Ready Jet Go! Space Camp (2023) Movie Script (2024)

Jet and his friends take their skills to Space Camp and go on an intergalactic adventure. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
("Universal Pictures
theme song")

(mysterious music)

- [Mitchell] The cosmos.

Fast, filled with suns, moons,

stars, planets, comets,

(Cody barking)

(Mitchell yelping)


(Cody panting)

(Mitchell sighing)

Thanks a lot.

Take 46.

The cosmos, fast, filled
with planets, moons,

and other rock-like stuff.

But is there alien
life out there?

There is, indeed.

And closer to us than you think.

By the time I present
this report to you

at Space Camp, Dr. Chandra...
(Cody whining)


It will have all the evidence
to prove that aliens exist.

Which brings me in
my first exhibit,

my neighbor, Jet Propulsion.

Who is not home?

It's 2100 hours!

A true Earth family
would be inside

doing something Earth-ish, like

watching TV.

Clearly, the Propulsions are
doing something alien-ish!

Planning an alien invasion!

A takeover of planet Earth!

Turning us all into aliens!

(menacing music)

(kids giggling)

- [Sydney] That was great.

- [Sean] So good, Jet!

- [Sydney] Are there more?

- Well, are we all ready
for another episode

of The Great Galacto?

(kids cheering)

(triumphant music)

- Who dares to tell me
comet-surfing is impossible?

- Not me!

- They say impossible?

I say irresistible!

(Sunspot squeaking)

- Whoa!
- [Sydney] That was so cool!

(rockets roaring)

(intense rock music)

- [Sean] Did you see that?
- Whoa!

- [Sydney] That was pretty fun.

(Galacto laughing)

- Wow!

- Until me next challenge,
will I, the Great Galacto,

conquer the
impossible once again?

To the great unknown!


(kids cheering)

- How was the Galacto Show, Jet?

- Great!

- And even better out in space!

Thanks for taking us up here,
Mr. and Mrs. Propulsion.

- [Celery] You bet!

- He's the greatest space
explorer in the galaxy!

- [Both] Except your parents.

(both laughing)

- He takes on impossible
challenges all by himself

and always succeeds!

Totally brave and self-reliant!

- What's self-reliant?

- That means he doesn't
depend on anyone else

to solve his problems.

I wanna do the impossible, too!


Look at all that powder!

Mom, dad, head over there!

I can surf that comet
just like Galacto!

- (chuckles)
Aye-aye, Captain Jet!

- Come on, Sunspot!

You and me are gonna
be space heroes!

(Sunspot chittering)

(ship whooshing)

(intense music)

- [Celery] Be careful
out there, you two!

(Jet laughing)

- Look, Sunspot!

Just like the Great Galacto!

(Sunspot chittering)

(Jet laughing)


Are you getting all this for
the Great Galacto fan club?

- Affirmative, Jet!


- Dear Great Galacto...

♪ It's Jet propulsion,
your greatest fan ♪

♪ Writing to tell
you, if I can ♪

♪ How much of my
life goals are owed ♪

♪ To your Great Galacto
Space Hero Code ♪

♪ Bravery, toughness,
self-reliance ♪

♪ A student of the
laws of science

♪ Never afraid to
take that chance ♪

♪ And always ready
for a song and dance ♪

♪ Mentally and physically fit ♪

♪ A solo act and proud of it ♪

♪ Stronger, faster, healthier ♪

♪ To the great
unknown, excelsior ♪

♪ Yes, all I need
to show my best ♪

♪ Is find myself
a hero's quest ♪

♪ That gives me
something brave to do ♪

♪ And prove I can
be just like you ♪

♪ Mentally and physically fit ♪

♪ A solo act and proud of it ♪

♪ Stronger, faster, healthier ♪

♪ To the great unknown ♪

♪ Excelsior ♪

(all clapping and cheering)

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Now your turn!

(Sunspot squeaking)

(intense rock music)

It's cosmic sail time!

(intense rock music)

- Careful, Sunspot, not
too close to the crystals!

- But this is how
Galacto does it!

- Yeah!

- I can't look.

- Oh, no, too close!

(Sunspot squeaking)

- All right, you two,
enough shenanigans,

as the Earthies say.

Come on back inside.

- [Celery] Everybody okay?

- Are you all right?

(Sunspot chittering)

- Well, that was thrilling!

- A little too thrilling.

- He singed his tail
a little on the comet.

- Oh, no!

Did he get hurt?

(Sunspot chittering)

- He says he's fine.

Sorry, Sunspot.

I got a little carried away.

Next time, I'll try the
Galacto Challenge by myself.

Uh, Face?

Can you delete
everything after my song

before you send it to Galacto?

- Deleting last two minutes
of comet surfing escapade

and unfortunate tail-singing.

- I think that's enough Galacto
activity for one day, Jet.

- Your father's right.

Besides, we have to
get back to Earth

because you all have
Space Camp in the morning!

- [Sydney Sean And
Mindy] Yay, Space Camp!

- We've been waiting
all year for this!

- Right.

I wonder if there's anything
at Space Camp I could do

for a Great
Galacto-type challenge.

- Uh, not sure about that, Jet.

Besides, you'll have to keep
it to Earthie challenges.

- Yeah, don't get all cared
away with this Galacto stuff

and give away that
you're from Bortron 7.

- Ah, right, right,
secret identity.

Don't worry, I'll act like
a regular Earthie kid.

- Video re-edited.

- Great!

Face, will you
send my fan letter

to the Great Galacto Fan Club,
Bortron 7, Milky Way Galaxy?

- Certainly, Jet.


- [Both] Excelsior!

(mysterious music)

♪ Excelsior ♪

- Wow, excelsior indeed!

Okay, Bortron 7, that was
new fan, Jet Propulsion,

with his new song,
"Dear Great Galacto!"

And we also received
from Celerio,

his video of homemade
Galacto-shaped cookies.

Nom, nom, nom, they look
impossibly delicious.

And from Horizon, who
made her own Galacto suit!

Can we just hear it for Horizon?

Ready for action!

Way to show your
love, girlfriend.


Whoa, whoa, what am I seeing?


Looks like Jet
Propulsion's fan video

just moved to number one!

Bumping Stella Singularity
off her number one fan status!

Let's take a look
back at some of the

impossibly daring stunts
Stella has sent us.

(ship whooshing)

- Backside 1440 triple-cork.

I got this.

Aced it.

- Yeah, but none of these
compare to the latest from Jet!

What do we know about
our new number-one fan?

Jet Propulsion and
his intergalactic
travel writer parents

are currently living on a
eenie-weenie planet called Earth

in Boxwood Terrace!

Other than that, seems
like this Jet is a mystery.

Peace out, Bortron 7!

Better luck next time, Stella.

(crowd cheering)

(intense music)

(door whirring)

- [Ship] Greetings, Stella.

Where do you need to get to?

- Back to number one.

- I'm sorry, what?

- Number-one Galacto fan!

I need to find out who
this Jet Propulsion guy is.


To Boxwood Terrace,
Planet Earth!


(menacing music)

- Have fun on Bortron
7, mom and dad!

- Oh, I'm not sure "fun"
is the right description

for a space travel
writing seminar, but...

- You have fun at Space
Camp with your friends!

And remember, Face is in charge.

- Affirmative.

- [Carrot And Celery] Bye, Jet!

- [Face And Jet] Bye!

