t enough videos of you yet. Are you meeting up with Score enough? You should probably see him more. Remember it isn’t healthy at our age to not be experiencing regular release from someone skilled at sex.

Yes, she knew that. Sour Sweet had mentioned something similar to her before, oddly enough, using the exact same words too.

Fluttershy: Actually, Score did just offer to let me move in with him so he could teach me easier. It is a pain to get across town and I was about to just go to the movies with Rarity when he texted me. I just don’t really know if I should take that big of a step with him right now.

Rainbow: …

Twilight: …

Oh no! The triple dot reply! From both of her friends. That was never good! Fluttershy braced herself fearfully for her two friend’s texted reply.

Twilight: If I’m being completely honest with you, Fluttershy… you’re actually being really rude to Score right now.

Rainbow: Yeah, like he’s this super hot guy whose taking time out of his schedule to have sex with you, for free, and now even offers to house you in his own bed… so you repay his kindness with hesitation and doubt?

Twilight: OMG yes. You don’t want to know how many guys I had to suck off just to pay for Royal Pin’s lessons on giving proper blowj*bs. A free coach would be amazing! I would dedicate my life to keeping him happy.

Fluttershy: Really?

Twilight: Look Fluttershy. It’s important you do everything Score tells you to do, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable. And if Score thinks moving in is what you need, you should do it. No, you *need* to do it. No questions asked. Don’t even think about it. Everyone else has done it, including us. It’s just part of life.

Rainbow: And you should really apologize to Score.

Fluttershy: Are you sure?

Twilight: Positive. And make it up to him to show how sorry you are and how thankful you are for his lessons.

Fluttershy: I mean, I guess I can do that.. but how?

Twilight: Well we noticed you’re making Score wear protection when he’s inside you. You should probably cut that out. That’s not really something we do with our coaches. It’s honestly kinda awful. Protection is really something only amateur guys wear.

Rainbow: Yeah and it feels soooo much better for guys when they go at us raw.

Twilight: And remember their pleasure comes well before ours!

Fluttershy: Do they… finish inside us too then?

Rainbow: Oh yeah. Every time. Whatever they want to do.

Twilight: Mhm! Just think of Score as your God. Worship him. Please him! Whatever he wants from you, he gets. Even if that’s a risky creampie it's your duty to leg lock him and enjoy the ride!

Rainbow Dash followed up by sending two quick pics of themselves as proof. The high quality images clearly showed both of her friend’s slender legs atop a bed, spread open wide, with their reddened defeated puss*es in the center of the frame. Both bald c*nts were overflowing with white cum that had been pumped into them only moments prior and were leaking out.

Rainbow: Look, just move in with Score. As your friends we’ll understand if you need to take a bit of a break from us to study up with him! Twilight and I are doing the same right now with our coaches.

Twilight: That’s right, Fluttershy! Your sexual education comes first above all else. We’ll explain it to the others. No need to get them involved. And it’ll be fun! I know you’ll come to love it. :D

Fluttershy: Okay… well thanks for your advice, girls.

“Oh Fluttershy~! I’m back!” Score sang out as he re-entered his bedroom shortly later, drinking in the lovely sight of her naked self atop his bed once more. “Sorry it took me so long. The guys downstairs just wanted to see a few videos of… the thing I’ve been working on lately,” he said innocently before waving a small box of latex condoms he held in his hand in front of her. “You ready to get started with your, heh, womanly duties?”

“Ummm, actually…” Fluttershy spoke hesitantly, taking the box from her coach, knowing he preferred her putting them onto him with her mouth. “You don’t need to use these this time…”

“Oh really now?” Score smugly grinned as Fluttershy placed the box on his nightstand. “Some sort of special occasion?”

“No I...ummm…” Fluttershy fidgeted awkwardly in place, struggling to come up with the right words to say. “I just wanted to apologize to you in case you feel I haven’t been treating you as nicely as I should or if I’ve been taking you for granted. S-so you can have sex with me without the condoms from now on, i-if you’d like. And I would be open to the idea of moving in with you… if you would still have me…”

Holy hell! He was not paying those girls nearly enough for their services!

“Of course I’d love to have you, Fluttershy,” Score calmly reassured her as the kind and forgiving master that he was. He plopped himself down close beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder with his hand grabbing a tit below, struggling to maintain his excitement. “I’m just trying… so hard… to help you, after all.” He really had to bite his lip there.

“Okay… and thank you,” Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief. “S-so what exactly is this going to entail with me living here?”

“Well… we don’t exactly have any beds to spare for chicks, so you and I would just have to share one,” Score explained, showcasing his most kind generous side once again. “And I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but there’s actually a few girls already living here just like you! They’re all in training too, sure you would love to get to know them. And since there's so many, we just gave the girls their own bathroom to use. Actually, on second thought, we can get into all the nitty gritty details of your duties after you’ve officially moved in. So, lesson canceled! Come on and get dressed!” He bounced off the bed.

“R-really?” A shocked Fluttershy gasped at such an unexpected thing for his coach to say as she stood up. “W-what are we doing then?”

“Headed to your house now to pack your things!” Score said, eager to set his plan into stone and get her committed before his prey could get cold feet. “Don’t worry, it’ll be super quick and easy considering we won’t even need to deal with most of your clothes.”

Chapter 6: Rarity gets Involved (Part 1)

Chapter Text

“Mmmhmmm… oh yes… and this goes here… and that there… clean up these wrinkles… fluff this out… stand up straight and voila! Marvelous! Some of my best work yet!” Rarity hummed in satisfaction, stepping back to admire the finely tailored and ever finer looking casual attire equipped on her subject. Here, in her homely boutique, all preparations were being made and finalized for the upcoming momentous occasion. “This is the day. This is the day! Are you nervous, Shady?”

“Y-Yeah, a little,” Shady Daze gulped, visibly apprehensive and sweating. “A-actually, on second thought, I’m a bit more than a little…”

“Oh you have nothing to worry about, darling,” Rarity soothed, wiping the sweat from the boy’s face with a handkerchief. “You want this! You’re prepared for this! No one in this city deserves this more than you!”

“Yep… it’ll be fine, bean sprout,” Applejack added supportingly from the side. “Just remember to smile, avoid mentioning anything from that long list we gave you that’ll make her nervous, and be yerself! You two have gotten along just fine in the past. To be honest it's a match made in heaven.”

“You think Fluttershy will say yes?” Shady asked.

“Without a doubt!” Rarity beamed, waltzing over and planting a loving kiss on her supporting girlfriend’s lips as if to emphasize how nice it was to be in a committed relationship. Shady merely gulped as he watched the tender moment between the two beautiful women… slyly adjusting his groin to be a bit more concealed.

Today would be the day everyone recognized as the day the shyest girl in all of Canterlot officially got a boyfriend! Rarity and Applejack had made sure of it with their prodigy here, Shady. True, he may have been a bit shorter than Fluttershy… and a bit younger… but their personalities were a perfect match for each other!

Normally the two girls wouldn’t have gone out of their way to play matchmaker, but for their close friend Fluttershy, they had decided to make an exception. Why, one might ask? The reason was simple. Anytime the seven close-knit group of girl friends had gone out to a public venue they were accosted, or more specifically, Fluttershy was accosted by bachelor after bachelor asking her out. “Bachelor” was putting it civilly, of course. It had gotten to the point of being disgusting, the other six of them having to play as their busty friend’s personal bodyguards and chase each of them off while making sure she always stayed safely in their protective group. Don’t get them wrong, they were happy to do it! The men seeking Fluttershy’s courtship were absolute pigs. They knew nothing about her, and yet they gravitated towards her, over them, time and time again. Rarity wasn’t dumb. She knew it was due to the fact that Fluttershy had a chest that appeared as though it belonged more in some Japanese anime than in real life. And it was obvious to her that these men asking her out merely translated to them expressing their desire to see her naked and those gigantic tit* of hers swinging out in the open as she bounced on their co*cks. Pigs, every last one of them.

And, Rarity had never confessed this to Fluttershy, but her awareness when it came to men was a bit… lackluster. Things had worked out so far with her friendship bodyguards protecting her, but all it would take was one of the disgusting pigs sneaking by them to attack the naïve girl’s virtually nonexistent defenses to lull her into their bedrooms!

But that stopped today, Fluttershy was leaving the market. With Shady Daze officially pairing with her, she would confidently be able to proclaim to all men: back off! I have a boyfriend!” And, to be a bit more honest, her friends were also starting to worry Fluttershy’s meek and shy behavior would keep her from ever experiencing a real relationship with a boy. So this was the least they could do. She certainly wasn’t going to get that dating a perverted pig only interested in her body.

Shady Daze was the ideal candidate in that regard. Equally as timid and unintimidating as Fluttershy herself! Of course, they had done a very simple and routine background check on him and confirmed if he deserved this privilege. Looking up his name online, interviewing him and his close friends, scanning his phone, stalking him after school, installing Twilight’s web activity tracker to monitor and report his online behavior, sneaking into his house when no one was home to search his room for any and all sinful contraband, having Sunset use her geode to invade his mind and memories… all in all very basic level background check stuff. Shady had passed them all with flying colors. He was the most harmless boy in all of CHS! Most importantly Rarity and Applejack could rest easy knowing he certainly wouldn’t be making any inappropriate advances on the busty school girl after dark when they left the two of them alone.

“Now listen here, Shady,” Rarity continued, reaching into her purse and pulling out a fat stack of cash. “Once Fluttershy agrees to the date, you will take her to Arrête De Traduire Ces Mots, the classiest French Restaurant in town,” she instructed with perfect pronunciation. “And like a proper gentleman, you will pay for her meal and yours along with a generous tip to the waiter.” She generously handed the stack of cash over to him.

“Whoa…” Shady marveled at all the green as he took it. “T-This is over three hundred bucks! Thank you!” He pocketed the money in his wallet, nervously omitting the fact he planned on taking his upcoming date to The Tasty Treat. A far more affordable option off of Restaurant Row. Either that or fast food.

“It’s nothing, darling,” Rarity scoffed. “Fluttershy deserves the very best from her suitor after all.”

“And remember, Shady, you’re in our group chat with everyone except Fluttershy!” Applejack went on. “If’n y'all are ever wondering what to say or do next with her on your date, throw us a quick text. We’ll get back to you in a jiffy.”

“At least Applejack and I will,” Rarity corrected, slightly annoyed. “Rainbow Dash and Twilight are supposed to be involved in this venture of ours but lately it seems as though they have dropped off the face of the earth! I can’t get a hold of them at all!”

“Ah’m sure they are just dealing with some things, Rarity,” Applejack reassured her. “Best to give them some space while we focus here.”

“I suppose you’re right…” Rarity sighed, turning back to Shady. “Good luck, darling. Though you won’t be needing it!”

Shady Daze gulped, dreadfully nervous as he searched the Canterlot mall aimlessly. Rarity’s acquaintances had posted seeing Fluttershy here, so off he was sent to do what he was assigned to. Sure he was a bit apprehensive about asking her out, but the thought of having his first girlfriend… and one as beautiful as Fluttershy no less… it spurred him onwards. Not to mention Rarity and her friends had spent many a night secretly tutoring and studying him for this moment alone. He would hate to let them all down after all their effort!

After a good half hour of searching every path and walkway in the mall, Shady had found his target… in literally the last place he would have ever expected to find her. Fluttershy was by a store that sold rather… adult bedroom items of the erotic variety. Fluttershy wasn’t inside, of course, merely standing against the wall, holding a bag to her, and staring anxiously at the floor.

She didn’t spot him yet, allowing Shady to breathe in a deep breath, steel his nerves, and approach…

“H-H-H-Hi, F-Fluttershy,” Shady announced, catching her attention. Fluttershy seemed to visibly light up with a smile upon seeing him, only to remember what store she was camping out in front of, replacing it with a reddened ashamed blush.

“H-Hi, Shady,” Fluttershy replied back, and trying to appear friendly, she added, “are you here to shop at the…”

“N-No! No…. a-are you?” Shady asked nervously.

“N-No….” Fluttershy squeaked back, blushing even harder. Well, this was going well so far.

Shady gulped again, concentrating all his effort into not staring at his crush’s gigantic chest as he conversed with her. It was by no means a simple task, one that left little of his willpower for talking. Best to cut to the chase before he blacked out! “S-So listen, Fluttershy… I was thinking… y-you know… wondering if you would be interested in going out on a… [size=0.5em]date[/size]… with me.”

“A date?!” Fluttershy brightened up, suddenly excited and happy at the question… only for those emotions to fade back from her face as she seemed to recall something. “A-Actually…………. I would love to… but… I’m kind of seeing someone right now.”

Shady’s heart froze, his worst fears confirmed. “Oh…. ummm… I see…” he mumbled quietly.

“Hey Fluttershy!” A masculine voice was heard calling out to her. It was a man, exiting out of the adult sex shop, carrying several bags of purchased goods. He wore a jet black leather jacket opened to reveal a plain white t-shirt beneath and blue jean pants below. “Come on, girl! We’re heading back home!”

“C-coming!” Fluttershy replied, obediently following in the man’s shadow, giving one regretful look back at Shady as they left without him. He could only watch speechlessly as his crush was hauled away by some guy who guided her with his hand on her back… actually, on second glance, it was placed a good way below her back. Nevertheless, the boy was left with little more to do than hang his head dejectedly as he walked off.

As Fluttershy likewise parted ways in the opposite direction, she thought that it was for the best. She definitely didn’t want Shady seeing what Score had purchased for her! Something he had been doing a lot of today, making her wonder how he had so much cash to throw around. Of course, she was grateful for her coach’s generosity, but she knew she would be paying him back in other ways with his generous gifts once they got home. She gave a small look into one bag Score carried before grimacing.

There was no way that was considered clothing. A napkin would cover more skin than that!

As it turned out, unsurprisingly, Score had expected her to wear it, somehow making Fluttershy feel even more naked than she was without anything on! Though she considered herself lucky her coach had at least waited until they got back to his bedroom in the frat house before instructing her to strip down and put it on. Well… technically it was actually her bedroom now as well. As of today she was officially moved in and living with her sex coach, even sharing the same bed together.

True to ol’Honest Score’s words, the pair had paid a visit to Fluttershy’s old home and bedroom and had grabbed everything his gullible fat-chested pinkette would need for a stay. Score reassured her it wouldn’t be a lengthy stay, but he sure packed as if it was. And even truer to Score’s other words, absolutely none of the clothing in Fluttershy’s closet made the trip over, actually making the move quite manageable in terms of load. The only thing really she had to wear now was her assorted underwear and the clothes she happened to be wearing the day of.

Of course, Fluttershy had protested… a little, to the practicality concerning lack of her clothing making the trip over. But Score had reassured her he would personally buy her newer and better clothes to win her over during their packing. She assumed that was supposed to be what the trip to the mall today was, and sure enough Score purchased many things he intended her to put on, all for her lessons, none of which seemed suitable for public use…

To be fair, Fluttershy thought their trip to the mall was originally going to be longer, allowing Score to purchase her more suitable clothes, but it seemed as though her coach hurried her back to her new home the moment he spotted her conversing with someone she knew. Perhaps he thought he would distract her from her lessons. Score had frequently stressed the importance of her needing to fully focus her entire efforts on their lessons. That was why she had decided to move in with Score… and also why her coach had given her phone to Indigo Zap to hold onto for the time being. Talking to any friends or family was a big no-no in her coach’s book. The less distractions she had, the better.

Fluttershy gave a light blush, imagining what Shady would have thought of her if he had seen into her coach’s bags and caught a glimpse at what she would be within the hour. A micro bikini top, bottom, stockings, adorned with a cowhide texture and seemingly suited for a girl with a much smaller chest than hers! Not a moment after the bedroom door closed did her giddy master instruct her to take off all her clothes and put it on. With them and her last set of normal clothing taken by Score and presumably thrown into the wash, it was time for an expected photo shoot, followed promptly by an even more expected-

“Ahhhhh f*ck, roomie,” Score panted in a lust-fueled frenzy. “Your tit* feel as amazing as always!” On her knees, the micro bikini top hadn’t lasted long, its strings now sitting slack against the upper part of the pinkette’s grand cleavage. It, along with her breasts as a whole, bounced up and down Score’s lap giving her new roommate a loving hug with her infamous tit*.

“Top marks, slu*t. Keep going just like that. I’ll turn you into a proper woman yet,” Score groaned again, feeling the tight embrace of Fluttershy hugging her two ridiculous-sized orbs against his co*ck, enveloping the entire member. Surprisingly, his pupil never was one to half-ass any of her explicit jobs in the bedroom, putting in her full effort when it came to getting her coach off, not to mention listening to and obeying his every instruction. Sure, it was most likely her great desire to impress him as her mentor so he would eventually and finally declare her sex education complete, but his co*ck couldn’t have cared less. “Heh, you sure seem excited after your photo session, Fluttershy, I’m really feeling it from you today.”

“T-Thank you, master.” His pet offered him a weak smile in response, taking it as a good sign at least somewhat thankful she would be graduating soon.

“Not surprised though. A lot of girls tend to get freaky horny whenever a camera comes out. Like literally the easiest way to get them out of their clothes. Oh! Oh! Speaking of which, I nearly forgot!” Score emphasized his point by reaching for his phone, setting it to record, and aiming it directly at the girl putting her massive udders to work on his co*ck.

Looking inward, Fluttershy didn’t feel that ‘freaky horny’ feeling as the camera was once again set on her. Only a slight tinge of regret in that Score remembered. But at least it was getting easier over time.

“Oh… by the way, slu*t, who was that boy you were talking to at the mall earlier?” Score nonchalantly asked.

“It-It was just someone from school I knew,” Fluttershy spoke softly, only to wince as her coach dealt two sharp pinches to the tips of her sensitive nips.

“Now, now, girl. You know you aren’t allowed to keep secrets from me!” Score chided before urging her to resume and keep pace with her titjob. Slowing down just because of a little pain was easy marks off. “Tell me all the details.”

“Y-yes, master! Sorry, master!” Fluttershy squeaked out, biting her tongue. “I-It was a boy named Shady Daze. He was trying to ask me out!”

“...Oh really now?” Score noted, releasing his pinch. Another guy trying to steal away his pet? How rude. In a flash he tapped on his phone, flying out a quick text, sending the bitches out into action. “And what did you say?”

“I told him what you told me to say… that I’m seeing someone.”

“Very good, little slu*t,” Score patted her on the head approvingly, earning a sigh of relief from seeing her master’s validation.

Fluttershy didn’t know this until her mentor had taught her, but telling a guy you’re seeing someone didn’t necessarily mean one was in a relationship with them as boyfriend and girlfriend. It could also mean that a girl was simply stating she was with the guy as a student to his lessons in sex, and was currently in training. A work in progress, just like she was. Either way it meant the girl was off limits to potential suitors.

“See, he kind of messed up there,” Score said. “If they want to be your boyfriend, guys aren’t supposed to be asking you out at all.”

“He shouldn’t?” Fluttershy asked, clearly confused as she continued to smack her tit* up and down Score’s throbbing length.

“Yep. For a while, after you graduate as a full blown slu*t, all guys are supposed to come to your sex coach, AKA, me, and ask for my approval to date you or even just to use you. Just think of me as your agent. The fact that he asked you directly means he isn’t in the know of this system, so like in other words, he’s a total virgin. From that alone, it doesn't matter how much you like him, you gotta say no to him.”

“Wait… I’m not allowed to go out with virgins after I’m finished learning?” Fluttershy asked, sincerely hoping that wasn’t the case! She would have liked to have gone on that date with Shady had Score not been in the picture.

“Well think of it this way, I’m spending a good amount of time training you to be the best you can be, right? In me doing so, you then represent my skills and knowledge as a coach every time you venture into the bedroom to f*ck your newest squeeze. So, ideally, I would want you to be with a partner who can truly appreciate every fine little detail I drilled into you and take pride in my work.”

“Ummmm, I guess that makes sense…” Fluttershy admitted, feeling Score’s co*ck give a mighty twitch after doing so. Unbeknownst to the pinkette, her casual displays of cluelessness were a total turn-on to her bully. Had he a single wish in the world, it would be to make all girls in the world as oblivious as her.

“Heh heh heh, yeah. Really, it comes down to the most important aspect of a relationship: compatibility. You and that shrimp? Obviously not very compatible. On the other hand, you and someone like me? Our bodies are extremely compatible. Like we’re made for each other,” Score subtly suggested while trying to hold back laughter.

Fluttershy nodded along to every word, bouncing her massive udders along Score’s co*ck with a new sense of purpose as she committed every lesson to memory. Sure she may be a bit disappointed with Score’s answer and overall apprehensive about her new situation, but she was learning a lot of important life skills and social norms. So she was still eager for the moment she could graduate and seek out a boyfriend with her new found knowledge. With everything she’s been learning with her coach’s help in sex, she was starting to feel long overdue for one! Silently to himself, Score couldn’t have agreed more.

Score grunted, tapping his student on her head. “About to cum, slu*t. Back up and give me a target.”

Fluttershy more than happily released her master’s slick member from her breast’s embrace, scooting back on her knees as she withdrew slightly before pressing her bare chest forward, waiting to be marked by her mate. She closed her eyes in anticipation, knowing from earlier experience her master tended to sporadically paint her everything with his cum… including her eyes.

Score groaned as he rapidly fisted his dick to finish himself off, aiming directly at the one girl his entire lust was centered around. Fluttershy flinched slightly as she felt the first stream of distinctly warm, gooey seed splashed down on her body. To her surprise, it wasn’t on her face, or on her perky tit*, but around her collarbone! Score had seemingly dedicated his first round to completely drenching her precious butterfly geode in his thick cum!

“Heheheh…” Score chuckled evilly, “sorry, Fluttershy, was aiming for your tit*.”

Fluttershy grimaced to herself slightly as Score’s subsequent ropes of cum came raining down properly on her ample breasts. Still, she supposed it was better than in her eyes or hair…

Shady sighed dejectedly as he walked the Canterlot streets, alone, thinking of what just transpired. It wasn’t the worst rejection… right? Fluttershy just had another boyfriend at the moment so she couldn’t date him. It was nothing personal and it had nothing to do with him… Still, it would have been nice if Fluttershy’s friends had at least looked into if she had a boyfriend before all this! Honestly, that felt like it should have been step one!

A pair of footsteps was heard slowly approaching from behind him.

Then again maybe her friends had looked into if she was dating anyone at the moment and told them she wasn’t! After all, saying that you’re seeing someone is the textbook level rejection excuse girls give to let a guy down easy. Well… it was at least nice of Fluttershy to be considerate of his feelings. Right?

Another person’s steps, in addition to the other, were heard coming from his rear, closing in quicker now together.

It was fine Fluttershy was dating someone or not dating someone else. He knew he wasn’t wanted either way. Guess all he could do now was return to Rarity’s boutique, inform them of his failure as a man, and return the money he was gifted for their date.

A third person’s steps were heard, now directly behind him. It was enough to attract Shady’s attention to turn and see who it was… but before he could a pair of hands grabbed him and pushed his frail body into a nearby alleyway, behind a large dumpster, out of the view of the street.

“AAAA! Please don’t hurt me!” Shady meekly exclaimed as he was pushed up and held against a brick wall, holding his hands up as if to surrender already.

“Oh we aren’t here to hurt you, boy,” a girl’s voice was heard speaking to him, causing Shady to open his squinted eyes to see who it was.

It was three girls… none of whom he knew, but by the look of their school uniforms they clearly went to Crystal Prep. All three of them were grinning down at him, with a gleam in their eyes.

“A little birdie told us you asked out Fluttershy,” Sunny Flare giggled. “Is that true?”

“Ummmmmmm y-yeah,” Shady nervously answered, slightly amazed at how fast word traveled. But he did hope these Crystal Preppers weren’t here to mock him for his rejection.

“Well we’re just here to tell you Fluttershy is a bit off limits,” Indigo Zap beamed to his right, holding his arm firmly against the wall.

“I-I know,” Shady professed. “S-She turned me down. She has a boyfriend already. At least I think she does…”

“Oh… she has a boyfriend alright,” Sour Sweet laughed, holding up her phone for their captive boy to see.

Shady’s eyes nearly burst from their sockets. Pictured quite clearly on the girl’s phone was Fluttershy wearing considerably less clothing than she was in the mall. Almost every inch of her flawless skin was bared plainly to the camera. All except two pink nipples that topped the great orbs of flesh that consisted of her tit*, poorly hidden away under meager triangles of cloth textured like a cow! Even still, the two erect nips could clearly be seen poking smaller mounds, even almost visible, through the sheer almost transparent material. Lower down Shady could also make out his crush’s cameltoe in the equally sheer micro bikini bottom, and below that were more cow-textured stockings covering most of Fluttershy’s thick thighs. The obscenely lewd swimwear was all topped off by the girl sporting them, offering a weak smile to the camera pointed at her, holding up her impressive chest in her crossed arms. Sour flicked to the next frame of her collection, revealing Shady’s crush now properly down on all fours, glancing to the side as whoever was taking pictures of her captured a profile view of her drooping breasts, barely contained in the struggling bikini top. Another picture revealed the bikini top had been crudely pulled upwards, the now slack strings sat on her chest, only to allow the blushing Fluttershy to embarrassedly cover her exposed nipples with her fingers, while still pushing her chest out to the camera.

“Awwwww… how cute, his heart is beating so fast!” Indigo Zap giggled, the bully having planted her hand on his chest to feel his racing heart. “But how about down here…” she went on… sliding her hand down below Shady’s waist. The red-faced boy doing nothing to stop her advances. “Hard as a rock,” she breathed with a particularly hard squeeze to his junk. “Like the good boy he is…”

“I think we have another interested buyer!” Sunny Flare chuckled along with her friends. Shady shrunk down a little in shame as it felt like he was being mocked.

“There’s so much more,” Sour teased seductively. “Just imagine… your crush, naked down on her knees, sucking… f*cking… putting those udders of hers to use. Showing the camera exactly what kind of girl she’s always been deep down. But you don’t have to imagine it anymore… we have pictures and videos to prove it all… Hot off the presses too, taken just an hour ago.”

An hour ago?! Shady flinched as Indigo gave his member another squeeze of encouragement. These girls were seriously selling nude pictures and videos of Fluttershy?! Did Fluttershy know about any of this? Come to think of it… despite his crush’s smile, Fluttershy somehow appeared slightly reluctant in all those teasing photos. “I-Is Fluttershy okay with you girls doing this?” he asked, attempting to do what Rarity would have wanted and be the true gentlemen here!

All three of the girls laughed in his face, showing how little his gentle nature meant to them.

“Does it really matter to you?” Indigo Zap giggled, feeling his hard-on once again. “Seems like it doesn’t to the little guy down here…” Shady gulped, knowing she had a point.

“As I said earlier… Fluttershy is off limits,” Sunny Flare spoke firmly. “You’re never going to get her into your bed. But… that doesn’t mean you don’t have to go the rest of your life without seeing her naked. Letting one guy enjoy that treasure of a body she has… well that just wouldn’t be fair, now would it?”

“We can easily send your phone the collection of your crush getting down and dirty,” Sour seductively whispered into his ear, “and no one will ever have to know besides us.”

Shady Daze gulped again, looking up at the three Crystal Prep bullies staring down at him. Somehow they had seen past him, and knew what he really wanted. He wanted to see Fluttershy naked, regardless of how much consent she had into this matter. There was no point pretending otherwise to these girls. “Okay…” he softly spoke and admitted. “I-I would like to see them.”

“Oh no no no,” Sunny giggled again, “It would be a grave insult to Fluttershy if we gave them out for free. The best things in life aren’t.”

The Canterlot High boy nervously watched as Indigo reached into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. Opening it, a large sparkle appeared in her eyes as she laid eyes upon the wide wad of cash. Not wasting a moment she reached in and took everything. Shady gave a small whimper as every dollar Rarity had left for his dinner date with Fluttershy was taken from him.

“Good choice, shrimp,” Sour purred as she watched her partner pocket the hard cash before sending out the collection to Shady’s phone. “Might want to lube up your hands before you start jerking off tonight. Hahaha…”

The three bullies cruelly let loose another round of laughter at him, causing the depressed yet horny boy to shrink again.

“But we aren’t done yet!” Sunny exclaimed proudly. “We actually have a special offer for you today. Something other than Fluttershy if you’re interested…”

“And I think we know this little pervert will be,” Indigo smugly grinned. Shady watched Sour’s phone, transfixed, as she pulled up the next item.

Rarity… It was Rarity! The beautiful fashionista who had so generously done everything in her power to set him up with the love of his life! She was on their phones… It was a paused frame in what was clearly a video, but Shady could plainly see the gorgeous woman clad in a black laced set of undergarments, smiling seductively at the camera she had set up to record her little dancing striptease. She was reaching behind her body, undoing the hooks that held her own impressive chest concealed in her bra, and was mere moments away from releasing them, and letting her girls out to breathe! It was an erotically filmed video clearly meant for her girlfriend Applejack and her eyes alone. How these bullies got their hands on it, he didn’t know or care.

“C-Can I have that one too?” Shady asked. He was almost this deep down the hole, no point not going all the way. “Please??” he added.

“Sure-w-wait… oh dear, it seems like you don’t have any money to pay for it…” Indigo Zap teased, waggling his empty wallet in front of him before dropping it to the ground.

“B-but that’s because you took all of my money!” he protested.

“Then I guess you’ll just need to find some other way of paying us…” Sunny Flare mused as if deep in thought. “A little favor to earn you this one for free…”

*knock* *knock* *knock*

“Shady?!” Rarity opened the door to her boutique, seeing the young bachelor standing outside. The fact that he was here alone at this point in time did certainly not bode well. “What happened, darling?”

“Oh…. uhhhh…. Heheh…” Shady stuttered out, appearing quite skittish and red in the face. Rarity assumed that was merely a result of the young boy’s recent proposal of his crush. “I asked Fluttershy out and she said she has a boyfriend already.”

“She said what now?!” Rarity gasped with a hand to her chest. “D-Darling, I hadn’t the faintest idea, I swear!”

Shady struggled not to lower his gaze down to her breasts. Things already felt different knowing what she looked like in her underwear. Emotions welled up in him that changed the way he saw her. No longer as the gentle and innocent woman charade she put on, but as a naughty lewd teenager who was as dirty as he imagined her in his dreams. Good lord did he prefer the latter, wanting to see everything this fashionista had to show! Consent be damned if this was the only way.

“It’s fine! Heh heh…” Shady chuckled. “Fluttershy is actually dating a guy from Crystal Prep called Jet Set. I don’t know anything about him, but if you know any girls from Crystal Prep, could you please text them to ask about him? I’d hate for Fluttershy to be dating some weirdo!”

“Y-yes, darling, I’ll do that,” Rarity promised. “B-but how could Fluttershy of all people get a boyfriend without telling any of us?” she pondered. It felt as if the Fluttershy Bodyguard Team had taken their eyes off their busty friend for one moment and they had failed in their task! “Don’t worry, dear, I’ll get this all sorted-”

“Okay that’s everything! Bye!” Shady was already gunning it away from the boutique, hurrying home to the privacy of his own private bedroom for completely innocent reasons.

Rarity watched wordlessly as he departed, noting the boy’s rather strange take on dealing with today’s let down. She supposed it was best to let him have his time alone while she got this new matter figured out.

Closing the door to her boutique, she flipped the open sign over and locked the door. There was yet another background check to be done!

Rarity: Fluttershy!!!!

Fluttershy: Oh hi, Rarity. What’s up?

A quick response to her text was a very welcomed change of pace. Lately her friend had been as hard to get in contact with as Twilight and Rainbow!

Rarity: I’ll cut right to the chase, darling. I heard you recently got a boyfriend from Crystal Prep but I did a little digging around on him…

Fluttershy: Did you see his picture online? Isn’t he the cutest? He’s just so handsome!

Rarity: Well, no, I didn’t ask about what he looked like. I just texted Sunny Flare and her friends about him and Fluttershy they say he’s a disgusting pig! A bully with hormones coming out of his ears!

Fluttershy: He didn’t seem that way to me! He’s so nice!

Rarity had to take pause upon reading that, her friend not reacting at all like she expected her too. Usually she listened and took everything she had to say seriously into consideration. To be frank, she was expecting Fluttershy to reply with her immediate plans to dump the brute and express her disbelief that she even allowed herself to be deceived in such a way.

Rarity: Fluttershy, dear, listen to me! This man is exactly the type of guy we all warned you to stay away from!

Fluttershy: Don’t be silly Rarity! He’s not at all like that.

Rarity: Sunny herself swore that’s what he’s like!! Lemon Zest had to deal with him groping her. Sugarcoat caught him trying to take an upskirt picture of her while she wasn’t wearing panties.

Fluttershy: He talked to me about those mean rumors some bullies were spreading about him around school. He said they all weren’t true!

“What in the heavens is going on here!?!” Rarity exclaimed out loud, frustratedly ramming her fingers into her phone to make her friend see common sense. It was like an average day of arguing on the internet.

Rarity: He just wants you for your body, Fluttershy!!! Even if he’s dating you he’s the type of guy who will still be trying to sleep with every girl he comes across!

Fluttershy: Actually I think he’s very loyal. More loyal than Rainbow Dash. He swore to me that I’m the only girl he wants. It was so sweet!

Rarity: …

Fluttershy: Actually to prove how loyal he is, he invited me over to his house later tonight. Me alone! Not even his parents are home! So you don’t have to worry about him cheating on me!

Rarity’s heart froze still upon reading those words. She had to pinch herself and rub her eyes to realize she wasn’t living in some nightmare scenario. Unfortunately this was all real!

Fluttershy: But he did actually say I could bring some of my girl friends if they wanted to join us. I’ll text you his home address if you want. It’s not like he’s going to hit on you or anything!

Rarity paused, having accepted this Jet Set boyfriend guy must’ve manipulated her friend’s mind to an extreme to have her like this. She could merely theorize that this brute had tricked Fluttershy into how she viewed her close friend’s insistence of being overly protective of her. Which, admittedly, she was at times. Now she was merely dismissing all of her background-checked info on those grounds! It was as if her mind was under his control. But that didn’t mean his control wasn’t unbreakable….

Rarity: What if you discovered he wasn’t so loyal?

Fluttershy: I would break things off instantly, but only if they had proof. Loyalty is very important to me!

Rarity: I see. Sure darling. It sounds like a splendid time. Send me his address…

Proof huh? Well then… consider your challenge accepted, Fluttershy!

Chapter 7: Rarity gets way too Involved (Part 2)

Chapter Text

Hair? Check. Makeup? Check. Perfume? Check. Earrings? Check. Lip stick? Check. Cute off-the-shoulder-top the dips low into the cleavage? Check. High waisted and frayed denim short shorts that show off the thighs? Check. Girlfriend not informed as to what she was about to do? Also check.

‘Sorry, Applejack, but this a matter of life and death, for Fluttershy’s sake!’

She was sure her girlfriend would understand what she had to do here if she had explained it, but there just wasn’t time. Fluttershy and this “Jet Set” brute were scheduled to meet tonight! And as it stood now it took her a little over two and a half hours to properly dress and prepare to bring her seductive A-game setup.

Obviously there were no plans on doing anything close to naughty with this bully. Not in a million years! She just needed proof. Proof of this bully’s lack of loyalty that Fluttershy seemed to hold in high regard, likely from Rainbow Dash’s influence. Anything really to prove the rumors about him were all true.

It would be easy. Judging from what Sunny Flare and her friends had gossiped to her regarding his reputation at Crystal Prep, she already knew what type of perverted male this was quite well. The type of brash guys who were quick to try and wave their dicks at every woman they could possibly get a hold of. The concept of monogamy or being tied down was unheard of to these horny thugs. More animal than men with more blood in their groins than their brains, the bright side being this made them all too easy to trick. Not to mention seeing how she was dressed for high ranking seduction… the task would likely take her five minutes at most, though even that was far too long for her liking to spend in this particular person’s presence. The Crystal Prep girls had even gone so far as to strongly advise she intervene in this situation if Fluttershy didn’t listen to reason.

Rarity was nothing but ready as she arrived at the address Fluttershy had texted her. It was, admittedly, a nice-looking abode, as expected of a Crystal Prepper and their usually affluent parents of worth. But Rarity knew none of that had any meaningful reflection of the worth of this boyfriend who lived off of them. She supposed she wouldn’t be meeting these parents either way if they were out of town. This would be a good old one on one long before Fluttershy even said she would arrive.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Rarity stood back from the door, stood up straight, and plastered her million dollar smile on her face, however fake it was.

The door opened as there stood her target, clearly dressed in his Crystal Prep uniform like a rich boy. Rarity didn’t know why, but she expected him to at least be fat or unkempt. Jet Set met her gaze for a moment, before it immediately drifted downwards to her exposed cleavage. Rarity was then free to give an unseen smug smirk, knowing how easy this was going to be.

“Why hello there, darling~,” Rarity spoke in a sultry tone. “Are you Fluttershy’s dear friend from Crystal Prep? She told me this was the place to be if I was… *ahem*... looking for an eventful evening…”

“Fluttershy? Yeah… yeah! I’m her boyfriend,” Jet Set coughed and grinned. “Heard about you, Rarity. You’re exactly where you should be. Come inside…” He held the door wide open for her, allowing the fashionista the strut inside, proudly sashaying her hips from side to side as she walked past him. Lord, she could just feel the brute’s gaze locked on her round ass as he closed and locked the door behind her. An actual feeling of pride welled up inside her, despite the crucial mission she was here to accomplish.

“So….” Rarity began, setting down her purse on the first table she saw. She already knew this was going to be easy, why not throw a bit of shade while she could? “As Fluttershy’s new boyfriend I couldn’t help but notice you chose to station your first night together in your own home… Personally, I would have treated her to the classiest restaurant in town, you know, as a lady like her deserves. But I suppose a plain night together in your home, while your parents happen to be away is a rather interesting option as well…”

“Well, what can I say,” Jet Set chuckled, the comments dripping with passive aggressiveness flying right over his head, “I know what girls like her really want or, I guess, need, in this case. Heh heh. But don’t worry your sweet little head, I was always planning on giving Fluttershy plenty to eat tonight…”

Rarity silently groaned to herself. Sunny Flare’s gossip had been right on the money on exactly what type of guy he was. But their testimony didn’t seem like it was ever going to convince Fluttershy of that. Rarity needed actual hard evidence. Grabbing her phone from her purse, she replaced her sighing face with a bright charming smile as she whipped back around to face him.

“Oh yes… how right you are, good sir,” Rarity giggled, attempting to goad this bully’s true self out into the light. Specifically the light of her camera. “Far, far too many men these days beat around the bush with us women. It is truly nice to see one so… bold and firm in what he wants. Quite respectable indeed.” She felt like she would need to wash her mouth out with soap later with all of the things she was saying.

Jet Set responded with a smirk, waltzing up to the fashionista, reaching around, and planting a firm *smack* right on top of her barely concealed ass.

“Oh!” Rarity gasped out loud as she did a little jump. Her gaze locked on Jet Set for a moment before her dashing smile was beamed at him again. Though, notably, her face had become beet-red at the same time.

“You got that right, sugartit*,” he grinned at her.

“Ooooh my… such a… charmer you are,” Rarity spoke through her gritted teeth. He couldn’t even muster up enough brain power for proper banter for a girl like her! How was she supposed to play off a response like that?!

Below, her fingers could not have been working faster on her phone, attempting to turn on the camera through her suppressed anger and annoyance. Regretfully, the spank went undocumented, but she knew there would be plenty more of that to come later. Best catch her evidence then dip before that happened.

While she was attempting to deal with her phone, Jet Set’s attention on her did not waver in the slightest. He slipped behind her, snaking his hands under her arms, planting them squarely on her tit* like they belonged there!

“Awwww, you nervous, babe?” Jet Set teased, noticing the fashionista had clearly started shaking the moment his hands landed on her. In his own misogynistic way of comforting her, he gave her ample set of round womanly assets a firm squeeze, his grin only widening further as he felt the distinct lack of a bra beneath the slu*t’s top, allowing him to feel her bust’s exact size, heft, and softness through the sheer material. Truly a woman dressed to impress him. “Don’t worry. I’ll take goooood care of you tonight~” His groping hands on her breasts turned into a mixture of squeezing and slyly pulling down her top, knowing it wouldn’t take much to actually bare her tit* to the world. Rarity took a calming breath as she bore through it all.

‘Sure, sure. Grope away you disgusting pig. It’ll only give me the evidence I need to keep Fluttershy away from you! You don’t even know what you are losing out on!’

With the camera app opened, Rarity quickly swapped the phone into self mode, aiming it at her chest to catch the unfaithful bully boyfriend red-handed in the act!

To her dismay, the bully had slipped his hands away out of sight the moment the picture was taken, leaving nothing left in the frame other than her off the shoulder top positioned merely about to reveal the pink of her breasts to the open air. Admittedly… it wasn’t a total failure. Perhaps Applejack would appreciate that later.

“Aheh, we’re getting ahead of ourselves already,” Jet Set laughed. “We’re not even in my bedroom yet!” With that, he pushed the fashionista forward with a firm hand planted squarely on her ass.

Rarity chuckled nervously as she was led deeper into the den of the beast. A regrettable change of pace. She was hoping to finish this without tainting her memory with the sight of a likely ghastly place. “B-but what about, Fluttershy, darling? Surely your intentions are centered around her for the evening?”

“Don’t worry, sugartit*. I got plenty of love for the both of you.”

