· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (2024)· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (1)

VICTORY. . . r^B lcaa XOCB help. B o j *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a e u l

A IlcsloRal Newspaper Serving Nine Irrig a ted Idnho Counties

WAR BULLETIN;FORT MORKSBY. New O td se a , S o n - <

d»y. April U m —Allied bombcts. m - “ comtuuiied by A uiraU ui tlltaU n, M t e . k brilUftnUjr lacccttfnl ftttsek jm lcrdcjr on the Japanese bM« at L u In nwUierB New Guinea, peDRdlDr enemy ■UppUv, rrounded a lrcn tt Mtd anll*alRnXt cn « plM«raenU.

VOL. 24, NO. 308 TWn^ FALLS, IDAHO. SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1912 M»ml.»T Aodll RurMa of CIrrtli AuMUud l-NM in# Unlud r PRICE 6 CBN T3

U. S. FORGES TO BOMB NAZIS10,000 Japs Will Come Into Idaho On Army’s Order

BOISE, April 11 (/I’)—Annouiicemciil of a war dcpnrlnicnl decision lo pliicc 10.000 coast Jnimneac in Idaho today brouRhl iijimcdinlu cotijccturo th a t tHc cvucuccs from coast defciiae area.s would be,placed for the war’.s duration in-a camp on the Hlack canyon reclamation project between Caldwell und New I’lym oulh.

G overnor Clark inmounced Idaho had bcun/alloted 10.001) of the more than 100,000 alien and Americnn-born Japanese lo be removed from the coast

^ but said location of the camp ^ wa.*5 ‘‘a m atter that m ust bo

re leased 'by the war depart­m ent."

I t wna rccullea l!in m onlh ,ik boa rd cllspatcUcd b y 'U . G en . J . L. D cW lll or llic uc;iicrtJ dcfcii;,o commftiid ImiK'cictl a oecUon of th e

i Blade Cnnyon j)roJcci mid tiskcd for com prclirnslvo /.iirvcya on Uic tn ic t.

AJUioUK^ tiic covernur declined lo liliclost now the evncuees woulU be liandlcd, conimcnunK lie lind n o t been fiuUiorlicd lo do i.u by tin; war de partn icn t. a plan w».n cxpcclcd a lm llnr 10 th a t InsUliilcd by th e arm y In cnstcrn California.

lUmoval Ceiilen . " Two temixirnrj' alien removal cen-

tc ri have beqn established Uicre. a t Owens valley, wlicrc 8,000 a crcj were made a mlUiary reservation, and a t B lythe, w here t!\erc a te 180.000

ClnJk ha* co iiibtenily opposed sale or lease of land lo Uie transp lan ted Japanese a n d has asked th a t. U th e Japanese a re brought la they be kep t u n d e r guard " lo r ihelr own p ro - lecUon a.1 much as the sta le 's vita l raclUUes."

Col. K arl R. BendetscQ. a ssis tan t chief o f stAfr o( the western detenAC M m m ond a t San >'ranclsco. disclos­ed th e decision to remove the J a p ­anese to Idalio In A telephone call to th e governor lu b night.' H e w as assured. Clark w id . Uint

the s U te would assist In c.-tM->n« o u t th e « a r deputm tnV s p lon t. ,. A .»t»t«nei>t h iX J f r .p j .W U

V ' le rday Indicated tlie Japanese would be moved in to U » sta le by May 30 wfUt th e Indux reaching Us peak by A pril 30,

C an D« Kmployei]II a cam p like In Callto rn la

lA e.iioblIshe<i Inmates could be em ­ployed on labor projects as m lnht be agreed upon between the camp m an- ttiiem ent a n d ladlviduali dc.slrlns la ­bor. th e governor expliiltied.

Eatabli/ihm ent of tlie camp on the 52,000 acre Ulack canyon project was predicted a t Nysia. Ore.. by GeorRe Alkcn. exccullve secretary to OovemoT C hnrits A. SptftRUe ol O re -


W ASIU N aTO N , April 11 (-T) — T he w ar production board Uxluy o r­dered all production ol trucks for civilian U.1C hnlletl a flt r^ p re sc n t tjuolaa a rc completed. Q

In o th e r actions, the b o iii^ Forbftde furUier mnmifacture (St

rubber blowout shoe.i as an "uneco­nom ical form of tire repair,"

Forbade Vbe sale. ltu»t o r option of uvcd el«:ti;lc generailnB equip­m ent anti used steam boilers w lth-

^ • out specific Bovernment auUvorlra- tlon. T h is order applies lo m anufac­turers. whole.'.alers, dealers .and nil other personn witli such equipment

« . in Uielr poiae.vilon, E qulpm er' ' worUt lc.« Uinii »1,000 a unit Is ex

empt.P roducers of meiflum trucks wi

iiave u n til April 30 to cto:^ tloo.- the ir assem bly lines, while manu

------ --- of heavy trucks mu:.l finIsh by May 31. rroductlon of light trucks slopiKd last Peb, I.

WPO officials eslimaled thiU, w h e n ^ i f truck production im ahy ceasCs, some 07,000 medium and heavy vehicles will have been m anu­fac tured since Ja n . 1, compared wiiii About sa,000 produced durlnK ihe f i r s t tliree m ontlu of la s t year,

.All trucks produced between now alid th e shutdow n dale will be fro i-

1 au tom atica lly subject to ra tion-



Americaji submnrlnes, jirow llns tiie w eatern Pacific, iiave iiunlt four more Jupnnese vesseU IncludliiK a destroy­e r and a larae tc^n^5» t^ , \i\c navy announced today, ,

T lie o ther ships sent to the bot- im were o 1,000-ton m erchant v « -

sel ond a submarine cha^cr. In ad ­dition. hits were wored on a crul;.er a ho lhcr large trainiw rt and a <,000.

frelHhter. Tlie liiiier ve.iscl. r communique said, po.sslbly /,ank.

"nje communique covered ope ra ­tions by two BUbtnarlnes. I t said one had sunl^ th e m erchant slilp, the

lb chaser and hit Uie freighter.Revenra figures

Some operations of tlie other .%ub m arine had been reported in a com. munlquo & week ago. Today's an- ing die earlier report, added tiie tran spo rti , the destroyer and the cru iser Co Its wore, but w ithdrew an e arlie r aimouncement Uiat this sub­m arine Nad h i t tii'O scBplane icndeni. O n r ot -4ie Won»port3..lhe navy sold, .> ;aa.^^taicB ulr «<itmtflcg e arlie r ••• two seaplane tenders. .

A gainst the .« succaue.i tlie na . had to report tha t Uie subm arine Perch was ix monUj overdue and presum ed lo be lost. Qhe wn.i repotted, a communique said. In Java f,ea,

Kourlli Sub to i l Perch was Uie fourth .'ubn |.' t or mLvslng since the and the 2SUi Amerfcan n

■nnnunccd as x-year-oUl IJJO-lon cra ft, the

Perch wa.-. commanded by U cu t. Com mander David Albert Uvirt. 3B. of PoundhiK Mill. Va., and norm ally

irr led a crew of 50. «Tlie submarine which baoKcd tin

Japane fc de.itroyer announced In to day'.% communique netted a to ta l o one, one destroyer and oni tran.^port .sunk niifl/two crvll^crs. i


Standard Package Set for Shipping Of Idaho’s SpudsIDAHO FALLS. April 11 (fl’l—Ida­

ho po ta toes no longer may be pack' aged In 10-pound »ack.i. Carl De. Long, sccretAry of tlic Idaho T raf. flc aasoclaUon. said tonight,

D eL on j lold members of th e oa- MiclaUon th a t E. 8 . Harper of T a in ra ils , m em ber of the national com­mittee. inform ed him packaclng iiad been su n d a rd ire d a t lOO, 50 and U pounds. H arper now is altendltig a cohlcrcnce on shipping problems a t Chicago. ^

The 10-pound package had M en incrtraslng In popularity In recen t year*. D eLong said, and was in itia l ' ed to cxunpeVc with the peck pack age used by Maine growers.

The annuo l con»-enUon o t the as tociatlon will be conducted Ju n e 20 and 21 » t Sun Valley and will be a ' ’ilr lc lly buslnets" session, DeLongMid.

trnnspori. i Identified viV.el damaKed In

n siniile patrol In ihA Pacific and -fhe Ind ian

TRAGEDYSH nuV EPO nT, U .. April IK'Vi

—Nflrma'n Coy Ollvpr wa.i to have m arried Loti E m ore In.' l niRht before being inducted Inlo th e arm y, but—

Searehcrs were looking, today for the 21-ycar-Qld RlrJ'sTiody In murky Cnddo Inke where she and he r s tep-fa ther drowned In a boat accident, r.o—

Ollver'n « le c ll \e ^ervlce board heard of the tragedy and told him h e could wnll a few days b e ­fore Induction, but—

Norm an declUitd. .saylnu " It'll be belter to go on to cam p ."J !c w ent today, on r.chfdule.

Wliat Our B < ^ Went Tiu’ough in Defense of Philippines lAmerica to JoinIn Offensive on

German SectorsLONDON, April 11 (/P)—The United Statc.s a ir force will

join the R A F in Waatinj; Germany within a month, and th e two allic.H will do evcrytliinfj in their power to help R ussia 's epic e f fo rt to crush the common Nazi enemy, hiffhly p laced ' e.\pcrts predicted toniKhl.

This, they Haid, would be the uiwhot<of the v is it hcru of the United S tates chief ol). .stuff, Gen. George C. Mnr- sliall. and Harry Hopkins, Prenident RooHevelt’s tru s ted supply man,

T5»e D rltbh and A m ericans were pictured as expecllng O crm any 'a .supreme effort this sum m er to be directed a t Uw.lwo supply lines over w hich Increaalng quantities o l v ita l w ar materiel are m oving to th e de - cl.ilve R a u la n bn ltiefron t to equip the vast Soviet. long on m anpow er b u t short on machines o f w ar.

N ail Tlim st T lie G erm an th ru s ti a re expecKd

tow ard the oil riches o f th e C nu- co.'iu.t and tlie Persian gulf, a n d agaltist Uie norUiem rou te w hich endA a t MunnaniJc a n d AtchM igel.

Tlie growing O. S. m ll lu ry esUb> ........................................... la Inspect-

Hcrolcally and un.sliniinf;Iy Amcricnn and Filipino dc- fcnflcrs of B ataan ' fouRht 'till they were exhausted—o r dead—and (his U. S. army sif^nal corps pholo—one of the last from the Philippines— Rrnphically showA n once*dc-

fended town “somewhere on B jljttor" Jaid waste by Jap bombs and fihells before troops overmn the pen­insula. Our boys took a pounding like that, but never Ka'N5 up.

CRIPPS GIVES UP■ NEW D E U II. India. April 11 (/Ti —The mLision of S ir S taffo rd Cripps canic to imught in an aimor.pherc of Rloom today with reJecUon by the Congress parly and tlie Mo.ilei) league of the DrilLih 'proposals for Ind ian dominion.

S ir Stafford rjild he wa.t wlUi- draw inc the offer and rctun iln f; lo London tomorrow.

N either the Congrc.\.'» p a rty In which th e country's 2^0,000,000 «H i- dus are dominant, nor the Mosk-ni leaRue, wlilch wldsly repre.ienls th e 77.000.000 Mo.-vlem'.. the two pow er­ful p»nlr.% which .lUvnd n t Uic poles, Cound the propojuils acceplablc.-

\ I t wa-1 oil the Iv.ue of forniiitloii W an Injeflin government pcndlnR \c ttlem en t of India’s cOn.'^Ulutlonal problems a fte r’ Uie war th a t nego­tia tions wera ivrcclird. InvoU td were dc fw rc powera wlilcli .-.uch ft governm ent would wield,

ConKTc.w parly ieadcRi lasLMcd upon a nalloniil Kovcmmenl func- tlonlnK with full po-^ers as a cabi­net, and ta ld the B tU t.h plnn bore too ;iiuch rciemblance to . the p res- cn l executive council of the viccroy.

Cripps ta ld a nomlniiled cabinet, as propo.ied by Uir CongreM parly , would be re.ipQiistble to "na oiu‘ bu t IL'.elf, could not br removed and would In fact con.-.tltutf an absolute [Uctntorf.lilp’' by the Hliylu m njor- (ty.

Odd Signs Add New Zest to Grin Parade’s Dizzy Doings

By TIIE iSPKCTATOIt T lie grin parade marched rl«h t

iM t -Kttk, tem p tttd by wsmbtr a r news—but you can 't squelch

A merica. We’ve chalked up Da- lAAn for vcngeance with compound In terest, and weVe hitched up our^ collective tTO«;JU milnuii cu{f*> lo dig Into this war effort.- We con do It better sinlling . . . so le t's have a look at the potixjurri of dizzy doings.

Sign.1. for Insiunce. were very m uch In the news. Placard in a Chicago restaurtm t urged, "K ind­ly report per.ioiis who UjoughtJcssly p u t sugar, bowls in tlieir pockets."

A nd. this sign iiangs over » pin b a ll machine in a resU uran t In M emphis. " In case of an a ir raid , dive under this machine. I t h a sn 't been h it yet."

Sign over the toda founU ln of & JaPMie»c dnigstoTt In Loa A n­geles soys. "Sorry please, no tnik w ar."

Vahuble Pie Over a t Buhl, UlC lO O P and

R ebekahs ought to hang up a algn, too. I t would read; "The world's m ost expensive pics pass Uirough these portab ." They auctlcmed off pies for defense bond bids—and M rs. Adolph Mnchacclc was Rtag- gered when h e r pie told for <3.000.

The m an who buys «.000 in de­fense bond.i to get tlint pie wa* W illiam Ohflm. IIiiriah.<i to WH- linm and llic ur.-.t end. patriots

I.M eanwhile. PrrMdent noosevcit

called for "n new name for th e war."recclyrd a nmllltude of replies,

includlnu one Irom Reno, w here a veteran propo.ied "hell on whceLi." no t only lliat's w hat m ech­anised flghung L but also bccaa-.e such a name could be abbreviated lo "how" for \oaNtti\K I'urpoMS wi In "here'.i how "

And. a sl:y,-.cniiirr Kiilng to fall on the Jaivv I’lillndplpliia scrap ped a nine-slory building which will provide lon.i o f Iron and Eteel for i.hip'.. lank.*, and guns.

Also due lo im ihr J a p r 'i s one railroad car ai Omaha and a 600- pound , safe up nt Cneur d ’AJene. We got the boj'.s lo deliver •cm. too.

G ied Avrrage A Chinese JoiiiluK the orm y In

New Y ork vowed lo kill 20 Jap*. An Ind ian trapper cainr into Spokane for the flrat iliiie m six m onths, heard about the wnt. nnd sw ort to •■get 2.000 Japs." P-iihpr w’ay. they II I tr iko 0 good avernKf.

Beat W ake isUiid ^ lory of uie week concerned ilie lf»‘f marine who were playtus bndKe w hen a

(C«iiliBiH »n r « . I. C J m . :

Draft Units Ordered To Start on 3-A Men

. Immediate recla.HSWcation of 3-A TDCn—who chiimed de- pcndcnt.s as their reason for deferraenW rom military service —ha.s commenccd a t headquarter.'^ of Twin Falls county •.selective .survicc board No. 1. The orders have l)ceii n'ceivcd from Lieut; Col. Norman B. Adkison, Idjtho .selective scrvicc _____________ _____________j executive officer.



R e tun i of ihe llorso and buggy ha.% ILi problems— •

City Patrolmen today arre-'.ted on a drunkennci.% charKc tlie d ri­ver of a hor:ic and wajjon wlilcli ran a red light and cra.ihe«i into an automobile downtown.

Pohee ft.iUl they couldn’t —under exL'.tlng laws—<nion{c the driver with driving while drunk.

CAMDEN,"cA A lflliN , Ark.. April H -f te - pciiting the Lord's prayer.'w hile driving his c a r enabled form'T CoMg. John McClellan lo fiUKHe.'.i ^ in m e for the w ar to Prcilcient M O ij'velt. who has been ponclrr-

/lilK Uie aubjttv.

KULL PROTECTIONST. LOUIS. April l l - W h e n you

buy a new m attress In Mls.sourl you can be certain it Is new righ t thro iish to the cotton atufllns.

Clifford L. O urkhort. appointed a .•.peclal bedding commissioner by Oov. Forrest C. Donnell.- protects purchaser with a lavender glow l.'unp.

Tlie Important elem ent of the lam p Is a heavy filter w iilch cuu» out a ll rays of the f>pectrum ex­cept lavender. Wlien th e lavender lluht fftlti on new co tton Uie re- tlt c ltd U sht KtlU bi lavender. \Vhen old cotton has been used, the reflected llch t is am ber.

American Troops Parade in Mexico

CALEXICO. Calif.. April 11 W Cric-i of "Viva A m ericanosl" rang th rough Uie suecLn of Mexicali to ­day os Unlt»:d S tates troops crr*.'«l Into Mexico wlUi draw n bayonet.i anti rumbling artillery.

It.w as a peaceful-vljlt and n fea­ture of the third a n n u a l interna- llonal de.-'ert cavalcade.

Tlie United States soldiers f<H In behind a Mexican arm y deUieliment. Which led the parade back acrm-i border Into Calexica Rousing chrera welcomed the .Mexicans.


ty Virginia Field. Englbh-boni « l - re;4, and Paul Douglas, former r*dIo announcer, were m orried todW t h e Hollywood CougregstlonM church.

•At least 2.600 men tinclrr juri.s- diction of th e local Imard nimie will

affec ted by the new orilcr Jrom l« headqiA rters." .said Capt. J.

H. Scaver. j / . chief clerk.H e m onUoned wiveii iti^icts which

will bo ta k en In to coti.-.lclrrailon when the boa rd cxanilneTi iiullvklual

•A cases. T lie y n re ;A ctual I>epenitriil>

1) Only reglsirant.i wIid hiuc de- pendenUi In lo c t wlH be retained in cla.s.1 3-A.

3) Men wJjo m arried when ihelr iductlon w as im m inent mul ilio.'ic

TIGHTENINGBO ISE. April 11 (.V,-TiKhlen-

Ing of restrlcUon.'i nKiiln.''t occu­pational de fe rm en u from army f.ervlee wati awioiinced i<jdny by Drlff. G en. M. 0 . McCoimel. stale selecUve service director.

su c h de fennen ts are llmlled to perr.ons In w ar production and in actlvlUes o th e r than war produc­tion which .niippnrl the war effort. Including Uia'.e predomln.imly devoted to providing lood. cloth­ing. hhciter. healUi. safety and o ther requLMte-'. o l dally life, Gen- erni McConnel explained, •

■ ho m arried Mnce Dee, 8, 1011. may o t pre.sent m arriage a-s a reason for

deferm ent.3» However, unborn children will

be con.ildered as dependent in fact.4) A m arried m an whose wife U

working, who ha< no children, m erroneou.ily cla.'.dfied If he is In 3-A.

5) A t UiU tim e, Uie board will noi Induct a m a n w hotc wife is no'I'orklng bu t who i.' capable of work­

ing or who has previously worked, "unle.w ^ h a s term inated or mlnote.^.J^er employment, for the p u riw e ^ t\U fo rd ln g a cla.ia 3-A ferm ent forHier hu-iband.''

N ot supporting6) Any m an who U not supiwrtlng

his wife or o the r legal dependents will be inim edlalely reclo-vlfled.

1) T l\e burden a t p toot o t tupport, of dependents rest.^ squorely upon the rcgialrant.

Captain Seuver said tiiat d4vlt.i will be mailed to all regls- U'ants now cluosifled S-A .'lo^lve the board evidence of pre.sent depend­ency s ta tu s of a ll 3>A registrants.

T he Inform ation provided ht the affidavits win enable Uie local tward

»n r.«« {. i)


f/T>—-Here's one m an who intends to p u t a ll h is eggs in one basket— and keep th e m tlicre.

Tw o c lats ifled ads appeared, one below th e o th e r. T h e first read;

W anted to buy: 60 laying liens. Phone 5-287.

T he second rcw l:W anted lo buy : JO-30 rule.

Phono &-38T. '


SACRAMENTO. Calif.. April 11 —John Dtiftiie Bankhead. 35, Btihl, Ida ., a ll ' depot worker Ik . died in Uic county iio.'.pital today Irom b u r a i Incurred when hts bed

luglu- f ire yciierday.Coroncr'.i deputies, were InveMl-

RivthiK rep o r ta tlinl, Bniikhcnil lu jh - rd Into the bathroom and locked hlm.-'i'lf In a fte r being seriously bunied. Police had to break the door

I to re.Ncue him,

BUHL. A pril II — John Du U oiikheud. 35. who died of bi today a t Sacram ento . Calif., lived in B u h l for m any years before going to C alifo rn ia la s t fall to

In dcfcn.vs work.: w as born a t Hyrum. Utah

S ep t. 28. 1000.' Tlie following reU'I Run'lve;s m o th e r . Mr.i. Laura Haslam

Duhl, a n d tw o brother.', Leon-Dank- Hi-ad, O nklnnd , and G ran t Bank- ‘head . Ja n ito r of the Buhl high schoo: u n til tie recen tly resigned to becomf aa.iociated ttlUi Uie Standard Ol com panv in Salt. Lake City.

A lio surviving urc two IwU-sls- te rs . ML'.', D elonr lla.slam and Ml.w lone Ilii.'.limi. botii of Buhl.

Mr, IJaiikhend was a memb.. th e L, D. S. church, Tlie body wll i>e rcrelvcd a t the AlberLion funei home. KiinM al servlre.s will be a

inccxl la te r .

u r a i s s i KE A W B K O P GERMAN I M P S

Dy T ho Aiuoclated P rcuOusala struck ha rd and teiwal' lly a g a in s t gathering German irces reach ing for Uie InlllaUve

..I the f a r-f lu n g Soviet war front a-it. (S a tu rday ) n igh t and Uie Urll- h conUnued Uielr powerful blows I N arl Industria l centers.Soviet a irm en were credited wlih

destroymg 300 G erm an p lanes In th ree days and Blockliobn dls- latclies sa id the Reds had Inflict­ed a heavy defeat on a German tank dlvW on In th * Crimea.

T he R A P dropped "some Uiou! •nd-n of bom bs" on Germany In our ra id s du ring the week in the ir

mounting offensive against U\e In­dustrial secU ons whicii cloak lil t ' er's arm ies In machines of deadly

le bom bing fleet. Joined by -m qtorcd Stirlings which carry

e ight to n s of explosives, concco- u-ated on th e Breot K rupp,w orks k t Essen a n d the GerlHan-occu- pled F re n ch harbor of La iiavrc.

M ilita ry experts In London pre­dicted th e U nited Siatca a ir 'force would be bombing aertoanjr wlUtin a m onth , a n d said the visit there of th e U . 8 . chief of ’staff. Gen. George C . M arsliall. and President Rooaevelf# conllilan l,. Harrj'- Hop­kins. m e a n t U ia t vast pressure would be concen tra ted on helplniT .Russia llq u ld att G erm an y Uils year.

G erm any 's suprem e effort—and probably h e r la s t If It fall.\-l» n - peeted to be launched agalnsi the C a u c u la n oil lle1d.i and Uie supply term inal i n ' t h e Gulf of Persia, and

.iiin .d •> Tm* i. c.ia«i. »

M U TIN Y ABOANEW Y O RK . April 11 i-1’,-M u tiny

aboard a Brillr.h m erchantm an in New 'York hiirbor today resulted in dcaUi fo r n Chlnc.%e seam an and the a rre s t of 11 oUier.s of the same

ntlonalU y.T h e Ahij) wa.1 unnam ed bccnuse

r w ar rr.*.lrlcUons. ’S hore leave hud been denied the m em bers of the crew Uiey brooded-

T oday th e y suddenly advojiced en on th e ma.-iter wlUi Marlin spikes a n d leng th s of pipe, Wlien the ensu ing Acuffle had .lubr.lded, Ung Y oung C hal. 20. of Foochow. China, lay dead In Uie cap ta in 's ca t' b tillef hole, in hLs head.

F irs t O ffic er W illiam R o . . . . Cherry. 39. o f W enatchee. Wasli- suffered h a n d ga-.hcs when one c" the lunged n t him with sha rp M arlin spike.. -n ir M x-foot cap ta in . H illon Rowi. 60. of O rc h ard Cottage. Chattoo. N ortluim berlondshlre. England, was booked on a technical charge of homicide a n d held wlUtout ball for a rra ig n m en t in felony court. The 11 Chlner.e w?amen were arrested charges o f disorderly conduct.


Pre.\ident M anuel Prado of Peru iwill visit the U nited s u t e s nex t month on InvltAUon of Pre.sldent Roosevelt u id )u a guest of this government, th e s ta te d e p artm e at aitnouhced tO ' olghU


Gov. C hase A. Clark will be prln- cliKil speaker as an estimated 300 Dem octnta from m any p u tu ot Idaho gaUier in T w in Pulls nex t KrUay for the a n n u a l banquet of Uie Twin Palls C o u n ^ Jefferson club. Qan •Thomp.ion, DuJil. president, nounced S a tu rd ay night.

T lie banquet, w liii Mayor Robert T errill. Pocatello , as toasimasirt', will be he ld o t the American Legion hall. I t will RU rt a t 7 p. m.

OUier speakers, in addition it covcn\or. w ill b« Judge Jurot BoUiwell. T w in Kalis, chairman of civilian defense in Twin Kails couii ly. and D an Hoop.-<. Rexburg, lUiti vice-president of the Young DemO' crau.1.

Sj>eclal en lerla ln m rn t will be fea'ired. according to those In charee

of Uie arrongem enti. Tickets ar now on sa le from comniltiee mem bers. club orficers or a t Uie sheriff office or Uie sUitc liquor store.

A nnual elecUon of off.^tii, wl lake p lacc during the banquet. In addlUon , ^ T hnnfliy.on. officers an Mrs. I t* ^ T lc ^ c h o u r .e , Twin Falls, v ice-president, and Bob Creed, Ta'ln Palls. secrtV arv-U easuier.

Ing and tho increasing pool o f U nited S ta te s plimes In Brita in wero ta k en as In d lcftlM n s^a t A m erican p ilo ts, w ould be biufnlng O em um y w ith in a m onth tc p re ta rd 'th e N azis' eaa i- ward offensive.

■Tlie United flUitM. B rita in a n d R assla all see n Japanese s tab in the Rasslan bock In SilxrlA a s ono of tlie m ain dangers thi.^ year. B r it­ish m ilitary opinion is convinced th a t a Japanese a tta c k will tako place eiUier before o r colncl-

R u a lu u ReadyT lie Russians say sim ply. "V{p, a re

jc ad y lU It'comes."T hero hove been c v u U d ^ u erU o n a

In nuM lan clrcles»^»(kt iMey will never sufTer a Pearl barboT a t Ivostok. And there a re equally can ­did hlnt!i th a t i f Ja p an a ttacks th e Soviet, Red bombern will avUMy sp a n the 580 miles to Tokyo a n d Uie great Indw trlal clUes w ith tho .

objecUve of destroying th e J a p n - • • war foundries. T h is would bo

accom panied by a cart« b lanche In ­v itation lo .the U nited S U tes to loin the R usslam In th e b lasting o l ' the closely pocked and higW y In - flnmable Japanese Ind itstrla l clUea.

T h e United State.i a n d B r itish / navle.s- are engaged to th e h ilt i i^ ' ' convoying tr a la i of supplies fo r R ua- •sla'n sum m er cam paign. T h e ohlp- p lng shortage Is so ncu te th a t I t probably will be some tim e before -■sufficient transport.1 will be a v ail­able for a continental lnvB.-don to open the wcot\d fro n t w h ich th e Russians have been ask ing fo r m onths.

15,000 Women in New York Parade

NEW Y O R K . April 11 can depend on us. boys."

T lia t W03 Uie Uieme. depicted i .. a float, o f a p a ra d e 'o f IS.OOO unU form ed w om en who m aich td down F ifth ovcnUe today in the flrr.i dem ­onstra tion of I ts kind since Uie first W orld w ar.

Behind m o -w d colors and 20 bands, paraded police women In chic blue uniforms. A m erican Red Cross work­ers In n a t ty blue grey with peaked caps, w hite frocked nurses wlUi blue capcs, th e SalvaU on’ Army, A m erican hw .p lta l reserve corps, the W omen's V o lua tar? Service corps, a C anad ian Red Cross contingent, a rm -banded clvlUan defense units and hum a& lta rlan socieUes.

Five Killed, 35 Injured iii Crash

SA V A G E..M inn.. April I l-W I — C rash of a n O m aha railroad flyer into the r e a r o f a Ideal pauenger U«ln hero today, caused five deaths and In ju r r o f a t least 35 others, IS of them serere ly.

T he w rcck will be invcsUgaled ‘w llhln 24 toow»- raU olllclals aa-. nouaced la t« today.


MELBOURNE. April I I ( /n -T h O \ i l le d olr force, m indful ton igh t th a t Uic fail of BataoJi possibly h a d freed300.000 Japanese veieraxw who m ight be hurled against A ii.itralia, Iiave

:k once more a t Uic enemy o ir a t KocpanK causing g reo t de -

strucUon,H angars and other buildings and

ic ftlrdtom t tMnways were b la s ttii from low level a t Ihe c a p i t^ o f over­run J3utch Timor, 350 m iles o lf th e norU iem po rt o t D arwin. G re a t fires

ere set.A rm y M inister Pm ncls M. Fordo

pointed up Uie danger In h eren t In tho IDAS of B ataan by warTslng A us­tra lian s they m ust co n cen tra te a ll Uielr energy on on . a ll-o u t w ar e f ­fort. and m ust organize on th e th e ­ory Uiikt th e Jap&ne&e will lau n ch a fu ll scale Invasion.

T lie enemy was qu ie t today a fte r heavy Japanese bom ber and a

jinvy zero fighter were destroyed yes­te rday In a raid on P o r t Moreliby. N ew Guinea. A nU -alrcraft fire kep t th e seven marouding p lanes a t30.000 feet while U nited S ta te s a n d A ustralian pursuits rose to .a ttac k .

A D utch warship s traggled Into P e r th from Uie ruined n a v a l baao a t Socrabaja, Java, a n d th e com ­m ander said Uie port w as so e ffec­tively scorched by explosions a n d sunken ships th a t the enem y could

e lUn o t I

Emmett Debate Win Toiirnami

PO C A -haX O . April n m e tt h igh aohool debaU ra Judged Winner* In th e h i ; debat« tournam ent which day. I

s u g a r ’Salem ' w m ^ m i Caldirell th ird . — -

T M v k to r r a a k w / t t w l l B t«aninamcnt.' n M VBi-____ _o u t 'of D e t9 - tto ':alflnnaU ve a n d .U M - lu g a ttn . .

a u g ^ Salerno a m tm u ir * t u r n woo «ix m t or w vea nU U e th e B ^ .· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (2)

Page Two TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO ■Sunday, April 12, 1942



T.-ar clepnrtmpnt ixnnounccd tonlRht Uiftt tJip arm y nlr forcM would Uike ovtr npproxlmntely 25 per cpnt of Uir (InmpflUc eommprcliU nlrllner* and use ih rm (or cnrryltiR mDllarjr carKoes niid p^•r^onnel.

Tliry V.111 be oprra te il m iiler (II- ipctloii of Uic commiindlfiK Kenernl of ilie a lr servlco commftncl, Uie cle- pnrlnifnt *nl<l. nnd ndttpd:

"Kev nlrlliic iw ri.onnrl will b r • coiirnued to stnv n t tliPlr por.i.i .... tJic effrcU vr and pntrloilorourw iinlPsa nnd u n til ih r lr country InillcntM It rtfjulrcn them Its the nrmrd forcrs." .

Uitc.'ii (ivnllabl(> t.•\tl.1llc.1 cr«Ilt tlip commrrclnl nlrlliiPs w ith nboiit' 3<0 irawporUi. T w enty-five per cent of ilil.< number w ould bo'lU.

Sliidn tlip wnr Jiricnn tlm nrmy hn.i rccrlvfd nt leiist 30 aJrlln rs from ojwrniliitf compiinlcs.

In Its announcem ent toilfty. the anny said U int th e nddltlonal oJr* Ilnrr.i It l,t f.ecurlnK uoiUd beamed for carr^'lin: inllltnry rupplirs ond perr.onnel "only to such points nnd a t m en Umc.n aa m ay be nfcew S ta ted by mllltnry reqiilreinentji."

T5ie O epartm rnt added th n t wltJi the 2S per cen t nllocatlon an* nouiicetl loOny, <lome!;tlc airline »er»lce ha.i been rctliiced to tlie me- <llum e s itn lla l to Uie w ar effort and "It l3 no t presently Intended to make furtlicr rcthicUons" In th e civil nlr- line cqulpmenL

U wa* em phaslictl th a t th e an n y ’a ftctlon rrprr.ipntrcl nn iicecptance of Uie "offfr of the a irlines of the Unlled 8tnte.i to pnrtlclp«to In tJie war effort."


(Pnm P u * Oa«)w t to b« under (ixmy protection and Bupervlfllon a n d 'k ep l a t work on gov­ernm ent proJecUi w hen no t employ­ed by farmer#. T hey would no t be employed w hen o tlie r laborera were •vallable. he la ld .

Idaho fan n e rs have expressed Yftrylng 'Views oil" use of Japanese labor, with several faWner orannl- caUons pasAlnR resolutions asnlnst placem ent of the evacuees In the «t*te.

fiuftar beet growers and processors, p lanning a m o r d crop, m et wlUi the Bovernor early In M arch ,to press themselves u willing to i ploy th e Japaneaft provided they kep t under guard.

Of tlio Black canyon tr a c t about 37.000 acres can bo lrrlRat«d tmder }he Black canyon dam on the Tny- c tt« river n e a r E m m ett. About half th a t Bcrease h as been cleared nnd crops planted, a lthough virtually nil is In private hands.

Meantime O ovcm or C lark was as* 1 « ffsd by Acting B herlff H arry Han. ' ^ • r o f Kootenai county th a t no Jap- ^ ■ ----e had purchased land In th a t

■Xslnco th e w ar 's start, Dec. 7.' ' fi(n'cmor h a d asked Ilaner

t o InvestlRBta n repo rt by I . N. Hall- berg of Post Palla th a t Japanese were a ttem p tlng 'lo acquire land be­tween Bpolcane. W ash., ond Wallace.

Ho Kan, Hero BOOST NEEOEO IN J E A N , PEA SEEDSG ard en beans and peas arc

Rccdn e.'pcclnlly desired to m eet victory garden. Icnd-lcoie and c a rry ­over dem ands which mny exhaust th e uvallnblo supply In IM3. Uie Tw in r a l h county USDA wnr boa rd announced.

VeKctsble teed producilon Roala re belnK Increased to m eet th e

p rojected 23 per cciit liierciuie Jn farm iind home Rnrdrns In 1942. M ilford .J. VauKhl. chairman o f tlio sin ic USDA war board. Inform ed U»e county board.

'T lie need supplies are expected to nearly exhaw ted this year."

stAtffd VauKht. urging farm ers to consider vegetable seeds a vita l crop.

'S lnee high standards of p u rity m ust bo obtained to make th e seed production worthwhile, V aught en ­couraged " the usual practice of con tracting seeij acreage with re ll- ible com panies In ga in ing .the a d ­d itional producUon needed In 1M2.‘

Chinese qoa rte rm aiter abosril th e D riU ih ship Kmpreis J a iu n , I lo K an liaa retelved the OrlUih em pire medal for rem sln- inc a t th e wheel through severe boiflbinf a ttacks.

First Aid Leader Coming to Buhl

B in iL . April 11—M rs. A. J . P ^ k e , chairm an of th e B uh l American Red Crces chapter. onnounceA Uint Ho- SartJj Barton. naU onnl rin it aid In- ■truetor, will lu r lro in Bulsl AprU

• 13. and will conduct an Instm ctors’ •’ l l r s t a id course, com m encing Mon­

day. April 13. a t a p . m .. and con. tlnulnR to Snturdny. April IB. The Th^t meeting will bo hcl<l a t Uie American .Letflon hall, a n d a ll who have qualified to take th e In.'itnict- or-s coune aro welcome U> a ttend thoMS classes. ,

Seven clasnen In f irs t aid have been under In stn ic tlon In Buhl d u r­in g th e pojit sevem l weeks.

Kecreation Unit Elects Tuesday

A nnual m eeting of th e Tn-ln F^IU Recreation assoclaU on wUl be held a t the recreation c e n tc r a t 7 p. m. Tuesday. A prll.H . AJtes E rm a Oold. recreational super>-l3or. announced Saturday.■ A t the session represen ta tives of th e various organ lzaU otu compos­ing Uie association will a ttend . The

■ ^ o p e n home will be followed by the 'annuftl rlecllnn.

Al W e.'.terKren-heads Uie Incum­b e n t staff of th e a.^jDclntlon os president.

Keep th e 'Vniitc Flag of Sa je tv Flvlng

How 23 d a j / s w ithout a af/ic death in our JUagic


CASTLETON D m e stie Chir(a

to tUE U G L E R 'S , J e w e i e r s

BLOWS ON NAZIS(FrcRi r>i« On<)

against Uie norUiern ports of M ur­mansk luid A rchange l.'

The Jiipanese ore expeclcd to stab In th e buck by a driveagainst S iberia a* an Adjunct of n itle r ’3 offcn.ilve, bu t Uie mighty Soviet w ith a nelt-sufflclenl iirmy of ha lf n million Li believed ready and nn miord.

H er bombers are cached In un ­derground hnngarif 080 miles from tlndrrbox Tokyo and n treacherous a ttack w ould be like a sU rter'a flag w aving them to as.^aul( the Japane;io hom e front. An otlaek aL-vo would send he r 70 to 100 sub­m arines ngnlnst the long and ten- lous supply lines stretched from Yokohama to th e Indian ocean.

As sprintr m elted the snows ^ f n a u la . flRhtlng from Finland to the DIack fiea Increased in Intensity and Uie RasMans continued the grim business of killing Oermrfns and d lnnipU ns the ir offensive spring boards. In the Bryan.ik area alone, 3,000 fresh G erm an corp.tes lay on th e field of battle.