- Ready, Carrot?

To Bortron 7!

♪ Five, four, three, two, one ♪

♪ Doors are shut, engines on, ♪

♪ Everybody in their place ♪

♪ Let's go into outer space ♪

(tires squealing)

(Cody barking)

(Mitchell screaming)

(Jet grunting)

- [Jet] Backside!

Front side!

And triple-cork!

(Jet grunting)

(Sunspot chittering)

- Well, Jet, ready
for Space Camp?

- I guess so.

Come on, Sunspot.

- What's the matter?

- How am I gonna do anything
impressive at Space Camp

Without letting everyone
know I'm from Bortron 7?

I mean...


I don't remember being this
much taller than Sunspot.

I think I grew?

- You grew?

Let's test that
theory to be sure.

To the kitchen!

You have not grown at all.

- Huh.

Then is Sunspot getting shorter?

(hums thoughtfully) Let's see.

(Jet grunting)

(monitor beeping)

- Sunspot is 10%
smaller overall.

- What?


- Checking 1,987,000

And the most likely is

Sunspot had an allergic reaction

to the comet dust that
his tail brushed against

while you two were
surfing yesterday.

99% probability.

- What?
(Sunspot squeaking)

Oh, no!

What have I done?

I made you shrink!

- If my calculations
are correct,

he will continue to shrink

at a rate of 5% an
hour until he...

- He shrinks away to nothing?

(Face humming sadly)


There's gotta be a cure!

(Sunspot squeaking)

Face, tell me what the cure is!

- There is no known cure.

(Sunspot squeaking)

(monitor beeping)


There is a rare element
called Deshrinkulum

that will restore Sunspot
to his former size!

- Deshrinkulum?

- Correct.

Once you obtain it, you would
mix it with some simple H2O,

Earth water, into a potion
that Sunspot would drink.

- Oh. (chuckles)

Well, I bet dad has some
Deshrinkulum in the garage.

- No.

It can only be
found on Mascarpone,

fifth planet of the Double
Vanilla Binary Star System.

"Binary" means two stars
that orbit each other.

(Sunspot chittering)

- Call mom and dad!

(phone ringing)

- [Automated Voice] Your
call is important to us.

We are experiencing
connection delays to Bortron 7

due to solar flares.

You are caller number 8,922,000.

- Looks like we are on our own.

- Well, we'll have
to get some der-

Deshrinkulum ourselves!

- It's not possible, Jet!

- Don't say that!

We have to!

- Jet, Mascarpone is
way across our galaxy!

We've never been that far!

- So?

That doesn't mean we
can't go there, right?

- Well, this might be a problem.

There's a black hole
between the two stars

of the Double Vanilla system!

- And?

- A black hole, Jet!

A gravitational behemoth

that dramatically
twists space and time!

You can't get near one!

The gravity is so
strong that nothing,

not even light itself,
can escape from it!

- [Jet] Well...

Okay, so a black
hole, Mascarpone,

a Double Vanilla star system.

How far away is all this?

- (sighs) Let's review.

You are here, planet Earth.

Our solar system, Proxima
Centauri, the Milky Way galaxy,

52,000 light years of
interstellar space,

a black hole, the
Double Vanilla, and
finally, Mascarpone.

As I said before,
it is impossible!

- Impossible?

(Jet gasping)

The Great Galacto does the
impossible all the time.

I just need to treat this
like a Galacto challenge

because this is much, much
bigger than a Galacto challenge!

Failure is not an option!

Okay, what would Galacto do?

He'd take the risk!

And I'd take any
risk to save Sunspot!

I'll fly the family
saucer there!

- Wait, Jet!

The saucer is-
(door whirring)

- Huh?


I forgot.

- That's correct.

Your parents took the
family saucer to Bortron 7.

- Then I'll build a spaceship
that can go to Mascarpone!

- I'm in charge and
I cannot allow it.

- Fine.

You're in charge, but
we can't let Sunspot

shrink away to nothing, right?

- Correct.

- And we've got to do whatever
we can to save him, right?

- Correct.

But even if I allowed
it, how will we do it?

- Galacto traveled to a
dangerous far-off planet once,

and he took a spaceship with
Interstellar Super Hyperdrive.

That's what we need!

I can upgrade my
personal spaceship

if I build the Interstellar
Super Hyperdrive Engine

that Galacto invented!

(ship clattering)

(Sunspot chittering)

I've got the plans
in my Great Galacto

Inventions and Discoveries book!


See, Face?

This Interstellar
Super Hyperdrive Engine

has the power to get
to another star system!

- Okay, but Jet, what
about the black hole?

Swallowing up everything!

(Jet sighing)

- [Jet] You're right.

(somber music)

(Sunspot chittering)

(sighs) To save you from
shrinking away to nothing,

I'll do anything!

Even face a black hole!

- I wish I was programmed
to be so brave, Jet.

Alas, I am but a machine.

(doorbell ringing)

(Face gasping)

- (gasps) Oh, no!

Sean, and Sydney, and Mindy!

I forgot all about Space Camp!

- Why don't I answer
the door and tell them

that you can't come
because of your mission?

- No, Face!

We can't tell them
about my mission.

They love Sunspot too,
and they'd wanna come,

and I can't put them
in that kind of danger!

(doorbell ringing)

- Jet, hurry!

We'll be late for Space camp!

- Face, Sunspot, we can't
tell them what the plan is.

- But I'm programmed
to honestly reply

to any question asked me!

- All right, then you
two just stay inside!

I'll handle this!
(door whirring)

(door creaking)

- [All] Space camp, yay!

- Yeah, about Space Camp.

I've been thinking,
you know, Sydney,

how you're always telling
me I should try harder

to keep my secret
identity on the up-high?

- You mean the down-low?

- Exactly!

I think you're right.

I might get excited and do
something to throw my cover.

- Blow your cover.

- Yes, that!

You guys go on without me.

- [All] What?

- This is not like you, Jet.

What's going on?

- Uh, nothing!

Why would you think there
was something going on?

- Because you love space!

This is Space Camp!

- Jet, you've gotta come!

- Sorry, Mindy, uh,
I'll come, uh, later...

I'll come soon, later!

You guys go on without me!

(door clattering)

- Well, that was weird.

- Yeah.

What's up with Jet?

(birds chirping)
(footsteps tapping)

(sneaky music)

- 0900 hours.

Mitchell Peterson
leaving for Space Camp,

where I will observe
Jet Propulsion

and record more proof
that he is an alien.

(ship humming)

(Mitchell gasping)

(ship humming)

0905, just witnessed suspicious
alien spacecraft behavior

landing in the woods.

Investigating now.

Mitchell Peterson, signing off.

(Cody barking)

(footsteps tapping)

(menacing music)

(Stella inhaling deeply)

(keys beeping)

(ship warbling)

(mysterious music)

(Cody sniffing)

(Mitchell panting)

(footsteps tapping)

(both grunting)


Did you, uh, see
anything, you know,

strange up in the
sky or in the woods?

- Other than you?

(bush rustling)

(bush rustling)

(Cody sniffing)

(gasps) A space monster!

(twig snapping)

(Stella screaming)
(body thudding)

- It's just my pet dog.

- Oh.

- Why did you call
him a space monster?

- Yes, of course!

A monster of a dog, uh,
that takes up space?

(Stella laughing nervously)

- Who are you, anyway?

