Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (2024)

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Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (1)

One Bowl Coconut Lemon slice is exactly that, very quick to put together using just one bowl and baked in 25 minutes ready for morning, or afternoon tea or, to take on a picnic. It’s finished with a lemony icing that brings the whole slice together. The texture is soft, moist and delicious.

At a Glance This Is What You Need To Make Our Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice

Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (2)


Self Raising Flour
Desiccated Coconut
Caster Sugar
Vanilla Essence
Icing Sugar

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We love anything sweet made with lemons and are always on the hunt for the next lemon hit. Jen unearthed this little winner from her collection of recipes she’s had for years and years and had gone off her radar until now.

As Jen has the most prolific lemon tree there are always plenty of lemons ripening ready to use. We didn’t need to think twice when we read the recipe. It’s made with pantry staples and whipped up in minutes.

Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (3)

Quick to Make

This winning little one bowl coconut lemon slice couldn’t be easier to make. Simply throw all of the dry ingredients into the pan you melted the butter in and give it all a good mix.

Pour the mixture into a baking tin lined with baking paper and bung it in the oven. While the slice is baking, make the icing by mixing together the icing sugar, soft butter and lemon juice. Allow the slice to cool and spread with the icing. That’s it, too easy!

Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (4)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (5)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (6)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (7)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (8)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (9)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (10)
Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (11)

Don’t have the Right Pan Size – No Problem

It’s probably happened to all of us at some point – you decide to make a fabulous recipe only to find you need a pan that you have never owned nor are likely to need again……. What can you do. Easy! Run out and spend half the day trying to find a store that has your pan size, part with $30 and go home safe in the knowledge that you have the right pan for the job.

Or……. use a Cake Pan Converter which will give you the exact conversion rate. Doesn’t matter if you have a square tin instead of a round tin the converter will give you the exact formula to upscale or for that matter to down scale your recipe.

So don’t ever be put off again from making another recipe because you don’t have the exact pan.

Recently we came across one of the best and easiest conversion sites called Omni Calculator, and as the pan for One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice is an unusual size we thought this would be a good time to share our find.

We have placed a link to the site in the notes below the recipe.

Watch How to Make this Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice

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Check out some more winning lemon desserts to go with this One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice

Italian Lemon Almond and White Chocolate Cake

Italian Lemon Almond and White Chocolate Cake is so moist and lemony with white chocolate as a secret ingredient that adds a luxury smoothness to the dense crumb. This Italian Lemon Almond and White Chocolate Cake is a complete winner! Delicious, moist and utterly fantastic as an easy to make cake that completely delivers.

Edna’s Lemon Curd Cake

We love anything with lemon and Edna’s lemon curd cake is a cake to love. Quick to put together and super easy to make. It’s a perfect little cake for afternoon tea. All lemony with a dense crumb that’s perfect for serving with a dollop of freshly whipped cream. We came across this little winner on the net and immediately knew we had to bake it. We actually made it in a food processor and the mixture resembles a dough rather than a pouring consistency batter. This is not a deep cake by any means. It’s more of a teacake, but it’s quick and delicious!

Moist Lemon Sour Cream Cake

Moist Lemon sour cream cake is the latest addition to our growing number of dessert recipes made with lemons. It’s a butter cake made with sour cream which creates a moist, rich cake. Brushed with a sweet lemon syrup and topped off with a layer of lemon glaze it’s the perfect afternoon tea cake. There’s just something about lemons isn’t there?

Lemon Roulade

Lemon Roulade is a light as a feather sponge cake rolled with lemon curd and fresh, whipped cream. It’s a very quick recipe to put together, particularly if you have some lemon curd on hand, or use a good quality store bought curd.

We would love to hear from you in the comments below when you make this One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice.

Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (16)

Yield: 12 slices

One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes 20 seconds

Total Time: 35 minutes 20 seconds

This Coconut Lemon Slice is super easy to make and tastes like a lemon blondie.


  • 150 gm self raising flour (1 cup) (5.3oz)
  • 100 gm desiccated coconut (1 cup) (3.5oz)
  • 115gm butter, melted(4 oz)
  • 165 gm caster sugar (3/4 cup) (5.8oz)
  • 2 large eggs 60 gm (2oz)
  • 120 gm full cream milk (1/2 cup) (4 1/4oz)
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence

Lemon Icing

  • 1 1/2 cups icing sugar
  • 70 gm softened butter
  • 2-3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • zest of 1-2 lemons to garnish


  1. preheat oven to 180c (355f) bake not fan
  2. line a rectangular baking tin 18.5 x 25 cm (7 1/4 x 9 3/4 inch) - external base measurement with baking (parchment) paper
  3. If your caught out with the wrong pan size see the notes below for a link to an easy cake pan converter
  4. Melt the butter and allow to cool in the pan while you weigh the remaining ingredients
  5. to the butter pan add the milk, vanilla, eggs and sugar
  6. stir with a whisk until the eggs are well distributed
  7. now add the salt, coconut and flour and whisk until well combined - no flour or coconut showing
  8. pour into baking tin and bake for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer comes away clean
  9. remove the slice from the baking tin and peel away paper, then cool on an airing rack


  1. Mix the butter with the icing sugar until smooth
  2. now add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture a little at a time, stirring well after each addition so you achieve a smooth spreadable icing.
  3. ice the slice when cold, then sprinkle the lemon zest over the icing
  4. eat and enjoy


    Click on this link for the Easy Cake Pan Converter

    Recipe Winners has no affiliation with Omni Calculator

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    Easy One Bowl Coconut Lemon Slice - No Mixer - Recipe Winners (2024)


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