The Watchman from Mossy Creek, Tennessee (2024)

Vi 1 THE WATCHMAN OLD SERIES, VOL. 31, By The NEWS- BUREAU Pub. COUNTY DIRECTORY. (P. Dandridge, Tenn.) Rankin -Chairman County Court Holt- Clerk County Court Miller -Clerk Circuit Court Allen A Felknor-Trustee A Sanders--Register Arthur Holtsinger County court, drst Monday in each month.

Circuit court, 1st Mondays in Feb'y, June A and October. 4. Mclenderson, Judge; Buttram, District Attorney. Chancery court, second Monday in May nd November. Haynes Chancellor, loltsinger and M.

CITY DIREC: ORY. Mayor- WT Russell Aldermen- -Will Edgar, Moser, urnett, Godwin, Recorder Huff Treasurer- I Kenfro Board of Education. Bundren, A Cowan, 51 Burett, F.1.. Leeper, Secty. Superintendent--Cleo Burchiel Board of Public Works.

Godwin, Henderson, Butter. Sanitary Committee. Dr. Yoe, Parrett, I Cate. Regular meetings of the Board let and 3rd Mondays in each month at 1 o'clock p.

10 Wants Supplied Neatly and Promptly. If you If you If you If you If you If you If you It you If you If you If you If you you If you IF you If you If you description etyle and call at want posters, want envelopes, want bill heads, want note heads, want statements, want show cards, want letter heads, want bank checks, want programmes, want auction bills, want calling cards, want shipping tags, went wedding cards, want business cards, want invitation cards, 1' want pamphlets printed, want job printing of any done, in the very best at rock bottom prices the WATCHMAN office. Phone 88. W. F.

KING M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat SPECIALTIES. Jefferson City, Tennessee. C.

R. YOE M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence.

T. C. BURNETT, N. Talbot, Tennessee. All business pertaining to the office of a Notary Public promptly attended to.

Jefferson Gity Business Men. We have on hand A nice lot of stationery, such as letter heads, billheads, statements, envelopes, and are prepared to compete with any printoffice in Tennessee. Don't wait till you have to have your order Alled the same day you place it with Give us your order three days before you need it Alled. Rush johs are never saligfactory to the printer. The Publisher's Claims Sustained UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS The Publishers of Webster's International Dictionary allege that it "is, in fact, the popufur Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in every detail, aud vastly enriched in every part, with the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger and severer requirements of another generation." We are of the opinion that this allegation most cloarly and accurately describes the work that has been accomplished and the result that has been reached.

'The Dictionary, ng it now stands, bus been thoroughly reedited in every detail, has been corrected in evory part, and is admirably adapted to meet tho larger and severer requirements of a generation which domands more of popular philological knowledwe than any geucration that the world has ever contained. It la perhaps needless to add that wo refer to tho dictionary in our judicial work as of the highest authority in accuracy of definition; and that in the future as in the past It will be the source of constant reference. CHARLES O. NOTT, Chiet Justice 1 LAWRENCE WELDON, JOHN DAVIA, STANTON J. PEELLE, CHARLES B.

LOW Judges. The above refers to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE (the highest award) was given to the tional at the World's Fair, St. Louis. GET THE LATEST AND BEST You specimen will be pages, interested sent in free. our 7 0 WEBSTER'S G.


JEFFERSON CITY, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. Business, Less Politics--Facts and Figures--Men and Measures:" THIS FOR YOU, OLD GIRL! AW. SAY BALK CA Nip 4 1 MERRY HOME FOR UMDESIRABLES 1 -Drinkerhoff in Cleveland Leader. Ulte Watchman Publishad Every Diridag 3 The News- Publishing Company. J.

Traww, 4 Manager. Entered at Post Offee at Jeferson City 88 second class mall matter. OFFICE: Firat door in WATCHMAN Bulld. Ing corner Sixth: street and Eighth A venue EAST PHONE NO. 38.

TERMS, per Year in Advance. 1 00 6 Months St eta. 33 Announcements. We are authorized and requested to announce A. M.

FELKNOR 8. candidate for re-election. 10 the office of Trustee of Jefferson county. Election Aug. 6 1908.

We Are: authoriz 01 and requested to announce DR. W. B. DELM of White Pine a candidate for the of. fire of trustee of Jefferson county; election Aug.

6, 1908. Go to the polls June 6th and vote out Hale and his -elected congressional committee. The Weekly Sun, published at Morristown, is the newest venture in the field of journalism. Rev Ben Haynes and Parson Alf Williams, of the Progress and News respectively, are about to accuse each other of apostasy. Don't go back on your religion, brethren.

