The Olney Daily Mail from Olney, Illinois (2024)

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The Olney Daily Maili

Olney, Illinois

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i iim-riv sfvw rh-Q a 3t J( Vf3 KS- -5-we I I- Illinois kondai aiaU r3 st-fx i i hold lhetr regular monthly non ioilal Tuesday evening at 7 45 In the church basem*nt wssssm Tonight and Tomorrow JUNE and 6 WttlUHIHHtH Koertge-Jenntnga Judge W'ltcher late Saturday evening married Joe Koerlge 18 and Jella Jennings 18 i li ii and TUESDAY II II II 13 5- Guild The Methodist Episcopal Guild will be entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs Knlpe WM FOX presents Hi Gigantic Spectacle and Story of the Greatest Love Elsie Ferguson 1 9 Huiptlxe pert Little Clirl The primary tea her of thi Avangclhal chunk with scholars and friends gave Naomi Zimmerly a pleauant surprise last Wtdne day aftermnin the occasion being ner blithday The aftef noon win spent In playing manv games after which dainty refresh oicnta were served Those ptei i nt woie Annu Bell Bister Yvonna Blatter Johnsie Flock Wendell Snively Chester Mlnkle-( Robert Snivel Robert VonAlmen Vein Engleoow Hattie Ray slu*t 'hr Jimmie Wilson Paul Nudlng Robert Gould Carol Oould Maty Jano Blatter Lucy Bert Tlppltt Well a Thomas Anna Von At men Olevene Thomas Kuscr Jimmie Arnisle Kathryn William lid Dclwll Is In the city today Prank Chaney spent Sunday In Flora Miss Emsor Is visiting friends in Olnev hn Hill of Ilundas was In the city today Luthmer was In the city over Sunday Frank Wooden of Bonpas la In Olney today McWilliams is here visiting his relatives Charles Pitser of Calhoun was here Saturday It MR heli was home to 'spend Sunday I pearl Shafer of Claremont was The Love Romance of the Most Beautiful Woman the World Has Ever Known Story by VIRGINIA TRcy Declared by critic during run in New York most impressive spectacle drama ever screened With BETTY BLYTHE tallAT VOU WILL The most beautiful woman In the world will appear at this theatre next week of a grea Wolllam Fox uptr-picductlon Charlott raaa pnd great battle scenes arp pans of Ihe great love spectacle Uneeu of Sheba See the most beautiful woman over known make love to the wisest man In history Five thousand persons three hundred horses droves of camels gigantic scenes In of Wonderful with gorgeous costumes daring Hip Dodrome racing acros of handsome and elaborate seta In of greatest of William Fox super-special production ri ii ri ii tl 13 13 EJ bhe alignud away flte years uf her life In return for fame on he stage And before her time was up went tumbling Into ovo! What Avoid "tuodo" tale of theatre life with this beautiful ar In the gayest moat enjoyable tolo of her wholuta-leer Mat Time "Mix IVigiuW lx-xt win It in the1 peat Iglitifn months Il'h A PARAMOUNT ALSO An International A Itot-il two part Heim ett Paramount Cnmeily Through all the KSl niHn'h loved only the woman hf Just Finished Playing Uc Jjjtrgtt DONT MISS THIS SPECTACLE PRODUCTION ever for hue of the xxnman the love of the man i 7 0 PKIt EH tea 20 Kllgare Let ridge Nudlng Edna I here Satuiday SehnePbr Marie Kaser: Mlsxj George llockman of Noble is In Tlllle Bpeichor Mrs Ben Nudlng the city today I Mike Flock of McsBurg waa In Tri -county Olney Saturday The Trl-county Institute of the Henry Kalb of Newton waa In was held In Clay City Olney Saturday at an all day and evening meeting Robot Barnett was in Wash-Mis Llsde Pltzer of Calhoun ington Sunday vli president presided Clyde Fleming of Noble waa in Those from Olney were Miss Olney Saturday Lura Ralston Mrs Nancy Martin Gordon Flanders of oNble spent SPECIAL MUSIC ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT ONE ty I IiSKsI) Vau il lluwley In Knee Value" pw fr r-m oBcnsa Essssssssssa Matinee Tuesday at 2:30 Door Open Piicture at 8:00 1 Matinee and Night 10 and 40c LUTZ Mrs Rose Johnson Mrs Hu Ida Rlrhardson ancj Master Ed ward Richardson The Clay City Union served dinner and supper at the church A very pleasant and profitable meeting Plumbing Heating sheet metal and repair work Phone 207 312 east Main street 22Ctt Al)Y FOR SVVIMM1N? omplete new stock of all wool It suits no' carry overs In all new colors gioen brown and to heuthers and late color com-lions Men's Ttfo Guard is ft-d of the Hi Intel ltuhher Caps Winchester ILiriluaia tHore Sunday in Olney Mrs Richards friends in Cairo Charles Van Cleve was a Noble visitor yesterday Oscar Forney was In Bonpas Saturday Guy Klmpllng of Bone Gap was in town Saturday Gray of Passport was in QARD i 4 1 4 Sj 1 -J -e j4 Pure Drugs at of Togo tiurthcr kliipinrlit fcs In nt Horrull's Judge Kern Under Knife Carmi Tribune-Times: Fre quent attacks of appendicitis con- city