H itler's headquarters claimed 12 more sh ips had been sunk off the United S U te s shores. The U. B. navy dep artm e n t said two medlum- ilted frelRhtcrs h a d gone down. The navy also sa id th e submwlne Perch was overdue and presumed la u In the w estern Pacific. I t was the fourili U nited S tates submarine and U it 30th naviU vesatl lost since Pearl h a rbo r.


Plans n re com plete today for the annual m em bersh ip and nctlvltles banquet o f th e T w in Falls Cham ­ber of Com m erce, which will be held a l 7:15 p. m. Monday In the M ethodist church basem*nt.

A nnouncem ent wa« made th a t J . E. m u will play dinner m tale a t -his H am m ond electric orcan and th o t com m unity nlnRtng will be led by Ja ihes Reynoltls. Entertainm ent has been arranged by Mrs. Cora Btevens.

Speaker to appear before 150.ore m en a n d women guests will ,

E a r l 'W . M urphy, secretary of the Idaho S ta te C ham ber of Commerce, Dol.%e.

Finale, w hich will bo presented by Ja y Sprocher, VIU consist of a su r­prise m usical a n d puUlotlc presen- taUon.

Tickets fo r Uie banquet, which will In itia te th e imnunl membership drlvo Uio n e x t morning, may be secured a t 04 cen ts each a t. tjie cliam ber h e ad q u a rte rs tomorrow.

T h e H ospitalT i l t .T w in I'-alls county general

hospim i Had beds available oo »U floors lost n igh t.

AD>nTTEU>Mrs. G eorge Alvey, Twin FalU:

Mr.s. Alvin B rum m ett, Kimberly: Mr*. Pau l Scott. Jr.. Hansen.

D1SSIIS8ED Em esU ne O han . Mrs. O. R. Tom ­

linson and son . O laf Nelson, Twin Falls; M rs. Jo h n Undsey. Jerome; Mr.i. Joseph McMillan and daugh­ter. K lm berly :A irs . Vernon Craner jmd d a u g h te r/B u h l.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •HEAR


Tonight NEW TIME

8 : 3 0 P .M .



Flr&t s teps of the newly organized Idam erlca , Inc., formed for th e ex- p re.« purpose o f bringing Industrial p la n u to Idaho and developing Snake river, were taken In th is sec- Uon Friday n igh t as ofticlals o f the orKanUaUon m et In Twin Falla,

P rinc ipa l speaker was V ernon SmlU), BoLse attorney, who said th a t I t la only one-hour flying Ume from Idaho to the coast and U ia t if bombing of tlie coast sta rU d then fac tories there would of necessity be moved Inland. Ha also said th a t ld a l)0 has 30 per cent of .all po ten - Ual hydro-electrle power In the U nited Stg^tes bu t of this only oni th ir ty second h as been developed.

.'•This organlraUon Is working for benefit of Idaho In the presen t em ergency and also for "Uie benefit 5f th e s ta te a fte r the war Is over and the boys come home. We In tend to see U ia t they have something to come tq^M he speaker said.

T h e orglol«vUon Is non-poUtlcol and p lans more meetings In Tw in F a lls In the near future.

A mong o ther speakers heard F r i­day n ig h t were T, J, Lloyd, T w in Falla: J . A. Barbour. Boise; F ra n k K n igh t. Gooding, and J. A. D avis, Pocatello.

Seen...O fflcem on trail of couple of do«a

w hich have kept portion of c c rta ln nelHhbprhoo<l In uproar for a b o u t U irre dnyn, . . Farm labor cam p residen t busy with spado na ho siATta victory garden. . . G roup of .nchoolklds on wa>’ to aiio,\hon« falla. stopping n t corner four m iles fro m city, going Uirough seven m a ll boxe.i. taking ou t T lm e i- Newft. reading 'em. then c a re - ftilly putU ng papers back nnd con- tlm iln g Uielr ride, . . Boys hav lnn h igh old time swimming In la tera l n e n r "bughouse". . . Auto com ing

rny.i of headlights. . . W om an d ropping In to visit friends a n d p u tting pound oT butter In th e ir refrigera to r pending end o[ he r c hat, . . Jack Dlmond doing a d ra ­m atic Job of telling about old days when lie drove two oxen In to ixTmek of tim ber wolve.i, , , W ork­e rs huslly calclmlning w alli In c ounty f ts .w o r's office, . . P a tro l­m an stag ing target practice In city g a rage while youngsiers peer In a t door. . . C leaner luiaurlnK m an no cuffs will be snipped off iroiiscrs If le ft to be p ressed.. . Confection­ery p rop rie to i^ reporting n ish fo r Ice crram cones since w arm days of summer. . . And chief o f police gingerly carr>-lag paper sack aa he steps In elcvotor a n d v isits county bastlle.

Man Jailed Here In Forgery Claim

G arl Moore. 32. Saturday a f te r ­noon ’-In probate court waived n p re lim inary hearing on chorge of forger>' filed ogalnst him by P . W . Slack.

Aioore was picked up by (he local police a fte r Uie city officers w ere Inform ed the sherltl's office h a d j i w a r ra n t fo r his arrest.

J u d g e C. A. Bailey bound Moore over to answer to district cou rt and se t bond a t tSOO. Unable to furnl.ih th e ball, Moore was rem anded to cjLitody of the shw lff and was p laced In the county iall.

Twin FaUs News in B riefG u e il or Mother

M rt. LouIji RoUienliolfer, Beattie , la vblUng her mother, M n . E tom a B u rtt.

VIsiU ParenU£dlu Aileen Wlilta Is he re from

L o a Aiigeles for a brief visit w ith h e r pareni.1. >.lr. and M rs. J . E . W lilte.

W o n sn Ketums 'M rs. Milude S. K lrtanon ha.i re ­

tu rn ed from Mesa. Art*., w here slie s p « u Uie winter v liltlng friends and relntlves.

M ary UavU Cub M ary DavU A rt club w i l l . m eet

Tufwlny afternoon a t Uie hom e of • • . y /. L. FeamsUr, 831 Second avenue west.

C o a l Company Owner C lirtn ce H. Nye la sole p roprietor

of • Uie Magic City Fuel com pany, according to a cerUflcata of trade n a m e filed with the county recorder.

Move to Coaii M r. and Mrs. d ia r ie s StCYens and

th e ir three children le ft several diiys a « o to mrvke the ir home in Call- fo rn l t. Mr. SUrens is employed dcfem e work there.

J o ln i SlarinesP r tn k Wright, 18. Tw in FaUs. has

b e en enlhted In th e U. S . m arine co rps a t S a lt Loko City, th e Tw in F a lls sub-station w as Inform ed la st n lsh t , ^

Reports Accident Oliver Helms, 1340 K im berly road ,

reported Uiat at B:20 p. m Sa tu rday U ie right rear fender o f h is c a r was flmA.i)icd while It w as parked iQ fro n t of -IM-Second svenue no rth .

D-A.V. AuillUrjr A uilllary of the D.A.V. w ill m eet

Tueulfiy a t 8 p. m . a l the A m erlean Legitm hall. Mrs. M onlda V aughn, s ta te departircnt com m ander, will b e the guest speaker.

M rs, IIerUo[ BackJJrs.yW. H. Hertzosr, w ho tinde r-

w e n t a major operaUon several weeks ago a t a K aruos C ity hoaplU l, retu rned to T»1n F a lls la s t w-eek. S h e Li convalesclnff sa tisfac torily , according to mcsnbera of family.

F rom New Jeney Mri, Edward L. m U ott a n d c h il­

d ren , John and M ary, S h o r t Hills. N . J,. arrived th is week to visit M rs. Elliott’s parents. Mr. a n d M rs. A. K, Brallslord; T hey expect to spend most of the sum m er In T w in FnJls.

D a n MeCook CircleA ll members of D an McCook c ir ­

c le . Ladles of Uie G rand A rm y of t h e Heputalle, *ho wish to take p o r t I n the drill teun for the s u t e con- vcnllon nre n-iked to m eet a t 3:30 p . m, Tiir.Mlii). al Uift home of Mrs. W . I. Johnson, 312 S ix th avenue n o r th .

F a th e r DleaMo..

TwinFiilU , died Prlilay n ight, iiccorilUiK t o word rccelvrd here . M rs. Sweet, In rfsponse to word of h h serloiis lllne:.^, had lelt Tue.«jaj' for h is bed­s id e . Funeral «rv-lce« will be held In Brnnsoii today, ond Mrs. Sweet Is cxiKCted bock Uie middle of tlie week.

C la w s SU tedMrs, W. H, McDonald, executive

.secretary of Tn-ln PolL< R e d .C ro ’J d ia p te r , announced la.n n igh t Hint f in a l home nunlng cla.vies to be or- gixnlred here are sla ted for Tiie.iday f ro m 3 to 4 p. m.. Instead of T huni- d a y . and Monday from 7 to 9 p. m. a t the basem*nt In the public 11- brar)-. All women Interested in th is course are u rn d to a ttend one of

tft’o'm celtiffs.


A pril 11—Elmer A lbert Oskey. 33. i d Ooldle Evelyn Moore, 17, bo th

nf CosUeford. April 10—Russell O. H ill. 53. and Mabel M. BuchananT 32. both of Twin Falls; Clarence O s-

fiheldfthl. l i . and Emma LIbble R eU ds, 38, both of Twin Falla.

n iR TIIST o Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Jenkins,

Tw-ln Falls, a boy. Friday a t the T »-ln Palls county genera l'ho sp ita l m a tern ity home.

DIVORCE Divorce granted In cy jtrlet c o u rt

by JiidRe J . W, p 6 i | |t f» 'a a : DWELLER—Mrs: EliW il Lou W el­

le r Irom Dale C, w A e r . now of U ngo , Wyo.: Mtreme chjelty . T hey m a rr ltd June 13, 1B35. a t Mitchell." N eb . Mrs. Weller received resto ra ­t io n of he r maiden nam e, £2&ma L o u Currier Paige. '

I n BeltsAmong'Tw in Falls resident* who

were in Boise over th e week-end^ were Mr. and Mrs. L em Chapin. L. J . Carter. Jock Lynes a n d H erbert ERS.

Bcturoa (o Coast .JoJm Payton and soo . Bonny, are

returning today to Long Beach, CulU.. follon’lng a w eek 's visit with W. C. Payton. Jerom e, fa th e r of Mr. PajUpn. and Mr. a n d M rs. Leo Strclfu.1, Twin Pnlla.

Conference Ileport Elder P. L. I^iw rcnce will give a

complete report of th e April L . D. B. confercnce held in S a l t Lake City la s t week-end a t th e f irs t w ard L. D. S, cliurch a t 7:30vp. m .i today. ’D ie choir is (o give special' num ­bers.

Leave fer UtahMr. and Mrs. R u p e rt H ochlya and

,M r. and Mrs. F rancis K aw abata and two children, and M iss Amerla Ha- chlya have moved to S a lt Lake City to go Into business, according to word received here from St. An­thony. All are form er realdknU of Tw in FalU.

Itetum s From CoastMrs. Inez Keel h a s re lu m ed frccn

San Francisco w here slie visited her son and daughtcr-ln-law , Capt. and Mrs. Jam es S. K eel. Jr.. and her daughter. Mbs WUma Keel. Capt. Keel la sUUoned a t th e Presidio. Be­fore going to Collfom ln. she visited for two months In lUl&ols.

T hank O fferlnr ^Mrs. J . P. H ackney. Burley, d!s-

tr lc t United T hank O ffering custo­dian, will be guest sp e ak e r. a t a m eeting of the A fternoon Q u ild ji f th e Ascension, Eplscopol ch - T liursday at'llSO p. m . a t the tory. Mrs. E, -Leslie IloUs and Mrs. F. W. Schw elckhardt will be hoo- tesses.

Puiillo CanUta Singing M others o f th e second

ward of the L. O. S . church will p resent today an E as ter cantata, "Resurrection M orn ing ,- B. Cecil O ates. In connecUon w ith Uie 100th anniversary of th e founding of the Relief society, P ro sram will be giv­en a t 7:30 p. m . a t th e second ward chapeL

nealU ) Talk Special In terest g roup of th e flr^t

ward L, D. S. c hu rch will be ad­dressed by Mrs. S idney K night, pervlsor of curses a t Uie district h e a lth unit, today followUig the Sunday evening services. Session will be held a t th e h o n v -o f M r. and Mrs. Austin D . G reen , 638 'Second avenue east,, and a ll a d u lts of the ward are Invited to a tte n d . She will spcnk on hom*o snnltAtlon and the cote and prevention o f 'c o n tag lo tu diseases.

Buhl Pioneer, 77, Dies Emmett

IIAOERMAN. A pril 11-O corge Brndeau, 77, p ioneer residen t of Buhl, who ranclied In the Dietrich d istrict, died today a t th e home of his nephew. Phil C anning . EnimcU. He had made h is hom e Uiere since 1035.

Mr. Brndeau was b o m Sept, 33, lOM. In W uconsln. H I* wife died in Buhl In 1033.

Surviving are one daugh ter, Mrs. M arlon Fry. P o rt Bdwnrd.i. Wls.: one sl.iter. Mrs. Jo h n C anning . W b- consln Rapids. Wls,. a n d th ren bro- Uiers. W. A. Brndeou. Seattle , and T . W, njid Jum es E. B rndeau. both of Wisconsin Rapids.

Tlie body will be b rough t to Ufe

held Monday n t 3:30 p. funeral home. In te rm e n t will be in Buhl cei^ te ry

CABO;a b o o f t h a n k ssh to express our deepest

graUtude to all the fd e n d s who ex­tended to us, in any wi^y. th e ir kind­ness and sympathy a t th e death of our dear mother.

E E Bishop. J. S . Bishop. C. n . Blsliop.

Mr. nnd Mrs, E. B. Maxwell.Mr. and Mrs. C. S . Maxwell and


TIRE TOPPERSAdd many miles to your, pres­en t Ures. Bring ln_ .your Junk tires, 4 ply only. L et u s show you n h a t we can do. Costs no th ing to investigate.




( One near ago today, ice proudly presented to

m Twin Falla the neto r^S ID AH O!

• Your Patronnge h a s been more than Kcncrous» and in

appreciation w c present this J


OPEN 1:15 Starts TODAY

H I T M .2- T U E S . & W E D .# KpeAeer Tracy In‘NORTHWEST PASSAGE'

^ In teehnleolor

H I T N 0. 3- T H U R S . & F R I .# Clark Gable '

Iledy L am arr In“ C O M R A D E X ”

H I T . N O . 4- - S A T . O N L Y# Wayne H errls In* T H E S M IL IN G G H O S T ’


M n , L olita M ay, Butley. ed president o f th e southern district C h r is tian . E ndeavor aMoclaUoo a t the lOth sp r in g convention, which began here ycsten lay and will con- d udo (his flventns. 8hs tueceeds Mni. Joseph A. Uowaixl. B uh t

A pproxim ately SOOpersons a ttend ­ed th e convention banquet lost nifthU B ecU on took place n t the opening session yesterday afternoon a t t ^ P resby te rian ctiurcli. Twin FulLi P resbyterian and Christian chureli C. EX socletlea. are conven- Uon‘ hosts.

B ected to aerve w ith Mrs. May were Lowell H u n t. Duriey. vice-pres­iden t and loertcout Ohalrman: Jomes O raybeal, K im berly , treasurer: Miss Jane Qlbbs, B uhl, secretary; Wayne Klous, K im berly, News Flash edl- tor; Mias J u l ia M cBride. Twin Falb , prayer m eeting chalnnon .

Bill Niles. Burley, social chairm an; Miss D orothy K rengel. Twin Palls, publleity c h a irm a n ; Rev. Alvin K lelnfeldt, B urley , efficiency super­intendent; M iss Vera Goodman, Tn-ln Palls, itow ardsh lp chairman; Rev. Roy T itu s , Kimberly, pastor counselor: M rs. Sam Eaklns, Je r­ome, InW rm edlato superlnlcndenti Mrs. C asllda Steelsm lth, Burley, Junior superlntCTWlent: Miss Maralyn Arbogast, B urley , educational super­intendent.

A tt^ d ln ff th e convention E. m em bers frotn Burley. Rupert, Kimberly, T w in Polls, Buhl, Jerome, Ooodlng, E den a n d Haxelton.

H oward O. Cole, northw est C hrli- tlan E ndeavor field secretary, will give the concluding conference mei- sago a t 7:30 p. m . He will also sp e a t o t 3 R, m . today on the subject. "Answering H is Call," and will con­duct consecra tion services a t 3:43 p. m.

Conference a tten d a n ts will a ttend worship services o t 0 a, m. todoy -• the C lirlstlan church.

Sunday afte rnoon 's u begin w ith a ‘devotional 3 p . m.

D r. H artm a n A. Llchtwardl turned m issionary on furlough from H am adan, I ra n , will give a mission­ary message a s one of the hlgh- llghts of th e convention a t 3:1S p :m .

Preceding- installation of offlcera, a C hristian E ndeavor meeting will be held, w ith th e R upert society In charge.

A t the rainbow Jubilee banquet, celebraUng th e OQth anniversary ol the orKonlrotlon of the Christian Endeavor soclet)^. he ld last night, w ith Mr. a n d Mra. Gerald Wallace, rw ln Palls, In charge. Miss JulU U cDrlde w as toastm aster.

Miss D oro thy Call, Mr. Cole, Rev, O. L. C lark, pastor of the Twin Falla P resbyterian church, and Mrs. Joseph H fivw d, Buhl, president of the d istric t th e past year, responded to toasts. M iw M ary Jane Shearer and David PlEgc were In charge ol the mu.ilc.


Woman Arrested For Shoplifting

R uth Lee, T w in FjuU. Saturday artem oon pleaded guilty to a cliarge of petty larceny as slie appeared be­fore Probate Judge C. A. Dailey.

Tlie w om an answ ered guilty alter waiving he r s ta tu to ry time to enter plea. She wa.i alleged to have re­sorted to aliopllUlng in a local grocery store.

JudKc D ailey sentenced the de­fendant to 10 days In the county Jail but suajJcnded a sentence on comlltlon th a t she break no city, county or s ta te law a’ for the n e « six moi^ilu. S he was released after paym ent of c o u rt coats.

Sylvia, Shirley, Sharon-Rupei<< Triplets’Names

R U PER T , AprU U - Sylvia, Shirley and Sharon-17-day-o ld daugh ter* ot. Mr. ai«l Mrs. Syivio

• B o tt—a re *blg glrU" now and were - e r a d u a t« l" from Uie • Violet C h rls teru en nursing home Tliurs- day m orning. They and the ir

..m o the r a re now " a t home."B om M arch 28, the triplets are

th e f irs t In Minidoka county h is ­to ry a n d the first In Magic Valley tn m ore th a n seven yean .

H u rtn rd s of aURRestlona for nnm ea for the Uiplet« were re ­ceived by Uie Botts following the T lm es-N ew s fro n t page stOry and p ic ture. Sylvia was named t i n t — a f te r h e r father—and her sisters w ere nam ed later.

P lum p and pretty, the da rk - ha ire d trip le ts spend most of the ir tim e sleeping peacefully a t Uie hom e of the ir parents, unaware of Uio cxcltem ent the ir b irth cau.’ied throughout Magic Valley.

p p m TO l E I AT BUHL ^

BUHL. April n —The Tw in FalU P r tsb y teo ' will hold its spring m eet­ing Monday and Tuesday, April 13 and M. bexln'nlng a t 7:30 p . m , M onday a t Hazelton.

D r. Hnrtmon A. U chtw ardt, m is­sionary from Iron, will address the popular meeting Monday n ight. •

Rev. Alexander Hood. NorUl Fork. Collf,. will speak on his work am ong th e Mono Indians Tuesday. Dr. W il­liam CrOflby RMS. S alt Lake City. U tah , executive for Uie In term oun- u iin area, will also a ttend th e see-SlOM.

T he public Is cordially Invited to th e popular meeting M onday n igh t. Rev. E. E. Parker. Twin PalL-i. is mcxlemtor, and Rev. J . A. Howard. Buhl. Is th e sta ted clerk of the Presbytery.

There's always a reason to BAY IT W ITH



Comedy ^ . ^ Event! l O K l b d U d



T O B E .

N O T . . B E

FRIDAY—11:30 P. M.On The Stage In Person


I t Will Beare the YeU O ot o f Y ea

C a r o le Lombard’s last picture. An ex­citing romantic com­edy. Jack Benny a t hifl beat in a Burpria- inRly diffcreot comic , » role. . ^



Ford Adiust-O-Matic Radio' Only $9.00 Down

$1.69 Per Week

---.1._____. s c m c e s , p a r t s o r a cc es io r ie s , now !

A nd yoo 'U n e v e r m is s th e w e e ld f tu rn s jroa p a y n o d e r o a r easy BodgcC P a y m e n t P la n . W h e th e r y o u need a com ­p le te e o g in e o v e rh a u l, b ra k e s r c l l o e d ,« r s d io , h e a te r, t i r e s o r se a t c o v e n , b iiy ^ n o w a n d p a y th is easy , co n v en ie n t w a j i D rive k ) to d sy l H a v e th e v o d c d o n e — a n d p a y a s y o a r id e .

F A C T O R Y - A P P R O V E D T O O L S and E Q U I P M E N T g e n u i n e f o r d P A R T S

e x p e r i e n c e d m e c h a n i c s

Union Motor Go. Jerome p t o r Go.V ____ r>_____1 r » < I ■« . ______Your Ford, Lincoln and Mercury Dealert

TWIN FALLS JEROME· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (3)

San(l«7, Aprn 12, IS/ TIMBS-NEWS, t w in PALLS, IDAHO P a g o T h r to , I ;


Pour recolvlns s ta tions were nam ­ed Friday n lsh ( fo r Uie •nn u » lc ro v K id m aeple cradlcnUon cunp&Hn. a t « meeUns of th e SouUiem Idaho

, r ia h and Oam e aasoclaUon a t Twin ciW hall.

They were Duhl H ardwar* eort- pany. D uhl; W. R . Priebe, Twin PalU; Oeorge Ja sp e r service s ta­tion. Pder, ond B . P . Bailey garase. Hansen.

"Bounties of th res cen ts wilt b« paid until April 16. a n d lh« bounty will be two ccn ts p e r pest between April 15 and Ju ly l." c x p la l j ^ Dr. Oeorse Scholer. p resident. ^

Committee of th ree was named to plan for Uie aasoclaUon's annual •p rln s banquet, w hich will be held a few days prior to Uie openlns of the fishing season. May 34. Members aro Claud S i e w a r t r s a r l DavldKui and L arry B assett.

T a o team s w ere nam ed to canvass th e nortl) and sou th sides of Ta'ln Palls du rln s th e annual member­sh ip cam polsn w hich will Ret under­way ptlor 10 U\e n e x t fcv,ocljkUon meeUne. May 8, O o ttlJ s 800 or i rnembers.

Nortli side tenm l.i O. H. Coleman. Lud D reiler. Mac Spohr. Huel flu y - n e r ond Andrew Je an , Filer. Soutlj side team l.i Dtivldson, Dr. SchoIcr. B asic ll and R. F . Bailey. Hansen.

W lnnlns team will be feted at a dinner a t the expense of tlie losers.

ARGEN , 59 AS RED A E S» BUENOS A IRES. April 11 <4>-

T he federal sovcnim ent tonlKlit or­dered r j ArKenUnea nnd 32 aliens to leave Uic countrj- o r subm it to In­ternm ent for allcBcd Communist operations.

T w enty, two of th e 32 forelltner.-i Involved are alroioJy under arrest In Cortloba province.-vTho executive decree ordering

Hielr expulsion sa id the federal lice.requested tlia t "action be tal

/ against C om m unist aetlvlUes which / areT>elnB carried on through orsanl-

ta tlons affilia ted w im th e Com­m unist p a rty u nder the preleJtt of aldlne certa in belligerent countries and w ith in w o tk tra aaaoclatlons."

T lie m ost p rom inent amonB Ihj. Argentines ordered Into exile' Li O f. Augu.ito’ Biipge. form er vlce-pre.^i- den t of tlie .cham ber o f deputies, where h e had ser\-ed as a SoelalLit representative for 20 years.- Informed of th e Kovernment de­

cree, Dr. Bunge em phatically denied th a t he wa.1 a Com munist.

He Is chairm an of the Argentine , “committee for .lOlldarlty and as.iLit- { ance of free people.i." which has

rabed large fupils to aid Ru.v:la and . o lher United N a t i o n s flKhUng

against tlie aaU. and Li widely known as an advocat* of Argenype cooperation wm» th e United States.

1st Aid Instructor Group Will Meet

In itia l session of Uie F irs t Aid In stn ic to rs’ club. T w in FalU chap­ter. American Red Cros.i, will be held Tuesday a t B p, m, in room 100 a t the high scliool. It was announced here.

T he InlUal nieetlnR. tlioac In charge said, will combine club busi­ness, disciisslon of additional In­form ation and aLio social acUvltles!

Speakers a t Uie Initia l sex-ilon will be Dr. G ordon D: Oldham who will ilLicuss "Blood D onors and Blood Banks.” J . E. Hill w several electric om an selections a* p v t m e e n u rta ln m e n t program.

ConstltuUon and by-laws for the club will be pre.'sented by Larrj- Lun- din and a pe rm anen t name, will be nelectcd for Uie organlraUon.


11 (.rh-^Bin and B * Lee, 7-year- eld twins were -^nthuslasU c over th e ailVBBe program for war needs.

They gathered up a ll the loose meU l they could find , then no­ticed Iron pipe protruding abw e m e ffround a t the ir grand­m other's home. Falling to pull It ou t they persuaded th e ir father 10 hook on -rtlh h te tnkctw ._

A repair fa n * replaced the gas line.

Baby Chleka St S U rtlng Mash. _ , .^ lo b « Seed St Feed Company^—

-------ejWHRT OFWe c

D WITH n BOUl <0— DOTNCTTUJ • g ^ S U N ?

_____ a n arrow carriesthrough th e w ater whits a bullet is d e f le c ts . . a n d your clothes

th e stom p of sm art If they 're made to

•g a in by o u r LustcrUed

Cash and Carry DlSCOUNi^

( C I I A N E B _ ,

|I24IM 0SH 0N 6(~ '

Mfsa Ellen Bo m tn C hart*

Anipliibian Carriers Given Tests IS lA ID S TyD t O m F f l R f t l L

W . Q. W alstra, chairm an of the T«'lR Falls county firs t a id commit­tee. late Saturday onnounced com- jiletlon of organisation w hich will en- ‘ b le all of Uiose In terested in first aid training to regU ter fo r classes in th e imm ediate future,

W alstra pointed o u t , th a t the courses will be open to a ll ClUzrtu an d thaS a ir raid and fire w anlrns will be required to take them uniler rules and regulaUons released by the fttltce ol clviMan deJcnse.

W ith organltaUon of th is commit­tee. togeUier wlUi th e F irs t Aid in - s truc lori' club. It Lt now poulblo for as many as 1.000 p e ra o n rto re­ceive first a id train ing a t the i Unie.

W orking wHth W ab tra on committee are L. C. V an A tudeln. In charge of aid detaehm enis; Ed Berr^'man. In charge of InstrucUon of personnel for mobile un its ; M ar­jorie Byrnm, special assignm ents; Chauncy Abbott, Alma Carson. t>. M. H all. Jay M. .Merrill. Jam es C. Reynolds, nil ot T a ’ln F a lls : Maude Lacook. Kimberly; A. E llloll Mc- Dermlil. Filer, all particlpnUng In f irs t aid Instruction In con­junction wiih the county civilian de- feruie unit. •"

Since Jnn, I the members of the com m lltre i\jvve held cI(l\s work w hich hn.i qunllfled- 33S indlvlduaK for stand^rd : 103 for advanced and SI for In.Mnicior quallflcaUon cer- Uflcate.i. . 1 J k

RcRLiiri>Uon for f irs t a id c a n ^ e m ade ihnniKh the local Red Cror.i office, locntcd a t l lO 'i M ain avenue

Notr unde rgo ln r severe tests a t F o rt Knox. Ky., by the arm ored foree board Is thU amphibian personnel carrier. Llglitly arroorrd. the c arrier will holJ eight men. I t h as hetn driven CO milt* an h o u r on a h lfhw ay a n d l> also tperdy afloat, llpper plintn. Uie c irr ie r is u nder w a; on th e hishva}’, Belovr I t Is com-' In i ou t o l lh » w ater ftljtr a da?ih « i t« » a river.

Columnist Approves ‘Wake up’ Congress Replies Reach 47

B y TO.M JOHNSO.V W ritten comment r e g a r d i n g '

"Wake. up . America," continued arrive a t th e Tw in Falls Chamber of Com m erce durlns the.we^k, one m onth o r more after tlic by Claude H . D<!twcllcr waa dellvtre<l and d is tribu ted In leaflet form.

ncplle.-i. a ll favorable, came ir A lbert N. Lem an, New York City editor of th e McClure New.spjiper syndicate a tu l mvthor of ih t Hew, York W hlrllKlg feature ’on trnr TJmes-Ncws editorial pane, "Ana- lyzl»K C u rren t News From New York,"

Form er ResidentL e tte r s ' w ere dl.'.p4itclie<l by .....

a lo r t a n d conRrcjin^cn includlns Cong, W ard Johnson. R,. Calif., n form er rc.sldent of Twin FiilLi nnd cu rren t Loni; Beach repre.ientatlve In W nshiiigton. D. C.

"Wake up. America" was the ,iub- Ject for dIsciLwion In Uie political column o f Jo h n C. H aney , who wrote In th e Bobe Statc.-iinan " th a t I>!twcllcr has, a t any rate, gotten hlm.ielf In to an excellent poslUon for a politica l d raft."

•'In hLs speech." said the BoUe writer, "Dctw eller polnte<l out tha t thlng.i a re n o t KOlng loo well wlih us In th is w ar. anti th a t It’s not Im- pavilble th a t we m ight be defeated and subjugated.

"Using plain, hard words, lie struck ou t against every element th a t In terferes w ith the winning of the war, nnd he d idn 't spare labor o r lndustr>' o r the natlonaj adm ln- IstraUon." a.v.erled Uie columnLit.

"Good Jeb- Concludlng Uiat "he's a factor In

the political picture th a t will bear w akh lng ." H an 'cy sta ted th a t "Det- w eller has done a good Job of giving expression to ideas Utat predoml-

ite In ever>'bo<ly's h eart and inlud Ulrj.e days."

Mciftiwhlle. the New Y ork col- timnl.'it, Leman, Informed the cham - iK-r:

“I nKrce Uiat we w ln-U il.i wur and th a t It Li a'ta.-ik to which wc nnist bend.every effort and niukc every iacrlllce.'

Coinmcul from Raymond Chipper, ano ther coluiniilJt Who wrlte.i dully /o r Uie Tlmes-Nctt-s, will be dcl»yc<l. explained his »ectelary. "beciv«;.e the moment Clapper Is In C hung ­king. China."

Noting th a t Detweller had ' u r g e ^ All citizens to protest to Uieir coi (jrexnmen over what he called niLi- take.'i in Ihe war effort, Cong. J o h n - ^on a.v.crte<l: "“i

" I agree ahiolutely wlUt w h a t D et- Weller says. ]jut, I sugHoat t l i a t the people aL'.o conUtcl the P re s id e n t Jf they are oppof.ed to m any of Uie conditions th a t exLit today."

DetegAted PonrersPatntiug out, UiRl duclng th e inxsi

10 ycar.i cotiKress’ has dclcKntc<l m any of lls powers lo Uic P re sid e n t. Johnson malnt.ilned, " n i l s w ar pl'o- g ram Is being eojiducted a lm o st In lUs en tirely by men appoin ted by Uie President. Congress has no trol over their actions.''

Ho cliiirge<l tha t "through p ro p a - gandri the adm inistration even tr ie s to control She Uilnklng of th e peo ­ple."

Johnson explained th a t on Dec, 3. 1041. the hoiuie of reprencnUiUves piLvsed a bill Uiat would lim it s tr ik es a n d o ther stoppages In w ar In d u s- trle.1.

" T his bill still lle.1 In th e »en»t« w ithou t any action because It h a d th e opposition of the executive d e ­pa rtm ent." contended the cong ress­m an . _ T

Johnson concluded by th a ra f tte r -

okefmUto,A F T E R . » EAS T EM.


)!et« stock to ses 13 to SO.


SUITSlewest styles au


DRESSESPrin ted Jerseys, pastels, sull dressos. Sl2ea la to 50.


COTTONSCompleU stock! In voiles, p e r­cales. spun rayoni, etc.


SLACK SUITS300 new alack suits tn the new­est sty les, s u e s 13 U> 4i.


HATSNow you can c lw w from o n e , o t th e UJTO's l-irResi a sso rt­m ents.



Uncle Eflo t of

e probably fourteen

w* to me we lived ihrougli II, and if .Uiortages bring on Iho^e times ngaln, I guess the young.iiers can take It.

foritinatrly, one o'f those In the niitiorlty."

neplic.i were received from Sen. Uavlcl I. Walsh, D.. Ma.\s.. rhalrm nn of the ten iite com inltice on iiixval alfulr.s; nnd Cong. A rtliur D. Healey. U.. M.i-vi,

47 Holons ReplyRegardUw comment from ........

congre.'.i atone. R has been given by 16 senators and 31 congre.-.smen. Including 22 Democrais.;!* R epubli­cans and one Coalltlonbt.

"W ake up, America" ha.n been the subject of .leveral other........ analysts, ond by Ma«lc Valley

tis who have secured H.OOO or cnple.i from the Cham ber of


Bradihaw Given Post on Honey Board for U. S.

WENDELL, April n -D o u g la* B. Q m dshav , prom inent norUi- w est honey producer. Uili week rocelved h is commLsslon as a m em ber of th e na tional advlsorv com m ittee for the honey indai- try .

M r. B m dsiiaw . who went to W ashington. D. C.. two weeks ago a t th e InvltAUon of Leon Hender- son, prico adm inistra to r, lo d is­cuss Uie wtvr s ta tu s of honey and contem plated price ••ceilings," was nam ed to Uie committee a i repreoentotlve of honey groi 'cr* nnd producers. •>.

W. P . 6 tra u b . Chicago, was nam ed to th e com m ittee to repre­sen t honey packers, and L. A. O ow ngt. LoulsvlH t.K y., lO Ttpre- »ent Industrial users of honey.

Mr. D riidshaw returned to Wendell F riday .


BO ISE. April 11 (ffv-Farm ers at>-' p rehenslve lest llrestook feed bo acaree nejc^ ,w lnU r^ aliould p la n t c o m fo r ensilage and fodder, a«Tl- cu ltu ro co«nniLssloner J . B . N ew .

Hog Pool Climbs To New High PeakSetUng n new record for hundre<l-

w elght prlcr. growers ne tted $12.- Irctn Frlday'fl hog pool of Uie

T w in P»lls County L ivestock M nr- kcUns iLVwlatJon, I t was announced by Couniy Agent B ert Bolhigbroke nlKht.

N et 10 Krowers was J13.76 p e r hun dredwelKhi, Ik-.m p rice In tiie hLitory of Uie n.voclntlon. aro-iB pe r htm^ dre<l wni J13.00,

Four liuiidrwl and e ighteen hogs ere Involvtsl and to l* l w eight

02,194 poimd.t, Purchase w'as R by Cudahy Packing com pany, Los Angclej, Calif.

N oR ecruitsbut Coast Guardsman Returns April 18

If a t f irs t you don 't succeed try, try again .

■•niuilneiis was not ^o gnod.” ad ­m itted U ^U iw aln’s Mule M. V am eis of Uie U. S . coast gunrd. who bagged no re c ru lu du ring his Uiree-day t.1nd here.

•'I'm m oving on up to BoLie now." he said la s t n igh t, "but I'll be back

Ttt'ln F a lls from 10 n. m. to 1 m. Sa tu rday . April 18.“

Ills mobile u n it will p a rk a t T^i'ln Falls paitofflce.

p o r t advised today.■'There Is e^•ery IndlcsUon th a t

the re will b« a sliorto«e of forage crops lo r feeding livestock Uie com- Ing :Tear,'' h e said In a statem ent.

•T liere Is less carry-over o t hay In sou the rn i t l ^ o nnd etietem O regon th a n UiereSlias been fo r many years. I n KouUiei^ Idalio th e carry-over Is negligible.

H igh prlccr. offered to r cropa otiter

t h a n hoy has caused m tny aUaU* fields to be brolteo, Newport • p la ined .

H * declared «<pJaJl7 f a r o ^ l a prices offered for m ilk product! tsxA fo r beet and rtiulUm h a d I n o tw e d th e ir producUon and concurrwjtiy he igh tened Ui« need for fora»e' c rops.

"T he tim e to p lan t com Is prie- U cally here, and U dalryinen a n d j> ther farm ers find th a t th e ; m lsM

Automotive HintU nder-Inflated automobile tires

w ill h e a l more quickly tlian thoso In fla ted to the correct pressure, m alerln lly sliortenlne Uie life of th e tire .


Granges Backing War Bond Drive

Twin Fall.i county O ranges will throw thelT •f.rtght Into th e RclllnR of w ar savlnKr. bonds a n d sUimps according lo Krie E. Jones. m a.iter o; Tw in Falls County Pom ona O range

He will explain Uie w ar bond rUe a t a mecUng of Kimberly

O range there n t 8:30 p. m . tomorrow E ast end O range lecturers wll

m eet a t 8 p, m. T uesday. April M In the Rogerson ho te l, to h e a r M ar- .iliall Chapm an give dctalLn of Uie war bonds cam paign. All Orange; from .Filer on « is i will be repre­sented.

Between April 30 and 30. an In­tensive canvass wll be InlUated by Ornngers.



571 926U I lonr Serrlee

I t ’s Time A ll ^ Good Little Furs

I Were in , _

STORAGEScarc ity of fur« . . . new taxes . 'S T iia v i m ade your fu rs more valuable th a n «ver. K eep your co at In prim e condlUoa by (torace In our ZDOdem. alr-condltlor\cd »au lt . , . aafe from FIR E . T H D T , M O TH S and damaging HEAT. A nd If

you v s n t to^have them cleaned, glased, repaired or rellned'Srou may have th e services of our skilled furriers. J iis t p h o n o - Bur ro u tem m will call.