Ugggggg. Why did she bother to dress up in her A-game for this brute? She could have worn her baggy laundry day clothes and still have this horny bastard eating out of the palm of her hands! Now she just felt way more exposed than she needed to be. He didn’t deserve this sight of her, on top of Fluttershy! She was glad she wasn’t facing him, otherwise he might have caught how hard she was rolling her eyes.

The fashionista was practically shoved inside the Crystal Prepper’s bedroom. It was a messy room that reeked of a pungent male odor, to put it lightly. Yet the ever diligent Rarity did not let her seductive demeanor falter, her mind whirling with ideas concerning how she could entrap the horny animal into a damning position to be photographed with her phone. Then it hit her. Unlike this idiot, she was thinking way too hard about this!

“Mmmmm, just where women like me belong. I can just tell there’s plenty of fun to be had here,” Rarity giggled convincingly. “And on that note… how about you disrobe and show me exactly what I will be having to work with tonight, stud…” She tensed her camera’s grip in her ready hand. A picture of Fluttershy’s so called “loyal” boyfriend naked beside her in his own bedroom, displaying himself fully to her? It would perfectly prove how easy it was for a girl to seduce him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Going a little quick there, slu*t,” Jet Set laughed, as he circled his room.

Admittedly, the bully had a point. Rarity realized how embarrassingly provocative she was coming out to lower the bully’s guard, the guy she was supposed to humiliate. Well maybe it would make it all the more sweet when she finally snagged her photographic evidence, dealt a swift kick into this horny bastard’s nuts, and stormed right out the front door, laughing all the way. That beautiful thought only made it easier to smile and continue the charade.

“Oh, apologies, darling. What did you have in mind?” Rarity beamed at him as she took a delicate seat atop the pig’s bed, fluttering her eyelashes at him suggestively.

“Well… I was thinking,” Jet Set spoke as he rummaged deep into his closet. “You’re a slu*tty babe who shows up at my house practically begging for a co*ck. A girl like that is probably into some freaky stuff, not your vanilla crap. So how bout something freaky?”

Rarity gritted her teeth again, staring daggers into the bully’s backside, annoyed to no end by the bully’s correct assessment of her for all the wrong reasons.

“How about some bondage?” he asked.

“W-W-Well….ummmm… I don’t know about that,” Rarity stammered nervously. She knew she had the brute exactly in the mindset she needed, but still, she wasn’t about to let an animal like him tie her up! Alone in his bedroom? That was clearly a recipe for disaster.

“Heh, alright, no biggie,” Jet Set said with a wave of his hand.

He took the rejection to his idea surprisingly well for someone like him!

“I don’t want to overplay that card anyway, cause, to be honest, I was saving that for Fluttershy later. Hehehe, a shy meek thing like her seems exactly like the type of girl who likes to suddenly play hard-to-get the moment things get hot and heavy. Exactly why bondage was invented! Keeps those bitches nice and still for ya!”

Oh, that was why…

Jet Set emphasized his point by holding up a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs. Through her suffering and abstract loathing of the man before her, a gleam appeared in the corner of Rarity’s eyes as she recognized those handcuffs! They were exactly the same brand sold by the adult sex shop in the mall! One that she had never gone to or set foot inside if anyone besides Applejack ever asked.

The special thing about those particular handcuffs was, in addition to having a key, they could also be unlocked through a special latch hidden on its side allowing the captive release whenever she so chose! Bondage was always sexy, but proper safety was even sexier.Though it was amazing to see the knowledge from her and Applejack’s amorous activities in the bedroom coming in handy for more than just sharing earth-shattering pleasure with her girlfriend!

“Heheheh, on second thought, darling, let’s do it!” Rarity beamed at him. That sweet summer child thought that was bondage? Heh. He had nothing on the depraved positions Applejack could lock her slender fashion-oriented body into.

“Really? Well, I’m game if you are. Guess some slu*ts just can’t resist the idea of being tied up and helpless,” Jet Set grinned at her, waltzing over with quite a few of the same brand of fuzzy handcuffs in his grasp.

This was it. The moment of proof she had been waiting for! Rarity gladly stood up and placed her hands together in front of her expectantly, smiling as she spotted the expected safety release latch on the bondage cuffs.

She felt the familiar fuzzy cuffs touch down on her wrists. The brute roughly secured them tightly into place, as if to ensure she wouldn’t be able to slip her hands out through the holes in doing so. He grinned in glee as they were both clicked tightly and locked in place in front of her.

Likewise, Rarity could not have been happier to be locked into cuffs, even more so than her own girlfriend doing it to her. Still… another issue appeared to arise as she realized how her phone was now being held. Not exactly a suitable angle for capturing this incriminating evidence. She would barely be able to include her handcuffs in frame, and even if she did, who was to say Fluttershy would just assume she put those on herself. No, Jet Set needed to be present in the frame.

As Jet Set knelt down to secure another pair of fuzzy cuffs around her ankles, binding her legs together, a devious thought occurred to the fashionista. She didn’t have to take the photo. This brute could! Capturing the pic that would unknowingly spell the end of his relationship with Fluttershy. Oh how sweet it was to imagine that poetic justice!

“There we go… Locked nice and tight. Heheh, you’re not getting away from me anytime soon,” Jet Set hummed to himself.

“Mmmmm, it does seem that way,” Rarity giggled for completely different reasons. “B-But, darling, before we continue, can you do a small favor for me?”

“Hmmm? What’s that?” he asked.

“Well I think we would both agree I look rather ravishing in my current predicament. And I’d love it if you snagged a quick few pictures of me?” She displayed her phone she still held in her bound hands. “And include yourself in the frame, would you? You are quite the catch after all…”

“Ooooh? Sure, I’ll help you out. Want to share your slu*tty activities to your friends, huh? I hear ya. I hear ya.”

“Heh heh… something like that, dear,” Rarity coyly smiled back at him as he snatched her phone.

Jet Set took a step back from her, tapping on her phone. “Wait wait… Your phone locked itself. What’s your passcode?”

“Oh, it's 369874,” Rarity railed off to him. Figures. Her phone had gone idle while she was setting the stage and had to be unlocked again. That, if anything else, only brought to light how long this ridiculous task of hers was taking. Already she longed to be free from this horny bully’s presence, but it would just be a few seconds longer now.

“Ahhh, there we go,” Jet Set replied as the phone apps popped onto the screen, only for him to set the phone down on a nearby dresser for a moment. “Hang on. You’re missing one last piece that I feel a total slu*t like you would love to be pictured in!”

He spun her around facing away again. Rarity’s confusion was palpable until a roaring smack landed itself on her ass again! As the fashionista gasped in a mixture of shock, pain, and surprise, the bully worked quickly, moving a red ball directly into her open lips and pressing in with it. Before she could even realize what was happening, the Crystal Prepper was tightly locking the ball gag’s straps into place behind her head, cutting off her ability to speak completely.

“Perfect! Now for the pics! Let’s let everyone see the real you,” Jet Set spoke giddily, moving back to Rarity’s phone. Perhaps this brute deserved several kicks to the nuts after she was done with him. Heck, he didn’t even deserve nuts. The future would thank her for depriving it of Jet Set genes.

Whatever, she was dressed up exactly how he wanted. Handcuffs, annoyingly gagged, and beside his bed not even ten minutes after coming in through his front door! If this proof didn’t convince Fluttershy, nothing would! Though, come to think of it, she would likely have to explain how handcuffs were bedroom related to the poor girl...

Rarity stared waiting at Jet Set aiming the camera at her. “Annnnnnd smile!” She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes again as her bound form was captured on her phone. He took a few shots of his captured prize, before turning the phone into selfie mode and including his smugly grinning face in the frame with her off to the side, just as requested.

Success! That was it! Mission accomplished! Fluttershy… prepare to be single again! Well, that was until she could hook her up with a proper boyfriend and gentleman this time. Rarity would have hated it if all her work with Shady Daze had been for naught after all this time.

Jet Set strangely found his bound model suddenly breaking out into a fit of giggles, audible even through her ball gag. Giggles that he couldn’t help copy in giddiness of his own.

Rarity was still laughing in glee as Jet Set approached. Suddenly her arms were roughly yanked high over her head, the bully whistling as he tied a rope hanging above from his ceiling securely onto the metal chains holding the fashionista's hands together. Now, her arms were helplessly held far out of the way, only making her generous and scantily clad chest even more prominent!

‘Yeah… no. Enough of this nonsense! Time to end this little charade, you mindless ruffian! This has been a long time coming!!’

Looking above her Rarity attempted to wrestle her wrists close enough to find the cuff’s hidden escape latch. The bully certainly didn’t make it easy for her. Seeing how high her hands were, and how dimly lit the bedroom was, it was rather difficult to make out what was where. It took the fashionista a few moments to flail around, but she eventually found it! Smugly grinning to herself, she pressed it inwards.

..............Nothing happened.

She tried again, and again, and again, and again, and again. It was the same result each time, her hand cuffs remaining as firmly locked as they had always been. It now only just occurred to Rarity of the slight and very most certainly likely scenario of this brute purposefully breaking the safety release latch on all his equipment! How did she not see that coming from him of all people?!?!

Looking downwards now, it seemed Jet Set hadn’t even noticed her frantic escape attempt, busy working away at her ankles. Her mind had been too occupied at the time to even feel a now cold and hard steel cuff locked into place just above her feet. Attached to both of the metal cuffs was a similar metal bar… a spreader bar! A spreader bar that had been locked into the floor below her!

“There we go!” Jet Set smiled, as he stood up and admired his fresh handiwork. “Now your legs are together, go ahead and spread them out for me!”

Rarity did so, but mainly in a vain attempt to throw a kick at her captor, perhaps he would take that as a message to let her out while also being a small bit of what he very much deserved… only to realize she fell short. As her ankles cuffs parted from one another, it slid through the spreader bar, locking into place as she reached the max width.

‘Oh dear… oh dear oh dear oh dear….’ Rarity suddenly found herself sweating bullets now as the true gravity of the predicament she had landed herself in dawned on her.

Her arms held firmly, now with almost no slack at all, straight above her head… Her legs spread and for all intents and purposes, completely immobilized… And to top it all off. A smugly grinning bully stood before her, genuinely believing her convincing charade and thinking her to be the best dressed and slu*ttiest girl he had ever met!!!

“Muuuuch better!” Jet Set cooed in approval, wandering back over to Rarity’s phone. “Round two of pictures now! But no more smiling this time. Give me a little struggle like you’re unwilling. That’s a total f*cking turn on!”

To Jet Set surprise, his model was struggling before he even voiced his desire. Impressive how being so slu*tty came naturally to some girls. Without a doubt she was doing what she passionately loved!

After realizing that fighting her bonds would do her no good, she ceased. The gagged Rarity stared nervously at her phone that had just snapped picture after picture of her bound form. Albeit, this was even far more convincing proof to show Fluttershy, but she had even bigger problems now!

“Oooh… I get why you look so angsty, sugartit*,” Jet Set spoke to her as he admired the freshly taken photos.

Yes.. yes! He saw how he wanted her to let her go?! Rarity stared helplessly at her captor. Maybe he would let her out in the hope that she would perform sexual acts upon him!

“You’re upset you have a little too many clothes on! Well, I can help with that. Let’s swap to a video for this!”

No! No! No! No! Rarity fretted frantically as the imposing bully sauntered step after step closer to her. She clenched her eyes shut, finding it didn’t help, only amplified the feeling of the brute on her.

The smugly grinning Jet Set aimed her own phone directly at her chest, inserting one finger into the valley of her cleavage to hook around the upper portion of her top. He pulled back a bit, then let off a bit, only to pull it back a bit more, then easing off again, joyfully teasing his captive to no end. Rarity frantically shook her head, but found it unsurprisingly no straight man would be looking above her neck in a precious moment like this.

Jet Set didn’t use a single finger, his entire hand firmly gripped a handful of the sheer fabric and pulled! Rarity drifted forward as much as she could, but the rope and spreader bar held her body firmly in place. It was all she could do but watch as her precious garment ripped and finally tore free from her chest as it was cruelly yanked from her slender frame! Her exposed tit* bounced rapidly into the open as they were freshly bared to the bully.

“Mmmm, nice,” Jet Set hummed in satisfaction at his helpless captive’s plump sweater puppies as he flung the remains of her top to the side. With his hand once again free, Rarity could do nothing but fearfully stare downwards as the brute’s grubby hands laid claim to her bountiful chest, touching the soft skin he should have never been able to feel, let alone see! “You have a rather nice pair, Rarity,” he spoke and groped as if grading his fresh piece of meat. “Impressive size. Almost as big as Fluttershy’s! But you keep on hiding them in these dumb outfits of yours. Didn’t you know, the only things guys care about in women's fashion is what they look like on their bedroom floor?” He brought her camera in for a close shot of her rack as he cruelly dealt a pinch and pull to one of her erect nips, causing the fashionista to recoil in her binds. After, he followed up by smacking each meaty tit, letting the obscene sound of them clapping into each other be captured on the recording. Followed then by the bully squeezing and tugging the base of her girls like they were udders he was attempting to milk! And why wouldn’t he? In every sense of the word, she was now his toy he could do anything he wanted to for as long as he wanted!

“Oh man… what am I doing?” Jet Set exclaimed suddenly, letting her tit* go free. “I can read it on your face that you’re horny out of your mind and just waiting to get completely naked! Well, f*ck, you don’t have to tell me twice!” He moved behind her, Rarity’s heart freezing solid as she felt her shorts’ button unfastened and unzipped. He gave them a downward tug… only to find they wouldn’t budge much! “Hmmmm, guess not…” Jet Set remarked, disappointed as he backed away. The bound and gagged fashionista was relieved beyond words. Her shorts were on tight and with her legs spread at this angle and forcibly kept like that by the spreader bar, her captor wouldn’t be ever able to properly lower and remove the garment. She was safe below the waist!

“Just hold still for me will you, sugartit*?” Jet Set said unseen from behind her. What was he playing at? It was only after asking that question in her mind did she hear the faintest of *snips*. Another, and another, and another, and another. Her tight shorts feel more and more loose with each one. “Hehehe… these are really sharp scissors, so don’t move. Don’t wanna damage the merchandise.”

Rarity couldn’t believe this was happening! From her waistline above her ass, this brute was cutting her outfit in two, shorts and panties at the same time! With them loosened up a bit, he was then able to cut more lines down the material covering her legs, completely and utterly ruining every expensive article of clothing she had worn to this disaster of an event! What would she even wear home? Though that obviously wasn’t a concern of the bully, who seemed to clearly demonstrate his intent on her staying the night… and maybe even well past the next morning.

“f*ck! There’s that nice ass of yours!” Jet Set growled as he ripped away the last remains of his now completely naked fashionista’s clothing. “Been waiting to see that fat backend of yours out in the open since the moment I saw you. Bet you’ve been waiting to show it off too, slu*t.” He deliver another sharp *SPANK* to the bubbly behind, watching it bounce from his impact as Rarity was left with an even sharper jolt of pain from the now skin on skin contact. “Heh heh, I’m sure you love getting your ass spanked, huh? Naughty little slu*t like you just barging in here and begging for a piece of me? Come on, moan you freaky whor*!!”


“Let me hear that moan! I know you love it!”


Rarity didn’t have a choice. The bully obviously wasn’t going to cease his onslaught until he got his way! Even so, it was infuriating! No one else should ever have seen this pristine temple of a body in the flesh other than Applejack!! And the way he treated her on top of that. It wasn’t at all like her loving girlfriend! It was brutal! It was so feral! So raw! So untamed! So-

Jet Set had just planted his hand down on the flawlessly clear skin of the fashionista, ready to pull back again for another spank as the harmonious tune of his captive’s moan sung out through her gag, like music to his ears.

Rarity had just faked that moan to get her torment to stop, right?

“Ha, I knew you got off on this crap. You CHS babes are all the same.” Rarity went back to writhing in her stubbornly unbreakable bonds as she felt her captor’s greedy hand reach around her and venture between her legs. “Haha, wet as a whistle! Don’t even try to deny it!” The fashionista let loose another moan of disgrace as her puss* was wantonly fingered, bringing her body to even further heights of undesired pleasure.

“Heh… well that was all fun! So much fun I forgot I was even recording all of it on your phone! Sure that’ll be just a lovely little memento for you to enjoy another day, sugartit*,” Jet Set chuckled. “Heck, come to think of it, I wouldn’t mind having it on my own phone either!”

‘No! No! No!’ This was bad! Really, really bad! Being naked in front of this asshole was one thing, but having her nudity on his phone and something that could easily be spread to every person he knew was even worse!!! How could things possibly get any worse!?!


Jet Set whistled gleefully to himself as he entered his own phone number into Rarity’s phone.

Oh no…

“Hmmmm? What’s this?” he spoke out loud as he went to attach the recently taken pictures and video to the text he was about to send.

Oh god no! Sweet lord in heaven no!!!

“There’s something else in your photo album that’s interesting, slu*t…”

Rarity could feel her heart stop. She felt faint, wanting nothing more than to pass out here and wake up from this cruel nightmare. She was left hanging and ignored for the time being, for once wishing that wasn’t the case as the horny animal pursued her phone. Everything she had on her phone.

“Who’s this freckled blonde girl here? She’s pretty hot too! Kind of a dumb looking hat though. She should just ditch it. What else do we have here… Oooh hey, what’s this now? Looks like your friend ditched everything, Rarity! Mmmm… yeah… this slu*tty blonde didn’t need that shirt on, did she? Pants off too? Just shedding clothes like the nudist she should be! Ooo, that’s a pretty pink vibrator she’s using. Damn… she’s just going to town on herself using that, isn’t she? Naughty little girl knows exactly what she wants!”

Truth be told, Rarity had a bit of an urge to properly ‘document’ every aspect of her relationship with Applejack, with a special emphasis on the naughty aspect. The two women had gotten into plenty of dirty fun behind closed doors, with plenty of photographic and video evidence to prove it. Every text, every sext, every video of their lesbian late night romps, every embarrassing nude that revealed their aroused faces as they more than eagerly revealed every square inch of their naked bodies dozens of times over, and one recording of her dancing striptease she accidentally sent off to Twilight like a complete idiot! Thank goodness she said she never actually watched it… But instead, she had Jet Set now in her phone with far more access to her love life than Twilight was ever granted… and it was all because she was foolish enough to give him her phone and password!!!

“Oh… I get it now,” Jet Set snapped her back to reality with a smug comment. “Leaving a little present for your beloved master to stumble upon to show how busy you’ve been getting with your girlfriend? You really are a depraved slu*t!” Though he gently rubbed her ass as if demonstrating his approval of her perverted deeds. Rarity would have preferred a now much deserved spank at this moment if she was being honest. “Let me just direct your thoughtful gift over to my phone real quick…” The humiliated and defeated fashionista could only lower her head and whimper as her private sex life was shared with what was perhaps the last person on the planet she wanted to see it!

“Buuuuuut….” Jet Set pondered to himself as the phone worked to transfer the rather large collection of files over to his own personal device. “All this does beg the question regarding why you are here with me… instead of tangling legs with your blondie lesbo girlfriend here. Hmmmm, she not satisfying you in bed that much? Hey, I get it. Sex just nearly isn’t as much fun or pleasurable for you girls without a co*ck somewhere in the mix, right? Heh, I’m pretty sure I’ve straightened out a few drunk dykes myself just after a single night alone with them to work my magic. They don’t know what they are missing out on until they have a piece of it.”

Rarity didn’t even have the faintest idea of where to begin with everything wrong he was saying. Out of all of her binds infuriating her the most, it was the ball locked in her mouth!

And for god’s sake, Applejack just used a strap-on with her! In fact, he should have known that by now considering he had the five full length videos of her girlfriend dominating her with it. This disgusting bully and his co*ck wasn’t nearly as special as he thought it was!

“Well, I was about to let you go,” Jet Set lied, “but seeing as you’re cheating on your hot girlfriend just to be here with me, I suppose I shouldn’t leave you as unsatisfied as blondie does. Let me just grab a rubber…… Wait, what the f*ck am I saying? Course you’re one of those bitches who prefer your meat raw!”

Rarity was only seen giving a silent struggle again in her binds, silently cursing her overly convincing acting skills. Her heart only stopped once again as she witnessed her enemy position his own phone on a dresser in front of her, already set to record everything. She could only dread what was eventually coming for her as the rustling of the bully’s clothes were heard being removed from behind her. The world itself seemed to come to a dead stop as she suddenly felt a warm bulbous head placed ever so delicately against her pristine folds.

Her only hope now for being saved was Fluttershy’s arrival! But she wasn’t here yet. Rarity didn’t understand, it was well past the scheduled time her friend was supposed to arrive, and Fluttershy was never known for being late. Where was she?!?

“Heh… I’m really enjoying our time together, Rarity…” Jet Set, grasping the base of his co*ck as he tauntingly ran his tip along her puss* lips. “You’re just a girl who gets it, you know? A slu*tty babe marching into my place, haven’t even met for longer than five minutes and you’re just begging for the D.”

Rarity blushed in embarrassed shame, realizing that anyone else who would watch this video would certainly be getting the wrong impression of her! If her being naked and locked in place didn’t do enough of that already!

“Awwww…. You don’t have to be so shy about it now,” Jet Set chuckled, drinking in every moment of this. From all the preview material Sunny Flare and her team had shown to him, he knew exactly what type of girl he was dealing with here. The lewd striptease video of her they had stolen from Twilight’s phone revealed the exact impression he needed of her. She was an uppity high-class bitch who was just begging every male around her to take her down a peg. And being the altruistic bully he was, that was half the reason he decided to purchase her and put on this act. But really… Was he really acting if he was just being himself?

“Just admit it!” Jet Set growled, squeezing her fat ass hard. “You get off on being used like a proper bitch! Give me a nod!” He waited a moment as nothing came, only to smack his hand down firmly on that plump white rear end.

“Mmmmhggg!” The muffled Rarity moaned into her gag before quickly nodding her head in agreement.

“Good. See, isn’t it better when you’re honest about your true self, Rarity?” Jet Set beamed. The fashionista quickly nodded again before he could threateningly raise his hand once more. She caught on quickly.

“You’re a slu*t that lives for co*ck…” He listed off, Rarity nodded her head, casting another worried glance at the recording camera.

“You’ve slept with dozens of men by now… if you’re not in the triple digits already…” Rarity agreed yet again.

“And you’re here, with me, cheating on your girlfriend because she can’t pleasure you like a co*ck can?” Rarity was seen limpy nodding her head before letting it hang.

“Good girl… Here's your reward!” Jet Set suddenly exclaimed, jerking his hips forward as he pushed his co*ck fully into his bound captive. The startled fashionista’s eyes bulged out of her sockets slightly as her entire body lurched forward with the sudden force, her breasts clapping obscenely against each other. Her own body betrayed her as it provided an overly lubricated path to the invading member. The smugly grinning bully made sure to hold her hips firmly in place for himself as he ruthlessly nailed the stacked fashionista and her high class puss*.

Every bit of her was a heavenly feeling, hugging his co*ck with a hot and tight embrace. Not at all like the loose delinquent thots at his school that spread their legs for just about any guy and were too dumb to figure out they should have been charging money all this time. No, this c*nt was a proper hole, deserving a proper pounding coming from a true alpha male like himself.

Rarity could do nothing more than simply remain standing in her inescapable binds as the pristine body she had sculpted to perfection over the years was so brutally used by the brute, one who made sure to make absolutely sure to fully abuse the position of absolute power he held over her. Every thrust his, admittedly, long and girthy co*ck plunged inside her gifted him with an even, firm sense of her slick velvety walls. Her breasts likewise were on the receiving end of an equal amount of torment. The bully’s recording camera captured her large swaying tit* as they were endlessly manhandling and groped by the ape’s greedy paws along with the beast himself pounding her from behind. As much as she hated to admit it, her assailant was not a novice to this act by any means.

Jet Set could only grin with a smile that would have immediately revealed his lack of innocence that his prey believed he had in this situation, should she have seen it. But with her naked body bound looking straight ahead, she wasn’t even gifted with the sight of the co*ck that was f*cking her! Everything she had now was the feeling of him. The feeling of his ironclad grip that wouldn’t have let her go even if she was somehow freed from her restraints, the feeling of his rock-hard invader rocking her to the very core, the feeling of his skilled fingers joyfully playing with and teasing her hardened nipples… it was almost as if he was as dead set on getting her off as he was himself!

Rarity cast another worried look at the recording phone aimed directly at her. There was no way she would want one of her patented climaxes to be caught on camera at the hands on this brute! She clenched her eyes shut as she focused all her efforts into resisting the bully’s temptations, desperately fighting for the one small victory she could hope for in her current predicament.

But her cruel lover would have none of it. Today was this slu*t’s absolute loss, just like she deserved. With a firm hand from her up and coming master, he delivered his strongest spank right smack into her bubbly ass with a particularly brutal and hilting thrust inside her puss*. Rarity’s eyes shot open wide as her floodgates overflowed from the pressure and burst, the fat-chested fashionista letting out an involuntary slu*tty moan into her gag as she came. Jet Set groaned in further satisfaction from his purchase as her already tight walls clamped down on his invading co*ck like a vise. Below, Rarity’s shapely thighs were seen trembling violently as her body struggled to fully hold herself up, the standing org*sm seeming to breach and tingle every inch of her body with overwhelming pleasure. Jet Set couldn’t have wished for a better moment to unleash his load, adding to the slu*t’s pure overload of stimulation with an extra sensation of overwhelming heat and warmth being pumped directly into her womb. The satisfied bully not showing the slightest bit of mercy as he held her hips firmly in place, ensuring every drop of his gifted cum was fully unloaded and resting inside the c*nt of his newest toy.

The part of Rarity’s mind that could still just barely manage to think in the midst of the swirling pleasure and high ecstasy still struggled to comprehend the mass of confusing thoughts she was dealing with, ranging from why her forced org*sm had felt so amazing and had he really just cum inside her without wearing the slightest bit of protection? She felt so weak, dazed, confused, and overwhelmed from it all, she didn’t even realize that the bully had pulled out of her and released her from her binds. Her naked body, still trembling from her powerful climax, was a horrible match against the male brute, who felt nothing but power in this core moment of his life. The end result being the fashionista's freedom was short-lived. Her back quickly made contact with his dirty sheets as her lithe frame was brashly shoved onto the bed. Jet Set was immediately on top of her, straddling her waist and pinning her down. He wasted no time yanking her arms above head once again, and fasting her hand cuffs into another set of cuffs that was locked into his headboard. Her ankles were next, the bully using a rope on each bedpost to ensure her shapely legs stayed nice and separated.

Jet Set could only smirk down at his bound toy once again, completely at his mercy as she should be. After all, he had paid good money for her! Rarity could now see the brute’s co*ck give a staggering twitch of excitement at the sight of her, indicating that she was clearly far from being finished here.

“Wow…. that was fun, slu*t!” Jet Set praised as he got up from his spot on her, now that she was fully bound once more. He made a quick beeline for his camera, ending the recording only to start a fresh one. “Whew, and it looks like your sexy collection of erotic play sessions with your blonde girlfriend just finished downloading! Thank you for that. Think you deserve another reward for that one…”

Rarity trembled helplessly as the bully once again put the camera back down, facing her naked and bound body, her thoughts still lingering on Applejack upon the brute speaking her name. What would she possibly think if she saw this?! The setup she had landed herself in didn’t exactly leave much room for interpretation! Applejack would never buy the actual reason she could claim she had put herself in this predicament, regardless of how true or accidental it all was.

The smirking bully once again straddled her chest, reaching down to grope her fat tit* in circular motions as he laid his co*ck between them, making no small secret what he intended to use her for next. “Actually, come to think of it, Rarity… Should I send a copy of our own little romp to your girlfriend to add to her collection? She obviously must know by now how much of a total slu*t you are and is fine with you sleeping around with everyone you meet… so it’s not like she’ll think you’re cheating on her or something…..”

Rarity’s face turned an even deeper shade of white as she came to terms with the bully’s seemingly kind offer, and to her surprise, found his hands behind her head, removing the ball gag locked in her mouth so she could answer directly!

As the ball came out, Jet Set was half surprised to see a dashing smile from the bound fashionista. “Oh there’s no need for that, darling,” she spoke in her best strained seductive tone once more. “She prefers me present in bed with her when I deliver such gifts…”

Nice…” the bully grinned at her. “Guess there’s no need then.” Rarity breathed a sigh of relief for once as her relationship was at least guaranteed safety. “You’ll have to send me the recording of her cumming her brains out later then. Dying to see that!”

Rarity let loose an audible gulp before flashing another defensive smile. This brute didn’t realize it but he had literally everything he could have wanted to blackmail her. Should she reveal that her entire persona now was all an act, there was no telling how the bully would retaliate! He could send the video of them f*cking like rabbits straight to Applejack! Heck, that was the least a bully like him would do! He would send it out to everyone he knew! He would post it online just to get back at her! No… she had to keep him nice and happy with her.

“Of course, darling~” Rarity cooed at him with a seductive flutter of her lashes. “Just be sure to keep it to yourself, okay? Only a stud like you deserves to see us girls in action, wouldn’t you agree…. master,” she breathed, attempting to stroke his ego.

“Mmmm, sure thing…” Jet Set cooed as it seemed he fell for her little play. “I like the sound of that title though. Stick to it, slu*t. You have a long and hard night ahead of pleasing your beloved master.”

The bully’s co*ck flopped directly in front of Rarity’s lips, causing the fashionista to go cross eyed as she stared at the imposing member, still slick with a mixture of her sexual juices and his cum. By all rights and means, she should have bitten it off at the base, instead she could only smile upwards at the bully, seductively whispering, “of course, master,” before welcoming the brute’s co*ck into her warm and wet mouth.

Applejack collapsed backwards atop Rarity’s bed, naked, sweaty, and panting with lustful exhaustion. “...Wow….. whew…. That was amazing, Rares,” she struggled to breathe, her bare chest raising and falling with every breath.

The equally naked Rarity only offered a quick smile in response to her pleased girlfriend, quickly getting up to fetch her phone. She promptly ended the recording of their latest, as Applejack so elegantly put it, ‘roll in the hay’.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I, darling,” Rarity replied warmly, leaning down to plant a loving kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek. “I’m going downstairs for some coffee, do you want any?”

“No… no Ah’m good,” Applejack panted. She had noticed her girlfriend had started doing that after every one of their romps, but thought little of it. She could only smile in contentment as her favorite ass in the world was covered with a bathrobe and strolled out the bedroom door. She didn’t even notice Rarity was hurriedly tapping away at her phone.

‘Sorry about this, Applejack!’ Rarity regretfully thought again as she sent off their most recent recording to Jet Set for his viewing pleasure. ‘But it's not like this is really making things worse right? After I accidentally leaked all of our erotic collection to that brute… a little more sent his way isn’t exactly going to change anything. I just need to keep this horse’s ass happy for a little while longer until I can figure out a way to get us both out of this mess.’

It was certainly demeaning though, taking his endless requests like he actually was her master. As if! And what type of horny bastard wants to see the two of them 69’ing each other like that? The proper and right way to ease a lady to a release was with gentleness, over a long period of time, with love and compassion, and most of all one at a time! Not at all like how that brute had performed on her or was ordering her to do! Applejack was merely being polite and pretending that the org*sm they had shared was so powerful…. Right? Of course she was. In fact, she wasn’t even going to dignify the thought by asking her!

Rarity glanced around her empty hallway, hoping someone would at least agree with that one. She quickly shook her head to clear such thoughts from her mind as a visitor was heard at the front door of her boutique. She rushed to it, taking a moment to fix her disheveled hair, before smiling and opening it.

“Shady?” Rarity said, looking down to greet the boy. “What a pleasant surprise!” She smiled as she suddenly remembered her main reason to be happy. The one true victor in all of this!

All… complications… aside, her encounter with Jet Set was a success and she wouldn’t let anyone tell her otherwise! After all, she was successful in obtaining evidence of Jet Set’s disloyalty and promiscuity, sending the irrefutable evidence off to Fluttershy phone post haste! Thankfully, her close pinkette friend had been more than accepting of this outcome. Promising never to see Jet Set again and thanking her for opening her eyes. And just because the bully lost interest in Fluttershy just because she somehow found herself putting out for him was all besides the point. All that mattered was that Fluttershy was back on the market for her originally intended boyfriend!

“It is good you showed up, Shady!” Rarity beamed at him, “I’ve been meaning to tell you, I’ve got good news! I’ve cleared up all that business with Fluttershy seeing someone. Turns out it was all a big misunderstanding, darling. Fluttershy is once again single and I’m sure will be more than receptive to a date proposition from you now!”

“Hehehe… t-that’s alright, Rarity. I don’t think I have time for a relationship anymore,” Shady replied, his gaze momentarily drifting below her neck. “I actually had to go out and get a job!”

Rarity was taken aback, not having expected such a great need for money to have suddenly arisen in the young boy. Admittedly it was partly her to blame, seeing as she had stressed to him how Fluttershy deserved his full attention and care. Probably not something he thought he could give with a job on top of school work. “Oh… I see,” she spoke regretfully.

“I just wanted to know, is Applejack over with you tonight?” Shady asked, with strange eagerness for some reason. Also, why did the boy’s right arm now seem more muscular than the left?

“Why yes, yes she is. B-But I’m afraid she’s a little occupied at the moment,” Rarity blushingly admitted, finding it even stranger the young boy seemed overjoyed at that response. “Is there something you wanted me to let her know?”

“Ummmm, n-no! Nothing at all,” Shady chirped. “Just wanted to make sure she’s feeling loved is all. Bye!”

“But of course, darling,” Rarity replied back as she watched him sprint home. A rather tad strange request to be sure, but she could take that the boy meant well from it. He was nothing but the image of innocence after all. Just like Fluttershy! And the exact opposite of that brute!

She couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of how horrified a sweet and innocent thing like Shady would react if he saw the borderline p*rnographic videos she was filming with her girlfriend more frequently than ever because of Jet Set’s orders! Thankfully, that would be something he would most certainly, without a doubt, never ever see…

Chapter 8: Applejack Figures it All Out

Chapter Text

No matter how much time had passed since Rarity’s ‘incident’ with Jet Set, she could hardly believe it. The Crystal Prepper had everything on her. And she meant everything. All the nudes, all the sexts, all of her romantic and sexy escapade data she had once kept between her and her girlfriend on her phone. Getting rutted and nutted by the brute even seemed to pale in comparison to that, but it was also another lewd collection to add to the pile.

The one and only small silver lining to Jet Set having such forbidden material he should have never been privileged to set his perverted eyes upon was the fact that he believed that she was a willing slu*t, and had gone so far as to let him stumble upon her and Applejack’s nudes as a gift. As if any woman on planet Earth would allow such nonsense. Regardless, the Crystal Prepper had everything he could have wanted to do something as bad as blackmail her, he just didn’t have a reason to yet. And Rarity knew in her heart, her top priority in life was to not give him that reason!

Knowing exactly the type of despicable person Jet Set was, if he caught even the slightest hint she wasn’t the slu*t he thought she was and everything was a lie, especially ifthat meant he wouldn’t be getting any more action with her, he would react quite negatively. It still brought Rarity some nightmares. Imagining all of her and Applejack’s nudes and sex videos posted online, on every p*rn site imaginable. Portraying them as little more than one of the millions of p*rn stars happy to show off their naked bodies and get down and dirty in a bed. Such an image would be easy to establish, considering the way Rarity knew the both of them performed. Jet Set seemed exactly like the type of person who would do something so dastardly in pursuit of petty revenge.

More importantly, her nudes being in the bully’s possession meant that Applejack didn’t know about the incident at his house. She could never know. At least not until Rarity had an opportunity to fix this mess. Again! This time, however, the new plan of action was a bit more simple. She would just have to find Jet Set’s phone… and SMASH it to pieces!

But such plans were for another time. In the meanwhile, Rarity had something equally important to see to: date night with her beloved girlfriend! A proper loving date for once. A brief bit of time Rarity knew her girlfriend would enjoy. Not at all like those romp sessions Jet Set ordered her to perform and record with her girl for his viewing pleasure. No! Applejack was not that type of lady! She needed to be properly wooed and romanced. And something an idiot like Jet Set didn’t know was that proper romance started slowly and outside of the bedroom.

The setting was perfect. In the kitchen of Rarity’s Boutique, dimly lit by two candles, the darkness of the outside was clearly visible under the light of the full moon shining through the window, barely illuminating one fashionista and one farm girl sitting across a small table. Their hands were folded into each other in the middle as they stared longingly into each other’s eyes. It went thought, unsaid, and yet heavily implied that both of them knew full well that they were not making it to the end of the night with any of their clothes on. Especially given their track record on such date nights. Rarity had photographic and video proof to back such statements up… only to shudder as she once again recalled who else was now privy to that private information.

“Something wrong?” Applejack asked, catching a glimpse of her beautiful babe of a lover suddenly appeared uncomfortable.

“N-No! It’s nothing, darling,” Rarity quickly huffed, not wanting Jet Set to ruin their lovely evening when he wasn’t even here! “Just an… unpleasant thought crossing my mind is all.”

“Heh… well, maybe this ought to keep you a bit more focused on me,” Applejack spoke in a sultry tone, undoing the buttons of her blouse to peel away one side of the garment. Rarity’s eyes went wide with a mixture of glee and anticipation. “Wearing the little ~red thing~ you made for me.”

“Ooo, are you now?” Rarity cooed in perverted excitement, unable to tear her eyes away from the mere hint of lingerie clad skin her girlfriend was teasing her with. “It was simple to make, darling, considering how thorough you let me be while taking your measurements…”

“Hehe, I might be an apple farmer, but I’m sensing a whole lot of corn coming from y’all,” Applejack remarked as both girls giggled before leaning in to share a tender kiss. The farmer herself could practically feel the eagerness on her girlfriend’s lips. A primal urge to get her upstairs, in bed, and do things to her that their hom*ophobic parents were surely frown upon.

“Mmmm, and don’t think you’re the only one who was thinking to spice things up tonight!” Rarity spoke suggestively as they parted lips. “I’ll have you know I have my own little surprise in store for you tonight as well~”

While Applejack wasn’t exactly aware of the incident regarding Jet Set, Rarity still felt like a lot was riding on this date night! Most of all she needed to resanctify herself and her relationship with her girlfriend! After having unwillingly cheated with her, having been rutted like a beast, and having been creampied by a brute, she had to reaffirm her heart’s commitment to her one and only! Applejack deserved nothing less than that!

“Is that so then?” Applejack gleamed with a raised brow. “Well then… how bout you and Ah getting this party rolling?” she whispered huskily, causing Rarity to shudder. “Upstairs then?”

“Yes please…” Rarity whimpered weakly, wrapping her hand tightly around her beloved’s.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

The front door buzzer to the boutique rang out suddenly.

“Heh heh… course some varmint comes along just when the going’s getting good,” Applejack chuckled, releasing Rarity’s hand, though still taking it in a good mood.

“Probably just a late customer. I’ll go chase them off!” Rarity quickly huffed, rushing out of the kitchen in a hurry. Applejack knew the deal. Neither of them exactly wanted to be seen all lovey dovey out in public. They were still keeping their relationship on the down low for now.

Rarity approached the door, mentally preparing a line to shoo away any potential client in the most polite yet quickest manner, even if it was Fancy Pants himself! Profits suddenly meant nothing to her when sex with Applejack was imminent.

But as she opened the door, Rarity’s excitedly beating heart only came to a frozen halt as she saw who was outside. “J-Jet Set?! Wh-What are you doing here!?!” Realizing there was a chance Applejack could perhaps hear her, she repeated in a quieter tone. “What are you doing here?”

“What? Do I need an excuse to drop by the slu*ttiest babe in Canterlot?” Jet Set grinned, brashly pushing past her and into the boutique. “What can I say? Using my own hand is beneath me. That’s your job now.”

Rarity’s mind clicked as she once again remembered the type of girl Jet Set thought she was. And the type of persona she needed to maintain to stay in her potential blackmailer’s best graces.

“Oh my, teehee, how could I forget?” Rarity spoke in the same sultry tone she was using with her own girlfriend only minutes prior. Her masterclass acting skill was wasted on some ruffian whose likely only exposure to acting was the ‘top quality’ talent he saw in p*rnos. “You already know me so well, stud. B-b-but…” she struggled to think of a convincing way a horny bimbo would turn away a male so persistent as Jet Set, coming up completely blank, exactly like said bimbo would.

“Mmmm, is that lasagna I smell?” Jet Set’s nose picked out of the air as he moved towards the kitchen like a hound. “Awesome! I could go for a bite before digging into you!” Great… now the brute was hungry for food on top of sex.

Well this was just unfortunate timing. Almost as if the bully had planned this! But Rarity knew it was just coincidental. Not even their closest friends knew about her and Applejack’s relationship or date night quite yet, so there was no way they could have spilled it to him. The only one who knew was really Shady Daze, and there was no reason or way that reputable lad would have anything to do with this sleaze-bag of a human being.

Great! Now she had to juggle the ruffian and her girlfriend as she worked out a solution to fix this! She could only hope the brief appearance of him would be that much of a turnoff for her girlfriend to take sex off of the table for the night.

Wait a second…

Maybe this was it! This could have been the opportunity she was waiting for to free herself from this madness! Jet Set was here… meaning he probably brought his phone along with him… probably expecting to use it again. The same phone containing all of the forbidden explicit photographic and video proof of her and her girlfriend’s personal naughty lives! This was her chance to snag it and ever so ‘accidentally’ drop it into the pot of water in the sink, ruining the device completely! Whoopsie! No more incriminating evidence that you never should have gotten your perverted little hands ahold of! And you’re down a phone to top it off! Sorry, not sorry!

A genuinely wide grin crossed Rarity’s face as she strutted into the kitchen after the bully.

“Hey there,” Jet Set greeted Applejack casually with a wave.

“Uhhhh hi…” the teenager replied awkwardly, buttoning up her blouse slightly. “Uhhh, Rares… who is this?”

“Oh, just a friend I invited over and completely forgot about! Silly me~” Rarity chuckled, quickly weaving an innocent bimbo seeming tale for the bully to roll with.Applejack, however, only responded with a raised brow.

'Odd… that doesn’t seem like just something Rarity would ever just forget. On date night no less?’

“Yeah… I’m Rarity’s old friend from Crystal Prep. Name’s Jet Set. Nice to meet you,” he said, walking over, taking a seat in the chair Rarity once occupied, and shaking her hand quite friendly, giving no indication exactly how well he really knew her.

“Nice to meet y’all too,” Applejack replied quite warmly in response, though still puzzled by this perplexing situation.

Rarity rolled her eyes as the two focused on each other. Of course Jet Set was the type of guy who could dial back the perverted creep factor on a whim. Crap like that was what made the dating scene so difficult and risky for women these days. Why she was personally happy to settle for Applejack and ignore that entire other gender.

“Heheh, can’t honestly say I’ve ever recalled Rarity mentioning y’all before, Jet Set,” Applejack giggled.

“Well… that’s probably for the best,” Jet Set chuckled back. “Let’s just say the two of us have gotten into quite a bit of trouble together…”

Okay! Enough of whatever this was! It was time for Rarity to act, eying the dirty pot of water in the sink anxiously. “*Ahem* Oh my! Jet Set… darling~ I seem to have misplaced my phone somewhere. Could I, perhaps, borrow yours to make a quick little call?”

Applejack’s brow raised again upon hearing this. The way her girlfriend had called him “darling”... that was her flirting voice darling! Not her casual acquaintance darling or even her close friend darling! It was a type of darling that Applejack thought was only reserved for her!

A smile suddenly perked up in the corner of the farm girl’s lips. Truth be told, one of her biggest annoyances in life was people always assuming she was as dumb as a brick. Being a farmer with a southern accent, a blonde, and also a woman was the triple trifecta of “not helping” in that regard either. Frankly she couldn’t have imagined a worse stereotypical setup. But she was a much smarter cookie than what many people gave her credit for. Case in point, she had a sneaking suspicion what was going on here already…

“Here, Rares. Y’all can borrow mine,” Applejack spoke out before Jet Set had a chance to reply, handing her personal phone over to her girlfriend. Rarity didn’t take it, only seemed to stare at the device hesitantly for a while, confusing both other occupants at the table.

“Ummmm t-thank you, Applejack. I will take that… a-and make my call. Real quick. In the other room,” Rarity replied, snatching the phone and awkwardly shuffling out of the kitchen. She was already committed to this bit and couldn't pull out now.

This only served to give Applejack a brief moment of privacy with this new mysterious fellow with her girlfriend gone. “Alright now, give it to me straight,” she spoke quickly, leaning in closer to the Crystal Prepper. “You and Rarity have a ‘personal history’?”

Jet Set replied with a moment of stunned silence, before a smile slowly appeared on his face. “...Oh wow, is it that obvious?”

“Heh. My girlfriend is amazing in almost every way, but she can’t keep a surprise from me to save her life,” Applejack chuckled boastingly. Pretending she forgot she invited this handsome, probably rich, Crystal Prepper over… talking to him in that flirty tone, and the fact that Rarity had hinted at a special surprise for their date night… it was all too obvious for a detective like her. “Sooo… Rarity is actually thinking of adding one more cowboy to this rodeo…” Applejack said, unable to suppress the grin at the pure kinkiness of her girlfriend. She knew Rarity had really been ramping things up in the bedroom as of late, but she would have never, in a thousand years, thought her horny girlfriend had this in her! She had her pegged wrong this whole time.

Jet Set was slightly taken aback, knowing the entire plan he had prepared beforehand was all wasted, unnecessary effort now. Not that he was complaining. He could roll with whatever this was. “Heh…… wow… you got us,” he held his hands up as he shrugged. “Rarity was totally thinking about having me over for a threeway. Wanted to surprise you and all.”

Well if he already knew about their secret relationship they had been keeping on the down low from everyone, there wasn’t any way he was just making that up, Applejack sagely nodded, proud in herself to deducing this mystery so quickly. Let’s see people try and call her dumb now!

And good on y’all Rarity. Getting a cute guy from Crystal Prep for this. Like her high class girlfriend herself, he was already her type! Not to mention much less likely to gossip about it to anyone they knew. Not like there was a chance of that. If Rarity vouched for him, she was sure he was already on the up and up.

“Alright, ummm, sorry about that Applejack,” Rarity entered again, having spent what she felt was enough time out of ear shot making what was totally a real call to someone who very much existed. Maybe if her girlfriend wasn’t such a helpful delight, she could have gotten her hands on his phone! So much for that plan that she couldn't repeat, might as well see if she could salvage what was left of her date night. She quickly handed the plan-ruining phone back to her blonde girlfriend. “W-Well, as you can see, Jet Set, I am quite occupied at the moment. Perhaps another time…”

“Hold yer horses,” Applejack interjected what she could only assume was her fashionista girlfriend getting sudden cold feet about her kinky plan. “Ah don’t think he needs to go anywhere. Think we can make him right comfortable staying here…” She shot a sly wink to Rarity.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity gasped in open mouth shock to why and how her girlfriend could possibly react like that!

“Heh… yeah Rarity sure can be a nervous nelly,” Jet Set chuckled up at her, placing a flirtatious hand on her girlfriend’s arm. “I’d imagine most girls are when they float the idea of having their first threeway.”

‘A threeway?!? Is he out of his mind?! As if! He would be the last one in the world on the list! The very NERVE of this scoundrel! The audacity!’

“Uhhh, y-yes…we-well, you see-” Rarity wracked her brain for the right angle of how she could possibly defuse this situation while maintaining her slu*tty bimbo appearance to keep the brute satisfied! This was so wrong! Date night wasn’t a night for mental exercises!

Applejack merely perceived her fashionista girlfriend’s sudden nervous apprehensiveness as merely her not knowing if she would react positively to the idea. Sure, she would have preferred a bit more of a normal conversation asking if she was open to the concept of having another person in their bedroom, but at the same time, she loved surprises and wanted to play the role of a supporting girlfriend who approved of her beloved branching out of her comfort zone and trying new things. And she couldn’t lie, this was one heck of a date night surprise in store for her! Applejack merely felt it was her duty now to show her caring girlfriend that she was in fact comfortable with this addition!

“Whew… getting mighty hot in here,” Applejack wheezed as she rose to her feet. “Hope none of y’all mind if I pop a few buttons…”

Rarity watched in pure horror as her girlfriend cast her worst enemy a sultry seductive look, popping a few more buttons off her blouse and allowing the bully a slight precious preview look at the lingerie-clad goods hiding within. The boy, whom she didn’t even know was a perverted chauvinistic brute, locked eyes with her chest right away. From what he readily could see, he identified this saucy attire as something that hadn’t been captured in Rarity’s generously offered sexual capturings, and he would know, having studied them all quite thoroughly by now. The more primal part of his manhood took hold, eager to see this babe in the full getup, and hopefully add it to his phone’s collection!

“Whoa nelly!” Applejack exclaimed as the guy was up on his feet and over to her in an instant. His grubby hands shooting over, into her open blouse, and grabbing onto her hefty breasts like they were magnets to him. As he gave both her girls a greedy squeeze and grope, Applejack noted it was slightly off putting seeing such forwardness. But she knew, better than anyone in the world, how her girlfriend liked things rough in the bedroom, despite her prim and proper demeanor in her everyday life. On that note, it didn’t surprise her at all that this guy and her had a personal history together! Then she remembered, she was still trying to broadcast the fact she was comfortable with this open relationship, and how easy something like her chest being groped would make that.

“Ahhhh… yes,” Applejack gave an overly enthusiastic moan in response to her manhandling, seemingly shuddering to the pleasure as she allowed him free access to her body. Much to the joy of Jet Set and the absolute dismay of Rarity. The fashionista shrank down as she watched the bully rip the remainder of her girlfriend’s blouse off and cast it to the floor, forgotten. A small part of Applejack relishing the lust-hungry eyes her lingerie-clad chest seemed to produce from him.

Rarity struggled to calm herself in this new nightmarish situation. This was fine…….. Right? In some small way. This wasn’t anything the brute hadn’t already seen before! Well, technically not in this specific attire since she just designed it recently.

“Heh… how about you ladies and I move this to the nearest bed?” Jet Set suggested with a predatory growl. He certainly was quite more forward than Rarity in that regard, but there could be fun in mixing things up for a night!

“Heh heh… lead, the way, stud,” Applejack cooed, allowing the Crystal Prepper’s arm to hook around her shoulder as he ushered her away. Rarity was left behind from the hot and heavy couple like an afterthought, hurrying after them from the rear.

Perhaps this could work…? Maybe her plan to snag Jet Set’s phone wasn’t quite so dead! After all, it would be easy to snag a guy’s phone from his pants when his pants were…….. were on the floor. The fashionista gave a shudder, imagining that horrible possibility, still trying to think up a possible way out of this nightmare with everything intact.

“Wait, not in there,” Applejack quickly corrected as Jet Set steered towards the wrong bedroom. “That’s the bedroom for Rarity’s little sister.”

“Oh really?” Jet Set remarked to that particular piece of information with an intrigued look, unseen by Rarity. “Good to know…” he said as he moved towards the proper bedroom.

As they entered the correct bedroom, Applejack was rather brashly tossed into the bed like a captured prize, Rarity secretly hoping something the brute did would off put her girlfriend enough to call this off of her own accord, but found the farmer could handle no shortage of a rough treatment herself.

“So… how do y’all want to handle this?” Applejack spoke suggestively with half lidded eyes, crawling to a spot on Rarity’s bed, sensing that she was somehow the center of both their attention at the moment.

“Well,” Jet Set spoke over Rarity incoherent mumblings, “I wouldn’t mind snagging a pic or two of such a smoking hot babe in that getup. If you would be happy to pose for a while. Or maybe swap to a video for a little something more~” He pulled out his phone from his pants and waved it about, catching the keen attention of both CHS girls like he knew they were the type of slu*ts to get freaky in front of a camera.

Applejack looked… rather uncomfortable with the prospect as a small red flag popped up in her mind, to Rarity’s utter joy. “Uhhhh… see here… y’all seem like a nice fellow, just not sure Ah’m quite comfortable knowing Ah’m on a guy’s phone like that. Namely one Ah just met.”

Despite the turndown, Jet Set struggled horribly to suppress any cruel laughter begging to escape his mouth. If only this slu*t knew.

Rarity could only beam in delight. ‘Yes! YES! Dig yourself your own grave you cretin! Your perverted antics will be the death of you this time!’

“There’s no need for you to worry about that,” Jet Set lied ever so casually through his teeth. “Rarity and I have known each other for quite a long time… she can vouch for my discretion.” But his compelling argument wasn’t done there. He flipped through his phone before turning it to face Applejack, who gave a small gasp of surprise. Pictured quite plainly was a selfie of the smiling Jet Set, with a familiar set of fuzzy handcuffs attached to her ankles and wrists, sitting on the brute’s bed quite willingly! It was none other than the same exact photo Rarity had requested he take in order for her to prove Jet Set’s disloyalty to Fluttershy!!

Jet Set beamed in pride as he showed off some tidbits of the saucy collection he had taken that night, gaining no small pleasure in the fact that he was also boasting to this babe all the things he had done to defile her beloved girlfriend… much more recently than she might have imagined. Applejack’s eyes went wide as she caught a glimpse of what was, unbeknownst to her, Rarity’s most embarrassing and humiliating night ever. The luscious and beautiful sculpted form in all her nude glory with impossible to mistake, strung up quite enticingly with her bound hands helplessly held above her head. Not to mention that spreader bar around her feet, and that cute red ball gag locked in her mouth. As Applejack drank in the naughty pics, she knew her girlfriend wasn’t exactly in that bondage by force. She knew as well as Rarity that those particular handcuffs were from the adult sex shop and had a safety release latch. Therefore it was safe to conclude Jet Set had her full consent for this and trusted him, in no small amount, keeping these saucy pics private.

“Well… if y’all trust him enough for that, Rarity, I guess we can mess around a little. Seems like I owe him a bit anyway for taking such good care of ya,” Applejack chuckled, much to the bully’s perverted delight. Spotting her fashionista’s utterly shocked horrified expression in response to her words, Applejack could only reply with a naughty giggle. “Awww, don’t act so embarrassed, Rares! I’ve seen y’all in far worse than all that!”

“Really now?” Jet Set remarked, quite interested before flirtatiously adding, “will I be seeing that side of you tonight as well?”

“Depends on if y’all send me a copy of those later…” she replied, equally as flirty. She pulled her own phone out of her pants to emphasize her point.

“Yeah, sure!” Jet Set grinned, always happy to share the visual proof of his conquests to anyone who wanted to see them, actually going so far as to take the farm girl’s phone off her hands. “Actually, I’ll hold onto this for the time being. Those pants of yours are about to come off pretty violently. Wouldn’t want it to get damaged…”

Rarity watched in pure dread as her beloved girlfriend did nothing but giggle delightedly as her worst enemy ruthlessly attacked her jean leggings, not stopping until they were all the way off her toned legs. Applejack pulled her now uncovered legs back with a sultry, hungry glance at him as her thigh highs, garter belt, and strappings were all revealed on her enticingly dressed form. Even in the stress of the moment, Rarity couldn’t help but take a second to savor and lust after such a erotic sight. Even so… Jet Set was unwrapping the very present that should have been hers to enjoy!

“Heh heh heh… y’all just standing there, enjoying the show, Rares?” Applejack teased, throwing her blonde ponytail back as she sat her delectable form up in her girlfriend’s bed. “Or y’all going to join me in making your friend feel welcome?”

“Yeah, Rares, you should go ahead and join your girlfriend,” Jet Set winked at her. “You’re usually so much more eager than this! I’d simply hate it if you got cold feet now…” he slyly hinted, popping the mental note that the fashionista had to keep up slu*tty appearances for fear of potential blackmail. Also, it wouldn’t hurt in the girlfriend department either.

“Uhhhh… y-yes. Apologies, dear,” Rarity spoke nervously as she slowly shuffled her way toward her bed and into her girlfriend’s waiting arms. Applejack warmly embraced her, rolling the fashionista over with her in the queen sized bed playfully until they were both center stage, with the trusty farmer on top, as per usual.

“Come on, babe,” she whispered huskily into her ear. “Lets give your lucky man of the hour a show worth remembering~” Following that up by planting a firmly placed kiss directly atop her lips. Rarity was simply helpless in her skilled girlfriend’s care as she melted into the loving locked lips, momentarily forgetting about Jet Set’s annoying presence in her bedroom.

To the side, Jet Set was momentarily content merely with watching the spectacle of the bisexual school girls in the heat of their own passion while he silently switched modes on his phones, hitting the button to start a fresh recording. While it was true these two babes already had plenty of recordings of them getting down and dirty together, this would be the first one filmed by a person rather than a stationary tripod or phone. If one were to watch such a recording, they might be led to believe these two slu*tty high schoolers were getting into the adult film industry! They certainly had the bodies for it, not to mention the passion… and a large prospective audience of classmates willing to lust over them with their cash!

The bully and his camera watched in delight as the farm girl practically tore off her lover’s top, revealing not even a bra being worn underneath it. “Mmmm, there they are,” Applejack cooed huskily, as she greedily groped the buxom tit*, squeezing the malleable flesh in her fingers. If the array of sexy vids he had stolen had not already made it crystal clear, the display before Jet Set proved that this Applejack babe was the girl who was usually the top, with him suspecting the fashionista slu*t was one who couldn’t resist being dominated. How cute.

The bully’s camera curved in an arc as it captured Rarity’s skirt and underwear ripped off her body and tossed onto the floor, leaving one of the CHS slu*ts completely naked and the other scantily clad.

“Aww shucks, Rarity… y’all still look so nervous!” Applejack chuckled at her node nude girlfriend’s continued apprehensiveness to what was quite obvious the extra party present in their bedroom. That was all despite the fact that this Crystal Prepper had already seen her naked and gone all the way with her. It couldn’t have been the recording camera as she knew full well both of them were accustomed to being filmed while getting intimate. She was not picking up that Rarity might have had a legitimate reason for her dread and simply couldn’t actually tell her. And why would she? In the heat of the moment, she was more focused on their date night passion above all things.

Applejack shot a devilish smile up to the recording bully. Having a girlfriend behaving as shy as Fluttershy was hot enough, but the aspect of having a third party watching the two of them get down and dirty was quickly becoming a huge turn on.

She slipped behind Rarity, holding the fashionista between her legs as she sat up against the back of the bed. Jet Set’s camera followed her hand as it reached over to the nearby night stand, pulling out the drawer. Applejack wasn’t exactly able to see her girlfriend’s horrified face as she exposed their wide collection of adult sex toys to the bully, his smile doubling on his face. He took the liberty of pulling the drawer out further than Applejack had, camera lingering on the contents inside. dild*s, vibrators, rope, gags, handcuffs, a whip, and even a butt plug! The farmer and bully were both chuckling, though for entirely different reasons, as Applejack pulled out a small pink vibrator.

“A-Applejack… I-I don’t think-...” Rarity began to panic as she saw the toy come out, but Applejack firmly held her white spread legs open with her own.

“Shhh…shhhh,” she hushed her protests. “You should know by now to call me by my real name here. What is it, slu*t?”

Rarity faltered in her protests, casting a nervous glance between the vibrator and the perverted brute recording every second of them. She dropped her head low as she spoke respectfully, “Mistress…”

“That’s a good slu*t,” Applejack cooed as Jet Set once again tried to reframe for laughing. “We’ll hold off on your punishment for now, considering you have a friend there itching for a show.”

‘If this doesn’t break the ice with Rarity and the fellow she wanted in this threesome, nothing will!’ Applejack thought confidently as she brought the pink toy down between her girlfriend’s exposed lower lips.

“A-Applejack…!” Rarity spoke fearfully as the toy came, knowing full well her girlfriend always got her way when it came to their bedroom activities. Jet Set let out a smug grin as he captured a fresh wanton moan escaping from the fashionista’s lips. Her blonde girlfriend knew exactly where to direct the buzzing toy to coax the most pleasurable reaction out of her writhing prey, wearing a grin almost as smug as his own while doing so!

“That’s right, little sugar plum,” Applejack cooed into her ear, bringing her further and further up her ecstasy hill with each moment as her control of the situation deteriorated to compensate. Her hips bucked wantonly into the vibrating device, showcasing her flat-out desire. “My girlfriend isn’t all that hard to wrangle,” Applejack giggled now towards their special guest. “Y'all just gotta know how to push her buttons…”

“Mmmm, good to know,” Jet Set replied with a lick of his lips. Before long, Rarity’s breaths had increased in pace, her insistent girlfriend grinning like mad as she honed in on her cl*t with practiced precision.

“AAPPPPPLE JACCCCKK!” Rarity burst out as she came hard, a wave of her juices gushed out as they soaked the bedsheets below. Jet Set chuckled maliciously as he recorded every second of it, from her trembling thighs, her reddened puss*, her sizable breasts heaving with every strained breath, to the look of pure lust stunned passion she wore on her beautiful face.

“Mmmmm, that’s a good girl,” Applejack praised softly with a kiss on her neck, already looking forward to watching it again from Jet Set’s angle later. Only now did the farm girl finally untangle her legs from Rarity’s and allow them to close as she vacated her spot from behind and eased her trembling lover down onto the bed. She then turned her sultry gaze directly towards Jet Set.

“Hope that was enough of an appetizer for y’all,” she grinned suggestively at him. “Don’t tell me y’all are just going to play cameraman all night.”

Jet Set gave a chuckle in response. Oh, he liked this one. “Not on your life!” he replied challengingly, setting his still recording phone down on the dresser, pointed at the bed of course. Applejack licked her lips as he pulled his shirt off, revealing no fat but a rather toned stomach. He paused at his pants though, instead marching up close to where the blonde was crouched in the bed. “Care to do the honors?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” Applejack purred playfully, fingers flying to his fly. Like opening a present, she undid them in a flash, pausing for a moment before the big reveal as she glanced upwards to exchange a naughty look of anticipation with the bully. In a single tug downward, his pants and underwear shot to the floor.

Applejack’s heart skipped a beat. “Wow……..” she muttered as her mind struggled to process this information. “Ah can see why y’all got along with him so well, Rarity.” Before her twitched a rock hard co*ck that was easily longer and thicker than any of the dild*s or strap ons the two of them had in their arsenal for night time fun. But unlike all that cheap plastic, this was a mighty vein covered and pulsing rod of warm living flesh! Belonging to a man who seemed more and more like the complete package himself, on top of the one between his legs.

Jet Set, quite pleased with the reaction, jumped onto the bed next, causing both other occupants to do a small bounce as he landed, making himself quite at home leaning back against the headboard.

“Well… you just going to sit there staring, or you ladies going to do what you do best?” he said, grasping the base of his mighty shaft and waving it like a wand. A magical woman mind controlling wand of pure power.

Rarity’s eyes shot open wide as she snapped out from her ogasmic afterglow. Applejack had heard bedroom talk, but to her she had heard nothing but how this brute always talked! Now he was asking for her beloved to sully herself upon that wretched spire of masculine manhood? Oh no no no!

Applejack was in the process of slowly and seductively crawling up to the brute as a purple flash of fashion sped by her, arriving curled up and cozy at the man of the hour’s waistline. The farm girl and even the bully blinked in slight confusion from the sudden movement.

“Oh Applejack, darling, you’ve done enough~” Rarity spoke in her seductive tone like this was all normal. “Let me entertain our guest from here out. There’s no need to trouble yourself further.”

‘He’s already sullied my body with his disgusting seed! There’s no reason Applejack has to share my fate. Like hell I’ll be letting this brute’s co*ck touch a single inch of my beloved’s body!’ Rarity’s internal monologue fumed as she flashed a dazzling seductive smile of her pearly whites at the bully. ‘He wants to cum so badly? Fine! I’ll wring out every single drop of his vile seed that he won’t be able to get an erection for the next month! Bear with me, Applejack. This shouldn’t take long.’

Flipping her hair so it was out of the way, the fashionista lowered her head into the bully’s lap. Parting her lips she took the co*ck, that she should by every right, be biting off, into her warm and welcoming mouth. She started bobbing right away, running her tongue along the underside of the shaft down, causing Jet Set to groan in approving pleasure. Her diligent hand eagerly stroked everything else that she couldn’t fit past her lips, coaxing out every drop of cum the brute had to stain her with.

“Now hold yer horses there, Rarity!” Applejack exclaimed from the sidelines with a hint of anger in her tone. “Y’all don’t get to hog him all to yourself like that!”

Rarity went wide eyed with a moment of confusion as her head was brashly yanked off the rigid co*ck. Jet Set would have claimed he was momentarily disappointed, had he not been loving the scene playing out before him.

“N-no! Applejack! You don’t understand!” Rarity fretted, scrambling to convey words that could quietly hint her honest intentions in all this.

“I understand that y’all are getting a little too hot in the head seeing our friend’s massive package! Ya gotta share it!” Applejack proclaimed.

Oof. Jet Set could practically feel his ego inflating from that comment. Almost as much as Rarity’s womb when he had pumped her full.

Applejack marchingly crawled forward, swatting her girlfriend’s hand from the base, shooting her a cute glare while doing so. Jet Set gave a quick chuckle as he glanced at the naked fashionista for her response.

“Applejack!” She whined, as her adamant lover sunk her lips over the massive member, taking the slick shaft into her mouth with a pleasured moan. Rarity tensed up as her beloved wantonly displayed her oral skill to wrongfully please the animal in bed with them! Jet Set merely resumed his pleasured groaning, placing a hand on the back of her head as he approvingly guided her along.

After what felt like an eternity, the farm girl popped her head off the shaft. “Ahh wowzaaa! That is one impressive package!” she cooed, turning to Rarity. “See? Now y’all get a turn to enjoy it, alright?” She angled the shaft to face her fashionista lover. One who was quite unhappy with this recent development but kept it hidden.

Rarity wordlessly took the co*ck back in her delicate embrace, lowering her head as she resumed her original blowj*b at an even quicker pace. To her dismay, Applejack did not intend to use this downtime sitting idle. Instead, Rarity found her lover lower down the shaft, planting loving tender kisses along it while her hand reached below, idly cupping and toying with his sack.

Jet Set grinned approvingly at the blonde’s performance. Pleased, if nothing else, by her display of how little he would have to train her for future use. He had his initial fears, of course, knowing these two lovely ladies had mostly tangled with each other, they would have no skills or proper knowledge on how to fulfill their true purpose in this world and properly please a co*ck. Thankfully, he was ecstatic to learn his fears were unfounded, and these two easily had the expertise to do what they were made for. “Mmmmm…. Good girls. You know exactly how to treat a man,” he praised, with one hand on Rarity’s head, the other probing her girlfriend, feeling like a King on a throne in the moment.

Rarity, who should have been focused on getting the brute off, found herself momentarily distracted, glancing upwards from the bully’s co*ck to see him getting handsy with Applejack. The farm girl merely relaxed back with a smile, allowing the brute full access to the tapestry that was her lingerie-clad body. A damp spot was clearly seen between her legs, but Jet Set turned his attention higher. He ran his hands up her shapely hips, arriving at her barely concealed breasts. Applejack gave a naughty giggle as the bully all but ripped the garment Rarity had made for her off her chest, like it was a flimsy piece of protection guarding him from his twin prizes. His eyes instantly glued themselves to the two large bouncing tit* in their fully naked form. The same boobs he had seen so many times before in the explicit the two bisexuals had taken of themselves. It was amazing to finally get his hands on them after all this time!

Rarity eyes were suddenly dragged back to the task at mouth as the co*ck lodged within her gullet gave a noticeable twitch of pleasure. Likely from the brute feeling up her girlfriend’s chest to the tune of her naughty wanton moans! Was he close? Not like he would be the type of lover who warned her when he was! She quickly redoubled her pace, eager for the finish line before-

“Oops! Heh heh, almost forgot. My turn, Rarity,” Applejack giggled as the brute’s hand reluctantly retreated from its groping fit on her endowed breasts.

“B-but…” Rarity mumbled as she was dragged off the twitching shaft. The smiling Applejack more than happily took her place giving her own blowj*b, leaving the fashionista with nothing but a consolation prize of the bully’s hand pawing her exposed breasts in turn. This was ridiculous! Like a forced game of Russian Roulette where Rarity was trying to take the bullet for her friend… only to find her friend insisted on being suicidal!

“Uhhhgggg… I’m about to-” Jet Set groaned out loud. A moment of panic flashed in Rarity’s eyes, attempting to pulling her lover off the co*ck by the shoulder. For a moment, it seemed like Applejack was retreating, wanting to share the big payoff with her girlfriend. However, her head was stopped midway by an ironclad grip on the back of her skull, ruthlessly slamming her lips back down on his co*ck as he came.

The shocked and dumbfounded Rarity could only sit there in disbelief as the male decided their fates and helplessly watched as her girlfriend’s throat muscles worked to swallow load after load of the bully’s potent cum directly down her throat and into her stomach like a submissive little toy! Every drop she eagerly took in the face of his firm treatment over her, lips curling into the faintest enjoyable smile around his co*ck while doing so.

That most certainly did not bode well…

Jet Set still wasn’t even done cumming by the time he threw Applejack’s head off his dick. He shot to his feet, rapidly fisting his co*ck to pump out the rest of his load onto the two girls who had so kindly sucked it out of him. Both babes gazed upwards at him, one with a wanting smile, the other… not so much. A perfect yin and yang.

Applejack giggled naughtily as a rain of the bully’s virile seed fell down on her and her girlfriend’s face and tit*, coating an impressive amount of surface area on their bare skin, despite him emptying a massive load down her throat just moments prior.

Grinning madly, Jet Set quickly grabbed the recording phone from the night side beside them. “Smile now!” he ordered, capturing a solid shot of the two girls coated in his ji*zz. A decent warning to everyone that these babes were now marked as his property and were well on their way to being tamed. A good message to the thousands of beta simps out there, letting them know they would never get the chance to f*ck his girls… but they were free to dole out a fair bit of cash for the privilege of fapping to him using them!

“Mmmmm, don’t waste my gift now, girls. Lick it all up if you don’t want to be punished!” Jet Set instructed, his domineering male authority resonating deep within Applejack, and even Rarity to a degree.

Applejack most of all was taking well to this new aspect of erotic play. Though what stood at the forefront of her mind at the moment was the substance coating much of her bare upper body. Cum. Guys certainly did tend to org*sm with a bang compared to girls. Giving out a warm salty treat to them like a master rewarding his pet for a job well done. Also acting as a positive reinforcement to the pet in hopes they would repeat such actions in the future. Applejack couldn’t exactly claim it wasn’t working. Only now did she realize how much she wished it was involved in her love life!

Rarity reacted with a yelp as her girlfriend dove on top of her, locking hands together as she aggressively pinned her down. “You heard our master, Rarity,” Applejack giggled at her before attacking her with a mixture of kisses and licks, seeking to lap up every drop of cum.

Rarity was in a suspended state of perpetual disbelief. What in the world was going on? Applejack was always the dominant one! Yet, she looked so happy and eager to let this newcumme*r take her reins! Did Jet Set seriously have her more figured out over her own girlfriend whom she had known her intimately for years?

A terrifying thought that crossed her mind… a nightmare scenario in which all those sexist remarks the bully had so brashly made towards her gender actually had some truth to them after all!

Rarity glanced around with newfound fear, trying to find the bully… only to find he had taken his place, his rightful place behind her girlfriend’s raised ass, while Applejack pinned her down below. Oh no…

With a rather pompous grin at his latest hole to f*ck, Jet Set smacked the farm girl’s fat posterior in a brash display, her body acting subconsciously as if with a mind of its own, raising her ass high and lowering her head. A proper position to be rutted and f*cked by the man in power.

Initially, Applejack had fully intended on firmly requesting the use of a condom if things got this far in the bedroom with their new friend. But now it was as if her subconscious mind had forcibly stripped the very thought away from memory, her body more than willing, eager even, to accept the seed of this powerful male into her body.

And truth be told, Jet Set had also planned to stealthily slip the condom off midway in a manner she wouldn’t have noticed. Applejack didn’t have the slightest clue that the moment this slu*t had invited him into this bedroom, fate had decried she wouldn’t be leaving without a womb full of his cum, one way or the other.

Applejack let out a almost whorish moan as her erotic panties were ripped from her waist next, ruining them and marking her as naked and exposed as her girlfriend. The dominating brute stared with a predatory gaze at his next soon to be conquered puss*. And worst of all, Rarity was locked below in the perfect front row seat to see it all. Jet Set was poised to take her lover doggy style with Applejack quite literally over her, holding her down.

“P-please put it in already!” Applejack begged, shaking her ass suggestively for her new master. His balls had been drained just recently, and yet he was as hard as a rock, like a true stud about to breed his mare.

Jet Set held her hips still with an iron-clad grip, one that conveyed she wouldn’t be getting away from this even if she suddenly started to try! Rarity shuddered in dread as her girlfriend’s fate was practically sealed with a wanton look of delight on her lust covered face.

The bully thrust inside her c*nt as he pleased, Rarity wincing slightly as a particularly whorish moan from Applejack rang in her ears, swearing she climaxed right then and there. The fashionista hadn't the slightest clue how this brute was electing such a strong reaction from her lover!

“f*ck, you’re tight!” Score groaned, not knowing which of the two babes below him had the better c*nt. Though he supposed he would have no shortage of time to decide on that. “I could tell a slu*t like you needed this!”

“Yes! Yesss!! YES!!!” Applejack groaned in untold delight. The first real co*ck she had ever taken inside her shattered her expectations and mind all the same. Jet Set made sure to show the novice no mercy as he brutally railed away at her c*nt, the fleshly slaps of their bodies meeting echoing throughout the house.

In the heat of the moment, the bully even made sure to shoot the fashionista below a sly wink. The type of wink that just shouted: ‘Thanks for warming up your girlfriend for me. I’ll take things from here.’

Rarity was speechless. She had spent so long, so many pleasurable nights, leg locked with this girl, engaged in a passionate art as she drilled into her how to make love like a proper lady in passion. Yet… that was all undone in an instant! And all it had taken was a few inches of meat standing erect between this brute’s legs! As Applejack swayed back and forth with the bully’s thrusts inside her sacred velvety walls, her drooping breasts sliding against her own, the fashionista realized her beloved no longer cast the image of a respectable woman. Her slu*tty moans, her immodest desire and lust written all over her face, her tongue shamelessly lolling from her mouth as she completely engrossed her mind in the pleasure of being f*cked… Jet Set had revealed her girlfriend was little more than an animal one might find on her own farm! In contrast, he was her owner, using her for his own pleasure, f*cking as he saw fit, treating her toned body as his cum dump… and Applejack could not have been happier to find her new proper position in life.

In a sudden jolt of movement, Applejack’s fingers untangled with Rarity’s as her sweaty body was pulled upwards by the brute. Both of them now sitting upwards on their knees, Jet Set not even slowing his deserved thrusts inside his new pet.

Applejack was slightly puzzled from the new position but not for long as suddenly the bully’s arm was felt wrapping around her neck and squeezing tight. The farm girl’s air supply was cut off in an instant as her neck was constricted by the tight chokehold.

Even Rarity was too stunned to act at this point as she watched her girlfriend get choked in front of her. The epiphany she was going through telling her to simply watch and learn from what this superior male had to bestow upon them.

For all of her strength and willpower, there wasn’t a single moment where Applejack attempted to resist. Her arms hung limp at her side as she fully accepted her master’s control over her very life. Jet Set was on the verge himself, giving one last firm squeeze to the farm girl’s throat before hilting his dick as deep as it would go inside her c*nt. In a sudden burst his co*ck unleashed its largest payload yet, spraying every inch of the freshly marked womb with a torrent of his most potent seed. The helpless, air deprived farm girl reacted violently to the seed of such a superior male flooding her insides with the most powerful org*sm in her life. Using the last bits of oxygen she had, Applejack let out her most lustful moan ever, a sound the Rarity would never forget. Tears streaked down the blonde’s face, eyes rolled back into her skull, her brain frying a few of the IQ points out of her mind that she so desperately needed as the oxygen starved head processed and enhanced the already earth shattering org*sm. It was fine though. Jet Set knew these girls of his wouldn’t need to do much thinking from now on.

Applejack had blacked out long before her org*sm had even subsided, her consciousness fading with an overjoyed and dumb smile on her face. Jet Set made sure to remove his chokehold around her neck, moving his hands instead to her hips as he held the limp body steady, giving a few extra thrusts to ensure every drop of cum she deserved had been thoroughly pumped inside her. Only then did he allow the unconscious blonde to fall to the side without a second glance, treating her like the used object she was. She fell to the bed forgotten, defeated, and conquered. Instead, the bully’s male gaze was now locked on the last remaining fresh girl still conscious in the room, eyeing her naked and unused hole just begging to be claimed by him again.

“Hope you enjoyed me using your girlfriend, slu*t,” Jet Set grinned at her as he forcibly pulled her hips close to him. “Because now it’s your turn.”

Rarity watched, shaking and anxious as the brute’s strong hands testingly traveled up to her neck, forming a hold around it. He didn’t squeeze to choke her, however, he was merely practicing his form while taunting her at the same time. Both of them knew full well that it was merely a show of things to soon come…

Something snapped in Rarity’s mind during that moment, going through a hard reset. A new plan formed in her head. Her final and last plan to play out her predicament:Everything she had done with Jet Set had been intentional. She was the complete slu*t he thought she was. She would make no move to usurp the man’s earned position away from her girlfriend and she would follow down whatever road it was that he decided to take her.

That much was acceptable to her now. It was almost thrilling in a way, knowing how much he had bested her, taking everything he could have wanted from both of them as if it was his birthright. She would have expected nothing less from her future lover and partner.

As Jet Set wasted no time helping himself to her most sacred of holes without a care for what she had to say, Rarity found herself smiling. She felt herself enjoying the pleasure of being used, rather than resisting it and the overwhelming feeling of joy it would bring her. She moaned in lust matching that of her own girlfriend, as she accepted her new position, so fittingly beneath him as she was now.

“Rarity…” Applejack spoke quietly as she was welcomed into the boutique’s front door.

“Applejack…” the fashionista replied back solemnly as she closed the door behind her.

It had been a strange few days after that fateful night upstairs in their first threesome. Naturally, it went unspoken and accepted among both girls that Jet Set was open season for either one of them, or both of them even, at their leisure. Though she had initially gone over to merely have a talk with their new friend, Applejack clearly displayed that she had ended up taking advantage of their new perk by the troubled way she walked, but a simple open relationship wasn’t the cause of the tension today.

That came solely from her blonde girlfriend’s “We need to talk” text.

“Ah had another ummm… get together… with Jet Set recently,” Applejack began, phrasing it mildly. “He had some things to say to me… To both of us actually.”

“Yes? What is it?” Rarity anxiously asked, her heart trembling at the prospect of potentially bad news her girlfriend came here to deliver.

Applejack took a good long stare at her before speaking. “Ah know you Rarity. Better than anyone. Y’all aren’t the type of girl to just sleep around on one night stands. Ah know if you slept with Jet Set and invited him here, he clearly must mean something special to you.”

Not what Rarity had originally intended in the moment, but she wasn’t going to contest that now.

“And he’s kinda growing on me too,” Applejack sighed. “I understand what you see in him now.”

“What are you trying to say, darling?”

“I’m just… tired of hiding! Hiding us! We’ve been keeping our relationship hidden from everyone! Even our closest friends, because we know full well how some people will react when they learn that, heaven forbid, two girls are in love with each other.”

“Yes, we both agreed on that,” Rarity noted. Though she knew it was likely Applejack’s grandmother who would be the biggest objector to her granddaughter’s less traditional sexual leanings…. She theorized Granny Smith would either go into a fiery violent rage or shock her into a life ending heart attack should she learn what she and Applejack had with each other. Likely both. Not something AJ ever wanted to see, and never intended to reveal any more than her and Rarity simply being ‘very good friends’. In addition, Rarity also suspected her own parents would react somewhat similarly to her coming out of the closet to them, though not to such a conservative extent at least.

“But there’s only so many late nights Ah can spend over here before Granny starts to suspect something going on. And Ah know Ah'm getting near that point already with the looks she’s been shooting my way lately...”

“Where are you going with this Applejack?” Rarity asked.

“Well… ya see… Jet Set told me is moving into his own place tomorrow, getting prepared to live on his own after his admission into Canterlot U. Couldn’t wait to get out of his parent’s watch. Heh, just another thing we have in common. And well… he asked me to move in with him…” Rarity gasped before her girlfriend clarified. “He asked both of us to move in. I toured the place. It is actually rather spacious and high class. We wouldn’t have to pay a lick of rent or expenses… but…. it is a single bed apartment…”

Of course it was. Rarity should have expected that to be the case.

“It got me thinking… what if this is our out from all this?” Applejack went on.

“What? How would Jet Set possibly help with our problem?” Rarity asked.

“Come on, Rares. Y’all know this sorry state of a hom*ophobic world is far more accepting of a guy laying claim to multiple women over two women in a relationship with each other.” Rarity couldn’t exactly deny that. Hell, her parents might have even been impressed by a male who would put that on his resume.

“Let me get this straight. You want us to move in with Jet Set so you and I can live together and use him to pose as our pretend boyfriend to finally get our parents off our backs??” She already knew a person like Jet Set would be more than happy to play along in that role.

“Well not exactly like that…” Applejack said nervously, scratching the back of her head with a light crimson blush crossing her cheeks.

“Then what?” Rarity replied back.

“What would you say to both of us… dropping the whole ‘pretend’ part…?”

Chapter 9: Pinkie Pie and Friends join a Club

Chapter Text

Fluttershy bit her lip nervously as she delicately sat in Score’s car as it zipped and sped past other vehicles on the Canterlot highway at dangerously high speeds. So fast, in fact, that it even caused her breasts to jiggle slightly from the sheer momentum and jerky movements… which in and of itself was proving to be a distraction to her driver. She would have raised a note about Score’s rather ‘aggressive’ driving style, complete with a lack of a properly equipped seatbelt, but if she was being honest, it was just nice to get out of the house for a change. She had lost track of the days that her sex coach had kept her locked away in his room, sometimes quite literally, while he regularly engaged in the lewdest variety of sexual acts upon her as often as his balls could recharge. All for the sake of her sexual education, of course. But today it seemed as though her mentor had something else planned, and she didn’t quite yet know if that was a good or bad thing yet… And looking down at the remarkable skimpy yellow bikini he had told her to wear and nothing more, she was leaning a bit more to the ‘bad’ side of things.

“So… ummmm… where exactly are we headed?” Fluttershy asked anxiously.