Get together and divide your differences and give us a whiff of your breath at long range.Lynn C. Doyle. There are different ways of putting liquor out of the country. Some temperance cranks think that the proper way to put it out is to elect some swill guzzlers for marshal and recorder and let them drink it all up and remove the temptation from those who have sutticient conscience to get intoxicated. -Sevierville Vindicator.

Two months after its alleged deliverance in Nashville there has been turned out from the Hale editorial factory in Knoxville his "speech" before the reunion of the Tennessee office holders held in the capital city the day following the republican state convention on March 25. A verbatim copy of this "specch" appeared in the Record last week and you may bet your last dollar she was a corker from the word go. Punctured frequently with deafening applause, the congressman scored the people for looking out after their own interests and congratulated the pie brigade on the full attendance at the meeting. From a literary view point the "speech" might be termed a gem. It reached the spot with all those present, for 90 per cent of them were either office or were expecting to.

Then when the mighty Nathan arose--the one man who was being looked to to furnish the "sinews" of war--of course there was great "applause" for the loyalty that was expected would have been lacking if this part of the program had miscarried. But what we started out to ask is why the publication of this mighty speech was delayed for all these weeks? Is it possible that the congressman and Record were too busy taking civil service examinations and getting "appropriations" to give the matter attention at an earlier date? These of course are not pertinent questions, but we would simply like to know the real facts for our own personal satisfaction, if we do not appear too personal in -Rockwood Times. It is not everyone who hollers "'stop thief" who is honest nor is it who proclaims, "Touch not, taste not, handle not," who is a total abstainer. If the sentence, "Woe unto re hypocrites" is rigidly enforced, a great many preachers of temperance and practicers of booze will soon go to a country where they never shovel snow. -Vindicator.

Vote for Austin for Congress on Saturday, June 6th. Safe-blowers entered the postoffice at Maryville this week and got about $2,000 in cash and stamps. Miss Kate Shadden, recent graduate of Maryville College, will teach the Summer School at Sand Branch, Knox county. Governor Hoch of Kansas has appointed a woman Probate Judge. Mrs.

Mitchell, the lady so honored, succeeds her husband, who died in office, and is probably the first woman to serve in such capacity. It's all right to talk about art, but give us the woman who can take a peck of apples, some flour and a rolling pin and make a bunch of pies that puts a man in love with even his next door Los Angeles Times. A little while back, a man sent a wagon load of goods from co*cke county into Jefferson. A four team had a hard time pulling it to the county line. When they reached it, two of the horses were unhitched and sent back home, and the other two pulled the load with ease on the splendid Jefferson county pike.

-Newport Plain Talk. Republicans, condemn county. conventions by voting for Austin on Saturday, June 6th. Stand by: the people and stand for the people in the primary electionon Saturday, June 6th, by voting for R. W.

Austin for Congress. Vote bolting postmasters and officeholders out on Saturday, June 6th. Visits Old Home. Harriman, Tenn, May Martin W. Littleton and wife, of New York, are visiting Mr Littleton's father, Capt.

Thos. J. Littleton, and brother, Win F. Littleton, E-4, at Kingston. Mr and Mrs Littleton are accompanied by Mr Carlisle Littleton, a uephew, being the sou of the late Hon.

John J. Littleton, who met the unfortunate fate of a tragic death in Nashville a few years ago when editor of the National Review, a Republican newspaper, and who was a brother of Jesse M. Littleton, of Winchester, Martin W. Littleton, of New York, and Thos. J.

Littleton, postmaster at Estill Springs. Mr. Carlisle Littleton is 8 prominent practicing attorney of Chattanooga. NEW SERIES, VOL, 10, NO. 16.

In Advance 1.00 Year. CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Letters from our Neighboring Towns and Villages. disclaim all responsibility for expressions by our correspondents of whatsoever Mt. Pleasant. Decoration has come and gone with proper exercises at each church and in our section.

We ere glad that we bad the oppor. tunity to show our good old patriots as well as our other friends so wuch respect. There were a goodly number from attended memorial at Eben: zer. Messrs Wylie Line and Rutledge Ferguson, of Knoxville, were in our section for the 30th. Mra Rosa Bradfute, of Knoxville, and Mrg Myrtie Johnson and Mr O.

J. Fields, of Bristol, have been the guests of Mr and Mrs D. C. Fields. Misses Verdie and Harris Branum, of Jefferson City, were the guests of relatives last week.

Old Uncle Gabriel Webb has almost recovered, we are glad to say. Miss Prudie Webb has gone to the mountains of Hawkins county for quiet and reet. M193 Sallie Line is a very sick girl. Mrs Adelene Line is worse, not expected to live through this week. A twin boy of Mr and Mrs Leverly died Thursday.