PHONE 850 P A R I S I A N , Inyc.

L A U N D E R E R S A N D D R Y C L E A N E R S7J0.MsJn Avenue S outh T w in Falls

on FiREmRnA i n O M l t T I C C O A L S T O K E B

DETWEILER'S■Buu U. s . Bonds Stamps

'5)“W EJA V E MERCHANDISEWc huvc mndc every effort to see th n l our cu.s(omcrs needs ;ihould be filled to jh e l) o f our nbllity. I I Is v e t:j^ ru c th a t the .mnnufJtcturer’s o f many lines of tncr- chnndLsc have now, and m o re^ 'jll each dny devote Iheir en tire effirts t4WilHng orders fo r “ Uncle Sam "'which Is n t it Hhould be. W ithout doubt there nrc many IhihRH'you j a n buy today, th a t soon you will not be able to . Wc urge you to take advaniaRC of your opportunity to buy the thinfja yolj need now— rthem listed here tha t will not be available attain during ih e ^

—many ot

PRESTO COOKERSm arvelous coolc- t h a t should bo

tn every hom e. I t saves tim e —- It saves ih 0 n e y. m akes a ll foods t-xite belter.

3 q t . KiteS 1 1 . 9 54 QU .Sise $ 1 2 . 9 5

(We have them )

ALUMINUM WAREO ur stock now Is complete w ith ev- :ry h o u s e h o l d Item. Wc feature th e Jam ous W ear- £ \'e r a n d other kinds of a lum lnuum th s l will save yog money.


W ARET he fines t a sso rtm en t lo ehoose from In town.

L arge ra in in lae d WAflil BOILERS ...........................$ 1 . 5 0 lo

COPPfiR WASH BOILERS.W hen our Copper W ash Boilers have been aold —I t will be a ll fo r the duraUon. F ine heavy alf copper nickel p la ted W ash Boilers S & 9 S to S7.9S-

LAWN MOWERSNot being boasl. fol — b a t we do h a re th e (Inest m LAWN MOW ER |Taints In Idaho.19 K IN D S AND


$11.9S(See ThU One)

H eary scm l-pnenm aU e tires | b e a ry blade su p ­ports—fully ball bearing—SELF 6H A RFEN IN G . An ezelBsire ' reatnre and It r o i l y m c«na th a t yoo e a a sh a rp e n jo w b» wct eaaUy « « h \ to yoo r own back yard—eoTer«d o il cnpa—(uU IS loch enl. A Talno yoo c a n 't erertook.


Pow ered w U h DlfCa S ttw tlonI Cycle M otor _________S 9 5 . 0 0

A LAWN M O W n i foe every heme, a t * p rice to wnlt every pnrse. ,

G O O D R lC n L T T t-N -TU FF

iRRIGATlNG BOOTSAU sfn* (whll« they last)


W« s lin bsT o soixis eloeka and

w atches a t p riee t r u f l n c from

$ 1 .3 5 »P 1»» Koy*n

"RUBBER GARDEN HOStiYou would b e ' wise to buy jiow. W hen th is Is Bone—Ifs gone for good —three ffrades to ehoose from.

rrieed 50 F t, L enc th s _____ 5 3 , 9 5 ' t o $ 9 . 4 5


n ie y will n o t bo availab le a lte r our' present stock 1.1 exhausted. F rlco ranges—

S X .3 5 , 5 4 . 9 i s . S 5 . 5 0 . S 7 . 9 5 . 5 9 . 9 5 , S 1 2 . 5 0

■ “WE FEATURE”'H ie MNXST E L E C T niC A L APFLIAN'CES made ips - th e hom e. S u c h nam es aa “SUN- DEA.M,- •T t)A ST M A S'rE n ,“ “GENERAL ELEC- • n i l t " CORY "SIL E X ” nnd oUiert less well knowT). If you con tem p la te the purchase of such Items as WAFFLE IR O N S, ELECTRIC CURL­ING IKONS, E L E C T R IC RAZORS, MIXERS. IRONS, any th ing In e lectrical appliances we urpo jou to buy now whUe they are available.

ICE CREAM FREEZERSBelieve It or net, some Jobbers do net

'h a r e now Ice cream freese ti la stock. Wa do.

In every sis*

S 1 .3 5 f 1 1 4 .5 0



r ard en plow, w ith a lt

sttaehiqeala ^

IfanOles an th is plow m a d o to take any shock, from Uie a rm s In puahlnB , I f s differen t $ 3 .9 8

GARDEN TOOLSSuperior In Q uality— Low in Pric»

IILDGE sn '£A R £R S S 1 .5 0 to S 4 .5 0

6 h o v e l i S 1 . 0 0 t o $ 1 . 3 5


7 5 6 . $ 1 . 0 0


UIILDB GARDEN S E T S . SboTe), h o « ------------------------------------------- 4S«GALVANIZED SPRATEKS, > fallon ca|«eUy,

---------- . 5 4 . 9 5


D I A M O N D HDWE.)· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (4)

Page Four TIMES-NBWS, TWIN PAtXS, IDAHO ' Bxmivr. April 12, 1942

Ha4k. «wUkM7,

EaUrad u MosDd e lw 04(1 matut AprtI (. 111*. *1 Uw »ala(tk« is T«la Falk. IdAba. niUr Ux u l of Utrck t.


ST UAIWrATABLB IN ADVAKCIWltfela l<UlM. lOil b U CMfltf. N«>»dai Or nenth ■ ■ -----

Ccaml«to M«« MrriMa e( th« A d Pm« *sd UsIM

Uat ]urU4ieU0B (a b* pubUihMl wmi tb« TbnndA]' 1mb« at thi* p*Mr M m C. X. l«U u UMT.t0 br ciusta

UlIU Toww. tlO Oo«h Rtml. Baa rr*m!io< Calif.

CONQUERED? ^Two years ago th is m onth Hitler conquered

Norway. Or did he? •Many tldea have rlacn In the fjords since

th a t cold dawn when the NazU -and th e Quislings drove their already bloody dagger Into the backs of the Norwegians who had

• cscaped World war I and somehow believed they'd m bs th is one too.

Quisling and Hitler thought it was easy. Americans — still a long way from Pearl harbor — thought It woa a little too easy. The B rltlsh 'a ijd French thought they m ight do som ething about it, got a handful of troops there In time to s ta r t getting them out again.

Well two years have gone by, and how easy-docs It look to you today, Vldkun Quis­ling? ^

Even with H itler’s best horror merchants^ backing you up, you have, only 32,000 mem-'" bers In your party — Just 1 feer cent of Nor­way’s popuJatJon.

The rest of them seek your life. Tlie d a y ’ 'H itler falls you die. Perhaps sooner. Your treason w asn 't even smart.

And how arc things for you. Hitler? You have stolen everything you could lay hands on. You have slaughtered hundreds who re ­am ed; thrown thousands Into concentration camps. You have brought them all misery. But th a t misery is a puny thing compared to the will for vengeance th a t will not be denied.

Conquered? Ask Adolf.Americana; can you say you are fighting

as well os Norway? If you can answer yea, t h e . ^ r is won, for the power Is with you.

And B ritain? Have you anything b u ^ ra ls e for th e Norse sailors and ships th a t bring

-y o u oil and weapons and food that you m ay continue the fight, for the people In Norway who cheer your bombings against their hom e­land and pray nightly th a t you will Invade?

And France? Norway makes your cringing collaborators look even worse. If your France had resisted as 'va lian tly as Norway, H itler today would be a lo t fa rther down the road to defeat. .

Two years afte r their tiny army was beaten, the bravery of these tough Norwegians shines like th e nortfiern lights, flashing a signal around the world th a t Hitler can never win.

. I f th a t sounds poctlc, all right. Poets for cen ­turies ■will sing of these men, women and

• children.Conquered? Why the Norwegians have Just

begun to fight! __

IT JUST AIN’T FAIR More words of wisdom by Senator Thom as

of U tah, who now has the. audacity to accuse congress (of all things) or-*'attempllng to infringe upon the executive branch of th e government In desperate attem pts to am end the legislation creating the standard of a 40- hour week for peacetime."

H ere’s the senator’s la tes t contribution: “Democratic government becomes Intoler­

able w henever one of the three branches of the government usurps the sphere of action and influence of one of the others. The ex- ecutlve 'm ust no t grow too grea^ th e courts m ust n o t grow too great; the national legls-

• Jaturo m ust no t grow too great In comparison o r co n tras t w ith any other branch of th e gov­ernm ent.

“T he sin of today Is on the congress for o plain interference w ith a proper and efficient adm inlstratloo-gf properly enacted and long studied law<by an executive which is sa tis­fied w ith the Instrum ent and capable , of h and ling it.”

Please, senator, don 't tell us that we lian/b a big, bad congress th a t’s taking advantage of the poor, little executive branch of our gov­ernm ent. I t ’s bad enough to realize th a t our

' p resent congrcss Is such a weak sister it couldn’t take advantage of a bunny rabbit, but to accuse the legislative branch of being an old meanle—well. It Just ain’t fi^r.

And confidentially, senator, we'rir not w or­ried about our coiifts being In position to take advantage of the executive branch, <;llhcr.

TH E WAR THAT NEVER EMDSNq official communique was Issutd. Head'

Une w riters almost passed i t "up. ttnnotlccd. But America has scorcd an Important vic­tory against a hated enemy, an enemy th a t has struck even a t the President., The good news comes from Dr. E. C. Bose- now, Mayo foundation bacteriologist who Re­ports th a t 25 years of research on the cause of Infjmtlle paralysis h as ' been rewarded w ith th e scientific proof th a t th e minute, visible streptococcus germa. not^an Invisible virus, a s commonly acccptcd, arc th e causative o t - ganlsm. ' ;

Th& doctor now proposes to use an a n tl- senun, already perfected, and possible skin te«t8 to 'detect th e disease In its earliest stages. He h as practical proof In the use- of th e an tl-aerum on 2.000 hum an patlenta, w ith m arked mortality, reduction.

T his m ajo r victory, yet to be fully con- l ln n ed by aabaeq tcn t practice, ahould no t go unsung. in lah tU e paxalyslB needs no bombing planes, no saboteurs to strike a t your own hom e. T he w ar of science against this enem y goes on, in time of peace and time of war.


WHIRLIGIGKELAUNCll- ^ 0 U nlU d N ttlon i fluAlly hftvt

wrctUd Air luporiortty In num ben u)d aUo In per- (ornuksut pS&ntt trocn th e u U . While pfodueUoQ (Igurei Are nKrdiarUy s«eret,.one c u i dUctote that the democTAClea' ennuaJ output coday—and it will In- c r e m Bsomelrlc»Uy—U aI l e u t one-third Urser than tmr ensm yi.

our «urpn»»ln« pregre»4 U due lArjely to t*'o r«- marlukble but *e*ntlly publicized avU aUon AdTWices. The Or»t concerni itM All-around AblJliy-ot the Usht, two-engined bomber. The tecond tn- volvea Uie Browln« u*e of big Iran*, port* to ferry men and mat«rUU to t^e dU U ni battle tronU In ChUia, Australia, the middle c u t and Rus- .11*. The foranen of tfie American ■Tkrsenal of democracy" were liandU capped at flr it becauM our pursuit liiips ^ n o t fly under ti\eir own po%'cr 10 these remote nreaa. But we

RATTOCKER dlKovcTtd- that the bomblns c n l l , C(irr>’lng extra BUolIno tankn Instead ot mlisUcs. can hlpplU'-liop to th e tarth est lighting zonrS' TIte Easlei' mas.iacre of hostilo aerial attA dcm revealed that they mnko a d(o4t]r (lubiutute for the smaller machines.

As reported here some Ume ago. we have turned to manufncture of tremendous ships to tolve the diffi­cult problem of logistics. The Douglas will soon rcocl) volume tonnage and an oven heavier cargo ves- *el Is In the Jnboratory etaRe. Olenn Martin will re­launch hla great'contribution to the skyway freight lines before the end of the m ontli. I t will not be long before Kipling's cast and w est won't know one from the other.

FACTION—The New D ealers are trying to capitalise on Jesse H. Jonen’ elastic em barrassm ent by stripping from lilm the control of the bllUons of dollars moblllted under him tor economic sUftaaM'allon ol the axla powers. They^are c irculating w ord th a t he Is too oJd- fa-ihloned and conservative to conduct a blockade blltzkrlfg.

The man they have advanced against the T exan Is Milo p . Perkins, the extrem ely able execuUve officer of the economic w arfare board headed by Vlce-PresU den t Wallace. Alt^iough tiia t agency has been charged wicJi all sorts o f functions, Indud ing mapping of hostile bombing targets, Its ch ief aaslgnm ent' Is to m ass the p reuure of our g rea te r commercial, financial and trading.resource* against Uie foe. But Its W hite House whisperers contend th a t I t lacks both the a u ­thority and funds to handle th a t task. I t can regulato e xpo ru from th is country to oUier na tions bu t I t c an ­n o t gobble up foreign m ateria ls before IL tler lays hla h ands on them. Ttie secretary of commerce m alntalna a tigh t grip on th a t field w ith hla various "defease p lants.” . . ^ ■

s u n a U ilrt facUon Insists th a t th e rigVit to tiuy u p gdods abroad should be vested In W. P . B.-er W illiam L. Batt, who now shoulders ^ e responsibility of pro­viding the stuff from w hich lilsto ry 's g reatest ou tpu t of arm s must be m anufactured. Aside from the Illus­trious personalities Involved, chief significance U u In the need (or estabU&hlng a. alngle u n it to ««aken tfie Japs and Nasls a t 'h o m e and Intem aUonally. A cen tral command has become a* vital here a* In naval and mllltJiTT activities, r . D. R . appears to be movln* slowly toward a tightening of a ll war-making board*.

P l l te —W ithout benefit of presidentia l support th t a rm y and na\-y are quietly lobbying through a tax blU which will deprive 22 sta te s of m illions of dollars o f federal payments. F. D. R. ha* scnipulouily kep t o u t pf thl.1 delicate controversy Involving the relationship between commonwealth* and country .

T he original measure exem pted everj- firm engaged In any sort of w ar work—prim e contractors, lubflrm a. supply houses, truckers—from gasoline, sales, u se 'a n d Utility levies. The ncore o r m ore governors affected stugcd anoUier Boston tea pa rty , arguing Uiat th e scheme would m ulc t th e ir treasuries of badly needed fwsvls. Only a lew monUis ago th e suprenie to u r t ruled against the Idea In an A labam a case, though Inviting congress to enact legislation. T )ie treasury opposed It. Even the houiie rules com m ittee revolted. Although It has no autliorlty to pass on tho wL-Klom of a proposed s ta tu te . Uils group handed I t back to ways and m eans for a surgical operation. • •

T hen the generals and adm lraU turned ou t the flro brigade. Headed by 'S ecretorles SUmson and Knox JO braided and epaule tted heroes frightened a secret se.ulon with th e ir warnlnRB. The contrlbutloa i to .iuiic\ and cities, they sa id , would boost the arm am ent (;ani by several billion dollars, whicli sum so far tliey have placed In escrow. T licy told how one common- wfalUi anil one lam e c ity h a d demanded th a t con­tractors submit confidential specifications fo r weap­ons. slilps, planes and building* as a check on pur­chases subject to taxation. T h e boya ecared. W here­upon thry provided Umt only Uncle 6am himself— no t ^cconllI>^y torporaU ons—ahould escape Vne ga* and sales lmpait.t. Fourteen of the 33 antagonistic Rovernmcnts have now w ithdraw n the ir oppMlUon and tho InnovaUott seems likely to become law.

EGGS—Independent pe troleum companies #uffer- 1ns from wartlm '? dislocations hav« received sh o rt sh rif t from Coordinator Harold L. Irkes, While the la tes t episode Involves a M ichigan cor|X)raUon. other complainants have now discovered th a t tliere Is no balm In the secretary of th e Interior.'T h i s concern noUfled th e cab inet member th a t It was refining and tu rn ing ou t a g reat deal of fuel to m eet Uie growlnB w ants of defen^e p lanu In th a t ariM. Unfortunately, th e Increased demond for the m ajor essence resulted In an overproduction of gas. Meanwhile, with people conserving the ir Ures. the m arke t for Uie la tte r commodity lia s dwindled. 8o, h ta fln g talk ol scatciU ts In th e east nntl a prospective raUon allotment of only 10 gallons a m onth, the outfit luiked whether any cen tra l agency had been created \6 buy Uie unsalable article a n d transport U to areas needling It. - ,, Mr. Ickes replied tlja t tills problem eohfronted every territory- where "there Is a su rp lu s Ot auMUne and a shortage of o il” He does no t contem plate creaUon of a federal pool to store th e e x tra supply. His only so­lution. ho added, Is a recommandaU on th a t firm s ad ­vance the ou tpu t-o f oil while reducing tlie total of th e secondary commodity. T h e troubled correspond* ent« are still ti>'lng to figure ou t th a t one. To Uiem th e M aryland farm er's advice—and he ought to know as a pou ltrr fancier—U ta n tam o u n t to suggesUng tliat a m an grow more chicken* w ithou t adding to the s to re of eggs.

GKE—A thoughtfMl member of the house tpllomlied Uie restleMneu exUyng tn lU rank* as representative* prepare to seek reelecUon In th b disturbed period. After recounting the political mistakes which the T7th congress has committed, he said In a tone *o ser« lous that It was almost comical;

“Oee. 1 with I wera runrvlng against myseU this yearl" ^


Productlnn quotas will be “busWd and upped, and tlien busied again" In the war producUon planU of the Rocky Mountoln region, according to,*Ut«m*oU made by management and labor represenUUrea at a re- glonal production drive eoiiference In Denver last week.

The meeting, called by the wa> producUon board, wa* attended by labor and m anagement m en from virtually a ll plants working on major war ordera in the noeky Mountain region. tJetalls of the producUon drive, which was ordertd by Preddent Roosevelt and Donald U . KeUoh. were explained a t . th e conterenca. Both.

. management and Ubor repr^aenUUve* pledged tbusUsUo support to the plan. "

Arthur W. Lutz, managemetit consultant for th« war producUon board; who presided at the tneeUng. de­clared: "Wfi.must forget a ll of-our peacetlm* differ,

'ence* aAd ecstrovcTslts. Any labor •management prob. lems that Impede the war effort must be fold through existing machinery, while we march together to victory. Neither Japan nor the U nited BUtea ha* ever lost a »-ar. This war must be lost by Japan."

' Speaker* at the meeUng stressed tJiat the Joint man- aceoient-Ubor commltt«es w hich are to o p e i ^ the p ^ u c U o o plan in each plant are not to be concerned with any pnblem* escoept the overall problem of “producing as much as possible a* fast as possible.' — Wallace Miner. \

Getting Back to Earth Again

m P o t S h o t swith tne



i>ol»-rK>in m fomrUulj rtl iioiwfhjr gnlhip»h»hl« w w .u S in u V ro*lowrn«*Mcl«lAl'ri

'G ood grief, she 's" going to let fa th e r kIvc me a ba th m is morning.

" n iU 1.1 really going to be some- thlnft? T hank heavens Uiey don 't pu t cnouKh water In th e bath lnctte to d row n a person, even somtbody m y sUe. Guess m other doesn't realise how awkward fa th e r 1*. O h- oh. here he come.j_

"Goodness, th a t a cicee call. "He nearly dropped m e th a t time. "Hope he 's got the tem perature

of the w ater right. H e woukln't know how tender a baby's skin K Well, h e re goes . . . he 's pulling me In .. •

"Gracious. Uiat's hot, Wonder If 1 9Ught to cry? au ess I'll lust screw up m y face a little . . . aw. I hnvrn 't got th e h e a r t . . . he looks so d is­m ayed. W onder If lie's using th a t frightened look to kid me out of crying? No. h e couldn’t'bo. Fathers

■ -n 't th a t clever.'O uch l How he’s got soap In my

eye. Now 1 W ILL holler."H uh. I suppose he tlilnks H I

sh u t up Ju st because lic'.i sli-sh- shu.slilng me. He's (ffrnld moUior will h e a r me and b<iwl him out. Poor fellow—come to th ink oJ it. la thers

re awfully bullied.“T h ere he goes tr>lnR to hold m e

up while , he 's washing my feet. D oesn't he know a girl can s i t up

.. .1 she 's 10 m onths old? . Hts hands ore slippery tcocn soap. too.

going to let me slip under water . . .' I can Just feel It coming

I 'm slipping . . , he's franUe

' n o HUM DEFT."Pltchen .Shown lo Unlly Club"

—fioclal paje headline.Hope Robello shows some To

Cowboy fans..^


Friend Pouo:Hlslno' B-100Ji74J21 o

acUon to W. U. A.. Uic Speech by Claude H. Dctweller.

-Sen. David I. Walsh. D.. Mass. must be devoting too much Ume to hi* chairmanship of the senate'com­m ittee on naval affair*.

HI* letter to Ray J. Holmes, com- meoUnB on I'ou^know-what by you- know-who. was addressed to the Chamber of Commerce at Twin Fall*. Massochu.telts.

7)10 postofflct authorlUu at Boe. ton. M ass, who are kind-hearted about senatorial secretarial Ijnor- ance. stamped Uie missive "defl clency In addreu supplied by us.' and blue-penciled In "Idaho” afUr T »ln FalU.

» 8 * n e( Seeend Street

, 4 .


We say.It's either aabetage er else the eennty better clear the lack* off Uie drlreway behind Uis courlhouae.

Our sleuths advise t;* (hat the sllustlon was aa thusly Thursday:

11} Jud(s J im PerUr emerged from |h e /ourUiouse a t noon to drive home. F U t tlra en hU ear.

IS) 8 U U ralrolm an Vlrg Bar­ron etneried later. |U d a fU t on a brand new Ure of hU brand new cherry red peUce ear.

13) W all M cu cn ve drove bis machine downtowB. parked it, ato lunch, caroe back and (outul a lire flat. Tack or nail presumably picked up on the courthouse driveway.

(4) Barren tMjn Uie lack In his Ure was a siilnjr naw one.

(51 , , ,

SP n iN G , TRA LA

Spring, as a lw ays th e Ume of blLu,

W lien strife tin d turm oil you'll w an t lo mlM,

A* life receives a good fairy kUi; 1* Just th e time for me.

Song birds, tl ic ir beau tifu l songs do render.

A le lU r you'll prepare lo r the fem inine Render.

Expressing your love m words so tender.

A hl T h a t 's the tim e for me.

As I sit d u td . a larlng around.I reallEQ suddenly, tfiough not

from sound . ,ThB la g laring a t nle, with a

frown. ^W alll I t'* NOT the Umo for mej



D ear Pot Sliob;’ I think you'U w ant thU one

the colyum.A certain Twin Fall* woman . ,

proached a downtown magulna stand and asked the gl^l tor magasine Umt used to be 10 ctnla per copy. It's now is cents, what with Uie wartime IscretM .

"I'm ftorry. madam," th e girl *ald, "the price U IS .cent* now."

The lad7 looked at her haughUly. •'lHll\.” sold ahe. '•Cateh m e paylt\g

19 cent* here—I can go anywhere else and gel It for a dune."

-—I. Foanum

FA.MOUS L-^ST LlNB “. . . LcVi give up h a ll jonr

tobacco, Chartea, and buy War bondsi . . . " -■ I

1 THE c e n t l e -m a n Vn*• THE.THIBO ROW



Tau K appa lo ta fraU m lty of which W alter Slaughter, Jere Long and KelUi Evans. Tw in Falls, are mem- bc n , has won the scholasuc honors of the fratcm lU es of U>* University of Idaho for th e semesUr.

Mrs. George D. Aiken, resident of

make h u home.

O. O . O odman. an official in the S tandard Oil company, now located In Boise, was here on business this wttk.

n YEARS A G O ^A FR fL 1*. 1915

l* s t Friday afte rnoon th e Twin Falls high school team w ent to w en t to Filer, w here th e y played a game wlUi Ute hlgb achool of th a t th r lv m t little d ty . T h e game wa* a very otie*alded a ffa ir , Twin FalU w inning by a score o f 18-3.

“J\w ty-flve U inuU s From Broad, w ay ,' as Interpreted by aome forty clever T irln Falls people u n d e r the able dlrK Ucn of W lUred Uackay O lson drew nearly a capacity house a t th e Laverlng M onday n ig h t and netted the bona boys a n e a t sun* th e ir expenses for t l « year.


FROM NEW YORKJ i m B S —T h e SBiUah (lance a t

th e c a le n d ar UUa week w ith dread. T n e j know th e peculiar laed n a tlo n w hich d a te s have ioc horoecoplst H itler. A y e a r age b e pounoed upon Tfurja la»U a n d G reece..O n AprU9. IMO. h e leaped ------------a t N orw ay and penauLTk. T o atone ihe Idea t* fa n ta s ­tic th a t th e fueh­rer. w ith a renew - ed n u a s la n batUe on hi* h a o d e . a h o u l d w U t r l a round a n d a t ­tack B rita in . B ut n o t to th e IlOTdon governm ent; they rea lly expect the blow.

A new law goe*Im m ediately In to force *etUng up U>e m oblllxatloo detail* of cfvOlin worker*. E very able-bodied m an ik th e d a n g er sone ha* a tentaUva Job assigned h im on consm aU on of b a r­rier*. m a in tenance of pubUo service* and uUUtle*. m stnicU on* have gone ou t to th e hom e guard th a t It* ta sk 1* to de lay th e . enemy for long enough to give field arm ies tim e to n i*h u p th e — ^



WHEN F A 'n iE lt G O ES TO WABW hal to tell th e ch ild ren when

Uielr fa th e rs go o ff to service is Bomeihlng U»at boUiers many moth­ers Uiese days. W lien a father and his clilldren a re very close friends, u (0 o ften happens In our Ameri­can-reared famlllea, f a th e r ’s leaving home Is a shocking event.

W hat Is he to say w hen he knows h t Is to leave hom e Jor a W lisi is m other to say when Uie homecoming hou r passes and faUier does not come hom e? T h e sltuauon Is full of po ten tia l tragedy IX we allow It to be so. I t Is o u r stem duty tO 'prevent th a t a* fox a s possible.

Children tako co lor from Uie moods of Uielr paren tji. If father and m other are c h ec rfu l and avoid any .ihow of deep em otion before the children w hen Uie Ume comes for Uie pnrUng It will n o t be so hard on Uiem or Uie c litld rcn . T he Impos­ed control smtAln.4 them and It saves the children acu te distress. Tlia appearance of courage crcates It In time, and courage Is w h at we nfl*d-

D on 't D eny o r AccenttVlien Uie ch ild asks about his

father, w hat he Ls doing, where he U going, why, w hen and what. It will take a ll th e coumg'e a moUier can sum m on to answer chectfuUy. b righ tly , ao a s to wp. port Uie clilld'B sp ir it . Some o: Uie children will be old enough to und e ra in ^ U ia t fa th e r '* atjscnce has withlVi i t a h in t o f danger. .

Don't deny th a t, b u t don 't ac> cent It. Say Yes. f a th e r Is In Ui« war. Yes. t.omeUmcs people are kill, edi but m any tim e* they are quite safe. Ye.s. fa th e r h a d io go because It u-as hl.i du ty . W hen hLs duty Is done he will com e holne. W hat a fine day th a t will be. W eU get things ready *o a* to *urprlse him with our em ortnes* w hen he comes.

Keep p lanning fo r U ia t Ume and avoid the In-betw cen days as much a* U hum anly possible. UtUe chU- dren canno t imderst&nd till* sltua- growTV'Upa m u s t do. h U\tTt is no sen*e in c re a tin g fe a r In their minds If A‘c can h e lp It. Keep plan­ning for th e victory And th e trium­phant homecoming.

Keeping Record* Help*iCeep rccords fo r fa th e r . T liat Is

a grest help. "T oday B ctty -A nn but­toned her own coat." Be sure to re­cord the dates. "T oday when we welched Ju n io r h e h a d gSlned a pound and U iree-quartcrs. TliU ts becauje he d ran k h is c.'ttfa gloss of milk In ^a d d y 'a h o n o r .- 'T l ie teach­er says th a t Robbie reads .i-lght through Uie p rim er now. He got .

fU T lor having h is shoes so shiny.‘ Such a record k e p t from day to day, along w ith *ucn oU irr records as helRhla on U\c doorjam b, snap shots, ticket* from Sunday school, reports from teacher* , handwork completed, scrapbooks m ade — nil In sntlelpaUon of fa th e r 's gUd sur­prise when h e get* back—aro going to be Uie g rea tes t o f he lp a ll around.

But suppose — D o n 't suppose it. Live fully each d a y w ithou t looking beyond lt.i horizon *ave with hope and in faith . Shou ld grief come ii will bring Its ow n balm . We need plan only fo r Joy—fo r th e children's lake.

T h l* Tt'^Wal o f *lnva*ioa Jlttera** a lso 1* ba*«d on Intelligence reports U ia t N a*l ih lpe , plane* and gUders a re being bunched In Norwegian fiord* a n d heavy troop-m ovem ents th e re aro underw ay. Two year* o m ’ Pun c h " r a n a carleaXiire Goes^ Ing dre.ised In kilt* Instead of hi* usual doorm an'* regalia to whom h is boa* *ald, ‘■But X told you d lsU nct- ly, H erm ann , th a t we are n o t golnR to lib e ra te th e Sco(s unUI 1943?» This 1* n o t looked upon as a Joke any longer fo r officers now fea r Uje a ir a ssau l t will cen ter on ScoUand w hich 1* less well girdled w ith anU.<< a irc ra f t gtm* a n d contain* Na*l w ar prisoner compa which m ight easily be B p r ^ g by parachutists;

FAULT—A nother bras* h a t blun . der a g a in s t m orale Is the month'i. delay In th e ta rdy announcem ent by Uie nav y o f th e Langley dlaaster. A fee ling 1* growing th a t If the gov- ernm en l'a hxish-hush Kjuad la a fra id to give tlio public sUff doses of bit. te r 0* well aa sugar-candy news, confidence will be undennlned and false rum or* believed. Our W ashing­ton Pollyannaa suppress nearly ev- ery th lng w hlclt canno t be aald w ith a sm ile a n d m erely shake a naugh ty - naugh ty finger, a t any departm ent th a t pull* a coloasal boner.

T h e Ruaalan* aro a bit me owi In th e ir Judgm ent of th e m en to w hom they h a \o entrusted Uxelr lives. M e rit 1s Immediately rew arded and Incom petence Instantly p u n ­ished. Moscow labor delegates to London revealed to Insiders th a t high Com m unist, party o f f l c la l r ^ t Z la toust were fired because they were la te . In finding billet* for fac ­tory employej* and hence caused worker* to lose th ree hour* w alling for lunch . O fficials were Jailed fo r rod tap e In paym ent of pensions to soldiers’ widows. O thers were sh o t for fo rg ing ra tion cards.

At a form al d inne r given to allied officers a Sovlel adm iral got d runk and m ad e derogatory rem arks about Uie r e s t o f th e UoUed NsUons. N ext day h e wa.i discovered alMard ship, stripped o t his r a n k and scnibblns deck.1 like an ord inary seam an. HU guests o f Uie evening before com ­m iserated h im b u t he replied chee r­

fully , “Mjr own fau lt, 'n u t 's w h a t i t deserve for talking and »cUng s tu - ' ijid ly . 1 am aJlcrir*d to w ork m y w ay u p to tha top again In savaa year*."

W ADING—The second raaaon w hy I t f i th e Ja p s tried to Jum p C eylon ha* > ' b een overlooked. O f eoursa th a m ain objK tt'T t wa* to a tte m p t a*» th«r P e a rl ha rbo r surprise a n d g e t pos- *«*slon of the territory w hich ac- ttially dominates the bay o f B e n ­gal and thus fum U he* oomplete f lan k prolecUon for a sea-borne In­vasion of indU . B u t thl* tim e th a B rltl*h were not caught napp ing and gave the Nips one of th e w o n t a e r ia l pa*Ungs of th e w ar. T he o th e r purpose of- th e b litz wa* to U k e advanU ge of th e A pril w eather. '

R ig h t now the rbad condition* are excellent and the rivec* can be fo rd ­ed on horsebtck, according to New 'York steam.'ihip capu in* . By m id- M ay th e southwest m onsoon bring* *howers th s t duplicate th e dow n­pou r which now h as imm obilised T ^ J o l m ud'Stuck *oldler> In New G u in ea and made them staU onary ta rget* fo r American bomber*. -If tho enemy could land Sn th e Colom ­bo region In force they m ig h t easily hop, skip and Jump to th e m a in ­land .

H lr o h l t^ amphibians #lo*hed Into


hla t-oVI.t. -Yoor Chtld bik] (iiW I'm - pW." rfirkMln* le Mntf tA coin snd ••nt Iiimr. Aditrw Ansata Patrl, -nn ..;.-..., r. O. Bo> If, Butlon 0 .

ImmunizationJEROME April 11—M iss n v a

fiea llh n u m lo r Jerome county ha* reque*t*d a i r children, not only thoee of achool age, but pre.idiool age a* tfell. to be a t Uie Eden grade school M onday to tako dtphuicria immunlcaUDn*.

Thf only .unb roken ' presidential cahintt In A m erican hJstor>- was tha t of P residen t P ra n k lln iPlerec. 1SW0837.

Singapore by wading acrosa th e aand b a rs which separated th e doomed c ity from Malaya. T h e * tra l t be­tw een Ceylon and th e c o n tin en t Li quit* sim ilar. Shoals, tocka a n d Uny Islands form a serie.n of flagstones leaving only Iwo passage* fo r *hlpe.I n f a c rW o re one of th e channels W M ^redged wlUiln th e la s t couple o O e a r* . lo ite r vcsscb were obliged to circu it the enUre island .w hen sa ilin g from one Ind ian coast to the o ther.

SQ tJEEZE-D ogs w lU)' cans Ued to - th e lr ta ils will nW. be seen again u n til peace. AlUiough less pub)lclxed th a n the rubber shortage, th e Un fam ine 1* worrying New "York m a n ­u fac tu ring gtoupi as well a s ahavlng tube customer*. G athering old soup a n d Iru l t containers hasi s ta r te d In m a n y clUes bu t result* i r e m eager. M a n h a ttan salvage headnuarte ra get thousand* of calls daily ask ing th a t collecUon trucks be sen t to hom es ye t th e la st drive netted m erely iS7 to n s . Experts fear th a t th e country 's enUre deUnnlng facJllUcs will yield o n ly . &.COO to?v»—and o\jr te -qulrem ents were 100.000.

W hen th e Malayan mine* were f l n t lost, optimist* sugsested th a t . silver could be used to replace the

' v an ish ing metal, ^ t engineer* scoff a t th la Idea because they c la im no m ethod ha* yet been perfected to m aktf the precious m ineral ellck to th in ateel without anr" u nderp la te of copper, which Is far m ore valuable f o r easenUal war work. i

T in plaUng by a new e le c tr o J J ^ process is being tried by th e big p r o ^ ducers b u t unless bo th aides of k m etallic sheet are cow red th e 'se a m c a n n o t soldered. T h e G erm ans experim ented along Uioee line* and were forced to adopt w elding for connecUon.i. We may Ju st snuepse U irough th e crisis. A ccording to in ­siders In thfl trade. alUioUBh th e ex­a c t a lte of our stock pile Is a mill-, ta ry secret, we probably have re- serve* of 130.000 tons. From deUii- ^ n ln g and U;e Bolivian m ines wo m ay expect 30.000 more. T his n ltl it la s t u* u n U t ^ r first sm elters a re f in ­ished la te th is year.


N a t io n s a t w a rC H U N GK IN G. April 11 —' I t 1*

only p a rtly tru e th a t P residen t Roosevelt ru.ihed through th a t half, b llllon-dollar loan to China In order to assuage Ulo disappointm ent o f the Chine*© because of the Anglo-

American tenden ­cy to p u t H lUer f irs t on the ir lis t c f enemies.

The oUier rea. *on U soon evl' d en t to th e v lsllor Ui C h u n g k i n g . Price* have risen to 30 Ume* th e p re -K « level. I h o pockel* of coolie th a lT -b e iren ari bulging w ith pa. 'p e r money In roll*

------------------ of the sire th a tCLA PFEB T « f ts cattlem en

d lip lay on a S a turday n igh t In K anaaa. C ity .

A t th e S in g Song coffee shop, which Is tjie m ain hangout here, coffee 1* 10 (Chinese money) a cup. T h a t 's equal to 30 cents In A m er­ican m oney. M ost prices hav i doubled since December. A cheap s liirt costa f9 In Amerinui money. In Chinese m oney, moat prices sound like Hollywood movIe>star salaries.

A s to o ' th a t U told wlUi good hum or by bo th parUes illusUnlc* Uie eituaU on. A m erican Amb<usador C larence E . G auss pa ldv^ In Amer­ican m oney, fo r a pair of garter*. He com plained goodnaturedly to th e d irec tor o f commodlUea. who re ­plied. t;we d o n 't ' consider 'ga rter? n e ce iif tiV '

T lie ChAicse have taken various practical Ateps to offset InflaUon. For Instance , the sale of rice by Uio governm ent a t 23 per cen t o f the com m ercial p rice. And many o the r meat\R have been utlUied to allevi­a te Ihe effec ts of Inflation. A* t m a tte r of fac t, th e effects are not AO appalling her* a* they would be I n 'a h igh ly lndu*triallzed country. Elithty-fivo pe r c en t of the popu- laUon a re fanner* , and Uii farm ers do well w ith rising price*. At least Finance M in ister H. H. K ung eaj-s Uie form era feel be tter when they have a la rge roll o f bllU. Therefore thf>- like th e w ar. B u t If Uiere were deflaUon. a n d le*« paper money In ihelr pockeU , they* would Uilnk themselves less prosperous. T lie *ame thing goe* fo r th e cooUea. Once tlify got 30 eent* a d*i'. Now they get 110 o r m ore, becau** the short­age of labo r gives them leverage and Uiu* wage* are lagging l u i than Is u sua l In an Inflation.