Where are you from?

- Me?

I'm from the planet Borth-



Uh, just like you.

- Weird.

That's exactly the kinda
thing an alien would say!

An alien that doesn't want
anyone to know it's an alien!

Like Jet Propulsion!

- Jet propulsion?

You know of him?

- I'm his next-door neighbor.

- Ah, I was just
going to visit him!

- Well, today we
have Space Camp.

He's probably there
with his friends.

- He has Earthie friends?

- Earthie?

- I mean, I'm expected
there too, at Space Camp.


Where is it, exactly?

- That way?


Dr. Chandra, Mitchell
Peterson reporting.

There are two of them now!
(dramatic music)

The alien invasion has begun!

(kids cheering)

- [Female Instructor]
Welcome to Space Camp!

(kids cheering)

- If you've ever dreamed
of exploring space..

- And discovering what's out
there in our vast universe...

- Yes!

- You've come to
the right place.

At Space Camp, you're
about to experience

what it's like to be an

(kids exclaiming in awe)

- Oh, yeah!

- Wherever you go in space,
teamwork is essential.

That's why you'll form
teams of four flight crews

to help you learn
to work as a team.

- Let's save a fourth
place on our team for Jet.

- After our morning
training sessions,

and a lunch of genuine
space shuttle food...

(kids exclaiming in awe)
- Oh, yeah!

- You'll get to
spend the afternoon

building your own spaceships!

(kids cheering)

- We get to do that ourselves?

- For that event, we have
a very special guest,

Dr. Bina Chandra, the astronomer
and expert on alien life

who will judge your spaceships
at the end of the day.

- Yes!

That's when I'll show her
my alien invasion report!

(Sean shushing)

- The flight crew with the
best-designed ship will win...

- [Both] Four of
these telescopes!

(kids exclaiming in awe)

- I must have that telescope!

- We could sure use
Jet's help with that.

- Now, please go ahead
and form your teams.

Then join us inside for
an instructional film

before we start our
first training session.

The gyroscope chair!
(kids cheering)

- Where's Jet?

- He's probably not coming.

- [Both] What?

- Why?

- Oh, I meant "what" ever.

Not like I care or
anything, just wondering.

- (scoffs) Yeah, or me.

I don't care or anything.

- He said he'll be here later.

- Hi, I'm Sydney.

And this is Mindy and Sean.

- I'm Stella.

Stella Singularity.

From Borth-

Borth, Borth, Earth,
Earth, I am from Earth.

- [Aurora] Hi.

We need two more
campers for our team.

- We already have our team,

but Mitchell and
Stella are free.

- Hi, I'm Aurora.

And this is Houston.

- 1010 hours, Mitchell
Peterson's report

to Dr. Chandra, continued.

Subject A, Jet Propulsion,

is clearly at his
home headquarters,

planning the alien invasion.

While his counterpart,
Stella Singularity,

whom I'll refer to as Subject B,

is pretending to
attend Space Camp.

Surely, she is an advanced
scout for Subject A.

I'll keep an eye on
her until Subject B,

I mean, Subject A arrives.

Signing out.

- Hey, Mitchell!
(Mitchell yelping)

Are you coming in, or what?

(door whirring)

- I'm gonna make sure
I'm number one at this.

Number one at what?

The contest isn't
until after lunch.

It doesn't really matter
who's the best at training.

- Houston, Aurora.

No point in doing anything
unless you are number one.

- I can think of
lots of reasons.

- Fun, for one.

And learning.

(Mindy slurping)

(Mindy sighing)

- Mom always says, "Don't
forget to hydrate!"

(Stella sighing)

Let's go, Team Jet!

- Team Jet?

- Yeah, 'cause
he's coming later.

- I don't know if
he's coming, Mindy.

Something's up with Jet today.

(Sunspot chittering)

- Don't worry, buddy,
I'm making progress.

We can get through
this, Sunspot.

I won't let you down!

Please hang in there.

♪ Remember when I
picked you out ♪

♪ From all the other
Sunspots in the litter? ♪

♪ We stayed up
late to watch TV ♪

♪ And you got mad and
bit the babysitter ♪

♪ Remember when I
skinned my knee ♪

♪ Spelunking on Caldina ♪

♪ You found that disinfectant
and taped it up for me ♪

♪ While I taught you how
to play the concertina ♪

(soft music)

♪ There's nothing that
I wouldn't do for you ♪

♪ And there's nothing that
you wouldn't do for me ♪

♪ We complete each other ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my brother ♪

♪ From another Sunspot mother ♪

♪ You're the best
pet a kid ever had ♪

♪ And I've got your back
through the good and the bad ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my brother ♪

♪ From another ♪

♪ Sunspot mother ♪

I'm gonna get that Deshrinkulum
and save you, Sunspot.

(Sunspot whimpering)
(Jet sniffling)

- This is a gyroscope chair.

You kids will each
try riding in it

and test your
ability to stay calm

during an extreme situation.

(gyroscope chair humming)

- Wow!

Just like a real space pilot!

I wanna ace this!

- The goal is to spin in the
chair for up to 10 seconds.

If at any time you
feel like it's too much

and you wanna stop...

- Just push this big red button.

- I can do this.

(gyroscope chair humming)

(Sean groaning)

(buzzer ringing)

(Sean groaning)

(Stella sighing)

- [Sydney] Atta boy, Sean.

- [Mindy] Oh, boy! (squeals)

(gyroscope chair humming)

(Mindy squealing)

- [Both] Go, Mindy!


(kids cheering)

(buzzer ringing)

- You almost made it to the end.

Someday, you could
be a great pilot.

- I think so, too.

- (scoffs) I'm
going to win this.

- Don't you mean "we?"

We're a team.

- Oh, yeah, sure thing.

(Stella yawning)
(seatbelt clicking)

(gyroscope chair humming)

- [Kid 1] Whoa!

- [Kid 2] Wow, how's
she doing that?

(gyroscope chair humming)

- A space hero always
keeps her cool.

To the great unknown, excelsior!

- Where did she say she's from?

- Planet Earth.

- Okay, now we're
going to practice

landing a spacecraft
in our simulator.

You'll take turns landing the
sim on a variety of surfaces.

Again, teamwork!

Help each other out.

(machine whirring)

- Okay.

(machine whirring)

- Okay, Sydney, looks like
there's a lot of boulders

to your right.

Move left a little.


- But not too far!

Move right!

- No!

Too far right, move left!

- You guys!

I can't go left and
right at the same time!

- Easy, not too fast!

Use your thrusters!

(buzzer ringing)

- Sorry.

I should have let
you drive, Mindy.

- Don't worry, teammate.

We'll get it next time.

(knuckles cracking)

- Prepare to be amazed!

(rock cracking)
(buzzer ringing)

- I drive next time.

- Actually, it's my turn next.

- And then mine.

- Welcome to the zero-G pool.

Your spacesuits underwater
will make you feel

like you're weightless,
just like in space.

- [Male Instructor] Your
team has to take a ball,

swim to the bottom, and
place it in this box.

Remember, work together.

- Team Mitchell, you're up!

(water splashing)

(intense music)

(Houston gasping)

- [Mitchell] Stella!

(intense music)

(container clattering)

(water bubbling)

What happened to teamwork?

- [Female Instructor]
Congratulations on completing

your astronaut training!

And great job in the
zero-gravity simulation tank.

