Forever Falling Into You - Chapter 1 - JayToZ - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)

Chapter Text

Percy's breath came ragged as Luke knocked the sword from his hand.
"Come on, Percy," Luke said, letting his sword rest by his side. "I know you can do better than that." Percy crouched down and rest his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths as he attempted to gather himself.
"Can I?" Percy asked, lifting his head to look at Luke, his face flushed and his forehead dripping with sweat. "We've been out here for hours and it doesn't feel like I'm getting any better." Luke looked at Percy with an empathetic expression.
"Wanna take a break?" He asked, to which Percy nodded.

The both of them sat on the forest floor, leaning against a tree stump on the exterior of the clearing they had been sparring in. Luke took a few swigs from his water bottle and offered it to Percy, who gratefully took it.
"You got something on your mind?" Luke asked. "I could see it on your face while you were practicing." Percy took a breath and leaned his head back against the stump, his dark hair contrasting the light brown of the stump beneath his head.
"Kind of, I guess," he answered, avoiding meeting Luke's gaze as he waited for him to elaborate. "It's just that...since the hell hound, it's like no one wants anything to do with me. Plus, Grover's been busy with Satyr stuff lately, so it feels like I don't have any friends here at camp. I know you said that they were probably just freaked out by the attack, but it just feels like no one here likes me." Percy stopped to breathe. "I want to have friends here, but it's like no matter how hard I try, no one wants to come near me."

Luke had sadness in his eyes as he looked at Percy.
"For what it's worth, Percy, I like you," Luke smiled, laying a reassuring hand on the younger boy's shoulder. Percy turned his head to look at Luke and gave a small smile.
"Thanks," Percy said. "It means a lot." Considering Luke was one of the most popular guys at Camp Half-Blood, it made Percy feel good that he liked him. Percy shifted his body so that he was leaning against Luke's shoulder, resting his hand on Luke's, and felt muscles he didn't know were tense relax. Luke lent down his head to rest it on top of Percy's.

The moment was perfect. The sounds of the forest played out around them, a gentle breeze cooled the sweat on their faces, and the solitude gave way to a sense of peacefulness. Luke's hand felt soft beneath Percy's, and Percy found himself absent-mindedly running his fingers across the back of Luke's thumb.
"Hey, Luke?" Percy said quietly.
"Yeah?" Luke responded, raising his head up off Percy's. Turning to face him, Percy took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pressed his lips against Luke's. Percy felt Luke tense and inhale sharply with surprise before relaxing against him. The kiss was clumsy, just Percy’s face pressed against Luke’s, but it said everything that Percy had wanted to say.

Luke slid his hands along Percy’s jaw, cupping his cheek, and reciprocated the kiss. Shakily, Percy pulled back ever so slightly, so his lips were free but his nose was still brushing Luke's.
"Did you mean it when you said you liked me?" Percy asked, his voice just below a whisper. Luke moved his hand to the back of Percy's neck.
"Yeah. I did." He then pulled him back against him, their lips smashing together again, but now with more fever, more feeling. Percy's face was hot with emotion, eagerly pushing into Luke, trying to get closer, as if he could phase into the other.

Percy swung his leg over to the other side of Luke's hips to sit on his lap. He pulled away enough to say against Luke's lips, "I want you to touch me." He could feel Luke start to grow hard beneath him. Luke turned to place a kiss to Percy's cheek, then to his jaw, and his neck. Percy sat shaking on Luke’s lap, the knees of his jeans rubbing into the dirt, groaning softly as Luke pressed kisses to the skin of his face, his hand trailing down Percy's front, slowing once he reached the top of his jeans.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Luke asked, his hand stopped just above Percy's crotch.
"I'm sure. Please just..." Percy whined, grabbing Luke's wrist and bringing his hand down to touch him. Luke grinned and with one hand, unbuttoned Percy's jean and slipped his hand beneath the waistband of his briefs. Percy's breath quickened as Luke began to stroke his small co*ck, continuing to press kisses against the side of his face.

Percy's cheeks continued to grow red as Luke touched him. His breathing got shallower and his muscles tensed. He felt something, a strange sensation, growing inside of his gut. Luke's other hand reached up Percy's shirt and began to gently rub his thumb across his nipple, drawing a yelp out of the smaller boy.
"Luke...Luke," Percy panted, his hand holding on tightly to Luke's forearm. "Something feels my stomach." Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.
"Do you want me to stop?" Luke asked, looking up at Percy, slowing the pace of his hand. Percy shook his head violently, silently begging Luke to continue. Luke smiled and resumed his pace, feeling Percy's muscles tighten as his org*sm approached.