O o\-crnm ent employe* on fUed Mlaries have been h it the ha rd - e.'t. T he governm ent 1* Uiulng them commodity coupon* on which they c an draw n x e d quanUtlt* of sup - pile.?, regardlea* of p rici, from gov­ernm ental aubsld lted cooperaUve stores,

Ne%-vthele3S. th e toooentum of

th e /In f la tio n a ry m ovem ent ha* c a t te d real alarm, and I t xva* fe lt necessary to restore confidence In th e currency, lienee th e appeal for A m erican and British loan*. T h* govem m ent 1* Jujt now Issuing sav- lng.5 bonds redeemable in A m erican m oney, th e theory being th a t Ui» Chinese will pu t money In to the.'-3 a n d thus draw off surplus currency.

Aside from the expansl'on o f c u r- • rency. It is also a .fact of extrem e Im portance th a t there l i lit tle aside from food on which to spend money. Furtherm ore , there Is hoa rd ing of commodlUe*. a* 1* usual du rin g In ­flation*. Even mefchaftt* a re n o t 1 anxlou* to sell the ir goods. Tliey w ould ra th e r hold them fo r h ighe r p rices la ter on.

I t 1* hoped 'here U iat th e A m eri­c an loan, of which gJOO.000.000 1* for th e purpose of backing th e C hi­nese currency, will clicck these dangerous undencle*. T he *ltuaUon 1* .not ou t of control, bu t I t ha* been racing *o f u t Uint Uiere 1* d a n g e r of control being lost. H ence th e a ttem p t now to p u t on th e 'St, brakes. ^

T h e Inflation doesn't endanger Clilna 'a w ar effort, a* the rice *up- p ly 1* assured and the Clilnese so l­d ie r need* lllUe els*. T he govern­m e n t 1* manufacturing sm all a rm s In m ore th a n 300 arsenal* th a t were m oved bock In the r e tre a t from the lndu.itrlal area* of the coast. T he b ig gap Is In p lants and oUier heavy s tu f f which m ust come from A m er- Ica a n d BriU ln.

T h a t , r a th e r than In lla llon . I* Ihe re a l problem . Chinn w on 't <old up Ju s t because o t InflaUon. B u t u *he c a n 't ge l weapon* she c a n 't fight, w h ich 1* the crux of th e slUiaUon now . T lie 'p rob lem Is n o t one fo r • eoonom ltis so tnuch a s for a sh ip ­p ing and transport genius w ho can fin d a way to pu t weapon* In to wUUng hand* here.

’Phone Building Occupied J[une 1

T w in Falb* new telephone bu ild - In c will be occupied i ^ t Ju n e I. . M el E . Dolling, local nU tiager of th e M ountain BUtes ‘T eltphone and T eleg raph company. a n n eS ice d la s t n ig h t.

T h e new building—a tw o-story s t r u c tu r e - 1* locsted a t th * c o m er o f Shoshone street and T h ird avc- i n u e ea*t. P resent locaUon 1* In tho s o o b lo c k of Shoshone s tre e t n o rth .

"Zkiulpment U being insU U ed a t th e presen t Ume." Dolling sa id , "and w t expect to open Uiere fo r b ta l- oe*s a round the f ln t of J u r c .”

A bout 80 of Uii 1300 kind* o f n e c - ' U r-b e a r tn g planU In' Uie U niU d S U te * supply Uie bulk of th e nec ­t a r fo r th e honey bee.· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (5)

Sunday, April 12, 1942 TIMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO Page F in :

G R I N S l l iK PARADE OF l E K

<^r•■ Pe*« 0««>com panion yelled th» t SOO Japs « r e land ing rtearhy.

“ll'fl okay, (eltoft-s, I 'll a lU nd to them ." u l d one ot the m arines, t^irowlne down h b h u id . T m dum> my. anyhow ."

A n o the r bim ch o t fellows who aro lo u g h happen to bo the n u s - sl&ns. O ne Soviet llier balled ou t of hU plane only to discover hla p a ra ch u te wouldn't open.

H e p llin sed 1.S00 feet and landed tn a anowbanlc. Ha was, back In

. action th e nex t day.w ith th e coming of spring, the N aru w ere reporled to be getUng homeslclc.■ eom eone told 'em Russian sum ­

mer* a rc Jusi like the w inurs. The only new feature Is pcrsplraUon.

W ba( a Ufe!O the r unenvlcd men Include the

K an sa s private 'vbo lives In n b a rro rka housing only one sta ff se rgean t. 10 tcrgennUi and 13 cor­porals—a ll ordcr-Blvtrs.

P r iv a te Ken Tuckcy /suddenly founil h lnisclf besieged with nuto- Kraph seekers down In I'o rt Knox. Ky. r

^ MlMlSilppV sUnostapUer Inad­ve rten tly om lited Uie "H" In •'llKc." and l»cr le tte r read. "We have a 'collection Item In your city nnd wish to communleaic with some reliable n tion iey wlio would lie to htindlo th e m nltcr lor us."

In Sftlt Lake City, -Uio U nlvcr- ally of U tah abant]oncd Hie Idea of f in ing flCudcnlfl I I for each class mlisccl. Collections Irom 323 «b- icntM S n e tted th e treaiury only M.

An cmbarTOMCd individual np- a t ft Denlion. Tex.. tUc

cw npany . carrying a small pack- »Be.

•'My w ife's—«i^ 8 lrd le ." he s ta m ­mered- "Could- y o u - a h - r ix it?"

He w nlted while a vulcanUer m ade th e necessary repairs,■ S peak ing of pies, In 'rn ’ln Palls, th e som e fellows who stole two chunks of cherry plo from a b a r­becue lo s t weclc, cnme back again iind took tw o more pieces.

A Brooklyn steveoorc Li In trou­ble With th e law becnuse he dump- r>d hftlf-ft-ton of salt In Uie.AtlanUc ocean. N o foolin’.

Production Plus Air A labam a pliyslclan had

ble g e ttin g a new nuiomoblle be­cause th e ration board (jurstlonM w hether o r not he wa.i "enKaged in Uie p roduction of war mnterlats."

HU answ er w as;"D uring M arch, 15«, I nttendcd

tlje b lrtlj o f 31 babies. I believe tills com es u n d e r w ar malerUiU. maybe n o t fo r th is w ar. but for Uie next

K ids, o f course, managed to gel In th e dam deftt places. Take -the Colorado clilld, two ycnrs old, who w as discovered a t tlie bottom of ix hnle 13 'fee t deep nml 13 Inched In d iam eter. I t took 00 minutes to get him o u t by m eans of a tioose.

A t AUftnUc City everyone havinK f u a 'a t th e tfftnce for soldltm excep t tw o lonely bouIs,

• 's c rscn n t .” sakl. a hosltM. ’'I ’d like you to m eet tlils charm lns young lady." H e looked a t Uie girl a few p a c ts nw ny nnd repllod. "Yeah, 1 knou'. S h e 's my ,wlfe."

GtK>d-L«K.ker Down In AUanui, Uie p lainllff.n l-

le««d Uisvt •'n lUw igh Uic ilettnilanVs countenojjce strongly re.'cmbles th a t of a s in rved nnd perWied ’iw.viUm «he>pO(i;ic;;.'iM ii pecullnr cunning" th a t cnab lt'd lier to stra l the love of th e pe titione r 's huiiand ,

A pparen tly (iLircgiinllng Uie facial arjgle, th e Jury tlecldcd tlie had been wronged *500 wortli.

I n Los Ang(!lc.i, the, rubber iliorl- nge c a u g h t up wlUi Die dogs. Instead of those .%oft rubber bones .Uiey've been w orking out upon, they ll have to chew rcBl ones.

r i t ; the Shrrlffi SherlffM h a d .their dicncullle.i, too.

O ne In 8 t . Joseph. Mo., wrote a le t­te r on Offlcla! biLilne.-j to Wnshlng- u in . Six m on th s ' laU r lie itc tlvw i an a ir m a ll irepl#. "ruilj.',''

I n Pennsyiva^ila. one dlstrcMCd sh e riff decreed liberal supplies casto r o il fo r children ^ h o fall obey A 0 p. m. curfew.

And, In K ansas, tha t glin t In . sh e riff s eye Is causing cltlrens to be pa rag o n s of virtue. For the first

fallen h e ir to form er Inmate tasks of sc rubbing floors nnd cleaning up- th e Ja il yard. .

■ Crvelty. Very Tn S a n Diego a man obtained ..

divorce w hen h li wile punched two holes In tw o of his automobile tires, T h e Judge agreed It wn-i •'cxtretnc cruelty ."

A N eedles, Calif., man spied th ie f s te a lin g his spare tire, f ired one sho t, punctured his c

Wins Contract

tuc tU e N onnan (above) of St. L ouli in the coitume th e w ean in h e r l lr» t plc lute B iidtr * m ovlt c o n tra c t won from a ha lf-iung »ont. A uditioning an a ria In New York Dec. 7. she w ai eu t off the

.a ir In th e middle by a bulletin announclne the Pearl ha rbo r a t- laek . bu t » ta len t tcoul h«^ heard enouch to »Ijn her.

Jerome Solon Asks Positive

Cut in TaxesJJ>nOME, April 11—Bc-M. fo n trl-

butlcm tiin t Idaho can nmkc toward w inning th e war In In iin Immcdlnti- and pot.lUve reduction In .itiito inxe.i, in th e opinion ol •\V, H. DelwcHer, Je rom e county sla te rcpresenlatlve,

D etw eller .-uvld today, aft^ r exom- In lnc tlie annual rcpori. i-hnt touil revenue for tlie state m 1041 excred- ed $35,000,000—an llii;rrn.-.p o t-S7.- 000,000 over rCx-elpUi (liirlnu J030 In th e previous wlmlnl-’ilriitlon.

Too HIch “sm ie liUtes arc loo high," said

Detweller. who i\ niPiitloncd iii-Ci ciCTdldntc fo r governor In publican prlmtirJr.i. in ' |>olnt<Hl l< U if incrciu'.f* o t ttdO.OOO In (lie p rop ­e rty lax and to Ihe »9-'i.OOO Increase In Incom e .t«* rciu rn .' over the prior period.

'T o ta l expenditure.^ for i.laU- .. e n w t n l . exceptand special fnnd.n ran to SISJ53.008 or JM7.000 more limn ^ )c■nl In U» juunc deiMirtmenl.i during 19J3.

" Id a lio reslcientii a re l«y lng heav­ie r nnd Jicavler fe<Ieral tnxe.i a j i^ a r r en titled to fjflllliment of praiilr.c'd tax reduc tlom nnri rcoiimny In .ntate a ffa irs InstciW of hlBlier mx lollec- tlon."* a m i. hcav lrr dbbiirsemeht-i," D etweller contlnue<l,'

C ut Uown Spending •■Tills can be atcninpHrlicd," he

contended, "no t by UilnkJnp up new tnxc.-'. b u t by culling donn Uic ex- j>endlliire o f ninney.

"W e c a n 't rake li'avc.s *nd flKht n w iir a t Uie wime time." cnncludixl DetwelUr. "1 am still old-fiLOiIoned enoiiKli to believe tiint n million dol­la rs Lt w orlli saving."

tire nnd the Vhlel f.campercd o il In a . hurry l

nU tractlonI n Kun.ia.1 a group of f.oldler.'.

lioldlnR muclUne-Run pracilcc tu rn ­ed to look when Ann Sheridan w “ ed by. T rucer bullel^i were 100 yards off the tnrgei when tlie officer said •'F lrr" while the obedient Mldler.s h a d tl i t l f lingers on the trigger and Uielr eyes on the visiting movie nct-

» An O m aha hu.^lanri went oi; f irs t spree in 11 year.^ because, he told the Judge, "my wife baked only two-ple.^ and one cake In 11 years of m arriage."

T h e judge gave him 10 days In ia ll. T l\e Jailer fed the husbond p runes Uie first day.

C O N S T I P A T E D ?BmIU «( MaiUfkU«a oIUB brU{ kfm ruiac bnr*l CM, MU tu a w t. b*4 bra4i£. <mm2

Utm to* (4 f o p»'- - lar (Mil« bal <<l«k tAOLUIKAleWt


ProbmlyYourUSTCHSKCET O C E I T H E S E F IN E KINGSDo* !• pHarilUs m i rrt r lo s i ai*tali ■nd lh« le sR ltr . . Don’lb« .tUtepp«InU(L OKOCK MOWl

UPU CA D1A140KD SINGAnmr m A>UU«. ImttfU RlAf m Cmm Oq* ot A a«tlca‘» CcralMt Imlta^ no&o. Cholc* ot o( Y«U««Mouallno*. Uoll ifali eoupoa «md S9e to u i ledar and r*c*lT* on* ol

{•gutar Raplica Diamond Rloffi

—It .flll <4 « ...

t n'iti

J. OurintR I.T«/iS a

PIooM Mna B)« t . I rlBfft.. ladleot* ttTlo by numbtr f )

l l o h * tia g t to an ofd.r. SPCCtAl. pniCE 1 RiHca roR i i . tw* oii« •xpu** i, i» « '

ESELECIEES . PLACED r ‘1-A"Ttilrty»seyen per ceivt o t t h t reg­

is tra n ts whose ease's were considered Priday n igh t a t n speci&l meeting o f Tw in Palls county selective »erv- lee,board No. J. were classified 1-A. I l l ’ lo r Iftdurtion In to th e »rm ed forces.

Fourteen out of 33 en tered 1-A. A n addlUooal seven w ere declared In the arm y and classified 1-C, and two men were continued In th e lf re ­spective cloulflca tlons aa th e board sifted n toU l of <l cases.

O f the 14 entering 1-A, seven camo from l-U . th e form er b rac k ti fo r m en over 30 >-eara o f age; four came from 3-A. d e f e r ^ because pf dependenU; two came from 4-P. u n ­fit. and one came from 1-B, f i t for, lim ited m ilitary service.• T liree men entered 1-D, coming from 4-P. 1-A and 1-lf.

O f the men w ha en tered the t___ed forces nnd were cla&^lfled 1-C.

ame from 1-D. Uiree from 1-A. rdm l-H , and one from '

deferrf'd os non-w ar worker.Five men f ro m .l-H secured 2-A

de fc rm enu while two o the r l - l l m en were classified 2-B„deferrC d as w ar Industry workers. E ight l-H m en were classified 3-A. a s was 4 -P man.

TWO men were bracketed 4 - P .___for th^:. f irst time, and th e o the r coming from 1-A. T »’0 m en were continued, one In 3-D and one In 3-A.

Idaho, Oregon, Utah Delegates Ai’rive for Credit Men’s Meet

‘3-A’ MEN MADE S U e iE G n O C A L l.

(TnM r«f« Otit)In the recorulderatlon of all -a-A men.

C aptain Beaver sa id th e order ap- plle.i to a ll S-A men who reSlstered In elUier the 1B<0 or 1841 d ra ft reglstratlon.1,

QuoUs Soar up .••Selectlve ser\’lqe boards through

ou t th e nation a i t being called upon to double, triple and perhnp.i quad­ruple Uielr post (juotas." dlncIo.-.ed the cnptnln,

Local board, for In.'.lunce, fu rn tih tlie arm y In April th ree times as many men as It dlsp^iiched In any previous m onth w ith “ highest total.

"U U highly p ra ^ b lc ihnv «'ho lire recIn-ulflccSUiUa i -a will be tJiducled swiftlyr—po-nsibly by Ju n e .” said Capt. Seavcr.. National selective .lervlce offlclaLi are hopeful the recla.«ltlcailon ot

_3-A men will replcnW i the.M ipply or,?-A men, which a t-m an y boards is near exhaustion. •

Seover said It would be lnipo:.^lble to e;itlmate the num ber of 1-A m en who may be drawn from 3-A her<“ un til the board has completed the process of recla.vnlflcatldn,

Doartl m tm beis IrjiUtd nn appeal* 10 nil 3-A men: Don’t Inrjuire nt Ihc local board for add itional m for- matlon on rectau lflca tlon .

W ate^ Tlmes-News "All the nfws we have up until

todny Ls In t j e Tltne.i-Ncws." It was sta ted . ••Immediately upon rceclp t of fu rth e r Information. It will be pub- ILshed 111 I'wvr new.spape.r."

Rcasoiui for requesting 3-A reg is­t r a n t no t to call a t the local board are W a t U Is U) com pleting rc- cln.-Kilflrntlon of the f irs t tw o d riift cn lb . 1040 and 1041; <3) com m enc­ing cla.-ulfleiClon of the th ird d ra f t call, 10t2; i5) p lanning d e ta ils of th e fourtli d ra ft rcgLilratlon. April 37. and (3) compiling llata of 1-A m en who have been called for In­duction Into the nrmy thl.i m on th under the thrlce-lncrcased quota .

Capta in Scaver said reclaM lflca- Uon oj 3-A men became Inevitable a t outbreak of the war. T lie d e ­pendency bracket Is the slxUi #uc- ceiislve one to be ordered sifted for 1-A men by the RovemmenU

Idaho. Oregon and UU h dele- g t t a arrived la s t n igh t In Twin Ffclli a n d will w gU ter a t 8 a. m. today In the P a rk hotel for ,tlie BeUU Credit M en’s NaUonal oaso. elation second an n u al reslw ol credit conference.!

Twin Polls businessmen will highlight today’s speaking appea> ancM a fte r the confer«ncQ convenes a t 10 a. m. A bfinqucl 'a t 7 p . m. Wtil top o ft today’s pTOffrum and the conference will ad jou rn tomorrow afternoon.

Delweller Talks'T h e . Responslbltlty of Business

„ i our Im m ediate Enicrgcncy- will be the topic of C laude H . Detweller, Speoklng » t 1:15 o. m . today.■ Detweilcr’s anccch will follow i

sertta oJ group m eeU ngs W Install' ments and open accounts conducted by Charles D. H la lt a n d John W. Powell, both o t T»-ln Fa lb . Dis­cussion groups will continue dons throughout th e day.

Enterta inm ent n t th e noon lunch- . j n will include vocal selecUons by Mrs. Edith Corleas and Melvin Jen-

n *111 play th e violin, accompan- d St the piano by J . E . Hill.Loyal I. Perry will speak on "Tlie

W ar Comes to S ou th ern Idaho" tonight's banquet. H e will be in ­troduced by K. Holley Myers.

U inquet e n te rta in m e n t will in ­clude vocal se lections by a men's quartet—Mel C artflr. S tan Drown. Norman Berry a n d H erm an Chris­tensen.

M ade P to jra ro / jn . K . D illingham , Filer, wlw.e

hobby Is maRlc. demon.MTtite hl. repertoire. Mrs. Nola Brodeen will

give a read ing . Tap dance num . bers w ill be perform ed by MLwes eh lrley T t\om os and LucUle lAng-

an.D inner m ttslc throughout the af­

fair *111 bo played by Arland Bas­tion, boM viol; B ert ChrlsUsnson, saxophone, a n d Mrs. Helen Saulcy. plano.X '

T o m o n w m orning, dftegates wit b« guesia of th e Twin Palls Credli W otnen’a B re ik fo a i club a t B %. m.. a t ,a n aff&lr arranged by Miss Leone Fisher, p residen t.

C redit m en will ga ther a t I. to h e a r Thom as McCormick.

Boise, speak on "Credit Manage­m ent U nder W artim e Conditions."

W olter A, Jensen . PorUand, Ore., executive lieCreUry of th e Associated C red it B ureaus ol th e MorthwesX. will speak a t 11:30 a- m . Twin FalU businessm en a rc urged to hear Je n ­sen describe th e w artim e credit system of C anada . Persons.Uier reg is tered for the conlerence or no t, m ay a ttend .

Humorous T alk A t Uie noon^lunchcon tomorrow

th e delegntes will view the lighter aspecLi o f the situation when thev hear Hartsld Hove, Kimberly, give a humorou.i tn lk on ’.'Credit." Reed Coluns will play the clarSnei.

Concluding win be nt ;30 p. m.. ’•M erthandlslng in liM2,“

by K . K . K epler, Boise. At 3 p. m. delegates will cled t m en to go to Uie naUonal convention a t Now Orleaiu.

A rthur 8.- Bockwlta Is general chairm an of n rm ngcm enis for Uie conference, he ld here for Uie first tim e M inv lin ilon ol th e Twin F a lb Credit a.vioclnljon.


Color m otion picture Jllms of Uie Pacific w ar a rea will be the Infor­m ative en terta inm ent a t the annual elw U on d inne r of Uie-T*-ln Falla Ju n io r Cham ber of Commerce a t 7

I. T uesday, April 14. In the Park ho te l.

T h e Philippines. Hawaii. Hong K ong. Singapore and o ther w ar ion# sites o re depleted In Uie film with sound commentary, which Is 'pre- .•ient«l through the courtesy ol "Wayne-Annl*. i t Li tlUed T h u n d e r - heads O ver Uie Pacific."

Jaycees are to vote for one candi­da te fo r th e following poslUons:

Pre.sldent—Rii-vsell Thomas o r Jay S p ra ch e r: Jlrst v ic e - p r t iW e n t- Charles Sclber or John Y aple; sec­ond v ice-president—C. A. Buffington or E m le Jelllson; secretao’—How. a rd W isem an or W ayne Hanco*ck: trea su re r—Max Miller o ~ “ H arder.

Votes will be ea.-it for tliree d i­rec tors — Harold Uiekey, Charles Allen. iJiyal T. Perry, Vecle Moser, Dob G reen . Jolin Q. Adams.

C alf Me«> and Dslry Ration. Globe | Kecd ib Feed Com pany^-«dr.

Canada TouristGas Restriction

Not too SevereOasollne rationing Is tn effec t In

Cuneida b u t tourUta. th e U. S. de- pn rlm en t o f commerce advised the T w in Falls Chamber of Commerce. -—0 not under severe’reatrlcUon.

Any tourist planning to spend leas m a n 48 hours In th e dom inion may

purchiso no m ora t h u M fiO aB f of gasoline. U h e istajra {or U nm xtf tM M doyi, h e m ay usa no t n>on th a n m gallons d o r ts c t t t a l vextoO.':

Gasoline Is ifot sold a t tHjpA e r on Sundays: sales pertods »ro t t m 7 a . m. to 7 ,p. m . Cafryln® o f | U In «m iasntr» conllicta iiltiv t t » « - lio n order. ’ - :

Tlie informaUon U tenned In tar- esUng In x r fa r t to propoMd raUon- Ine of gas In th e Pacific no rth ­west.


ELECTRO FE!^CEPrice* S U rt a t tl3 J0

S&BEN ELECTRIC P h . 270 N e x t to O r p h c u m

A Complete and Thorough


I by acccptcd methods . . . w ith ft true report on all ^ findinffs. Offered for only

APR- 13, 14, 15, 16Lei m e-help you! The ilcm ovjtnm ctcr is tha measure of your nerve tension, d ietary

.a n d mineral and vitamin needs. W ith the Cnrdiolectamcter. you yourself can check the action of your heart. Complete ding- • nosis, report nnd sincere advicel

DR. S. C. WYATT, D. Cllil ThJrd Avc. N.—Twin Falls—Phone 1377

Bridge Gets Asphalt and

Wood FloorNew flooring on . ' t h e 'H ansen

saipeailon bridge will feature tim ­ber strips wlUi n sp h a lt planking. It was Itarn e d h e re Saturday.

C ontm ct to r t f lo o r th p bridge was ftwatilKl to V 'tlU PlM tino, Jerome, on a bid of t n . l 7 0 for th e Job. The bid was accepted by th e highway de­partm ent head offices a t Boise and PlasUno was th e only bidder for the work., F irst thaualit o f placing a metol flooring on "the bridge was aban ­doned because of scarcity of such m a te r ia l, iv was po in ted out; clslon to pu t a new floor on bridge was m ade a fte r nn overload iiad snapped a suppo rt on the span laic lost. year.

Plaatino was a lw awarded trac t for refloorlng the bridge across th e Snake river ' bid of tis .ioo.

Graveside Service For Robert Swanson

Fimerul servlce.t for R obert Swan- )n were held a t Uic graveside In F i­

ler cmvetcrj' Tliur.^duy afternoon.Adj. w. Roiwull o f Uie SalvnUon

Army wns in cliargn of Uie services, intem ienl was In charge of the

Luke memorial chapel.

o t.n r k ^ n in s z s RrvivAi.

Cfctrln L. rgI1«r.

t e a

YES....I ’ll Put M y Fur Coat ill Storage '

Keep yotu- fu r coata where you can Inspect them any Ume. T ake care of the fu r coai you have be-, tau se you m ay n o t know when you'll be ab le to Ect a n o th e r l S m art women p ro tec t th e beauty of the ir fu rs by putting them In Troy-N aU onal's .lorage unU l n e » t fall. In our huge oclenUflcally constructed vault, i t U absolutely safe from

, damage from m oths, high tem peratures, fire or th e f t T h e cool tem peratures keep th e aklM pliable u d a thorough cleaning a n d - glaslng hrlngs back o rtg lM l beauty. T ake c a re o f voor fur coat NOW r . •Vour fur* are fully insured from th e Ume th e /

V lesvo you r hom e unUl relum ed,

T R O Y - N A T I O N A LLaundry and Dry Cleaners

« i« M M t I U

You. caa aiFford the best because


for^ tlie


We hope that this may answer a question which we hear very often durihg the day . . . “W ouldn’t I do better if I bought two cheaper pa irs of shoes instoatl of one pair a t a h igher price?” Ladies and gentlemen, our firm answ er has been—and is— “ No!” .-And here a re the reasons.why.

Quality has always been hard to boat for •enonomy—that’s'why we have always featiir- ed shoes of good, sound workmanship — we

' fe lt the average customer liked to enjoy know­ing th a t he or she was getting a full dollars w orth of footwear for every dollar spent. To­day it’s move tvuc than ever—^bccause QUAI^- IT Y has enlisted for the DURATION!

g Q uality is more im portant today than ever —the best you can'buy will last longer and give you, more satisfaction! The quality pair of shoes will outhist more than one pair of in­ferio r shods! We mean by “quality” shoes not necessarily the highest priced shoes—but shoes of good quality at a FAIR price.

Today with constant demands upon leather supplies by our government, we find that the

shoe w’hich may cost a few cents more, returns more than a dpilarsworth of wear! Today With many of the shoe m ^ ufac tu re rs tu rn ing to war contracts, we find that the best known brands—those nationally advertised and such as we offer—are being turned out a t the same high standard which existed before Pearl Har? bor. You might sa^, “ Isn’t that unpatriotic — ^ this business of business as usual?”- ^ n the contrary, these nationally known manufact­urers have a reputation which they cherish; they won’t risk it on inferior merchandise.' True, their output may be curtailed, but each pair of shoes upon which they put their trade­mark is bound to satisfy I Or else!

So in these days, give a special thought to '’ quality! In our store you’ll find only brands which you have known, have learned to respect *— — and brands upon which we’ll stake-OUR reputation. Remember tha t QUALITY enlists for the BURATION— and that QUALITY, today— next to Victory Bonds and S tam p s^ is your very best investment. Come in and let us show you what we mean!

can nscientiously recommend as good economy these well know^T brands featured in our store: Osteopathic, Roblee, Jolly. Stride for men; Robin Hood Sid Buster Brown for children; Selby, Airatep and Brown-Bilt for women.· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (6)

Page Six TIMES-NEWS? TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Sunday, April 12, 1942


O u ln n a n Vinson. D., 0&^ of Uia houM nftvol cODunltt«« toddy draXU «d mOdU(ed lrgl«laUon to c u r t w»r pron is ftnd provide ior x 48 'hour

week w ithou t overtime pay and a t Uie w n e tim e Rep. em lth ; D.. V&., outlined a n e lsh t-po ln t w&r* labor policy.

Buck hero a lte r sounding ou t pub - . Jle sentim ent In h la O forg la distric t,

Vlruon announced h e would presen t Uie new m eajurc aa a substitu te fo r the more gu in«en t am lth-v ln*on bin which he and Sm ith Introduced cnrller.

In a n address prepared fo r a CBS broadcast. SnilU) ouUlned h is pro- por,td policy, OAMrtlng th a t labor disputes now "flourish and erow In a setting of uncertain ty and con- iuilon.-" • •

Vinson's IrglilaUon and sm ith 's policy were sim ilar In several r e ­spects, boUi substltuU ns ts-h o u r work weeks for Uie present 40 )iour«. \

<S !Cour Vln.*ion's measure calls lo r:1, A ^orniflJ M -hour work week

' work beyond th a t maximum,2. A " ®l«ht pe r.xen t profit jUmU

U tion on a ll work on eonlructs over 1100,000 plus a la.OOO "cushion p ro f­i t allowance" to provide. Vinson eald. “on Incentive to encourngp the conversion of sm all Induslrj- to war production."

.1 In

clcsed shops would reta in th a t s ta ­tus for duration of the w ar, while unloni would be prevented from con- vertlne open slit>p8 to clowd.

4. A M maxim um for Inlllatlon fees to any union en jased in wiu- production.

• In o eaU v c Bonus-*B. A «y#t«n of ••incentive bonus"

Tor worker*.Tlie Sm lt^ 'V lnaon bill calls fo r a

Blx per cen t profit UmlUUon, and auspenslcn of the 40-hour weeK and tlie closed shop In a ll plants han> ftln« defense contrmeti. iM eanw hlle S enator Reed. R.. K an.,

w tote Chairm an T nim an, D.. Mo., o £ \h e senat* de ten te tiwestlsfctUv* committee lu^Inc a n Immediate In ­quiry Into charses th a t » recent flood of m all to congreas members

. dem andln j labor leglslaUon was In­spired by "organized propaganda.**

President Philip M urray of th e CIO recenUy charged th a t an o r- ganlzed campaign was being wage^ for changes in labor laws a n d asked a congm slonaj InveatlgaUon.

Reed, au thor o&^Ula to closed shop tn w u- Indusfrlw and to lu spesd th e 40-hour week, m ade c lear th a t h e though t a n Iwiulry would show m ost expressions on th e subject were spontaneous.

5,000 CommDnlcaUons He aald h e had received 6.000«

m unleatlon* and added:“Of th e 8,000 le tte rs and te legram s

about 4.000 favor a restatem ent of OUT TiftUonal labor policy. About 1,000 oppose any legl.^latlon mi this subject." /

Recalling a charge by C hairm an ITiomas, D.. U tah , of th e senate labor committee th a t m uch of th e m all h a d been Inspired by a le tte r w ritten by th a U nited Btatea Cham- Iwr of Commerce suggesting an ex-

• presslon of opinion to congress on labor leglslaUon. Reed sold only tibctut 10 of th e le tte rs h e had re ­ceived could be traced to th a t sou rce .,

On the o the r h a n d . Reed said ItJ w a s j ip p a re n t from his m all th a t I certain union organ izations w ere carrying on a sysUmaUc cam paign against changes In the labor laws.

Boys’ Glee, Club Stages Asaembly

Seeking atudenta to enroll In oheru* classes n e x t year, th e boy’s glee club of Tw in Falls Junior h igh preaentea an assembly T hursday . T he en tire c h o ru raa n g "1a c u c a ra - cho." “C a n y Me B ack to Old V lr- glnny." " l i f t T h ine Cyes." ‘T h e Soldier*’ Chorus,” from th e opera ‘‘l^ tu t , ’* a n d a n orig inal arracige- m en t of P\Mter% "Oh,

' Susanna."O u rl iv th e program , -Douglaa

W areln s Im itated rom ous people and fam ilia r objects; R obert L is t s w g a solo; M ax K erby p la jed th e h a r ­m onica; PhlUfp M cM ullen ccn trl- buted a vocal solo; Allan D e VHes played tTO trom bone- solos, and Ocorge T>J’lo r sang n solo,

Dick ITKln played two num bers on h b m arim ba, an In strum ent seldom seen by s tuden ts here.

T he boys’ glee club has appeared often during the school year. T h e chorus has sung for the Presbyterian church. Legion a u x ll l i t ^ Junlor- jen lo r h igh P .-T . A_ two local

~broadca«ts, staged four assem blies a n d plans to sin g for th e M ay fe«Uval.

' — SHOSHONEMe. and M rs. H om er C ham plain

a n d niece and nephew, Jo a n a n d , J im m ie B ite, sp e n t the » e ek -en d :

■ w ith relaUves In Boise. w;hUe thers> M r. a n d M rs. C haB iplalif.attended th e annual E aster b r e a k l^ t given Isy th e BhJlae.

Mr. and Mr*. D an Applegate. AO' denoQ Dam. sp e n t the w eek-end a t the hom e of h e r m other, Mr*. S a rah H eist. M rs. H eist accom­panied them for th e two-weeks' visit w hen they re tu rned home Iilaoday.

Mra. S . S . M cCain and Bob M c­Cain. FocaUUo. o re vlsltlnx th e P to n k McCains.

Joe O ulsasola, technical sergeant en rou te from F t . Lewis to P o r t W airen to take PC days tro lo lng for « second U euteniuit^ m m m lu lnn , v isited th is ww ik-fPd In Shoahone w ith reloU fM a n d M ends.

Miss S R h er J e n u n ood M r. o o l ■Mrs. L . a Jenaeo. Boise, cpeo t th a w eek-«iut a t th e h c a e of th e tr p«r- enCB, M r. u d Mr*. K . a Jensen .

Mr, Bod Mrs. fin m ott K ell/'■ont, BlUr ftod Socene, apent sev­eral days tb b w eek la S a lt Lake

. City.

B«Ik Oardea 8ee«. An fr«ah deck. Obto i«*4 * VMd


On Twin Falls County Area No. 1 Registrants Listed by Board

O rder numbers for 1393 — tween the agfa of 2 0 > n d 21. and 38 to 44. who regUiered Feb. 10 for b e third draft, are announced today by Twlti ra ils county aelcc Uvo service board No. 1: , , .

T h e list InclutJcs lesW tnU of \ TR’ln Palls. Kimberly. M u ru u g h . H ansen. Milner and a ll te rrito ry u n ­der jurUdlctlon of tlic area No. 1 board. Becnu.i« the listing Is a lengthy one. It Is published today Uirough namw starUnB w ith L.

P lnal portion will be printed M on-


,011—CItlbofti. J4<k,M»—«:Urk. A ,a7s_Clirli. Wtltlon .:ts—Claxn, MaihUi .««—Clin*. Clo»d K. .16»—Ckii>V». V»ol ?

.-.7U—Clor.. John B. . le.OIS—Cuburn. Chirlo 10,OOS—C<K>irifi, Cl.n I. •• l i t—C«kr»ll. — ■

Marihill H.

H atley Sag les Ic^ge and a member of th e M odem W ood|nen of the World.

P u n e ra l aertlc ta wUl be held M on- ■ d a y '» r^ :3 0 -p .'in .-a t the Episcopal church tn H ailey w ith Rev. Ja m ea " Ople In charge. In term ent vlU In th e Holley 'ccmelcry under direction of th e H arris m ortuary. .

H is w ife preceded him In death several years ago. Survivors Include' tw o daughters. Mrs. Nellie Vancll, Holley, a n d ' Miss Eva Bougeols. Boise: one granddaughter, Miss Ann VancU. Jerom e teacher, and one- b ro ther. F ra n k Bougeols. Ban P ra n - clsco.

MAJOR >V. O. D O R niS . . . Q rether of Mr*. E ugene

Coopf^r, Twin Falls. Is nne of the o({tcer« o( the U. 8 . tl th t ln c Corcea

rh lllpplnM (lefcnsf IKtaff F.nsravlngl

lA IM N SHROUDSMnny eyes are turned tow ard tlie

Philippines to()iiy b>- rela tives of the fighting men of tlTe U. S . A. who battled courngfouiily there—a n d one of those whose thought* a re In the Ulands U Mrs. Eugene Cooper, ;33S Fifth avenue T w in PnlLn.

Mr.i. Cooper's brother. M ajoc W.O. Dorris, 31, Is there, H e sa iled fo r the Islands on Aug. 17. I0 « a n d hiw been In the thick of It alnco hU arrival. W ith the heroic B a ta a n d e ­fense ended by overw helmingly s u ­perior numbers of the enem y. Cor- reglilor Is now the lo- t rem a in ing hope.

Mrs. Cooper last heard from h e r b ro ther a t Cliristmastlmo w hen she received a package from h im . She v tiited w ith him a t El P aso . Tex,(F t. Bliss) last summ er a n d It wa; from th a t point th a t 'he w as tram i' ferred to the piilllpplnes. jn if r - ja * Jo r 1.1 ft m em ber o f th e

aooui coast artillery and haa been an arm y man for about 15 years. H ti wife anti small son a rc now residing a t Albuquerque. N. M.

M ajor Dorrla was prom oted to th a t r a n k on Dec. 24. IM I. having served

a captain prior to h is p ro m o ­tion.

H e U Mrs. Cooper’s only b ro th e r nd. a* she told a.T lm es-N ew a

porter:"T here is noUilng to do h u t a lt

a n d w all f o r ^ m e word of w h at h a s happened tlj him .'

Razor Blades^ Supply Will Be Sufficient

W hat's w hat In Uic civilian e ffort? T tie following quesUona and answer* prepared by Uie B ail L nkr d is tric t office of Uie Intorm aU on dlvialon. OEM. may help M nglc VnV ley reoldentfl.

Q —Are Uiere plenty of razo r blades or are we to be a w hiskered naUon by the Ume tho w ar U over?. A—n i e war production l>oarri. w^llB curtailing the m anu factu re of rasor blades, first ascertained th a t p resent stocks were a tlequale. If

.caretuUy used, tho cu rta llM o u tp u t 'w ill stlU suvpty the nation.

Trouwr - Cuffs •Q -W hat- Is the point In ta k in g

c uffs off the trow ers of su its n1- ready In merchant*’ stocks?

A —Wool Is a’.vltal war m a teria l. V ast, quantities of It are needed to supply your boys In Uie services. E very scrap of cu ttin g s U saved, taken over by the R ed CroR.t a n d sen t to woolen mills w here I t U reprocessed, the wool taken o u t nnd used in new fabrics. T he cu ff" from 31 p a in of trousers save enough c lo th for a complete arm y un iform .

Q —Is there any follo^k-up on vlo- JaUons of war production boa rd o r­ders?