After lunch, your
teams will return here

to build your dream
model spacecraft!

(kids cheering)

- It's time to apply
what you've learned.

Let your imaginations go wild!

(kids cheering)

Now let's all go to lunch.

- This is gonna be so great!

This is where we win
those telescopes.

- I'm gonna win that.

A nice souvenir.


- Excelsior?

That's what Jet says.


- It's lunchtime.

Didn't you say Jet was coming?

- Yeah!

I wonder what's keeping him.

- Why don't you call him?

- I'm too little to
have a phone, silly!

(suspenseful music)

- Here, use mine.

- Thanks, Mitchell!

(pensive music)

(Sunspot chittering)
(metal clanking)

- Nah, that's not right either.

(groans) I'm never gonna
find a Pernamble Regulator

in my stuff, Face!

Sunspot and I have
looked everywhere!

(Sunspot squeaking)

I don't have enough
parts to build this!

- Hi, Jet!
(Face and Jet gasping)

Mitchell let me use his phone.

- Mindy, I can't really
talk, I'm building a-

I mean, I'm building
nothing unusual!

Typical day in the garage!

- After lunch, we're
gonna build a spaceship,

and you're on our team.

- Whoa!

That almost looks like
a Pernamble Regulator!

- A Pernamble what?

- Uh, what's all that
stuff behind you, Mindy?

- Uh, some of the cool parts
we can use to build our ships.

- You can use any
of those parts?

- [Mindy] Well, sure.

Whatever we want.

Our imaginations are
supposed to go wild!

- Great!

Gotta go, Mindy!

See you very soon!


Change of plans, I'm
going to Space Camp!

- I'd better accompany you.

Now that Sunspot is smaller,
you're going to need my help.

(Jet humming thoughtfully)

- But how are we gonna
get you into Space Camp?

It's for Earthies,
not computers.


Jet Propulsion.

I'm here for Space Camp!

Sorry I'm late, some family
issues, right, uh, Mr. Face?

- Uh...

Oh, uh, yes, that
is correct, Jet.

I am technically in your
family and we have issues.

(Face laughing awkwardly)

- Okay.

(Sunspot grumbling)

- Oh, my!

Sorry about that.

I have a small
creature for a torso-

I mean I have, uh, human gas.

(Sunspot squeaking)
(Face laughing nervously)


Anyway, to Space Camp.

- Ah-ah-ah, hold it!

Space Camp is that way, sir.

- Oh, thanks.

Come on, Mr. Face!


(kids murmuring)

- [Aurora] Cool, space food!

(Houston slurping)

(Mindy munching)

(kids murmuring)

(sneaky music)

- All right, Face, Sunspot.
(Sunspot squeaking)

I have a good feeling we can
find what we need to build

the Galacto Interstellar
Super Hyperdrive Space Engine!

- Sunspot, right!

No, left!

(metal clanging)
(Face yelping)

(Jet grunting)

(Jet exclaiming in awe)

- (gasps) Face, Sunspot!

I found it!

- The Pernamble Regulator?

- Yes!

This is great!

(Sunspot squeaking)

We'll build my engine right
here where no one can see us!

Then, we'll take it home
and put it in my ship!


- Okay, Space Campers!

- [Male And Female Instructors]
Let's build some spaceships!

(kids cheering)

- Oh, no!

(kids cheering)

(funky music)

(suspenseful music)

(funky music)

(suspenseful music)

(Stella gasping)

(Stella sighing in relief)

- [Sean] Not a
bad-looking spaceship!

- [Sydney] I agree, Sean!

let's find something
for the dashboard

and steering controls.

- 1340 hours,
observing Subject B.

Clearly waiting for her
rendezvous with Subject A

to begin the alien invasion.

(feet stomping)

- There you are!

You're supposed
to be helping us.

- Yeah, you and Stella
"Has to be Number One"

are not pulling your weight.

- Oh, sorry.

I just-

I'm involved with
extremely important things.

- Can you do the
extremely important things

on your own time?

You're supposed to be
on a team, remember?

- (sighs) Okay.

How can I help?

- We need something that
looks like an engine.

- But we don't need an engine.

- It doesn't have to
work, just look like one.

It'll be impressive.

- (sighs) Okay, sure.

- Something real-looking!


- Sure, authentic.

(tools clattering)

- Jet!

I've got it!

- Hooray!

You found the flange!

(laughs) Good work, Mr. Face!

That goes for both of you.

- Thank you.
(Sunspot squealing)

(Sunspot chittering)
(Jet gasping)

- Sunspot!

You're really small!
(Sunspot squeaking)

I know, buddy.

I'm working as fast as I can.

(Jet grunting)


I think that's it!

- The engine is done!

- [Sydney Sean And Mindy] Jet!

- Oh, hi!
(Sunspot squeaking)

There you are!

- When did you get here?

- Uh, I just got here.

(Jet laughing awkwardly)

- What are you doing?
- Nothing!

Just building an
Earthie spacecraft.

- You were supposed
to build it with us!

We're a team!

- Team Jet!

- Yeah!

Uh, I'm looking
for engine parts.

- We don't really
need an engine.

- Uh, okay, so
nevermind an engine.

How about a rusted-

- Oh.

Perfect, looks just
like an engine.

(Mitchell grunting)

(Face whimpering)

- Well, come on!

Come see our ship!

- Uh, well...

(sighs) Okay.


The truth is-
- [Face] Jet!

The engine, the engine!

- What's Face doing here?

- Where is it?

- Mitchell took it!

- Oh, no!

Where's Mitchell?

- Building his spaceship!

This way!

(energetic music)

- Mitchell!

- (gasps) Jet Propulsion!

(energetic music)

- Hey, nice.

Looks like a real engine.

- That's more like it.


(metal clanging)

That should fit just right.

(monitor beeping)


Now we just need some space
snacks to stock the pantry.

(hood clattering)

- Come on, teammate!

(Mitchell groaning)

(footsteps tapping)

- Mitchell?
- What's going on, Jet?

- Mitchell took my
Interstellar Hyperdrive engine!

I've got to get it back!

- We'll help you!

What's it look like?

- It's sort of a
super-slick, you know,

Galacto-style engine with
a Pernamble Regulator.

- [Mindy] A Pernamble what?

(suspenseful music)

- [Sean] Mitchell?
(Stella gasping)

- [Sydney] Mitchell!
(Stella grunting)

- [Mindy] Mitchell!
- [Sydney] Mitchell!

- [Jet] Mitchell!
- [Mindy] Mitchell!

- Come on, let's check inside.

(suspenseful music)

- Oh, Stella!

Did you guys happen to borrow
Jet's engine for your ship?

- My ship? I didn't
have anything to do with

this sorry excuse for a ship.

It's all fake.

Look, these buttons, they
don't even do anything.

(buttons beeping)

(engine rumbling)

- What's going on?

- This ship's about to take off!

- Take off?
(Mindy and Sydney gasping)

- We've got to stop this!

- Stop what?

So they have a
few sound effects.

(timer beeping)

(ship whirring)

(rockets roaring)

- Jet!

Turn off the engine!

- Sunspot!

Time to go!

(Sunspot squeaking)
- Wait!

- [Jet] Excelsior!

- No, Sunspot!

- Hold on tight, little buddy.

- Jet!

I'm supposed to look after you!

- [Sean] Oh, no, Jet!