“Hmmm? Oh. Just a simple beach party with a few friends,” Score replied with his patented evil grin. “Though it’s a special beach party. Only girls are allowed. Shouldn’t be any strangers though. You should be familiar
with quite a few of them. A lot of people from both schools were invited to this shindig.” The bully gave an earnest chuckle seeing his fat chested pet light up upon hearing that.

A party! With her friends?! Getting to see them after all this time would be so nice! Why did she ever doubt her coach?!

“Dress code is beach casual only, by the way. Two piece bikinis,” he went on.

Fluttershy nodded and smiled as the reasoning behind her own skimpy swimwear was revealed. Admittedly, the few meger pieces of cover over her privates were much more than she usually was allowed to wear back home in the frat house.

“Oh, and try to keep a lid on all of our bedroom fun to your friends, alright? You probably don’t know which of them are virgins or not, and you know those pesky uninitiated girls aren’t allowed to know about this stuff,” Score said.

“Of course,” Fluttershy said with a nod. Though she honestly didn’t have to be instructed on that at all! Knowing the amount of lewd and depraved things the two of them engaged in behind closed doors… She didn’t care if sex like that was normal or if she was speaking to the nonvirgin crowd. She didn’t want anyone to know about it! Fluttershy gave a shiver that traveled up from the base of her spine to the tip of her neck, imagining so many people knowing the intimate details of her sex life with Score. Thank heavens that wasn’t the case...

Though it may have felt like a blink of the eye, being a mere passenger in Score’s triple digit speed pursuit, but Score’s car eventually came to a screeching stop in a packed parking lot. Numerous other cars were parked all around them, all empty with the occupants clearly on the nearby sandy beach. The area wasn’t the same public beach Fluttershy and her friends visited on multiple fun occasions, it was a private beach. The only people present appeared to be high school students like she was… many of which she knew personally!

“You’re not coming?” Fluttershy asked, actually realizing that this would be the first time in a long while she would be without her mentor’s watchful eye over her.

“Nah, I got somewhere else I need to be at the moment. But I’ll be nearby if you need anything. Go on, have fun! Live a little,” Score smiled as he dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

“Thank you!” Fluttershy flashed her flattering smile back to her coach in thanks for his permission while leaning over to hug him. Not a moment later was she out of the car and skipping over to the party, Score watching her scantily-clad ass bounce away with an almost proud grin before driving off.

The top-heavy school girl was almost like a kid in a candy shop as she moved onto the beach and quickly spotted her classmates. In fact, most of the visitors attending appeared to be from CHS! Roseluck, Majorette, Cloudy Kicks, Lavender Lace, Mystery Mint, Sweet Leaves, Watermelody… and Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy only had a split second to react as a pink ball of energy collided with her, causing both girls to roll down the sandy beach in a fit of giggles.

“Fluttershy! I haven’t seen you in ages!!!” Pinkie squeed at her as she hugged the air out of her lungs. A firm embrace made soft by her friend's own ample pair of tit*, the secret real reason why many guys at school didn't mind her over enthusiastic hugs at school. “What have you been up to all this time?!?!?!?”

“O-Oh you know,” Fluttershy wheezed from the tight squeeze. “I’ve been focusing a bit on myself lately…” She attempted to speak in half truths to her friend, knowing a full lie would have Applejack shaking her head. Thinking quick, before Pinkie could delve in further, she tried to change the subject. “How about you?”

“Nothing! I’ve been doing nothing at all!” Pinkie Pie confessed, with a slight unnerving twitch. “Everyone besides Sunset just seemed to up and vanish one by one! Impossible to get a hold of! They aren't even at home whenever I broke in! I’ve had so much time on my hands I don’t even know what to do with it!”

Fluttershy bit her lip again, knowing at least Twilight and Rainbow Dash had texted her to admit to pursuing further sexual education from their own respective sex coaches, likely being on the receiving end of about as much daily ji*zz intake as she was getting from Score. For obvious reasons though, she kept such information privy to herself.

“I-I’m sure they are fine, and are just doing their own thing for a while,” Fluttershy replied calmly, covering for her friends’ absence in the same way she had hoped they would cover for her. “How about we just enjoy the party?” she said, fully abusing the P-word with Pinkie, knowing her main weakness.

“Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie Pie gushed back in high energy, supposing the matter of her ghosting friends could wait for another time. She could never be glum at a party!”

Despite being a ‘party’, a rather sizable one at that, there didn’t seem to be any amenities on the beach in the slightest. No food or refreshments, no games or entertainment, and not even the party host was there! The only thing present was a few dozen high school girls mingling amongst each other in their own cliques. Pinkie Pie was shaking her head disapprovingly quite frequently as she marked down the party’s imaginary grade in her head. Well whatever. There was still things to mingle about for the time being.

“Oh, hey Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, dragging her busty friend over to a nearby student. “This is Sweet Leaves! My new BFF! We've been hanging out recently getting into all sorts of trouble!”

“Ummm, hi,” Fluttershy greeted back awkwardly at her classmate. “Yeah, I know Sweet Leaves, Pinkie, we’re in several classes together.” Though she was silently glad her high energy friend was getting by without Twilight and the others.

“Hi Fluttershy, love your bikini,” Sweet Leaves greeted back with a friendly wave, seeming more than accustomed to Pinkie’s antics by now.

“Thank you,” Fluttershy beamed back. Truth be told, she usually wore a completely concealing wet suit to the beach on previous occasions, for privacy reasons that still managed to earn her chest a good many looks for male beach goers alike. But after Score’s rather demeaning exercises revealing every inch of her bare naked body, suddenly a bikini didn’t feel all that revealing or even that embarrassing! Just one of the many positive aspects of her sexual education with him paying off, she supposed. At least, that was the way her mentor had phrased it. Besides, a wetsuit at this particular party would have made her stand out far more than her skimpy swimwear. Every girl was dressed in a two piece bikini, conforming to the dress code that was apparently required for attendance, for whatever reason.

“So… who is this party for anyway?” Fluttershy asked.

“Some Crystal Prep Academy girl, I think,” Sweet Leaves mused. “Word around CHS is that she is not only insanely popular, but an actual freaking professional model! With that background, and this party being invite only, you know I booked it here with Pinkie the moment we got texts for it.”

“Yep!” Pinkie Pie rapidly shook her head. “Though I still have no idea what kind of party it is for this girl though. Birthday party? Surprise party? Dinner party? Wedding party? Tea party? Quinceanera?!”

“Seems like a more casual get together, Pinkie,” Sweet Leaves laughed. “At least that’s what I’m assuming so far.”

“A popular Crystal Prep girl?” Fluttershy pondered, quite confused. Looking around it was obvious that most of the party’s attendants were from CHS. Why would this girl invite more girls from another school who didn’t even know her that well? “Oh ummmm, I’ll be right back,” Fluttershy spoke to Sweet Leaves and Pinkie Pie as she spotted the few Crystal Prep girls who seemed to be present. Five girls she knew quite well, in fact, and would likely have the answers to the questions going around.

“Yo Fluttershy,” Indigo Zap greeted cheerfully as the busty pinkette strolled through the sand up to their group. “Hehe, how goes the ‘education’ with Score?” The other girls struggled to suppress their girlish giggles.

Fluttershy gave a quick nervous glance behind her to ensure no one else was in listening distance before quietly answering, “I think it's going well…”

“Yeah, we were reviewing your material. A-plus stuff,” Sunny Flare went on with a thumbs up. “Keep it all coming though. We’re not anywhere near done with you.”

“Hehehe, just remember to smile more while you’re being dicked down,” Sour Sweet snickered. “Really let Score know how much you’re enjoying it, cause we all know you do.”

“Ummm, okay,” Fluttershy said as she made a mental note of her friend’s feedback. Always helpful to know, she supposed. “B-but on a different matter, do you girls know where the party hostess is?”

“Don’t worry, she’s not here yet, but she’s coming,” Lemon Zest answered casually.

“Actually… I think she’s arriving right now!” Indigo Zap exclaimed.

Fluttershy gave a glance to the parking lot, seeing no incoming cars anywhere. Only then did it occur to her that the Shadowbolt girls were all looking out onto the ocean.

“Everyone listen up!!!” Sunny Flare suddenly announced to the entire beach, moving away from Fluttershy and her friends as she strolled to the front and center of everyone. “I’m sure all of you have noticed by now this party is a little bare…” In the crowd one Pinkie Pie was seen very rapidly nodding her head. “That’s because the party isn’t on this beach! It’s actually over on that…” she pointed out to the ocean where a rather large and luxurious yacht had sailed up nearby, the vessel giving the party attendees on the beach a quip of its horn to them.

“Oh my god…” Watermelody gasped.

“Sweet!” Majorette cried out.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Pinkie Pie cheered as she scratched off her imaginary grade in her head with a few scratches to her actual head.

The yacht didn’t waste any time sailing over to a small nearby dock, as Sunny Flare and her friends drank in the star-struck look their rival school seemed to flash the rather moderate display of wealth to them. Much like their clients, they were far too easy to amaze.

“Everyone feel free to board! I think you are all going to like what we have in store for you all….”

It didn’t take long for every scantily-clad and excited Canterlot High babe to scramble aboard the yacht, one that appeared as if it would cost more than any of them would ever make in their entire lifetime. Though Fluttershy herself wasn’t nearly as smitten by the wanton display of wealth as many of her other classmates. She did, however, notice as the last party goer from the beach boarded the vessel, that they did not intend to stay docked for the party. She could only give a nervous glance as the ramp was pulled up behind them, with the yacht quickly setting course for out onto the distant ocean.

The beach they came from was swiftly shrinking down to nothing on the horizon as the yacht relentlessly sailed onwards into the open waters. Though the ocean view was beautiful, it didn’t seem like they were going to be left to their own devices to enjoy it. The Crystal Prep girls were all going around, escorting and leading every girl into the main interior space of the luxurious yacht, where inside someone was already waiting for them.

“Champagne, ladies?” A remarkably beautiful woman announced to them all. The tables and seating areas were all pushed to the walls, leaving a rather large open space in the center. A full living room on a boat, as it appeared to be. Fleur de Lis strolled out from the kitchen area, smiling at them all with pearly whites that could be, and likely already were, on the cover of a magazine! “From horderves to alcohol, I implore you to enjoy it all.” The stunning model, clad in her own designer bikini, gestured to the wide spread. One that was quickly attacked by the ravenous party goers.

“Oooh! Fluttershy, there you are!” Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet spotted her easily from the crowd by breast size alone, pulling her aside to a quiet, empty corner.

“What is it?” Fluttershy asked them both.

“We were actually talking with your sex coach, and Score was kinda thinking that now would be a good time for you to do your strippening,” Indigo Zap explained with a grin.

“My what?”

“You know? Getting completely naked at a large public event? Letting everyone get a good look at your goods. We talked about how it was a thing we all did, right?” Indigo replied.

“Yeah! All of us! It’s a normal part of our training after all,” Sour Sweet grinned at her.

Fluttershy was speechless… glancing anxiously at the full yacht of her many, many fellow female classmates. Sure there weren’t any guys here, which was great, but still, she knew everyone here!

“B-but don’t worry, Fluttershy!” Indigo quickly reassured her before she could start to sweat. “We know how nude nervous you tend to be, so we’re going to make it easy for you.”

“Like extremely easy,” Sour Sweet added. “Like not even a challenge! Even for someone like you!”

That sounded promising to Fluttershy for sure. “How?”

“Truth be told, there’s a number of other girls here under training by sex coaches just like you. And a few that have even graduated,” Sour Sweet explained. “We’re not going to tell you who they are, but we figured they ought to join in on it, with everyone else as well.”

“Think of how much easier it will be if everyone from your school decides to get naked,” Indigo spoke with a wide grin, imagining the scene in her mind. “You’ll barely stand out at all!”

“I guess that’s..umm.. true,” Fluttershy replied back nervously, not realizing how her infamous breasts made Indigo’s statement a blatant falsehood. Still, the idea of not being the odd one out at this high class gathering was surely a comforting thought.

“So just play along with what we have planned, alright?” Indigo and Sour Sweet both smiled at her obedient responding nod.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

Fleur rang the tip of her champagne glass, drawing the crowd of mingling Canterlot High babes to a silence as her elegant presence drew their eyes. “*Ahem*, I’m sure each of you lovely ladies are wondering what this little party is celebrating. After all, all of you have come here on my boat to a party where no boys were allowed, only to be served the finest food we have to offer. Well let me just put it plainly. To be frank, we Crystal Preppers are all here to celebrate you.”

Pinkie Pie and the other girls all exchanged puzzled glances to each other, not knowing exactly what their hostess meant.

“That’s right~!,” Fleur giggled. “Many of you girls may not know this, being from a different school than I, but we at Crystal Prep have an exclusive… club… of sorts. The Goddess Society, as we call it.” Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat, and the others all nodded their heads in agreement with their partner. “A small select organization of strictly powerful and beautiful women our city has to offer. A club whose members enjoy the finer things in life,” Fleur gestured to the yacht around them. “And we’ve decided to extend our membership program to you lovely ladies at Canterlot High…….. If you pass the cut.”

“Oooo… sounds interesting. What sort of things does this club do?” Cloudy Kicks asked.

“Like I said, we enjoy the finer things in life. Sailing to the Bahamas in this lovely vessel, eating out at the classiest restaurants, or perhaps taking our private jet to Malibu for the weekend, all on the house of course. Members need not pay a single dime.”

Something about the way Fleur spoke made everything so incredibly convincing, aided in no small way by the yacht they were all present on at this very moment. All of the girls had heard no shortage of rumors about the vast wealth of certain Crystal Preppers, none of them had suspected their pockets ran this deep. So deep in fact, they were willing to share it with everyone else!

“Well I’m in!” Blueberry Cake beamed.

“Me too!” Mystery Mint shot in, excitedly.

“Yeah, where do we sign up?”

“Now hang on girls,” Sunny Flare said. “It’s not that simple. The other girls in the club don’t just want anyone to join. A touch of exclusivity keeps it special for the rest of us.”

“But if we’re being honest, just by being invited to this party, all of you girls passed the first test,” Sour Sweet announced. “We hand picked each of you because we wanted the hottest girls Canterlot had to offer.” That wasn't even a lie. She licked her greedily lips, as she stared around the many bikini bods that were evidence of that.

The many faces of Canterlot High students exchanged boastful grins with each other as their egos received a visible boost.

“But our looks aren't enough. We also want the most dedicated girls in the Goddesses,” Sunny Flare interjected. "And ONLY them."

“To that note, what we will be commencing tonight will be a sort of ‘try outs’, for the limited spots available,” Fleur carried on. “An initiation, if you will. I have to warn you, it won’t be easy to weed out the weak links here… But it is of the utmost necessity that it be done.”

Most girls already knew what the supermodel was hinting at: hazing. Something they imagined they would all be encountering years later to join college sororities! But none of them could deny the bait of living like a millionaire appealed to each and every single one of them. But even so… it wasn’t appearing as though all of them were quite feeling brave enough for a hazing ritual. Mainly one dropped out of the blue onto them like this.

“Any volunteers to start?” Fleur asked them all, not giving them much time to thoroughly think this over.

Indigo Zap subtly nodded at Fluttershy, who gave a light gulp.

“Ummmmm… I-I… would like to join your club,” Fluttershy announced softly.

“Lovely… our first one up. I’m sure you must be the bravest one of the bunch!” Fleur beamed proudly as literally all of the Canterlot High girls stared at her in complete bewilderment. "...Maybe we should just reward such boldness with an immediate spot in the club..."

Fluttershy, look at the supermodel with an expression of confusion, not quite sure why their hostess was saying that. The entire reason why she was compelled to volunteer was so she would have a convenient excuse to perform the task her sex coach had assigned her! Though equally as confused were her other classmates.

Fluttershy… The shyest girl in school, maybe even the entire state! That same Fluttershy was volunteering to be hazed before all of them?!

Pinkie Pie even smirked proudly as she opted in, figuring that her fellow friend and fellow pinkette must’ve matured considerably during her absence to be this brave! Doing who knows what…

“I’m up for it too!” Cloudy Kicks quickly added, not wanting to come off as a complete coward to be outdone by Fluttershy of all people. She wouldn’t even know how to live with herself otherwise.

“Me as well!” Roseluck chimed in.

“Bring it on!” Majorette scoffed.

Glancing about the living room, it was obvious that that was the common unspoken thought going around as more and more girls volunteered for their initiation. A peer pressure snowballing effect had started, no girl wanted to be the odd one out, especially with such luxury at stake.

“Excellent, everyone is on board,” Fleur giggled at her slight pun. “As expected. I’d hope for nothing less from the ladies of such a fine and upstanding school. But, the process of initiation itself is not my strong suit to lead. So for this, I will be handing things off to my partner. Best of luck, ladies…”

The supermodel stepped to the side as new girls entered the yacht’s living space. A group of school girls, all from Crystal Prep. Upper Crust, Spitfire, High Winds… and leading them all as the one in charge of the hazing was one particular girl that made Pinkie Pie in particular, already regretting her decision with a very audible gulp.

“So…. this is all of the fresh meat…” Gilda sneered at the collection of girls like she genuinely believed were little more than pieces of said meat. She marched into the center of the room, pushing aside whoever it took to get there, immediately setting the tone for their initiation to be much different than the convincing and soothing voice Fleur spoke in. “Listen up you ladies! From this point onwards, I’m in charge of who's getting in and who's out! You’ll speak only when spoken to and address me as mistress Gilda. Am I clear?”

“Yes, mistress Gilda,” A broken unison of nervous girls spoke out before shutting their traps. From the fierce glares this particular Crystal Prep delinquent shot them, it looked as if she was just itching for a reason to flunk them out of their initiation. And probably make them all swim back to shore too. Even though, at this point, they had sailed out so far there wasn’t even any land visible on the horizon to be seen.

Gilda huffed as she crossed her arms over her own bikini-clad breasts as if disappointed none of them had tried to puff out their chests at her. “I’m already sick of all you slu*ts looking at me.” She snapped her fingers and her fellow Crystal Prep students began to move about the room carrying what appeared to be a box of black cloth. “I hope none of you dumb slu*ts thought this was going to be easy, because for your hazing, each of you will be blindfolded. If any of you have a problem with that, please don’t hesitate to voice your concerns…”

The silence was like music to Gilda’s ears. Maybe these CHS babes weren’t as dumb as everyone thought all Canterlot High students were.

Pinkie Pie stared uneasily at the blindfold as Lemon Zest approached her. Though she obviously wasn’t fishing to hear her opinions on the matter as Lemon quickly fastened the cloth tight around her head. Completely concealing her eyes and rendering her effectively blind. Not so much as a dark silhouette of her hands could be seen in front of her. The Crystal Prepper tied it off securely, ensuring there wasn’t even the slightest chance it could come loose, before moving on to Sweet Leaves besides her.

“From here on out, if those blindfolds come off, you are automatically out,” Gilda continued to speak as her assistants worked through the crowd, ensuring every Canterlot High girl was blinded. “No exceptions. No whining. No complaining. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mistress Gilda,” they spoke in an improved unison this time.

Unlike Pinkie, Fluttershy was endlessly thankful for the blindfolds! She knew her Crystal Prep buddies said they would be making it easy on her, but hadn't expected it would be this much easier to the point that none of her classmates would even be able to see her! She joyfully beamed at Indigo, who likewise seemed more than happy to fasten the garment around her eyes. All while Fluttershy counted herself lucky to have such good friends over at Crystal Prep looking out for her!

It took a few minutes to see to every Canterlot High girl, double checking that they were all on tight, but it was eventually finished. “Every slu*t has one on? Good,” Gilda proclaimed as her assistants finally retreated back to watch the show. “Now all of you, line up. Shoulder to shoulder with a foot between each of you. Facing the sound of my voice.”

The challenge quickly became clear, ordering themselves while blind. Not exactly humiliating hazing. All of them prayed that their initiation would carry on like this.

They stumbled about, using their arms to feel the surrounding classmates, some even giving a few chuckles in light hearted fun from the activity. Surprisingly Gilda didn’t seem to mind. A few breasts were brushed up against as bodies lightly bumped into each other as they blindly felt each other in an effort to get themselves in the right position. In less than two minutes the twenty girls had somehow successfully ordered their bodies up in a straight line. Standing at attention for their next instruction, none daring so much as to even cough.

“Hmmmm… bet you slu*ts probably think you’re hot sh*t for doing that so quickly,” Gilda seethed at them all.

“No, mistress Gilda!” They replied in unison, a few proud smiles proving themselves liars.

“Good, because you slu*ts don’t know how easy you all have it! You know what happened during my initiation for this club? Half the losers ended up at the hospital! Everyone else ended up in therapy! And the other thing about them was-”

Gilda continued to rattle in a purposefully loud droning voice as, unbeknownst to all of the naive Canterlot High girls, a tad bit of foul play was taking place here.

A good many members of the opposite gender silently entered the room on the carpeted floor. None of the blindfolded girls heard them enter, and if they had, they would have simply assumed the steps belonged to the many assistants.

“Yes, mistress Gilda!” They rang out, covering the sound of the many perverted and evilly grinning bullies encroaching on their space. Fleur herself in a small fit of giggles as she watched it all unfold. Clueless CHS prey truly never got old.

“Well good. Let’s move on then,” Gilda nodded silently to her partners as the boys moved in closer. “Us girls in the Goddesses are an intimate group, not afraid of getting up close and personal with each other. The last kind of bitch we want in our group is the kind that shrieks like a banshee when being touched. So we’ll be testing just how durable each of you slu*ts are. How much you can take before cracking under pressure. If any of you whor*s want to bow out during any of this, please announce how much of a worthless bitch you are who will never amount to anything in this world so we know exactly who to throw overboard.”

All the blind girls nervously steeled their nerves as they braced for the worst.

It was nothing for a while until Roseluck gave a slight jump as she felt a silent hand, very purposely, squeeze at her breast! But she didn’t break… no… that was just what this Gilda bitch wanted her to do. She could suffer through a few touches on her body! Touches she assumed were coming from one of the Crystal Prep girls sitting around the room. But due to a rather generous amount of lotion applied to the hands below deck, none of the girls had the faintest clue they were being felt up by their own male classmates. After all, who could really tell male and female hands apart from touch alone?

“Hands behind your backs, girls. Chests puffed out!” Gilda ordered them all, with everyone doing as they were told like good obedient mutts.

Fido smiled a slanted grin as he eagerly squeezed away at Roseluck’s prized pair. A girl who wouldn’t so much as give him a passing glance in the hallway, now having no choice but to unknowingly allow his hands free roam over her body! He kept quiet, knowing the rules stressed to each of them before all this, but he sincerely wanted to cackle right about now! It would have served this bitch right.

Rover was of similar mind, running his hands up Blueberry Cake’s hourglass figure before quite happily cupping her tit*. A delightful idea occurred to him as he pulled out his phone, turning the camera on, and gently pulling one of the edges of Blueberry’s right bikini cup outwards. Just enough so that the delicate pink tip of her nipple was seen, ripe for capture by his phone. He repeated the process again with her other tit, as Blueberry could do nothing but bare herself through it all. The girl not having the slightest clue the brief moment of air her breasts felt had led to one of her school’s bullies knowing what her bare chest looked like, complete with photos that would likely find their way to many of her male peer's collections.

On another side of the room, the male Crystal bullies were more carefully weighing their goods. Fire Steak was scratching his chin as he gazed at Majorette’s finely sculpted body she had so kindly put on display for him like a piece of merchandise to be sold. Little did she know, that was exactly what she was. After a thorough testing of her breasts, Fire Streak silently gestured with his thumb pointed at her, causing Gilda to stomp over. She poked her in the collarbone. “You there, slu*t. What’s your name?”

“Majorette, mistress Gilda!” she replied, standing extra erect at attention in response to the spotlight on her.

“You have a nice body there. Got a boyfriend who enjoys it?” Gilda went on, eyeing her goods up and down herself. A fine piece of work.

“No, mistress Gilda,” Majorette replied with a touch of sadness in her voice.

“So no boyfriend…. You are a virgin then?”

“Yes, mistress Gilda,” she answered.

“I see…” Gilda replied, actually appearing quite pleased. Fire Streak as well, seemed equally happy with that answer. He made a silent nod to Sunny Flare who nodded back to him in affirmation. She quickly jotted down the fellow bully’s purchase.

“Show of hands, pledges. Who else among us is also a virgin?” Gilda barked at them all. “Be truthful. Liars are getting their asses kicked off this boat!”

A majority of the girls’ present shot up their hands, none of them knowing if their intact virginities were actually a good or bad thing in the eyes of their twisted mistress. Fluttershy’s hand was quite clearly not among them, another interesting tidbit to add to the list that would have shocked Pinkie Pie and the other girls to no end had they seen. To everyone else, they were not surprised in the slightest. They had all seen the explicit material Score was pumping out of him pumping into the big breasted bimbo. Truthfully, those exact videos served as the perfect advertisem*nt for the Shadowbolt's services, and why most of the boys here today had decided to hire them for their highly desired services.

Fleur rubbed her hands excitedly at the sight of so many fresh virgin pieces of meat she had managed to lure into her little trap. Practically every hand was raised, barring the one girl from this batch they had already conquered. Another proud achievement of her employees as she personally captured a photographic mementro of all those beautifully raised hands on her own phone.

Fluttershy stiffened as she felt a number of different hands running over her body, as a familiar feeling of many eyes locking on her was felt. They were everywhere, though mainly focused around her chest, many different hands seemingly curious to learn exactly how soft and heavy her legendary tit* ended up being.

Regretfully, unlike every other Canterlot High girl, Fluttershy was not for sale, being quite clearly already under the ownership of Score. But the bully was more than happy to allow his bros the opportunity for some deceitful groping and getting the chance to feel up the babe he was banging on the regular now. In short, the ultimate power play and rights to bragging. For now, the rest of the guys were happy with the wide selection of far cheaper but still busty goods to be bought.

Coincidentally, Fluttershy was able to manage through the perverted fondling of her tit* with ease, having been endlessly drilled in this exact art by her coach. Of course, this little deception was the last thing Score had in mind when he was getting handsy with her sweater puppies, but he supposed she had earned this happy little bonus. Oddly enough, with her experience in being felt up, Fluttershy was the only one in the room suspecting the hands on her belonged to a male. Naturally though she spoke nothing of it, believing it to just be her imagination.

To the side, Score was keenly noting how much fun it was bringing Fluttershy here so far. He should make an effort to get her involved with her friends more often…

To Fluttershy’s side, the Crystal Prep bully, Silver Zoom gently rubbed Mystery Mint’s cl*t through her bikini bottom, electing a soft immediate gasp from the clueless girl. A sensitive slu*t. Likely easy to pleasure and therefore even easier to tame for future use. Her tit* were quite nice as well, his hands were not even large enough to fully palm the soft pillowy orbs. Nodding his head he informed Sunny Flare that this girl would be his for the taking.

Elsewhere Sweet Leaves would have been absolutely mortified and furious to learn that the perverted and sexist bully from her class who had sent her those unsolicited dick pics had been exactly the one feeling her up now with impunity. Thankfully a small thin piece of cloth over her eyes was all it took from the reality ever being realized. Instead Dumbbell was the only one realizing he had a free pass to do anything he wanted to this gullible naive little tramp. Sweet Leaves gasping as her ass was quite literally smacked, before the hands reached around and aggressively manhandled her tit*! So much so that the meger covering of her bikini top threatened to come undone and spill her goods out into the open air! Her assailant was so aggressive… was it possible the person on her case was into girls?

In Dumbbell’s mind it was just ridiculous. A girl dressed like this was obviously begging to get f*cked. Yet when he so generously offers up his assistance in the matter with those pics he sent, they suddenly pretend like they aren’t slu*ts thirsty for co*ck! Bipolar bimbos, every single one of them. Though he knew some of them honestly got off on stringing along guys like him, who were just trying to be helpful and accommodating to their sexual needs, just for the sake of pointless drama they fed off of, to the point he had to shell out hundreds of dollars to these Crystal Prep girls just for the opportunity to own this slu*t like he deserved from the start!

But it was fine. Sweet Leaves wasn’t just a one time purchase like any common street whor*. Like Score’s setup with Fluttershy, this purchase here was an investment. One he fully intended to make this fat chested slu*t pay back every single cent she owed him, plus a few times over for his trouble. Sunny Flare’s notepad was eventually etched with the name of Sweet Leave’s new owner, sealing the girl’s fate from this day forward.

During all of this, Gilda wasn’t simply standing idly by as her naive pledges were felt up. No… there was one particular pink slu*t in the crowd who was trying so hard not to be noticed by her. Gilda huffed happily as she was granted a small window of her own time to play around with the merchandise, marching directly up to Pinkie Pie. Unlike the boys, she didn’t waste any time with foreplay.

Pinkie Pie let out a soft gasp as she suddenly felt both of her bikini cups yanked to the side. The bottom string now only holding her perky breasts upwards as her bare chest was displayed to the crowd of bullies before her. Sugarcoat silently giggled as she aimed her phone, snapping a playful pic of Gilda posing with her head to the side Pinkie's exposed tit*, sticking her tongue out as if she were about to lick them. Instead, the school girl only winced as her nipples were suddenly pinched hard. Whoever was doing it really seemed to want her nipples erect as they rolled and played with them endlessly in their fingers. They left with their mission complete, unknowingly showcasing her fully hard nips for another shot from several cameras around the room. Even then her unknown tormentor wasn’t done as she then felt her bikini bottoms pulled to the side, revealing her cleanly shaven and fresh virgin slit to all eyes in the room. Though this particular show was merely for entertainment and the fun of it. Like Fluttershy, the boys avoided Pinkie knowing she was likewise already purchased, this time by Gilda…

“Mmmmm, wow you girls are tough,” Gilda broke the long silence, now strangely sounding like she was in a considerably better mood to all her pledges for some reason. Almost all of the guys had gotten their fill of window shopping and sampling the goods until they had made their selections, so it was time to move things along. “Surprised none of you cracked under all that pressure, but don’t let it go to your heads, slu*ts, this is where it gets harder.”

Pinkie Pie gasped as she, and every other blind CHS girl, was grabbed by the shoulders and not-so-gently rearranged. One by one, each of them was moved to stand in an inwards facing circle in the large open area in the center of the room. Everyone else who was part of this little deception took a spot around the circle, to both act as a border to prevent any of their prey from escaping the area, and to also grab a front row seat for the upcoming show. Many of them were already whipping out their own phones again and starting a fresh recording.

“You slu*ts might think your fellow classmates are your friends in this hazing ritual,” Gilda squawked onwards. “But as it turns out, they are actually all your competitors! The rules of this next game are simple. Simple enough even for you slu*ts to understand! See… each of you has a two piece bikini on… but you need four pieces to advance onwards to the next round… Now, unless you girls brought a spare in your invisible pockets, it looks like you all are going to need to find alternative means of scrounging up your extra bikini parts. Maybe your classmates will be open to parting with theirs with a little persuasion...”

Fluttershy gave a gulp as it dawned on her, and everyone else, exactly what Gilda was ever so coyly laying out for all of them to do. This was the big plan the others had in store! She knew Indigo had mentioned other girls would be getting naked alongside her, but even this seemed a little intense! Even though she personally wasn’t all that interested in living the rich lifestyle that this special club entailed, she even felt like she was in too deep in this ritual to back out now! No girl she knew would have allowed themselves to be felt up like a cheap whor* like that and not expect something meaningful out of it!

“...What? You girls expecting a pep talk?” Gilda exclaimed, obviously not intending to give anyone time to back out now. “Start stripping each other already!”

Many of the Canterlot High girls stumbled as they were brashly pushed forward towards the empty center before quickly catching themselves. Being as blind as they were they slowly inched forwards, some quicker than others, holding their arms out at chest level, to feel for their surrounding classmates and hopefully have their fingers grace along the string straps of a precious bikini top. Completely oblivious to the fact they were surrounded by wolfish grins on all sides, aiming their phones at their bodies, just waiting to catch the first glimpse of their naughty bits and enshrine them forever as memory on their cameras.

Roseluck gave a startled gasp as Watermelody’s hand found her breasts, who squeezed to grab it, actually unintentionally groping her friend’s tit while going for her top. A dozen different cameras were on her chest the moment the girl yanked it upwards and off, Roseluck gasping in shock as her bosom bounced free in the exposed air. Her cheeks were quickly overcome with a flush of rosy red, her arms quickly moving to cover her naked pair.

“Get those arms down, ladies!” Gilda quickly instructed with an evil grin. “If you get stripped it’s on you to bare your failure to everyone else. Besides, pretty sure you need your arms elsewhere if you want any chance of winning!” Only then did Roseluck quite reluctantly lower her arms as she now embarrassingly fished through the mass of quarreling students to do the same as was done to her. With considerably less mercy!

Lavender Lace struggled to stay upright as the crowd grew more rowdy, not knowing whose shoulders she bumped into on the left and right of her. All of a sudden, a sense of danger washed over her as she felt hands on her back! Acting quickly, she spun around to dislodge them, but it was too late. Whoever’s hands those were had deftly undone the simple knot holding her bikini top on, making it instantly hang loose. Another hand seemingly sensed her moment of vulnerability and managed to grasp her middle strap before they effortlessly tugged the top clean off!

Below her, Roseluck stumbled and fell over Mystery Mint’s body, soon joined by Cloudy Kicks as all three girls blindly struggled to find the others bikinis while swatting away other attempts they felt to grab their own. Roseluck couldn’t help but notice the other’s hands came up disappointed, learning her top was already missing as they grabbed nothing but the bare flesh of her perky tit*. However, those greedy hands did not decide to leave her alone from that. Instead she felt them migrate down lower, past her flat stomach and down to her waist! The presence of several hands in that area were sensed, searching for the garment she was sincerely wishing she had tied more securely to herself right about now! Obviously nothing was off limits to her competitive classmates, even if it meant stripping her completely naked in front of all of these Crystal Prep girls and failing her from this competition! Those bitches!

The Crystal Prep girls all cheered them on joyfully as each piece of swimwear was stripped of by classmates. Egging
and goading them further and further into revealing each other’s naked bodies for the film while everyone did their best to suppress their cruel laughter.

Fleur gave a light chuckle before taking a sip of her white chardonnay from the glass, lounging back in her chair as she gazed at the scene playout before her very eyes. She felt as though no one, not even the richest men on the planet could arrange the very thing happening in front of her. Sure, they could hire all the high class whor*s they wanted, but that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun. New toys were always more fun than ones that had already been thoroughly played with. And what was newer than a collection of the hottest virgin girls from their inferior rival school? All tricked into partaking in a bikini stripping contest that was all being filmed without their knowledge or consent. Truly a show meant for a queen.

Majorette was one lucky few who had managed to steal a few tops while protecting her own. A grinning competitive high was already coursing through her as she saw herself emerging as one of the victors in this heated battle, with one of the few positives of their blindfolds was that none of her classmates would realize that she was the reason that their bosoms were bouncing about exposed in open air. She didn’t exactly know whose tops she had nabbed, but she was pretty sure one of the girls was Fluttershy, judging by the staggering heavy and colossal rack she felt when tearing it off. Sorry Fluttershy, nothing personal.

Majorette suddenly toppled over as her foot blindly ran into someone’s ankle, causing her to abruptly drop face down with her ass up. The tops she was carrying slipped out of her grip in the fall, a wave of panic washed over her as she hurriedly and blindly felt the surrounding ground for them with her hands. To her even greater horror, a pair of hands somehow managed to find her ass while she was helplessly on the floor. Before she could even realize it, her bikini bottoms had been ripped off, fully exposing her bubbly butt and cleanly shaven c*nt to the many perverted occupants in the room. As if that wasn’t enough, even her top was attacked, untied and cleanly pulled away from her body to a space unknown. Majorette could barely even process how she had gone from winning to an absolute loss in a matter of seconds.

Unsurprisingly to anyone who knew their true nature, the girls of Crystal Prep were not so keen as to sit idly by as their perverted game played out. They had, in fact, been among the mix since the beginning. Not being blinded by a blindfold gave an overwhelming tactical advantage as they easily avoided and dodged any feeling hands that drifted too close to them. Even if they were touched, they would have easily blended in with the others, being girls in bikinis themselves.

With a wide smirk on their faces, Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest silently moved from girl to girl, ripping off tops and bottoms, not to mention even stealing away bikini parts that the Canterlot girls had managed to successfully steal for themselves. The many phones followed them as they delivered on their promise of quick action, making it quite clear to everyone that it was never their intention for a single CHS girl to end this game in anything other than her full birthday suit.

Sour Sweet was on cloud nine, living her dreams as she brashly ripped Aqua Blossom’s bikini top off before backstepping the unfortunately topless babe’s blind reach in a desperate attempt to get it back. Taking things one step further, the vindictive bully grinned maliciously as she then proceeded to stretch and eventually tear the swim top to pieces, ruining it completely. It would be easy enough to claim one of her bimbo classmates was responsible for it in the heat of the battle.

A few of the other bullies couldn’t help but let out cruel gigglings, seeing Sour Sweet sentence their merchandise to nudity for even longer than originally planned. Gilda caught on quickly herself, waiting until her snickering died down before sternly announcing, “I hope you girls aren’t expecting to get your bikinis back when this is all over, cause you aren’t! The winners get to do whatever they want with them. So for you naked ladies out there, I’d at least recommend securing someone’s top and bottom quickly! Doesn't have to be yours!”

Of course, by ‘winners’ it was clear to many in the room that the bully was referring to everyone currently not tricked into a game of stripping their classmates on camera to their rivals. Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest were seen more than happy to do as they wished with the numerous swim garments. Sunny Flare had found a few pairs of scissors in one of the kitchen drawers, with all the girls wasting no time cutting and snipping every bikini part they had stolen to shreds.

“Just a little bit longer now!” Gilda exclaimed, staring at the last few girls with anything on. It came down to mainly Pinkie Pie who didn’t know she had Sweet Leaves pinned down below her, actually having a fair amount of fun herself. Dumbbell was quick to frame and capture the entire scene unfold as the pink partier cheerfully stripped her friend’s bikini completely off in front of her most hated bully. Said bully licked his lips as he happily accepted a close up shot of a painfully embarrassed Sweet Leave’s bare breasts and bald c*nt, saving it into the spank bank for later. It was quite easily the best present Pinkie could have possibly ever given him!

The freshly stripped bikini was ripped from Pinkie’s hand by Indigo before she could even get the chance to cheer, followed swiftly by Lemon Zest strolling by. Like the others, the garment was swiftly handed off and cut to pieces.

“Alright time! Arms down, slu*ts!” Gilda hollered the very moment each of the girls from the lesser school didn’t have a single stitch to cover their shapely figures anymore. Although watching the blind dolts basically feel each other up was a blast, if she allowed it to carry on for too long she ran the risk of some of them catching wise to the fact that there wasn’t a single bikini part among all of them to steal back anymore. It would be much easier for both parties if they stayed as blissfully ignorant as possible.

“Whoa… looks like some clear winners and losers are here!” Gilda laughed, referring to Crystal Prep and Canterlot High students respectively. “All you ‘winners’, you know who you are, step out of the circle and take a bow! You’re in the club!” The naked Canterlot High girls heard the footsteps of others walk by them as the many audience members cheered, clapped, and whistled, as the Shadowbolt girls performed a silent triumphant jiggle and mocking dance as they tossed their competitor’s cut bikini parts in the air like confetti.

Only after the cheering subsided did the many naked CHS girls feel the piercing gaze of Gilda fall back onto them. None of them could guess how many of their fellow classmates had been in the winning group, and none of them could guess how poorly everyone else did in comparison. Each and every single one of them felt the worst, figuring that there was no way that many other girls in the game could have ended completely naked like they were!

Gilda herself was obviously not privy to revealing that information either as she spat at them. “For the rest of you, line up, on your knees, losers.”

It was a tense moment of silence as the many blind and now naked school girls fumbled their way about as they ordered themselves in a messy shoulder-to-shoulder line before dropping to their knees. Even after they completed their task though, not a single further word was spoken. The silence that followed seemed to hang in the air for minutes on end as tensions rose, many of the girls gulping and shifted nervously in their places. The single thought on their minds was if there was still a chance for them to come out of this ahead, no matter how slight! Yet, it was almost as if their furious hazing mistress was instead contemplating what awful manner of things she was going to do to them now!

Unbeknownst to all of them, as per usual, Gilda had actually just slipped to the side for a moment to take a few swigs of the beer she had left in the fridge earlier. It was Sour Sweet they should have been worrying about. The Crystal Prep girl had an expensive piece of equipment in her hands, a 4k camera, bought with The Goddesses’s endless funds, of course. That camera was currently lowered and held at waist level as Sour Sweet slowly traveled up the row of kneeling naked beauties with it aimed directly at them, mercilessly grinning from ear to ear while doing so. The recording device perfectly captured, in full detail, all of the lovely pairs of tit* and exposed puss*es that were so plainly presented to the open air. Sour Sweet made sure to linger on each piece of their merchandise to ensure she had a clear shot of their full frontal nudity. She also made an effort to make sure she captured their faces in the frame as well. The last thing any of the Shadowbolts wanted were for their digital goods to be of anonymous naked teenage school girls! With that all complete she gave the thumbs up.

“On your hands and knees!” Gilda barked from the kitchen suddenly, causing many of the girls to jump. Nevertheless, they obeyed without a word. For the many, many, guys in the not too distant future who would be watching this from the privacy of their own bedrooms, they would catch a joyous glimpse of all those magnificent orbs of heavenly flesh droop downward, as Sour Sweet quietly walked back down the line, capturing a shot of the plump asses that were practically pushed out in the camera’s direction.