A —Very definitely. “The com pli­an ce branch hfls announced s us p e n ­sions against. 35 firms for w illfu l vlo- laUons. I n addition, c rim in al p ro s­ecution Is poMlble under Uie r r c c n t - ly eniRted second w ar pow cm bill. However: the WPB haa no In tenU on of being arbitrary' In I ts e n fo rce ­m ent and many m inor r lo la tiona . largely the result of m lsunderatnnd- ings. have been corrected w it* n o th ­ing more than an explanatory le tte r.

T ractcr Tires Q —C an purchase eertU lcat«s be

lu u e d foe rubber tires for fairtv t r a c ­to rs originally fitted w ith steel wheels b u t U ter changed to ru b b er tire equipment?

A—NoC u n ltt t steel wheels arsOIable locitliy.

Q—Does the'tiew style e d ic t o f th e w ar producUon board m ean t i i a t a ll women’s fashions arc etar>danltzed fo r th e duration?

A —No. I t m ere]y\guard* a ca Jn s t extrem es and uiuMoessory w ostoae of m aterial. The Ingenuity o f th e A merican w coen and fa sh io n de - t lg n e n will s te to i t th a t th e re o re , p len ty o f Tarlatloru and fri lls a n d

Q—Are present buUdlng p ro jec ta h a lted by the war production boa rd ru ling go*T"TUng new conirtructlon?

A—iio t n e c e ssa i^ . T h e o rd e r l i prim arily concerned to conserve t1* to l w ar tnaterlols th rough aeelng th a t new construcUon only o f th e m ost caien tlti charoctcr is u n d e r­taken . Howerer, proJecU a lread y u n - d e r constructlOD are being exam ined OD o n lodlrtduol basis a n d m a y t>e •topped If th e scarce m a te r ia ls to be ttsed In them can be p u t t o m ore eff«eU w use tn the w ar pri’y r am

Shotgun GaugesT h e gaoga of a shotgun U d e te r '

m ined by the num ber of I to d balls re<iulred t6 make » pound, th e ba lls I betog of K »lze th a t f its saugl7 In to I tb e n to z le of the bora. ' “


I!I,»0»—Ch»plln. t0,»17—Ch«B.r.

Ch*T>[ln IS.SIS—Ch*nn. n.iis-chuCT.

WANTEDGood clean wood_or wtr« f a o n m l V e pay top prtec*.

RICHARDSON’SCleanert and Dj/ers· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (7)

Sunday, April 12, 1042 ' TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven; {■,I


In Song Recital

Twin Falls Chapter University Women Has Annual Election at Tolbert Home

S u b u rb a n hom e o f Mfb. E d T o lb e r t w na th e scene o f th e a n n u a l e lection y e s te rd a y a f te rn o o n w h en m em bers of ’I^vin F a l ls ch a p te r , A i^ . can A sao c ia tlo n of U n iv e rs ity W om en, hold th e ir A pril m e e tin g . M rs. F ranW - J . H n y n cs , w ho h as H crvc(l\tho f i r s t o f h e r tw o-year tJ^rm a s prcH ulcnt, p resided . \

A irs. D onuld , M urphy w as c lec ted v icc-p rcside iit f o r fttw o -y en r te rm , succeedinK Mr.s. V e n i C. O’L eary , and M rs . E . C lif fo rd Evnna, t r e a s ­u re r , 8i/cccedinK M rs. R ussell M ille r. 7,

N e x t j ^ a r , a new p re sid en t . a n d a n t 'k ' sec re l.iry ivilJ be » E lc c tc d fo r tw ^ y e a r te rm s , ^ l i s s G ail Ing le , F ile r, is p re s ­

e n t s e c re ta ry .D crin In June

Mrs. M urpliy ar&*W n. Evnna will begin th e ir du ties Rt tJle June m eei- Inc.

O ther busIiic.M yesterday Included vo tlna n contribution to Uie W om­en 's r ie ld arm y lor the control of cancer.

P rogrnm , arriuigcd by Mr*. E. H. O yer, fcntiired a review 0/ the tlte of Mme. Schum ann-H clnk, with cni- phaals on h e r opcrntle career, by M rs. Tom A lw orth nnd Mrs. Ju liet llnydcn Doonc.

CompIementlnK the narrative giv­en by Mm. Alworth, Mrs. Boone *nng “T h e Jew el Sons" irom "Fauat," nnd 'T l ic R03iir>'.‘' accompanied ^ M rs. O. P.' Duvall.

Sprinc Decor nrlK ht yr-llow nprhiK flowers In ft

Rrcen po ttery bowl c en tc rr t the Ince- cov-ercd tea U bie. where Mrs. W. H. EldrUlKC. ch iir tc r member nnd past prc.ilclcnl o l Uie chapter, iind Mrs.

. Miller, p r e s i d e d ^ silver ten serv-

H o.ite;j cpn;mltlco Included Mrs. O 'Leary. Mhi. T trc li Coiner. Mrs. Florence nho<le.n and Mrs. Marga c t m il C arter .

* * ¥War Mothers to

Ask Congress to** Expand Ghart#

• In compllnnce w ith a retjUMt from tlir imUotiti.1 orKtwlTatlon.. Tu'Wv KnILi cliiipKT. A m c r l c n n . W nr M other.v will petition ^ongrw.-* to chanRc rhe c lin rter to allow mother* of W orld w ar No. I I to come Intd' mfnit)cr.ihlp In the orcwilzatlon un der th r c lm rler.

T lir local chiiptcr went on r(<cbr«l n.'. favorhiK this aecLilon. wlicu the Rroitp iHPi Fritlny a t the American LctJlon M rmnrlnl hall. T\vrnty-elc:ht nlembcr.'i and one (niest. M n. lo u w Rothenhnlfc^. S fn ttle. Wa.^h,. a t-

.tended. SlicNa thoMaiiRhter * ' **-• E m m a B iirit, Tw in Kall.i.

W ir Work Ursed T h e th a p te r voted a eontrlbiitlan

to th e c rlpp lfd children of Idaho. Mr«. Em m a B n lvrh ,'* tat« haiplta ll- M tlon chairm an , urged the members to he]p In n r d Crow and oUier war work, nnd a b o Rave a report of the actlvltie.i o f th e T nnakla Camp Fire girls. «pon.nored by the Wnr Mother*.

A nnouncem ent was made ilm t the tn n u a l c am n tlon sale will be heW May 0, w ith Mr.t. Myrtln Bwidy. second v lcc-p re jld rn t and generiU president, to be local<-d a t head - quarier.%.

Tliey will b<* lL’. l le<I by • Mm. M inerva Mo<lIln. M rn .'le n a FYltd- m an . 'M rs. C ora Burmebter. Mrs. A. I . lUwa. M rs.-Henry Peters, Mrs. Lcnft HolMon. Mr.i. A. 8 . M artyn.’

• M rs. Emmn Dalsch nnd Mrs. A nna \W lse . T annkln Camp Fire Girls will

'aL«o a.tiLM.T lic p rogram , prcixvred by Mrs.

• Thur.icy L cleh lllrr. who wa. unable ) a ttend , was annoimced by Mrs.

• n r MARY HELEN CLAfPERSea'nym phs, mermaid.-^, fish and creaturcs o f ’the .sea il­

lustrated d^eii-.Hcn diver Bob I\lills’ talk on "26,000 Leagiic.s U nder th« Sea,” or “Wow! Tho.'te^lermaida!'' las t n igh t a t th e Twin Falls high .school, jun ior prom, theme of which was "Dancing in the Deep." ~ ,

Programs were of the shape of deep sea divers, and dec­orations consisted of a huge w hite fish net as a falstf^c^ing, entangled \Pith. hundreds of f is h 'o f every type, size imd dc.scription, fish about the

UC'-nddres.n, MKs Busnn Ikenbcrry. who wn.T born In China, told of her cxprrlenees In the orient, and dis­played ft collecUon of dolts to lUus- trote the manner of dre.« and the tftiTvUy life oJ various cltLssts oJ Chinese people.

I/ctters wer** read from Mrs. LIl- lliui Oaskln. Montpelier, state n dent, and Mrs. John Provost, paat state president.'es. Mrs. Mnrlyn. Mrs. Burtt and Mrs. Morj- McAllister. 8cr\-ed r tre hmenti.If- * *Twin Falls Couple

Weds at PocatelloEHrabeth Cumberland, Twin PalU,

will become the bride of Lou Dodge. ftUo of T w in PnJU, today at 3:3a p, m . a l Pocatello, the ceremony to be performed at the home of the

">*lde-a brother by Rev. U . NeU. Lutheran minister.

nelntlvea and close friends will a t­tend- the ceremony. A party will be

' given In honor of the couplcat the home of Mr.^and Mr*. M. flhoaU, Tl lrtS Rvenuir n o tA . Twin ?*il*.

A fte iJ^ -o ip to Se*tUa and other coast touTvs, tlie couple vlU bo ht home In Twin P olli. T l» bride Is employe of the J. C. Penney co... nany and the bridesroom Is a isod - tted with the Idaho Hide and Tallow '•^ompany.

The bria<; will wear & U n suit with J accessories "M her travelingbrown #


K im berly W. 8 . C. s . will m e tt a t the hom e of Mra. Floyd Jones W ednesday a t 2:30 p. m . Mrs. C arl Doyd. Tw in FalLi. will be Uie gyest ipeaker. She will dUca-j -T ho A m erican Ind ian ."

Board of Governors of 0 . A. O. Clul)

Drama Group Plans U S Poetry Program.

T he colorful story of A m erican poetry will bo presented under th o direction of Mrs. D. E . Clyde a t the monthly meet­ing o f tho Dramo and L itera tu re departm ent of the Twen­tie th C entury club Tuesday, A pril 14, a t 2:30 p. m. a t tho au jd liary rooms of the American Legion Memorial hall. M rs. P. B. W ilson will preside.

T itled ‘'O ur American P oetry,” th e pageant-llko proaram will be divided into four parta , ‘Negro poetry , cowboy poetry,Indian poetry and modern works. Musical numbers will intersperse th e readings.

• NefTO Mambers -O pening th e f irs t part of the p ro ­

gram . Jaclc Thom as.

Cantata Soloist

M embers of the board of gDvernors for the p u t year rallfed ‘round (he O.A.O. n ineh c a te a l th e f in a l ' p a rty or the year for (he O.A.O. D ancing rlub last W ednesday n leh( a t (he E lki ballroom. L eft (o r ig h t are R. 3. VnlKon. .Mrs. H. A. Elco*ck. J , H. Ulandtoni, Mr». K enyon Green, chairm an of the board : In th e back- ground, E. \V. McRobcrU, no t a mem ber o( the board: M n . MUet J. Browning and F rank Cook. Not In th e picture la Wilton Peck, who h a s been tecre tary -trtasa re r o f (he club since 1(* organ liatlon .

(Staff rho to -E n g ra v In f)

Bachelor Dinner Given to Eonor

Dudley DriscollDudley Drl.'icoll w m honored a t a

bachelor dinner T hu rsday evening a l (he Park ho te l by m a.w illne members of the b ridal pa rly and few Inilinule Irlciids.

Prf»ent In addition’ to the bride­groom, wh&%e m nrrlage to M lis Wil­m a Adkins will be solemnized Tliursdny, April 10, a t a t . Edw ard’* Cathohc church, were:

Robert Slrndlcy. best n ia« : E m ­it Cook. Onylord Toler, U erl Sweet,

Jr., nnd Elmer Illcks, ushers, nnd Don Porterrield and Bill Peters.

Comic touch wit.s Uie brklegroornV •iliower.' durhig which th e novelty gifts were w heeled Into Uie prlviite d ining room In n bnby cnrrlnge by

of the waltrr.'.r.r.i.

wails, ilhistrate<i as-^) ocean, and Will W right's (irtT(pstra played from a ‘‘cavern” in th e •sea, behind a coral reef.

Following Bob Norton’s welcome to KilesU, Mill* told of h!s expe­riences, inirodujlng MIm VURtnlft M cBride, costumed as a m crm nld. w ho sang ••I'm Building a S n ll Boat of Ijrcftms."

W hen the diver told of lo.ilna In - In the rock form ations, nnd being attrnclr<l by the lovely c rea ­tu res of tlie rea, M l.u jL nl N ani D am es and M lu- Pauline Moses appea red as sen ftympljs to give nn appropria te dance routine. Mlwi Alice Gee then appeared a.s th e ".'.ea h ag ." to frighten the deep sea diver from th e stnge. and to conclude tlie p rogram .

N early 100 couple.i ntlended Uie event, spoiwored by the Junior c lnrj. u n de r the supervl.ilon of Junior class sponsors. Mlsi Helen L lndenm an nnd Miss Elfrlede Relnr.dorf.

P unch was r.crvcd by Mlr,n Susan Ikenb rrry . Ml.w Betty Mne Jones, MCw Norene AnnLn nnrt Mls.s RatlB E llio tl. from nnother sea "cavern." ¥ ¥ *

CalendarT lietJi Rlio .Girls club will m eet

a t 7:30 p. m. Monday n l the I.O.O.P. hall for lormnl Inltlntlon.

¥ ¥ ¥Country Woman's club win m eet

W cdntsilny nllctnoon n ; Vhc hom*o of Mrs; n . W. .\lort.

* * *Spanl.ili W ar Vcleruns aux lllno '

will m eet Monday a t 6 p. m . a t th o Amerlcnn Legion McmorliU h a ll. . ¥ ¥ ¥

T w in Falls b e t h e l o f Job'a D aughters will meet a t 6:30 p. m.. Instead of 7:30 p. m.. M opday n t th e Masonic temple for a apeclnl prouram pracUee. Mrs. H ow ard W ellington, cuardlan, urges a ll m em bers to b^present.

» \¥ ¥Zenobla club\wlll meet a t 11 a .

m . W ednesday » Uie Idalio Pow ­e r company fo r \a n all-day ses­sion . A good attemtance Is desir­ed, A no-host luncheon will be served at noon.

Mabel Buchanan,.Russell .G. H ill Exchange Vows

Mias Mabel DHChTinan, T w in Fall daughter Of Mr. and M rs. H. Buchannii, Jerome, becam e U... bride of Rawell G, Hill. T w in FalLv tit rites performed n l 8 p. m. yes­terday by Rev. JL O. McCfkrilsier n t the MelhodLit parsonage,

Only n few close frii

* ¥W omen's Motor 1

e la tion will enterUiln n l a b u ffe t supper a t 7 p. m. today In honor of husbands a t the home of M r. and W nyne G arretL Dingo will be the

• diversion and each couple Is asked to bring two wrapped gifts fo r prizes.

¥ ¥ ¥Salm on Trac^K om tm akcra ' club

will m eet Wednesday, AprU 15. a t a p . m . a t the home of M rs. P ea rl B erry . Mrs; H onle t McDaniel wUl b e ftsslatanl hoste&s. Mra. Mar* s a r e t HIU Carter wlU lead a d is ­cussion of w ar problems, seed and

I bu lb e sthange will be conducted m embers ate asked to rem c m .

b e r Uielr Red Crt>sa dlmea.

the single ring service, a f te r i ih l th th e couple left fo r a' w edding tr ip • i an-unannounced destination.

Mr. and Mrs. Henrj- B uchanan . Tw in FnlLt, brother nnd sLiter-ln- Inw of the bride, a ttended the couple.

For her weJdlng. Mra. Hill wore beige suit wUti blue Rece.-iiorles. Mrs. Hill Li n g radunte of F iler

green's dnig aioro lo r sev ira l years.M r; Hill, son of Mrs. D aisy Hill

and Clyde Hill. C lhclnnnttl. O., was eradunted from w oodw ard high Khool In CJnclnnnttl. He Is now &a- Roclftted wiUi tho F.A.A.‘offices in Tw in Polls where the couple will rr.ilde.

Several parUes have been a rran g ­ed In honor of the bride the past week. Including a su rp rM mlscel- Inneoiw .-(howcr Thnrsdny evenlns, a rranged by Miss Helen Oco and MLvn Valerie Herre n t the home of th e form er. 604 M ain north .

Pinochle, the evening's diversion, was "interrupted" every 15 m in ­u tes by Uie ringing of a larm clocks w hich m ’ealed. Hiroiigh verse.s a t- tached to each, hiding places of glfta for the bride.

¥ ¥ ¥.ZetA Pi chapter of Uie D ilph lnn

Society will m eet Monday a t 3 p . m . a t the Farm ers’ Auto In su r­ance company auditorium.

^ THESE f M O T f . N


'/ c o m f o r t a b l e ,YOU , CANT TELL THEM ' '

FROM FINEh o s e /

1 r l vbo t>«0 iM •uppert efI cUttle inxklno. ThM* (ttlM.

■ .w n mnI tool


Opposite Orpheum

Riverview §ocial ^Club Has Session

R lv e r t l r ^ o c la l club members met a t Uie home of M rs. Frances Har­per Tliurr^Iay afternoon . .Mrs. Vir­ginia^ D allas was nssLnanl hostcis, and Mra.'y^Velma Fyke, president, conducted Vie meeiinB, which open­ed with the s ln g i n r of palrloUe songs.

Program was In chnrgc of Mrs. Al­bina Martoll. and inc luded 'a reading and a contest. Prlr.c wa-i won by Mrs. Dallas. New year books were dis­tributed. nefrc.shm entji were aer\ed. N ext meeting will be held a t Uie homft^of Mrs. Velma Fj-ke, May I f w ith Mr*. T helm a Lowe assisting.

M n . JttU ct lla y d tn Co«&« who will be preM nted by M rs. Char­lotte Duvall In a tone rteltal T u o d ay , April H , a t 8 p. m. a t th e M ethed lit church.

(Staff E ngravlnil ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

Juliet H. Boone To Sing Opera, -O ther NumbersM rs. Chai losie Duvall will present

M rs. Ju lie t Hiiydcn Uoono In a song recltAl Tue:.dny. April H . a t 8 p. a t Uie M etliodlst church.

M rs. Boone won high honors In the sta le music contest n l Pocatello In 1031,

T lin t sam e y rar j.lie won a schol­arsh ip to Colnrado S ta te Teachers college, Greeley, Colo. M rs. Duvall h a s been her voice Insiruclor throughout lirx m usical career.

Miss Josrithlne Tlirockm orton, o rg u ih t o f Uie M ethodist church, and mem ber of Sigma A lplia iota, national honorary m usic sorority, will as;l'.l.

A ccompiinlmeiiu will be playec! by Mrs. Dv»vn\l. M rs. Boone's m ost amblUous nclecUon of th o evening will be th e opernUc nrla from •T ro- vlalu."

Mrs. Boone will ting composlUon; of Hayden, M ow rt, Verdi. Ma.wanei Brohms, Vnughn de L eath . Am> "{orUi. Ciimiibell - T ip ton , W alter

w p e r , Itudolt O a n t a n d Eckert. MLis T hrockm orton will play com*

jwsltloii!! o f V ltterbart a n d Casar F rnnck n l Uic ori;iin.

¥ ¥ ¥

A-^rnoon Guild .Stefs Card PartyAt HayeS Home

A fternoon Guild of tl\e Ascension EjiUcopnl d u u ^ h will sponsor a card pa rty in M ay a t th e home of Mrs. Jo h n E . Hayes.

Mrs. A. L . J(orton oppolnU d the com m ittee on o rrangem ents T hurs­day o l th e hom*o of M rs. W. R. Prlebe.' Mr.n. G. 11. T ru itt sLilant ho^.tess.

M rs. J . H . Dlandford will b rc h a lr - m an of Uie paxty, Mrs. H. E. DcLvn. Mis. C. Ru.v,cll Weaver. Mm. T ru itt . Mrs. T . M. Robcrison aud Mrs. Allyn Dlngel.

E xac t du te will bo announced la ter .

A nnouncem ent was made th a t Mm. Jo h n p . H ackney, db irlc t c i i - todlan, would d t'.cu u U»- United T liank O ffering n l the ncxl m eet­ing of th e group’ Mrs. E. Leslie Itolls will be hoste ss to llie gullil nl ihe rectory a t U iat meeUng, and Mr*. P, W . Schw elckhordt will be ft-wlst- a n t hosKL'ji.

T ho rem ainder of Uie nfienioon Tliursday w as *l>enl n t u km-Mnslon te a ., and E nster lilies ccnlcred Uie lei,. l4»U)e. M m. Rolls nnd Mrs. Nor­ton w ire Inv ited to pour.¥ ¥ . ¥Annual Masonic

Dance ScheduledB outhem Idaho Masotis will

te rtaln a t th e an n u al spring dsnce Monday a t 0:30 p. m. a t Radio Ron- devoo. All M asons. Ihelr wives and partners, a n d all E astern Stars, Uielr husbands fciy! escorts ore Invjted to attend.

Tlie e v en t wUl be Inforninl and Olen B a tes and his Nlte Hawks will play th e dance music. (Mrtls E aton is c h a irm a n of arrangements.

Punch wUl bo ser>‘ed throughout the evening .,

by M iss M arjorie Albertson, wUI ilng two M egro spirituals.

W e a r i n g appropriate costumes, dia lec t read ings will be given by ?i4rs, G eorge W orberg, Jackie Beymer, B etty A lauset a n d BtU W atU.

M rs. M . E . Shotwell will read th ree cowboy ballads during the second pa rt o f th e progrnm . and Mrs. E d ith Corless will sing two selccUons d u r ­ing the In d ian poetry secUon.

Mr*. Roy P a in te r U to read T h e Wooing or Hlawatija," -with 'M rs. Corless s ln sln g before and o tte r h e r selection.

M odem Poetry R epresen ting th e modem poetry,

original poem s ore to be read by Mrs. J . H , B arnes and Mrs. Sad ie

and M rs. Clyde will given musical read ing .

Mra. O . W . B ice Is chalnxvatv o l (he hostess committee, and will be assisted by M ra. Lem O iapln, M rs. Claude Drown. Mr*. Howard H*1J. Mr*. J . T ed D a v u and M n . E . j Landon. ¥ ¥ *Aloha McMurray

Weds Attorney At Utah fjuptial

ML« A loha McMurray. Boise, fo r­merly o f T w in Falls, and R obert Kerr, Jr.. ossLilant attorney general of Id aho , were m arried In Logan. UUh, A pril 1, occoMlng to w ord received here .

Mr. and Mrs. K err are now a t home a t 319H N orth Fourth s tre e t, Boise, T h e wedding took place In the L a t te r Day S a in ts temple. E lder Jo .«ph B. D aines offlcIaUng.

T h e b ride Is th e daughter of Mr, nnd M rs. - R aym ond B. McMurray. Oakley. M r. and Mrs. Wllford W. R ichards, Logan, were the a tte n d ­ants.

Mrs. K err a ttended school a t the U niversity o f I d a h o , sou thern branch. Pocatello , and la ter lived In Tft'ln Falla . She h a s been employed In the Id ah o F irs t K aU onalJjank In Dolso.

T lie bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. R obert K err, Reiburg. was graduated from Rick* Junior college, the University of Idaho and the University Law school In 1Q30.

He wns ulim aU-d wlUi pVil M phi Deltn, na tlonnl law hoiiomiy soci­ety, nnd before beliV npiwlnted os- sLslont a lto m ey gA eral for th e s la te , h e pracUced A w a t Rexburg.

Evenins: Guild Has O f f i , c i a l Visitor

M rs. E. Leslie Rolls, president of Uie d is tr ic t execuUve board of the w omen's auxilia ry , made her o ffi­cial v itl t to th e Ev«nlng G uild T hu rsday evening.

M bs Alice T nylor was lio^te.ia to U^e Kroup. M rs. Jo h n 'Vnplo presld- - i a t th e session.

T h e hoetess served refreshm ents. ¥ ' ¥ ¥

W nahlngUin Parent-T eacher a s - soclaUon will m eet a t s p. m. M on- 'dny a t the school auditorium . G erald W allace will b« guest speaker, giving a talk on Boulh A m erica. .Special music Is filanned.

M iss Eslinger, Robert Merrell

Exchange Vows}.Uss noM ie Mao E slinger and

Rot>ert D. Merrell were un ited In m arriage Saturday, April i . a t Uio C h rb U an church parsonage. Rev. M a rk C. Cronenberger offlcloUng.

M iss E dna Eslinger and MLss C laudle Mne Merrell w lthc.ued tho c«remony.

L a te r a dinner was se n ’cd n l tho hom e of th e bride’s parents. A th ree - Uerod wedding cnke, baked by V in­c e n t Toms, a cousin of th e bride, w as Uie centerpiece.

P re sen t were parents o f the bride. M r. and Mrs. Elton EJllnger. M r. and Mrs.- Melvln Eillnger. Mr, and Mr.n. F ra n k Eslinger, Mr. and M rs. Wil­k in s a n d K aU io 'n Wilkins. M r. and M rs. V incent Toms and Mr. nnd M rs. M. M errell and daughter; MLvt M errell.

M r. and Mrs. Merrell ha\-o gone to S e a ttle to make Uielr home. TIic bridegroom Is employed by th e E lecU lcal Producls Associated.

Masons Will Be Honored by OES

Mr«. EdUh CectcM, n !w vD l'a tn f the solo part* In (he E as te r c m * ta la presen(ed today a t 7:M p. ta. . n t (he second: ward chape l o f Uis' l a d e r Day Salrils c ho rcb b j Ui« Singing jtfotherk

(S la ff EagntTlBgl

exempllflcatloti of c e r ta in cere­monies by Job’s D aughters, on^spe* clnl m ailcal 'numbers^

.A 'social hour a n d refreshm ents nro. planned under th e d lrecU oa'of Mrs.' Frank Hovorka.

____ ™ StsT will en terta in a l _program In honor of all Ma.sons, o f fl - clnls announced last night.

M rs. Roy Pain ter, associate m a ­tro n . will preside a t the i>«tlne38 m eeting In th e ab.>«nc« o r f d r s . B e r t S w eet, who Is a w a j i .^ m Uie c ity .

T h e program Is being p lanned by M rs. Dale Wakera, and will Include

Straw HATS Reduced

Out enUre stock o f straw i go on sale.

V i ^ V i o F P



We have .used fo r display. Including epmo which have not been displayed '

3x4 to 5x7 PICTURES 25c and 50c8x10^ PICTURES $1.00

,11x14 PICTURES 2.508x10 PAINTINGS 2.50

11x14 PAINTINGS • 5.00

All Negatives In File$ l0 0 per set


Phone 402 23 l\shoshone N.


your FURS• W ILL LAST LONGER• LOOK BETTER ,• give more com fort and

Hcrvicc and will be safelyprotected opninst FIRE, TH EFT, H EA T, MOTHS and MILDEW. If Btored in our NEW, scientific Cold S torage vault.

We invite your InspecUon o f the Most M odem Cold Btorage vau lt science has m ade possible todny. See your fu rs sterilised to free them of m oth eggs before they ars placed la th e T a 'u lt”

If your F u rs need repair, remodeling or cleaning, oak about ou r low summ er rates. Have you r F m denned a n d byUie Fu rrie r's Method, and see the dlfferenca.

For Expert Care and Scientific Cold Slorage-rSee

THE FUR SHOPCall Us for a M csscnjcr Today

Phone 413 * . "”V •• Next to O rpheum


IN THE FUTUREBright printed dresses, blouses and formals. And such an array to choose Irom. Dresses are priced from the cheapest to the higher priced brackets, in bright prints^heers and bright plain colors.

Separate ^kirts and blouses too, are colorful. Both long and short sleeves are selling. Prices on th esp too, start low. - ~

Sports wear is of the most importance th is season . Colorful slack suits as well as bright shades in sep­arate slacks are now in stock.Riding apparel is selling best in good cavahy twills, With the better quality in sport jackefe.Tailored suits of woolens (while they last), linens and various synthetic weaves, all in good style..

Shop For Colorful Merchandise This Season.

Bertha Campbell’s Store131MainE.· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (8)

Page EigM TIMES-NEWS. TWIN P iU iS , IDAHO Suni*r. April 12. 1942


D j JU D SO N DAILEYN EW Y O R K . A p ril 11 (/P)

— SoundinR a fa m llif tr Amcr- icjin n o te n b o v e th e d in of w orld-w ide w n r , bnBcbnll’fl two m n jo r leagrues w ill aw lnp into nction T u ead n y in n new

• ’ pennnnt a e r ia l th e y hope will bo iis en th ra llir iR a s any of tho ir p rev io u s p eace tim e .ad ­v entures.

BoUi Uic fcin.i juul Uic players of Uic 10 ctiikn Imvc lincl nix or cislil w fc ti of buildup for Uib opcnlns of Uic « w o n a n d Uic ';M'ctNl to be m ftdr wlUi cjiai iMjfftrc.

l l i e op c iiln r dny proeram ciULi rot;

AMEKICAN I.KAC.LKNew York n l WniJilliKtoii. ' I'hlliuli-lphln n l Donton.Clcveltiurt ftl D clroll.SI. LoiiU n l ChlciiKO.

NATlONAt. I.KACUE Brooklyn n t New York. .Daiton lit PJilIncleliililn.PUtjibiirRh n t ClnclnnMlJ Clilcaeo n l S t. Lbul.v

KvIJencff of W ar n ic rc will be p lru iy ot cvldcncc.i

of Uio w ar .'F n m ll ln r pliii’frn Jlkt Iftink OrccnlJcrK. Dob te lle r . HurIi Mulcnliy niitl Ci-cli Trnvl.i i\re nmoiiKthe (H who c n lr r « l Uie anny ..... 'nnvy. U nlfonns will cu ro ' " • • Anicrica" JiwiKnln. W nr stonip.i aJJI be eoW by vcndora In some p«rka and the New York Olnjiui will re­quire holders o l piuorn in nho b\iy w ar for lulml.vilwi. Parks onthe east const will Imvn nlgn.i ntiil ««nd and extlnffulshcrs Jn rtacllnexs for ftlr rnldn. T liere will be more Umn twice m m any nlKlit Bnmes u ]a£t year, a toUU of ISfl.. During Uie flrn t W orld war mosl

m inor lea^uea collnpaed and Uie mojora c u ru llcd Uielr lOlB wruion under Uio prcM o t a Rovemmenial •■wort! or flRhl" dem and on all c it­izens.

G et X 'retldentlal Backlnc But Uiere Is no pre.w nt reanon to

believe th a t Uie c u rren t campaign wlU not be cftrrled tiirouKh Jn full. I n January Pre.nldeni Roo«evelt wrote Com m liiloner Kenwaw M, LandLi U iat It wiwi h is personal view th a t "It would be beat fo r tlie coun­try to keep ba«o6oll g o lr« " becausi people "ought to have n cJiance loi recreaUon and fo r tak ing Uielr m lndi off th e ir work even more Uian before."’

Under U ib Im petus txueball proce«llnB-tia pearly a s normal poelble and public in te re s t neemA M almost as Intea-w a s In otheryean.

Philadelphia Phils Blast Washington

W ASHINOTON, April 11 yP) — T ho W ashington SenatorA relum ed to the ir home grounds today and absorbed an a-O 'beaU ng from the PWls. Bl Joh n so n a n d Cy Dlanlon of th e 'P h lU cttch gave up two h lu^

T he P h lli pounded JM k Wilson tor 10 blows and added two more off Sill Z uber. T lia Ph ils counted six runs lo a wij^ seventh Inning during w hlcli tlicy touched Wilson for sU h ita a n d a walk.

B .H .E .PhllAdel-a (N) 030 000 QOO-8 13 1 W ashlng'n (A) 000 OW 000—0 4 3

Johnson, B lantorf*7fl) and W ar- ren ; Wilson, Z uber (8) a n d Early,

SPORTPadr es Defeat Seattle ita- Close Battle

8AN D IEOO. Calif.. April II (/P>— n ie Snn DlfKO Padres Miapped

ittle'.^ four-xanin winning s treak i to 3 today, liant^ng Uie Coast lentfue leaders Ihelr IJrit d efeat ofU \t MRK>n.Scaltle .............OOO 300 000-3 8 0

nn Dlcfto .. „.-.'030 003 OOx—« 0 1 Lcven-i and Collins; HerOert and


tiKALS I. ACORNK 0 OAKLAND. Calif,. April 11 (/TO—

Ttie Soiv F ra n c lu o Seals tied Uielr •Ith th e O akland bosebnll

club nV tw o gttnita-each lodny w hen 8nm a ib w n bested Jack 8alvc.ion 1 lo 0 In a U ghi pitching duel.

the seventh. Kerris Pain dou­bled, w ent to tlilnl on a fielder's choice, and w ored iia pinch h lllc r Ted JcniiliiKn filed lo rlRhl.

ncLico 000 OOO lOO-t 6 0Oaklnjirf, ..........000 000 000-0 5 0

' nnd Sprlnz; Salveson and lUliTiondl.

ANOELS 7, BEAVERH i L 0 3 ANGELES, April 11 The a Antiele.i AnBcLi today m ade It irce In a row over PorilaniS In a

Pacific c o a s t league ba.^ebalt game. Jumping on Uielr old team m ate. P ilcher Lee SUne. fo r IS runs a n d 7 lilts in th e f irs t two Innings, d rlv - Inn lilm 10 Uie sliowers and going on

) a 7-4 victory.A h igh ligh t of m e Angel balUng

apree was a homer with tw o ot base by F irs t O u em an Eddie Walt- kus.PorUand ........... 002-001 010—4 7 iLos Angeles ....ISO 010 OOx—7 1& (

,aUne, Cohen (3) and Leovlch dams and Todd.

Stays With Giants

Larry Susee Quits Pilots for Defense

, LEWISTON. A pril 11' of L any 8u.teo wna announced to ­day by Boise P ilo t M anoger Jim Keesey. who sa id Susee, 17-gome winner a n d a key m an In tho club's drive for th e IM I Pioneer league UUe. had noUfled h im . h e had de­cided to keep h ls 'lo b In a PorUand thlpj-ard.

The Pilots, In sp ring training here, have seven chuckers out and Kecsty. SAtd ‘-ve-ll hove to see If we c ao 't find a n o th e r now."

3-Day Sagelien Hunt Slated For Lincoln _

QOIBC. A pril 11 Ot>-H\5nUi& may once m ore dine on sagchen, once Uie m ost nlinierou.i o f upland game Clrds In Idoho bu t threatened w ith exUncUon unU l a closed season was declared on th e noUve fowl several years ago.

Tlie Id ah o tlih and game com ­mission opened for Uiree day* of sagehen h u n tin g —Ju ly I. S, 13—the section of L incoln county sou th of Uie Union Paclllc railroad track and e a s t o f U. 8. hlshway S3. The bag lim it wa4 » tt a t two bird* per day.

All five c om m lis lonm were p res­en t for Uio quarterly meeting which opened today.

T ribu taries of Prlesl lake were closed to flailing 1,000 feel from the ir e n tra n ce Into Uie lake because of a delayed spawning run of. cu t- Ulroat tro u t. The sea.ion.wlU open In o the r secUon.^ of the lake April 15.

Magic Valley Athletes Win Vandals “r

UNIVERSITY O P IDAHO, April I l -F lv e . Magic Valley men itils week were g ra n te d varsity baakel- ball awards by th e A8UI execuUve board, s tuden t governing body. Awards were a b o approved for mem- bers of V andsl boxing, skiing and rUle teams, -

Receiving vorslly baakelball lAwardi for Uielr second y e a r were M y T urner. T w in Palls; Vonley H cpklai, B uh l; G eorge Steele, Ida ­ho Palls; and T e d Thom pson, Spo­kane. W ash. F i rs t y e a r aw ards went to 'Em Ie C raner. B urley ; Ray Hoob- Ing, Biihl; Ja ck Newell, G lenns Fer-

■: Clift B enson . T roy : and Nor- lan Predeklnd a n d Bob Rosen- rrry, Coeur d 'A lene.Varsity boxing aw ards were ap­

proved ,for C haco A nderson, T i ’ln Falls: G ordon R osa. M ullan; W ar­ren BrlKgs, C o rey ; W aUdns Ker­shaw, Midway; O nrre ll Lott, Black- f0ol: Tom W ells, O roflno; and tjam Rosen. Bronx, N . Y. M ajor ^ I ' ' fcWftitla Jot w in n in g P»tlJlc conM boxing cham pionsh ips w ent to BUI Williams. Spokone. W ash.: a n d Veto Berllua, T unkhannock . Pi

Mtmber.i of th e .nlnUi c(rifle chom plonshlp team «___granted m ajor ftw ards. G ra n te d Ul­cers were A rm our A nderson. T*’ln Palls; Jim C onning , E m m ett; Bob RobbUi.s. W ilder: O en a B assett. Day­ton. WaaU.; B ill WrlRlxt, -Moscow; Cecil m il, N ei P e rcc ; Gordon Dailey, Palouje. Wft-ili.: E a r l Crea, Penn; Lowrence D ouglas. M eridian, and Marlon Dusli, Shelley .

Skiers g ran ted le tte rs were Numbers, Dill D row n. McCall; Phil Conley, KUl.i W lckw ard. Bob Bon- 'oml. Wnllnce; a n d MarUn Mar- guard, Yakima, W ash .




Tlie commission olso voted to re ­instate a ll civil service employescalled to th e arm ed services provld- ............. .ed they apply for the ir Jobs w ith in . < ]lan ls lai 50 days a fte r Uielr from ser­vice.

Next meeU ng of th e commlsalon. whoje c h a irm a n It Alton R. Howell of Idaho rnll.1. was K heduled for Ju ly 11 a t G ransevllle.

OLIVEB T O NAVVEUGENE, Ore.. April I'l ^ f l^ O e r -

ald A. •Tex'- .Oliver, hpud fooUiall conch o t University of OreRon, lia.% received appolntm im t a . i j i lieu ten­ant. co*n*nMwler lt\ Uie na,vy im d wUl report a t Annapolis April 30.


« « * V

Giants R el^n Johnny Mize For 1st Base

NEW YORK. April II (U.R) — Tlie puttehose of F lm t Bnaem an Johnny Ml£e from the C ard lnu li for on ts - U m ated *50,000 ond tw o players lias been consum m ated. T rea su re r Leo J . Bondy of th e New Y ork Glant.1 told. Uie United Press today.