- [Sydney] He's outside!

- [Mindy] We gotta help him!

(timer beeping)

(ship whooshing)

(Face screaming)

(Mitchell yelping)

- What the heck was that?

(ship whooshing)

- Oh, dear.

Whatever will I tell
Carrot and Celery?

(rockets roaring)
(Jet grunting)

- Guys!

Open up!

- Give me your hand!

- [Mindy] Jump in!
- [Sydney] Hurry!

(Jet grunting)

- What's going on?

This spaceship is pretend!

It's not supposed to fly!

Oh, no, we're in space!

- Wow!

Go, Team Mitchell!

How'd you pull this off, Stella?

- I had nothing to do with it.

(air hissing)
(Sydney gasping)

- [Sydney] Oh, no!

We'd better seal any air holes.

Take this tape!

- And we'd better put
on these space suits!

(ship whooshing)

- Hey, how you doing
in there, little buddy?

(Sunspot squeaking)

You're right, I forgot.

I should call Face.

- Face 9,000, ready
to assist you.

Oh, Jet!

I'm so glad to see you!

I was extremely worried
when you left so suddenly!

- Sorry, Face.

But it's good you're
still on Earth,

'cause you can cover
for us while we're gone.

- But how can I cover for you?

Your whole Space Camp
team is on board the ship!

- Uh, just be creative!
(communicator beeping)

- Be creative?

- Hi.

I must have taken a wrong turn.

And you are?

- I, uh... (hums)

(Face stammering)

- I can't believe Team Mitchell

didn't put helmets on the ship.

- It was supposed to be pretend!

- Well, at least we'll
have breathable air.

- Could you help?

- No point in trying to patch up

this flimsy three-part
Bortronian meal carton

when I have a real ship.

Where is it?

- Did you say "Bortronian?"

- Where is it?

Where is it?

(Stella growling)

- I am, um, Mr. Face.

I am visiting at Space Camp
in some unofficial capacity,

which I must see to now.

- Huh.

Someone left their
can opener here.

(ship thudding)

(footsteps tapping)

(Stella growling)

(keys beeping)

(ship warbling)

- Oh, no.

It's gone!

- I heard what you said
about a Bortronian meal.

A hoagie, figanas, and...

- Exploding shake!

(Stella gasping)

- Only someone from Bortron 7

would know about
exploding shakes!

- [All] You're from Bortron 7!

- Wait.


Aren't you the
number-one Galacto fan?

- Could be.

I'd like you to turn around now.

My ship is back at Space Camp.

- (sighs) I have to keep going.

I have no choice.

Sunspot, you wanna come out?

(Sunspot squeaking)

(all gasping)

- Sunspot, you're so small!

- He had an allergic
reaction to that comet tail.

It's causing him to shrink.

- He's shrinking?

- Poor Sunspot!

I know what it's
like to be small.

(Sunspot squeaking)

- We've got to fix this.

- See, that's why I didn't come
to Space Camp with you guys.

I had to try and build an engine
so I could get to a planet

that has a super rare
element called Deshrinkulum

that will cure Sunspot!

- Why didn't you tell us?

- I already got
Sunspot in trouble.

I didn't wanna put
you in danger, too.

- Well, which planet?

Uranus, Neptune?

- It's a planet
called Mascarpone.

- What are you thinking?

Flying a pretend spaceship
to another star system?

(ship creaking)

(Sean groaning anxiously)

Oh, no.

- Certainly not in this
rinky-dink tin can.

- Well, I'm sorry, but
I have to save Sunspot!

(Sunspot squeaking)
So it looks like

we're all going to Mascarpone!

(Jet sighing)

Galacto has done the impossible.

- Impossible?


Say goodbye to being
number-one fan, Jet Propulsion.

Here I am, Stella Singularity,

taking on the most
impossible mission ever.

(ship whooshing)

- Mitchell, where are you going?

Our ship is this way.

- Oh.

- (gasps) What have you done?

- I didn't do that!

- Stella altered
our ship be her own.

- It is pretty slick.

Like a real authentic spaceship!

- But it was supposed
to be a team effort.

It's not right!

- Hello, hello?

Subject B?

I mean, Stella?

Are you in there?

- Come out!

We wanna talk to you!

- (sighs) She's not in there.

Let's go find her.

- I'll wait here in
case she comes back.

- [Stella] I have successfully
left the solar system.

I'm hurdling towards
the great unknown.

I'm in a homemade spacecraft
made at Earthie Space Camp.

What a great mission
I have undertaken.

- Wow!

Sunspot is getting really small!

- I'd better engage the
Interstellar Super Hyperdrive.

- Super Hyperdrive?

How do you know it's gonna work?

- Only one way to find out!

Get ready to go super fast!

- Hold on.

Let me close my eyes.

(Jet grunting)

(Sunspot groaning)

- Well, that worked great.

(Sunspot chittering)

- Oh, this one!

(ship whooshing)
(all screaming)

(Mindy groaning)
- [Sydney] Jet!

- What's wrong, guys?

The engine works!

(Sunspot chittering)


You're right, Sunspot.

Maybe this would be a
good time for a song.

(Sunspot chittering)

(Sunspot playing
"Funeral March")

- That is not gonna help.

- Do you have anything
more cheerful?

(funky music)

♪ A way down the
arm of our galaxy ♪

♪ If you ever should
get that far ♪

♪ There's a system
called Double Vanilla ♪

♪ A White Giant binary star ♪

♪ We were trying to
surf on a comet trail ♪

♪ But the thought of
that makes me wince ♪

♪ 'Cause that's when
Sunspot burned his tail ♪

♪ He's been shrinking
ever since ♪

♪ Now I'm thinking that
shrinking is bad news ♪

♪ 'Cause he never was
really that tall ♪

♪ We gotta go get
some Deshrinkulum ♪

♪ Or we won't have
a Sunspot at all ♪

♪ We're taking our
Super Hyperdrive ♪

♪ Out to Mascarpone,
planet five ♪

♪ We're taking that
hyperdrive so fast ♪

♪ We'll get there
before we arrive ♪

♪ We're taking our
super hyperdrive ♪

♪ Yeah, we're come
in for a power dive ♪

♪ Pushing that
hyperdrive so hard ♪

♪ Be lucky to get there alive ♪

♪ Putting the pedal down
to the metal, let's go ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ There's no need to wait,
let's accelerate, let's go ♪

♪ Yes, way down the
arm of our galaxy ♪

♪ The Double
Vanilla's our goal ♪

♪ It's got extra heavy gravity ♪

♪ Maybe even a
giant black hole ♪

(record scratching)

- Did you just say
"giant black hole?"

(all screaming)

- What's happening?

- What can we do?

- Just grab a seat!

Strap yourselves in!

I don't want anyone
getting hurt.

- Easy for you to say!

(Mindy screaming)
- [Jet] Look out!

- [Sean] Whoa!

(ship rattling)

(all whimpering)

- [Sydney] Jet!

- Face, the ship
is coming apart!

- Oh, dear.

It must be the extra-strong
gravity from the black hole!

No one has ever
escaped a black hole!

(sighs) How will I explain
this to your parents?

(all screaming)

- We're being pulled
into a black hole,

and they're all screaming,
but I, Stella Singularity,

will save everyone.

(pedal thumping)

I need more power
outta my engine!

- Your engine?

- It's my team's ship,
so it's my engine!