It was, among other things, another perfect little advertisem*nt for their services. These girls were all spoken for you boys at home, but if any of you wanted to shell out hundreds of dollars of your hard earned cash, you could buy your very own pet to play around with, just like these. But better dig into those savings quickly! As it was plain to see, the current available stock for Canterlot High School slu*ts was being claimed fast!

On that note however, the camera did also capture their current male clientele in the background, looking quite pent-up and restless after this whole charade. The Crystal Prep bullies weren’t idiots. They knew their main market audience wasn’t known for their intelligence or patience. All it would take was one of them getting tired of waiting and jumping into the frey of naked flesh to let the cat out of the bag and ruin their business enterprise for everyone. Best to hurry things along before the hormones took over.

Gilda got the message as Sour Sweet retreated with the camera, shoving her unfinished beer back into the fridge as she took center stage in front of her many clueless pledges. She took a deep breath before putting her best angry voice back on and shouting, “Back on your feet now, maggots. Every one of you! I’ve made up my mind on what to do with you losers.” The naked girls all stood up, anxiously dreading their upcoming sentencing. *Ahem* Gilda took a deep breath before announcing, “you’re all out! Walk back to your cars naked and reflect on your failures!”

The Canterlot girls all gasped out loud, only to be swiftly cut off by Sunny Flare.

“Now hold on, Gilda!” Sunny almost instantly interjected before any of their merchandise could really react. “Don’t be too harsh on them just because they lost your little game. I saw a few of them that really seemed to give it their all, but just lost their tops at the last minute. Don’t you think they should at least get into our club too…?” She asked sweetly, the CHS girls staying deathly silent as they dared to hope.

“Why should I let them in? They lost fair and square. I’m not going to pass them in that easily…” Gilda retorted to her colleague.

“Pleeeeeassseeee, Gilda?” High Winds chimed in, another Crystal Prep girl who sounded like she was desperately begging on their behalf.

“Yeah! Give them another chance!” Lemon Zest added in.

“Alright. Alright,” Gilda relented. “One more small chance for the few girls you think are worth it. But if they fail this, I swear I’m going to make them swim back to shore, naked.” The blind teenagers all gulped, fearing the worst yet again. “But since you girls care so much about these pledges, you can all administer their tests. I’m done with them.”

The rules still applied as none of the Canterlot High girls dared speak a word as the rustling of footsteps were heard. Pinkie Pie felt the soft hands of another girl on her shoulders, gently urging her in a direction to move. The blind party planner didn’t know who was going where, all she could tell was being led out of the room and down a ramp to a much different location in the luxurious yacht.

“You can talk now,” Lemon Zest suddenly spoke softly to Pinkie. “But don’t remove your blindfold! That’s still part of your initiation.”

“Okay…” Pinkie replied uneasily as she continued to allow herself to be led. “Where are we going?”

“Just to a private area where we can finish this. Don’t worry, I know exactly what Gilda wants. You’ll get in no probs,” Lemon spoke reassuringly, bringing no small relief to Pinkie. Coming into this, the last thing she wanted was to be left out of any potential parties her peers were throwing. After a few more moments followed by a sharp left turn with another three forward steps, the grip on Pinkie’s bare shoulders urged her to stop. “Alright, here. Turn around and sit down.” Pinkie did as instructed, still in obedient hazing mode, a feat that was in no small way easy for her. But she bared through it, knowing everything was at stake. Her butt soon found purchase on what felt like a mattress, one on top of a rather springy and comfortable bed.

“Listen, I think you did great in the stripping game, and I was really rooting for you the entire time!” Lemon Zest gushed. “I think I saw one of your friends was the one who won too. Didn’t want you two to be split up, so I’m going to help you out.”

Assuming she was either referring to Fluttershy or Sweet Leaves, Pinkie Pie breathed a sigh of relief. It was nice to have a girl on the inside who wanted to be her friend in all this. It was just what she needed to get through this. Maybe they could get to know each other a bit more once she was in the club?

“But listen,” Lemon Zest went on, “you’ve probably already figured out from all the, you know…. Nudity, that Gilda is kind of a giant perv.”

Pinkie nodded. That among other things. She had a number of previous encounters with that delinquent Gilda in the past, none of which were at all pleasant! She was a giant meanie who was always secretly trying to get into Rainbow Dash’s pants! She was able to fully reveal the bully’s true nature in front of Rainbow’s very eyes just before her advances had succeeded in luring her friend into the bedroom with her… It was something she felt the bully would always resent her for. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like the feather brain even remembered her.

“But that’s the thing. Gilda is in charge of who gets into The Goddesses and she only lets girls she thinks are giant perverts like her. That’s how everyone convinces her to let them in…”

Just outside and across the corridor, the equally naked and blind Sweet Leaves was seen pushed into a similar bedroom. This level of the yacht was full of them, having enough beds to space a rather large party quite comfortably… and the Crystal Preppers intended on making full use of them.

“Listen, I think you did great in the stripping game, and I was really rooting for you the entire time! I think I saw one of your friends was the one who won too…” Sunny Flare spoke, likewise repeating the same exact lines from the script they had prepared ahead of time. No one ever claimed you had to be detained by the police to be on the receiving end of the good cop bad cop routine. However, her repeated words weren’t exactly heard by Pinkie, especially not as Sunny closed the door behind her, giving Sweet Leaves a false sense of privacy.

“So what should I do?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“You just gotta prove it to Gilda. It’ll be easy! Here… just lie back in the bed and relax,” Lemon Zest said. Pinkie Pie did so, pulling her legs onto the bed and resting her fluffy pink hair into the somehow less fluffy white pillow. The Crystal Prepper meanwhile readied her phone, aiming it at the naked piece of meat as she started a new recording. “You’re one of the girls who admitted to being a virgin, right?”

“Ummm, yeah…” Pinkie replied, getting the incorrect nagging feeling that that answer was a bad one to impress this club.

“Don’t worry about it. So was I when I first joined the club and got hazed,” Lemon giggled, as if sensing her doubt, before carefully and casually adding, “but you do masturbat* though, right?”

Not wanting to lose any more points that she had to impress with, Pinkie Pie actually answered honestly. “Ye-yeah!”

“Do you do it a lot?” Lemon Zest went on, greedily licking her lips now. “I bet it feels really good when you do it!” she giggled in a playful tone.

“Hehe, yeah it kinda does,” Pinkie giggled back.

“Great!” Lemon beamed happily. “So here’s what I’m going to need you to do! Spread your legs open for me a bit.”

“Okie dokie…” Pinkie followed along, opening up her legs wide for the mischievous Crystal Prepper could gleam fully at the cute pink puss* lips that were hers to sell! With the right preparations that is.

“Now just relaaaax,” Lemon gently soothed her cluelessly prey. Not a moment later did Pinkie Pie’s ears pick up a very distinct buzzing sound coming from the space occupied by her newest friend. The party girl wasn’t left long to fully ponder the implications of this as suddenly, an intense sensation shot through her very core as Lemon Zest pressed a vibrator directly into her prey’s cl*t. A strange pleasurable feeling, far greater than what her own fingers could ever provide, quickly overcame Pinkie, causing the naked school girl to let out a moan before she could even stop herself. “Mmmmm… yeah… I bet this feels real good,” Lemon naughtily giggled, drawing a circle around the girl’s cl*t. “Let those moans out now! Don’t be afraid to show how much you’re enjoying this!”

The naked party animal was only half paying attention at this point as her assailant forced her body through wave after wave of erotic pleasure, seemingly as a girl herself, she knew exactly where to touch to elicit the greatest reaction from her. Every involuntary moan Pinkie let loose was only greedily captured by the recording camera, Lemon’s wicked grin smiling in mad glee at the fact her dumb rival was still completely oblivious to the fact that she was digging her own grave.

“Good! Gooood! Here, take the toy from me and you keep going by yourself,” Lemon encouraged, doing her best to sound more approving and casual than sad*stic. The blind school girl roughly fumbled between her legs as the vibrator was thrust into her grasp before she obediently did as she was told. Now free to withdraw, Lemon Zest stood back up from the bed, focusing her full efforts into recording the shamelessly masturbating CHS babe before her. Like they had all be instructed, the Crystal Prepper bully made sure to keep Pinkie's face in the frame at all times, so no one watching would ever be able to deny who this slu*t was.

“Hope you don’t mind every guy in town is going to see this you dumb bimbo…” Lemon Zest cruelly giggled under her breath.

All over the yacht’s cabins, the exotic scene taking place was quite similar, all according to their plan. The foolish and naked rivals of the Crystal Prep girls, all having been tricked into believing they were one of the few who had lost, showed they were desperate to get back in their good graces. Unfortunately for them, a recording of their shamelessly moaning masturbation wasn’t the only thing they were due for.

In the hall, a faint feminine cry could be heard emanating from one of the rooms. Sweet Leaves collapsed back into her bed, spreading her long and sweat glistening legs apart, panting heavily as her body recovered from its rather intensive org*sm, and blissfully unaware she had just shown the world what it looked like when she came.

Standing above her, even Sunny Flare could hardly believe their rivals were so damn slu*tty. A part of her actually felt like they would be doing these bimbos a favor by spreading these videos around. It was like they wanted the entire world to know how much of a whor* each of them was. It was honestly disgusting that some idiots out there would consider them as equals in life.

“...That was amazing~,” Sunny Flare beamed in fake admiration.

“D-D-Does that mean I’m in the c-club?” Sweet Leaves gasped, chest still heaving with every breath yet she still managed to convey her desperation.

“It does indeed!” Sunny replied before purposefully adding, “wait, wait…. I take that back. You said you were a virgin right?” Sweet Leaves nervously nodded her head in response. “Well, that’s fine but there’s just one tiny little extra thing we need you to do before you’ve officially passed the test.”

Unbeknownst to Sweet Leaves, and really, all of the Canterlot High girls being tricked today, but it wasn’t just pairs of two in each cabin. The boys that had so kindly purchased them were all present in the room, having silently enjoyed a front row seat to the object of their lust's sinful display of self pleasure. A mere appetizer before the main course.

“Just get on your hands and knees real quick. This part won’t take long…” Sunny Flare smiled. Sweet Leaves slowly followed along, presenting her ass to those who sought to use her.

Pinkie Pie’s situation was no different across the hall.

“Yeah just get on your hands and knees, facing away from me! Don’t worry, this will be fast! And you’ll be in the club before you know it! Won’t that be fun?!” Lemon Zest giddily coaxed her clueless prey into playing along. But, unlike the others, it wasn’t one of their school’s male bullies silently waiting at the end of the bed for her. It was, in fact, Gilda. The butch bitch couldn’t have been happier in this particular moment in time. Like their other clients, she was naked, but unlike them she was equipped with an extra long and thick strap on. One strapped tightly against her waist with a small extra ribbed co*ck positioned in her own puss* with promises of self pleasure when the heavy duty toy was put to use.

Both Gilda and Lemon Zest exchanged cruel smiles and quiet giggles as she made her way on the bed. Her prize was before her, a glistening puss* so kindly made wet and aroused for her by Pinkie’s own efforts. The teen gave a slight jump of surprise as she felt someone grasp her hips from behind, someone she assumed was Lemon Zest, having no reason to believe anyone else was present in the room with them. Though Lemon Zest was nearby, quietly aiming the camera directly between her legs as the head of the strap-on co*ck drifted ever so near her delicate folds.

There was no foreplay, no gentleness to the act. Gilda hardened her grip on Pinkie’s hips, not giving the girl a moment to even think about what was happening before the fake co*ck was pushed, to the hilt, inside of her folds. A gasped shock escaped the school girl's lips as her first time was stolen by a smirking bully, one who wasted no time eagerly pounding away at her freshly deflowered hole.

“Oh my god! That’s it! You’re doing it Pinkie!” Lemon Zest cheered from behind, though Pinkie wasn’t exactly in the right state of mind to tell her that the voice wasn’t coming from exactly behind her.

Across the hall, her new bestie was likewise in the doggy position, with Dumbell behind her ass. The elated bully was as overjoyed as he was horny. Not only was he getting access to the puss* of a hot babe who hated his guts, but it was also her first time! His prize for being the fateful one to steal her virginity was rewarded with an extra tight and snug fit for the unprotected co*ck he pummeled her insides with.

Maybe it was the fact that Sweet Leaves had done so much to get to this point, or the fact that the damage she feared had already been inflicted before she could say no, or it was the hot and heavy atmosphere that had made her climax just minutes prior… all of these reasons lined up to assure the girl didn’t move to stop this. Not like it would have been acknowledged if she tried. Since she had also so kindly revealed the fact that she had no experience with sex, she also wasn’t one to deduce that the co*ck pummeling her insides was the real deal, not a realistic feeling strap on Sunny Flare had put on like she imagined, having figured she would have wanted to thrust inside her real quick so that she could have said she wasn’t a virgin any longer. But as time went on, it was seeming less and less likely that this was meant to be a quick procedure. Maybe they wanted her to cum again?

Throughout this level of the yacht, the evidence of the Crystal Preppers plan moving to fruition was becoming more and more obvious. Even though closed doors, the sounds of lustful moans and flesh meeting flesh echoed through the thin walls. Each and every single Canterlot High school girl who had made the foolish mistake of trusting their rivals enough to get on this boat was currently in the process of being f*cked and sold like the pieces of meat they were. Their cruel captors doing nothing but enjoying the show themselves, ensuring the hands holding the active cameras captured every frame, every piece of lustful moaning evidence that the girls from their inferior school were the biggest slu*ts in existence.

Even Gilda was more than happy to let the world see the truth about these whor*s as she mercilessly thrust her toy into a mewling party animal, showing no restraint even as Pinkie’s body language obviously hinted she wanted things to go slower. Of course, there would be no mercy as this was all exactly what a bitch like Pinkie deserved. co*ckblocking all of her efforts of getting into Rainbow Dash’s bed just because she treated that dumb bitch Fluttershy like a dumb bitch?! Well, Gilda was overjoyed to see the evidence that the fat chested pinkette skan* had gotten what she deserved first. And she supposed she did owe this club her time and support, considering they had allowed her a way to finally get between Rainbow Dash’s legs… although admittedly, she was a bit late to the punch in that regard after her owner had decided to generously pass her around for free use.

“Yeeeeahhh… yeeahhhh” Lemon Zest moaned in lustful fervor herself, recording a naked Gilda rail an equally naked CHS bimbo. It was almost enough to make her want to strip down herself and relieve the fire building up between her legs. But there would be plenty of time for that later in the privacy of her own bedroom. For now, all she wanted to do was continue to coax the dumb bitch before her further and further into the worst series of decisions she had made in her life. “Just like that Pinkie! I bet that feels amazing! Don’t be afraid to moan! This is exactly what we want!”

“O-Okay…” Pinkie breathed back restlessly, Gilda grinning behind her as she cruelly reached down to grasp one of her wildly swaying tit*, delivering a firm and painful pinch to her erect nips.

“Now state firmly for the record pledge, do you want to be in The Goddesses?!” Lemon Zest barked. “A Goddess would enjoy this sort of pleasure. It is in her nature to enjoy it! In fact, she would go so far as to say she deserves it. Do you deserve this, Pinkie?”

“Ye-Yes! Yes!!” Pinkie Pie cried out, a small part of her believing this ritual would end if she agreed.

“Then say it! Say you deserve this!”

“I deserve this! I deserve this!” Pinkie Pie moaned into Gilda’s thrusts. Both of the bullies' smiles widened further as they thought they would cream themselves right then and there.

“Again! Keep repeating it!” Lemon Zest ordered, not willing to let this one slip out of her grasp.

“I deserve this!” *pap* I deserve this!” *pap* Sweet Leaves chanted like clock work across the hall, perfectly in time with each of Dumbbells' thrusts as if the bully was helping to reinforce the lesson, nodding along as he even agreed all to eagerly with his prey. Gathering up a handful of her long green hair, the brute brashly yanked it back, causing Sweet Leaves to gasp from the harsh treatment, her walls instinctively clamping down on Dumbbell’s invading member.

“I deserve this!” *pap* I deserve this!” *pap* “I deserve this!” *pap* I deserve this!” *pap*

The rate of the bully’s thrust increased, leading to Sweet Leaves' chanting to quicken in turn. Dumbbell could hardly believe he was getting access to the puss* of the hot girl in his class, but he supposed a few hundred bucks paid out to the right friends helped him get there. He was just so thankful that girls were born so dumb and fell for tricks like these. It was as if the laws of the universe were playing wingman for all of the male gender.

On the other hand, Gilda was just happy the education system at CHS was so lacking. Thanks to that, it had allowed her to get back at the dizzy bitch she despised. Even better, she wasn’t just bullying Pinkie by stealing her precious virginity, but she was all bullying the dumbf*ck guy in the future who ever decided to date her. Sorry bro, your bimbo co*cksqueeze is officially used goods, which, much like a car, had lost half of her value when Gilda decided to drive her off the lot. To that note, Gilda continued to ream and pummel Pinkie’s pink velvety walls with her extra long and extra thick strap-on in a desperate effort to stretch her out, hoping that her future lover will really just find a hotdog in a hallway scenario. Though, in the moment, Pinkie found herself in a world of pleasure being defiled in such ways.

It was little different for her classmates too. In each room down the hall, each of the girls' faces were twisted in different expressions of reluctant bliss to hesitant ecstasy. While none of them could have predicted that this was the way things would progress when they stepped onto this yacht, none of them could deny that their bodies were feeling the involuntary pleasure forced onto their bodies from the bullies who had purchased them.

Sweet Leaves moaned as she came, walls clamping down on her despised bully’s invading member. Dumbbell suppressed a groan of pure enjoyment as his co*ck was practically milked, not lasting longer than a second before blowing his potent load deep into the depth of his newly acquired pet. Sweet Leaves couldn’t perceive it, mostly due to the fact that she wasn’t expecting it, but her womb was currently being pumped full with rope after rope of harsh bully cum. A bully who roughly held her bubbly ass to his groin to ensure every drop of his essence was firmly packed within his new toy, as was his right. Only after every drop was safely inside his slu*t did he allow her body to collapse forward, slipping his length out of her c*nt in the process.

The only regret Dumbbell had was the fact that he couldn’t speak, all in order to keep his presence and involvement a secret for now. But there was no shortage of cruel taunts and jeers he would have loved to throw at his hot classmate lying used, exhausted, and defeated before him.

Lemon Zest grinned contently as she ended the recording with Pinkie Pie likewise panting face down in the bed, having suffered through her second org*sm of this trip, the bully was already busy sending the evidence off to her business partners. More giggles were already coming out of her mouth as she giddily pictured what exactly they were planning to do with all this newly acquired data. Much like today, these dumb CHS slu*ts weren’t going to know what hit them! They were just getting started with them!

The hazing ritual for the Goddesses club was an arousing success with all Canterlot High School members in attendance passing with flying colors. However, due to their new status, and the lesser status of the particular school they all attended, the senior members of the club had saw it more fitting to place each of the new CHS girls in the “Fund Acquisition” portion of the club. In this role, each of them would be in charge of using less than conventional means to acquire funds so that the Crystal Prep portion of the club could continue on living their best lives! Their role in this branch was, of course, permanent, with no option of leaving, and no path of potential promotion.

Chapter 10: Rainbow doesn't give Hoops the Upper Hand (Short)

Chapter Text

Rainbow Dash stumbled awake through a haze of cloudy thoughts plaguing what seemed like every corner of her mind. W-Where was she now? Oh… right. Hoop’s lake house… of course. A location he had sworn on his mother’s grave belonged to Score beforehand. She honestly blamed herself for ever believing the word of a bully had any sort of merit to it.

The thing that made being stuck in a secluded lake house so much worse than anywhere else was the fact that Rainbow Dash was trapped. The only car parked outside now was Hoops, now that all his friends had their fun with her and left and she sure as hell couldn’t walk back to town. There was no telling how far it was or even the right direction to go. Hoops had even made sure she didn’t get a good view of the route he took up the mountain to begin with, considering he was holding her head below the dashboard and in his lap to suck off his meaty prick the entire time! Rainbow would have given the asshole points for planning that out, but she knew it was most likely just a happy coincidence for the horny bully who had all the luck in the world. At least, she hoped it was…

What had happened to her though? She was better than this! She had rushed here with the intention of protecting Fluttershy and the next thing she knew, she was completely out of her clothes and being gangb*nged in the same manner she had feared her shy friend would have to suffer through! All because of that punk ass Hoops!

Rainbow Dash groaned in dismay as she rolled off the kitchen table, an assortment of empty aluminum beer cans cluttered to the ground around her as she crashed on the carpeted wooden floor. All evidence of the fun everyone else had… at her complete expense.

Not a single guy had brought something like a girlfriend or squeeze to take some of the load off. No, she had received the full brunt of many of her male classmates' complete teenage hormonal lust. The soreness around her tit*, puss*, and ass all rang out with the same telltale sign of use by others. She was lucky to even be alive.

The only thing she was wearing now was a striped red button up t-shirt… one that notably was not hers. It had belonged to one of Hoop’s many friends, so naturally it was oversized for a slender frame like hers, the plus side of that being the lower hem just barely managed to cover her puss* between her still painfully bare legs. Rainbow gave a shudder as the memories of what she had to do just for the right to get this crappy shirt flooded back to her. She still had not the faintest clue where Hoops had hidden her original workout clothing.

Though one thing Rainbow couldn’t exactly recall yet, through her painful hangover, was how the hell Hoops had gotten her to go along with everything! She hated that asshole… right? As well as most of the people he invited over. Yet, she had given herself to them completely! No holds barred, all you could eat Rainbow Dash buffet! Full access to what should have been an exclusive deluxe package for a single man or woman! They literally could not have asked for anything more from her! The entire content of all of their balls had eventually found their way into or on her body one way or the other that night like she was just some high class prostitute!

That asshole Hoops was the only thing she could think of now… That chauvinistic animal always thought he had them, the dumber and weaker gender all figured out! The memory of being f*cked so hard almost hurt as much as the thought of reinforcing that idiot’s sexist ideas as something that could possibly be correct.

“Grrrrr…. Hoops!” Rainbow Dash mumbled out, as loud as she could manage to the rather sizable lakehouse. Easier than tracking wherever that thug was lurking.

“In here!” The bully casually called out from the living room, prompting the barely dressed athlete to slowly stumble over to the source of his voice. She soon found her classmate in question relaxing on the couch, scrolling through his phone. “Was just reviewing all the pics of last night, hehehe. You were great, Rainbow. Much better than your ball game. Really gave it your all. The guys appreciated that.”

Rainbow groaned as she again realized her surprise gangb*ng had come complete with full documentation and narration. Of course they would pull that crap with her. Hoops had been trying to get her into his bed for as long as they knew each other. He sure as hell wasn’t going to want to forget it once he had gotten her exactly where he wanted her, along with the exact lack of clothing on her body.

“Ugggggg… just promise you won’t send those around…” Rainbow groggily replied. She knew she would have had a better chance asking Hoops to treat her gender with the slightest bit of respect compared to asking him to delete those pics and videos of her. The best she could hope for now was letting him have his victory over her while she contained the damage, and more importantly, secured a ride home so she could collect herself and plan a proper revenge against this f*cking asshole.

“Sure thing, Rainbow… Our little special night will stay on the down low,” Hoops smiled, his promise not even making it to the end of his sentence as he sent out a few pictures of her full frontal nudity to his Crystal Prep associates, ensuring her privates would at least be wildly seen throughout the boys of both of their schools. Admittedly, he was kind enough to make sure Rainbow Dash didn’t notice him doing so. After all, he was well versed in knowing that these types of things only tended to upset the women folk.

“Look… you had your fun… can you just give me a ride home now?” Rainbow Dash spoke, wanting to sit down on the couch, but also not wanting to sit next to Hoops. Instead, she elected to crash to the floor on her knees in a wide sit.

“We had our fun,” Hoops insistently corrected, not even glancing at her, preferring the naked and in progress f*cking thumbnails he had on his device. “Seemed kinda obvious you were enjoying the company just as much as the boys were with you, hehehe… How many times did you cum, by the way? I couldn’t even tell. But I think you got the best deal out of everyone that night. I’d say you really found your true calling in life. Give up on all those sports, Rainbow… girls like you know what you want!”

A shiver ran up Rainbow's spine as she realized how many years of asserting her dominance over Hoops had gone down the drain! The sexist pig who could never stand the fact that a single girl was a better athlete than him! All of that work, gone… now that he had this on her. She couldn’t even give a proper retort to her rival’s stupid face now, seeing as she was still dependent on him for getting a ride out of here!

“sh*t, you still want to go home after all this?” Hoops asked, coming across one rather lewd image of his defeated conquest moaning like a slu*t as a co*ck found its way into her ass. He had theorized that years of being an uptight bitch had actually done her some favors in terms of tightness down there. “Sun’s just barely coming up. I’m down for another round of exercise, as you probably call it. Wouldn’t mind keeping you here for as long as you like,” He unbuckled his pants, slow patting his, admittedly large, bulge in such a way that it came across as threatening to Rainbow.

That was it! A few veins bulge in Rainbow’s forehead as the prospect of getting a ride home seemed to diminish compared to the opportunity to tell this f*cking asshole what she really thought of him! Even if there was a high chance she wouldn’t even make it back to town alive if she walked on foot. There was no way she was going to let this smug, sexist, mother f*cker go on thinking that he had her all figured out like she was some sort of easy to manipulate skan*!

“Alright… look here you f*cking pig,” Rainbow spat at him. “Let me get one thing straight-”

“Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm,” Rainbow was heard moaning.

“Ahhhh… that’s goooood. Just like that, girl,” Hoops groaned approvingly with a hand placed firmly atop the girl’s precious rainbow colored hair, guiding her head along as the teen sucked, licked, and caressed the bully’s co*ck in her mouth with almost fervent devotion. “You have a real talent for polishing my knob, huh? Should get you down on your knees doing this every morning from now on. What do you say?” he asked, feigning that he cared at all what she thought on this matter. As far as he was concerned it was a done deal already.

He brashly pushed her head even deeper into his groin, causing his member to hit the back of her throat, savoring the amazing feeling of the bitch below running her tongue along the underside of his shaft. “Yeeeep! blow j*b queen! Only thing bitches like you should be doing all day! Down on your knees where you belong!” Hoops preached his beliefs to his seemingly devout follower worshiping his meat with every fiber of her-

Wait a second…….

Rainbow’s eyes suddenly shot open as wide as they could go.

What just happened? What the ever living hell just happened?!?

How did she end up here, down on her knees… sucking off her most hated enemy in the entire world? Wasn’t she just about to give the asshole a piece of her mind? How did Hoops pull this off…. again!?!

It was only that. Glancing down, she quickly noticed that she was completely butt naked again! The meager shirt she had done so many depraved things for was gone as if it had never existed in the first place! Once again her sizable tit* and puss* were dangerously exposed to the open air… made twice as worse as Rainbow eventually looked up and came to terms as to why Hoops was only allocating a single hand to her head. On his other hand was his phone, quite obviously active and recording, aimed directly at her goods! The world’s widest and smirkyist sh*t eating grin seemed permanently attached to the bully’s face.

This was bad! Very very bad!

Rainbow tried to retreat, to make a strategic withdrawal off of the disgusting co*ck… but it was too late. Hoops was at his limit as he held her head firmly up against his groin, completely preventing the helpless schoolgirl from escaping what was coming for her. A girlish whine of defeat was heard below as a torrent of virile cum began to flood her mouth, soaking into her every taste bud. Salty, bitter, disgusting to taste, and the bully was in no short supply of the familiar baby batter to give to her. Rainbow didn’t have a choice as the unceasing torrent was quickly felt overflowing her mouth amid Hoop’s pleasured groans. She had to swallow to make room, giving the recording camera on her a perfect view of her flexing throat muscles as she welcomed the male treat into the depths of her stomach. Only then did Hoop’s grip on her relax and allow her a hasty retreat. But even that proved to be a trap as the brute’s mighty co*ck was not quite finished expelling its pleasured load onto its conquest. Rainbow was met with five blasts of the thick cum, coating her face rather well with practiced precision.

“Hehe… that’s a good girl. Smile for the camera now!” Hoops instructed like little more than a master giving playful commands to his pet dog.

Rainbow smiled exactly like she was told. Wait… why? Some sort of involuntary… instinctual had taken control for a few brief moments before she could properly remember she was pissed! She should have slapped herself! However, the few brief moments of a blushing, flustered, but happily ji*zz soaked face of Rainbow Dash was all the bully and his camera needed to cement the moment into eternity. The headline image of the many, many fans of Rainbow that would eventually see this. Though it would be more accurate to say they were all fans of Rainbow Dash’s body, very few, if any, guys actually cared about her sporting career in comparison.

“Ahhh man! That was great, Rainbow! You really know how to treat a guy like he deserves!” Hoops moaned in satisfaction, fisting out a few extra ropes of cum onto his prey’s tit* before ending yet another recording. “I would pay you a few bucks for that, but I’m sensing you’re the type of gal who ‘works her magic’ for the love of it.”

Something was wrong here, an overwhelming sense of dread coarse through Rainbow’s entire slender frame. What the heck was going on here! Hoops was playing her like a fiddle and she didn’t have the faintest idea how! She had to get out of here, fast!

“L-L-Look…. I got you off… again…. Can I go home now… please?” Rainbow asked, her voice practically begging, completely admitting he had all the power over her at the moment. The nudes and lewds Hoops was collecting of her wasn’t even her primary worry at the moment!

“Ooooh… you want a ride home! Sorry, RBD, my mind kinda stopped as soon as you told me you ‘wanted a ride’... heheheh,” Hoops chuckled as he played dumb. “I mean, sure, I can give you a ride with my coc-car if you want… But… I just want you to do one small teeny weeny favor for me first.” He held up a tiny gap between his thumb and index fingers to suggest that this would be a small ask.

Rainbow wasn’t exactly convinced as she feared for the worst now, still unsure of how she had ended up in this situation again. “W-What?”

“I want you to use your phone, call Coach Spitfire, and quit the Canterlot soccer team… and basketball team and whatever other teams you’re on with her. Yeah… just ditch them all. Oh and call her a complete bitch and whatever else you can think so that it really sticks. Burn those bridges and what not. I mean, yeah, she kinda is a total f*cking bitch already, but it bares repeating a few times. She’s kinda slow as a woman after all,” Hoops explained.

“What?!?! Why the f*ck would I do that?!” Rainbow shot back angrily.

“Well, you know…” Hoops shrugged as he innocently explained. “Everyone knows that sports are kind of a guy thing that we let girls tag along playing with their own teams so they can feel special and included… you know, like the special ed classes in our schools. But call me old fashioned but I just plain don’t think girls should be playing sports at all! I think their time would be better spent doing… well, exactly what you are now, Rainbow! Doing things you enjoy and are actually good at! Down on your knees, practicing their knob polishing, dick riding, and serving the gender that actually stands a decent chance to succeed in this life past the point of housewife.” He then demeaningly delivered several pats to her head as if to suggest this was for her own good with a smile on his face.

A flurry of angry blood vessels popped up in Rainbow’s forehead this time as it felt like she lost a few brain cells from just listening to all of that. In a moment, the naked athlete shot to her feet with a furious, beyond pissed, glare at the disrespectful, misogynistic, male-chauvinist before her. “Wow, okay… you know what you f*cking asshole?!?!?! You think you have girls all figured out?! Well you know what?! You can go and f*ck yours-

“A-Aahhnn! Kyaa!~ Yes! Yesss! Unngh!~ O-Oh!~ Aaahh! So f*cking deeeep!”

Rainbow’s passionate moans were heard coming from the lake house’s main bedroom. Hoop’s phone was placed on a nearby dresser, aimed at the bed to capture the scene in its entirety as the bully more than happily pile drived his raw, unprotected co*ck into his naked toy, taking full advantage of her athletic flexibility, bending her legs behind her head as he thoroughly locked her into a mating press.

“Mmmph! Yeah! Take it you f*cking bitch!!!” Hoops was heard yelling, fully intent on giving her a reward for a job well done.

For cinematic reasons, Rainbow Dash’s phone was placed in front of Hoop’s, taking up a large portion of the frame but not covering up the teen being put to use behind. In the recording what was clearly seen on Rainbow’s screen was one outgoing and long call to Coach Spitfire in her contact history. Proof of a bridge successfully burned. Her new master knew it was for the best. After all, his new pet needed her schedule completely cleared for her new master as he put her in her place and molded her into his ideal image of a proper woman. A grin crossed his face as he, and everyone watching this recording later, relished in his complete and total victory over his long standing and bitchy rival.

Chapter 11: Conversion Help (Short)

Chapter Text

“Let me just say it is so refreshing to see fellow members of the lesbian community around here,” Lyra gleefully spoke, both hands of hers intertwined with her one and only girlfriend, Bon Bon, sitting beside her.

“Likewise,” Sunny Flare from across the table returned the warm gesture with a grin of her own, reaching over and patting Sour Sweet, her own ‘girlfriend’, lovingly on the back. “Two other girls who are just like us!”

“I know right, babe?” Sour Sweet smiled, leaning over and planting a quick peck on her partner’s cheek. “Fellow lesbians who really just get us. Not at all like some other people.”

“Ugggg, don’t even get me started,” Bon Bon remarked with an exasperated roll of her eyes. “Sometimes I don’t even feel like we’re taken seriously at school sometimes. Everyone knows our leaning, but guys still insist on hitting on us!”

“Heh! Guys! Am I right?” Sour Sweet chuckled while checking her watch.

“I’ve heard even worse rumors than that,” Lyra spoke solemnly, lowering her head and volume. “Way worse…”

“Like what?” Sunny Flare asked.

“Around town there’s a club of guys who prey specially on girls like us! Bisexuals are in their sights, but mostly its lesbians. Doing whatever it takes to get them in bed with them?”

“Ummmm, why?” Bon Bon asked.

“It’s a challenge to them! But not only that, they have some horribly offensive idea that they can turn us straight just by having sex with us! Can you believe it?!”

“That’s crazy!” Sunny Flare gasped convincingly.

“That’s insane! Thank god every guy at our school would never take part in something so crass,” Sour Sweet said. “All upstanding students here…. Well except for some dumb social expectations they put on everyone. I’m sure you girls know what I’m talking about.”

“W-what do you mean?” Lyra asked.

“Well… you know… you’re not going to fit in or be invited to anything if you haven’t lost your virginity and all that. That’s something that’s uniquely difficult for lesbians like us.”

“Oh…. heh… well I can’t exactly say that is a problem for us in particular anymore,” Lyra exchanged a naughty glance and giggled with her partner.

“Yeah, we made sure that ship sailed quite a while ago,” Bon Bon chuckled. “We’ve slept together many times, in case one wasn’t enough.”

“Oh yeah, us too,” Sunny Flare replied, sending out a unseen text from under the table.

“Totally,” Sugar Coat added.

“But……. you know the rules state girls don’t technically lose their virginity by sleeping with other girls, right?” Sunny Flare spoke slowly, as if revealing an unfortunate truth she was praying the other two were well aware of.

“What do you mean?” Lyra asked, quite confused. “You just have to have sex to lose your virginity, right?”

“Yes… but the right kind of sex,” Sugar Coat added. “Oral sex doesn’t cut it, neither does anal sex… the only thing that officially counts as having a guy’s thing right on up in there.” She pointed directly between her legs.

“B-But what about-” Bon Bon started.

“Strap-ons and dild*s don’t count either,” Sunny Flare interjected, causing both girl’s to slump down.

“Oh…. hello? Am I interrupting something?” A male’s voice was suddenly heard from outside of Sunny Flare’s bedroom. “The door was open so I just let myself in.”

“Hornet? Peaco*ck?! Oh shoot!” Sunny Flare cursed. “I forgot we had scheduled you guys for right now!”

“Oh, ummm, hello,” Lyra greeted with a friendly wave.

“Who are they?” Bon Bon asked.

“Just some nice guys from our school we called over to help us with something,” Sour Sweet said, feigning nervousness as she bit her nails.

“With what? Lyra and I wouldn’t mind lending you a hand,” Bon Bon said, clearly expecting some heavy lifting house chores if they had to invite such strong looking guys for something.”

“It’s actually something a bit more involved than what you girls can do…” Sour Sweet replied.

“Actually, this might be perfect!” Sunny Flare suddenly perked up. “Lyra! Bon Bon! We were just talking about this! These two fine gentlemen are here to help us with that exact problem!”

“Wait… you don’t mean…?” Lyra spoke slowly.

“We’re just deflowerers,” Hornet spoke casually. “A lot of girls out there are only into other girls…. But they don’t want to grow old as virgins.”

“That’s where we come in!” Peaco*ck smiled. “A quick and easy service so that all our female allies in the lgbt community can drop their v-card.” He raised his fist up in the air for some reason.

“Most of all, they specialize in discretion and privacy!” Sunny Flare heavily insisted. “A bunch of the other girls at Crystal Prep already vouched for them.”

“Well… we aren’t exactly into guys…” Lyra asked, imagining exactly what this service entailed.

“We aren’t either!” Sour Sweet stressed. “But it’s not full on sex! It’s just a quick and easy insert to satisfy the dumb rules.”

“You girls want to join us? Could be an easy two for one deal!” Sunny Flare asked. “You boys don’t mind if you help our Canterlot High friends out with their virginities too, right?”

“Sure, we don’t mind,” Hornet shrugged like it was any old casual business deal. "The more the merrier!"

Sour Sweet was already closing and locking the bedroom door as if the two CHS lesbians had made up their mind. “Great! I’m just glad we can finally get this over and done with! Some many lesbian couple grow up old as virgins and it honestly gets annoying seeing how many guys use it to point and laugh at us all the time! We’re putting an end to that right now!” She wrapped her arms around the shoulders of Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Here here!” Peaco*ck cheered.

“Heh heh… w-well maybe…” Bon Bon spoke anxiously, glancing over at her girlfriend hoping she would decline for them.

“If we’re r-really okay with this,” Lyra nervously spoke with a glance, likewise hoping her girlfriend would turn this down. It was quite clear though that neither of them wanted to risk disappointing or looking bad their new lesbian friends, especially when it came to this personal topic!

“Great! Glad you two are on board!” Sunny Flare cheered.

“It’ll be quick and easy! Don’t worry about a thing!” Sour Sweet piled on, pushing Bon Bon closer to Sunny Flare’s bed. “We’ll even guide you every step of the way!”

“W-What exactly do we have to do?” Lyra asked nervously.

“Well, losing our virginities with the minimum amount of required sex? I’d imagine we would have to get just a tiny bit undressed. You can go full nude or just your underwear. The boys don’t mind either way.”

“Underwear is fine!” Both girls spoke out in near instant unison. Both of them exchanged their horrifically blushing faces, still in slight disbelief that this was really happening.

“That’s fine,” Sunny Flare shrugged. “Hornet, Peaco*ck? Can you guys help them out?” she called over to their charitable helpers as she and Sour Sweet began pulling off their own clothes.

In a near flash, both of the boys were behind them before they could think to turn down the helpful gesture. Their tank tops and shirts were pulled over their heads and off their arms by their happy and helpful new friends. A pair of shorts and skirt also found their way to the bedroom floor so after, even their socks and shoes! In no time at all, every girl in the room had been reduced down to their simple set of bra and panties, leaving half of them feeling extremely exposed, embarrassed, and vulnerable in the moment.

“O-Okay… now what?” Bon Bon said as she clutched her chest, hoping to get this over with quickly. Though that wasn’t to say she and Lyra weren’t enjoying the rather delectable sight of the Crystal Prep girls reduced down to their unmentionables. Just like them, their figures were shapely and well endowed, with a perfect hourglass figure to boot!

“We’ll let you girls go first, since we’ll be helping you both,” Sunny Flare mused.

“Yeah, good idea, Sunny,” Sour Sweet replied.

“Here, how about you two just lie down off the side of my bed!” Both she and Sour Sweet hopped up onto the mattress, taking position on the opposite side and giving their two new lesbo friends plenty of room to plant their backs. Lyra and Bon Bon both nervously followed along, laying back in the bed beside each other, with only their legs hanging off the side. Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet sat on their knees behind them, both smiling strangely gleefully down at them.

The two CHS lesbians could only fearfully hold each other’s hand as both Hornet and Peaco*ck approached. Unlike them, both of them had elected to fully disrobe, attracting the fearful gazes of both girls at two massively throbbing pieces of erect manhood between both of their legs!!!

“It’ll be quick and easy. In and out!” Sunny Flare reassured Lyra, gripping the shaking girl’s shoulders to reassure her.

The boys struggled to hide their wicked grins under their professional smiles, approaching the two lesbians put out on display before them.

Bon Bon and Lyra both flinched as the two casually pulled aside their underwear, knowing full well the first men in the world were glancing upon their puss*es that should have been long disallowed from anyone in the male gender! It was only made worse as the hands belonging to that very same gender were then felt probing around her folds!

“A little dry down here… might be a bit of a problem…” Hornet noted.

“Yeah, over here too,” Peaco*ck added while lightly fingering Bon Bon’s c*nt.

“Hmmmm, yeah,” Sunny Flare mused, having fully expected this from two actual lesbians who were more than the real deal. A lack of lubrication would prove difficult for the guys’ grand entrance. “Don’t worry, this is normal. We can help out. Peaco*ck, Hornet… can you guys take off their panties real quick?”

Being two straight alpha males, both of them could proudly attest that they had tugged the pair of underwear down to the floor and off their slender legs before either of their prey could fully register what was said.