••We have notified St._LouU th a t the deal is satisfac tory ," Bondy snld. confirm ing reports from Uie souUi Uiat Uie deal h a d been completed.

T lir big slURger In jured hla shoul­der sliding Into base la s t sea.ion anti w hen tho Cards sold h im to the

.1 the re was a c laa te In lit* con tract th a t If he was unable to olxn Uip Knuion he could bo relum ed. H ie two plnyers sent to th e Cards In the deal were Pitcher BIU Lohrman ond C a tcher Ken O-Dea.

Hogan Shoots 67-to Close In on Nelson' AUGUSTA. O n., April 11 (.7*:- T lia l Urele.w m iiclilne ot goU—W il­liam Ben Hokhii o t Her.iliey, Penn.— all but broke up Uie AuRUsta Mrui- ters^ lo u m a m rn t todny and se t U.' galleries buzzing like a bam -fu ll o( iiCTmvated bee».

Tall Byron Helr.on Mill wa.u lead­ing St the th ree q u a rte rs m ark wlUi 307 to Hognn'.-i 310—but bettor.i ' held wBger.^'on . th e Totedo s . iv tin (ar m w e •worrltd abo^vl clianccs Uian Uiey were yesterday wlien he led Snm B yrd, Uie one-Unir ba.ipballer. by on ly ft single ^trokl

H ogan Closes In Willie NeUon nho t a melliodlcal

35-37-72 to d w nnd Byrd look 3n.3J—75, th e H ershey priilrir ' sllckc»l five strokc .i o f t Nelson'; vantage w ith o f la t 34 on U icfron l nine and a pom lyzlng 33 on thr home M retch fo r 07, be.U round of Uie day. • •

" It wa-1 Uie manaslnK t eve did," said Hotfun coolly alter rrtun i UiK to th(* club hounr. "I mrmi man Ipulating th e boll. oIIowinR for wind and roll. You h a d to do it in Uiat


S tu a r t 8 . Janney. Jr.. rode Wliilon to a 35-lcnsth tr ium ph In the 34Ui renew al of Uie.'M y Lady's Mi ... potnU to-polnt sUepleehRM ihla a tl- em oon.

Arrivals in Cowboy Camp Boast Great Sandlot, Rookie Records

BOYES SPRING S, Calif., April 11— 1\vin Falla Cowboys and Salt Lake City Bees were prepared to tee off in th e ir firiil spring tra in ing camp Rame of th e season hero tom or­row a.s they neared completion of nearly a week of activity.

M anager Tony Robello of the W ranglers and Manager Andy Hiirrlngtoii of the B cch failed to m a k e any pre-game announcement of the HUirting lineups, b u t it was probable th a t tho full aquadn of both clubs would see action before the nine innings was com­pleted.

WeoUier trouble In genem l slowed down Uie irolnlnK work of both clubB, bu t In betw een Umes. the boj-i have go tten some s t i f f workouts.

W hen th e g roup finished today Uiere were oUly 23 m en in camp—Robello having le t some of the youngalcra w ho reported Into Uie cam p In poor shape, go home Im. mediately.

Hold Edge eonie o f tho boys w ho have been

train ing w ith Pacific Cooal league clilbs. have a big Jum p on oUier* rookies s f iU n g Uielr f irs t taste of Bprtng ball and th is item may go A long vaya tow ard na iling down

■» regular be rth .Tft'o of th e la te a rriva ls In cam p

a re Bob Nicholas, sh o r ts to p and Bud . TJ'reman. th ird bM cm an. Both corte

w ith fineu cape-

elftlly. tot«a A g re a t rvcord Into cam p—* JS a b& ttln s m a rk In the W nttt* Mtffuc p lay .

L&ne Shanlcs, th o out£leld s ta r th a t M a n asc r R obello picked up, looks cxcepUonally p jo d In early Pt m Uccs. H e b i ts th e b a ll h a rd oQCl f a r . Ho i t f a s t on b la f e e t And r a r tm ooth In receiv ing O r balls.. Hera 1* a g e n era l lin e u p of tht boys tlre ad y In cam p ;

Tony Je ll, 50, 170 pounds, righ t- handed p itcher. WlUi Anaheim In Uie C alifornio s u t e league last sea­son. Record n o t available.

Tony Cheppelo. 21, six fee t tall,180 pounds, r ight-handed pitcher.WlUi A nalielm-)ln California a ia te league in iM l'. Vtfon 13 and lost eight.

G re a t Rec9rdJock Chenord , 20. Six fe<t th ree

Indies U ll. 105 pounds, righ t-handed pitcher. H e's a rookie and 1* owned by San D iego. He w on, 13 and lost none In Loo Angeles s&nd-lot play la st year. <

H orry P a rks. 35, five f e e l ,_____Inchta, welglia IJO pounds, r ig h t- handed p itcher. W ith Albuquerquv of Arlzono-Texas league is s t sea ­son. W on 34 and lost nine.

Joe F a ria , six feet, 175 pounds, rJgh l-hM ded pitcher w ith Tacom a In W estern Intcm aU onal league laat season. O fficial record no t avail­able.

Bob Ilodrlguer. 21, five fee t. 10 Inches, le lU handed pitcher. W llh Blabeo in A rlw n a -T tx as league Jaat year. NO official record available..

B ill R ld u . 19, fire feet, 10 Inches, catcher. R ookie /ro m Los Angeles s u d lo t s w here he batted J3} la s t sftuon.

Budx M a r l n w 30, « vb feet. . ______laches, 170 pousds, catcher. I n H ex* - year.

ico league last scn.ion.. botUng Infield 's t a r

T ony Lnmorra. 17. five feel, six Inches, 148 ppunda, Inflelder. Rookie from -Sftn Joae. w here S c ba lled ''J30

1 anndloLvH arlow Burton. 25. f ive feet.j.even

Inchcs, 155 pound.1. Second bosei W ith .Cowboys lost yen r, ba iting .30 . ■

H orry -Lefty'’ T aylor. 21. fh ’e feet, 10 lnche.v 118 pound.% f ir s t basem an. Rookie from Loa Angeles a rea , bot< ted .403.

Bob Nicholas. 31, five feel, i c h e a , 168 pounda, sho ru top .

Rookie, batted J53 on sandlots.E m eat S ierra, 18. five feet, six

Inches, 140 pouruls. sho rtstop . San t»ego rookie, ba tted .300 on sond- lo u .

Dud T>-reman. 10. s ix feet. 17! pounds, third boaeman. Rookie, bat- ted JOO Iasi year on sandloUv

'' R ated “K ind-Jock Lflirlte. 18. f ive feet, nine

Inche.i. te s pounds; Uilrd bivseman. Belongs to Son Diego, ba lled J13 In sem l-tro ball year- Itated ■•find" of P adre sp ring train ing camp. V

Nick I*£llca, 10. nve fee l. I t Inches. 170 pounds, outfielder. Rookie, b*l- Ung JOO lost season. - ■

Lone Shanks. IS, five feet. 10 Inche.v leo'JMund.v ou tfie lder. B at­ted J7* with F l in t la st y e a r In Mlch- Ig a n -S u te league.

Dick Skllllla, 21. f iv e . feet. 11 I n c h e s . IW pounds, outfielder. Rookie, batUng JS7 on safldlots laat season.

>nck Sunserl, a i, f iv e ' feet. 10 . n c h e s , 175 pounds, outflekler. Kookie, balUng J35 on sa n d lo u last

I'lrd.". He was over p u r only twice—on

the par fo u r\4 4 0 -y a rd flfUi hole when he took U \e e puu.^. and ngnln on the 425-yord ^ U x when lie o ■er- fihot Uie green a n d mlivrd nn eight- foot p u tt fo r a.boBej’ five.

D yrd In Third Byrd's two early rounds of 68 lefi

him wlUl alack fo r today's bnJloon- Itig 75. a n d h e w as a stroke back of Hogan a t S l l a t the Uiree-quar-

Paul U iuiyan, "who Kliiired Uie first-round lead wlUi Horton Sm ith III 07 was fo u rth o t 313 n iter shoot' ins 73 today. Sm lU i. bo<lly' boUiered by Uie wind hnd to be MtUfled wlUt 74 imd a U ilrd -round totnl of 314. Jimmy D em aret ftnd DiUch Harrl*

n were Ued (o r flfUi u stroke be­nd SmlU).Bob Jones, w ho annually comes

out ot re tire m en t for Uxr m asters' ^ n i a m e n i . rtred ; t u l stood — ‘" *

•llh 336.

Pioneer League Clubs Start to Take Form ^

Dy 'The Associated f re sa .Pioneer league basel^ll tcam», absorbed in spring training,

are beginning to ^ k e form.There’s still tinic for th e rookies to break into the lineups,

bu t for the most part tho veterans arc grabbing off s ta rtin g assignm ent in warmup games.

I have a le tte r from O eorBTH er rick, spo rta .ed ito r of the San Diego Tribune-Sun. •. The nol« la la ''rc^ponsc to a query for some dope on some of Uie boys th a t the San Diego Padres are farm ­ing out to th e T w in F^iis Cowboys for the coming seahon.

I had ga th e red from one of M anager T ony , Itobello's letters U ist the Cowboys and Padres had

, some kind of a Ue-up, Says Mr. Herrick:“The Padre fro n t office tells me

Uiat- the Padrea have a working agreement w ith Tw in Falls, nothing being offlelai. I t Is n o t considered a Padre farm . F rom w hat I have seen

the Padres th u s fa r this season, they will need o il Uie playera Uiey a n get wlUiout farm ing any ouL"

However, w h at I wrote to San Diego for was some dope on Oiese young sta rs who will soon be per­form ing for the W ranglers In the Pioneer league.And here itBlli C h e n ard -O n ly 30 years old

(bom June 22, 1021). Chenard could develop In to a fine pltcli- er. He sUuids 0 feet, 3 Inches and weighs IDO pounds. Chenard was picked up from a Los Angeles playground te am th a t Is backed by tho Padres.■ \ f , big as he Is. BUI literally pours em In to Uie b a tte r . Until w in­ter, Chenard h a d never played base­ball. He's a f ine prospect—Jusi off his size and speed.

Jack Lohrke—O nly 18 years old -j>orn Feb. 2S, 10341. He was tabbed Uie rookie f ind of the Padre.'i' sprli training. H e stonds five feet, Inehta nnd 'wclglw In Rt l«5 poutwLi. Lota of hiiaUc, vcrj’ nice kid. nnd shows fine form lo r a Uilrd biu.e- man. H e a b o cam e off the Los An­geles plaMtround team . In high school he wa.s a track. bn.nketball and football p layer. T he Padrr.^ have 10 worry about hL-i' fielding nnd fig- ire he'll develop in to a goo<l hllter.

Tony C h a p e tu —He'a 21 years old ;botn Jim e 20. 1030). A native of Wo.ihlnKton, T o n y sland.i six feet, two Indies a n d weighs 180 pounds. iTpny came to Uie Padres In spring oP-1041 from W oshlngton sandlota.

farm ed ou t lo Anaheim club of Uie C aliforn ia S tate league but develojied a sore arm and saw. little aeUon. B u t th e Padres are liafiRlng onto him he 's f a r from a poor prospect.

Ernie S ierra—O nly 10. AL'.o up from Los AnKeles plnygroimd warn. He's sm a ll,.s tan d in g about five tre t, five Inchea nnd welgli- liig about 130 pounds. F a s t and Rootl Inflelder. • •

Tnke boy^ and odd them to .Manager Robello (ind you have Uie makings of a very fine Infleltl—at least defenrilvely. Mr. Robello ■•k\\\ carry his sha re of the hllU ng load hut It appears th a t the rest of the young^ers m u st y e t prove the ir Ity to sm ack th e apple.

But If Uicse S on Diego boys don't live up to expecU iU ons-nnd It's o cinch they w on’t make the gmde 100 per cen t—T ony h as some other nne boys In cnm p. .

Y ou tn n ’Vr ov trioo 't H&tlow Bur­ton, th e m an w ho played three In. field pailU ons la-\t year nnd bntted j«3 . H e would f i t In to o good ball club. .

However, th e top prospecUs are Bob Nicholas, shortstop, and Bud Tj-reman, th ird bw em nn from Los Angele.s. BoUi Uie.' e youngsters look os though Uiey had It. nc- cordlRK to eorly report* from the train ing cam p..All In a ll. I t looks like a m flrj'

scramble am ong some veo ’ fine bo>’s to m ake'U ie g rade In'W hat proml.nes to be th e Ilr-‘' t top-notch Infield the W ranglers have ever had.

early to s ta r t forecosUng which of the clubs has tho Inside rail. Too m uch remains to be deicr- mlrted. Som e of the clubs have lost m any, o r a ll, o t la s t year's pM torm - ers. Som e of Uiose rem aining are eligible fo r arm y duty, although m anagers have 'endeavored to sign up players too young for selecUve service o r older men exempt fo r the Ume becouse of dependents.

Som e spoia ore open on o il Uie leoma. b u t for the m ost p o r t the m anagers are beginning U> c u ll Uie sheep from the goals.

Dozens "of players h a ' . leased a lready . OUiers are s la ted to leave com p shorUy. .

Reports from Uie cam ps show these ou tstanding candidates . for regular Jobs;

nOISE — lUn Ufr*r, C«rrr Sul>7, Ch«rl« Or1«|a. »r*nli ikndDarnll FlrW., pluh«n: I-oul. Tmmont,• horutop; n«rald Wilk.r, t>*n 77»ut. rmlchtr; Itmi Uapsxn, ciutrklcWr:

Un>*. tit lt knit «ul(V*l4l iVirKrmtr. m*nMcr and (InllxM : Ulllr Hwn. r«r. Of .hnrt; C«n<• Uj p : nokbr I’lulMn. rs(ch«r: Ja* E«. null'-, iixl Al Kflrhon«n. ouUltld. . ,

TWIN HAt.tJl—Tonr Tonj ChtJ-P.. U, J>rk Oh>nir<t. llirrr i'»ka. Jom K>r. I. lui. piichiri; UUI H>'k>

lUhtra: ToKr 6.ami

Babe Ruth Spends Comfortable Night

HOLLYWOOD. A pril 11 — A rtatltM Babe R u th . ttcuperaU ng from a pneum on ia atutck. fiddled with Uie bedside rod io today tr>-lng —and finally succeeding—In luning in a baseball gam e.

The one-Ume baseball s tar, strick­en earlier^ th is week, apparently passed th e cris is o f his Illness yes­terday.

His physician. D r. R. NIchol SmlUi, Issued a bu lle tin th is morning read­ing:

■Ruth had a very comfortable night. His condlU on la Improving.”

Attaches o f Hollywood Presbytsr- lan hosp iu l a a ld th a t his condition was to saU sfactory th a t no after­noon bulleun w ould be Issued.

Cubs D efea^ox To Deadlock Series"O H ICA O O . A pril 11 </n-CapltA l- Izlng on a passed Ijall and walk with the bases loaded in the 'sovenlh In- ning, the Cubs evened the spring cllySieries w1Ui th e W hile Box In Ihe first gam e played locally today.

The score woa 3 U) I ond dead­locked th e se rits . J^ larltd In CaU- fom la last m onth , a t five wins iplece.

The final a n d dcclding game wll be played a t Comlakey pork tomor-

^“Tiie’ score: R H EChicago (A> _..000 010 OOO-l Chicago (N) ... 000 000 30x—3

Lyons. Rlgney (4), Grove (7) and Treih: Lee. D lUiom i5 \ Kush

Pre.unelL-f*) and Mc- , Schefflng

Pictor Captures Maryland Event

BOWIE. Md.. A pril 11 t,r>—After four Indifferent effo rts In Florida, W. L. B rann 's P lC tor relum ed today to Uie w inning fo rm which mode him Uie uncrow ned champion of racing In M ary land la st fall.

Thr IllUe bay so n of Challrngef n and Lady L egend toU d top weight of i:a pounds ove r a slow track In 1:40 1/5 U) w in th e t5,000-addtd mile and ono -slx teen lh souihem .Mar^-Iand h a n d ica p before o clotins- day crowd o f approxim ately t s . 000.

PICtor iro a toy a length over>W l Bleber's M aechaace . whicli had le j most of th e w ay. Cls Marlon . w u third.

u se Track Stars Trounce California

BERKELEY. C a lif- April 11 i/Tt— Performing truo to form. University Sit SouUiem C alifornia's Trojans launched th e ir 1M2 bid fo r secUon. al and naUonal trac k and field hon­ors today by sw aniplng the Unlver. sliy of C alifornia, 81 2/3 to 49 1/3 In Uielr annuoT dual m eet before approximately 8.000 fans.

1 (

AXTENTIONCash paid for w orthleas o r dead cows; horses a n d price o t pelU for dead sheep.

Idaho H id s & T a llo w C o . Call Collect N earest PhoneTwin F a lti 3 X 4 # ' Gooding 4 7

R upert 5 5 E ldes, pe lts, taUow, fu r, a sd

'J u n k bane*_bpagbt.

Brilliant Huding Gives Cards Win

ST .LOUIS. April II (ffV-OelUng le kind of brllllnnl pllclUng w lf

whlcli- Uiey expect to win th e Ni llDiial league pcnnnnV, the S t. Loula Cordlnnls defeated the American league Browns today. 7 to 2. In the )pcner of th e lr ^ n n u a l two-game ;lty series.

Soutlipiiw E nile W hite yielded only tfto ham iles.1 slnBles In the first five Innings and righ t-hander U nrry Q unibert followed w ith three

o-hll fromea before the Browns im e through In Ihe n in th to n a double, a single ond an The K o i t: R U E



April 11, </T>-WeaUier forces post., p o nonen t unUl tcWorrow of Uxlay's scheduled silver skis tou rnam en t m en's dow nhill race. Earlier, how.

, MIm Slilrley McDonald, T a ­coma. carry ing the colors o f Uie Sun Valley Ski club, raced to a ner record of 2:34,1 on Uie women' course.

N um lftr of cerUfled pilots In the United S to les h a i doubled during ^ 4 1 and now reaches a to ta l o f SI

W h e n you place your iruiurance h e r e , you. “ rcccive servIcc” tha t in ­cludes an ample "re tu rn ” In m any respects.

T his H artford a'gency hn.s th e confidence and good will of Its custom ­e r s . Y 9 U will like the .way we look afte r your insurance needs.



Buhl H. S. Hurler Allows 3 Hits, Loses 11-7 TiltBUHL. April 11-E ugene Bledsoe

pitclied u Uirce-hltlcr agalxut B u r ­ley high nchool here Friday a f te r ­noon. he fonned 10 b a tters a n d h it a home run w1Ui iwo m ales aboord, b u t BuhJ lost the bali game, 11 to

Bledaoe oppased Brad.ilmw of B u r ­ley In a pllchers’ duel for U>e f irs t four ecorelCM Innings. T lien In the flfUi. the visitors worked Uie B ulil hurler for Uireo walks while h is fielders commItU^d five errors.

A h it by Roberta nnd a double by Bel! aided Burley In scoring e ig h t runa in th e IllUi irnme. D uilty a d d ­ed one In tho slxUi nnd tolllcd two

Senioys Clinch Inter-Class Track Crown

WlUi a ll events complet«d except Uie 220-yard dash, th e senior* o t Twin PalU high school he ld th e a n ­nual Inter-class track a n d field championship today.

T he graduaUng class, led b y M el Hulbert. OtW Florence a n d O lenn Glbb, piled up 62 points, w hile the nearest compeUlor was th e sopho­more club which annexed 48S polnU. In Uilrd place was th e Junior squad wlUi 36S points.

Individual honors w ent to Hul- berl of Uie seniors, who scored 2 IV points with taking firsts In th e 440, high Jump and 100-yard dasli.

Big OlM) Florence. 185-pound slx- foot-four-Inch senior, cam e In w ith 16H points by geiUng firsts In the mile, half jn lle /o n d sh o t-p u t, plus '■ i points In Uie high Jump.

EVsr the ^U onvores, Lyle M a rso n 'I th 12?;:-I5ale G e n t^ w ith o'.i nnd

Red Higgins wlUi 8’ were th e lead- rs. Red McDonald, w ith 12 coun t- rs lopiied the Juniors.

1 Uie s vcnUi.Bledsoe come U) b a t In the f if th

oml smo-ihed In three runs w ith his four-base h it. Buhl ucored fotu' n in j In th a t Inning, but a Uirce-run las Inning rally fell short, of victory,

Bradaliaw fanned 13 Buhl b a ts ­men, h i t two wlUi p i t t e d bolli and walked none. Qlcdioc’s only th ree wiilks came In Uie faUil jlf th .

Pem ber singled iwlce and doubled

Line score: R H EBurley _______ 000 081 2 -1 1 3 6Bulll ............ ........000 040 3— 7 0 10

B radshaw and Carlson; .pied*oc, M ^ io c e k and Corbin.

Pocatello Cage Club Defeats Utah’s Qiamps

'pOCATELLO, ^ 1 1 1 I 'r i ’> -P o e a . t«llo'A high sdiool Indians. bo.iket- ball kingpins p t Idaho, proved Uiey can handle the DavL-., U i»h, c h a m ­pions. w inning 45-40 here ton igh t In a gnme played for bencd l o f Uie USO. Pocatello led the c0nte.1l In a ll bu t th e earlle.1t m inutes nnd fo u g h t off th ree Bticmpt.i of Davis h igh school to come from behind.

I t wns the second mecUtig betw een Uie pnlr, and evened account-i n fle r Davl.1 hnd won. 33-31. In on o v e t- tlme game' a t Salt Lake City la s l M onday night.

Jay Jen ien , retunilng from BoLse only two hours before game lim e showed no effecta of a th ree -d ay tr ip a n d was<r of th e .Mtuatlon U iroughout Uie evening, tossing In 18 points to the bewilderment frequently chanced U tah guards.

Pocaielln was In a rrears only < during U)5 game, trailing by 3 t< and a fie r U ti a t six and e ig h t points, the Indians w ent ahcnd to atny. TJiey led 23-i4 a t the hnlf nnd 34 23 a t Uie end of the th ird period.

tes Triumph Over Athletics -

W lCHlTA. Kas.. April I I (/T>— OuUilttlng the Ph ilade lph ia A th­letics 11 to ,7, the P ittsburgh P ira tes scored a 3-0 shu tou t In Uielr nex l- lo-ln.ll exhlblUon game today. The victory gave ihem a 0-3 edge over the A's.

WlUi two out In th e second In- nlng^'Petc Coscarart singled to score Frankie Qusllne, then was forced home himself by th ree w alks Issued by McCrabb. Jo lu iny W y Jio a ^ , •A'ho bunted, scored th e th l r d ^ u o ^In Uie Uilrd Inning on singles G usllne and E « ^e Slew art.

Tlie sc o re :c / R H EPhlladcl-o lA) 000 000 000—0 7 0 Pittsburgh (N) 021 000 OOx—3 11 3

McCrabb, Callglurl (4), Sh irley v" (7) and Hayes; L annlng, B u tche r (4) H n m ll^ 7 ) and Baker,

Hollywood Edges Sacs Again, 2-1

SACRAMENTO, April II (/TV-Tlie Hollywood Slnrs made It fliree In a row over Uie Sacramento S0I011.1 to ­n igh t. w inning o clo.'< ^ l i - g n m e 2 to 1. Jcdnrr allowed live h lls lo r th e w inheri.

CASH-Paid for dead, old o r disabled horses, mutes and cows. CaU col­lect Percy Green a t MARY ALICE T R O O T -P A B M

Twin Falls Ph. 0»8 -JS



F L O ^ S H E I M

ETCfy day Jo every w ay th e y 'r e w o rn b y m o re m e n fo r m o re s u m n jc r a c t i r i t ie s i Sm oothI}' b le n d e d , sorxte g e n e r o u s ly p e rfo ra te d , th e s e l i g h t ­w e ig h t F lo rshe im s le a d a d o a b le l i f e — fo r b usioess o r c asu a l w e a r .

ID A H Od e p a r t m e n t s to r e· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (9)

A >Bunday, April 12, 1942 TIMES-NEWS, t w in FALLS, IDAHO F d ^ N ln e


A U»l»l o f 4.138 fftrnw In Arizona. CftUfoml*. O regon and W M hlnjton

, ^1 1 ba e w n iftled by Jnp& nue *n«i ^ en e m y aUens. Roy lA na. m u iager

of th» local fa rm labor camp. «*u Informed S a tu rday lo a communlca- Uon received from th e fan n ieeur> Ity tdmlnUtrmUon.

Tho num ber. I t w/li pointed out, will 80 oven h igher U mn th a t be« cauM figtirea from Baerajnento, SantA R o u a n d BeatUa are Incom-. pleU a t tho presen t Ume.

Parm a cn w hich d a u have been compiled show th a t 1.023 are under 10 acrej; 3,470 a re between 10 and f* aciEii-. 443 aro Irom W U> iOO acrts . and 187 are over 100 acrea.

C ahrom la leada tho au t« a lUted w ith evacuatlona tak ing place from 057 farm s under 10 acrcn: 3.014 be­tween 10 a n d 50 acre#: 356 between fio and 100 acres and 173 over 100 acre«.

Principal crops o f th e fum u to be evacuated a re cantaloupes, lettuce and straw berries fo r A rlrona; nu r- Mrles, berrlw . on loai. melons, bean?, fru it, tomatoes, celerj'. vcaetablcs and truck farm produce for Call- lo m la; cranberries, oysters, apples, pears, vegetables, berries and let> luce for O r e g o n ; atrawberries peas, oysters, vegetables, rhubarb, lettuce, potatoes and onions fo- W ashlngton,

Kiwanis Ladies’ Night Observed

By Filer GroupBUHL, A p r i r i l — K lw aals club

^ m e m b e r s en teriA lnrd a t dinner a t ^ tho Aurora cafe W ednesday n igh t

In honor of th e ir p a rtn e rs fo r’a n ­nual Ladles' n igh t. A largo group nuem bled for th e dinner, presided over by B ur.ia rd T , Albertson. Mrs. H annah H atlleld was a guest.

Dave B eren ter .w as^ rtnored w ith a birthday calce. M o y t for the d in ­ner was spring , th e idea being c a r­ried ou t In sp ring flowera and p as­tel colors fo r th e table decora­tions.

Robert Aupperle, m usic director of the 'C uhl high school, presented a n u m b ^ o f hLi s tuden ts In a m u­sical program . Mias Lois Schaover pla>'Cd a saxophone solo, and Miss Arllna Herzinger o ffered a soprano solo. "Sunrise." T hey were accom­panied by Miss E sthe r Rongen. MIm Maxine Keen played a violin solo, accompanlefl by Miss Arllne H er- rtnger.

Bud F isher of the s ta n d a rd Oil company showed moving pictures. T he first w m a plcture-.o? jnlnute- m*n prepara tion . entltJed. "Mom' ents T lm t Count." A traveloRui plcturo and com edy'com pleted Uie entertaining program .



Jo s t th e th in g for w ortm en to r e t to (he Job th is a n n - mer. Triced tow for a lot of ceonDmlcal transporta tion .

$ 2 8 51B3B F on l V-B ^ tCo«p. .. ............... 9 3 0 0

$195 $175 $595

_ $ 6 0

_ $ 6 0


i m Cherrolet

1032 Ford V-8 Roadster ..........

MB rA B M E R l W«> hST« a

few a ll steel g rain s to n ie

bins In stock.


Bales a n d Serrica

Grange 'FurrowsBy J y R . CRAWFORD

T h e average athleUc coach has ;ry' little use for Uquor a« a con ­

d itioner fo r his charges, becau&e h e feels th a t anything as strenuous as th e compeUUon In athleU cs’requlres (he very best of health a n d physical condition. He knows too th a t Uquor absolutely does no t build h e a lth and physique, b u t on the c on tra ry te a rs down th e health of Uie drinker. His endurance Is Impaired, h b m enU l faculties a re dulled and he Is In

erv way weaker and Is m ore easily tired.

Now W hat I am getUng a t is th a t If th e au ilete is so much b e tte r off w ithout liquor because of tlie h igh ly :ompeiltlve nature of h l i calling, low much more should th e soldier, vhose very llto Is In th e balance

m uch or tho Ume. and w ho h a s so m uch .dependent upon h la m ak ing th e rlHhl Judgment, both fo r him self and for iiio.%e for whom ho la th e, how much m ore. I say, should he bo porjiessed of h b ke en ­est facultle.iT- And surely ho should be free from the dulling e ffec ts of Uquor. And If the soldier shou ld bo safeeuarded from th e evU .elfecta of booze, sliould h o t the m en a t hom e

>hoee task I t Is to provide th e si- ewa of w ar, Jhe food, the guns, the

sh ips, tho p lanes and aU th e m u ltl- (udlous paraphernalia th a t g o ' to f it up an arm y of fighting m e r keen and alert?

No LeflUmale Tlace WTlero then Is liquor's p lace In

tills gigantic;! struggle fo r freedom U int h as nU b u t engulfed th e worldT }{iis It a legitim ate place in ou r de' fea ie ^ d e m o c ra c y , w here a ll oui best c tfo rts m \» l bo lnu> th e atxus- gle? r. a long wKh'mllUons o f o thers , ny no. All Uie strikes of th e union vorkcrs to da te have n o t done as

.nuch to re ta rd tho w ar e ffo rt a s has th e liquor th a t our law m akers, our workers, our business executives and those In responsible positions have d runk and aro stlU drinking.

W hy th e n should th e liquor t r a f ­fic have priority on tires w hile th( la rm er, th e ret^U delivery a n d re ­ta il mlik trucks h a « no such recog­n ition? I s beer m o * im p o rtan t th a n b read or milk? I f ^ o u ask m e. th e liquor traffic In U fi U nited S ta te s ' I one of the s t r o n g e i t^ t l i co lum ns ,,rlth which we have » contend- pe rhaps no one wlli question tho pa trio tism o r the motives, o r e th e Judgm ent of SerReant Y< whose valor and coolne.u in dj gerotts situations have m ade . nam e a byword in all A m erican homes. Sergean t York Insists th a t soldiers be quartered and tra in ed ir surroundings free from tlie In flu ­ence of 'liquo r and Its com panion rice. pro.ntltutlnn.

Give Enemies Deer A snln. a re we to luive our fam ilies

.■atloiied on sugar while su(^^r Li m ade available for the m anu factu re if liquor? Sugar Is a valuobla food, ind w hen one is fatigued, au sa r

jrlnfTS back Uie s trencih m ore quickly th a n any other food. Feed the food th a t b In the br«r to

and a lert. Keep liquor off ou r a n d hlgtiwavv our tmtCtc ta ta l l- Ucs w m bo.-greatly reduced. L et u weigh a ll rumors carefully bcfon we repeat them . then, a f te r weigh' Ing them Uius, le t us procced t& fo n te t tliem before we te ll theui. H um ors only ser\-e to fn n o y and roTTy us. and worry and nnnoyanco re allies to our enemies. Above a ll

lav off of Uquor.H eard a new way to a id In th<

efenne proftram Uie oUier n igh t ciBarette broadcast told abo u t i

coupon on the back of the pack th a Have away valuable p iea tn ta »o on'

lid have more money to buy de fe bonds and stam ps. ( I Uellevi t should be war s tom ps and

bonds now. Uiough I p refer victory bonds as a name.) T h a t miLit bo'Uke the Jew who M id everything below cost hu t k c p t^o ln g by th e volumi of business he did. I call such vertlslng an Insult to a person 's In' telllgence.

Apotory to rU s Speaking of fa t hogs th a t like to

ge t r ig h t Into Uie middle of tl: IrouRh. th a t wn.m't any lltUo rur of a p is th a t Rave the G erm ans the form ula for synthetic rubber, whlh

ny lnc It to our own K ovcm ment itn W T it w ar wlUi the G erm aiis. :

. .a l ly ought to apoIoRlzc to a ll self respecting plRs for putting th e m li m e sam e clas.s. People have faced i firing squad for less treasonabli th ings th a n Uiat. ’bu t th e Justice

depo rtm en t assures us th a t Mr, F&rlsh w as 'n o t Intending to Injure Vtit g o v tm m tn t, b u t was o n lj U ^ n g to m ain ta in « monopoly of Uie ru b ­ber Industry. T hat 's the trouble w ith theae monopolies: tliey seem to a l ­ways h u r t m ost of us p retty badly, though they are a ll so Innocent in th e ir IntenU

By th e way. li-seem s Uke every ay you tu rn you run up ag a in s t le fac t th a t when you live only

for yourself you Injure U:e oUier fe l­low, of course liuiocently enough. Ju st like St&ndard Oil o{ New Jei sey. A fellow gets after awhile i . h e U so r t of callous and U doean't bother him anymore, bu t I t aUU h u rts the oUier follow. H e doesn’t vork up an im munity so soon. If ■ver. W onder If this could possibly

be carried over to other countries a s well as persons? The ocean k>n't very wide anymore and the rad io has m ade i t even narrow er. W hy, there Is one place on my radio t lia t I can go a half Inch and get from P o rtland to Dallas, Tex. T h a t rad io Is sure g reot s tu ff. I taliccd over th e rad io once, bu t I found o u t a f te r ­w ards th a t there w asn 't anybody listening.

EracuaUonJu s t read about the f i r s t ________

’■ "enem y aliens" from Los Angeles area. I 'm glad th a t our govem m er' Is doing so well by these Japanesi

a re setting an exam ple c Christian naUon should tren r t u n a t e s of o ther nation.

Uiough m ost of t h M are A merica clUsens.' T hey are unfortunate I m a t we are a t w ar wlUi Uielr f a th -

uncles, or cousliu, sc Uiouglj m a n y o f them p refer th is country, they are “enemy aUens." W ouldn 't I t be a g rea t Uilng If the re

enemies? 1 don 't beUevi lid be If I t w asn 't fo r money

Most o f our quarrels In r money or pro. Court cases ar<

......... _ier. R ead wher<killed in a f ig h t b u t nc

blame. T hen I read loaf of bread

Jail. Property Ls w orth tnon ■'



Flow sr, Garden ^ntl Law n G rass. All leading varie ties ond some rarities.


P h o n es

PATSt SALE!Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday

APRIL 14-15-16You Will n o t buUd a new home untU th e w ar Is overl Mak# tho presen t one look like new w ith pa in t styling. D uring ’ th is sa le g e t your pain t AT LA ST YEAR'S PRICES. A ' . factory representative will be hero to give >tju any in - formaUon you desire. BUY AND SAVE!

v^WIN FALLS LUMBER CO.205 4lh Avenue W est


bettei ne th lngpleasant, s a y '^ l t a r y Inspec-

Uon of milk. W atch Uie farm er fUnch. You hear a pau-on of thi ^ rom e Co-op say Uiat th e Eegc S ^ - b n 't as parUcular as they an iboui quality . T hen you h e a r a Segi. :ustomer say th a t the Co-op doesn 't mvo to have as good m ilk -as they 10. All of which u pure a n d unde- filed bosh. Tho Inspectors are 'Ing to got quallty-m tlk fo r all ^re playing no favorites.. I^ow /arlous processing plants iirtr coop- ^rfttlng w ith the ruling of the ' ipectors Is anotlicr m atter. I t ni: ir of In terest to cooperaUve mln folks to khow th a t the-Jerom e Cc

^eUng the sltUaUort' w ith ' Kood grace and Is being praised liPlr efforts jjy the Iw pectlon r re. Cooperators should be so mir liiit they should have Uie Inter

all members a t h e a r t a t a ll tlme.v VDd not only this bu t they should inve the In terest of the buying pub ­

lic in mind al-io. as-here Li th e plncf tlw t the cooperation has Its Qpportunll^' for service.

Any person offering food for sali to tho public becomes a t once i public servant and the a im of trui cooperaUon should be to render n; :reat a service as Li compatible w ith

j reasonable -fvoflt o r rem unera ­tion. I believe the Jerom e Coopera-

■e cream ery can point wlU> p ride Its rccord along this line.

[ c an feel old age ctecplcij? . . . my tires, w ith two flats la s t Sunday. Hope the duraUon doesn't du ra to too long as I c an 't walk Uke I coult! me Ume. W alked 130 miles once.U lee a girl. H aven 't anything to drlvt Jie horses to bu t the m a n u rt ip reader.and the best families Jusi lon’t BO to town In such vehicles. ^ say nothing of church and O range. A fellow told ftie th e othei day t h a t m y tires were obsolete. They a r e ^ r s e than tliat w hen two go f la t In one day. Oh well.

PAULMrs. Eugene Maxwell has re-

tu rn rti from Elko, Nev., w here ah«. .several weeks ago to c a r t

for h e r (rrondchlUlrcn. while th e ir paren ts, Mr.- and Mrs. O. W. Paul, were in California staying w ith Mr. Paul's f a th t r who Li lU. ..

M r. and Mrs. Ronnld M arston and family. Ketchum, arrived W ednesday to vLilt Uielr pa ren ts E. J . M arston, and Mr. and M rs. D enton Pllond. Mr. and Mrs. M nr- ■ton expect to leave KetclT,um A pril IS- fo r SeatU e. Wash., where he wiU be employed In the shlpj'ards.

Ladies' Aid sodcty of th e B ap- tis t church m et Thursday a t IJ: hom*o of Mrs. Jacob R enr, w ith president, Mrs. Schaub. In chargi N ext m eeting will be May 7 a t Lli home of Jdrs. Fred Rent.

_r. and Mr*. Joe Dauer a n _ son. Bruce, motored to Idaho Falla S a tu rday to vUit her sister. Mrs, R. A. Bellville and 'new babj-. P lom Uiero they drove to I^w lsvllIe 'Shere they visited h e r other slater anc broUier-ln-law , Mr. and Mm. Alvli Beus.

Bid or Bunch club met T hu rsday a t th e hom e of Mr. and M rs. Leon Craven, Rupert. Pinochle p rltc s w en t to Mr. and MM. Cn'Ule S tlm p-

in.M r. and Mrs. Eupeii McGill, K o ­

d iak . Alaska, are here for an In - deJlnUe visit a t the Ivome of h is pa ren ts , M r. and Mrs. Wheeler M( 3IU.

Happj? H our cltil» met T hu rsday At th a home of Mrs- Earl H unt. Mm. Clem Culley and Mrs. rioj-d CuUey were guests.