- Face, we need our backup
power, but it's not working!

- There is a reset
switch in the engine.

- Okay, I got this!

(Jet grunting)

I can't reach it!

- I can fit!

'Cause I'm little.

(alarm blaring)

(Mindy grunting)

(ship humming)

Good to go!

(ship humming)

(all screaming)
(Mindy laughing)

- You did it, Mindy!

(all cheering)
- Yeah!

- [Face] Well done!

- Without a second to spare,

I successfully reset
the backup switch,

re-powered the engine,

and piloted my ship
out of a black hole!

- Now, look for a
blue-and-white-striped planet.

- Look, there it is!


(birds chirping)

(ship humming)
(Mitchell gasping)

- What?

(door whirring)


- [Ship] Greetings, Stella.

Where do you need to get to?

- Who's that?

- Your spacecraft,
at your service.

- This is it!

Proof of alien technology!


- [Jet] We're here!

(kids exclaiming in awe)

- Wow.

I'm actually glad I
came along to see this.

- [Mindy] It's so pretty!

- I've seen prettier.

(ship whooshing)

- I can feel
gravity coming back.

We must be entering the
planet's atmosphere.

(ship whooshing)


- [Mindy] Whoa!

- Where are we supposed to
find this Deshrinkulum, anyway?

- Face?

Any ideas?

- The Deshrinkulum should
be found underground

in the planet's caves,

in sedimentary layers below
the surface of the planet.

- Couldn't it also be in a layer

down at the bottom
of a deep canyon?

- Like the one
we're approaching?

- What's "sedimentary" mean?

- Guys, I can't
hear myself think!

- This is why Galacto takes
on the impossible by himself.

- Hey, my friends
just wanna help!

They can't help it if they're-

- Not helpful?

(ship whooshing)
(all screaming)

- Hey, guys, can I land?

- No, you're too little.

- [Mindy] Whoa,
oh, no, look out!

(ship crashing)
(all screaming)

(all sighing)

Next time, I get to drive.

(Sunspot chittering)

- Jet, how can we go out there?

We don't have helmets!

(communicator beeping)
- [Face] Jet!

I was finally able to research
the planet's atmosphere.

It's a pleasant mix of
nitrogen and oxygen,

and quite breathable.

- Great, we can come with you.

(Sean chuckling nervously)

- Affirmative!

- (gasps) Oh, no!

We don't have any H2O!

- H2O?

- Earthies call it water.

- The stuff that
oceans are made of.

- Oh.

- We need it to mix with the
Deshrinkulum for it to work!

- Here!

Mom always says, "Don't
forget to hydrate."

- Oh, Mindy!

Thank goodness!

(door whirring)

I think it would be safer if
you guys wait with the ship.

- Think we're gonna
let you wander

some strange planet alone?

No, we're coming with you, Jet.

- When did you get brave?

- I think it's just better
if we stick together.

(Jet gasping)

- [Jet] A ship!

- [Stella] (gasps) It's...

The Great Galacto!

- What's he doing here?

(suspenseful music)

- [Jet] Stella, wait up!

(suspenseful music)

- [Sydney] Wow!

Look at the size of this thing!

(wind howling)

- (growls) I can't see a thing!

- We brought flashlights.

- (laughs) Good thinking!



- Great Galacto?

(mysterious music)

(Jet grunting)
(door whirring)

- Whoa.

- [Sydney] If he was
here, he's not here now.

(suspenseful music)

- [Jet] Hey!

This looks like the ship's log!

- Oh, my gosh!

I found the Great
Galacto's ship log!

I can't believe
how cool this is!

- [Mindy] What's it say?

- "I fear I'm done.

No time to wait.

I only hope I'm not too late.

I'll search the caves
before I'm doomed

and hope that help
comes to me soon?"

Ugh, his writing gets so
little, I can't read the rest.

- Let me try to read
it, 'cause I'm little.

(Stella harrumphing)
(Mindy gasping)

- Wow, you really don't
understand teamwork.

- Who needs it?

- Sunspot does.

We all need to work together
to find the Deshrinkulum.

- That's your business.

I'm gonna save Galacto

and I'll be Galacto's
number-one fan forever.

I'm just gonna borrow
this forever, thank you.

- Hey!

- Come on, Stella!

(suspenseful music)

- I'm about to enter these
extremely dangerous caves,

but I'll take the
risk to save Galacto.

Meanwhile, Jet's too wrapped up

trying to save some silly pet.

Some number-one fan he is.

Using my exceptional
tracking skills,

I determined that Galacto
went into this cave.


- They said the Deshrinkulum
could be down in these caves.

- [Sean] But which one?

- [Mindy] It looks
like this one.

This is the right cave.

It looks the oldest.

- [Sydney] How do you
know which is oldest?

- [Sean] Why's the
oldest is the right one?

- Guys, hold on!

- Let's just pick one!

- I bet it's this one!

It looks like it
goes the deepest.

- It looks the scariest!

- [Mindy] No, this
one is scarier.

- Let's just try this cave.

- (growls) Guys, stop!

You're not helping!

I gotta just do this.

To the great unknown.


- Jet!

- [Sydney] Jet!

- [Mindy] Wait!

- We're never gonna
find him in here.

Maybe we should just
go back to the ship.

- He's our friend.

We gotta help him.

- Come on!

(Sean sighing)

- Wait for me!

(dramatic music)

(mysterious music)

(Sunspot whining)

- It's okay, buddy.

I'll find it.

(Sunspot squeaking)

Well, look on the bright side.

You're easier to carry.

(Sunspot squeaking)

Yeah, I know.

It's not very funny.

I'm sorry.

Whoa, that's pretty high.

You'd better ride in
here now, Sunspot.


(Jet screaming)

(Jet grunting)
(body thudding)

How you doing, Sunspot?

(Jet gulping)







(bottle clattering)
(water splashing)

(Jet gasping)

Oh, no!

(Jet sobbing)

Oh, Sunspot!

- [Sean] Jet!

Jet, where are you?
- [Sydney] Where are you?

- [All] Jet!

- Oh my gosh, we found you!

- [Sydney] We want to help you!

- You can't help.

I've messed everything up.

I'm no hero.

I'm just lost down here.

And now I've gotten
you lost, too!

(sighs) And I've
lost my best friend.

- (gasps) Sunspot's lost?

- Oh, no, Jet!

This is terrible!

We'll help you find him.

- It's impossible.

He's gone.

(lid rattling)

- [Sean] Look, Jet!

- Huh?

(lid rattling)

(all sighing in relief)
(Sunspot chattering)

Thank goodness!

You really scared
me there, buddy!

Thank you, Sean.

I'm sorry, Sunspot.

I let you down.

I'm no Galacto.

I've done everything I
can to try and save you.

- Except one thing.

Ask us for help.

- I guess I was sure
I'd have a better chance

of saving Sunspot on my own.

Like the great Galacto.

- Well, that's fine for Galacto,
but we're in this together.

- Yeah, we're your friends.

- You think there's a chance?

I spilled all the water!

(Sean humming thoughtfully)

- Well, we'll figure it out.

Come on, let's find
the Deshrinkulum first.

- Together!

(Jet humming happily)

None of us can climb up there!

- Wait.

We just did this at Space Camp!

We'll build an Earthie
and Bortronian stairway!

(all grunting)

- We did it!