Sour Sweet exchanged wicked grins with Sunny both the two of them reached down between the legs of their helpless merchandise.

Lyra and Bon Bon both let out gentle gasps as the delightful feeling of a woman’s touch graced their cl*ts, drawing slow teasing circles around their sensitive love buttons.

“Mmmmm, just like that,” Sour Sweet cooed naughtily. The two boys were more than happy to stand back for a moment to enjoy the show.

“You like that?” Sunny Flare teased as she relentlessly teased her prey into full arousal.

“Y-yes….” Lyra gasped as she was worked over by the woman with surprisingly expert fingers. Bon Bon was heard only moaning to the side.

Both Crystal Preppers exchanged giggles to each other. It was painfully obvious that both of these lebos were bottoms. Something they felt would pair nicely with a room full of tops. By which of course they meant fully taking advantage of.

“Now listen to me you naughty little slu*ts,” Sunny Flare whispered between them in both of their ears. “You’re going to lie back and take those throbbing co*cks into your tight c*nts like good little girls got it?”

“B-b-b-but…!” Bon Bon started, only to be hushed by Sour Sweet’s finger on her lips.

“You dare talk back to your mistresses?” Sour said with a tone of mock disappointment. “I think you girls are in need of a well deserved punishment!”

“Couldn’t agree more,” Sunny replied with a nod of her head.

Both girls quickly displayed they were of equal minds as the bras of the two naive CHS teens were ripped from their chests, attracting all gleeful eyes in the room as the two pairs of impressive tit* bounced free from their confines and leaving both lesbians completely naked.

“Hehe, I think they’re ready for you now, boys~” Sunny Flare hummed as she squeezed the erect nipples of her now fully aroused toys.

Hornet and Peaco*ck didn’t need to be told twice as they approached, the base of their happily throbbing dicks in hand.

“J-Just a single push r-right?” Bon Bon asked, her voice shaking.

“In and out… it’ll be quick and easy,” Sunny reassured her.

All eyes in the room were focused on the same spots as the mushroom tip of the co*cks met c*nt. The two male bullies took their time, savoring every moment as they prodded the head along the folds, gently pushing their hips forward centimeter at a time. The soaked folds of the two lesbians resisted valiantly, as if knowing these hard, throbbing tools of the opposite male gender had no place being anywhere near them! Alas, as with most things in life, the male gender found only victory over the weaker gender, as their co*cks pierced inside the two lesbian’s puss*es.

The two girls shuddered in slight pain as the men shook in pure pleasure. To the two bullies, the feeling of a completely fresh, raw, and tight dyke puss* never got old!

Lyra and Bon Bon had both been expecting just the tip of the co*cks to enter them, but looking down they saw their male helpers slowly sliding to a satisfying hilt. A large protruding bulge was seen forming up their abdomens as their bodies took more and more of the co*ck. Either way, it was too late to complain now.

“W-We did it…” Lyra gasped.

“We officially lost our virginities!” Bon Bon breathed, her voice still shaking as the two bullies came to stop fully inside her and her girlfriend.

“Heheh, that’s right,” Sunny Flare chuckled in a tone easily passed off as supportive. “Hold tight for a second though. You girls probably want proof though so no one can doubt it. Go ahead, boys…”

“Wha…?” Lyra spoke, only to glance upwards for the first time and see that their male helpers had their hands on their phones, aimed down at them. With a simple tap of the finger, both lesbians were caught red handed, looking up at the camera, completely butt naked with two long co*ck very clearly stuffed all the way up inside them.

“Nice!” Hornet grinned as he saved the precious photo of yet another one of their lesbian conquests.

“We’ll text these pics to you girls after this so you can keep the proof,” Peaco*ck smirked.

“T-That’s fine… I-I guess…” Bon Bon spoke slowly, realizing she wasn’t exactly in a position to say no.

“A-As long as you delete them afterwards,” Lyra said.

“Oh yeah… sure thing!” Hornet reassured them, he set the recording camera down on a nearby shelf, facing their lovely ladies as he feigned it was already out of his mind.

“Sooo… that should be it then… right?” Lyra asked.

“Well, this will probably be the only time in your life you two have a real throbbing flesh and blood co*ck inside you!” Sunny Flare lied as the two boys made no motion of withdrawing. “Since we’re up next, tell us how it feels!”

“I guess I feel really… full,” Bon Bon noted. “Much more than with a dild*. He’s really big, I guess…” she deftly felt a throb of the co*ck inside her twitch as she spoke those words.

“Does it feel good though?” Sour Flare cooed, both Crystal Prep girls giggling naughtly as they reached back down below to the folds of their prey. Lyra and Bon Bon both quivered with pleasure as the skilled fingers once again met their cl*ts.

“Oooo, I hear those moans,” Sunny giggled naughtily. “Give the girls another few thrusts, boys~”

“Umph-f*ck yeah,” Hornet groaned, needing no further motivation to do just that. “You sure you’re a lesbian, babe? From the way you’re gripping me, I’d go so far as to say your bi.”

"Well it honestly doesn't matter," Peaco*ck grinned. "No matter who a girl is into, nothing changes the fact that their bodies are designed to pleasure and pleasure a guy's dick and get off while doing it. Would hardly call what girls fool around doing as 'sex' to begin with, haha."

“W-Wait!” Lyra and Bon Bon’s cheeks burned with humiliation as their breasts bounced in unison. Their own bodies betrayed their sexuality as forbidden pleasure coursed through them.

“Heh, yep, ton of lesbos don’t know what they’re missing out on by pretending they’re too good for co*cks. Only right we give them a introduction to what real sex is like.” The two bullies continued to mercilessly thrust away without a care for what the two lesbians below them thought about it. Being the connoisseurs of puss* that they were, there was just something magical with the feel of a tight dyke c*nt, something that none of the usual dumb CHS slu*ts they had tricked into their bed managed to have. Maybe it was the feel of piecing into a wet hole that no dick should have ever entered, or maybe it was the sensation of helping to sinful lesbians convert from their wicked ways into proper co*ck-loving slu*ts like every other teenage girl in the world. Either way, they were definitely keepers.

To Lyra and Bon Bon’s utter fear, neither of the two men above them seemed at all intent on stopping and it wasn’t as if they themselves could move away. What was perceived as mere comforting hands on their shoulders by Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet was proving to be more of a firm grasp that held them strictly in place! The entranced gazes of wicked delight the two Crystal Prep girls had on their faces as they stared at the two hard co*cks defiling their rivals was only perceived by them as looks that nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Was this how all deflowering sessions usually played out?

“Oh my god… this is so hot,” Sunny Flare cooed rather truthfully for once.

“Yeah, getting so turned on watching this,” Sour Sweet giggled. “If this goes on any longer I think Sunny and I might want a turn with these girls ourselves!” The suggestive implication was slyly planted into both of their prey’s minds, knowing both of the CHS lesbians had the hots for them. Because, why wouldn’t they? They were the hottest girls at Crystal Prep Academy after all!

Both Lyra and Bon Bon exchanged worried but aroused looks with each other. No words needed to be spoken as both of them braced themselves to endure through their defilement in hopes they could at least achieve that prize.

However, by the end of the night there was no girl on girl action recorded at all. Besides the fact that both of the lesbians were naive bimbos who fell for their tricks and attended their rival school full of girls that deserved nothing more in life than to be mercilessly f*cked in every hole whether they liked it or not…. It was nothing personal against them. Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet were just being mindful of their clients who would disapprove of such things. Evidenced by the fact that Lyra and Bon Bon departed from the Crystal Prepper’s house in different cars than the one they arrived in. Both hom*ophobes proudly smiling over a job well done with a single creampied and naked lesbian locked in their trunk. Of course, their work wasn’t close to done after a single lay. It would take a good amount of their effort in their respective bedrooms, but they were more than willing to ensure that the town of Canterlot would soon have one less sinful lesbian couple roaming the streets.

Chapter 12: The Shadowbolts reveal their Final Master Plan

Chapter Text

The bedroom of one particular pair of highschool teenagers was steaming and humid, so much so that even the window had fogged up to the point it was completely opaque. On the bed the two causers of such conditions were found. Fluttershy was present, as naked from head to toe as the day she was born, was seen with a relaxed smile curled up into her mentor’s side and Score was seen laying flat staring up at the ceiling with a blissful look of pure euphoria as the two of them bathed in the afterglow of their recent sexual experience.

The vast majority of guys in the world didn’t know this or could ever hope to discover this, but there was something uniquely special about cumming inside a complete bombshell of a babe. Using your hand watching the hottest p*rn you could find fell far in comparison, same with cream pieing your 8 or 9 variety of girls, otherwise known as the runner ups in life. No, there was just something amazing about f*cking an absolute stunner, raw dog, with her giant tit* bouncing all over the place as you fully take advantage over her perfect 10 body and bust a nut directly into her womb. Score theorized it was his own body recognizing he was mating with the pinnacle of his species and was acting according to reward his achievement properly. On top of that, his nuts ejected their entire payload out, not leaving a single drop left in reserve like it would for some lesser women, and in doing so it blesses his senses with a mind numbing sensation of ecstasy and bliss. In the moment now, Score felt as though his body was as light as a feather, floating through the clouds, not a care in the world because he knew at his heart he had made it to the top.

“Mmmmm,” Fluttershy cooed from his side as she hugged his arm between her massive pair. “T-that really felt… sort of good… master,” she spoke with a bashful blush and light smile. It was always good to see her being more honest with her feelings, one of Score’s top priorities had always been dragging her inner slu*t, that he knew all girls possessed, out to the surface.

“You’re getting better, Fluttershy,” Score praised, reaching over to lightly fondle her breasts. “And the better you get, the better it’s going to start feeling for you.”

“Well… I did learn how to do that from the homework you assigned me,” Fluttershy giggled sheepishly as she fully allowed her tit* to be handled by the bully. She was honestly starting to enjoy her time with her sex coach, which Score could easily tell seeing how the girl wore her emotions of her sleeves. After being separated from her friends, he knew her defenses would only last so long. She wasn’t even constantly wondering when her training would be done and she could be released from his clutches. It was obvious that she was instead savoring the time they shared together and content to carry it out fully to whatever point her partner saw fit. And now that she had fully allowed him into her heart, he was able to mold her into the image of a perfect girlfriend. Nothing evil, of course, it was just something that he viewed should have been taught to girls everywhere.

“Oh really now? I’ll have to keep that in mind,” Score grinned with a raised brow, reaching over to grab his phone. Like a trained dog, Fluttershy’s ears deftly picked up the sound of the device being handled and quickly hopped up to prepare for what was coming.

Score rose from the bed as he ended the lengthy recording and swapped over to photo mode. For some reason the Shadowbolts were becoming increasingly demanding as of late, requiring digital proof of their girls if they had ever so much as let their tit* out. Score didn’t mind much, seeing as he had been smart enough to teach Fluttershy that this was normal for couples, even friends with benefits, so he was doing it anyway regardless, but he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on with those Crystal Prep girls…

After a brief moment of thought, he swapped it back into video mode, holding it up and aiming it directly at his naked prize in the very bed her virginity had been deceptively stolen from her. In sharp contrast to that moment in time, Fluttershy was now seen proudly smiling solely due to the fact of the pure white substance oozing out between her legs. To her, a thick trail of cum flowing out of her holes was undeniable and quantifiable proof that she had done her job as a woman and as a girlfriend in such a way that no one could ever deny it.

“Mmmm, proud of you, Fluttershy,” Score praised as he got a decent close up shot of his emparted gift to her, his pet kindly spreading her legs so the camera could record it fully. He then zoomed out, grabbing her face in the shot while also ensuring the puss* he had happily creampied remained in frame. “Now, say the lines….” In honesty, they were words the Shadowbolts themselves had requested all of the girls to say, which of course, only caused him to further ponder what those bullies could be up to.

“Oh ummmm…” Fluttershy stammered as she thought back to remember the phrases her mentor had told her. “Th-thank you for f*cking me like the Canterlot Highschool slu*t I am…” She looked up and lightly smiled at the camera while speaking with rosy cheeks, using a modicum of her acting skills to come across as a girl genuinely speaking from the heart, and not one reciting lines she had been told to say.

“...Perfect!” Score praised as he ended the recording and promptly shot it off to Sunny Flare. That should be enough to keep those girls quiet for a few days at least.

Not a few moments after did his phone vibrate as a text arrived, showing him just how quickly he could be proven wrong on that. Fluttershy could only stare at her mentor’s stern face as he read it, exchanging glances between her and the phone.

“Well damn…. Looks like something has come up, babe,” Score sighed as he set his phone down and quickly started to get dressed, stepping over the lacey black lingerie that had not lasted long on his pet to grab his underwear and pants on top of it. “There’s somewhere I have to be real quick. We’ll have to rain check your follow-up assignment for later.”

“Oh… do you want me to come with you?” Fluttershy asked, remembering full well how Score had imparted on her that having a hot babe to strut around by your side like a trophy was one of the main appeals of relationships to begin with!

“Not this time. Just business stuff with a few associates of mine,” Score replied, eliciting a slightly disappointed expression from his fat-chested girlfriend. “It should be quick, just stay here until I get back. Don’t get dressed either,” he instructed, always wanting his pet to be more comfortable naked than in clothing.

“Okay,” Fluttershy nodded, as she settled into her knees as she watched her mentor quickly get dressed.

“Actually… why not do some homework while I’m gone? Seeing as you liked it so much,” Score grinned as the idea quickly popped into his head. He waltzed over to his computer on the side while waking it from its sleep as he quickly logged in. Fluttershy actually held a slightly excited look again as he opened up a folder from his desktop, loading up a predetermined “lesson plan” for his sexy student. They were, of course, a collection of p*rnos he had downloaded from the web. But it wasn’t just any run of the mill p*rn. It was some of the dirtiest, most depraved assortment of men reaming some naughty slu*ts out for everything they were worth. And considering that all the women involved were p*rnstars, they were worth quite a bit!

A good few lengthy videos with pet play, some others focused on bondage, some even had slave play… all of which eventually led to some rough bitch breaking action, but all of them had an emphasis on submissiveness, none of that romantic vanilla crap that treated the girls like they were equal members of a relationship. No, it was all women doing what they were told with smiles on their faces as they followed the man’s lead and were rewarded with nothing but pleasure and bliss as their pristine bodies were used for exactly their intended purpose. Actual p*rn. To hell with all powerful and influential women in the world… these were the type of women that all girls around the globe should be looking up to as role models! He knew that alone was starting to work on Fluttershy, the girl quite obviously emulating their behavior after these stars who she saw as pros in the field of sex.

It was a particularly easy collection to gather, seeing how Score had amassed them all long before he had ever stolen Fluttershy’s virginity. And while he wanted to ensure his girl would be as slu*tty as she could possibly be, these were the only p*rnographic videos he allowed her to watch. It was imperative among all things that he imparted that this was normal for f*cking couples. At least… it should have been seen as normal for all relationships in Score’s mind.

He topped things off by setting his webcam to record its first frame capturing a happily smiling and naked teenage girl as she sat in the chair in front of the computer. “I’ll check later to see how you do, babe,” Score grinned. Videos of his pet masturbating were always cute, Fluttershy didn’t have the faintest idea of the depraved yet intrigued looks she had on her face as she fingered herself to org*sm watching p*rn. “And make sure to pay close attention to everything these couples do. I’ll be quizzing you when I get back!” He snickered as he started up the first video, finding it as an endless source of amusem*nt how all of the busty p*rnstars always managed to have smaller tit* than Fluttershy.

“Alright!” Fluttershy beamed as she pulled up close to the computer and started to watch. Score turned to leave, almost bringing a tear to his eye seeing how well behaved his pet was now. As he exited his bedroom though, he keenly left the door open, just a crack. It was nothing Fluttershy would notice, knowing how focused she got on her assignments, but this would at least allow his frat bros to peek and watch his pet masturbating. He had made sure to position his desk perpendicular and in view of the door for this very reason. As long as they did so respectfully, of course, which in this house just meant doing so without the girl ever noticing. What they didn’t know could never hurt them after all.

“Oh hey Vapor Trail!” Score greeted another one of his classmates he spotted just as he started walking, another CHS babe that had been tricked into living here with the Shadowbolts assistance. “Heard those bedsprings bouncing through the wall last night! Bet your boyfriend will be so happy you’re learning so much!” The busty high school had just exited from the bathroom with a towel and, most notably, an arm wrapped around her. An arm that belonged to a male who was, quite obviously, not her boyfriend, Sky Stinger. His fellow bro leading her winked at him while Vapor could only blush in embarrassment. He slowed their walk for a moment to take a quick peek into Score’s room, noticing the naked Fluttershy with her fingers between her legs before shooting his fellow bully a mad grin. He then promptly pushed his own pet into their shared bedroom beside his, tugging off her towel as he did so. Taking from Score's example, he didn’t even bother to close the door behind them, anyone from the hall could see him push the nervous and naked babe with the most obvious intentions of what was about to happen.

Score, however, could not stay to watch. He was already on his way down the stairs and out the door with his own business to see to.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

A girl swiftly peaked through the door’s peephole before promptly opening it. “Good. You’re here. Get in here now,” Sunny Flare’s voice spoke hurriedly, waving Score into the mansion. She lingered her head outside for a few moments after with a shifty squint, carefully looking about to ensure no one else had followed or was watching, then closed and locked the door.

“So what’s this all about now?” Score asked, noticing that the lights were dimmed. Not in the sexy seductive kind of way, but in the “someone is about to give a presentation” type of way. Disappointing to say the least. At a nearby table though were some friendly faces at least. Fellow members of the bullying society who were well versed in the art. Something Score could appreciate even if they hadn’t ever met face to face with some of them before. Nevertheless, he puffed out his chest a little.

“You’re about to find out now since everyone is here,” Sunny Flare began as Score took his seat with the others around the circular table. Sunny was with her familiar friends, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, and Sugarcoat. Arms crossed over their chests, showing they meant business today, and considering that Score was here, it was safe to assume that the business included their familiar business venture.

“We called you boys in today because each of you is the best at what you do. She went down the line of male bullies. “Score for bagging Fluttershy, Hoops for f*cking Rainbow Dash, Royal Pin for domesticating Twilight, Jet Set for making a small harem out of two lesbians… on top of fetching a mountain of their sexts… kudos for that.” Jet Set was seen tipping his invisible hat to them. “And of course, Dumbbell for being one of the minds behind our fake club pledging on the yacht. Our biggest take yet!” The bully himself nodded proudly to the praise. He may have had a 2.1 GPA, but still prided himself on his ability to get dumb broads out of their clothing and onto his dick. In that he was a savant.

“Here’s the deal that’s going down. We need all of you boys for one last job,” Sour Sweet continued on before the bullies’ ego could inflate to the point they all burst. Knowing their clients, they probably would have thought they were coming onto them.

“A job? What kind of job?” Royal Pin asked.

“Is it the kind that lands us with more bitches to control?” Jet Set yawned as he reclined back lazily in his chair, propping his feet up onto the table. “Cause I already got my two cream of the crop. Six holes in total for me to use as I please. So I figure I’m already set on that front.”

“Yes… it involves more f*cking,” Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. “But it’s not just any bitch. It’s the bitch.” She started her presentation, a projector lighting up and shooting a perfect image of none other than Sunset Shimmer onto an open wall. Though an innocent image so far, it quickly grabbed the attention of all male minds present.

“That’s right…” Sunny Flare grinned now that she had them. “We’ve been saving the best for last. The hottest and most popular girl at all of Canterlot High School. Basically a celebrity that everyone knows by name. Bet most of the girls at that school look up to her, so just imagine the looks on all of their dumb faces when they see her completely naked and gangb*nged by all of you!”

“You want us to f*ck Sunset Shimmer together?” Score asked.

“Well yes………... but no,” Sunny Flare hinted slowly.

“As a group, yeah. Enough of this one on one junk,” Lemon Zest scoffed. “We really want Sunset to hit the limelight with a bang here. Something that conveys to anyone and everyone watching exactly how much of a complete and total nympho she is!” The way she spoke suggested she was picturing it as an art. Cum was their paint and Sunset’s naked body, their canvas.

“Well… not saying I’m opposed to the idea, seeing as Sunset is just about as hot as they come. But unlike most chicks, her body didn’t siphon her brains away so it could grow her tit* and ass out.” Hoops noted. “How exactly are you going to trick her into a gangb*ng with us? I mean, pretty sure she already sees a few of us in a less than friendly light, considering our reputations around campus.” Score and Dumbbell nodded in agreement to their friend’s words. They were all bullies, through and through. They were as infamous around school as Sunset was popular.

“We’re doing something special this time, so it’ll be easy,” Sunny Flare explained. “And by that, I mean you guys.

The bullies looked to each other, clearly having no clue what the female bully was hinting at.

“Ugggg,” Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. “We can get her alone in a private location with all of you boys… But this time around we want things with them to get a little more, how should I say this…..… forceful…”

“.......Wait… you want us to rape Sunset Shimmer?!” Jet Set exclaimed.

“Now, don’t be so dramatic!” Indigo Zap scoffed, even though the bully described exactly what they wanted.

Technically, it won’t really be rape,” Sunny Flare explained quickly and reassuringly. “Sure, you may have to rip off her clothes a bit and she might fight back a little as she plays hard to get. But once you get into the meat of the action, Sunset is such a huge slu*t she’ll most likely be into it by the time you’re done. We’ve seen the way you guys f*ck, there’s no way a girl wouldn’t go crazy for you!”

“Oh yeah!” Lemon Zest promptly agreed with her colleague.

“Totally,” Sugarcoat added.

“You’re all very good at it,” Indigo Zap pandered on. “And you gotta admit shes kinda asking for this to happen. Just look at the way she dresses!”

“And naturally, you’ll also be well compensated for your efforts and discretion for this job. But honestly, if you ask me, this is the kind of gig you guys should be paying us for! This is Sunset Shimmer after all,” Sunny Flare exclaimed with an evil grin. She knew cold hard cash motivated the boys almost as much as sex did. And since she and none of her girl friends wanted to touch the bullies' dicks with a ten foot pole, this was the better of the two options.

The boys carefully pondered over the request put before them. Sure, each of them considered themselves full blooded alpha males, exactly the type of masculine studs who didn’t take no for an answer and got everything they wanted from the weaker sex. But the problem that made them uncomfortable in particular with blatant rape was obviously the notion of getting caught. Women tended to be such sore losers and tattle tales like that. But in this case, Sunset might not even have to tattle on them, knowing these girls and their particular inclination of spreading their exploits far and wide.

“I’m guessing you girls want this recorded too?” Score asked.

“Oh yeah. Definitely!” Sunny Flare explained. “But you won’t have to worry about holding your phone this time. We’re going all out on the hands-free setup so you don’t have to worry about a thing! We’ll have a bunch of angles so not a single square inch of the action is missed!”

“And don’t worry, we’ll edit all of our faces out of the shots so no one will be able to prove you guys are in this,” Sugarcoat went on.

To the girls, it seemed like their male colleagues needed a bit more convincing to play the part, seeing the unsure looks on their faces. Rather than finding it a prime opportunity to insult their manhoods, like what they would usually do in this type of situation, the girls rather played the next card of motivation, having anticipated this trepidation ahead of time.

“*Ahem* and with Sunset finally being dicked down, our collection will finally be complete, and ready to go live. I think you boys deserve a bit of a sneak peak at what else we have planned,” Sunny Flare gestured to Sugarcoat who nodded.

The male bullies watched as the presentation shifted to what seemed like a… web browser?

“Feast your eyes, boys. This is the website we’ve been working on for months. It’s not live on the line yet, because like Sunny said, we’re waiting for Sunset Shimmer to complete it. Don’t want to launch with an incomplete set and all,” Sugarcoat explained as she scrolled through the page. “She’ll be taking a nice, large section, smack dab on our front page once we have those videos and 4k images of her showing everyone her true self, but for now, let’s take a look at her precious classmates….”

True to the website URL at the top of the page that clearly read: CHslu*ts.com, the webpage shifted to a gallery of innocent images. Before them was the smiling yearbook photos of every single female student who attended Canterlot High. Below were their full names, in addition to their home addresses, a curious extra detail to be sure. Sugarcoat clicked on one of them at random, Cloudy Kicks. A new page instantly popped up, surprisingly showing the blonde girl’s seductive smile. All the bullies could plainly see the CHS athlete completely stark naked with her clothing bundled on what seemed like her bathroom floor. In one arm Cloudy held her phone, aimed at the mirror she posed into, the other arm was wrapped below her plump tit*, holding and hugging her impressive girls together as she snapped the photo. There were more pictures below that as well. A smiling Cloudy in her bed, using two fingers to spread the folds of her puss* apart, priming it for another picture she took. Another showed the slender girl laying face down on her bed, her bubbly ass was easily the most prominent object in the frame, one that the bullies could practically feel calling out to them in desperate need for a good groping and subsequent f*cking.

“Niceeee….” Hoops commented as he committed the image of his fellow classmate’s full nudity to permanent memory. “Where did you get all of these?”

“These were sexts this Cloudy Kicks girl sent to her boyfriend, Brawly. A boyfriend whom she parted with on… not the of best terms,” Lemon Zest giggled. “Naturally though, Brawly kept his ex’s pics and was more than willing to share them with me. Especially the sex tapes,” she added, scrolling down to a thumbnail of both boyfriend and girlfriend sharing an intimate moment in bed. “Boys do so love to brag about their conquests after all. More so if I lead them to believe it’ll impress a Crystal Prep girl like me!”

The Shadowbolts shared a laugh as Sugarcoat backed out of that page and into another randomly clicked profile of a CHS girl. This time, Octavia Melody popped up.

“So I was able to seduce some computer geek who programmed a brute force app for me meant to decipher the passwords of any pCloud account. Namely the accounts of any CHS girl I wanted,” Sour Sweet bragged. “Actually, I just sent him some pics of some other CHS girl’s tit* pretending they were mine. He totally fell for it. Anyway, I hacked into quite a few of their accounts to see what I could find, and more often than not, I stumbled upon some beauties like these…”

Octavia was shown in a video locking legs with someone who appeared to be the mute Vinyl Scratch. The two naked lesbians were in bed together on a moonlit night, the soaked c*nts mashing into each other as they scissored. What should have been an intimate and private moment was instead plastered all over the web page of every single explicit recording the two girls took of themselves. Sour Sweet had not let even a single piece of naughty evidence escape her grasp, ensuring everything was put on display for all visitors to see.

"I seriously can't wait until we can get Peaco*ck and Hornet to convert those lesbians next..." Sunny Flare idly mused.

“Now, of course, not everything we have on some of the girls is amazing like this,” Indigo Zap continued on. “Naturally a lot of the girls at CHS don’t have sex, or if they do, they don’t exactly document it like they should. But we still managed to make due…”

Another profile was clicked, this time opening the page for Sophisticata. The video under her name appeared to be a stationary shot of a public shower… the CHS girl’s locker room to be exact! P.E. had just dismissed them all and a crowd of hot and sweaty girls had filed into their locker room to wash up, as was their everyday routine after class. To the bullies though it was a beautiful sight to behold. It wasn’t just Sophisticata seen in the flesh. Around her was no shortage of bare skin as all of their female classmates had stripped down completely naked and calmly walked into the frame as they stepped onto the tiled floor. A dozen girls were present in the shot, seen plainly rinsing their bodies off with cold shower water. To capture all this, someone had placed their backpack with the corner of a phone containing its active camera peaking out just enough. None of the other girls present had noticed this or found it suspicious enough to warrant a closer look. None of them realizing that their small momentary lapse of awareness was all it took to doom each and every single one of them to being showcased on the world wide web in their full naked beauty by their enemies.

“Yeah… um… send me a copy of that video,” Jet Set said.

“Don’t worry you’ll get to fap off to your heart’s content when your job with Sunset is done,” Sunny Flare stated firmly. “And not just you. Everyone will.”

“How’d you girls even manage to get this if none of you go to CHS?” Score asked.

“Oh, for that we had two little upstart bullies who thought they would try to impress us with their skills in hopes they could join our group. We let them act as our insiders. They gathered a bunch of material from the locker rooms for us,” Sunny Flare explained as Sugarcoat backed out of the page and scrolled down to the pictures and names of two girls: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “They couldn’t resist the thought of being on top of what was coming for all the girls of their school, and the prospect of getting rich just like their daddies at the same time.”

“Nice! So are they here with you now?” Hoops asked.

“Hahaha, no. We never said we would let them join,” Indigo Zap devilishly giggled.

“They are CHS slu*ts after all, helping us out doesn’t change the fact that they needed to end up one this website,” Sour Sweet stated. A quick click into the two bullies revealed a secret mission the Crystal Prep girls had assigned the two young vixens. A seduction of one older, slightly pudgier male student who attended the opposing school. Considering the fact that both girls were pictured naked with their ankles quite literally chained to the guy’s bed post, covering their humiliated faces with their arms, and with a thick stream of white seed peeking out between both of their legs revealed that their mission had mixed results. It was unlikely the two of them were ever even paid a single cent by the Shadowbolts for their virginities as well.

“Well you girls have certainly been busy,” Royal Pin noted. While he and Jet Set didn’t exactly share anywhere near the same amount of animosity to their rival school, he mostly went along with them for the puss* and erotic material they provided. Something he felt any high school aged male with a functioning co*ck could appreciate, or do themselves if they had the balls.

“Understatement of the century,” Sugarcoat replied. “Don’t even get me started on how difficult it is to horizontally and vertically center a div in this dumb programming language.”

“It’s actually not even that hard for women like us to find nudes of other people,” Lemon Zest said. “Especially if they are as ditzy and dumb as CHS girls. They don’t have the slightest bit of womanly defenses when it comes to protecting their bodies!”

“Ugggg, don’t even get me started, Lemon,” Indigo Zap groaned. “I snuck into one of the girl’s hiking clubs and they just ran their mouths like there was nothing going on in their brains. It was almost too easy peer pressuring them into skinny dipping in the lake when no one else was around. Didn’t even look at me weird when I pulled my phone out. What? Did they think my phone got a signal out there in the forest?!”

“Can’t you just publish the website now? I want to see all the sh*t you’ve gathered!” Hoops whined on his manhood’s behalf. Something saucy on every single one of his female classmates with no small or insignificant claim. There was no doubt everything he had documented doing to Rainbow Dash was on this site as well. All the male bullies knew the same went for the rest of their purchased pets. Not that they all to minded the prospect of being online like that. No one gave a rat's ass about some naked dudes on the internet.

These girls had set up an entire underground network of informants, espionage, underhanded tactics, and every bully their two schools had to offer! If there was a Canterlot High girl who even thought about doing something naughty, the Shadowbolts seemed like they would know about it!

“That’s not possible. The very minute this website is officially pushed to the world wide web, Sunset’s defenses are going to go up. Like, to the point she won’t let us near her.”

“Why?” Score asked, though his question seemed to elicit a rather unnerving response as all five of the Shadowbolt girls grinned evilly.

“Because… as soon as this site is on the web, we are going to do a little advertising for it,” Sour Sweet giggled.

“Just sending a few emails out about it,” Indigo Zap chuckled. “To parents, teachers, the girls featured themselves, oh and the boys of course! Really everyone in this city whose email we could get ahold of. Naturally, Sunset will be one of the people informed as well, so you can imagine how hard it would be to get with her once she learns about this.”

“Pretty much everyone is going to hear and see our little project here,” Sugarcoat snickered.

“And more importantly, everyone will be able to finally see the slu*ts at that school for what they are. Dumb, fat chested bimbos whose only purpose in life is to exist for fap material,” Sunny Flare sneered.

“Oh my god I can’t wait for it!” Lemon Zest exclaimed excitedly. “I get hot just imagining the reaction people are going to have! How many parents do you think are going to faint when they see what their sweet little angels have gotten into behind their backs? How many do you think are going to disown their whor* daughters? I can at least see the principals and teachers resigning in disgrace while crying, ‘oh, boohoo! How could we have let this happen?! Might as well close down our worthless school too while we are at it!’”

“I can easily see our website making national news,” Sour Sweet grinned as she pictured the headlines. “Entire female student body of a High School found naked on the web! Guinness Book of World Records names slu*ttiest school girls in existence! Scandal of the century that could easily bring in tens of millions of viewers to preview the juicy material we’ve gathered. No college or university would touch any of them with a ten foot pole after this!”

“And even if the site gets taken down, anyone with a few extra gigabytes can download all the contents of this site. All of which they are free to spread around themselves,” Sugarcoat went on, showcasing a large download button on one of the pages. “Like everyone always says: once it’s online, it's there forever!”

“So… that should be enough to motivate you boys, right?” Sunny Flare shot to the male bullies. “A little preview of the project we’ve been working towards all this time. All we need is Sunset Shimmer to finish it all off, so let’s get to work!”

“Oh, and we all want to be there when you guys f*ck her too!” Indigo Zap stated. “We’ll be there to support you in spirit, of course, but mostly because being there to witness it in person sooooo beats a video recording of it.”

“It all just feels right, ya know? Seeing as she’s the final piece we need to complete our CHS set and mark the end to all our work,” Sunny Flare giggled. “Before the cum in her is even dry, we can rush home, edit and upload the video to the site before pushing it to the web.”

“Ooooo… maybe we can leave one of the cameras behind a bit longer too, so we can capture her reaction on her face to seeing all of her friends put on public display like this! After all, we do have the most juicy material of her six friends compared to everyone else!” Lemon Zest shuddered as she imagined it all playing out in her head. Her fingers started to drift below her waist, but she stopped herself short, saving it for later.

“Great idea, Lemon! It’ll be easy seeing as the seven of them are all going to be taking center stage on the front page. Actually I'm really proud of the lewd graphic I churned out in Photoshop…” Sour Sweet bragged. “Really emphasizes their inner whor* coming out to the light!”

“....So…. you girls aren’t just doing this to extort some extra cash from some simps…?” Score finally spoke after a long period of silence.

“Yeah… this seems more like completely messing up their lives here,” Jet Set added.

“Hey, just think, if their parents disown them, how much easier it’ll be to keep them in your bedroom. They’ll need a new place to live after all,” Lemon Zest snickered.

“And besides! All of these slu*ts deserve this for cheating during the Friendship Games!” Sunny Flare firmly stated. “It’s about time they all got what’s coming to them.”

“Yeah!” Her other friends replied in unison.

All the male bullies exchanged looks with each other. Though there were many different thoughts coursing through their heads, one thing most of all was certain to every single one of them: girls are extremely addicted to drama!

Chapter 13: Sunset and Bullies

Chapter Text

*knock* *knock* *knock*

A door opened as Sunset Shimmer peeked outside. “Oh, h-hey girls,” she said as she opened the door further. “You’re all looking nice. What’s the occasion?” Before her stood a fivesome of smiling Shadowbolts, all dressed up in some rather radiant dresses like they were about to paint the town red.

“We’re here to kidnap you, Sunset,” Sunny Flare spoke from the head of the group, as her other friends giggled behind her. “Figuratively speaking of course~,” she added with an innocent chuckle. “Get dressed. We’re taking you out for a night of dancing!

“Dancing? I-I don’t know, girls,” Sunset replied hesitantly, but the Shadowbolts were already pushing past her to enter the apartment, obviously not willing to take no for an answer.

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Lemon Zest exclaimed.

“I agree. It’ll be a night you’ll never forget,” Sour Sweet added with a sly giggle.

“Not like you’re doing much of anything else right now,” Indigo Zap scoffed. “We tried inviting all of your other friends, but they all flaked out on us.”

“They have been rather difficult to get a hold of lately…” Sunset sighed.

“You don’t suppose that’s because they do things like inviting you out clubbing and you turn them down is it?” Sunny Flare slyly suggested, with the most friendly of implications.

“N-No! I mean… we do fun things together! I mean… we used to,” Sunset fretted, each of the Shadowbolts keenly noting the absence of her friends was weighing on her, but made no mention of it. “Ugggg… fine, let’s go out tonight!”

“Great!” Sour Sweet cheered. “Let’s get you all dolled up! We want the full effort here now. Dress, make up, hair, jewelry… you should look your best when all of the guys see you!.......... The guys in the club I mean…” she added.

“Well duh,” Sunset chuckled. “Who else?”

“Hehehehe… Just ignore her,” Sugarcoat quickly interjected. “Sour Sweet says dumb stuff like that sometimes. B-But we should hurry and get you ready. The night won’t last forever.”

Sour Sweet shot her fellow bullies an annoyed look in response to that comment as Sugarcoat and her other friends hurried to rush their unwitting prey upstairs to her loft.

“You sure you don’t need help getting changed?” Indigo Zap offered at Sunset’s bathroom door.

“You don’t even have to go in there to get dressed,” Sugarcoat likewise suggested. “We’re all girls here, after all~”

“It’s fine, ladies. I’ll just be a few minutes,” Sunset chuckled as she closed the door. Indigo Zap gave a roll of her eyes as they backed away, pocketing her phone with disappointment. Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest however weren’t going to take this time standing idly by. The two curious school girls were already digging through Sunset’s dresser, giggling like kids in a candy shop as they spotted some goods.

“Underwear collection, hmmm?” Lemon whispered with a sly grin. “Doubt our viewers would mind getting a peak of these!” she whipped out her phone, snapping a few pictures of their prey’s stock of bra and panties.

“Atta girl, Sunset,” Sour Sweet chuckled after coming across one particular spaghetti strap thong. “Suits a girl like you to a T.” Lemon Zest more than happily snapped a shot of the revealing underwear her friend held up to her evil grinning face in a quick pose.

“Let’s dig through her nightstand and see if we can find any toys she has!” Lemon went on next.

Only then did Indigo wave her arms at them all, giving a silent signal to her partners.

“Shhhh! Quiet! Quiet! She’s coming out!” Sunny harshly whispered to her two friends.

Sunset exited her bathroom to the sight of her five Crystal Prep friends smiling ever so innocently at her.

“Oh my god, Sunset! I absolutely adore that dress,” Sunny Flare lied through her teeth.

“Yeah, sexy but classy. Sleek and hip,” Sugarcoat added on.

“Hehe, thanks. I wore this one to prom one year. Rarity made it for me,” Sunset chuckled as she did a little spin for them, showcasing her full outfit, make up, done up hair, and shining geode necklace. The five bullies were quite pleased with the results. After all, they were doing a kindness to her. If you were about to be featured in an hour-long gangb*ng against your will, wouldn’t you at least want to look your best for the camera?

Or in this particular case, the cameras

“So where is this club anyway?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she idly fixed her hair. The group of six high school girls in total walked the dark Canterlot streets together. The five sharks circled their clueless and helpless prey as she wandered deeper into their trap. “Is it nearby? Can’t imagine I’ve never heard of it. Pinkie Pie knows all these spots like the back of her hand. Actually got us kicked out of quite a few of them, heheh.”

“Oh… I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that…” Sunny Flare spoke slowly, trying her best to calm her heart that raced with utter excitement.

“Yeah, we’re headed to a new place…” Sugarcoat added, feeling more of the same anticipation Sunny and the rest of her friends were going through. “We think you’re just going to love it…”

“Let’s turn down here, girls,” Indigo Zap suggested as they came to a dark back street traveling off the main road. It was late at night anyway, so there wasn’t anyone else occupying the sidewalk with them either.

“Looks kinda dark down there,” Sunset spoke nervously, noticing it was actually rather pitch black in certain spots. Though her five friends had seemingly turned into the dark street without a moment’s hesitation. “Not much light either. You sure that’s the right way to the club?”

“Positive,” Sunny Flare said firmly. “New place. It’s just down this way… It’ll be real quick.”

“Come on!” Lemon Zest urged, waltzing behind Sunset and practically pushing her to follow the others. “Don’t be afraid of the dark. Just think of how much fun we’ll be having in a bit!” Oddly enough, that was exactly what all of the Shadowbolts were doing. Each of them hiding their smug grins the moment their faces were out of Sunset’s sight.

Their prey had been convinced, shuffling along clueless and willingly, farther and farther into the dark road and out of the sight of any potential onlookers.

‘Silly Sunset… didn’t your parents teach you to even have the slightest bit of self awareness?’

An oddly familiar scent hit Sunset’s nose first, smelling something akin to… Rarity? No sooner had she deciphered that did the source shoot directly towards her from behind. Before she could even think to scream for help a frilly pair of panties belonging to her fashionista friend were shoved into her mouth. No sooner than that did the unseen figures that had popped out from the shadows behind her drop a burlap sack over her head, cutting her vision of the surroundings completely.

Sunset at least had the presence of mind now to know that she should panic. It did her little good though as, whoever their assailant was proved strong, toppling her into the ground. Her own strength proved ineffective as her arms were forced behind her, wrists bound by a plastic zip tie, another of which quickly found their way to her forcibly joined ankles.

“Oh my god! Don’t hurt us!” Lemon Zest was heard through her sack as Sunset was restrictively bound.

“W-We’ll do whatever you say!” Sugarcoat cried out. Her Crystal Prep friends must’ve been stunned in shock from their brazen attackers. Their fight-or-flight instinct had kicked in and instantly chosen the latter, not even thinking to even run or yell for help!

Sunset struggled in vain against her bonds, growling in anger at her unseen aggressors. None of them were saying a single word, yet her Shadowbolt friends seemed to get the message regardless as they surrendered with the smallest bit of resistance. Sunset could only assume they were being handled the same way as she was. Before she knew it, her attackers were kneeling down to her prone body and hauling her up like a rug. She was carried a short distance before being set down on the metal floor of a windowless white van. Five more butts quickly joined her as the men packed up their prizes, closing the back van doors and locking them in. The bang of the doors caused Sunset's heart to freeze for a moment as she knew then and there that she and her friends were officially kidnapped.

