Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (2024)

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and The Coca-Cola Company. All opinions are mine alone #SmartWayToShareJoy #CollectiveBias

Looking for an easy homemade gift idea? The holidays are the perfect time to mix up a scrumptious batch of homemade fudge. Tucked away inside a decorative tin, it makes a thoughtful gift for neighbors, family, and friends. I love making homemade gifts--especially the edible kind--and this recipe for chocolate fudge calls for a secret ingredient that's sure to provide a tasty surprise!

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (1)

What's the surprising ingredient in this chocolate fudge recipe? Well, I'll give you a clue. I grew up with my mom using it as the "secret" ingredient in a marinade and in a recipe for a frosted chocolate cake. Any guesses? It's Coca-Cola! Yes, this batch of ooey-gooey fudge has Coca-Cola cooked right in.

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (2)

Recently, I modified my mother's traditional cake recipe for Coca-Cola Cake to makeCoca-Cola Cupcakes. What is it about Coca-Cola that makes baked goods so sugary sweet and moist?! And since I know it's delicious baked in chocolate cake and cupcakes, I decided to try it in fudge and make Coca-Cola Fudge. I love adding my own twist to my family's beloved recipes, and it just wouldn't be Christmas without a batch of homemade fudge. Paired with a glass of Coca-Cola, it's a treat that even Santa would choose over milk and cookies. Wanting to enjoy this holiday treat for yourself? Keep reading for the full recipe!

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (3)

For my family, it also wouldn't seem like the holidays without an icy cold Coca-Cola. It's been a beverage staple at our holiday meals for as long as I can remember--right up there with the sweet tea and my momma's Christmas punch.Poured over ice or enjoyed straight out of the nostalgic glass bottles, it's a holiday favorite! Perhaps that stems from growing up here in the South with several of those years being spent in Atlanta where Coca-Cola is headquartered.

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (4)

Back when my sister and I were kids, my mom recorded some of our favorite holiday movies onto a VHS tape. Anyone remember watching Mickey's Christmas Carol, the 1964 version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or A Muppet Family Christmas? Along with several holiday movies, she also recorded the commercials. At the time, having those on the tape probably seemed like an inconvenience. Years later, they are just part of the recording's charm. She had the tape transferred to a DVD several years ago and now my kids can continue to enjoy those classic films year after year--commercials and all. One of the commercials is for Coca-Cola. It shows an elf tacking up a Christmas countdown poster with Santa's beard on it. Anyone remember that one? My sister and I would always want a taste of Coca-Cola after watching that commercial. Kinda like wanting chocolate when watching Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. That's a story for a different day though. I guess the commercial was effective because it worked it's magic on us. All of this to say that our family history with Coca-Cola at the holidays goes way back.

That's why I'm loving the limited edition holiday packaging for Coca-Cola this holiday season. It features a vintage Santa and sweet polar bears that bring back memories of holidays from years ago. And now I get to share those memories and traditions with my own children.

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (5)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (6)

It just made sense to pair two of our holiday favorites--fudge and Coca-Cola--together into one tasty treat. I made a run out to Family Dollar to grab my "secret" ingredient and tested a couple different variations. The whole family was very eager to be my taste testers and tell me which they thought was the best. That's the recipe I'm sharing with you today. From our family to yours, here's our recipe for Coca-Cola fudge!

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (7)

Coca-Cola Fudge

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (8)


  • 1 container (7 oz) marshmallow cream
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2/3 cups evaporated milk
  • 1/4 cup Coca-Cola
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 bag (12 oz) chocolate chips (You can use semi-sweet or milk chocolate)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a large pot, combine marshmallow cream, sugar, evaporated milk, Coca-Cola, and salt.
  2. Bring to a full boil, stirring constantly over medium heat.
  3. Boil the mixture for five minutes still stirring constantly. Tip: It is very important for it to boil for the full five minutes. Set a timer for this step.
  4. Remove from heat. Add the chocolate chips and stir until melted.
  5. Mix in the vanilla extract.
  6. Pour into a buttered 8" pan. Let the fudge cool and set completely. Slice and enjoy!

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (9)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (10)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (11)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (12)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (13)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (14)

I hope your family enjoys this recipe as much as mine did! Make up a batch to gift to others this holiday season or just add it to the table at your own holiday festivities. Either way, it's sure to bring on many chocolate-smudged smiles this season!