POTATOGROWERS,W« Aro Alw«y» In the

M arket for Potnlot. _n » a i ror tjtM i M uktt

Qoouuaaim a c k BRIGHT

T w ls FaOa' Fbona 111

Buyer* for n . n . Zlmnjerll

Marian Martin : Pattern


A vegetable p rin t Is clever and gay ' w hen tised for P a tte rn 99331 You -can sUtch thU frock up In no tim e, says M arian M artin , from very inexpensKe m&terial . . . you can w ear I t aU day long a n d atUI took "v itam ln -Ire sh r" A f ro n t bu tton ing and capacious pockets a ro pracUcal deUUls. For a spo rt frock use the c o n tra st version- -yokes, sleeves, back bodice and pockets m ay a ll be m ade of a differen t fabric.

P a tte rn 0938 may be ordered only In misses’ and women's sizes 14. 10. IS, 20. 33. 34. 3C. 30. 10 a n d 43. Size 10 reqiriiA 3>. yards 3S Inch fabric.

Send FIFTEEN CENTS (plus ONE CENT to cover cost of m ailing) fi th is M arU n M artin P a ttc ro . De sui to w rite plainly your SIZ E . NAME, ADDRESS U)d UTVLE NUMBER.

T here 's a gay Eprlng " l l f f for - y w wardrobe In our Spring Pat- T fm Book Uiat's full o f cn,-, m ake, practical, d istinctive styles foi Die enUre family. Tills book Is youn for Just TEN CENTS.

Send your o r d rr ^ o Tlmcs-News P a tte rn Deportment. Tft’ln FaUs.

Boys Busy—So , Girls Get Male

Parts in PlayGOODING, April 11—T w enty-five

girls responded to U)o caU .for a 13- mcmber cast to be presen ted In t h ‘ ull-r<Jiool pliiy. "T hunder Rock. BOCUU.-VC too muny of Uio h igh sclioc boys have outside Jolu und a^o un able to ilevote Ume to practices, ; call wejit ou t •Friday for girls to ix)rtrays such parts as a swiisli buckling sea captain, an aviator. Viennese doctor, a ncwspapcrm an- cven a CBilncse minner.

"As fa r as 1 know UUj is the firstof :

announcc<l Uie dlrccior, t 'v e l . .. - terson, 'T h e girls' rpr.ponso was im m ediate and enUiusliiiiUc. anil U; cast announced Mcuiday moniln; .let to work In rarnc.-it U ia t evenini

, T lie "boy" ca-'.t includes -Ada M# ita rm s , Jane Meyer. P a t Knlnh Je an Nordby, Nina Prance , Mar B arker, peUi Ann O-Neill. Slilrley Stum p urfd H enrietta KnlKht.

O irl purLi will be played by Betty Boyer, PaU^- Flack and LaLene Ci gill.



County, Idaho.In The M atter of Uie E sU tes p

Robert Brosc, Jr.. and M ary • O.D roic, his wife. Deceased.NoUce IS Hereby given, to a ll per'

sons Interested In Uie e.itn'tc.% of Robert Brose. Jr.. and M ary O . Brose, hU wife, both deceased, th a t on U 6th day of April. IP43, C urtis Tui ner, the adm in istra tor o f the sa estates filed in Ui» P robate C ou .. o f Tw in F a lb County, Idaho , his petlUon pqiylng U iat a n order b< g jan U d »uVhOTl2lnB h im to m o rt­gage th e real estate of th e sa id es­ta tes to secure a loan in th e p r in ­cipal sum of $8^ . 00. and th a t the reafter by amended order duly m ade and en terW 'o n th e lOUi day o f April, lOO. tlio sold c o u rt fixed 'H iursday,, A p r in js . 1942, a t the hou r of 9 o'clock \s. M. a s Uie tim e, and Uio room of th e to ld c ou rt In Uio county court house of Tw in Palls County. Idaho.' th e city of Tw in Palls as th e place, fo r hearing upon U ia ^ ld peUUon;

■ntal the r e a l ^ u u In tended to be m ortgaged, o s^ io w n by the said peUUon, U a ll of th e rea l property o f the said estates, a n d comprises about 300 ocres o f . agricu ltu ral lands, and Uie balonce grazing lands. parU cular descriptions of said lands being set fo rth a t leng th in tho said peUUon reference to wliich Is hereby m ade fo r such par- U culars of description a n d also ai to tho term s and o th e r m a tte rs of tho proposed loan a n d morUtage:

All person* Interested In lh« said u U te s are hereby DotUled to ap ­pear a t the s tld tim e and placi a n d then and there to aliow cau-ie U they or any of them have cause w hy such order as pr«yed for In th e said peUUon should not be gran ted , and then a n d the re to be h e rd In respcct of th e sold matter.. D ated April 10, 104Z


<Scal.)PubU ih: April 13, 23, 190


I D E IN S M S' Markets at a GlanceNSW YOIIK. April II Kl«k. .M,| ef{.,|«n llfk.1.

mlixli tom* r>ll< runUnua Inlkuld.U.

W Wi Wik.f crop Mpoi<>rTt ithoul unfhinixl,llsfi duoLobu'top SK.IS.

NEW YORK. April 11 OI.B-Stockt ade an irreguUr decUno today and

steadle<l slightly above tho four year lows mode a month ago In the in- dustrla l average. UUlltles eased suf- ficlenUy to send the average to ax ilUUme record low.

Hupp -featured in voltime anc made a new hlgh-ior th e year. OU\ei low priced motors were steady. Among lenders. Chrysler u n ­changed and G eneral Motors off sllghUy on dull turnover.

Bethlehem steel made a new low for the year and United S ta le s steel equaled It-i low, both on small di Clines. Copper shares he ld arour previous closing levels.

Liggett Myers B mad# a ne low a t U off I and American T o ­bacco Is.<;ue3 mode' lows o n fracUqnal los.ies. W esunghouse d o c trlc made tk new low loT Uie >-ear. American Cor & Foundry mado a new low while Pullman equaled Its low. Oils Jo s t small amounts wlUi ConUnentol in new lott' ground for th e yi

Brooklyn Union O as m a d ^ n e w low for tho year, w hile Cor?!h»on- w ealth i t SouUiern P referred . Co­lumbia Oas, Public.Service of New Jersey and C onsolidated Edison equaled their lows.

New York i t H arlem whIcH lost 8 points yn terday . d ropped 8 points more today to a new low a t 9S. Elsewhere, rails moved narrowly.

W right Aero m ade a new low a t '80 o f(-T \L ocltheed 'a n d Curtlsa- W rlght equaled th e ir lows. New Ion's were noted In-C annon Mills. Decca Records. Parke Davis, Radlo-KelUi- Orpheum Preferred a n d Safeway storM.

Ingersoll Rand rose 4 points to 7fl on tt single transaction. SmaU gains were noted In A m erican Sugar, Deere & Co., Goodyear. D . S . R ub­b e r . G eneral E lectric, G eneral Foods. Intem aU onal H arvea trt. Ne' M ont Mining imd FldeUty-Phenl: Food machlnerj' gain a polnU Dow Jones prelim inary cloeing averages; Industrial. OOM. o ff 059; rail, 35.11, u p 0.04: U tility, lU O . o ff 0.01; and C5 stocks.>33.5I, off 0.05.

Stock sales .were 143,300 share.<i against HBJIO a week ago. Curb stock m les were 33,000 shares « pared w ith 44.000 la st Saturday.

Stock AveragesC.>pll»l br Tfi*


, Cut

Names in the News

By United Prois IJent. O en. W llllajn B. Knndsea,

a fte r a is r r e y of U7 war prodno- t ie n p la a u In 4P cities, says he b e t l e r e v ^ a t P m ld o n t Roeae- vell'i iQBk In ships, U nks. planet and guns will be met. Said Rnnd- sen: * ^ 'e a re (o lng to town and wa'rc going to win" . . ' .Film Cowboy Jerom e ■•aiackjock'

W ard, quick of trigger and temper, faced a possible 10-year prison term for drawing hLs six shooter on i fellow movie buckaroo, H enry Isa ­belle. during ft quarrel in "Oowei G ulch" . . . Two years ago. he shoi and killed Jolm nle Tyocke In i. slm llsr figh t b u t was exonerated because lY aske was a t lauU . . .

M asin /L itv inov , Russian am - bassadoH lo the United SU te t. eal- led vtmti tha U nlteil NaUons In » PhlU ddpb l* speech la s t n ight t« a tto i^ th e G erm ans and make them K a tte r the ir forces, uy ln g the m ain field o t ba ttle w u ^ th e R ustlan 'frenL and would remain (here . . .Lieut. KeimeUi George Schacht,

form er ha ib an d of Actrcas Marjortr Weaver, has been In acUon li the Pacific, apparently aboard Uii subm arine Perch whose loss was announced today . .

Turner Catladjga, ehlef cen t*- poadcnt o f the Chicago Sun since I ts feiudlng tost year, became oeUng editor today, rcplodng Bex Smith, r v n ted • leave of atrseace to Join the army . . .King O eo rje of Greece h a s awmrf

ed the miUtary cross to O ta . S k H io m u Blarney, form er commander of A ustralian force* in th e middle eaj*; O en . S ir A rchlbaJd WaveU. now In Riprtroe com m and In In d ia ; O en. fllr H eniy M aitland WlUon. and MaJ. P ronker. com m ander of New Z ealand fo rc u abroad .

Oakle. film 8U r, U UTtag t« help Back Privates Joe Plsehell and Veraea Oeyer sell to BoHy. Wood a aottg, •Don't Get Perwn-

ther wrote for a Fort Dragfrerkw.

,W fl*»kala , located on Uie island £ M t t u l , Haw aii. Is Uie wor f rw tc s t know n do rm an t toIc m i

New York StocksNEW YORK. April

I lx>eomoll>t ------

Co>lwIlil»lfd E.I1MK---------

i i SAB>.riclq'

iS■t Ntw J .r . .r ' _ _ r


W lieat clo:.ed V to 1 cen t a b u ih e l h igher: com unchanged to off H ; oaU up H to S : rye up s to H a n d loybeans up U to m .

Livestock MarketsDKNVrR LIVMTOCK

nCNVEn, A»rU II (U I - ) -U ^ l« k iC.UI.I 160. n»<n<ntUr prk

bi.fd .in pnralllnc quolatlonc br

CniCACO LlVEaTOCK CHICArO. April II (Ur)-LlT«l»-k i

300; n«mln»llr lUailri not <nnu>t • and rhoir* hir> to m>k* a market, ic.ubl* t«i> llt .to ; for il» w»»k.Al»«. .tt^lUhlBS^M*mi tOc S, ‘VSc hlfh«r.'7lMlns tr>'l<CuttUi ioo! nont; Ur the « n k.ulc« (u prim* lIMn and yratllnti :S< liiKrr, ti>p IK.'TO (nr I.h ;

av«ras««. hlshrai ilnc* Nu*itnb«r IVI*.

‘nd Ti; hi.

S h ^ .; Knr fiv. .1 KrMay aci>t St)

t.U 111,50 10 SI2

I. » l(h ia IH.iO lo IK.7I '; ehck* h.l('r>1,000 ; ter 1 Sht*p anrl iprlnr

: f«l lamW around :!<■ feluh-

cho'lre ei 111, cjalor«<lo ft<l KnibT

t«k i

II Knr oMk. IS to lOe hlshtri Ut4 ( <in (oM lo <-holc« UO-310 Ib. bar- an.l sllu : a .lranit mld-WMk lop n .« hlih racflfdl bulk wvlfhta un-

9 and o>«r 310 lb>. 111.19 lo 111.71: 110.T> to llt.71.01 Kor vMk. total r«c«lrta 41,471;

, KrOKANR LtVKRTOCK ir wMk aalable •Sl?'u'u] 1.077;VuV»; c y . 11.10 l» ^

• U ^ / l sood' Umt>a"up*u>


0. QuotaUf iut> SM.]?.

y„S a w r. ami h>ll

. few tlB

in 2Sc up%ulk prlM*i Coodthol** fi bft S12 U> ItS.SS! sccid.fh< lamb.. No. 1 ko. I t~-I

fMd«r r<n >>3 In *1S «t(

Th«r« wai a

lrtd« l/H 10 ■


Mining Stocks

T rend of StaplesIRK. Avrii U -TH . AmwUW it»«l wholMtU pfica lnd«x

Twili Falls Markets

i!.j |?4i i f

Mar ....„ . ,»«1 2 5

MarS«Tl. ^7*4 i i i

' I V 'J7 H

M ./ 'KrpU 'Ei ; i


'foidI'';:i4» '14ISl.»0', I.MW i

Oct. I.t4H I.MH .8* *

iCAio CAaiiii'turjLn* I c to [I7i:! * yrllo.

"ik.w't ; 7m<l S whiU

> Vtii«» n.s«^4i 4 Ttiiow .1 J7'ie to 1 «hl(«

N:{ ; Ho. : r*i"M Ii'.U H ' to X l U I 4 ,t» S l .l . i i t c l - . .......... . . K ' i i l ' ....

Corni <9 can ; Uc kwtr to Uo hltb«r:

'j['l..'"ma*w'’N l l .l t lo I1.M.

II (^W baak Nn. IrKO, April II l/J^WV


■: hid »s.e«

POTATO JHTCRE9 (Courtesy Sndler, Wegener U )d

comp»ny, EUu Loilding).April ................... U.1I hid « .te offarrf

rara trad«l).No*»iBb«r j_____ I t


CHICAGO. April 11 (U ri—l’outo«I ArrlYal. .«T: on Iruk :00| toUl ahlp<

nms\* 14S'. wwlW i»manAmoil^ratr: marktt ataadr U> firm; Idaho IIU.MI nurbank. .aihad tS.U li> U.401 un»a*b«J^S3.SJ^! N.briika DIIm

Tr*t'^h.”^a.h!i^'ll.l^/*CouIullf"»Mhl3i : .7 5 u n -a .h « l « .IJ to i:.M :

Kalahclln..^ unwMhH^ i^ 'n i l^ 'w S m p h *

HIM Ttluraphi >uhc-

CniCACO ONIONB CO. Arrll 11 |Ur).^On[on mAr« lb. aatk*)t OT*«m Y*IV>« Dmn*

B u t t ^ n d Eggs

N KIIANCISCO. Aprn II lUP) iuTr'«s‘V<v.r. 31c: t l acora IT ^a : '

iUn<lania Sg^ic: •mail Sl’.^e. HKATTLB PROtlUCK „IP l-W

»7c: M a««r, lie-. (A1 Mlnala m a ra>n. «

Denver Beans

AMlU D -t i- M i riB-


OniEK CRAINS (n*>la7 *b4 oata markat tlnclullw a

local fa*l«r damind. No UDltonDllr — dally prlcw eootoi n r r lOi to Uo from QUO la lie nj Itttad b«l>«g.

(On* da^ar ««aud).

a No. ]l».WK:'l ! != St i

___________t ,y ,u . s. n u . .u t ,— ------ --------I1.SI

Rrtat Nsrtham* No. I _________ SS.T»«r«>l Nonharea No. ' -----

dealen ouclaoi.

IIVE roULTETC olo^ ^ I<acrwrn h


Mr. and Mrs. B em aiti M cO ough- ey, OoodlnR. vl.^lted relaUves he r* 0%'er th e week-end.

Mra. P. K. Durlec hao re tu rn e d from a two v,-ecks' v b lt in S a lt I ^ e w ith h e r motiier.

R lcliard P o w e l l ^ I lobert C o n ­n e r have rctum ed*Irom Lo« A ngeles, Calif., w here they have^been w ork­ing In a irc ra f t p lan ts / Both boys p lan to he lp t:ielr fa t tu rs w ith f s n n w o r t . ^

M ra. OrrUto U ardm oa su ta n ltted to a m ojor operallon a t th e O ood- Ing hoepllal la s t Baturday. H er coa> dlUon is satisfactory.

Mrs. M ary Peterson h a s re tu rn e d from A shton where she sp e n t th e w in te r w ith h e r daughter. M rs. A l­ton Jenlclns and family.

M iss Ro m Kodosh, daugh ter o f M r. and M rs. JazQSs Kodesh. a o d Douglas R . Cartflf. Burley, w er# m arried Sunday a t the hem e o f M r. and M rs. 6>'dney Lason a t BurJey by B ishop C. E. Olbson.

vLiit h e r moUier fof two week*.M rs. B erthyl T ibbetts. BolM. la

visiting h e r brother. Newt Crawford a n d wife.

M rs. K erm lt Jeppersoo and son . David, havo returned to th e ir bco i* lo N am pa a fte r spending a ' w eek w ith h e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. £ d Adkins, Marley.

Mrs. Ruland Brown and ehUdrva returned to Rlchfleld Monday « fte r spending the p u t stx'tncDttu k t '.. Balt Ia M . U r. Brawa te CBipla9«d At ttie shipyards tn Baa f h r n d * # ,- . . Mrs. Merlin WoUe v x t-d M tfM C . come with th an |o visit

Mr. ADd.lCrt, Orrfn^-Mbb ' ^ f s ' , Chlidrui u t t TMetdv te a » t o flutr. hcBu In Xo, 8 . W. 8 w e m•cM m pknled t&«m u far m . C U ; ,lui, en zout* ta JndlaM to lig tt ■

A sheet o f pAicbm nt n a ^ t h m ' feet •quart w u n q u ln d for t h s royal wedding eotm cat* ot th * duka of K ent.

V-j>'· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (10)

n f l T m TIMES-NEWS, T m N FALLS, IDAHO Sunaaj^. AvtH 1*. 1942




CHAPTER XII y A Y w alked to the edge of the

<iock. A llan sa t dow n on a bovlckr and w atched . H e didn't UM h is glas£«s f o r fe a r ‘Watanabo would h e a r a b o u t i t ond m atch them a w a r atm in , b u t the. ll(!ht was c lu r , th e d is tance to the large liland a aean t h u n d re d yards, and Allan could see th o flgu rci on Ita ihoro qu ite p la in ly . T here w ere two fuayd*, h e sa w , a n d between th#m was tfio f r a i l form o f a bent, w hite-haired o ld m an. I t wns olri y low ly K ay 's fa th e r. Dr. John Sargent.

Tho g irl w a v e d cxcitcdly, then p u t both h a n d s to h e r lipx and thr*w^ kisses. H e r fa the r re­sponded In k ind . A m inute passed, then th e gu a rd s took h im by the a m i and h a lf led , ha lf u.ilstcd him from th e sp o t. T lie trio did no t go far. T hey took th e prijoncr to a door *et a p p a ren tly in tlic rocky side o f a sm n ii clilT, uOicrcd him through It, locjted i t carefully on tho ou tside a n d m nrched away.

“T hat w h e re they ittiek him every night?'* h e called.

"Y**,” an iw e.-ed Kay chokJly, and came to s it beside h im . Tears threatened. "O h, M r —oh , Alfan, ean you g e t u s o u t of th is?’

*‘I th ink ao,” h o answered fldcntly. ‘‘M ay tjike a litlie time, o ^ course. S h a ll I te ll you .m y adventures to d a te? "

Sho assen ted 'caR erly , and Allan plunged In to a n a rra tiv e thnt •cem ed to s a tis fy h tr , thou jli It covered no m ore than a tenth of th e tru th . T h ec c jw a s m uch about' h im self %i?hich h e e ^ l d - n o l in du ty reveal to h e r o r anybody els*. B u t h e to ld h e r about Sun Su. and th a t checred her im- m e u e ly . S u n S u . she fe lt , would m r«ly get w ord b a ck to tJie Stalcc. H e m anUoned A sia casually—

•T h a t w om an!" said Miss Sar­gent, and aniifed.

"You d o n 't lik e A sia?"“I should say not! I 'll admit

she's a m a rv d o u i c rea tu re to look a t, b« l A sia i* _ ls — w ell, she's too AsUUc, if you know whr m aan."

*'I th ink I do. vaguely.■ courae, I h a rd ly spoke to her a t

a ll." H e w as s ti ll contcmplattnR thnt lie and w ondering Ju it why h e had to ld I t w h e n a movement on the w a te r n ttra c te d h is atten­tion. "H ullo ," h e said. "Here comes a la u n ch .”

"D inner," sa id "Misa Sargent w ith o u t e n th u sia sm . "T hey send e v e r th ree bnsketa o f food every Iday. Do y o u lik e fish and ricb? !!{ you don’t, you c an alw ays have r ice and fish!"

"T hat th e b e st they do fnr u. T m have to com p lain to the

• agem entl I ’l l b e t they— "

h e w a s silen t In sheer' am atem en t. D in n e r w as there

in a biff w basket, b u t bcsldo It on th e dock th e re landed two targe nU tcascs a n d a couple ol cam eras. T h e c o n ten ts of his room a t th e In n o f O ne T housand Dc-

. lights! H o a tarcfj n t th e stuff, speechless, p n o o f th e tw o Jnp- aneso w ho c a m e 'w ith th e launch itepped u p a n d handed him note; then th e p a i r m arched off to th e bunga low w ith basket and baffgage.

A llan to re open tlie b illet doux a n d spread I t Ml.ns Sarficnt tjuile sham elessly a ld led up a n d read it ove r his sh o u ld e r , h e r noslxlLi tw itch ing s lig h tly a t th e . odor perfum e. W rit te n In a bold, dash­ing hand , th e n o te , in English,

. w as sh o r t e n ough to rea d at glance.

"M y d e a r M r. S tee le: I thoui^ht you m ig h t Hko y o u r tielongings, so he ro th e y a re . I m u st go to M exico ton igh t. ■ W ill b e away several days, b u t a m looking for­w ard to see ing y o u on m y return. Asin."

" I don’t g e t it ," m u tte red Allan, s taring a t m is siv e In stupefac­tion. 'H n w * d id jh e w angle my stuff o u t of S u n S u ? " '

" I im agine sh e 's qu ite a w an- g lcr. Nice o f h e r . nnj'how , to take so m uch tro u b le fo r—for a com­para tiv e s tra n g e r ." Considering il w as Ix )w cr C a lifo rn ia a t the r a d o f Ju ly , th e touch of frost In th e a ir w a s r a th e r odd. "Shall w e go in to d in n e r? "

T hey stro lled to th e house In •U tnce. By Ih* tim e h e go t there, A lla n fe lt h e h a d in terpre ted th« itncident a cc u ra te ly . A sia w ai f c tl in g in to h is good graces, hope- tu l o t g lean ing a n y m ilita ry se- <ret* w h ich h e m ig h t h av e picked u p from hia m y th ica l b ro ther in Uie W ar D o p a r tm e n t T h a t was

b u t U ttlU d id n 't explain how she 'd hooked th e bags from S un Su.

' A t la a it , A U aa th a n k ed his stars, 2ie could change ? rom a lu i t which h a d ro lled d o w n a hlU w ith aix

p iE R R E d e r O N T A N B L L B greeted them a t the door with

a b i ^ d tm ilo and an outstretched hand for th e n e w arrival. .

*‘I4ama o t a sacred pipe! U /it p o e ib le another flsb h as sm im Into the com pany's net? W e le^ o to our co*y Island jaUI"

"H ianto K> m uch," la id Allan, returning th o «nJl« and th e clw p of a f lm , ctronff han d . LUce Kayt J>« FbntancUe s e o n e d ev ta more attn cU ve cloae b y than h s had at « d lilin ce . looked abouthhn « f th ty entered ■ cool front

‘Xtoean’t »e«m :too uneom- f i iu w * . "Wyi y o u »how m e wher«

•1 sleep? A n d wash and change m y clothes?"

" B u t certain ly . Come this w ay w ith me. I observe you have been

' to th e w ars, m 'sleurl Did you k ill som e of them . perhuDs?"

"N ot n d tim n 'one . They Jumped m e tod fjuickly."

"Tlcnitl W hat a pltyl Hut, beU te r luck n e x t tim e, eh?" T hey hiid le ft K.ny and w ere w alking dow n II h a ll; tlic Frenchman h a lt­ed n t an open door, and A llan fp ied h is bags on tne tiled floor. "Ifbre’s y o u r dungeon cell, mon am i. T h ere 's a guard who heata up o u r food and pu ts it on the t.ible. Y ou 've about ten mlnulei, «n d o n 't dei.ny. Cold rice can be sim ply aw ful!"

A llan though t it likely, yet he did n o t se t to woric on his toilet qu lto fiB soon a i D e Fonlanello had Konc. A gliince from his one w indow allowed him it command­ed a v iew of llie cannery island, and th e f a c t interested him.

H e took o u t his field glnssen. w hich h r f e l l ho m ight safely use h rre , and focured them on the door UirouKh which he hail seen


D r. S a rg en t ushered, lie studied It a Jong m inute, tlien exclnim ed softly . H e hiid noUipi! snmcthlnR th a t almo.^t m ade liirfi dnubt hia eyea.

H e w en t to hlc iloor imd loo l^d o u t in to the hull. Kiiy w;in iil one end of it. and tie brokiincd to h e r Im pera tively . placinK » finKi'r w iirnlnKly to Ills llp;i. She cam e aw iftly .-H e look her to the w in­dow t.ncl tliru .il Uie Kla;-.cs into h e r hiinti;;. /

"Look sn the duor nf you r f a th e r’s ,foek-upl Quickly, w h ile the .lurt 1* still directly on itl W h a t 'd ’you see?"

T he girl followed his d irections c arefu lly , im pressed by h ls j i i r of u rgency . B u t in' a m inute th e low ered the glasses and shook he r h ead .

"I give up. W hal's the answ er?I see nollilng!"

"No? W ell, I dn! U o k agnln, K ay !" Ills b reath r.tlrred h e r golden h a ir as he w lilspcrcd ills d iscovery In h e r car. ’T h ''y leave th e key in Uie-loek—out-nde!"

(T o B« Continued)

f lrt.ll rlinnoe I'll get I

Life’s Like That By Nehcr

ACROSS1. noyI . Kreneh e » r

» . Abrahtm'i birlhplac*

4«. Kind e( U%n 4S. Mtlal

Crossword Puzzle l| | | ggg' □ B i a i l B D QBQIDEIS

1 o r l tn 41. In ih» dlMcSlon

IT. Drink ilowly

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Sa lu tlsn Of Yesterday') P u u le«. T«11< •nlhu»l-

aallcall)'T. D«^arlm«nl la

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ta. Dlimounltd 11. Matur*U. .M«llri»t :i. Hlsmplnc form

Acimrmnsa 4L Illxorlrftl<1. TlSltttM. n r« l blihop

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YEP, 15TAM M 6 .3 0 R , O a.Tj ST R A M G E tl IN FR O riT .O B ^ D E HOUSE A.S E T M M NNIF A>. B U L L - ’I DOG L IP a n ' s m o k e d

NOW ME COMIlsl' U P TU‘ \*JA lK t o TM ‘ y

PR O M T D O O R / )


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STILL W^^3T M E O U t \ ^D\^)^0




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I l l I I I I l<

W h y m o t h e r s g e t g r a y



- . __ .. 'T E ,n P E rt '_ALVP.TS GelTlNJG M E IN CuTTCri/

IM NOT LOOKIMG FOR. T R .O U 0L E -* 1JU 5T C A M E OVER.ID H E L P WITH TH £ sc H o o L 'R A isir^ e —

I \<j> «O O Tfe

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e o w c f e o o oLOCV<\^i’ .■iOVOV't^ Q O Y I

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SE E N SOM5 GUCCR C V l - w > ( TTJAPTiONt 1M MV t*m e, B u t

‘'tV ■’■MArS TH6 PANGEST THINO IO H . o h ;


A Mawem later rr fs oowe. lcauiu6 bshind a lome s w m -l A MEO HEAOlW<i TDVUajJP A 5TRAM6E WJO LOWglYSHQge

J IViH \ lA'tAWj e>V V\t\.9vKJG.

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-------------------J / ^ ^ u COULDLEAVE THEM

A T M y



V C g l> T eg ?

/ W / L B U f i ! L O C X . . > i OVER W E R E ! 1



i^FO L L O W U S / / 2 i

fW , D«W U P -W A ^ K T T H U R T

J € « A u _ y A c s o o s e H A ve JCAKTT iWNKS A M V A t O O S E C U T

J2EVe4i£ )of= A U X M P V .

GOOSK6RUBBERfQ-,· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (11)

Sunday, April 12, 1042, TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P a g e E Ie ^ '


W A N T A D R A T E S^ ‘niBea-New>

W A N T A D R A T E S Based on Cost-Pcr-W onl

Termi for MJ ciaaoinod »d»7< ^ aCOMPLETE COVERAGE



Letye »d3 a t K. <5: W. Boot Beer Stand

DEIAD LINES W ctk d a y s. U a . m.

Sunday, 0 p- ni. SaturdayThis paper subscrlbcr-nrtiio code

of ethics of the AswclntXbn of Newspaper Cliualtled Advertltlng Manasers and resen’es the right to edit or reject any elnsslfled advcr* tluns. “Blind Ads" carrylnj a Tlmea-Hews boa number arc stiltt- ly confldenUal and rso InJormctlon eaa bo given. In reenrd to the ad' fertJaer.

Brron ahould b« reported lmm«- tUatety. No allowances wUl made for more than on# Ineorrect tDMrUon.

TRAVEL & RESORTS► SHARE ejpens® tr ip s many places.

Travel B ureau. 817 Fou rth Ave­nue east—1080.

PERSONALSsto c k D p On

STA TION ERY yourslationer>- In n silen t c*preialon

of your perr.oniillty. L et It say nice tlilnss abOMt you. Hiivo I t done s t tJie Tlmc.i-New.i Job D epartm ent and you will be proud of your s ta­tionery.

We can do the Job quickly and In­expensively.


CHIROPRACTORSFOR facial partUyols, take

intnui. D r. Aliiift H a r t lo . 130 M iln norUi.

BEAUTY SHOPSHALF price »pcclftl on genuine oU

permancnU. B M u ty Arts Acad­emy.

■ 14.00. is.oo, •a.oo perm anents, half price. Idaho B a rb e r and Beauty Shop. Phone 42*.

LOST AND^FOUND. SACK vool iost S a tu rd ay , April lll}i.

north T a in F a lla-Jerom e bridge. T « o parties se en exnmlnVng Rame, p le w c f tU S herlffB offlce./Twin

^ Falla o r Jerom e. *• •

SITUATIONS WANTEDMARRIED m an w antii worlc Bjpe-

rlcnced c a rp en te r nnd Irrljaior. 1070 Second avenue west.

EXPERIENCED office worker would like p e rm a n en t position In

' Twin PolU. P. O. Bo* 1124.

RECZPTIONIST. cafe d n i j eiuih- ler, typing. Experienced, refer­ences. Box 23. T lmes-New s.

HELP W ANTED— WOMENOIRL for lioij-ie w ork. Board, roan

and Rood pny. 232 Cth

^VANTED: Im m edlotely. experlenc-

BOU8EXEEPER w im tfd on ranch. Good wnKr-1. LouLn J . Bivie, Rlcli- fleld. IdtUio.

T E A C H E I^ « A > JT E D . NorthwMt- erbJEodCfiera A sency . 300 Tcmple-

• ton BlJg,. S a lt tJOce City, Ulah.

HELP/CV ANTED — MENMARRIED m an fo r Kcnernl ranch

work. j . B. K llboiim , Ooodlnj. Phone OOna.

MARRIED m an fo r Rrneral farm ^ o r k . Refcrciicf.i rcnulred. George

Suchan, R upert. IdiiJio.


^lE X PE R IE N C E D • bookkeeper. Perm- W onent pailllon . adequate snlagi

Stale j^rsonal de tails, experlenci, and approxim ate naloiy dealr«l> Box 34. Tlmes-H«wn.

MANY Jobs now availab le . Wo place our RtudenUi in Rood paylnu-i)o.\l- tlons. Enroll now luid set- your tralnlnK a t th e T a-ln Palln nwa Dnlverslty.

SALESM ENA ll-O ut SalcH m nn W anted Prlorltlea have •'boom ed" our pro­duct to grca tea t dem and In ouf hUtory. T herefore, we find I t »d- vUable to expand o u r sales force.

. An opening exists In th is locality. Even w ithout p rlo rltlM to boom aalea. our sa lesm en have earned from t3 /X 0 to $«.000 a yearl Now, because of p rio rities In other Une.i. thetr earnings sliould be sub- stnntlolly g rea ter. An ‘ "Order t*k«r" o r "Ijlgh-pow ered pro­moter” if NOT w an ted . We want an all-ou t stra igh tfo rw ard , whole­hearted sa lesm an. N o previous ex­perience In o u r lino required. You may have lo*t y o u r Job because of priorities o r h a d y o u r eam lngs cut because of tlie^n. H ere Is a pro­position In w h ich priorities in other -ilnea h e lp you sell more goods In our lin e . I f you are a CAPABLE sale.<uTtan, write iii to­day. staUng age a n d ouUlne of

» previous sales experience. Sales Manager. Bo* 780-A, P t, W orth,. Texa.1. •

BUSINESS O P PO R T I^IT IE SfO R RO n*. tm a ll business r o ^

with Urtn* room s. G ood beauty shop location, o r o th e r sm all bus- ln«M. Low ren t. P h o n e i « i .

Tm S-C U B IO U S WORI.D By WilHnm Fcrcuson

H lA V e A

>ffxs*riswiOM TH B IR . WIN<& C O C C S , W H IC H


P U I O H T ./

“' t: S.‘i '

1 */ 1 »

• t t%11

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. s j v r /o v 1 X 1 r V. * ci» aae;:s •' • ! J i f

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TWO room houM, to m ove. Tradefor trailer house, o lflom ._________

FIVE rooDu. m odem e x ce p t heat, w ith garage. Box 33. Ttmes-Nflws.

IS BUI1.T TO C O N S C R v e !. W A T E R . TO THE UTASOSTd o s r e b . ' e v e m h i sNOiTRlLS ARC CONiTKUCTBt> 5 0 TMAT IP H l5/VOX.^ /fO S tf TH ei A^OISTURC U

ANSWER: 73,000,000.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESNICE grocery n n d . m eat market,

Kood location for city residence Box 20. T!t»e.i-Nev.-8.

EXTRA good con(cctlonrry anC lunch bu lnl•^-■l for niUr. Gootl loca­tion. I l l h en lth forcr.i rellrrnient. Mrs. A. E. Price. Burlry, Phone 234-W.


CLEAN th ree room duplrx np<irt- m ent. W ate r paid. 555 Flftli ave­nue n o rtti.

TW O bedroom apartm ent. Stoker heat, so ft w ater, gn risc—Pttone 2107-M. ft.

DESIRA BLE five room nim nrnent, claio In . Benoit AiifirlmentJi. Phono 3445-J.

FO U R room s. dowTwtalr*. Hoctrlc range. O arag e . 130 Fou ru i avenue eosL P h o n e BIO-M.

VACANCYI F u rn ished or unfur- nU hed. str ic tly modern. Ileed A partm enta . Phone 1317.

MODERN a p artm e n t wlUi living room, bedroom, batli. kitchen bu ilt-in fenturr.'i. •tlirce closetn, hardw ood flw rii. E lectric ritnge. refrlgerau ir. ^ k e r heat, garage. Phone 503 or 3B3-J.


SUBURBAN tJirre roomri. bnUi. Shade, Harden. O n highway —03ai-J3 .

ST R IC T LY m odern niwirltnent — clean, coinfortiiblc. nttrocUve. 301 Seventh nvcnuc nnrtli.

FO U R rooms, FrlKldalrr, electric stove, h e a t, ho t w ater. AdulLi. »30. Phone 320.

A 1TRACTIVF, aimrUiient with two bedroom.i. .imail Bpartmenl.Phone 2034 or 448.__________ ,

T H REE rtK«in. lower floor. Prlva\e b a th o jul eiUrnncp. Garage. 340 Blue Lakes norUi. 1713.

rW O loom n. m ain floor, private biiUi. Close ln.^*20 Main norUi. Phono 001»«.

‘*>fe T in k. eiT H REE room s, ground floor; private

n in in ce . Adult.i. 200 Blue Lukes

------------------- U------ .MUDERN apartm en t, e ^ e r ly ftim*

W jed In knotty ^^(ne. QaraBe; Phone 1223. 1315 Sev, “

MODERN two trance , steam P o in t Apof

N IC E ono ..joa firapartm en t. Reason- able. A dulta only. 323 FlfUj —- nue e a s t

T H REE room m odem , stoker beat. Bungalow AportmeoU. Second avenue east.

NEWLY decorated, well furnished. J large room s. P rivate ba th and en­trance . H ea t wul alr-condlUon- liig. $30 m ontli. Phono 1713.

TH REE p a rtly fumLihed rooma. W ater, llglits fum lslied. S20 m on th . A dults. Moon’s. Phone 6 or 21.

T W O room s, slower h e a t, a ir con­ditioned. Electrically equipped. P rivate te lephone, en trance, bath. Kewly decorated. A dults. 719 Se­cond A venue East^

CLEAN. com fortable, attractive apartm entii. P riva te baU u. Cali­forn ia. Boston. Cottage a p a r t­m entii. Inqu ire California A part­m en t 18. 260 Second ovenue north. Phone 1604.




TWO room partly fumlnljcd house wtUi lihowcr. Cloee In. tlS . Photic 5 o r 2055R.

FIV E roofc*. modern, stoker. Near Lincoln Vchool. Phono 303 o r 1233-M.

3 ROOM m odem house. E lectric w ater heate r, range, refrigerator, garage. Inquire 303 W ashington. Phniie 03SOJ3.

stoker. P astu re , barn accomoda­tion for tw o hortes If desired. Lj’im S tew art. Phone 330.

PRO PERTY OWNEIia — Are you lo.iing dollars ever}- day w hile your ren ta l property s ta n d s Idle? PIU th a t vacancy I Let a sm all ad In th e Tlmes-Nfws Classified columns do the trick.


SMALL, mw lern. clean. Lawn, den. elec trica l apiillanccs. C lly b iu . 048S-IM.


T A K E A T IP F R O M U S I I f you have a house for re n t Insert an ad In th e Classified columns. E\'ery day we have cnlLi from w ould-be te n ­a n ts seeking destrablo homes. A n ad In the Tlmes-Ncws will he lp you boUi.