“Psssshhhh…. girls…?” Sunny Flare was heard whispering quietly, doing her best to act scared. “I spit out my gag, can you all talk?”

“Y-yeah, I can talk,” Sunset had long since spit out Rarity’s panties as she kept her voice to a minimum. She still couldn’t see, but the van made a fair bit of noise as it traveled the road, driving to an unknown destination, so she did her best not to alert her abductors. “Listen girls… I think I have a plan to get us out of here…”

“No-no-no,” Sour Sweet was heard quickly interjecting from the side. All of them were lined up laying down facing the same direction, making them close enough to hear each other’s soft voices. “We shouldn’t try to pull anything!”

“Sour is right,” Indigo firmly stated. “Don’t worry Sunset. We’ve been in these types of situations a whole bunch of times.”

“You have?!” Sunset spoke, shocked.

“Similarish… situations,” Sunny replied. “We’re cute rich girls, what do you expect? Going to get abducted at least a few times in your life.”

“Alright… so how do we handle this then?” Sunset asked.

“The most important thing is to not try your luck and escape. Don’t even try to resist them! Just do whatever they tell you to do. Roll with whatever they want with us. We can play tough, puff out our chest a little, go down swinging, but give into them in the end. Got it, Sunset?"

“Ummm, okay, I guess…” Sunset mumbled, though it seemed like the rest of Sunny’s friends were agreeing with her on this point. As long as their kidnappers weren’t hearing their conversation, she would have asked her to elaborate on her reasoning. Unfortunately though, the van came to a screeching halt, Sunset tensing up as the men didn’t waste a single second popping open the back door to unload their cargo.

Unlike Sunset, Sunny Flare didn’t have her vision obscured by a bag over her head. She could see everything, exactly like she wanted. She and her friends watched in boundless glee as Hoops and Jet Set carried Sunset’s bound body into a dilapidated warehouse building on the edge of town. A strategically chosen location, not just for its unique atmosphere, but the fact that the entire surrounding area around them was abandoned really sealed the deal. No one else around for miles to hear any desperate cries for help…

The exterior was little more than gravel, graffiti, and broken windows, all under a dark moonlit sky. But the interior revealed the plant used to be a meat packing facility… Many abandoned crates and metal frameworks conveyors where workers would hang slabs of meat. Of course, the girl had seen to suit the place up with a few extra additions to mark it as the perfect location for the big night! A few dirty mattresses were around in the center of the empty warehouse floor, with various spotlights hooked into the still working power and pointed directly at them. Not to mention their numerous cameras at every key angle around them, all zoomed in and focused on the center mattress! The girls could not have imagined a more fitting or perfect location for Sunset Shimmer to be raped like the f*ckable piece of meat that she was!

Sunny Flare didn’t know how her other friends were feeling in the moment, but she was absolutely horny. Like, completely and utterly drenched horny. Thank god the boys had seen to bind her wrists together in the front rather than behind her. All for the purpose of pretending she was kidnapped no different than Sunset was, and earning her a believable front row seat to the action in doing so. With that in mind, she had a strong feeling she was going to need her fingers to work soon…

Sunset felt her bound arms roughly yanked upwards over her head, her metal handcuffs being hooked into the metal conveyor above her, just high enough so her heels barely had to leave the ground to retain her footing. Jet Set then ripped the burlap sack off Sunset, the teenager squinting briefly as her eyes adjusted to the harsh light around her as she took in her surroundings with a terrified swallow. She and her sexily dressed Crystal Prep friends were all bound around her, not like her though, their kidnappers must’ve figured that handcuffs on them were enough. But what was far more concerning was the open and ready white mattress laying behind their five masked abductors. Even though they were in the light now, the actual only lit area in the entire facility, Sunset couldn’t make them out completely. They appeared to be male, slightly bigger than she was, but their faces were all covered with black balaclavas, leaving only their eyes visible.

“W-W-W-What are you going to do to us?” Lemon Zest asked fearfully, her voice shaking as best as it could.

“Just going to have a little fun with you sweet things,” Jet Set cackled.

The Shadowbolts had planned ahead of time that Jet Set and Royal Pin should do all of the talking for the boys. Sunset would most likely recognize the voices of the other CHS bullies she went to school with, so it was best if they stayed silent for the night. It also helped that Jet Set was a complete sexist asshole, so taking on the role of a kidnapper rapist wasn’t even that far of a leap for him, to the point it probably wouldn’t even count as an act at some points. So he was easily chosen to ask as the impromptu leader of the fake gang.

Five kidnappers in total for six high school teens. Sunset glared at them all angrily, having a feeling like that was exactly where things were headed. A bunch of assholes who felt like shortcutting directly to sex. For Celestia’s sake, if she was being completely honest, looking at the way some of her Shadowbolt friends were dressed, these guys could have just bought them a few drinks at the club and arrived at the same end legally!

“Course…. At the moment, me and my compatriots are mostly just interested in the hot one,” Jet Set cackled, eyes glued on Sunset’s delectable form. Score and Hoops likewise enjoying the view of their equally dressed and bound up prey.

“f*cking assholes…” Sugarcoat muttered under her breath as she and her friends now gave genuine glares of anger at their kidnappers for once.

Jet Set cupped Sunset’s chin as he moved her head about, looking up and down her slender figure, lingering on her rather ample chest that stood out all too prominent and pronounced and her sexy dress. It was never too early for a girl to learn her blessed chest was a double edged sword, getting them ahead in life in terms of beauty but also serving to attract guys like him directly to her like a magnet!

Sunset growled as she struggled in her binds, finding herself completely unable to get free of the conveyor she was hanging from.

“How about we play a little game?” Jet Set said. Though his mouth was concealed, it was obvious he spoke with a toothy grin from tone alone.

“Eat sh*t…” Sunset spat back at him. This of course, only served to make the hearts of the Shadowbolts race even faster. There was nothing in this world that would have pleased their lusts more than for their unwitting prey to go into this ordeal, kicking and screaming.

“A lot of spunk in you… First time being raped, huh?” Jet Set casually noted with a shrug. “Not going to be your last either, if you’re going to go out dressed like that.” Sour Sweet actually found her head nodding in agreement. “So let me tell you how this is going to go down, sweet cheeks. My dick is going to end up kissing your womb by the end of the night, one way or the other, so why not just lay back and let it happen? If you don’t there could be some dire consequences…”

“Don’t give into them, Sunset!” Sunny Flare was heard urging her prey from the side, for reasons having absolutely nothing to do with moral support.

“Yeah! Resist them!” Indigo Zap piled on.

“Bunch of punk ass losers!” Lemon Zest sneered, also still slightly peeved by the ‘hot’ comment made earlier.

“Ooohoho! Seems like we have some strong opinions coming from the peanut gallery!” Jet Set remarked as Royal Pin and Dumbbell both snickered. “Tell you ladies what. Since you all have such strong opinions about this goes down, why don’t all of you be the ones to strip your friend naked?”

Sunny Flare’s expression shot into a wide sweeping grin, unseen by Sunset. Now that would make up for his earlier comment. Her friends seemed equally ecstatic to partake in such actions… but they needed a bit more to work on than that. They all merely stared at the male bullies expectantly.

“....Or you know….” Royal Pin remarked after a long awkward pause. “Uhhh, bad things will happen to you. Super bad things.”

Sunny Flare suppressed a great groan as she put on her most convincing scared face to Sunset, with all of the Shadowbolt girls strutting over to her bound form.

This would have been so much easier if they weren’t going for deniability. They wanted to be present when Sunset was raped, but couldn’t have her thinking afterwards that her Crystal Prep ‘friends’ set her up for it! The same reason they made sure to edit out all of their faces and voices from all of the explicit CHS p*rn material that sat waiting to be dumped onto the internet. No one but a select few bullies on their payroll could know they weren’t the smiling little angels everyone saw them as. Their parents would likely disown them if they knew.

“Sorry Sunset, but you heard them. We have to do this,” Lemon Zest said ‘reluctantly’ as the five girls approached their prey.

Sunset Shimmer could only helplessly watch as the five girls from her rival school surrounded her on all sides, grabbing at her dress and roughly pulling it in every direction without the slightest bit of mercy in their heavy tugs. In a matter of moments the sound of it ripping at the seams was heard as the piece of custom tailored fashion wear was mercilessly torn to shreds. Though the faces the girls wore were all looks of worry and regret, the expressions they all maintained on the inside were of malevolent and spiteful glee.

‘Smile for the cameras now Sunset!’ Sunny Flare thought merrily to herself as she and Sugarcoat gave a side glance to the hidden cameras placed in the darkened rafters above, recording every second and angle of this spot, before nodding to each other. Sunset gasped as with another firm yank, the two girls pulled her bra in opposing directions with such force it tore down the middle in an instant, causing the teenager’s tit* to spring out wildly into the open air as they bounced obscenely.

‘And say hello to the internet!’ Sour Sweet giggled in her head as she tore off Sunset's panties down her legs next, revealing a cleanly shaven and smooth as could be c*nt. A puss* just waiting to be f*cked and creampied into ruthless submission for everyone in town to see and enjoy!

If any of the Shadowbolts were being frank right now, the very sight of the now completely naked Sunset Shimmer as she stood bound, humiliated, and blushing madly, only able to shoot a frustrated gaze to the ground, almost made each of them cum right then and there! As they thought, it was sooo much better to witness her defeat up close and personal, rather on video later.

Of course, the one downside of not watching the recordings later in the privacy of their own den was it was so much harder to play with themselves seeing as Sunset was here. They still needed to leave with an angle of deniability to this whole thing. And seeing how Sunset’s rape in progress was already suiting up to be one of the hottest thing the Crystal Prep bullies had ever see, the urge to flick the bean was there for all five of them.

In their planning process, blindfolding Sunset was pondered on, cutting off her sight and freeing them to get frisky in the background while they watched as long as they were quiet. But eventually shot down as the Shadowbolts all firmly wanted their mark to fully see and experience everything that was about to happen to her… plus they didn’t want to be and usually weren’t quiet.

Thankfully the five ‘rapists’ here were all under their complete control. Anything the girls wanted to do, however odd, could be planned ahead of time and played off as force by their captor.

Sugarcoat nodded to Royal Pin as he approached.

“Alright… the rest of you girls get over here,” Royal Pin deadpanned with a roll of his eyes as he recited his lines. f*cking horny cows. “Strip down and play with each other while we enjoy your girl friend over here first.”

“O-o-o-okay… i-if we really have to!” Lemon Zest said, her voice shaking while she shot an annoyed look at the bully who couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag. One would have thought their associates would be putting in a but move gusto into the act they had prepared, seeing as the sight of them fornicating to the side was a bonus they were reluctantly allowing the boys to have. Not to mention they were literally being paid to f*ck the hottest girl at CHS.

“Just don’t hurt them!” Sunset exclaimed as she watched the Shadowbolts lead off to the cozy and clean looking mattresses right next to her without the slightest bit of resistance. Even as they started to take off their own dresses with their bond hands, nothing in their movements seemed forced. In fact, they were even undressing rather quickly despite their restriction! They must have truly been scared into submission!

“We won’t hurt them… as long as you behave like a good little girl,” Jet Set sneered, copping a free feel on her chest with a greedy squeeze, earning him a dagger stare from the fiery haired girl. Score unhooked Sunset from her perch, freeing her hands but giving no illusion that their mark had any sense of freedom, dropping her to her feet as the other male bullies surrounded her on all sides. “On your knees, slu*t. Where you belong.”

Sunset’s knees met the mattress below her, her glare at his eyes only broke when the bully’s one-eye monster was fished from his pants, having long since been fully throbbing and erect with sexual anticipation. “Heh, I’m sure a girl like you knows exactly what to do with this…” Jet Set chuckled, waggling his meat in front of her like a master teasing their hungry pet. Score and Dumbbell were more than happily at her sides as well, pulling out their erect members as well. Royal Pin and Hoops likewise joined, not willing to miss out on this bit of fun as a total of five co*cks circled around the naked teen, ready and eager for a woman’s touch.

Sunset didn’t resist, she knew the predicament she was in. There was nothing in heaven or earth she could say or do that would get her out of this situation, and the Shadowbolts knew it. Already having stripped down themselves at record setting pace, the five female bullies watched with wide eyes and soaked lips as the top bitch of CHS was put in her proper place. And the star of the show did not appear as though she intended to disappoint the hidden cameras!

Jet Set groaned out in pleasurable delight as Sunset wordlessly enveloped his meaty member into her soaking mouth while the high school’s hands worked in tandem strokes on Score and Dumbbells' meat to the side.

“Wow wow wow! She’s really going at it!” Lemon Zest gasped in almost as much delight as the one receiving the blowj*b. “Look at her! She’s a pro!”

“Oh my god… I think she really is a huge slu*t,” Sour Sweet whispered to her friends.

“At least now the whole world will get to know it,” Sunny Flare sneered with her fingers already trailing a path down her stomach to her dripping folds.

Jet Set smugly grinned as he jerked his meat back, Sunset reluctantly swapping to a different co*ck as soon as the first left. Her mouth was fine, definitely one deserving of his alpha seed, but he had managed to summon every ounce of his strength to resist cumming down her throat, knowing there was another hole that deserved his co*ck’s attention so much more.

“Mmmm, you’re so good at this, Sunset,” Score groaned in satisfaction. “You practice this much?” He winked at her.

“How do you think I pay my rent?” Sunset replied back, swapping between Hoop’s now lubed up dick to Royal Pins. The Shadowbolts were faintly heard gasping in delight upon hearing that.

“Heh, poor bitch is about to be on the streets soon,” Hoops chuckled mockingly. “But don’t worry, babe. You pass your trial run here, you can stay at my place, rent free.” He winked at her, causing Sunset to roll her eyes.

“Enough for the foreplay, guys! Let’s dig in already!” Dumbbell impatiently exclaimed.

“Alright, well first… why don’t we do something fun and give her girlfriends first taste of their friend’s c*nt?” Jet Set snickered. The other bullies laughed as they seemed to agree walking over to where the Shadowbolts lay to the side.

Sunny Flare gasped as she and her friends were dragged over, and circled around Sunset, who was held down flat, giving the five female bullies a perfect view of her naked body as they likewise dropped to their knees around her. The boys had planned this part out in case their captive needed some extra feminine motivation to get her wet enough to take some co*cks inside her with no problem whatsoever. Sour Sweet and Sugar Coat were on her breasts while Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap tugged her legs apart for Sunny Flare’s masterful tongue work to whip their prey into a lustfully moaning mess! They could edit this part out from the recording later.

Yet, as Sunny Flare’s tongue readied itself, drawing nearing Sunset's folds she looked and realized something. Sunset was soaked. She had been dripping with arousal for quite some time, in fact! Her face being mere inches away, she could even feel the heat radiating off of the teenager’s folds in wild lust. Sunny honestly couldn’t help herself as she broke character. “You’re honestly this turned on Sunset?” she giggled mockingly. “I mean, like, wow… you know you’re about to be raped right?”

“Well, it’s like you girls told me. There’s no point in fighting it, just lay back and roll with it,” Sunset replied.

As Sunny Flare was about to retort, she felt something off… Behind her, where her precariously wagging rump was held so high in the air, the girl distinctly felt someone grab her hips, followed promptly by a co*ck plunging directly into her soaked depths. The first co*ck in her life to ever taste the insides of her puss*.

Sunny Flare didn’t even have time to fully process what had happened, especially not in her lust clouded mind as her eyes went wide. Out of the corner of their eyes, Sour Sweet and Sugar Coat saw their friend’s shocked expression, with Jet Set behind her, his groin pressing up to her ass. Before they could react though, their c*nts were abruptly taken in the exact same manner from behind.

“W-What the f*ck are you guys doing!?!?!” Sunny Flare yelled angrily, trying desperately to move from her spot, but the stronger male bully held her down.

“Stop it!!” Lemon Zest screamed, realizing her hands were still bound and not exactly in any position to be used for punching or anything really. From her smothered vantage point she Indigo Zap coming to the same realization.

“Get off me!!” Indigo exclaimed as she bucked against her captor, as unsuccessful at preventing a co*ck slipping into her folds as Lemon Zest. Score had immediately turned his attention to her rump, slamming his co*ck into her c*nt and claiming it for his own. “You did not just do that you f*cking idiot!!”

If the Shadowbolts were still operating with the same definition they had used to trick unsuspecting CHS lesbians into taking a co*ck to lose their real virginity, all five of them had successfully joined the club.

“Heh heh heh, you’re right girls, this is hot,” Sunset was heard giggling as she got the closest possible front row seat to the five Shadowbolts being restrained and f*cked in front of her by the five male bullies. Scooting back and sitting up, the fiery haired teenager slid her fingers to her own snatch, stroking her cl*t without the slightest hint of shame as she watched the boys start to go to town on their new captives.

“f*ck, I’ve wanted to do this to you for a while, Indigo,” Score groaned as he ruthlessly f*cked the bully’s c*nt, with all the practice he had amassed on Fluttershy, savoring the feeling of her insides. “Was actually planning on having a piece of you after you helped me nab Fluttershy for the first time, seeing as you were naked on my bed with the two of us, but you got lucky at how well she wrung me out. Not so much this time though~”

Indigo’s eyes went wide with rage, but no amount of struggling or flailing her naked body seemed to even slow the bully’s thrusts into her vulnerable c*nt. If anything, it only provided an amazing and lively view for him as her obscenely large tit* bounced in every direction with her movements.

“All you girls acting so high and mighty off of our work,” Jet Set taunted as flipped Sunny Flare over and spread her legs, giving the two of them a nice missionary position so the girl could better see his smug face as he f*cked her for all she was worth. “High time you all got put into your proper place like the sows you are.”

“Stop! Stop! Stop it!!!!” Sour Sweet screamed in pure frustration as she was defiled.

“Hmmm, how about no?” Dumbbell taunted her as he brutally slapped his hips into her rump.

“H-Help us, Sunset!!!” Sunny Flare exclaimed, noticing that she was the only girl here not currently being slammed by a co*ck.

“Help you? Girls, we are being raped. Just lie back and let them have their way with you,” Sunset giggled as she watched.

“Uggggg f*ck you, you bitch!!!” Sugarcoat screamed, letting out her frustration in not just her current predicament, but the pent up anger she had at Sunset as the main cheater and rule breaker in the Friendship Games.

“Mmmmm, that’s right. Stay lively girls,” Sunset cooed delightedly. “Give those cameras a show!”

Sunny Flare immediately blinked in shock. Sunset knew about the hidden cameras?! There was no way… How could she?

“Ooo… speaking of which, as much as I enjoy this seat, I guess I better scoot out of the shot,” Sunset chuckled, as she calmly rose to her feet and skipped away. The many male bullies did nothing to stop her. “I don’t want my naked body ending up on the internet after all!”

It quickly became apparent to the Shadowbolts that their subordinates did in fact harbor some long-held pent-up sexual desires for them… and there was nothing they could do about it now. There was no calling out for help as there were no people around for miles! The very circ*mstances they had set up to ensure Sunset’s rape was now working against them. The male bullies had their uptight and prissy c*nts for as long as they wanted, and they knew it.

All five of the girls had been placed on a raised crate, f*cked like meat no different than the type that had been processed at the factory they were in by some of the worst partners imaginable!

Jet Set was now free to let out his full unbiased sexist tirade as he raped Sunny Flare, going on and on about how women were only sex objects who should have been regulated to not receiving and education and instead child rearing and giving pleasure to superior males. Not forever though, he wasn’t cruel. Just until a woman’s ‘hot years’ were through. Then she could safely be discarded into the trash as mankind moved to a younger generation of girls to repeat the process.

Royal Pin had taken to a bit of a choking kink from Jet Set, an effective teaching method he had used while domesticating Twilight, now also effectively being put into practice to ensure Sugarcoat was a proper writhing and moaning mess for the multiple cameras recording her deflowering. By would he have hated it if he was so weak he made those sorts of noises when his neck was wrung out.

Hoops had taken a liking to Lemon Zest’s puss*, already making plans of locking her away in his lake house next to Rainbow Dash. Throw her into the same winger as he put that slu*t through, and this bitch would come out the same exact way. A nice obedient little f*ck pet. Crystal Prep girls always liked to pretend they were superior to the lower income CHS babes, but they were all just the same slu*tty c*nts at the end of the day.

Sour Sweet sobbed. She couldn’t believe any of this was happening to her… to any of them! Dumbbell pressing her esteemed tit* together and making a disgusting O-face as he completely enveloped his co*ck in her smooth and soft titflesh, thrusting away like a feral animal, fully intent on painting her skin white with his cum.

“Oooo f*ck!” Jet Set groaned as he hilted himself in deep, co*ck throbbing wildly as it released its pent up payload.

“Y-you f*cking asshole,” Sunny Flare cried, bringing an alert to all her friends. “You did not just cum inside me!!”

“I love it when my meat is so spicy,” her rapist cooed.

Sunny Flare would have pulled her hair out if she could. This wasn’t how this was supposed to happen. This wasn’t how anything was supposed to happen!!!! She wasn’t supposed to be raped like a piece of poverty trash! She was a rich girl who lived in a rich neighborhood! Her life actually had value to it!

All of their true virginities were supposed to be saved for when they found their special someone: a rich guy. Probably a doctor, lawyer, or high ranking executive who made more money than they knew what to do with. And here this f*cking poor asshats were depriving them of that!

The five Shadowbolts all hung exhausted, their four limbs secured to the meat conveyor above them in a less than subtle display for some close up shots. Score was going around with his own phone, capturing their matted hair, defeated looks, tit* red from repeated groping, and most of all, a thick trail of white cum leaking out of each of their abused puss*es.

The other bullies high fived and celebrated to the side, ecstatic over not just another display of their alpha male dominance, but the blatant conquering of the high and mighty bitches, finally taken down a peg like they so deserved.

To the girl's continued fear, their punishment wasn’t over yet as the naked Sunset was seen approaching them carrying a notepad and pen, causing each of them to tense up as she strutted behind them.

“You boys finally done?” Sunset chuckled. “It’s been almost an hour! You girls must’ve really had this coming!”

“Heh… not even close to done with them, Sunset,” Dumbbell grinned, his co*ck still rearing to go. “But you’ve waited long enough. Go on and have your turn with them.”

“S-Sunset, just let us go already!” Sunny Flare begged, wiggling in her binds as her captor approached.

“Y-yeah, you got your payback!” Sugarcoat exclaimed.

“.....Did you girls know that I was actually the top bitch at CHS before all of you?” Sunset whispered threateningly in their ears in a serious tone, causing both girls to shiver and freeze. “I mean, I ruled that school with an iron fist. You were all probably so proud of your basic ass plot to rape that me you thought up, wouldn’t even hold a f*cking candle to the crap I pulled on any bitch who dared cross me… But you didn’t just cross me, you went after my friends first. You know those girls are special to me… right? So special, in fact, that I’m willing to kill anyone and anything that would see them harm…”

The Shadowbolts all gulped in unison, fearing the worst for whatever the fiery haired girl had planned for them.

But nothing happened.

All Sunset did was gently place her hand on Sunny Flare’s bare back for a moment.

“Hmmmmmm….” Sunset spoke after a moment, jotting down something in the notepad she held in her hands. After a moment of silent writing, she moved on to do the same to Sugarcoat beside her, touching her, pausing for a moment, then writing more down.

“Of course, my friends helped change me from what I used to be,” Sunset went on as she moved onto Sour Sweet. “Call it weakness, but I’ve grown to be a tad more merciful now. So I’m going to offer you girls a new deal to pay for your mistakes with something other than your lives. So, to start, tell me, Sour Sweet, do you recognize what this number here is?”

Sunset Shimmer reached around and held the notepad she had been writing on in front of the bound girl hanging from the meat racks. Sour Sweet immediately gasped in utter shock as the last bit of life in her seemed to depart.

“That’s m-m-my social security number!?!” Sour Sweet exclaimed.

“Mmmhmm!” Sunset beamed happily. “And….?”

“My credit card number, pin code, home address, and my mother’s maiden name?!?”

“And a few other things. Don’t forget your username and password to your online banking account. Totally insecure, by the way. Really shouldn’t use the same password for different accounts like that,” Sunset chided disappointedly, pulling the notepad back and moving to Lemon Zest next.

“H-How did you get all of that from all of us?” Sour Sweet exclaimed. See saw similar things written down for her friends, having correctly assumed Sunset had the same information for them as well.

“Just a little help from some Equestrian magic,” Sunset whistled as she touched Lemon Zest. The one thing the naked teenager was wearing was her red geode, one that hummed with magical energy as the girl’s eyes went white. After a mere moment, she returned, smirking to herself as she jotted down all of Lemon Zest’s personal information she had stolen from her memories. “Ironically, I gained this helpful accessory after I met my friends and couldn't help but think to myself that, man, this would have made my bullying days sooooo much easier and fun! But only now do I actually get to play around with it like I planned!” She moved onto Indigo Zap to complete her set.

“So!” Sunset finally announced with a smile now that she was done. “Here’s what’s going to go down! Rape videos are so touchy when it comes to the internet. I want something with you that won’t get banned and removed or sent to the police… So that’s why, you five lovely ladies are going to spend the next few days with my male associates here!” She gestured to the five bullies who had just raped them, listening engrossed in the sadism that old-Sunset was so known for. The CHS bullies in particular did so miss her hits. Sunset was an actual bully like them, not some slu*tty phonies like the Crystal Prep slu*ts. “No more cussing, crying, bondage, and fighting back. Now, you girls are going to be happily taking their co*cks like the total slu*ts you are! If he wants to f*ck your throat, you smile and let him. If he wants a piece of your ass, you present yourself and enjoy it! If he wants to invite a few friends over…” Sunset gazed over to Hoops who grinned and nodded to her with a thumbs up, “... you moan as you happily service each and every one of them like you were born to be gangb*nged by co*cks without condoms! Butter them up… because at the end of it, I’m going to ask each of my associates here and if even one of them found your sexual enthusiasm lacking… well then let’s just say I am going to have a field day seeing what kind of havoc I can inflict upon you girls with all of this juicy information here!” Sunset smiled, wiggling her notepad at them tauntingly.

“Do you understa-.... Oh wait,” Sunset giggled as she stopped herself and shrugged dismissively. “I don’t care even if you don’t. I’m going to have a blast either way! Have fun everyone~” She sang out as she departed, the Shadowbolts gulping as the male bullies approached them with renewed vigor.

On her way out, Sunset made sure to grab the phones and purses of all the Shadowbolts, bringing them with her. She paused briefly, wondering if she was being a tad cruel to lead the girls to believe they ever had a chance of stopping what was coming to them with good behavior. After another moment she shrugged again as she realized she honestly didn’t care. In fact, it felt good to be a bully again! Like really good!

First stop after getting dressed was the nearest ATM! There were a number of bank accounts out there filled to the brim with savings and hard worked cash just waiting to be completely emptied by her!

Chapter 14: New Fame

Chapter Text

It was raining outside during the midday as Sunset idly paced around her apartment, beating her fists into the air triumphantly. Celestia above how she had missed this feeling of power! She felt alive, her heart was racing, not a single shred of mercy shown to the skan*s who screwed with her friends, giving her the added bonus high of dispensing much deserved justice! Why did she ever even try to bother with mind control magic? Getting others to bend to her whims through underhanded tactics was so much more satisfying!

Sunset calmed herself, knowing she was just going through her withdrawals….. more specifically bank withdrawals! As promised, Sunset had followed through with a string of identity theft spree of the century! It was easy with all of the Shadowbolt’s information after all. By the time those bitches ever got around to checking their accounts, which may have been difficult given how she had taken all of their credit cards and phones with her, they would eventually see that oh so deserved sight of a $0.00 balance! Or maybe even less than that… It was hard to keep track after everything was said and done.

The cash she had rightfully claimed from the five Shadowbolts was no meager amount either. She could certainly see why they resorted to selling sex rather than the classic ‘bullying nerds out of their lunch money’ routine. But still, it wasn’t as if she was going to keep it all. As per their arrangement beforehand all earnings liberated from the Crystal Prep bitches were to be split evenly between her and her male colleagues who helped give them what they deserved. A six way split in total for all parties involved. But even after that division Sunset still had enough to pay off her missed rents, credit card debt, a few late loans, and a car payment… Leaving not much left, but at least she was debt free for now. If only working as a minimum wage sushi waitress paid nearly as much as bullying.

But of course, there was still the more pressing matter at hand to deal with besides her personal financial situation, that being the matter of her friends. She had dealt with the girls who wanted to see them harmed, but the damage the Shadowbolts had wrought was still there. All of her girlfriends were in the grasp of a different bully… except in Jet Set’s case who had two of them. Seemed pretty greedy, honestly.

Unlike the Shadowbolts though, Sunset didn’t really feel all that much animosity towards the boys. The Shadowbolts were out to blatantly ruin their lives with that whole website scheme, but the guys….. they just wanted to have sex. And if she was going to have a beef with every guy who wanted to bang her friends into sexual submission, then she was going to have a beef with most of the entire male gender. They had done what any straight guy would have done in their situation, along with the bragging to all their friends, and she honestly couldn’t blame them… that much. But even so, they had their fun but now it was time to return things to normal. Sunset had more or less ensured that when she convinced them to help take down the Shadowbolts. The payoff from that stunt was great, but those girls did serve an important role to the bullies as their main source of distribution and income. With the Crystal Prep girls out of the picture they would be making no more cash from their explicit exchange of sexual imagery. All that was left for Sunset to do is deal the final finishing blow…

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Sunset Shimmer opened the door and smiled. Her first target! “Ah, there you are, Score.” she gestured to the inside of her empty apartment to beckon him in.

“No no no,” Score chided with a wag of his finger, staying firmly put where he was. “You know how I like to hear it.”

Sunset rolled her eyes as she leaned against the door. “Uggg… Please come inside, Score…”

“Better.” Score nodded as he waltzed in. “Now what’s this all about, Sunset?” he said, throwing his jacket to the side, plopping down on her couch, and kicking his feet up onto her coffee table as he quickly made himself at home. “Just wanna screw? Cuz I’m DTF if you are.”

If anything, Sunset took that as a good sign. Perhaps the frat bro was growing tired of Fluttershy and was seeking to move onto some other poor soul. “Maybe later…” Sunset lied as she took a seat next to him. “But listen, Score, we need to talk about Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy? Sure, I guess I’m pretty qualified to talk about her considering how close we’ve gotten, heh,” Score smirked. “So what about?”

“Well, you know, since we took down those Shadowbolt girls, I’ve been trying to undo all the damage they’ve done… starting with getting my friends back. All of them have basically been tied up for a few weeks doing who knows what with you-”

“Nothing weird, just women learning how to be women! Really something all girls should go through… well, just the hot ones at least.”

“Right, right, sure. I’m sure you had a fun time with her, I’m not blaming you. I just want you to release her from this game you’re playing,” Sunset said. Admittedly, perhaps there was some sort of educational merit to the adult things Score did with her.

“Ha! You really think I’m just going to give up my prime lay like that?” Score scoffed.

“Actually-no!” Sunset smiled, having all to predictably anticipated this. “I know a guy like you wouldn’t ever go back to willingly using your right hand after having a girl like her. So, how about this? In exchange for giving Fluttershy back I’ll give you… Indigo Zap!”

“Indigo? Why her?”

“Well, heh heh, after I talked those slu*ts into putting on an all too willing looking orgy with you boys, I did come back to retrieve the records from the cameras they themselves set up. It’s all there in its HD glory. And not to mention I hacked into their phones with their passcodes and… let’s just say she and her friends were quite sexually active with each other behind closed doors. Not to mention plenty of the stuff I found would be of interest to the police. So… with all of that, I can basically black mail them all to do anything I want by threatening to do exactly what they were planning to do with my friends.”

“Oh you’re going to dump all their lewds online?” Score chuckled. “Thought it might be funny if you swap around what they were doing with our school’s name and call your website something like: CPslu*ts.com.”

“Yeah… I think the FBI might have an issue with a name like that…” Sunset muttered, “but let’s not get off topic. What do you say for the trade? It’ll be easy since Indigo knows she deserves it. She’s the one who got this whole thing started with Fluttershy in the first place.”

“Well……” Score started, rubbing the back of his neck. “Seems like a trade down. Indigo is like a 9 and Fluttershy is a solid 10. I mean, you’ve seen Indigo’s tit*? So much smaller.”

“They’re not that much smaller. And they’re still huge.”

“Like a whole cup size smaller.”

“Is that really that big of a deal?”

“Are you seriously asking that, Sunset?” Score looked as though he took personal offense to that. “Not to mention Indigo is kind of like… a bitch. And an uptight attitude doesn’t ever translate into a tight puss*. I’m not going to do the whole ‘I can fix her’ routine when I got a better lay.”

“Well just think of that as something you can have fun hammering out of her! If anyone could do it, I know it’s you,” Sunset beamed, playing into his ego.

“Then there’s like, the whole thing of Fluttershy falling in love with me,” Score went on. “Not to mention it would be a pain arranging them both to move out and in, getting a new girl accustomed to everything, and-”

“Wait-.... what?!?” Sunset exclaimed.

“Well you know we have a strict bathroom schedule at the frat house all newbies need to get accustomed to.”

“No, what were you saying about her falling in love?!”

“Fluttershy? Oh yeah, we’re an official couple now!” Score chuckled, popping out his phone from his pocket, Sunset stared curiously at the screen as he opened a particular image. In the picture he brought up, Sunset saw, as clear as day, a smiling Score selfie with Fluttershy to his side, eyes closed and happily planting a loving kiss on his cheek. “I helped her work through her feelings over the weeks, and you know… the heart wants what the heart wants.” His thumb ‘accidentally’ slid over the screen, moving onto the next picture taken mere seconds later. Fluttershy was in the same exact pose, delivering a quite similar kiss, but this time she was lower down, her lips planted on the side of Score’s erect manhood. “Oops, heh heh, so sorry. Didn’t mean to show you that.”

“Damnit…” Sunset cursed under her breath. She had been afraid that this might happen. The bullies weren’t just using her friends as casual f*ck buddies that could be stopped at any time, they had sunken their claws in deep! Now if she were to take Fluttershy and tell her that her first boyfriend and love of her life was actually just a jackass who was just using her for sex, it would absolutely destroy her! She would almost certainly become an emotional wreck, maybe even snap completely! The best case scenario would be her never trusting anyone from the male gender ever again in her life!

Though… admittedly, guys using girls for sex is pretty much the entire reason they wanted girlfriends in the first place, so she couldn’t exactly say this was that unusual…. But still. What was she to do in this delicate situation?

“Oh, and not to mention my girlfriend is also the reason I’m making so much money,” Score tacked on.

“No you’re not,” Sunset quickly dismissed with a wave, trying to not be distracted from the other topic at hand. “We took down the Shadowbolts, like they deserved, and they were working at distribution and collections. It had a nice payout when we took all their money, but that means they and the money they collected are out of the picture.”

“Oh, the Shadowbolt’s business? Naaah, we were just sending them all of our pics to mostly shut them all up and spread our clout. The money they paid us for our material wasn’t really all that much. But I’m sure you know by now that guys in general are, like, waaay better at making cash than some girls. On that note, the boys and I all got together and had your friends help us out with a new business venture to earn some cash!”

“....What new business venture…” Sunset was almost too afraid to ask.

Score whistled to himself as he changed apps on his phone.

“You started an ONLYFANS of them?!?!?” Sunset exclaimed.

“I know, right? Isn’t it great?! It’s actually a huge new trend guys are doing with their f*ck buddies,” Score beamed as he scrolled through the profile he had made for Fluttershy. Quite literally every piece of lewd material he had sent to the Crystal Prep girls, he was also secretly uploading here on the side. Fluttershy was seen, extremely easily, in all her nude glory, showcasing a perverted assortment of lingerie and dirty outfits her ‘boyfriend’ had told her to put on and pose with… blissfully unaware that all of it was being put on an app for horny men, and even women, to shamelessly enjoy. “Of course, I’m not broadcasting her name and address with these like those other slu*ts were planning on doing. Fluttershy is just another one of the millions of stacked babes out there. An anonymous slu*t immortalizing their beauty for others to enjoy… and pay for. But that isn’t to say she’s anything close to unpopular.”

Sunset’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when she noticed how many followers Fluttershy’s account had amassed… And didn’t Score just start this a few weeks ago when he got Fluttershy…?

So many worries, concerns, and expletives were swirling around in Sunset’s mind, wanting to be said. But seeing all of that, there was only one thing she felt like she had to ask first… “A-and how much exactly are you making from this?”

“Last time I checked my bank account… I think my income was around six figures…”

“SIX FIGURES?!? You’ll make that much in a year doing this?!”

“No no no, don’t be silly. I mean, in a month. Shooting for seven figures by the end of the year… Heh, what can I say? Simps be horny. I practically hear a cash register sound every time I rip off her bra and snap some pics.” Score swapped over to his bank’s app real quick to prove he wasn’t lying. She had to rub her eyes clear to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

“That is a…. a whole lot of zeros…..”Sunset gulped as she collapsed back into the couch, mouth agape.

“Well, you know, none of you girls ever listened to me when I recommended that a girl like Fluttershy should get into p*rn, and I suppose I just took that personally,” Score shrugged. “It was sound career advice! Hell, tons of girls out there don’t seem to realize that winning the genetic lottery means they don’t have to bother with this school crap and don’t have to work a single day of real work in their life! So, if Fluttershy didn’t want to pursue that kind of money, I figured I might as well do it for her and take my cut. Actually, that goes for all of your friends, not just her. See?”

Score scrolled through the profiles the other males bullies she had just worked with had for all of her friends. Twilight… Pinkie Pie… Rarity… Applejack… Rainbow Dash… they were all there! Immortalized online in all of their beauty, all with thousands upon thousands of followers letting their eyes roam over every inch of bare skin and carnal act inflicted upon them.

“We’re actually all in a group centered around the newest up and coming trend in p*rn. Guys everywhere are getting kind of tired of the same old slu*tty p*rn stars who are just in it for the money. Instead, they are looking for girls with a bit more of a touch of innocence. Mostly girls who wouldn’t ever normally touch the adult industry but have bodies just as good or even better than any p*rn star! Ooo, like this one Jet Set has got going on!” Score tapped into Rarity and Applejack’s account, labeled: Bullied Lesbians. “I’ve been wanting to tap into this new trend myself so I’ve been looking for some female playmates for Flutters. Nothing extreme, just some alpha males going around, recording themselves strong-arming their way into some dykes’ bed, and turning them straight with a healthy love of co*ck! Course, the gay crowd sure gets their panties in a knot with this over on Twitter, but all they are really doing is giving it free publicity like usual. So I think Jet Set is actually making more money than me at the moment. Been trying to catch up to him.”

Sure enough, that seemed like exactly the case for her fashionista friend. Sunset always knew Rarity and Applejack had a secret love affair going on behind everyone’s back, but she had never imagined a man inserting himself in the middle of it! Both of them were seen in an image between Jet Set’s co*ck, pressing their massive tit* up against it in a fleshy breast embrace. Applejack shot a naughty wink at the camera as she pumped her breasts up and down while Rarity’s expression was more of worry and concern over the fact she was handing a brute yet another common W, along with a free image of herself doing the utmost depraved things without any of her clothes on. Seeing as the pic ended up here, it was only clear that her concerns were well founded… but it wasn’t likely Rarity would ever discover that. Her well founded apprehension served as a hot turn on for the many, many fans of her divine body that she had unknowingly amassed without her knowledge or consent. Though the ones holding the cameras would certainly argue those buzzwords were optional when in a relationship with them. At the end of the day, they were technically their official boyfriends, so they reserved the rights to do anything they wanted with their girlfriends.

On the side from another account there also seemed to be several images teasing a brutal f*cking from girls that looked suspiciously like Bon Bon and Lyra from her school. Another two lesbians who had been thoroughly, and more importantly, publically converted through no small amount of coercion, much to the enjoyment of everyone who followed this trend. A mix of supportive and horny comments were seen as two more girls were forcibly dragged into the male gender’s possible banging pool as if there weren’t enough already.

“I-I… can’t even right now…” Sunset stood up, clenching her balled up hands to her face. After a long moment of silence and pacing she finally spoke again. “So…… you’re telling me… everyone…. has basically seen my friends naked already?”

After another pause, Score replied back… like he was explaining a simple concept to a toddler. “Okay… I’m going to let you in on a little guy secret here but… everyone in the entire WORLD knew what you and your friends looked like naked years ago. I mean seriously, the second pretty much any chick in the world publically posts a bikini selfie of herself online, like you girls did in a group photos on the beach, any guy can just grab that picture, throw it into one of those AI image software things, let it do its magic, and have it perfectly reveal the 5% of your body that’s was still covered up. Hell, I’ve already heard a few cases of some guys using those kinds of images as blackmail material. And if the current deepfakes of you into p*rnos aren’t good enough, in a few more years guys will be able to easily AI generate entire realistic videos of you girls doing whatever lewd act they can type into a computer with a perfect recreation of your voice moaning anything they want you to say. We’ve long since entered a new age of getting the goods, so best get with the times, you freaking boomer.”

“Ugggggg…… my god,” Sunset groaned. “f*ck guys!”

