Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (2024)

by Louise

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If you feel like something sweet but don’t want to leave your house, follow this easy recipe and whip up scrumptious pieces of microwave fudge in no time. For a bit of variation, add 25 ml sifted cocoa after adding the vanilla, or add cherries and/or nuts.


Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (1)

Microwave Fudge

  • Author: Louise

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When you want something super sweet and quick, you’ll love this microwave fudge recipe!


  • 1 can full cream condensed milk
  • 100 g margarine
  • 500 ml castor sugar
  • 5 ml vanilla essence


  1. Combine margarine, condensed milk and sugar in a large, deep, heat-resistant container.
  2. Microwave on HIGH for 2 ½ minutes or until margarine is melted. Stir well to combine all the melted ingredients.
  3. Microwave for 10 minutes on HIGH, stirring regularly.
  4. When mixture is a light caramel colour, add vanilla essence.
  5. Pour into lightly greased, flat container to set. When slightly cooled, cut into squares.

Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (4)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (5)Dianne

    This recipe is the best i have ever tried, it doesnt come out sugary at all! Its very yummy.

  2. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (6)glenda jacoby

    i cannot bake at all and i tried this recipe,i was so impressed it tasted just how i like it!!! so simple and easy anyone can make it.
    thank you sooooo much.

  3. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (7)Reinette

    I love this fudge! I have this recipe too and everybody loves this. Great recipe. Njoy

  4. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (8)Kanga

    I made it with my Girl Guides aged 10-14 yrs and had no problems following the recipe. The taste and texture of the finished product was great

  5. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (9)Hannah

    I love this site,so easy,so simple,thank you for these awesome recipes!
    All my friends and family love it to,and the finished product is no let down

  6. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (10)Carol

    Great recipe, I made it with butter rather than marg, much nicer I think!

  7. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (11)Joan Taylor

    I have had this recipe for years, so it was most interesting to find it on your website!! I think that it is the ONLY one to make, much less trouble than the kind you boil on the stove, and it turns out perfect every time! Great for gifts too, and quick to make! Your website is the best, simple recipes and not ingredients that are not usually in the house!

  8. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (12)shelly

    Yuuuumy!!simply the BEST!!

  9. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (13)Charne

    I made this recipe…LOVED IT! I used less sugar than the recipe calls for and it still tasted great! My now go-to fudge recipe

  10. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (15)Georgeie boy

    I am going to make this now, I’ll be back to see to let you know, ‘fingers crossed’, as i have just made the worst fudge known to man and beast, it was like kendal mint cake without the mint!!

  11. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (16)Aliya

    This was a hit last year at Christmas and I’m already getting asked about it for this year. Best easiest recipe ever!!

  12. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (17)Michelle


    • Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (18)Janet

      Cook it for longer, your microwave might not be as powerful.

  13. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (19)nj

    This recipe works well. I just need to get better at cutting it.

    Michelle: Try cooking it for longer. It should have a thick consistency and be a darker caramel colour before it’s ready. The length of time required for cooking varies based on the power of the microwave.

  14. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (20)Luna

    Wow! This was the first time I ever made fudge and it was almost perfect! I stopped watching the microwave for a second, and it all boiled over and made a terrible mess, so I poured what I could salvage into another container, and it mostly set. The graininess was just perfect, the taste was just perfect, but next time I’d like to try to get the colour right and get it to set properly. I’ll try again and this time not take my eyes off the microwave, but I’m very excited by how close it was!

  15. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (21)Jas

    Looks good..now just to convert this to conventional Cups instead of ml’s??

  16. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (22)Lucy

    Last time I tried to make this, i ended up with inedible hard toffee. However, I’ve realised what went wrong and plan to try again.

    I have one question: how much is a “can” of condensed milk? I can only get 250mls, but is this right?

  17. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (23)Cathy

    Cutting your fudge:
    I’ve made this fudge time and time again and it never fails. (I use 125g of butter).
    Here are some tips you may want to use:
    To remove and cut your fudge succesfully:lightly butter or spray your dish / mould, place some oversized wax paper (over the sides of your dish) into the dish, spray again very lightly. Then pour your fudge mixture into your dish. Wait for it to set (about 15 – 20 minutes, It must still be kinda soft but not hot. Place your cutting board over your dish, turn your dish upside down and gently pull on your wax paper. The fudge ‘cake’ will fall out. You can now cut your blocks and leave to dry / cool completely without breaking a sweat. It works like a dream.
    Also, if you rub a bit of butter all along the edges of your bowl the mixture tend to not boil over. (works for me). Happy fudge making.

  18. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (24)Kira

    The first time I made this fudge it came out perfectly but everytime I try to make it the butter separates and sits on top?? Im not doing anything differently, has anyone got any advice to stop this?

  19. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (25)Judy van der Eijk

    Bought a Sharp/microwave in South/A; this recipe came with it. Never fails.
    1 tin condensed milk
    2 Cups castor sugar (super fine or fruit sugar)
    1t vanilla
    1.Put all ing; in a Pyrex dish (dish must be at least 5inchs high or it will boil over.
    2.M/wave on high for 2 min (this stays the same for big or small M/Waves. Take out and stire very welltill eveything is dissolvedand looks like condenensed milk.
    Put back in m/w 10 min for big or 8 min for small m/w
    Take out add vanilla and stir very well till smooth and
    the bubblling (boiling ) stops. you must work quickly as it starts to set quickly. The dish will also be VERY HOT.Pour into a lightly sprayed 8X8 OR 8X 9 inch pan.Leave to set for about 6 min maybe more if your pan is smaller cut into squaresand leave to cool completely. (DO NOT PUT IN FRIDGE)store in a tupper type container. IT CAN THEN BE KEEPT INTHE FREEZER.Hope this helps some of you.

  20. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (26)ayanda

    omG, im in love with this recipe! The fudge tastes soooooooo goooooooood! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  21. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (27)sandra

    This is great I make traditional tablet all the time, but this is so easy. no standing for long periods and tastes just as good. mine took 5 mins longer as I do like the sugary texture, but still no hassle. Thank you for sharing this

  22. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (28)sibongile

    I give this recipe 10/10 – most simple, easy to follow instructions and tastes delicious.

  23. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (29)Sue

    Mine came out perfectly – I have had fudge failures using butter so stuck to marg and I greased the top of the bowl and it didnt boil over in the microwave – this has happened to me before – Thanks!

  24. Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (30)Lucy

    Can I use icing sugar instead of castor suger?


  1. […] Needless to say, according to these criteria I have never made perfect fudge, but I have made some stuff that tastes pretty good. Here’s a pic of the batch that I made the other day (you see, it’s crumbly), followed by the recipe from Just Easy Recipes. […]

  2. […] rice noodle, a bit of chili dipping sauce and veg, even a tin of tuna, can make a simple meal. Microwave Fudge Recipe | Just Easy Recipes Microwave recipes – Recipes – BBC Good Food Healthy Recipes for Your Microwave | Eating Well 8 […]

  3. […] old magazines, recipe books and the web, we decided that this microwave version from justeasyrecipes.co.zasoundedsimple, quick and close to the traditional fudge we usually make. It tookless than 15 […]

Easy Microwave Fudge Recipe Foolproof sweet fudge (2024)


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