Percy cried out in pleasure as he came, spilling his climax over the inside of his underwear and Luke's hand. Tears spilled out of Percy's eyes as his body shook with pleasure. Luke pressed a kiss to Percy's lips, feeling his moans against him. Luke continued to stroke him through his org*sm, slowing when Percy's breathing began to even out. Luke, maintaining eye contact with Percy, pulled his hand out from Percy's jeans and licked the sem*n from his hand. Percy's cheeks flushed red and he hid his face in the crook of Luke’s neck, pulling a laugh from the older boy. Luke wrapped his arm around the small of Percy’s back, hugging his body to him. His other arm reached up to play with the soft curl’s in Percy’s hair.

Percy kept his face hidden against Luke's shoulder, breathing in his scent in his post-climax bliss. A few stray tears dripped onto Luke's skin. By his thigh, Percy could feel Luke's erection, still begging for attention. Percy wanted to give him some sort of resolution like Luke had done for him, but he didn't know how. Suddenly, he remembered one of the few lessons from school he had actually paid attention to.

"Luke," Percy started, to which Luke hummed in response. "There's something I wanna try, if that's ok."
"What's that?" Luke asked, with an inquisitive tone. Percy looked embarrassed before he answered.
"I want to have sex with you." Luke brushed a gentle finger across Percy's flushed cheek, turning his head to look at Percy’s face. Luke's eyebrows raised a little, but he didn't look too taken aback.
"We could, but are you sure you want to? I don't want to hurt you," Luke said, still tenderly caressing Percy's face. Luke's careful touches on his skin and gentle voice only solidified Percy's decision.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Percy said. "I'll be ok, and I'll tell you if I wanna stop." Luke leaned over and kissed Percy again.

Gently, Luke grabbed Percy by his waist and pushed him backwards onto the earth so that he lay on his back, pressed against the cold dirt with Luke positioned over him. With mindful hands, Luke helped Percy work his orange Camp Half-Blood shirt over his torso and his head and he tossed it to the side. Luke leaned down to place kisses on Percy's ribs and sternum, pulling a laugh from the boy beneath him. Luke slipped his own shirt off and tossed it to the side, on top of Percy's. He reached down and undid the button and zipper on Percy's jeans and slipped them and his underwear off, pulling his legs to either side of Luke's hips.

Percy felt very exposed, and decidedly a little cold, laying beneath Luke. Percy watched with an aroused fascination as Luke stuck two of his fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue around them, winking at Percy when he noticed him watching. Luke then withdrew his fingers from his mouth, a string of saliva still connecting them to his lips, and leaned forward, keeping his hand by Percy's thigh.
"This might feel a bit weird," Luke warned him before he inserted a single finger inside of Percy.

Luke was right, it did feel weird. An involuntary whine escaped Percy's lips at the foreign intrusion. Luke inserted his finger up to the first knuckle and then paused.
"Do you feel OK?" He asked. "Does it hurt?"
"I'm fine," Percy sighed, his body still adjusting to the sensation. Percy took a couple breaths and then nodded at Luke, signaling for him to move further in. Luke pushed his finger in a little further, up to the second knuckle, then began to thrust it in and out. Percy's breathing was uneven, filled with an odd pleasure, as he processed the feeling of Luke's finger within him.

Percy reached down and grabbed Luke's free hand, interlacing his fingers with his.
"You're doing great, you're doing so great," Luke assured him, squeezing his hand. An erection Percy had not been aware of throbbed at his words. Luke noticed, and took mental note of the reaction.
"Alright, it's gonna feel a bit weird again, are you ready?" Luke asked, withdrawing his finger to the point where it was almost completely out. Percy nodded and deeply inhaled as he got ready for whatever Luke was about to do.

Luke withdrew his finger, brought forward his other spit-soaked finger and thrust both inside Percy. Percy yelped with surprise at the increased feeling and his eyes grew wide then relaxed. Luke leaned down and whispered soft encouragements in Percy’s ear. He continued to push his fingers in and out of Percy, whose face was flushed and the shine of tears once again returned to his eyes. It seemed that stimulation like this tended to bring out tears in the younger of the two. Slowly enough, the resistance to Luke’s fingers lessened as Percy's body grew used to the stretch.

