Inspections: Structural, Roofs, Walls, Foundation, Health & Safety - real estate services - craigslist (2024)


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Inspections: Structural, Roofs, Walls, Foundation, Health & Safety - real estate services - craigslist (1)

license info: ROC-298078, B-General Residential Contractor

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Let us Identify the Cause of Structural Failure/Issues on the Inside or Outside of Your Home:
Drywall Cracks in Wall and on Ceilings.
Cracks in Concrete Floors and Driveways.
Stucco Cracks
Framing Failures
Foundation Cracks and Settling Issues
Roof System Failures Due to Trusses or Plywood.
Yard Grading and Drainage Issues.
Masonry, Fencing, Exterior Walls. Retaining Walls
Fireplaces, BBQ's, Fire Pits, Gas

Our work also includes all storm, fire, accident related damage claims to homes and property..

We will Perform the appropriate test or testing that may be required.
We will put into a report our findings, and make recommendations on how these issues should be resolved.

When requested, We will make all the repairs to the work noted above.

My 44+ years of experience allows me to bring a wide array of skills and knowledge to resolve all work noted above.

Call today so we can schedule a time to meet, and I will send you my 4 page CV outlining my professional experience.

Michael L. Keith
ExpertsAz, LLC
(602) 541-6945

Fenwick Construction Services, Inc.
ROC-298078, B-General Residential Contractor
























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a, a/c, abilities, ability, able, able, about, above, act, ad, add, addition, additions, advisor, afford, affordable, after, again, against, age, aged, ago, air, air, air-conditioning, airconditioning, all, almost, along, also, aluminum, always, America, American, among, an, and, and, animal, animal, animals, annex, another, answer, any, apartment, apartments, apostles, appear, appliance, appliances, arbor, Arcadia, are, area, Arizona, arm, armed, around, as, asbestos, ask, asphalt, assessment, at, authentic, auto, automotive, away, az., b, b, back, bacteria, bacterial, bar-b-q, barbeques, bare, barn, base, base, baseboard, based, basem*nt, basem*nts, bath, bathroom, bathrooms, baths, bathtub, BBQ, be, bear, bearing, beautiful, beauty, because, bed, Bee, beehive, beehives, bees, before, began, begin, behind, being, belief, believable, below, belowground, best, best, better, between, bib, bible, bibs, big, binder, bird, birdnest, birds, black, black, bless, block, blocks, blue, board, boarded, boards, boat, body, bonafide, bond, bonded, bonder, bonds, book, both, bought, box, box, boxes, boy, brick, bricks, bring, bringing, brother, brotherly, brought, brush, brushed, bubbler, bubblers, build, builder, builders, business, businesses, busy, but, by, cabinet, cabinets, call, came, camera, can, cans, car, carpenter, carpentry, carpet, carpeting, carried, carry, cars, case, casem*nt, cases, cat, cats, caulk, caulking, caulks, cause, caused, causing, cedar, ceiling, ceilings, cement, cements, center, center, centers, central, certain, chair, chance, chances, change, changed, charitable, charitable, charity, check, checking, chemical, chemicals, child, children, chimney, choice, choose, Christ, Christian, Christmas, church, city, class, clean, cleaning, cleans, clear, client, close, closet, closets, cloth, coarse, coat, coating, coatings, coats, cognition, collapse, collapsible, collapsing, cold, coldest, color, come, command, commanded, commercial, common, companies, company, complete, completed, completing, completion, composite, conception, concrete, condition, conditioning, conditioned, condo, condominium, condominiums, condos, construct, constructed, constructing, construe, construed, construction, contain, contract, contractor, contractors, contracts, cool, cooling, cools, copper, corporate, corporation, corral, corrals, correct, corrected, correcting, could, counter, counters, countertop, country, county, course, court, courts, cover, coverage, covered, covering, covers, covers, crack, cracking, cracks, craft, craftsman, craftsman, craftsmanship, craftsmen, crazy, cried, crown, cry, crying, cultured, custom, cut, cuts, cutting, damage, damages, dark, day, decide, decided, deciding, deck, decks, decorate, decorative, decorator, deep, defect, defected, defects, deflection, deflect, defects, deliver, demo, demolition, denomination, depend, depends, dependable, dependability, depended, depending, design, designer, designs, desire, develop, development, did, differ, different, direct, direction, directly, directory, disciples, discipleship, discovery, dishwasher, do, document, documents, doer, doers, does, dog, dog, doggie, don't, done, door, doors, doorbell, downstairs, drain, draining, drainage, drains, draw, draw, drawing, drawing, drawings, draws, drive, driver, driving, dry, dry, dryer, dryrot, drywall, drywalls, dual, dumb, during, each, early, earth, ease, easier, east, easy, eat, efficiency, efficient, eight, electric, electrical, electrician, enable, enabled, enabling, end, energy, enough, enter, entering, entry, entryway, environ, environment, environmental, epoxy, estate, estates, estimate, estimate, estimates, estimating, estimator, even, evenly, ever, every, everyone, example, expansive, expand, expanded, expanding, experience, experiencing, experienced, experiences, extension, exterior, eye, fabricate, fabricated, fabricating, facing, faced, face, fact, faith, faithful, fall, falling, falls, family, fan, fans, far, farm, farmer, farming, fascia, fast, fastest, father, fatherly, farther, faucet, faucets, feel, feeling, feet, fell, fence, fenced, fencing, few, FHA, field, fielding, fielded, figure, figured, fill, filter, filters, filtration, final, find, fine, finish, finishes, finishing, fire, fires, fire-pits, fireplace, firedog, first, fish, fished, fishing, five, fix, fixated, fixed, fixing, fixable, fixture, fixtures, flat, flip, flipped, flipper, flipping, flips, floor, flooring, floors, fly, flying, foam, foamed, foaming, foams, follow, followed, followers, following, food, foot, footage, footer, footing, for, forced, force, forces, forcing, foreclose, foreclosing, foreclosed, foreclosure, foreign, forgive, forgiven, forgave, forgiveness, forgiving, form, formed, forming, found, foundation, foundations, four, fostering, foster, fostered, frame, framed, frames, framing, frank, frankly, frantic, free, freed, freeing, freely, freer, friend, friendly, from, front, full, fully, fume, fumes, fuming, furnace, furnaces, further, furthering, garage, garaged, garages, gas, gassed, gases, gate, gate, gates, gates, gave, gay, gazebo, general, general, generally, generously, get, girl, give, given, glass, go, god, godly, gold, good, got, govern, grand, granite, grate, grates, gray, great, great, greater, greatest, green, green, grill, grills, ground, group, grow, guard, gutter, gutters, guy, gypsum, had, half, halves, hand, hand, hands, handy, handy, handyman, handyman, handymen, hang, hanging, hangs, happen, hard, hardwood, has, have, he, head, heady, headily, health, healthful, healthy, hear, heard, hearing, heart, heat, heat, heater, heaters, heating, heating, heats, help, her, here, high, highly, him, his, historical, historical, history, history, hold, holder, holding, home, home, homes, honest, honestly, honey, horizontal, horse, horses, hose, hoses, hot, hotter, hottest, hour, house, how, hundred, hung, I, idea, if, illegal, illegally, important, improve, improvement, improves, in, inability, inch, incorporating, incorporation, Indian, inquisitor, inside, insides, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, install, installation, installed, installer, installers, installs, insulate, insulated, insulation, insulator, insurance, insurances, insure, insuring, interest, interested, interesting, interior, interiors, interrogate, interrogating, interrogated, interrogator, into, invent, inventing, invented, investigation, investigations, investigate, investigator, investigators, investment, investments, iron, iron, irons, is, island, it, it's, its, Jesus, journeyman, judge, judgement, just, keep, kind, king, kitchen, kitchens, knew, know, knowledge, knowledgeable, kool, lady, ladies, lateral, land, landscape, landscapes, landscaping, language, large, last, lat, late, later, laugh, laughing, laundry, laundry, lead, leak, leakage, leaked, leaking, leaks, learn, learned, learning, leave, leaving, left, less, let, letter, letting, level, leveling, levels, liable, liability, license, licensed, licenses, life, light, lighter, lightest, lightly, like, line, line, lines, list, listed, listen, listening, listing, lists, little, live, lively, local, lock, lock, lockable, locker, locker, locking, Locking, locks, locks, long, longed, longer, longing, look, lot, love, lovely, loving, low, lumber, machine, machine, machinery, machinery, machines, made, made, mail, mailbox, mailboxes, mailed, mails, main, make, maker, making, man, man, manage, management, manager, many, map, maple, mapping, marble, mark, marked, married, mason, masonry, master, material, materials, me, mean, meaningful, measure, measure, measurement, measurements, measures, measuring, measuring, mechanical, mirror, member, men, men, mid, might, mile, military, mind, mine, minister, minister, ministries, ministry, minute, mirrors, miss, missed, missing, mold, molding, molds, money, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mountain, move, moved, moving, much, music, must, my, name, natural, NE, near, need, never, new, newer, next, nickel, night, nine, no, noon, north, not, notch, note, nothing, notice, notified, now, number, numbers, numeral, NW, oak, oath, object, occupation, odor, odors, of, off, officer, often, oh, old, on, on-time, once, one, only, onto, open, opened, opener, opening, oral, order, ordered, ordering, osmosis, other, our, out, outside, outsides, oven, over, own, owned, owning, page, paint, painter, painting, pane, panel, paneling, panels, panic, paper, papering, park, parked, parking, parson, pass, pass-through, passage, passing, pasture, patch, patches, patching, patio, patios, pattern, peace, pen, penetration, pens, people, pergo, perhaps, permit, permits, person, pet, pets, phone, phones, photo, photograph, photographs, photography, photos, picture, piece, pigeon, pigeons, pine, pines, pizza, place, plain, plan, plan, plane, planner, planning, plans, plans, plant, plaster, plastering, play, plumb, plumber, plumbers, plumbing, point, police, policeman, pond, ponding, ponds, pool, pool, pools, popcorn, popcorn, port, portable, pose, possible, possibly, post, post-tension, posted, posting, pound, pounded, pounding, power, powered, powering, preservation, press, pressing, pressure, price, priced, prices, pricing, pride, primary, problem, produce, product, profession, professional, propane, protect, protected, protecting, protector, pull, pulled, puller, pulling, pump, pumps, punch, pure, purifier, purifiers, put, qualification, qualifier, qualify, quality, queen, question, questions, quick, quickly, quote, quoted, quotes, quoting, rail, railing, rain, raining, rains, ran, rate, rates, rating, reach, read, reading, ready real, really, real, real-estate, realization, realize, realtor, reason, reasonable, reasonably, reasons, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, record, recorded, recorder, recreation, recreational, red, reface, refinish, refinish, refinished, refinishes, refinishing, refinishing, reflective, reliable, reliably, rely, relying, relied, remember, remembered, remembering, remodel, remodel, remodeled, remodeled, remodeler, remodelers, remodeling, remodeling, remodels, removal, remove, removing, renovate, renovation, rent, rental, rentals, repair, repairs, replace, replaced, replacement, replaces, report, reported, reporting, reports, residence, residential, rest, retain, retained, retainer, retaining, retains, retrace, retraced, retracing, reverse, reversing, reversed, reverses, right, rise, risen, risen, risk, river, road, rock, rocking, rocks, roof, roofing, roofs, room, room, room, rooms, rose, roses, rot, rots, rotten, rotting, round, rounded, rounding, rule, ruler, rules, ruling, run, running, rust, rusted, rusting, rusts, Rv, RV, said, same, sand, sand, sanding, sands, saw, say, school, schoolhouse, science, scratch, scratched, scratches, screen, screens, se, sea, seal, sealer, sealers, sealing, season, seasoned, seasons, second, second, secondary, security, see, see, seem, seen, self, sentence, separate, separator, separated, separating, separation, septic, serve, served, server, service, service, services, servicing, serving, set, seven, several, sewer, shall, shape, she, shed, sheds, shingle, shingles, shingling, ship, shipped, shipping, shop, shopper, shopping, shops, short, should, show, shower, showers, side, side, siding, siding, sign, silver, simple, sing, singing, sink, sinks, sit, site, sitting, six, size, sized, skill, skilled, sky, skylight, skylights, sleep, sling, slow, slower, slowly, small, smaller, smallest, smell, smells, smoke, snow, so, society, solar, solution, some, something, sometimes, song, soon, sound, sound, sounding, sounds, south, space, speaker, speakers, special, specialist, spell, sprinkler, sprinklers, square, stable, stables, stain, stains, stair, staircase, stairs, stall, stalls, stand, standard, standards, star, start, started, starting, state, stately, stated, stating, stay, stayed, steam, steaming, steel, steely, steep, steeper, steeply, step, still, stink, stockade, stone, stood, stop, stoppage, stopped, storm, storms, store, stored, storing, storied, story, straight, straightforward, street, strip, strips, strong, structural, structure, structures, stucco, study, stuff, stuffed, stuffing, sub, subrogation, subterranean, such, sundeck, sun, sunlight, sunshade, sun-screen, sunroom, support, supporting, sure, surface, surfaced, surfacing, sw, sworn, synthetic, system, systems, table, take, talent, talented, talk, talking, tall, tank, tanks, tar, teach, tell, ten, tenant, tenants, test, tested, testing, testimony, than, thank, that, the, their, them, then, there, thermal, thermo, thermometer, thermostat, these, they, thing, think, this, those, thought, thousand, three, threshold, thresholds, through, tile, tiles, tiling, time, to, today, together, toilet, toilets, told, too, took, top, top, top-notched, topping, tops, toward, town, travel, tree, trellis, triple, true, trust, trustworthy, truth, truthfulness, try, turbine, turbines, turn, twelve, two, under, underground, underneath, underside, unit, until, up, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upright, upstairs, us, USA, use, usual, usually, VA., valve, valves, vanities, vanity, vapor, veneer, veneered, veneering, vent, venting, vents, very, vet, veteran, vineyard, vinyl, vertical, vision, visioning, voice, wait, waiter, walk, walk, walking, wall, walling, wallpaper, wallpapering, wallpapers, walls, want, war, warm, warmer, warn, warning, warranty, was, wash, wash, washer, washing, washing, watch, water, water, watering, way, we, wear, weather, week, weigh, weight, weld, welder, welding, well, well, wells, went, were, west, what, wheel, when, where, which, while, white, who, whole, why, will, wind, window, windows, wing, with, witness, witnesses, witnessed, without, wonder, wonderful, wood, wood, woods, woodworker, word, work, work, workmanship, world, would, write, written, wrought, year, years, yes, yet, you, young, your, zone, zoning.