Mr Erskin Quarles and little Johu Hagg are seriously ill with fever. Mr J. Lino and family have moved to Alpha to goin the merch antile business. The boys of our burg that were working in the big "Merchant's mill" at Talbot are on a strike. Wages have gone down.

'That's it, boys, don't work too cheap, for it's all coming off the farmer. Candidates are lively. Ask T. A. Collett the next time he comes to Jefferson City it he is a "candydate" on cupid's ticket.

S. P. L. Buffalo Quite a number attended commencewent at Jefferson City last week. Mra W.

F. Alton's folks are entertaining relatives from llawking county. Miss Maude Hill 13 the guest of her sister at Dandridge. Mr and Mra Will Cate visited at Newport very recently. Mr.

Rutledge Ferguson, after a weel's visit at home, returned (0) Knoxville Sunday. Several from here attended the picnic at MI Pleasant last Friday, and reported a fino time. Mr and Mra Glommore Garrett, of Harriman, are visitors hero, Mesar3 Floyd Quarles and How an Bircedon passed through this section last Saturday. A Zirkle and W. J.

Cate are baviug their houses repaired aod remodeled by P. M. De Vore. Miss Metta Horner, of Horeb, spent Sunday with the Misses De. Vore of this place.

Mra Mont Edgar and Aun, of So Carolina, are the guests of relatives here. Mr Glenmore Garrett preached an excellent sermon at this place Sunday morning, followed by a very interesting talk on Foreiga, Miasions by Mrs Garrett. The church was well tiled. 74 Our S. 8.

and Prayer meeling are progressing nicely. Mr and Drs Om. Garrett and little daughter are the gueste of Grainger county friends. BILL DOOLEY, STRAWBERRY PLAINS Rev Harvey Smith, of Morristown, filled his regular appointment at Cynthiana Sunday last, taking as his text on the occasion the 30th verse of the 19th chapter of Leviticus, "Ye shall keep my Sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary; I am the Lord." On Monday en route home to Morristown the reverend gentleman called on relatives at Lex Point. Rev F.

L. Leeper Alled his appointment here on Sunday, the 31st, preaching both morning and even'g. Miss Nellie Meek has returned home after a short visit to ville. Mr and Mrs Alfred Caldwell and daughter and Miss Sallie Caldwell, of Cyothiana, attended church here on Sunday. Misses Nina Walker and Mayme Parrott are visiting friends in Mary.

ville at this time. Mr James Nance, of Lenoir was a guest of Mr and Mra John, Vance last week. Mr and Mrs Sam J. Thornburg have returned from Asheville, N. after a several days' vieit there.

Miss Ida McKinney, of Ricbland, who has been the charming guest of Mise 'Goldie Auderson for the past week, has returned home. Miss Nora Vance, a charming young lady of Knoxville, la the guest of her cousin, Mr8 Dr B. E. Cline, at this time. Mr Editor, I was delighted to read in the WATCHMAN of last week that it has given pleasure, and is higbly appreciated also, so far away from home as Old England.

The MAN is worthy and deserving alike of both patronage aud praise. There is a contemplated concert and literary entertainment to be given at Lex Point in the near future (benefit) by the Misses Minnie and Evelyn Hall, date not fully decided ypou. And frat on the pro-: gram will be our vational anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," taking the place of an invocation, a8 It were; we are going to start right, anyway. and "all bands on deck" will be expected to sing If the entertainmout "pulls off," this much of the program is fully decided upon. E.

A 4 Valley Home. The farmers of this section are very busy plowing corn. Floyd Davis, who has been Gned to his room for the past week with the weasler, la able to be out again. Mr Tom Zackary and family were visiting at Mra Leadford's Sunday. Miss Ada Sherfey was visiting friends at Whitepme recently.

Several young people from here altended the Decoration at ezer Saturday. Among others were the Misses Lella and Ella Painter, Jaggie Walt, Adu and Sallie Sherfey, Messre Fred Wampler, 'John Hardy, Joe and Tom Sherfey, Earl Aicher. BLUE BELL: 3. We Will Be There, D. V.

Editor WATCHMAN: Cordially you are invited to meet the officers of the American Protective Tariff League at the Illinois Athletic Club Roomn No. 701, No. 145 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, before and darlog the Republican National Convention. CHAB. A.

MOORE, President. WILBUR F. WAKEMAN, Gea'l Sec. New York, May 23, 1908. 1..

The Watchman from Mossy Creek, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.