SMALL acreage near tow n with or without house. 1078 Second ovenuo west.


FOUR rooms, fencrd In bock. Dou­ble ganse. Rea.ionabIe. 451 Sec­ond avenue west.

3 ROOM to be moved. *20 model A toadstrr, eo^ tires. E arl McDaniel, Hollister..

SMALL completely /m o d e rn Furnace, ho t w ater h e a te r . Inquire 1343 FKthNnvcnue east.

NEW I2*W h0U5e, to m ove. Closet, all bullt-ln fea tures In kitchen. «1rcd for range. $3&0. Phone 1343 or 1637.

T H IS week onli-—*3.300. »300.00 down. t37Jo m ontlily buys five rooms, batli. oak floors, sarage, near school. G oddard . IIO S Slio- shone wrsl.

S.MALL, modem 9 room dwelling with carpeted floors, oil heat, In good db lrlc t to exchange for larger S room m odem duelling. Phone 2041.


ACREAGE, m ooem h o m e, for good 40 to to. fa ir Im provem onts, dec. trldt}-. K. L. Jenk in s.

EXCELLENT te n acre tr a c t . M odem home. Well located. P r ic e d to sell. Terms. Roberts & H enson . Phono 593.

NORTH »W# eighty, d e e p blBClTiioll. trac to r snd eqiii|H nent,' Immed­iate potitMlnii, Prlce<l »'7,000 w ltli I1.7S0 cosh, balancc Uko ren t. Owner a t 810 AMi s tr e e t , Tw in Falls.

GOOD ICO A-. near Je ro m e . Good house, small outbldgs. G ood state of cultlvntlnn. t l i o p e r acre.

80 A, on Ellen t r a d . 3 m l. from towTi, 4 cm, house.” P r ic e J80 p rr acre. $1500 ca-'h. ba lance terms.

GOOD acreage w ith m o d e m house to trade on good nortl>Milo .



M cCORjnCK-DEERINO combine, model 43. 4 fool c u u Like *475,00. Harry Mu.^grave.

TWELVE Hole S u p e rio r g r a j drill, no Meder a tlac lim euL H arry Mu.i«ravf,

DANDY iirrlied nxl corrugator. Oni; H aro’ Musghvve.

F-12 TRACTOR on ru b b er , good condition. mlln s o u th Black Bear Service StaUon. B u h i J. L. Cooper.

FIELD cultivator, d k r plown, cc gators, harrows, cultiva tors, netui. manure Nprrader. npud-bfan planter, H arry W 6 lillu lb ^ » ( ;-J2 .

McCORJlICK D EERING single spud planter. Good O liver fl-foot mower. ’n»reo bottom heavy duty A-C plow. W -C spud cultlv»Mr. Howard T ractor Com pany.


Dewberrlfs. Clllford D e n n e y , north Wa.ihlngton school. 0485-R3.

CHINESE elm i^ ad e I r r r a ; large everbearing ra.ipberrles. J . J . Lwig. ISIO Kimberly Ro<ul.

PANSY planta and perennials— m any varieties. A. V . WUllnms, Hospital road.

DAHLIA bulbs—all varletlc.i. Corner Addison and M aurlcc . Phone 1007W,

EARLY Bliss T rium ph garden field seed potatoc.i, » 1 JJ c> Phone Filer. 207-J4. B lue,


R u s e t seed potatoes. C. L. Ashley. Twin Falls Tourist Park, C abin 12.

EXTRA good first year from Aahtoa blu9 tag Russett seed potatoes. Luke V. Sotuier, BuhU Idaho .

BULIC aeeds. Bemiuda onion plan(.i. Frontier Trading Post, 348 M ain south.

FLOWER opedal on perennials— Delphinium, Sc; paiu^ plant/i 3Sc dosen. Mrs. WUey Coppliiger. K im ­berly.

GEM seed potatoes—I have a plus of 300 ssck.1.1 year from Blue tag. McClain. south. H west South Park. Phone CJ84J2.

W HITE dover seed—by s ta te te s t pure seed. Ratsed on Tw in Falla trac t. See It a t Kimberly E levator. R. 0 . Hyde. Hansen.


e u e to 7c Cash on dellTcry, Kimberly Seed

Co. Varictlfifl and prlcw a t Kimberly Elev. Hansen Elev, Ufcielton Eltv. R upert B e v . Filer Elev. Eden E ler.

S OP ALL K u r o sField, garrlcn and fancy law n seed.

Oat.1, wheat, barlejr, seed com . .loya beans, field pcoa.

SEED POTATOESBlue tag RaiseU i________ W JO cw t.Blue U g Bliss Triumphs — 3 cwt. Cobblers trarllftstof all) — SJWcwU

We Cleon—We tre a t GLOBE HEED Si FEED CO.

NOWLi ttie time

TO PLANT THAT NSW LAWN or your old ona.



W rite or phone u* for jirtcea. INTERMOUNTAIN SEED CO.


WANTED—Summer pasture yearling Guernsey bull. Jo h n R od­m an. 0180R5.

CUSTOM GRINDTNO 1 or 3 ton 8c cw t: over 3 tons. 7( MILLER MILLING SERVICE

Ph. 72J3. Filer. Ph. calU off grind ing


MORELANb MILLING SERVICE P h . 218, Filer. Ph. calls off g rinding.

CHICK HnyeV Hl-Vltnmln s ta r t ­ing maal) (lives fast' growth, f a s t fentliering nnd prevents cnnnlbal- Um. G uaranteed (o produce sulLi, equal or superior to , _ s ta r te r you can bui' rcgi»rdlc.i.> of price. H ayei Hatchery.

Feeders!F E E D W IE A TTnko ll off the car

O orem m en t whe.-jt now rolling In. 05c p e r bu.—*1.68 ground Place your ortler a t once.



WANTED—Shorthorn or part .-vhorU horn m ilk cow. Phone 0103.R3, T«'ln Palls.

VERY nice saddle mare with ___saddle. Very reasonable. Phone 483 or 3185.W,

PUREBRED spotted boar: 8 ahoatn. 160 pounds. Pho!ie 28-Jll. K im ­berly.

GENTLE gray saddle mare. R e a ­sonable. Dick liamoge, 3 b links ea.1t Haa-ien poetofflce.

-U V E ST O C R F O R SA L E1.000 CROSSBRED ewes w ith J a n ­

uary lambs. Will seU aU o r &00. Jo h n Mendlola, 303 Second avenue sou th . Phono 1640.

FO R SALE a t Chris Pe te rsen ranch a t Rock Creek — 8 RegLntered shorthorn bulla and some heifers. Chris Petersen, Route 2, Box 45, H ansen, Idaho.

POULTRY FOR SALE Th» BU-Well, 837 M ala W, Ph. IM

TURKEY poulLn, Hatclies each Tues­day and Friday, c a ll a t Sw ift't H atcheo-, 304 Fou rth avenue souUi. Phono 183.

O loyaUln'i bicycle ah<Ht. Ph. 609-R,


GOQD THINGS TO EA TNEW Hampelilre Red fryers. T hlrtl

houKe east ball park. Phone 0488J3.

PEDIGREED male Scotty puppy, eight weeks old. Inquire 235 Lin­coln.

BABY CHICKSSW IFT S baby chlcka—H atches each

Wednesday and Saturday. Call a t Swllt's H atchery. 204 Fou rth ave­nue south. Phone 185..

STRAIGHT n in or s e ied puJIcts. Special de an up sale each Tue.i- dny and Saturday. Oe a n d up. Lrghorn co*ckerels, 4c. Flve-week- btd Leghorn pulIeLv 600 four-w eek- old colortd chicks to place on slitirea. Custom hutching recelvM rnch Wcdne.v3ay ond Saturday . Hayes Hatchery.


wheels. Phone O lB l-R l^

GOOD used factory bu ilt trailer, Ca.'Ji, C, DcNeal. 512 p lf th - p,ue c a .iy

GOOD Spotted Poland China blocky male hog. 300 pounds. Phone S34RI. Buhl.

W a n t e d —Two kheep dogs, prefer­ably trained. Fred Woodle. Howe, 1(1 alio.

WANTED: Wood or wire hangers, in good coDdltfoa. Ho each Troy or. National p lant.

A FEW two row benn cu ttcrs. In ­quire Self M anufacturing Com­pany.

WANTED to buy; Scrap a n d east Iron, a lio all sorts of m etals. No quantity too small. L. L. Langdon. T nigk Lane w e . i t . J l ^ B 1S63.

WHEN rcMcly to .sell your woo R, R. llninnnn, 233 Dtihl. nri-r-pt drllvery eltJier Tw in Fiill.i or Hulil.


PTJRNITURE uphoLiterlng' and pairing. Tliom cti Top and Body Works—720.

GOOD lot of number 3 shlnglr.i. 85c p rr bunch. Twin P a lls Lumber Company.

STOCK £ a lt, HOiO p e r ton. Bring sucks, u L. Langdon. T ruck Lune west. Phono 15C3.

AUTO glas.1. canvas, canvas repair­ing. T hom eu Top. and Body Works.

PR O TEC T your family. Have tha t broken glass repaired todoy Moon’s.

W HO said Cinder Block Is loo high priced? Cinder Iiiaulatloij- Block m ade from Crut«Tii of tlie Moon cIndiTs are-tlio mot.t ecoiioinlcnl building muterlal m ade. P h o n e .41. Jerom e, Idaho.


DIRECTORYBatha and Massages

Bicycle Sales and Serviec

Curtain ShopsWindow Shop. 803 Main a Ph. 814.

Diamondsn . L. Roberts, Jeweler. i l6 Sho. N.

Floor Sanding.A-BB Fir. C a Floor service. P h l l lW

D ddor i i Sons. 811 Main B. liSO-W.

InsuranceFor FlT» and Cwiujdty Insam jca .

Surety and Fidelity Boods, <e« Svlm lavestiS enyC a Baugh Bldg.



PERSONAL STATIONERY Engraving, le tte r press. Uthography

School A nnuals, business forms a specialty

TIM ES-NEW S Commercial P rin ting Dept.

Lawnmowcr Service

Money to Loan

AUTO LOANSRefinance youi‘ present contract—

reduca poymeots-i-caah o d rtnos.

W ESTERN FINANCE CO.Next to Fidelity Sank.

$25 to $750 ON YOUR C a r




Consumers Credit Co.(Owned by Paclflo Flnoace)


Osteopathic PhualclanDr. O. W Rose, 114 M. N. Pn. M7-W.

Photo FinishingB prints' any roU lOc. Sav-Mor D ru* .’

Plumbing and RetdingAbbott P lum bing Ca,

Schools and TrainingT . P . Buslnc.ts Unlvemlty; Phono 2M.

Money to Loan

SALARY Lo a n ss tr ic tly confidential •

19 to 150 to employed peopla on your ow n signature

CASH CR EDIT COM PAfrt Room 3. B urkholder Bldg. Ph. 779

T rf lU e ra -

G em T ra ile r company.- Phone 439

Ti/pewrUeraSales, ren ta ls and serrlce. Ph. 90.


W ater SgstemsFloyd Lilly. Ph. 303a 214 Bbo. S .



TWO uied clectrlc refrlKcriitor.i, priced to seU. RobU E. Lee Sales Company.

REPOSSF^SED Coltn\«.u oil heater - l i k e new—$45.00. Tenns. Wilson Baten A ppliance.

USED heatro la . baby bed and high rhalr .. Will w ll cheop. Phone 2435R or 1023J a fte r alx.

DcLUXE five fool K elvlnator. por- c«'laln refrlRerator, W4iO. 0 . C. Anderson Com pany.

END tables J U S . A xmlnater throw rug.n t3DS. Davenoes, hardwood constnicUon, excellent quality $32iO, Moon’s.

USED all porcelain L, * H. electrie range. 135.00. O thers a.i low as 120.00. T erm s. Wilson Bates Ap­pliance.

D A Vi:N OES-D ouble pprlng con­struction, heavy velour co\ers. Well podded nrms. wood trim , large beddU\g com partm ent. 154 JO. We cjui guurantee prices for a sh o rt time only. Moon's.


S PRIN G houseeleoivlnff oUs—Blu* Seal cleanser. 31c pound; Mureseo kalsomlne, bulk I3c pound; Velio casclne pol;it. 8 pounds lU fi, Me- M urtri- pa in ts. vanvlsl\«s, to a m - els; C lim ax wallpaper cleaner lOo, can ; Im peria l nod WoUcrest wall­paper, Moon's.

• RADIO AND MUSICL A RG EST Block, “New and used

Pianos." Adams Music Canpony. <t<srm«rly D oynt*-M usic Com­pany.) •

ONE practically new Martin oJte saxophone, gold finish. Phono W.

FIV E tab le model radios, 35*6 ‘of* fo r cash . Robt. E Lee Sales CCW- pany.

AUTOS FOR SALELATE 1030 Chevrolet >4 ton pick­

up tm c k .. Good Urea. phon« o ia s .iu .- .

1040 FO R D coupe, good 6 ply Urea. W ill exchange equity for earlie r model used c ar. Call U03-W.

M U ST sacrifice 1033 Chevrolet i door d e luxe sedan. Good Urea, radio, h e ate r. Low mlloago. Joe Covey's Texaco.

TRUCKS AND TRAILERSCOVERED wagon trailer. 3 block*

west. 1 block north, substation. N esbitt.

1030 CHEVROLET. A-1 condlUon: com bination bed. |32J» 130 Sidney stree t. Soutli p a r t.


USED p o r ts fo r cars and tnicka. Ta-ln P o lls Wrecking, K im berly '

W ILL tra d e new set 8.00x18 re-cap- ped tire s fo r good se t 7.00x19. Vl8 G oertsen . Phone 245L

Real E state TransfersiD form atlen forolshed ^

Tw in FaUi Tllla Bad A b ttrac t Com|>any

W EDNESDAY. APRIL IL ew o: U nion Central Life Insur­

ance C o , to R. U Bybee. 8E NE 31 10 li.

D eed: Y . HolUnd to L. L. Kelly. 11; lots 39, 30, block 9. Blue lA k u west.

D eed: U L. Kelly to B. P . Moot*. tlO ; sam e land.

D eed: N. L arsen to M. Oray, »1: p a rt o f S E ^ 36 11 18.

HOLLISTERInrlnff Losler, Palmer, Alaska.,U

Tlsiunc ^ unel* M d u m t. U e. and M rs, p m ik loder.

,Mr. and U ts. Bob MflOmpbaO •Ad two ehildnn. B a r iS c T S S S I loft t O m kTUr i two ve«ks’ stay with. WIQ Futslur aad '

' lod Kn.-Jo«.,Abbott , -

& vlon d importa fliira B d etlMr m food to a TaJua « ( neariy ||0,« • OOOJWO annually. MOM of tt ti Umwd ■alman.· VICTORY. . . r^Blcaa XOCB help. Boj *11 Um d*< f«BM boodf 70a eul A IlcsloRal Newspaper - [PDF Document] (12)

Page Twelv* X TIMES-NEWS, Tls;iN PALLS, mAHO Sundor, April 12, 1942 ^



W ASinNQTON. A pril 11 (fl>^-A proeram of ••Induccd aavlnR.i" to lielp VRrd o ft Inflnllon and finance Ui? w w was &(lvocat<>d today by Chairman George. D.. O#.. of Uie »en*i« nniince cortmlttw. ’’

At Ui# MRie tim e OeorKe nnd , o u itr icnators ofRfd overall con­

trol o f prlcca ojid wajtea. rtplaclnir • MlceUve price conirol

JV' “ Bcncral mnU-m ^ U o tj com polen U ia t P re.ndfnt Roodevcll said yM terday w m bcInK n'ftppetl.

l^rutxilly rfft'lUtic tfould know th a t *omft *yst<m

. compulwry flnvlnKn Li n o t far off." Oeorjre w ld In tin InKrvlpw. "’nefo t^ v e ect to th a t I favor t r j ’loR a vol­untary syjitcm of Imlucpd iiavlnos. M pa rt of the pend ing nfw tn* b»l."

C ertain I>Mluetlon«He explained th n t by "liuliirrd

savlnes- he hnd In m lntl a /lynirtn whfrcby a tn* prtycr would be nl- lowed w rljjln drducilonn from n e t l« a b le Income for Income Invc.ntM In Rovcmmpnt bonds, o r n ttirr war necurtUr.i.

a eo rse a lio nald he f r i t lim t a •■ft-lthholrilnK tax l.i Inrviinbln now or laler~ and .niBKcsicd tlita mlRtit be started a t 5 per c e n t of "all *»tre.i. salarlM, dlvldencLi. and In- terent payable a t d ie nource," WliJIo trea.iury auUiorltiM h av e talked about a 15 per cen t w lihholdlnK tnx. Oeorire uild he favored n s ta r t a t m e 5 per cen t level. luldlnu th a t thLi should ral.%e In revenue.

T ax P ro irv n aOeorse. d tsc im ing © x c r » A

profltK. said lift believed the.->e c l>ejt b« reclaimed u p d e r t in snuns. but th a t nome special ov lim it on proflt.1 from w a r com p r o l j ^ m ight be advisable.

Support for overall control of ' prices. wagM and ’'a larle.i lw.i lyeu voiced by Senalors O’Mnlioney. D.. WJ'O.. VandenberK. R.. M lrh., and pepper. D.. Ma., o« well as acc rue .

O'Mahoncy lold repo rtem the pub­lic and eo in try were ••Impaileiit wlUi Wa.ihln({lon" becniwc of a tendency to "take half ,iie|xi" on tlie u-W prognvrti and re la ted problrm.i.

Fun at Blue Lakes Will Save Your Auto Tii-es

■ I I DEFENSE WORKERS NEEDEDK rcprtsfaitaUve of Uie company

holdlnR lame coptrnct,i fo r couMruc- tlon work In the Hnw nlinn Wnnds wilt be a t the local o ffice of the un ite d suites em ploym ent servlcc e ltiicr Monday. T^e-'idiiy o r Wrtlne.i* day dt tlila week to In teri’lcw men Interested In work Uiere. BcmIc D urtito s . RsilrXcinV ofUc« marv&8«f. sa id 'ba turday .

Worker* wauled ImmetSlalely In­clude laborers, jacW iam m er opera­tors. carpenter* and o th e r eliuuilflcn- tloM . H lrins wlU be do n e "rlRht here." the a» L ilan t m iinntier nuld. and succc&sful appllcniiLi will ha\-e th e ir IrantportAUon paid to Jlan-all. JobA will last fo r Uie dtirnllon.

W orkers In UiU M-cUon who are Interested In su d i cmpln>-ment

. ahould contact tjie o tflce; Uin*e In the Burley area nhmild (to to the omplD>inent office tiie rr and Uiu'C tn the Jerom e a rea to tJin t office, U WA3 polntetl oiit tjiiil llie cnnipany representative will comc only to Tw in Palls b u t the office here will notify the oUier unll.i of Uie day he will arrive w Uiot lnlereMe«l men can come here for intcrvlewji. P rr - Bona here riiould leave th e ir nnmr>' a t the Ta-ln Palls office and they will aLw be notified w hen to apj>ear tor Interk'lews,

Here’s the Man Who Bid .$3,000 For Single Pie

B tn n .. April 11—In cJUie you're wonderln?, th e m an w ho paid U.OOO for a pie a t a soc ial this « re k In Buhl wa.i W illiam Ohelm.

I l ls p ratvp t b id for t h a t cimoiAnt m om entarily irtlenced A uctioneer Clarenco W alcott a t th e I . O . O. P . anil Rebekoh lodge bond p n r ly onct took away tlie b rea fh o f Mm. Adolph Machacek. who bnked the pie.

E sh te e n pies baked by R e ^ bekah members for th e smle— planned a.s n mennA of nelllns de- fenne bonds and stam p i—sold (or n toU l of $4,030. De5lde.i th e M.OOO pie. o thers rold fnr >100 a n d none sold for leiLi th a n S2S.

A tler pies had been sold for bonds, tljey were <iuartered and pleccs were sold for a quarter each during the refre .ihm ent hnur. In chorse of Mm. P . O . W>- bftMO.

Each bidder kept hLs ow n bonds.

Rationing Delayed For Typewriters

WASHINOTON. April I I f-r» .— O ovcm m ent-ratlonlnK of typew rit­ers. orlelnalb ' scheduled to bei;in Monday, will be deloycd u n til April 30. the office o f price adm lnli Uon announced today.

n«Tl»td itsu loU ons w in pe rm it th e ratlonlnB of new or used n on -po rt­able typewriters to certa in m anufac­tu rers o f war products. I n adrijtlon, portables tAay b« sold to a n y plant, p ro jec t o r facility ope ra tlnc under a W PB priority ra u n e of A-3 or h igher.

R H E U M A T IS MW ith PJIes-C olon Troubles

Piles tod Colon troubles m a y spread Infection ju f t th e som e u dlseaaed Vetlh ftotf. tcm lla , oft*n IcwHna to rheumAUim and o th e r c h ro n ic all- oaeota. L e u n th e facta. W rlt« today for iaa-pa«e, lllu itn ited book on R«c(al and Oo^on T roubles. Mc- Cl«*r7 Clinic. HB4I4 E lm s Blvd- Bxc*liIor 8prtc«a. Mo.

EALIH LEADERST w o Twin P^U i women, p rom inent

..I s ta le i f f n ln . received appo in t­m e n ts ’ a t a r cc in t m eeting of tlio b oa rd o f directors of the Id ah o Pub­lic H ea th u so d s tlo n In Boise.

M ra. Anna K . Itayea 'r m appoin ted chairm an of the nom ina ting com­m ittee and M rs. Emma Glouchek was nam ed ns a racrolwr of th e new leg­islative comtnlttee. •

Pocatello WHS stlected a s th e place of th e annual meeting of th e oAto- clatlon. and tH e date w as ten tatively se t for Oct. 12. Dr. Jo h n n , NUhoLi. exrcutlvo d f a n of th e U niversity of Idaho , .sournem branch . Pocatello,

^ l e n t o f the aiMOdatlon. (ccming the a p p o in tm e n t’ of r r IfKlnlftthB com m ittee . Dean

NlchoU s u te d : \ .1 purpoae of- th is new legls-

_____ committee Is to atudy billsIntroduced a t tlic n e x t o eu lon of Ujo IcRlilnlure. Tlioao th a t a rc ben- rflc ln l to llie hcttllh of th e people of the nWte will be labelled a.i ROod. Thojic which In terltre w ith tlie proB- reft.1 In public nealth will bo b randed as b a d bllLv

•T h u s coii.iclcnllous legLilators »1U be cnobled lo Ket expert and Im par­tia l advlcf nn nil public h e a lth bills. IhrouK h UiLi committee. rcprcr.enl- InR th e Idntio Public H ealtli a.isocla- tlon.

M rs. Cloiichck, vlce-pre.ildent of the lUBoclsllon. wa.i nmonR tliofle a t- tendlnjT l))f rJ)ppllnff, Ab>p pre.ient were Dean Nlcnola: H . C. C lare, san i­ta ry encliiper of the sta le dlvLilon of lndu.iiri»l nyglene and execuUve secre tary of th e luworlatlon: U J . Petcri'on. .................................. .-* i—of th e American Public H ea lth os- N jclntlon; mil Hughes. LewLitoil. and D ean Prnnk A . lUiea, Bol.-.e.

Just where lo kpend thote spring and sum m er ^ u n d a j i In (hi* year of atilo tire conferrallon m lsh t be a problfm to *»me people but to many In lliU section Ihe famous Bine takes, located n rarly a t tlie bo t­tom of the :<nake riv e r canyon, n lll be l^e r l r h t a n ttre r . In the center picture D oris Ann Shrrwoed (Irfl) and Mary t:ousl\llt\ a re ihowT^ u th e j arrived a t th e fam oua t>a»S« » j» l to |Jve U a pTr-rltw. U \t n th tr p ic lu m thry are show n dolnr a llllle w adlnj In th e c ry stal c lear w a ttn , h a r ln r fun on an old »taKC eoach which saw dniy in th e early days of th is section. re iU n c on the bridfe over one of Ihe ipectacular faiU In th a t area, and d rlnk lnc from a >mall stream. DorH I t ih e d a u ih te r of Hlr. and Mnu C. K. Sherwood and Mary U the d a u rh te r of Dr. John F. Coufhlln. Ito th a re h l th school seniors.

•irho lo t by O. A. K elk ri^ .S taff K nsravlnt)

Tires Getting Thin? You Gan Fiiul Outing Places ]\ear Home

BY O. A. KKLKKIt■'How are the iircx IvaUtius oiU

m b tc r? ”Well. If ilicy arp ki-iiihr a llltle

th in w ul yell tliliik th a t iji-causr of tliLi you’ll 1101 be nblc to lu-ound lo .'oe.m uch ilii.v .^llIll1K 11 -lummer. Just ctuM iht- ihouKht Uir M hcan. I t ’s nil wu-t.

T here nrc more placc;. to ko around T r’Iii n i l l i and .'.ouih Iduiio —'a n d more thhiKs to x rv _ — than you '•MT really lh(iunhtO <-fnrr. slbly beciiur.t? jo ii Illway^ Ini'Ko fnr nway beloru you flKUred you were dolnR Apmcthlnu.

.Srenic Jliue Lakrs S o l the IrM t o! Uic plocr.i t

till.', Minimrr. jiIh m .i to which you caji walk If y o u ^ u iin t lo or won't havr lo d r lv e ^ lie old c a r more thnii a few n ille ^ lf you ilon 't war walk, Is ih t Dlup liikr.i country in Uip bottom of th e S n a k e rlvrr caji- yon Ju.1t dowtvitrt-unj from the Jcr- ome-Twlu Piilli liilcr-co iin iy brldKe.

R lsh t (now you c a n ’t en ter ihLi de.iert oi.ils from Ujc road on the south side of th e rlv p r b u t I fs ca-illy acce.ulble by a norUislde duRwnv reached by followlnR hlffhway fl'3 about two miles norU i of the blR bridge. A alBn jw lni.i th e way n h e rr th e dUKnay road leaves the main hlKhway.

The m an whor.e vb lo n re.iulled In le r.Mnhllnhment o f T tt’ln Pulll.

and of the Irrlicnled scctlon which

KUrround-1 ll, I.1 the man alio a h o dcvclopert — and is atlU ilrvrl- oplns — the B lue Inkr.i area. Ho Li !. II, PrrTliir.

.S p rin t ' and Plrnlc Spoli Crjsial rli-ar /'prinn-s. .’•irrnm.l and

lukr.i are foiiiul In th a t locality and pU-nlc A[>oI.i a re plenllful. Tlie flih —well, j.omrtlnir.s you nilnht have in pu t th P b a l t on your hook from behind a no the fKh w on't Jump a t you, iT lm t a trifle tliinyanr-'que— but Ihe fl.'-hhiK Li really excplimi.i

As a rl(v.e-)ii for a diiy'joiiilni: the B lue Inkc.i conntrj’ can’l be bcatrn.

So, when tha-.e lazv Siiiuliiy.i rn1 arouiul. Krt <lnwn to Dluf Irike.i and bark to n a tu re . l l i a llre-Mivuiu ouilni; six>t a ln ia i t w ithin a si throw of the c ity .

Prom lim e to tim e th is sprlnu onil sum m er th e Tlmrs-Newn ixilnt o the r "place.s to no — where you can walk to pet ih rre ."


From eigh t to 10 bo ji nnd KlrLire needed a t once for iralnini; In

the N YA defeiwe macliliir ;,hop lo­cated a t Krcnger.i hnrdwiirc. olflc- laLi of Ulc local office or ilic United State.s em ploym ent service .\ald S a i- urday.

In te re s ted boys nnd clrl', ,ihoiild reKl.’te r U iroush the l(x-;vl employ­m ent o ffice. A fter coniiilciinn of tlie course they m ust be willing 10 i cept a dc fen jc Job elih rr injUlc ouLildo of Idaho.

T ra inees are paid a m onth fnr 80 hours of work and clo.viroon) study. S h ifts arc 01 nlshi. Study Includes regular machine shop work, A ppllcanls mu.1t prr.'ent proof of c iiljensh lp , preferably a birth U flrate.

YounK per.ioiLi enrollinK for the rour.ies m ust be between the nKes ( 17 years and. nine months nnd 25.

James F. Larson Called by Death

DUHL, April 11—Ja m es Pronklln Larnon, W, ■ prom inent farm er In U\a Deep C reek srea w est o f Buhl, died n t the Duhl h a .p lta l n t 8:30

1. Prltluy following a sh o r t 111- . Dentil WM a ttr ib u te d to

h e a r t nttnck.lU-nldenl in the Deep Creek orea

for 31 yrors. he cnnie Uierc with h b family F eb . 33. 1011. from Mor- t«», \Jtj\h , w h c it h e waa born July 30. 1877. He was m arried to E sther P aux April H. 1603, n t Moroni.

M r. Liirion wiu n m em ber of the L.D.S. cl*urch,

Puncrn l services will be held a t p . m. lUcnday, April H , n t Uie

B uh l L I lS . church w ith Ul;.hop W llUam'llulcUUion ofllclatniK- Icrn icn t will b e lif Uie B uhl ci tery under direction of AlberUNon funeral home.

Besides liU wife, survivors liicludc four dnuRlilers. Mrs. Louva Wnlllc);. Kowler, Colo.: M n, A my LovcT D uUJ: Mrs. Lanor D nm eit. Logan. U tah : Mrs, Eva ly le r . Lo.i A ngeles; two *tc|i5ons, Quenton F aux a n d Wy-. m an Fiiux, b o th of Buhl, a n d 11 Krandchlldrcn. . ;

He Is alio aun lved by one alalcr, Mrs. Jo lisnnu Jacobson, Provo,' UU»li: a tinlf-b ro tlie r. D. O . iJ i r- jon . S a lt ijike City, U ta l\. a n d sev­eral h u lf-jljtcm , Mrs. M artin B rad ­ley. S a lt Lflkc City; M rs. J o h n Kel- Ictt. Mr.-i. Aniile Btaclcham a n d Mrs. A aron Hurdy. nil of Moroni.

USO Provides Real Service, Parent Finds

W hen you get a le tte r from a sol­dier, v r ltte n on USO sta tionery . It means th a t he's- found a "second hotpe.-

"A VBO recreation c e n te r Is Uie M ldler't bridge back to civilization." said n . J . Vallton yesterday after-

As a firsthand ob.iervcr of w hat ifl of tli«so cen ters m eans to the en In the arm ed forces, he de­

clared forcefully:■Tlie USO and th e Red Cross

servo to receive evcrythliisf wo ___afford to give. We lucky people of southern Idaho shou ld n o t think In term s of how little we c an give.'and gel nway w itli It, b u t how much

in Blve tliese agencies."Mr. Olid y r s . V allton visited . .

cently w ltlj th e ir son. C orp. Ribot Vsllton. stationed a t V ancouver b a r­racks, Wa-ih.

'Vhen soldiers a re "on a le r t" they re obliged to be on tlie grounds or )n post." and tiio US® center Is

Uie only place they c an go to relax, rest, read, play gam es a n d enjoy music.

T h is building rep resen ts lo them "IhB American w ay" of life as con- Irnsicd to Uie "m ilitary way," Of course, they 're wllUng a n d oble to "carry on the Job." bu t Uicre’s a time of day or n ig h t w hen a fellow needs to get a » a y from It

She's T l|o tf ie r”Tlint's w hw e thJtefisO comes In

Tlie m atron o t Uie ^ n c o u v e r bar­racks USO center la *M otlier" lo alt the boys. She usually m eets Uielr mothers, wives, sis ters a n d swcet- he n fu when Uiey vlr,lt ctimp. She's a pleasant woman lo know.' W hat do the fellowfi do wUetv they Uike "time out" from soldlcrlnR? PlnB-poiiR tables a re provided for Uielr iim 'iJ'ement: Uicre a re all sorts of garfies lo play: m agoilnes and newspapers to rend.

Tliere are also le tte rs to write to Uie "folks back hom e"—o n stnUon- ery^urnlahed Irce by Uie USO, And plnnos JO play, radios to tune In,

Occasionally there a re 'd an ces: shows pu t on by Itjcal a n d travelhiR talent. And a t Chrlntma.i tim e, open house wa.1 obierved by th e USO cenlcr.

Candy, 'clcareito.-., coca-cola .other Hems nrc sold a t money Uian Uie men have lo pay "o ff post."

Can VUIt At the USO bulIdlnR. Uie soldiers

can vLnlt w ith Uiclr fam ilies a friend;.; can "ko in to a huddle" a Ro.'uilp about w hat 's doing the "home f f o n f — th a t .sort UihiR.

Mr.i. .Marie Macnuley, w ho recently vUlied her Ron. S u f f BerBcant Ilob- ert Macaulpy. hnd the flame kind of pralr,e for the USO activities.

42 Tife Permits Granted in Week

Ccrilflcale.'i for th e purcliiue of 42 Urcs. US tubes and 5'J rccaps were l.ssucd during th e l i n t week of April by tlic Tttin Fa llj county ratlonlnB board, a checkup sliowed niKht.

F o rty Urcs ivnil 35 tubes w ere for trucks , as owners dipped heavily Into th e April quota of IM tire s and lOa tubes,

’IV o t l r tj a n d no tubes were .. scs-ied aBnl11.1L Uie mooU i's pa.i.ven- gcr c a r nuotu of n Ures a n d '119 tul>es.

O f the 53 recaps, tQ were forO ucks and I2M or j7asMHKer cars. T ruck re tre ad cjucita Is 103. w hile pa.vien- Kcr c a r recsp q uou is IDO for April, according lo C hairm an Carl N. An- der.ion.

Quarterly MeetHANSKN, A pril 11 — Quarterly

eonferencc of th e Hi«ii.-j-n commun­ity church will h r held Tue.idny eve- nlnii, April H , wlUi Rev. H. O. lle rt- zofl. Twin Falls , d istric t superinten­dent. pre.ildlnB. All church (ilfllla- Uon heads will Rive reports nnd all church m e m b e ^ a rc Invited to i»l-

N e w b a r g a i n s every day in our

C L O S I N G OUT SALEnow in progressAn orlBlnnlly lorce seasonal stock ln.iures an a l- tracU ve selecUonI Shop for new b a rsn ln s here every day l

X 8he»hone S t w l


- I L

Statement of the Condition of


TWIN FALLS, IDAHO At Close 0 Business, April 4, 1942

RESOURCESLoans nhd Discouls .OvcrdrafLn .........................................................Bank. Buildinfr ntitl F ix tu re s .......................Stock Fetlerni Hcscrvo Bank ....................U. S. Bonclfl........................ $ 6G-1.-J21.1SMwnidpiil Bonds .............. 89,787.08O ther Bonds ...................... 29.968.75

................... I1.W 7.077.17‘1.2J8.43

82.500.00 9,000.^0

884.177.31, Cash nnil »iuc from banks,.? 2.151,61G.71 ?a,035,791.02

LIABILITIESCapitnl ..........................Surplus ........................Undivided ProfiU .....K e .ie r\es ........................DepoaiUi:

Tim e ..........................Demand ...................

..... ? 100 ,000.00... 200.000.0065,622.69


$ 495.3G12r,.. . :i,709.085.G8 1.29-1.<1.19.93

Snow Still Deep In Uta i Vicinity

HAOERMAN. AprU ll - S p r ln g as come to H agcrm an valley bui 01 lo Clear Creek. U U h.The snow Is sUll two feet deep

around Uie hom e of Rufus Kemp- ton. BradfaUier of J a c k Robl.ion. he reported, upon his r e tu rn from Uial place..

He motored to C lear Creek lo bring back lo H agerm an his (trand- faUier. whom he has no t seen for 24 years, Mr. ItobLion and family. Prona. Calif., were recen t visitors a l Uie home of hU m other. Mrs, Ira Treadwell. H ase rm an .

Buhl Junior High Honor Pupils Told

BUHL. •April 11—O fflelaU of Uic Junior hltrti ,'<h<jol a t Buhl havenoiuiced honor studen ts fo r Uie ;......six weeks. High honors w en t to Inez Drannen. Helena D en a rd b . Janet Love and Darlene W inkler.

Honors w enl to P ra n k Denardls, Itonald jK Bleslon. D onald Shrader. Barbara Cooper, Dco.y Jen."ien. Irene .Mecti. Elnior Mullhl.n. J e a n Over- bnuKh. Hobble Sam uel, ftuby Slcv- rn j, Uctty Stroud, B etty Lou Tliomp. •ion. Betty We.1t. Jim m y BngsetC.■ Jiime.i S iubbert. Ju n e ru lle r , Dan- t\a AmbT0.1t . Dotl.^ Allcm.ion. M or- dlrll Ollleit. Ruby Je o n O ralfe. LouL'.e PapenfUM. L aw rence Hyder. Olen Stroud. K le th DanBett. Jimmy Hopkins. Marvel C ram er. Nelma Piiux. Velma M arlin . M axine Powers. Donna T Jiortuberry a n d E\'elyn Walker.

'A Worn-Out Old IN STRUM EN T will


The so u th Idolio M usic Fes-, Uval 1.1 bu t n sho rt lim e nway. If your band ln .itrum ent Is In need of a tten llon , brlPR I t In

•now for repairs. T liere Is aUll Umo to have It In pcrfec t condlUon befoc^^'Ttprll 23rd.


fo r Conn, Cavalier and Pan-Am erican

Instrum ents


Magic Vallcu'3 Exclusive Mustc Store


First FloristThe business o f telling flowers

and flower seeds began In Now . York C ity In 1802. O ran t Thorbum .

BULK GAHDEN SEEDSave 50r, on you r war garden. AH Wed varieties m i i s anti Ohio »e«d spuds. Durmudiv onion pUnta. O ar- den p lan ts In A ason . ,

PUBLIC MARKET490 D lu J Lake* North

Exclusively at the ■




Handcrafted SuitsY ou HELP save .America’s rcsourccs w hen you buy quality clothcs—for it takes ab o u t as much raw m aterial, m achinery and manpower to weave inferior fabrics and linings as better ones—and gogd clothcs wear longer— save in th e end! Besides the ir long-run \ econom y, K uppcnhcim cr handcrafttd suits fit better, have sm arter style!

and up

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.