♪ When you're way down in a
cave without a ray of light ♪

♪ Or black holes come
from nowhere to suck
you out of sight ♪

♪ Don't try and fix
it by yourself ♪

♪ You'll only flail about ♪

♪ You need to ask your friend
to come and help you out ♪

♪ It takes a team ♪

♪ It takes a team ♪

♪ Just pick a number
more than one ♪

♪ You need a crew to make
your dream come true ♪

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

♪ Takes more than one ♪

♪ To make a spaceship run ♪

♪ Takes more than one ♪

♪ To find Deshrinkulum ♪

♪ Your team will
see you through ♪

♪ Yes, only a team will do ♪

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

♪ When Sunspot
started shrinking ♪

♪ And I started on my quest ♪

♪ I thought Galacto's thinking
was the way to think it best ♪

♪ I was going alone
to Mascarpone ♪

♪ But then I realized ♪

♪ Doing a quest with
friends is best ♪

♪ When Sunspot's pocket-sized ♪

♪ It takes a team,
it takes a team ♪

♪ It takes a team,
it takes a team ♪

♪ One for all and all for one ♪

♪ It takes a squad ♪
A mighty squad!

- That's not so odd!

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

♪ It takes a team
to reign supreme ♪

♪ To finish up what you begun ♪

♪ Your team will
see you through ♪

♪ Yes, only a team will do ♪

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

♪ It takes a team ♪

♪ To get it done ♪

(all gasping)

- The Great Galacto?

- Aye, himself.

- [Jet] How?

- I followed me ears, and over
unsounded crags and peaks,

through the hearts of
mountains, I have found you.

Such splendid music!

Compliments to you!

- Galacto, I'm Jet Propulsion.

I'm a huge fan!

It's so great to meet you!

(comical music)

You look a lot taller
in your videos.

- Normally, I am.

Ugh, there was I, wasn't I?

Surfing the white,
wondrous tail of a comet!

And so while I was
caught in the swift,

I had meself an uncommon
allergic reaction,

for I've been
shrinking ever since.

- The same thing happened
to my pal, Sunspot!

- I should tell you wee kiddies

not to try me escapades at home.

Apologies to you both.

(Sunspot squeaking)

I was in such a mad state to
find the Deshrinkulum cure,

I left without me trusty crew.

By the time I touched down,

I was far too small to man
the helm of my own ship.

Hence me shameful parking job.

- Your crew?

I thought you
always voyage alone!

- [Sydney] Yeah!
(Galacto laughing)

- None of me big,
bold adventures

would be possible
without me crew.

Behind the scenes,
helping me run the ship,

make me videos,
doing me promotion!

(laughs) It does take a team!

Isn't it just like that
song you were singing now?

Just like.

And here we are, matey,
devastatingly small.

(Sunspot chittering)

- Well, at least things
couldn't get any worse.

- [Stella] Space monster!


(monster growling)
(all screaming)

- Run in different directions!

- Wait!

We should form a squad!

It'll make us appear bigger!

- Yeah!

Everyone, link arms!

(monster growling)
(feet stomping)

- Nobody move!

Hold your ground!

(Monster grumbling)

(Sean yelping)

(monster sniffing)

- Please don't eat me!

(monster slurping)
(Sean groaning)

(feet stomping)
(kids whimpering)

(monster sniffing)

(monster whining)

- Huh?

- Guys, I think it
might be friendly.

- Great!

We're glad you're friendly.

We're friendly, too!

(monster whining)

You know where the
Deshrinkulum is?

(monster chittering)

- I think he does!

- We're gonna follow
a space monster?

- Why not?

(comical music)

(feet stomping)

- [Jet] Wow!

- [Sydney] Look!

(kids exclaiming in awe)

- Is...
- That...

- Deshrinkulum!

The stuff we need
to stop shrinking!

- [Stella] Uh, hello?

You guys?

- Huh?

- I think I'm ready
to work as a team.

- We'll get you, Stella!

Hang on!

(all grunting)

- Okay, we gotta rescue Stella
and get the Deshrinkulum!

And what's it gonna take?

♪ It takes a team ♪

♪ It takes a team ♪

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

- Stella, take my hand!

(Stella straining)

Almost there.


(kids cheering)

- Thanks, Jet.

Sorry I tried to take
over your mission.

- Oh, don't worry about it.

I'm glad you're here.

To help, right?

- Yeah.

- Careful not to move too much.

It's like these
filaments are alive.

- Yeah.

Every little move
turns into a big one!

(all screaming)

- [Galacto] Easy, Jet!

- [Sydney] Slow down!

- [Mindy] Jet!

Can you reach it?

- Not (grunts) quite!

Still got something
up my sleeve!

(Sunspot chittering)

- The Great Galacto?

- Aye, himself.

- You look so much
bigger in your videos.

- Excelsior!

(Galacto grunting)
(kids screaming)

- Apologies.


(Galacto grunting)
- Come on!

- You got this, Galacto!

(Galacto straining)

(Sunspot squeaking)

(all cheering loudly)

(Sean shushing)

(all cheering quietly)

- Now to find a planet with H2O,

mix it with the Deshrinkulum,

and swill the glug down!

- Wait, you didn't
bring any water?

- Uh, I was in a mad rush
and I forgot to bring it.

- Earth!

Our planet has lots of water!

- Earth's surface
is mostly water!

- And it's closer
than Bortron 7!

- There's not a moment to lose!

I love to say that.


(Sean yelping)
(monster thudding)

(Mindy laughing)

(Sean yelping)

- [Mitchell] 1600 hours!

Mitchell Peterson
reporting to Dr. Chandra.

Here it is!

Absolute proof of
alien technology,

belonging to Subject B.

Stella is a visitor
from outer space!

- [Ship] Affirmative.

- Dr. Chandra!

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

♪ It takes a team ♪

♪ To reign supreme ♪

♪ To finish up what you begun ♪

♪ Your team will
see you through ♪

♪ Yes, only a team will do ♪

♪ It takes a team
to get it done ♪

- All aboard me ship!

- What about our ship?

(feet stomping)

(kids cheering)

Thanks, monster.
(ship clattering)

(keys beeping)
(ship whirring)

(monster panting)

- Thank you!

- All righty.

Who can pilot me ship?

- [Sydney And Stella] I can!

(Sydney and Stella laughing)

- I'm gonna miss you, monster.

- I have a better idea.

- Pilot Mindy
reporting for duty!

- Aye, wee captain!

Chart a swift course
for Planet Earth!

Third planet from Sol,
the yellow dwarf star.


(whistle blowing)

(rockets roaring)

(ship humming)
(dramatic music)

(ship whooshing)

(upbeat music)

♪ Stronger, faster, healthier ♪

♪ To the great unknown ♪

♪ Excelsior ♪
(Carrot gasping)

- My gosh, hon, look!

It's our Jet!

- Excelsior!

That was number-one Galacto
fan, Jet Propulsion,

with his hit song,
"Dear Great Galacto!"

- Ooh, I always said
he was talented!

- Oh, it must come from
your side of the family.

- Oh, don't be so modest.

(Carrot laughing)

- Can't wait to tell Jet
he's a big star on Bortron 7

when he gets home
from Space Camp.

- Wait 'til Dr.
Chandra sees this!

(water splashing)
(Mitchell yelping)

(water splashing)

(Mitchell gasping)

Not possible!
(phone zapping)

(ship humming)

- Smooth landing, Mindy.