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (15)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (16)

For more tasty recipes, gift ideas, and ways to save this holiday season, visit the Family Dollar on their website, Facebook, or Pinterest. It's a great place to shop the limited edition holiday Coca-Cola packaging to enjoy with your own batch of Coca-Cola Fudge.

More baking inspiration!
Love this fudge recipe? Enjoy another treat with Coca-Cola baked inside! Click here for my recipe for moist and delicious Coca-Cola Cupcakes.

Happy holiday baking!

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (18)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (19)

Coca-Cola Fudge Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to perfect fudge? ›

You have to control two temperatures to make successful fudge: the cooking temperature AND the temperature at which the mixture cools before stirring to make it crystallize. Confectionery experiments have shown that the ideal cooking temperature for fudge is around 114 to 115 °C (237 to 239 °F).

What to do with failed fudge? ›

OPTION 1) Depending on how runny it is, you can either use it as a frosting for cakes, or a sauce for ice-cream. OPTION 2) Freeze it overnight. Cut it into squares. Cover each square thickly in melted chocolate, ensuring no part of the fudge is exposed.

How long does it take fudge to reach 234 degrees? ›

Cook the mixture over medium-low heat, without stirring, until the thermometer registers 234 degrees, about 20 to 25 minutes. The mixture should boil at a moderate, steady rate over the entire surface. While the fudge is cooking, prepare the baking pan.

What is the secret to smooth fudge that is not gritty? ›

Once a seed crystal forms, it grows bigger and bigger as the fudge cools. A lot of big crystals in fudge makes it grainy. By letting the fudge cool without stirring, you avoid creating seed crystals.

Do you stir fudge when it's boiling? ›

Brush the sides of the pan with a wet brush at the beginning of cooking to dissolve sugar crystals stuck to the sides. Never stir the mixture during cooking or sugar could crystallize again. The mixture may seize and become grainy. Use a candy thermometer or conduct a cold water test to check if the fudge is done.

What happens when you overbeat fudge? ›

Beating the cooled batter is one of the crucial steps of fudge-making, but overbeating can turn fudge hard as a rock. Pay close attention to the change in appearance and only beat the fudge until it loses its glossy sheen.

What to do when fudge doesn't set? ›

I think the problem was not boiling it for long enough (I don't have a sugar thermometer). If the situation is desperate I would put it all back in a saucepan tomorrow and try boiling it for longer. If less desperate I would leave that lot, buy new ingredients and try again.

Why did my fudge turn out like caramel? ›

Fudge can turn into caramel due to overcooking or undercooking, incorrect temperatures, or wrong ingredients.

How do you know when fudge is done? ›

To test the boiling mixture for doneness, drop a bit of it into a bowl of cold water. If it forms a ball that is soft enough to flatten between your fingers, the mixture is ready for cooling. When the fudge cools to 110 degrees F/43 degrees C, beat the mixture vigorously with a wooden spoon until it's no longer glossy.

Why does my fudge crumble when I cut it? ›

It might be that you haven't dissolved all the sugar before boiling the fudge mixture. It could be that there just wasn't enough fluid or fat to enable the sugar to dissolve or it might even be that the fudge wasn't beaten long enough or hard enough. All of these factors could be the cause of grainy fudge.

Should you refrigerate fudge to cool? ›

Fudge is best stored at room temperature for 2 to 3 weeks wrapped up in its original wax paper. NEVER REFRIGERATE your fudge as this will draw out the moisture and leave you with dry, crumbly fudge.

What makes fudge moist? ›

The amount of time you cook fudge directly affects its firmness. Too little time and the water won't evaporate, causing the fudge to be soft. Conversely, cook it too long and fudge won't contain enough water, making it hard with a dry, crumbly texture.

What does cream of tartar do in fudge? ›

Cream of tartar is used in caramel sauces and fudge to help prevent the sugar from crystallizing while cooking. It also prevents cooling sugars from forming brittle crystals, this is why it's the secret ingredient in snickerdoodles!

How do you cut fudge so it doesn't crumble? ›

Put both knives into a large measuring cup, add boiling water onto the knives, and before cutting the chocolate or the dessert into pieces, wipe the knife with a towel. The warm knife will easily cut through without cracking.

What is the best pan to make fudge in? ›

Secondly, the pot's material should allow for good heat distribution hence your top choice should be copper cookware or a pot with a copper core. Copper's exceptional heat conductivity offers unparalleled temperature control, an asset when working with finicky ingredients like sugar.


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.