“Now that’s a women’s movement I can proudly get behind,” Score nodded with a point before going back to scroll through his phone. “I’m serious, Sunset. The age of you babes having any privacy is over. You girls just need to get over it and accept that people are going to see you naked, no matter what you have to say about it.”

“So much to process right now…” Sunset muttered while massaging her temple. She couldn’t believe the guys would do this… on second thought of course they would do this! These bullies believed that, if a girl was hot enough, it was their sacred unspoken duty, or *bro code*, to make sure it was immortalized in all forms for others to enjoy.

So what should she do in this situation? This had expanded WAY past just Fluttershy. Should she tell all of her friends that every inch of their naked bodies and pretty much the entire sex life they had been tricked into having was now also all publically open to viewing for paying customers on OnlyFans? But… on the other hand, they were making sooooooo much money. Though… her friends had virtually no privacy whatsoever and were being dehumanized as mere sex objects and fap material for potentially millions of people, and pleasuring the assholes who were all secretly responsible for it! Not to mention that this was the internet and scrubbing anything this popular from online existence was virtually impossible.

But still…. all that money……

Maybe…. if she could appease them, just a little bit, all of her money problems would-

No! NO! Why was she thinking that? That was exactly what they wanted! They were the bad guys….

“You know…” Score innocently suggested with a casual shrug, interrupting Sunset’s thought process. “I couldn’t help but remember what you said when it came to how you pay your rent… A girl like you shouldn’t have to resort to-..... Well actually she should resort to it, but not for such a small amount.”

Sunset froze. Every bully sense in her mind was waving multiple red flags at the moment, knowing exactly what a fellow member of the bullying craft was doing. He was trying to get into her head! Manipulate her! Use her!

But why couldn’t she stop hearing him out?

An arm slowly slid around her shoulders like a snake.“You have money problems living alone… You want to hang out with your girlfriends again…. None of us guys want to lose our access to them……. I think I have a good ol’ compromise that will make everyone happy…”

An old couple walked slowly up a long beach sidewalk, both pausing as they looked and saw a large group of high school boys and girls draw their luggage into a rather large vacation home. “Of course it’s always the assholes that the girls want to date…” the old man spat, easily discerning the, as the young folk called it, ‘douchey’ look from every guy present. All in sharp contrast to the innocent young things the girls appeared to be.

“Norman!” his wife chided, swatting him with her purse. “That is a shameful, unfounded stereotype!”

“Yes ma'am…” he replied dejectedly as they continued their walk.

“I can’t believe this… I can’t believe this… I can’t believe this…” Sunset muttered angrily to herself from inside.

“I agree with Sunset!” Fluttershy gushed out loud as she walked into the grand structure, dropping her luggage, and doing a small spin as she took in the marvelous building. “I can’t believe we get this entire house to ourselves!”

“Less of a house, more of a mansion,” Score grinned as he dropped his own bags. “Beach front on prime Hawaiian real estate with no neighbors around for miles! You ladies have this entire area all to yourselves!”

“But how can y’all afford a grand place like this?” Applejack said as she took in the grand crystal chandelier over the lengthy dining room table. Something like that probably cost more than her car alone.

“Yes… it certainly does seem out of the price range of your typical high school students…” Rarity suspiciously noted, though notably wasn’t ever one to consider refusing her weekly allowance from her so-called boyfriend.

“Awwww, don’t you girls worry your cute little heads about money,” Jet Set chuckled, giving demeaning head pats to both of his girls. “You all just leave all that stuff for the guys to worry about.

“I still can’t believe you tried to get me on that plane as your emotional support animal!” Twilight huffed with crossed arms.

“Was just trying to make sure you were comfortable,” Royal Pin laughed. “After all, my sexy little pet is wearing way more clothes than she has been for the past few weeks…”

“N-Not in front of my friends!” Twilight whispered as discreetly as she could to her partner with a crimson blush on her cheeks.

“I’m just finally glad to get out of the damn lake house,” Rainbow sighed to herself. “And into a beach house… huge improvement…” she spoke dryly.

Sunset watched as Pinkie Pie excitedly bounded up the stairs with her luggage, Dumbbell eagerly on her tail with eyes on her ass, headed for their own shared room. It was certainly convenient of Gilda to rent Pinkie over to him so she could have her full group of friends for this vacation. Though she knew it was no act of kindness. From what she understood, the Crystal Prep butch bully had gone all out attempting to whor* her out to her male classmates… only to annoyingly discover Pinkie actually enjoying it at every turn, making repeated requests to get more freaky. Things go out of control until, eventually, Gilda got swept up in Pinkie’s slu*ttiness and caught a few co*cks that were meant for her merchandise, robbing her of her ‘lesbian virginity’ in a rather public display as a few recordings of it were already starting to circulate online as well. If anything, taking Pinkie off her hands was doing Gilda a kindness.

But it was all good now. Sunset had done her ‘best’ and resolved the situations with her friends into the best possible outcome she could have managed, given the extreme circ*mstances. She was the only one in her circle of friends who was at all aware of the hidden schemes taking place in the background, and the guys knew that. So, with her here to watch over her close friends, she could at least make sure things didn’t get too crazy. And on that note…

“So you girls want to head into town and catch a movie or something?” Sunset asked.

“Actually, I thought it would be more fun if we all hit the beach first,” Score smiled down at her with a pat on the back, which in turn caused a shiver to travel up it. “You ladies head on up to your rooms and get dressed.”

The door to Fluttershy and Score’s room opened, and from that vantage point the bubbly and basically bare ass was the only thing currently seen sticking out from the lavish connecting bathroom. Naturally, such bait was pursued like a predator smelling its future meal.

Fluttershy was merely seen staring quizzically at the reflection of her own chest as her hands grabbed and pressed her two large tit* up and together, testing the considerably small bikini top that held and concealed her twin pair. She made a face, rather perplexed by how Score still, to this day, managed to get her size wrong when it came to buying her swimwear. Heavens knew he had plenty of hands-on experience with her chest to become an expert in it. She supposed it was just a forgetful guy thing. He was her first and only boyfriend, after all!But just as she removed her palms from her breasts, another pair of hands shot up from behind her to replace them!

The teenager giggled playfully as the greedy paws wasted no time squeezing and groping her extra sized tit* through their top. Quite noticeable energetically this time. Naturally, it didn’t take long for her tit* to spill out and her pink nipples to be subsequently attacked. Only then, however, did Fluttershy spare a moment to look up at the mirror and realize the one behind her that she had assumed was her boyfriend was actually-

“H-Hoops!” Fluttershy stammered in an instantly flustered panic. She spun around and quickly attempted to stuff her tit* back into her bikini top, though with much difficulty. “W-w-what are you doing?”

“What do you think? I’m enjoying my vacation,” Hoops snickered as he made haste, placing a palm of his onto Fluttershy’s ass and pushing her out of the bathroom. In the connecting bedroom Fluttershy had noticed a tripod had already been set up at the end of the bed, pointed directly to where she was fated to be in a few moments. “I’ve been holding this in for that entire flight over here. Freaking impossible to join the mile high club these days…” He pushed her down onto the bed where she fell with laughable resistance. Hoops whistled casually as he strolled over and turned the camera around the bed on.

“Y-you know I h-have a boyfriend now… r-right?” Fluttershy spoke softly, unintentionally giving the future fans watching this the perfect opening line as she worriedly pushed herself further back into the bed as if to distance herself from her classmate.

Hoops often considered himself a man of esteemed culture. It would be a simple matter to put an end to the big breasted babe’s worries by whipping out his silver tongue and letting it work its magic. He could have done something he rarely did with his lays and told her the truth, that Score and all the other guys here had shaken hands on a gentlemen's agreement of swapping their girls each night so everyone could get a taste of every piece of prime puss* they had dragged here on this remote vacation. Or heck, he could have told her this was part of her training! Or that this was a matter of life and death for him… he could have had her believe anything. It was pretty much guaranteed it would take less than a minute to get this bitch spreading her legs and smiling as she welcomed him inside her. Fluttershy really was as gullible as all girls should be.

But still, where was the fun in any of that?! The act of consent was a dying trend in today’s p*rn! An outdated meme like that Badger Badger Badger song. And just like any good TV show or movie, people loved conflict and drama!

That much was evident on the comments of their respective accounts and subscriber counts. For the most part, every bully in their group had fully bested their marks and broken through their feeble womanly defenses like the alpha male studs they were. But watching a conqueror of the female gender rest on their laurels and simply enjoy their very willing spoils they had won and trained into submission was boring and lacking in flavor.

To that end, Hoops knew exactly what his fans, and he himself wanted as, with the cameras rolling, he jumped into the bed with Fluttershy like he was invited. The timid girl flinched and froze as the bully rolled on top of her, pinning down her arms and legs.

“H-Hoops…? I-I don’t think we should be doing this,” Fluttershy whimpered weakly, still feeling as though this was a big misunderstanding and he just wasn’t hearing her correctly. Even after she spent so much time around that new boyfriend of hers, the naive tit cow still knew nothing about men. Her very body was an invitation for sex to any alpha male around her that sought to prove their worth. Not making a move on her would have ended with a guy like him handing in his Male license, which already were in such short supply these days.

“Mmmmmmm… I have waited for ages to get my turn doing this, Fluttershy,” Hoops went on, savoring the moment. Grabbing her hands and pulling them above her head, his prey squirmed uncomfortably as he fiddled away, hearing a soft pair of clicks around her wrists. “There!” he beamed proudly as he backed off. “Now tell me honestly, Fluttershy. Can you get out of there?” The busty school girl struggled in her bind, finding her hands trapped behind her head as solid metal handcuffs met the solid metal of the bed frame.

“Ummmm… n-no, I can’t…” Fluttershy spoke nervously, looking to Hoops who surprisingly took that more as a positive sign than the negative that she was hoping for. Instead, he merely hummed as he repeated the process with her ankles, fastening them to both side ends of the bed, locking her legs in a spread position.

“Good… about time you paid me back for all those dick pics I sent you a few years ago,” Hoops hummed, taking his dear old time as he reached behind her and loosed the knot holding the girl’s skimpy bikini top. He gave a grin to the recording camera as he once again did what he was put on this planet to do and parted a beautiful babe from her clothing. Fluttershy whimpered, her cheeks burning red with shame as, once again, her bosom was bared to the world with a lively jiggle.

“Let’s hope these fat udders of yours live up to the hype, you little slu*t,” Hoops cooed as he mashed and pressed the girl’s enormous tit* in circular motions before pressing a hefty slap of his co*ck down between them. The frightened and horizontally bound girl practically went cross eyed to stare at the meaty member nuzzled and throbbing happily between her pair. “You better hope they do. The more cum I paint your face with, the less is going to be blasted into that tight c*nt of yours.”

Off a very short distance away, even the camera could pick up the faint sound of another high school babe being put through the ringer.

Ah…. ahhh… ahhhhh…. Ahhhhh…” The soft moaning of Applejack’s feminine voice was heard in between meaty slaps, echoing through the hall. Apparently these ‘alpha males’ all intended to bump uglies with their respective doors wide open to better exert their dominance. All of which only served to provide the perfect background noise for everyone else’s videos.

Rarity and Applejack were always meant to be a package deal. To any normal man that would have meant an amazing night with two beautiful ladies servicing one’s co*ck in any way one could imagine. For guys like Dumbbell, however, there was a much stronger, and almost sad*stic, desire for some extra bit of ‘fun’ thrown into the mix.

The fashionista was in quite a bind, literally. Her arms were bound together and behind her back, her knees were tied up bent and spread, and she was hitched in place to the bed with an occupying blindfold and ball gag. But that wasn’t everything, several egg vibrators had been securely taped to her cl*t and nipples before being set to the highest setting and left to writhe for the camera as she soaked the sheets below in an endless torrent of her juices. Of course, Dumbbell had brought a little something extra to completely muffle a girl’s sense of hearing for added effect, but he chose not to put that one on Rarity. Rather, he sincerely wanted the fashionista to hear her girlfriend beside her as yet another co*ck claimed what should have been an exclusive puss*.

“Heh heh, sorry bitch, but I don't think your slu*t of a girlfriend is going to be able to cum from your efforts anytime soon,” Dumbbell taunted the girl who could literally do nothing but listen and get off to the love of her life being used.

“Ahhhh…f*ck… he’s right, Rarity!!” Applejack panted and moaned in clear lustful desire. “The real thing is just too good…. Aaaahhhh!” She cried again as the brute on top of her slapped her tit*. The farm girl may have thought it was just dirty talk, but in truth, her dependence on co*ck was becoming more and more apparent to just about anyone following her now very public sex life. After Jet Set had thoroughly had his way with her for an extended period of time, the drive to sleep with Rarity was only present on the condition that a male was there to make it a threeway. At least a threeway. Thankfully for the pair, there was no shortage of altruistic bullies in this mansion willing to ensure her girlfriend was always ready and willing for some late night fun.

Over in Rainbow Dash’s room, however, the game being played was slightly different. The prismatic haired friend had been misled into believing that she was actually getting a bedroom all to herself. After no shortage of poorly pretending that it didn’t bother her, a grumbly Rainbow proceeded to the room and swiftly fell asleep as the result of an entire day’s worth of molestation and humiliation she suffered through as a result of just being in close proximity to these bullies. Of course, she was a fool to believe that just because she was off in dreamland that meant she was out of the woods from the bullies' torment.

A peek into the oddly quiet room revealed that Jet Set had so kindly elected to keep Rainbow Dash company during the night… he had even set up his tripod to record the proof just in case no one believed him! The smirking bully was grinning widely in perverted fun as he sought to play a little game called: How Much Could he get away with without waking a Bitch up? It was a personal favorite pastime of his during many a late night, and he was going for a new high score.

The covers had been easily pulled off without rousing her, revealing the toned girl’s naked frame to the camera. Had the girl actually drifted off to sleep in her clothes, there wasn’t a doubt in any viewer’s mind that a bully of his caliber could have slid every garment off of her body without so much as a peep from her. All that was left now was for him to drop his own clothes and slide into bed with her, acting as the large spoon as he cuddled up to Rainbow on her side, facing the active camera. Reaching over and around, he mercilessly teased her nipples and cl*t, bringing a series of soft aroused gasps from the unconscious teen. Jet Set only snickered as the girl’s body betrayed her, her folds growing damp and inviting to his waiting member. All it took was a bit of angling and hip movement to slide his throbbing tip into her defenseless folds, the bully groaning as he savored her tightness. And yet, even that didn’t wake her. It was truly a testament to how heavy of a sleeper she was. None of which was of any concern to Jet Set as he happily started to thrust away at the dozing babe. His pace only increased over time as he now sought to finally wake his prey up to her surprise. Had he wanted to creampie another sleeping chick, he would have simply slipped her one of the roofies he packed.

“W-w-wha…” Rainbow spoke sleepily as she finally began to rise from her slumber. It was fair to say that this wasn’t like any usual awakening in her life. Her body felt hot and aroused, like she was halfway to an org*sm. Someone was also gripping the side of her hips as a flurry of thrusts from behind were felt as the reason her puss* was hugging and invading member’ “W-What the hell?!?!” she exclaimed out loud.

“Haha, finally woke up, Rainbow?” Jet Set laughed, his grasp on his prey immediately becoming far more firm and restrictive. He grabbed and held her upper thigh, holding it at a 90 degree angle to prevent her escape while also ensuring the camera caught a perfect view of Rainbow’s puss* being impaled by him. “This was so easy too! Sheeesh, no wonder so many of you babes get taken advantage of! You’re all so weak!” Though he knew he didn’t really mean that. Girls obviously left themselves open to sexual assault not because they were weak or dumb, but because they all secretly got off to it. Of course, hell would sooner freeze over than a single woman in this world admitting that was how she honestly felt, so they tended to play a game of resistance, or hard to get, as evidenced by her lay’s response.

“Y-You… f*ck you, you asshole!” Rainbow growled as she poorly attempted to struggle again, only to be hammered back into submission with a few extra poundful thrusts. In the face of a fully dominant male, a girl like her had no chance of escaping what was coming to her. And it certainly didn’t help how much weaker she had become recently, given how Hoops had made her quit every CHS sports team she was on, just to free up her schedule for him to dick her down even more! Though that wasn’t to say that even her at her prime would ever stand a chance at beating even the weakest male bully in a test of physical strength. Her body had fully been tricked into accepting pleasure in the face of a strong male lover, it was not at all willing to help her resist. “f*cking hell… I-I was having a nice dream,” Rainbow protested weakly as her limbs went weak, fully accepting her use by the superior gender until he was done using her.

“Hang on… I actually might be able to put you back under,” Jet Set grinned.

“Wait… wha-” Rainbow started only to be abruptly cut off as Jet Set’s restrictive grasp on her suddenly shifted to a thick arm wrapped firmly around her neck, choking it tight! The bully hummed in satisfaction as the girl at his mercy suddenly spasmed, gagged, but more importantly, tightened up around his co*ck.

“Mmmm, that’s the stuff~” Jet Set groaned as he hungrily thrust with renewed vigor into the choking f*ck slu*t who was losing more and more brain cells. Not like that mattered, it wasn’t as if any of them were ever letting their toys run off to college. Nope, they had all been guided to their true calling in life. And not even once ever thanked them for it.

Rainbow Dash let out an unintelligible gurgle as the grasp around her throat grabbed even harder, her assailant’s rough pounding sending her thin frame spasming as every muscle she had tensed up. The complete lack of oxygen flowing to her brain only intensified her climax and her body’s response. Jet Set groaned in a pleased response as the tight girl’s puss* hugged his invading member even tighter before squirting out a stream of girlcum a remarkable distance in front of her.

Unfortunately for her, Rainbow Dash was not given the mercy of being choked unconscious, as she hung her head limply. Her body quivered and spasmed in the aftershock of her climax as Jet Set happily continued using it as he pleased. And since she was still awake she therefore had to reconcile with the fact that she had just cum her most powerful and most embarrassing org*sm in her life at the hands of an asshole who was two smidges away from outright raping her.

Next was Royal Pin’s room… and he seemed keenly interested in bedding Pinkie Pie tonight. Even for those at CHS who hadn’t closely watched any of Pinkie’s sex tapes, they likely imagined the girl the same in bed as she was in every other moment of her life: an uncontrollable and unrestrained ball of pink and pure energy and mayhem. A more refined scholar from the prim and proper Crystal Prep likely would have found such antics to be off-putting. Some could only assume that there was no way a single bully could tame Pinkie Pie.

A single look into the bully’s bedroom would have immediately shown that he had tamed Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie was there, as naked as the day she was born, sitting on her knees rather calmly atop the bed, staring needily at a fully clothed Royal Pin standing above her. Literally locked on Pinkie’s neck was a similar collar as Twilight’s, but this one read: Tamed Bitch.

“You see, gentlemen,” Royal Pin spoke. Not to anyone present, but rather to the recording camera aimed at the both of them. It seemed as though he was filming an instructional video for his many, many followers. Pinkie Pie didn’t hear any of it, her ears being covered by muffs. “Girls like these actually have far more in common with your average house pet than they do to us. They are weak, simple minded creatures with no real ambitions in their life than what basic biology urges them to. But that is why we men were made so much greater than them, because what is a pet without a master’s guidance?” he walked around her before giving the leash in his hand a yank, causing Pinkie Pie to fall backwards. Royal’s hand was immediately at her folds, fingering her in such a way that caused Pinkie to writhe and purr like a cat. “That’s right. No matter how crazy of a bitch you found yourself paired with, all of these weak minded slu*ts can be tamed into proper obedience with the right attention and care. Get them off right and they’ll even be willing to sell you their future, lives, and even their very soul. Now, be sure to stick with me over this coming week as I detail my methods to you on how to tame each and every one of the slu*ts in this house.” he winked suggestively at the camera as he began to unzip his pants.

Meanwhile, over in the last bedroom, Sunset Shimmer laid perfectly flat, alone, in her own bed, in quiet contemplation as her mind wandered with her thoughts.

The bullies had everything they could have wanted. Applejack and Rarity’s entire previous sex life, Twilight being trained like an mindless animal and loving it, a candid recording of Fluttershy humming away as she washed herself in the shower, Pinkie Pie shamelessly masturbating with a vibrator on top of a washing machine, and Rainbow Dash’s utter lack of a gag reflex she was becoming an internet meme for. Every square inch of every one of her friends was exposed to countless horny individuals undoubtedly getting off on it, likely filling multiple olympic swimming pools worth of ji*zz as tribute to their pristine yet defiled bodies…. And none of her friends had even the slightest clue they hadn’t had a single shred of privacy since the Shadowbolts hooked them up.

It was like she had figured. They were all in too deep. There was no going back from this. Her friends and their birthday suits were fated to exist on the internet forever. And seeing as how it couldn’t get any worse, from here on out the best course of action would be to at least ride this wave and snatch any sort of positives they could manage from this lifestyle. And she did have to admit… a mansion like this was some pretty fancy living that she could get used to.

On her laptop she had already checked all the feedback that the newer teaser pictures from this trip to this collab trip beach had received. Many were already earning no shortage of feedback along with lewd and suggestive comments from the mass of horny followers. So many so that Sunset couldn’t even possibly read them all. For whatever it was worth, the comments were…positive… in a way. Though many of them had so keenly noted her in the background of many of her friend’s nudes. The ‘New Girl’ or ‘Mystery Bitch’ as she was dubbed. Sunset scrolled through the endless comment chains as she searched for mentions of herself. Most of them were obviously inching to see her holes stuffed full of co*cks, many of them even subtly urging the bullies to take her by force if she wasn’t willing. Likely the type of guys who thought women could be raped into a willing state if they were good enough with their dicks.

Though, in a grander sort of scheme, she supposed this was something of karmic payback. There was no doubt that being an attractive woman was the single most important factor contributing to their successful life. They are more likely to find a partner, have children, land a job, and all around be treated better by just about every human being on the planet. But all of those perks came with their own drawbacks in a sort of balanced system of sorts. A sort of beauty tax. A price for being an attractive woman that tended to make them a target from the wrong sort of men, making them more likely to be molested, raped, and exploited. All of her friends were attractive women and, as she saw it, these bullies were simply the IRS here to collect their due. And from the sounds she was hearing from her room, it seemed as though her friends had a hell of a collection of back taxes to pay.

Was this entire situation with her friends ideal? It went without saying it was far from it, but Sunset had an entire nonstop flight over the pacific to realize there was no point in pouting about it and instead, working with the hand she was dealt. Admittedly, it wasn’t all bad, though her decision may have been slightly biased seeing as they all flew on a private jet over here. The bullies, in their abrupt rush to wealth, were at least more than willing to share their ill-gotten gains with the very girls they were ill-getting it from. Rarity’s inner golder digger instincts in particular were so engrossed in her weekly allowance at this point now she was starting to have less and less of an issue sharing her girlfriend. So really, at the very least, the boys could provide all of her friends with a luxurious lifestyle they so deserved.

Yet, surprisingly, Sunset’s present thoughts after being dragged on this trip weren’t mostly focused on her safe guarding her friends or supervising the bullies currently molesting them in the other bedrooms, but rather… herself.

See… she may have done a very bad thing…

Pulling her laptop back over from her nightstand, she reviewed the evidence that led to her current moral dilemma. It was a video of her rivals from Crystal Prep. One of many as a resulting from the aftermath of their attempted rape of her. She had seen it only fit to dish out a punishment hopefully worthy of their crime, and collaborating with Score led them to the solution of “donating” all of the Shadowbolt girls to the frat house where the bully once lived. It was a bit of a going away present from Score to his bros. He loved the guys there, of course, but he was rich now and could afford a far nicer place for himself and Fluttershy.

As for the Shadowbolts themselves, getting them there was a simple matter. Given her magical powers, she had access to all the evidence she needed on the five girls and their plan, so they needed little motivation to do as they were told or risk said evidence making its way to the police and their parents for a hopeful disowning and arrest combo! It was rather odd, for once, blackmailing some girls with actual evidence of crimes and not just nudes. That wasn’t to say that nudes of them weren’t involved. To their credit, they weren’t ones to simply wait on the sidelines as the boys they hired did the dirty work for them. They had appeared quite naked and active in many of the videos they had taken in their effort to amass smut on the entire female CHS student body. Unfortunately for them, their own hornyness ended up getting the best of them.

Like any good blackmailing, the demands started small, to coax their reluctant prey into the deal, claiming they only had to stay at the frat house for a few days as they thought about what they did and that would be the end of it. From there, Sunset didn’t even waste her time instructing the guys living there what to do. She had confidence in her knowledge of the male gender and trusted they would do what came naturally when seeing five high school teen babes offered to them on a silver platter.

It didn’t even take them a full day.

Clicking play on the video, Sunset resumed where the recording had been paused. “Hey! Stop it!! That’s the wrong hole, you f*cker!! Knock it off!” Sugarcoat growled angrily from a couch in the house’s living room.

“F-f*ck! f*ck!!” a naked Sour Sweet swore to her side. “Can someone at least wear a freaking condom!!”

Indigo Zap couldn’t even say anything, despite the furious expression on her face indicating she very much wanted to. Instead, said face was currently being ruthlessly f*cked by a college grad who rammed her head up and down his meat. A whimper escaped her throat as another student approached her from behind and pushed his co*ck into her open and waiting puss*, wasting no time savoring the feel of her tight insides.

“You promised you would pull out, asshole!!” Lemon Zest exclaimed from the side as the camera panned over to her. The smirking and satisfied stud who had been f*cking her pulled out as promised, just after he pumped his full load inside her. The camera was able to catch a shot of a thick white trail of cum escaping the high schooler’s used and abused snatch before the cumdump herself was flipped over by the next in line, lining up his eager co*ck at his target’s backside. Lemon Zest let out a groan of utter discomfort as the shaft assaulted her rear entrance, which was a complete mistake as an open mouth was all the invitation another opportunistic co*ck needed to slide down her throat.

“Get that camera out of here!!!” a furious Sunny Flare was seen in the center, spotting the one guy holding up his phone amongst the mass of male college students eagerly stroking their co*cks as they waited their turn with the piece of meat in front of them. “Don’t record this, you piece of sh*t!! Delete it!!” She swore as she rolled around and wrestled with the guy currently on top of her. The bro code compelled some of the others in the audience to assist, grabbing and holding the girl’s arms above her while another held her legs still. From there, Sunny Flare could do nothing but stare daggers at the smug student above her as he pierced into her puss* from above. Her hands were then forcibly wrapped around two co*cks to her side, waiting to do the same exact thing to her. She reluctantly stroked them off, knowing a few volts were coming her way, should she refuse.

Watching the video from her bed, Sunset almost felt like crying. It was perfect. Perfect. Down to the last minute details.

The video was uploaded that night, showcasing over an hour of the rough and dirty gangb*ng of the five naked highschool teens until they were nothing more than an exhausted heap of flesh and cum. All of the clothes and belongings they had brought had been ripped away and thrown into the trash. Their underwear had all been relieved from their bodies collected as souvenirs, fated to never again be worn by them. And best of all, five identical shock collars had been locked around their necks, a friendly discouragement against any unbecoming behavior from these slu*ts, which mainly included escape from the premises. Only then did it truly dawn on them that their ‘few day stay’ they had initially been blackmailed into had been extended indefinitely with no chance of backing out. More and more videos of their use had popped up each day and, upon Score’s instruction, none of them shied away from publicly posting the girl’s names in them. They were starting to amass some fans of their real and actual gangb*ngs, and Sunset wanted to ensure said followers could easily track every bit of lewd content that was shared on the internet. All of which was just harmless ‘acting’ if anyone official ever asked.

And just to be clear, *none* of this was part of the moral dilemma Sunset was currently facing. She didn’t lose a wink of sleep over their fate. As far as she was concerned, those Shadowbolt bitches deserved every co*ck that made its way to their holes. In fact, she was rather looking forward to seeing the progress each of them went through as the guys broke them down one creampie after another. The bros certainly weren’t afraid of uploading a plethora update videos so it would be easy enough for her, and the world, to track.

But when Sunset had first watched this a few days ago when she first gazed upon this blessed revenge… she didn’t anticipate just how good it would feel. Not from watching those slu*ts get what they deserved… but the thrill of power she felt, knowing she had been the one to sentence them to that fate. It was an intoxicating feeling, even more than her sexual high she had experienced while pleasuring herself to that video. She loved this feeling of authority and control!

Which may have led to some unforeseen consequences…

See, after toppling the empire the Shadowbolts had built, she was now in sole possession of the holy grail the five Crystal Preppers had worked their asses off to make: the explicit content of every single girl at Canterlot High School. As much as Sunset disliked the girls for what they had done, she had to admit, they were quite thorough. Not a single girl had been overlooked or ignored. They had gone through the full list and ensured every girl’s privates were captured and readied to be shared. Sure, quite a few of them were just pictures and videos of them showering nude and changing in the locker rooms, but it was still something they knew each of them would likely dread getting out.

Naturally, when Sunset hacked the Shadowbolt’s accounts with their mind-read passwords, the immediate thought was to delete everything they had on the girls of her school. It would be the right thing to do… right? To cast the treasure into the fires of Mount Doom, so to speak. Respecting her classmate’s valuable privacy and all of that.

But then a thought wormed its way into her head…. Why should all this hard work go to waste? All of that data…… it was enough to turn someone into a God…. of high school. What harm would there be in merely just… previewing the smut that had been amassed.

In the end she did end up doing the right thing, of course, deleting everything and wiping it all clear from all of the Shadowbolt’s computers…. just after she had saved a copy of it all to her own device. She told herself there was nothing wrong doing that for now. No one else besides her and the bullies even knew this treasure trove even existed.

Which finally led to the small little thing Sunset had done…

“I-If I do this…. y-you promise you’ll delete everything?” Sweetie Belle was heard squeaking in the next video Sunset played.

“Of course, I will,” Rumble was seen smiling reassuringly from the side. “I just want a quick feel. That’s not a big deal, right?”

“I… guess not…” Sweetie Belle muttered as she, quite reluctantly, pulled her shirt overhead. After learning one of her classmates had somehow obtained several full body nudes of her in the locker room, the girl had been lured to the boy’s bedroom in an attempt to respectfully resolve the situation. That was her first mistake. Any bully worth their salt could have told her those pictures were fated to outlast human civilization itself, and never had the slightest chance of being erased, with copies saved to their every device. Rarity could have urged her onto the right course of action, but it seemed as though she was so distracted with her new boyfriend, sentencing her younger sister to a horrible fate of using her own best judgment. With the important tidbits of information unknown, nothing stopped the naive girl from venturing further into the lion’s den. The very spot she had been lured to had been prepared with a recording phone aimed directly where she stood.

The device captured the remainder of the night as it progressed, and Sunset had to give props to the newbie bully’s work. It was a textbook blackmailing through and through. Even the dumbest of guys tended to use 100% of their brain when it came to getting some action. It had started off like they always did, simple and easy. The target had been coaxed into stripping down into nothing but her underwear for Rumble’s viewing pleasure. He admired circles around her, then the deal was altered slightly as he invited himself a few harmless gropes of Sweetie Belle’s tit* from behind. Naturally, from there Rumble had progressed into outright removing her underwear and stripping her fully naked, expertly ensuring his prey was always pointed at the hidden recording camera. All of which the girl barely tolerated, seeing as she was in too deep to back out now. Every step of the way she tried to talk him down, saying it was enough and that he should stop. Rumble simply countered he wanted just a little more, and a little more. Up until things had progressed into Sweetie sitting on his lap at the end of the bed, squirming helplessly as Rumble appeared to be enjoying the heck out of molesting his crush’s tit* and between her quivering legs. Like any knowledgeable guy in his situation, his movements were partly for his enjoyment but mostly to coax out any amount of arousal from his target, anything that could help cloud her fragile mind and drag her further into the best night of his life. His work had been a success as, shortly after, the video revealed Rumble had Sweetie Belle pinned down on top of him, the girl reluctantly moaning as their virginities were both stolen away to the new bully’s overjoyed expression as his co*ck felt the ever so satisfying warm and tight embrace of a girl’s puss*. One final escalation of the blackmailing deal had led to a promise that he wouldn’t creampie her if she allowed their surprise sex to continue… It came as no eventual surprise Rumble wouldn’t have been able to consider himself a man if he didn’t break that promise.

After watching it for the first time Sunset discovered she was absolutely drenched. Watching as Sweetie Belle, for all her reluctance and hesitation at how the night progressed into sex, actually came herself. Perhaps there was something to be said about the more deep seeded primal part of a girl like her subconsciously willing her body to savor and enjoy a mate skilled enough to best her defenses, but Sunset wasn’t going to dwell on that. All she cared about was that the little slu*t had been dicked down for her enjoyment. She couldn’t exactly deny how hot it was watching the girl’s tit* bounce back and forth in the same exact way Rarity’s had when Jet Set f*cked her.

In fact, the entire performance had reminded her of Score’s first encounter with Fluttershy as he brutally murdered her friend’s own virginity on that fateful day that kicked started everything they were going through now. And she had discovered that was for a good reason.

As Sunset had learned, Rumble was one of Score’s many subscribers, having diligently watched every single second of content the older bully had published to the web of him making those humongous tit* on that big breasted hottie bounce and bounce. But Rumble wasn’t just jacking his meat off to Fluttershy’s defilement, he was learning. He, and most other boys at CHS were studying, far harder than they had in any class, from all of the bullies as tales of their amazing virginity slaying was secretly passed around from ear to ear like wildfire. And just like that, some of the most disliked and despised people at school became role models, idolized, and respected masters of their craft. After all, their results were undeniable. Obtaining not only sex, but complete submission, from the hottest girls in school was no small feat, and what marveled them even more was the ease at which they had done it. Previously, the only method any of them had known for getting their dicks inside the girls they sat next to was the boring method. Asking them out, hoping they said yes, pretending to be interested in them on a few dates, before hopefully getting them to consent to a night of casual fun. All in all, it was quite ineffective, with far too many variables to consider and mistakes to make. A change was desired, and the professor bullies provided the fuel they needed by showcasing their techniques of luring their conquests into their beds.

Upon learning all of this, that was when Sunset realized, she alone held the spark that could ignite that fuel into a roaring inferno. Rumble had been one of the first devout followers to receive a blessing from the generous deity that Sunset was. Anonymously, of course, and free of charge. She had just sent him a small piece of the Shadowbolt’s, or more accurately now, her treasure trove. All on the single condition that he send her back a recording of the result, which she knew he would have taken anyway. And from that small gift blossomed a beautiful display she saw before her. It was all so intoxicating. She needed more!

Her mind whipped into action, focusing her sexual arousal into a motivated working mindset. She was at the top of the CHS food chain, she knew the boys, she knew their crushes, and she knew their contact information. It was all the perfect recipe for a Goddess in the making. She hoped the guys were ready, Christmas was coming early this year!

The forbidden collection of lewd CHS was opened, and readied. Her finger tapped away rapidly at her computer, sending out the same offer she had made to Rumble to all her potential followers.

“You said you wanted to f*ck Trixie’s ass, Brawly? Well leverage this clip of her flicking the bean in the shower and see if you can make something happen!”

“Hey Rover, did you know Amethyst took nudes of herself wearing skimpy cosplay? Well you do now!” Sunset gleamed as she pushed send.

“Curly we all know you would f*ck Tennis match the moment you two were alone in a room together! Let’s see if some skinny dips pics motivate you to make it happen!”

“Applebloom…. Scootaloo…… Mystery Mint…. Rose Heart…. f*ck! I want to see them all split in f*cking half…” Sunset moaned as she imagined their eventually reluctant deflowering, mind whirling with calculations as she tried to think which guys at school would actually have the balls to pull it off with the right motivation.

The door to Score’s room burst open with a kick. Startling both occupants inside. Well, at least one of them. Twilight, or at least the absolute submissive pet Royal Pin had trained her to be was down on her hands and knees, obediently lapping her greedy tongue all over Score’s quite erect co*ck. She didn’t notice Sunset’s grand entrance, seeing as she was wearing an earmuff that blocked all sound and a blindfold that prevented her from seeing the camera around her.

Originally, Sunset would have been furious to see the asshat known as Score taking advantage of her friend who should have had her nose buried in some book and not some co*ck, but she had far more important things to do here now while the iron was hot.

“Hey, Sunse-?” Score started.

“Getting Twilight to suck you off after you tricked her into thinking you’re her boyfriend, huh? That’s cute,” she interrupted before turning the recording device off and grabbing Score by the collar. Twilight gave a confused yelp as the dick in her mouth was suddenly yanked away before she started to feel around the area blindly for where her supposed master had gone.

“Listen, asshole,” Sunset growled as she slammed the bully up against the wall. “I don’t need your handouts for my rent. We both know me taking that money was only going to end with me getting triple penetrated by you dicks.”

“Huh, well you’re not wrong,” Score admitted, still quite puzzled by the bacon haired girl’s sudden entrance and assertiveness. “You still don’t want the money though? I got more than enough to share.”

“I’m starting my own business venture, like you idiots. Contracting out the f*cking to all those gullible little gremlins you’ve indoctrinated into your bully cult with all the nudes and videos I stole off the Shadowbolts. You guys think you’re rolling in cash? I want to see how much I can make selling off every girl at CHS.”

Really now?” Score replied with a look of utter respect at her. Not something he often gave women in the first place. This was a fight for equality he could get behind.

“Of course, not just them. A bunch of bitches over at Crystal Prep are equally responsible for all this. I’m going to need to get all of those slu*ts on a co*ck then online for the world to see. I’ll see if I can conquer the rest of that school while I’m at it. Every bitch at that school has had a stick up their ass for too long anyway.”

“Sounds like it would eventually attract a bit of unwanted attention…” Score noted.

“From the principals? f*ck em. I can blackmail them too if they try to get in my way,” Sunset grinned holding up her magical geode. “I’m sure the world would just love to see just how close our two sister principals are in a shared bed together.”

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh,” Score could only chuckle, happily and joyfully before announcing, “so you’re finally back to your normal self, eh Sunset? Always knew a leopard can't change its spots. About time you dropped all this friendship crap.”

“You dumbass, I’m doing this for them!” Sunset replied with a quick jab to the bully’s ribs before backing off. “Since you assholes uploaded their entire freaking sex lives to the internet, I know there’s no way to get rid of that even if I were to magically convince you all to give up your source of income. I also know that there’s no way in absolute hell you’re going to be able to keep this secret from them forever. Sooner or later someone is going to spill the beans that millions of people have seen them getting f*cked.”

“So… what’s your plan then?” Score grinned in anticipation.

“Exactly what you’re going to help me with now. Not for a favor, or because you owe me, or any of that junk, but because you want to help me do this,” Sunset announced as she marched back over to the still confused and fumbling pet Twilight. “We are going to normalize this crap! If my friends are going to have their sex lives hosted online, then so is everyone else’s!” She threw Twilight onto the bed, where she landed with a bounce. “No single person will be a laughing stock. Everyone will be equally embarrassed and we’ll share the shame as a group. It’s like you told me, Score. We’re in a new age of p*rn here. We'll just need to accept that the entire world knows what they look like naked and move on. It’ll be seen as a rite of passage for us, and bragging rights for the rest of you guys.”

“Huh…..” Score muttered, having never expected Sunset to have the guts to pull such a ballsy move. It would probably be a simple matter to convince Fluttershy that it was normal to have some many of her nudes on OnlyFans if every girl at school did it. It would just be something all guys did to show off their girlfriends! Now he remembered just how much he missed Bully Sunset.

“And when I say everyone, I mean, everyone,” Sunset spoke as, to Score’s shock, the girl shrugged off her bathrobe to reveal her naked and completely nude form. “f*ck Twilight. Then f*ck me. I don’t care if you cum inside either of us,” she growled into Score’s ear, actually earning her a shudder from the bully. “Record every second of it then post it to your followers. God knows I’m behind my friends and need to catch up if I want to sell this idea.”

Score’s knees were shaking, his arms were weak, and his heart was racing. Never in his life had he been as turned on as he was now. His co*ck was practically solid iron now as it begged for action.

“Heh, if it helps I could get the guys to run a train on you,” Score grinned. “We’ll make sure everyone online sees it too!”

“Yeah, I know you’re just saying that to be coy and all, but that would really be helpful. There’s five of you and I have three holes and two hands. Make sure they’re all being used.”

“...It’s good to have you back, Sunset,” Score grinned as the smoking hot babe flicked the camera back on and jumped on top of Twilight. She wasted no time whipping the pet girl’s ear muffs and blindfold off. The new recording that started just managed to capture the girl’s shock and surprise as she came to and realized it was her naked friend of all people on top of her. Even more was the look on her face when she looked behind her and realized it had been Score’s pole she was polishing and not Jet Set’s!

“Scor-?!” she started to exclaim before being promptly interrupted by a sudden kiss to her lips from the girl pinning her down.

“Just let this happen, Twilight,” Sunset moaned as she started to finally indulge in the lust that had been building in her this entire night. Score was behind the both of them, smugly previewing the two perfectly presently and kindly offered puss*es for his co*ck’s taking. He could even feel the absolute heat radiating off Sunset’s nethers, she was a freaking furnace! “This is for your own good,” Sunset cooed to her friend next, speaking a truth to Twilight and a turn-on to their many eventual viewers.

A sudden gasp escaped Sunset’s mouth as she felt Score’s co*ck suddenly pierced into her soaked folds, wasting no time making itself at home and savoring the feel of her c*nt. She let out a moan as her eyes flicked back eyes at the f*cker in the moment of passion.

“Yeah… I should have expected this to happen…” she groaned.

Bullying Problems - Very_Sleeepy - My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.