Luke withdrew his fingers and Percy looked up to him, wondering what was going to come next. Luke reached down to undo his belt and Percy's eyes widened, with both excitement and anticipation, but Luke couldn't quite read his emotions.
"It's not too late to back out, you know. One last time, are you sure you want to do this with me?" He asked, one hand on his belt and one hand on Percy's bare chest. Percy nodded his head vigorously, his eyes focused on Luke's crotch. Luke chuckled and undid his belt and removed his jeans.

Percy stared at Luke's now free co*ck, practically dwarfing his own, with lust in his eyes. Luke slipped his fingers under Percy's chin and lifted his face up, pressing a kiss to his forehead. As Luke positioned himself against Percy, he said in a care-filled voice,
"Let me know if you want to stop." Leaning his forehead against Percy's, Luke pushed in. A loud cry broke free of Percy's lips and he arched his back. He quickly slapped a hand to his mouth as if he could stifle the sound that had already been released. Luke laughed quietly.
"Is this OK?" He asked.
"Yes, yeah, keep going," Percy responded, his back flattening out again.

Luke continued to push in, Percy breathing rapidly beneath him, gripping tightly to the hand on his chest. Once he was completely inside, he paused to take a breath. Luke would be lying if he said this didn't feel like it would be the best sex he had had in a long time, potentially the best sex he had ever had. Luke lowered his head against Percy, their cheeks touching, Percy’s arms wrapping around his upper back, and took a moment to just feel Percy around him.
"You ready?" Luke asked, turning his head slightly so his lips brushed Percy’s ear. Percy made an affirmative hum and Luke began to move.

At first, Percy felt an uncomfortable, maybe even painful, stretch with jolts of pleasure every few seconds. As Luke continued to move, the pain dulled, being numbed by the feeling of Luke around him, whispering encouragement as Percy’s expression slowly melted from one of discomfort into one of arousal that at this point had been foreign to him.

Now, the pleasure was overwhelming not just for Luke, but for Percy too. Percy kept his arms wrapped around Luke, holding him close as Luke whispered praises into his ear, telling him he was perfect and how beautiful he was. All of Percy's thoughts outside of this moment had broken down to meaningless whispers in the overpowering noise that was the two of them. Luke tried to keep his thrusts even, but the euphoria of Percy surrounding him made it hard to keep any sort of rhythm.

Luke pressed sloppy, wet kisses on Percy's lips, holding his cheek in his hand.
"You're doing so good, oh my god, you feel amazing," Luke slurred against Percy's lips. Percy clung to Luke, his encouragements only adding to the pleasure of the older boy inside him. His nails dug into Luke's back, leaving light pink scratches, as he arched into him, reaching for a kiss every time Luke's face came close to his. Every small moan from Percy as Luke hit deeper inside him drove the both of them closer and closer to climax.

Tears flowed down Percy's cheeks with every new feeling being thrust into his body and mind and small hiccups escaped his lips intermixed with moans. If Luke had been more coherent, he would have made sure Percy was OK, but in his state of intense arousal, all he could do was kiss Percy's face as the tears flowed and hug him closer to his body. When Luke could feel himself getting close to his org*sm, he reached down and began to stroke Percy's co*ck in pace with his thrusts.

Percy tried to bucked into Luke's hand as he touched him.
"L-Luke, I think I'm gonna..." Percy said, trailing off into an indiscernible mumble.
"Me too," Luke agreed, his thrusts growing faster and shallower.
"Percy," Luke moaned into Percy's ear. "Percy, AH!" With a final deep thrust, Luke released inside of Percy. That final thrust had been enough to push Percy over the edge as well, and with a final screaming moan, he came onto his stomach.

Both Luke and Percy sat there, covered in sweat and Percy’s org*sm, breathing heavily. Neither moved for quite some time, both enjoying the feeling of still being joined and simply lacking the energy. Luke wrapped his arms around Percy, rolling the pair of them so Percy rest on top of him, his back to the air, and held him close. Not without effort, Luke withdrew from Percy and lay there next to him, both of them still attempting to catch their breath.

"That was awesome," Percy whispered, his breathing finally evened out.
"It really was," Luke agreed, his hand rubbing gentle circles across Percy's back.
"If we stay out here too much longer, I think I'm gonna fall asleep," Percy said, a yawn clinging to the end of his sentence. Luke laughed.
"Come on," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of Percy's head. "Let's get dressed. I'll take you back to your cabin."

Forever Falling Into You - Chapter 1 - JayToZ - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.