Saturday vlnced Judge Julius Kern oi Cyclone Anderson of Noble was this city that he should have an )n Olney Saturday operation and get relief or more John Wilson Is home from Uni serious consequences might re- versify of Illinois suit Consequently on last Satur- Walter Maas of Flora day Dr Frank Sibley per- Sunday In the city formed the operation at the home Max Hill spent 8unday with of Judge Kern friends In this city The condition of the patient Is Rev Hull of Bone Gap an most favorable and he la on the Olney visitor today road to a speedy recovery MacDonald of Noble here this afternoon Postpone Meeting Charles Kleth of Flora spent Tho regular monthly meeting yesterday In the city ofthe Official Hoard of the Moth- Ren Alvord Is home from the PHONOGRAPH OWNERS -Will call and Oil your machine Free of charge regardless of make We also do all kinds of Repair Work Only i Exclusive Music BOWLBY Call at My Expense luat School of Ksperl-Davenport Iowa and Auction School ROUTE 8 OGNEV ILL fhon? Olney 9400 Falconer John Lane circuit clerk of Posey county Ind la here visiting relatives i Klnneth Pittman and Law-tence Blotter of Flora were In Olney 8unday Mrs" Levi Fulk and children are visiting Fulk's sifter Mrs Michels Miss Virginia Shy Is home from Llndenwood College at St Louis for the vacation Mrs Cummins and son Joe went to Casey to the funeral of Mrs father Rev Rutherford of Waukegan hag returned home after a visit here with relatives Harry Balmer and Dr Solon Eagleson went to the Embarras for a short camping trip Mrs Wm Taylor of St Louis Is In the city visiting her parents Mr and Mrrs Laughton 'Washington Democrat: Mr and Mrs' Peter Heyt are the guests of JoBppk Stever of Claremont i JVlr and Mrs John Seller and daughter Monica of German were shopping here Saturday Wm Isley states attorney of Xoaper county transacted business -In the court house -today Mr and' Mrs J- 8 Klbler and son garter loft for California wbefp they w)ll stay for the vaca- To the Public: I wish to state tliat 1 have re signed as the manager of tjie Olney Baseball team and In order that the fans tnay know the facts will give my reason Yesterday Olney played Flora at Flora I discovered that Flora was placing their bases loose contrary to the rules knd In such a manner when Olney was at that the Olney players had to travel several feet further In making tho bases than they should I reported the fact and had the bases placed In their proper position As manager I was outcoaching the team along the baselines and in a position whera I could see and direct them better than from the bench Because of thb fact that I bad no uniform the Umpire ordered me ofT the field I protested that since they were not following the rule book strictly In the manner of placing their base and they hold Olney to a strict observance of the rules As their manager I ordered thn Olney players ofT the field and they refused to follow my orders and I resigned 1 want the fans to know that I am still a booster and supporter of the Olney Base ball Team and always will be Very truly i Guy Peaco*ck odist church has been postponed University of Illinois to one week from tonight on ac-1 Cole Rexroat of Claremont was count of the absence of the pastor In the city Saturday Addison King of Denver town Laurornce Smith CAM Farren Waggoner For Painting Paper-hanging Missionary Society TJie Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the church will meet tomorrow afternoon June 8 at 2 30 In the Ladies' parlor All neW members and visitors cordlallv Invited i i tj At tiie II I'burrh The Christian Endeavors specialty end Intel lor Decorating Hardwood finishing i All Work First Class tion Mis Edna Bartlett has retarded to her home In Peoria after visiting bfr daughter Mrs Stevens Mrs spending Lawrencevllle Records rl Hormjr of Olney la Satisfies the sweet tooth and aids appetite and digestion Cleanses mouth and teeth A great boon to smokery relieving hot dry mouth Combines pleasure and benefit miss the joy of the new P-K-the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! 