- Step lively, mateys!

Bring on the tonic!

- I'm on it!

(water splashing)

(air hissing)

(Stella shuddering)

(Stella panting)
(footsteps tapping)

- Where'd you get the water?

- The no-gravity
simulator training tank.

- Ew!

We swam in there!

(all gagging)

- Any port in a storm.

(water splashing)

(Galacto gulping)

(Galacto burping)

(water splashing)

(Sunspot gulping)

(suspenseful music)

(triumphant music)
(Galacto laughing)

(all cheering)

- Sunspot!
(Sunspot chittering)

(Galacto laughing)

(Jet singing happily)
(Sunspot chittering)

- Guys, I couldn't have
saved Sunspot without you.

Or you, Stella.

Thank you.

And you, Great Galacto!

- Proud to be on your crew, Jet.

(Jet laughing)

- [Mitchell] I've
got it, I've got it!

Proof, Dr. Chandra!

Undeniable proof that
aliens are among us!

Come on, come on!

- Oh!

- Whoa!

(keys beeping)

(Stella sighing in relief)

(ship humming)

- To the great unknown!

(whistle blowing)

(ship humming)

(ship clattering)

(ship humming)

- [Both] Bye, Galacto!

(ship whooshing)

(Mitchell and Dr.
Chandra panting)

(ship whooshing)

- [Dr. Chandra]
Oh, okay! (laughs)

I'm following, yes.


- Look!


The spaceship is gone!

- Mitchell, it's
right in front of you.

(Mitchell groaning)

I'm very sorry, Mitchell,

but there's simply no
evidence of any aliens

or alien spacecraft here.

Just kids' imaginations.

- Cheer up, Mitchell, come on.

There's still time to finish
the Team Mitchell Spaceship.

- There you are, Stella!

- Huh.

You put our ship
back the way it was!

That's more like it.

- Why?

- [Female Instructor] Well,
Dr. Chandra, time is up.

Which team's spacecraft
is your favorite?

- Well, while I think
all the team's designs

are impressive, no doubt,

I have to choose

Team Mitchell's design.

For authenticity.

(Team Mitchell cheering)

Its surface even seems to
be realistically stressed!

Like it's been super-heated

and seen billions of
miles of space travel!

- Actually, it has-

(Jet mumbling)

- And, I mean, they even
added space monster slime!

Nice touch. (clears throat)

- Wait, does this mean I win-

I mean, we win the telescopes?

- You do, indeed!

(Team Mitchell cheering)

- Nice working with
you, Aurora and Houston.

- [Mindy] Yes, Team Mitchell!


(triumphant music)

(all laughing)

(Sunspot chittering)

(all laughing)

- [Celery] Oh, Sunspot!

(all laughing)

Now, anybody want more figanas?

- It's getting late.

I better be getting
back to Bortron 7.

- [All] Aww, really?

- Yeah, I told my parents
that I'd be home for dinner.

(all groaning in disappointment)

You know what?

Here you go, Sean.

Good job today.
(Sean laughing)

(keys beeping)
(ship warbling)

- [Jet] Stella?

I just wanna say,

I hope you get to be
number-one Galacto fan again

back on Bortron 7.

- You know, it somehow doesn't
matter to me so much now.

You can keep the title.

- Nah.

I'm happier being just Jet.

Best friend of Sunspot.

(Sunspot chittering)

(Sunspot purring)

- See you around,
Jet Propulsion.

(all saying goodbyes)
(Stella sighing)


(ship whooshing)

- Huh?

(Mitchell grunting)

(Mitchel growling)

Dr. Chandra!

(crowd clapping)

- Okay, okay, okay!

Here's the latest fan
video by our old friend,

Stella Singularity!

"Jet Propulsion,
Our Space Hero!"

♪ Jet propulsion,
our space hero ♪

♪ Saved the Great Galacto
from shrinking down to zero ♪

♪ Jet propulsion,
gotta tip your hat ♪

♪ He's the dude of
the hour, roger that ♪

♪ He's cool, calm, and clever ♪

♪ He's handy in a pinch ♪

♪ Jet's no fool,
he keeps his cool ♪

♪ It's a cinch,
he won't flinch ♪

♪ He doesn't need to be brave ♪

♪ Doesn't have to be tough ♪

♪ 'Cause being Jet
is being great ♪

♪ And Jet is great enough ♪

♪ Oh, Jet Propulsion,
our space hero ♪

♪ Saved the Great Galacto
from shrinking down to zero ♪

♪ Jet propulsion,
gotta tip your hat ♪

♪ He's the dude of
the hour, roger that ♪

♪ Jet is number one now ♪

♪ And once you realize ♪

♪ His super power
is friendship ♪

♪ It's no big surprise ♪

♪ That Jet Propulsion
is our space hero ♪

♪ Saved his best friend Sunspot
from shrinking down to zero ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion,
gotta tip your hat ♪

♪ He's the dude of
the hour, roger that ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion, he
is our space hero ♪

♪ Saved the Great Galacto
from shrinking down to zero ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion,
gotta tip your hat ♪

♪ He's the dude of
the hour, roger that ♪

♪ He's the dude of
the hour, roger that ♪

(all cheering and clapping)

(funky music)

♪ We're taking our
Super Hyperdrive ♪

♪ Out to Mascarpone,
planet five ♪

♪ We're taking that
hyperdrive so fast ♪

♪ We'll get there
before we arrive ♪

♪ We're taking our
Super Hyperdrive ♪

♪ Yeah, we're coming
in for a power dive ♪

♪ Pushing that
hyperdrive so hard ♪

♪ Be lucky to get there alive ♪

♪ Putting the pedal down
to the metal, let's go ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ There's no need to
wait, let's accelerate ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ It's Jet Propulsion,
your greatest fan ♪

♪ Writing to tell
you, if I can ♪

♪ How much of my
life goals are owed ♪

♪ To your great Galacto
Space Hero Code ♪

♪ Bravery, toughness,
self-reliance ♪

♪ A student of the
laws of science ♪

♪ Never afraid to
take that chance ♪

♪ And always ready
for a song and dance ♪

♪ Mentally and physically fit ♪

♪ A solo act and proud of it ♪

♪ Stronger, faster, healthier ♪

♪ To the great unknown ♪

♪ Excelsior ♪

♪ Ready, Jet, go ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion,
that's his name ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion,
he'll rocket to fame ♪

♪ When he arrived,
he created a buzz ♪

♪ 'Cause there was no
house, and then there was ♪

♪ He said, "People of Earth,
you ain't seen nothing yet ♪

♪ I'm from Bortron 7
and my name is Jet" ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion,
that's his name ♪

♪ He looks like us,
but he isn't the same ♪

♪ I'm a space-tripper
and a galaxy-crosser ♪

♪ My parents brought me
here in a flying saucer ♪

♪ And just to prove
it was a fact ♪

♪ He flew them out
to space and back ♪

♪ With Jet Propulsion ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion ♪

♪ Ready, Jet, go ♪

♪ He showed up and
now it's a blast ♪

♪ Looks like the future
really got here fast ♪

♪ Nice to meet you, human race ♪

♪ Tell me all about the place ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion ♪

♪ Jet Propulsion ♪

♪ Ready, Jet, go ♪

Ready Jet Go! Space Camp (2023) Movie Script (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Views: 6281

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.