Phoenix, Sun City, Sun City West, Scottsdale, Carefree, Cave Creek, Anthem, Paradise Valley, Glendale, Goodyear, Litchfield, Peoria, Surprise, Arrowhead, Youngtown, Avondale, El Mirage, Waddell, Buckeye, New River, Metro Center, Arcadia area, Including all county islands located within North-Northwest-Northeast and Central Maricopa County.

The following list of 120 are a selected few of the 280+ names, that represent the majority of the Incorporated and Unincorporated Cities, Towns, and Reservations located in Arizona.

Arizona City, Arizona Village, Ash Fork, Avondale, Bagdad, Black Canyon, City, Blackwater, Buckeye, Bullhead City, Camp Verde, Carefree, Casa Grande, Cave Creek, Chandler, Chino Valley, Clarkdale, Claypool, Clifton, Colorado City, Cordes Lakes, Cornville, Cottonwood, Cottonwood-Verde Village, Desert Hills, Dewey-Humboldt, Ehrenberg, El Mirage, Flagstaff, Fountain Hills, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Grand Canyon Village, Holbrook, Jerome, Kachina Village, Kaibab, Kingman, Lake Havasu City, Lake Montezuma, Litchfield Park, Maricopa, Mayer, Mesa, Mohave Valley, Mojave Ranch Estates, Mountainaire, Munds Park, New River, Nogales, Paradise Valley, Parker, Parker Strip, Paulden, Payson, Peach Springs, Peeples Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Pine, Pinetop-Lakeside, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Quartzsite, St. David, St. Johns, St. Michaels, Salome, San Carlos, San Luis, San, Manuel, Scottsdale, Sedona, Seligman, Sells, Strawberry, Sun City, Sun City West, Sun Lakes, Sun Valley, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Tonto Basin, Tuba City, Wenden, Wickenburg, Williams, Williamson, Willow Valley, Winslow, Yarnell, Young, Youngtown, Yuma


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    Inspections: Structural, Roofs, Walls, Foundation, Health & Safety - real estate services - craigslist (2024)


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