1C I1 If pi -1 3 5 ii S' bl i --I 'll Kirks Soap Flake White 6 bars for 25c Grocery Phone 94 SCREENS and SCRFEN DOOR9 Jolly Wlrland A Richardson Co SANITARY DAIRY Only Dairy In county with Steem Equipment plant for sterellzing all bottles and vessels All cattle regularly tested for tuberculosis 13etf couple of weeks wltlt Mjrs John Derr of Plnkstaff Prof Lee Tlpplt of Dundas will go tA Normal this week to take- a summer course at the Norma) University Mrand Mrs A Freeman have returned from Henderson Ky where they 'Vent for a short visit with relatives Miss Ada Gaddy primary eaher ih the Burmingham Ala schools Is spending thn vacation with her parernts Mr and Mrs Charles Gaddy Lawrencevllle Republican Mrs Kelly was In Olnev Thursday where her brother Rudolph of Crossvllle underwent an operation for appendicitis Mrs Frank Brassle and father William Hayward left todav for Sheffield Ala to vidlt Charles Hayward and family So long as a man thinks of hosiery as just nothing much can be done for ship is In town today Marshall Kinkade of Dunda waa In the eity Saturday Peter Gjubb of Southeast! Olney wag In the oity Saturday Charles Bohrdn of Harrisburg Is visiting lelatlves'ln the city Wm Hunea of German town ship was In town Saturday Harry Hatrolle went to North ern Illinois for the summer Rev Lantkln Is holding a vlval meeting at Moweaqua Jutk Sanderr of Claremont waa an Olney viis'tcr Saturday George Phillip was Ip frpm Preston township Shtuiday Miller of Madison town ship was In Olney 'Saturday Lawrencevllle Record Pete Snively spent Suriday- In Olney Mis Lee Tippit of Dunyas was In Olney shopping Saturday Hawkina of Noble was shopping In the city Saturday Miss Clo Bowen la home from the Charleston Normal School Hanna of Noble Is transacting business in the city today Baylor of Clay fclty was transacting business hete today EberAdams Is home frqm Unl-vetsity of Illinois for the vacation Mih Laughton returned Thuisduy ftom a vIhII to Docutui Mi and Mrs Josse Davis of Decker wete In the uty Saturday Mrs Chaa Hasler and chidreu ate visiting relutlves In St Loui) Uncle Burgener of Pies ton wai an Olney visitor Sutur dav Mr und Mrs 'Frank Hull of Calhoun were In the city Saturday Tom Logan has returned to Lawreremexille after a week end lslt 4 Myrtle Loamon is in Parkers-lnug visiting friends and relatives Mr ami Mrs Roney of Kansas City Mis were hire over Sunday Roy Mi 'll ieg of Claremont a now an employee of the shoe factory James Dean of Madison township Is tunssctlng business In the cltv today Wm Vulght of Terte Haute Inti the father of Mrs Logan Is vety 111 Fred Artei berry of Madison township Is an Olney visitor this afternoon Cal Kent and Pepple were 'rsnrai titig business in Sumnet Sal duv Mis Cule Torrence snd son of Rinurd Rrie visiting Mrs Martha Sav th wrapper Honest To Goodness INSURANCE SLANKER CO Agency Fira National Bank Bldg Phone 34L I Good for valuable premium SHOE FACTORY nv LEWIS SPILLMAN Hosiery for Men Women and Children bears the maik "Allen the Makers personal pledge of responsibility to you 1 UT right here in this store there is a full stock of Allen A Black Cat that will give him a different idea of hosiery value and service Misses Ada Berry and Bernlie Holli of the fitting department spent Sunday with friends at West Salem Dodge Brothers ANNOUN name Miss Corn Schrader of the fitting department spent Sunday with home folks near Seminary A store prepared to give him Hosiery Service he has never had before of the Makers And the standard mark of first and finest grade Miss Erna Trowbridge of the making department spent Sunday at her home In Noble The murk of Identification on SLACK CAT Hoalury I Howard Coggburn of the cutting department spent Sunday at his home nearCalhoun Make one visit to our Hosiery Section and be convinced A Business Coupe Silk Lisle Wool Cotton finest and most uniform hosiery in America Miss Cordell Patterson of the cutting department spent Sundiy In Noble Miss Blanche Taylor of the fitting department spent SundRy with home folks In Noble i Conservative changes in the body design of all other types Miss Blanche McDowell of the fitting department spent Sunday In Noble Full size Full length The current styles and colors Comfort fit and wearing service plus The fine Black Cat Tick out your size and style You can send the office boy for the next lot and get exactly the same thingj every time at Oyster Shell 85c 2 Stores i A 1 i WHAT MAKES GIRLS PRETTY? Nutuie may make some of them pietty hut the same fuitnrv turns out a lot that aio not Nutuie sometimes Rorka unulilid hut the eurest way Is to assist Nautre whenever and wherever It needs sslsstunce One of the best aids of Na lure la the GARDEN COl HT line of toiletries This line Is tomplete In eveiy parti ular and Is made for women that are partliular Get a box of the (1 ARIIKN COURT fuCe pow-ller-slid become S'-qualnted with Nature's chief assist sut KRlll RN'H imvo toh ON THE SQUARE 1 have a real bargain in 5 Loom house with bath close in on good street Immediate possession James Mattoon 7f The Dress Goods House o( OLNEY In Calling Police use PHONE 4 (Contour) 'r 1 Olney Auto Supply Company vim.

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The Olney Daily Mail from Olney, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6658

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.